I ENVY the seas of Neptune that he rides,
I envy the thrills,
Of his royal chariot of May;
Gracing these glistening hills.
Gaze upon our journey, Love!
Where the stars may gleam
On our forbidden melody,
Bless this love, unto me!
I envy lakes of Swans,
That flutter on August Eves,
That bless a forbidden Love,
With newfound Autumn Leaves.
Opened is the portal,
On this summer's Eve for me,
That jewels and diadems of Wealth,
Shall never; could never be.
I envy our everlasting light,
And bells that gently ring
Over that fateful evening,
That - envy shall bring.
Yet interrupt Spring's blossom,
Even when our hearts may bleed,
Run into this everlasting night,
Under the stars with me.
I can see the stars... from America, oh.