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Mateuš Conrad Jan 2016
i'll be bevis, but mind your **** to be ****-head.

as i say to most girls:
depressed in the teens
eager thailand
for a quckie after...
girl your libido is morbid
enough to *sprech
greek ******
of the noose:
and i'm hanging, sure i am...
hanging limp...
there's you with a better biology
statistic living into widowhood;
i'll ******* rolling in the grave
like mozart with one of his symphonies
turned into advert / muzak for
a fridge door opening and counting
your calorie intake... or an elevator going
up without aerosmith.
agnes Nov 2019
tunga täcken och dina andetag
bläcket i din hud och dina fina ord
jag glömmer nästan att sängen är dekorerad med mitt blod
fläckar som du låter finnas kvar

du känns som mitt paradis
för ibland vill du hålla om mig
men oftast vill du ha mer
dina händer är för ivriga och blåmärken är bevis
du ser ledsen ut men du fortsätter ändå
jag tror att det är okej för du vill ju ha mig

jag vill gråta
du vill romantisera
du säger ju att jag är fin när jag gråter
även när det är du som orsakat tårarna
gillar du det?
är du stolt?
för mina ögon brinner när dina bara är blå

jag är en saga och du är min prins
det finns ingen krona på ditt huvud
så du låter makten koras i dina händer istället
men det är
vi är okej

du greppar hårt och blåser på såren
lämnar mig för ett bloss från cigaretten
jag känner lukten av rök på dina kläder
men jag vet att jag inte ska fråga
aldrig ifrågasätta
för då hade jag kanske sett
att dina ord var mjuka men din säng var hård
att dina löften vara stora men dina lögner var större
jag faller alltid för dig ändå

jag håller dig i handen och allt jag säger är fel
mina kläder är värdelösa
mina ord är ett evigt eko
du varnar och du säger
                                           f ö r l å t
men du vet aldrig vad du ber om ursäkt för

alkohol i vårt blod och mina tårar på din kudde
din själ som låtsas vara trasig
min själ som skriker ditt namn
aldrig någonsin hittar de till varandra igen
för illusionen är förstörd och till **** får jag syn
du är inget mästerverk och jag tycker synd om de andra
de som ser när dina ögon blir mörka
de som ser dina läppar runt en flaska

mörka väggar och du är borta
någon dag kommer du få höra
om natten jag spenderade hos din vän
eller telefonsamtalen från personen du träffade senast för en kvart sen
viskningar på stan och folk som ser igenom dig
du är en kliché
och inget känns okej längre
As the night comes,  
you slowly sneak in,  
stealing not only my dreams,  
but also my sleep.  
Yet in daylight,  
I can't escape;  
you capture my thoughts
beautifully bittersweet.

In fact, the daytime is worse;  
you take my appetite and thirst.  
I should have noticed  
from the very start,  
when you traded my steady pulse  
for a racing heart.  
You've kidnapped my mind,  
and possessed my soul;  
if I let you, my love,  
you'd swallow me whole.

Yet, I can't blame you  
for this ‘grief’ called love;  
you have no idea  
that you are a thief!  
You've stolen my heart  
and my reason, too;  
I'm lovesick,
I’m pining
forever thinking about you.

Lizzie Bevis
My grey blue eyes look for something
to grasp onto in the torrent of my emotions, but I need not look any deeper
than my love for you.

Although, I have despised you,
when you berated my name
under your breathe more than once
but I still found myself loving you again.

Your mindless antics threw me to the wind
when our love was a double-edged sword,
mingling our vigour and passion
as bitter words were spat and scored.

This burning strength of mine
was once a weapon yielded tightly
as my heart beat faster, and my thoughts were once a force to be seldom reckoned with.

Yet, when infuriated I found peace quickly,
and I finally understand why at times
I fought so hard for you,
and why I chose to make a stand.

I did not want to hurt you but,
I longed for you to see
that I wanted you to love yourself
as much as you loved me.

I did not want to hurl my words
and create a storm across an ocean,
but instead to love you as deeply
as the tides of my emotions.

Lizzie Bevis
Graphic poem*

It is late as I wait for you
to walk through the door.
I am a temptress,
dressed to impress.
My hair flows
in gentle golden waves,
as I dare to lay here
anticipating his reaction
in all my vulnerable beauty,
My bared porcelain skin
kissed by black lace and bows.

I smile as my eyes meet his,
the spark, too hot to ignore.
I see my ravenous conquest.
Tearing at his clothing,
My fingers dragging over
his skin so warm,
bearing his masculinity
he draws near
aroused by my alluring distraction.

Undeniable his passionate duty.
Explosions begin
provoked by desire
and eagerly exposed.
I want to cry out,
there is no taming his flame.
I am blown away by his divinity.
I beg and I plead,
but he takes his time
devouring every inch
of my femininity.

Rhythmic euphoria
consumes my senses
whilst dancing between linen
he takes control.
We two lovers entwined
in this game of seduction
and a never ending desire
to scream his name.

Lizzie Bevis
I wish I could touch your skin
Rather than the sun,
the air,
and the rain
kissing your lips every day.

Lizzie Bevis
Gazing into the mirror,
blotchy eyed, unkempt and exhausted
as dull light casts shadows,
framing my weary face,
as I search for any strength left in this aged reflection by recalling fearless days.

Adrift, all conviction is lost
yet, in my mind I still tread water,
as despair’s chill takes hold and I drown in torments deep depths,
each breath a heavyweight as I slowly sink under.

My heart remains guarded,
I count each fragile vulnerable beat
and I deeply pray for solace as frailty continuously snuffs out my spark.
The anxiety grips steadfastly to reality
and my self-esteem dissipates under this malady.

I cower from this fear,
I do not wish to die in calm solitude indoors
whilst the world outside seems like an impossible mountain to climb.
Why must my existence be reduced to nothing more than an imperfectly broken soul?

Because, this is not me…
This is not me at all.

Lizzie Bevis
Those words pass so easily through your lips but they mean so much more to me.

You see...
My love would move mountains for you,
it would climb tirelessly towards the highest peak and share its breathtaking view.

My love flows deeper than any ocean or sea; It navigates the tides and kisses the shoreline of your soul.
This aqueous body of love appears unfathomable to me.

My love is a beautiful flower, perhaps a humble garden rose, my thorns keep me steadfast, while I bloom with lovely petals
as tokens of a love for you that will forever grow.

My love for you will endure through this life;  I will remain constant, caring, and true; Because, to put it simply my heart

"I love you too."

Lizzie Bevis
Like a cluster of dandelion seeds
in time we will grow
yet, eventually, with a gentle puff and blow
we will sail along the breeze
by the long grassy meadows,
over babbling brooks or flowing streams
gleefully dancing with tall leafy trees.

Spinning and gliding
the adventure,
the brief rapture...
as I land amongst the dust
separated and alone.
I am destined to nurture all I have left
as we drift apart
into scattered and distant memories.

Lizzie Bevis
Oh sweet Cupid,
with wings so light,  
he found me alone,
lost in thought's plight.  
My musings were clear,
and in playful sway,  
He aimed with a grin,
then took aim to play.  

That arrow flew swift,
its aim was true,  
and with a single, strike,
my heart he pierced through.  
He stole my breath gently,
in love's sweet embrace,  
In that moment, I fell,
lost to passion's grace.

Now my heart sings,
it beats a new tune
       I have
                                    In love

Lizzie Bevis
Poets are just artists
with so much to say,
we are quite happy
to spend hours writing
throughout our days.

Emotion is our fuel for thought,
along with love and hate,
our distant memories
and ideas are scribbled down,
as they wait to be woven into beautiful words to which we will invigorate.

To carefully plan and create
something new,
from something old
and make something meaningful
from the words that we mold.

Broken at times we may also be
and taking the time to write
gives a much needed release.
Being healed by using words
brings a feeling so new and complete.

But, sometimes,
I want to be feel broken
so I may rekindle
lost feelings that hurt me,
reminisce about lost romance,
to mend my shattered heart
and relive the pain
that once tore me apart.

This page is my canvas,
the words are my picture to paint
a view within your mind.
I can cause you to sink into my scene,
as I tell you a story about where I have been.

To tell you how joy filled my heart
when he came into my life,
and how everything was wonderful
and being by his side felt so right.
Remembering how the leaves
on the trees were green that day
and how beautiful the sky is blue
How the stars shimmer
in the clear night sky
and how the sunset kisses the land
each day anew.

But, how many times
did he break my heart
and heal it time and time again?
and then I’ll show you how
I eventually turned everything around
and then gave my life it's dues.

You see, we poets are just like artists
our passion is just with words,
I would write and use my blood
to paint the sunsets
and draw lovehearts if I could.

I would carve and create
masterpieces with the hurt
that was left behind
Just to bring life to a poem or story
being written within my lifetime.

Lizzie Bevis
The eyes of this supernova  
infiltrate mine,  
with a mesmerising gaze
so strong, so warm,  
yet gentle, loving;  
passionate but patient,  
this love is intense.

Fervid emotions  
and blazing desires taunt me;  
within these flames,  
I awaken
raw and bright,  
comforting and alluring;  
sedulous yet playful,  
this feeling transcends.

No words can capture  
this rhythmic image  
as we slowly dance
through time and space
so bright, so powerful,  
yet insistent, calm;  
amorous but sincere,  
a heavenly fantasy.

In our merging ardor,  
amid sparks and stardust,  
as two stars collide
so fiery, so perfect,  
yet delicate, unrestrained.  
Gravity binds us,  
this explosive love pulls me  
endlessly into your embrace.

Lizzie Bevis
In this world, I find myself alone,
Surrounded by a chaos of troubles, including my own
As you expect me to stand strong as everything crumbles,
because you expect me to help you atone?

I am a dancing light through the darkness
For many, it seems, through their stress.
My heart grows weary,
yet I remain humble,
As you plead for me to protect.

Through all of your worries and woes,
I stand with you, and I oppose;
But when all is resolved,
I'm left to struggle
As life deals me blow after blow.

Why is life so ominously wicked
To those who are giving and committed? Through it all,
my priorities are juggled
and from my time, you greatly benefit.

But these questions keep manifesting in my mind:
Why do I care so much,
and why am I so kind?
Why must I carry everyone's burdens
When they do not feel inclined?

Lizzie Bevis
Tell me about the dreams
that brightened your days
and the vibrant colours
that met your contented gaze;
Share moments of reflection
that linger and sway,
casting shadows of thought
that refuse to decay.  

Take me there with you,
I beg, never to part,  
as I crave the broken fragments
tucked deep inside your heart,
hidden away and locked up tight,
I long to explore
what is concealed from sight.  

You hold my attention
with a courage so bold,  
As you share tales of joy,
and of sorrows untold.  
I’ll sit here in silence,
my heart open wide,  
ready to hear every truth
you bravely confide.  

Please lead me on journeys
to the places before,
to feel unfamiliar ground,
then to new heights we’ll explore.  
Over mountains and hills,
and up through the clouds,
let me weather your past,  
So I may understand you,
and know you better at last.

Lizzie Bevis
In this ceramic sanctuary,
I find restoration and clarity.
A simple pleasure
yet profound,
in this cup of tea
my joy is found.

Lizzie Bevis
Please do not feel sad
because the world will stop
if your smile ceases to exist,
akin to warming rays
cascading from the heavens up high,
brightening our days and making life worthwhile.

Please do not feel worried
you will always find the light
within the darkness due;
Please remember
your radiance and your kindness
and that my heart is always with you.

Please do not pity and wallow
because of everything that has been,
try to be kind to yourself
I hope that you will find peace
with chaotic thoughts
and find hope by casting aside doubts.

I can only hope that the song
that plays over and over within
becomes the sweet melody
of happier thoughts and memories,
soothing you at times when you feel down and will forever bring you comfort,
as a welcome good morning
and good night.

Lizzie Bevis
He is so many words
that cannot be spoken
or even be truly written
as a beautiful rhyme.
My bursting heart chords
they sing,
to love they have awoken.

He is always on my mind
to him I am devoted,
I recall beautiful memories
and embrace my comforting thoughts
because I know he is mine.
I smile,
as words of love become woven.

He radiates a love so strong
our bond cannot be broken
my happy heart leaps
leading my undying rhythm.
My never-ending song
I dance,
to poetry in motion.

Lizzie Bevis
Dear Lizzie,
I wish I knew then,
what I know now
before I married him
and made those vows.

I think about the past
every day and night,
and I try to stay focused
and do what is right.
But, I can’t discard
the unpleasant memories of him.
I thought that with time
they would dissipate,
but much to my chagrin
they linger and stay with me
and I try to forgive him, but I cannot.
Those memories still haunt me,
but he all too easily forgot.

With relief,
I battled and our marriage ended
but I still despise him for pretending,
Our children suffered
because he made our lives miserable
and he tore mine apart.
We were all left hurting
and he completely broke our hearts.

But Lizzie,
Never forget how strong you are,
like a phoenix from the ashes you arose, burning brightly like a star.
I know you won’t feel the same as I do now,
and you do not deserve
to feel ashamed orblamed
for your desire to flee to safety
with your family.

After all,
Life is for living
and you are not a dead weight,
I guess the past has taught us lessons
and that this is was just my fate.

Years have gone by since then
and I am still healing,
I must accept that the past
will never go away, but at times I cry
when I look at my children
because inside I am still reeling.

Try to focus on the future
and your children, and be the mother
who will be remembered with pride.
Lizzie, you kept them safe
and hidden from harm,
away from his torment and snide.
You deserve love
and you will conform with your values,
and I promise you
You will be happy again someday
You will be loved again
You will all be happy.

So, remember,
when it is raining
and the defiant sun shines,
there will always be rainbows
to brighten your day.

You are so brave.
Lizzie Bevis x
Life was not easy in the past,
I found this amongst my notes and writing, I read it and I cried…
I thought long and hard about sharing this,
but it is a part of me and my creativity.
I am thankful that I took the time to remind myself then that I am strong and brave, because sometimes I forget that I am.

Thank you for reading.
When I am with my demons or angels,
and drowning alone in silence,
I find solace in my inauspicious life.

Solitude is the only place
where I can remain contemplative,
as thoughts freely flow within my mind.

There is beauty in quiet introspection,
my unvoiced passions are never denied,
but must I remain unloved, as time slowly slips by?

Is my mind merely irresolute?
Torn into pieces by ambivalent thought,
at war with itself, until reason intervenes...

and then I begin to write.

Lizzie Bevis
The bottle, your loyal companion,
Numbing your pain and fuelling your vice.
Dragging you deeper into the abyss,
Evading the value of your precious life.

Each warm sip, a false promise of solace,
Betraying your heart and ravaging your mind.
Shackled by the chains of hard addiction,
You become a prisoner to demons so unkind.

The cheer of old times fades to silence,
As the light in your eyes slowly dies.
Unsteady with no anchor to ground you,
Treading a sea of lonely unsettled demise.

You tell me you want to break free,
To see the world through sober eyes,
But the waves keep pulling you under,
As you drown in whiskey's tragic goodbye.

Lizzie Bevis
Hurt lingered here,
deep within my heart,
as loyalty and misery
Tore me apart.

Disappointment ate away,
Devouring my every thought,
As the angry words replayed over
after the battles we fought.

My mind was forever searching
and looking for clues,
hoping to find the source
Of the anguish in you.

Time is unforgiving,
But I will choose to forgive,
I'll never forget the torment,
Yet I'll learn to truly live.

My scars tell their stories,
Some you may never see,
The pain is not easily forgotten
but it no longer defines me.

I am fortunate and free,
I've finally moved on.
Peace is now with me,
As I emerge brave and strong.

Lizzie Bevis
To leave is a brave thing to do.
I wonder if our secrets are heard by the trees?
As joyfully dancing leaves gently fall to the ground.
I do wonder if they tell our secrets
to the ever flowing breeze?

Do the sweet sounding birds hear our secrets whistle by on the wind?
Are songs composed and carried by feathered wings,
as birds create beautiful melodies
and recall our secrets as they sing?

Does the rainfall catch our secret whispers with each drop?
Telling all as they become one with the sea?
Does the lunar pull send them out with the tide
and share our secrets with the stars which stay silent but shine eternally?

Lizzie Bevis
Charming photographs arranged proudly,
hung from walls and displayed to see.
These wonderful memories captured,
As moments encased in a fragile frame
preserving an image of immortality.

Lizzie Bevis
Soft droplets dance upon the window pane,
A soothing, calm rhythmic refrain.
The thirsty earth drinks deep and slow,
As nature's tears begin to flow.

A curtain of grey obscures the sky,
yet calms the soul as heavy clouds cry.
The parched ground softens & flowers bloom,
The soil awash in nature's boon.

Through the pitter-patter of nature's song
The gentle rain drizzles long.
Refreshing the air, renewing dry ground,
In rain's sweet melody, life is found.

Lizzie Bevis
Do you dare to search deep within me,
reveal my darkest secrets
and uncover the truth?

I am a master of disguise,
displays of emotion are denied
enough to outwit any sleuth.

So I must ask...
Are you sure you want to see
what is behind this mask?

Lizzie Bevis
Caffeinated and bright-eyed,
I'm running on coffee's power.
Each sip, a liquid boost of might,
Fuelling me by the hour.

The aroma, it beckons me near,
The flavour, it's oh so divine!
A cup in my hand, my mind grows clear, This Arabica, is truly sublime.

Perked up and ready to go,
My energy is quickly revived.
With coffee as my trusted sidekick,
Helping me to feel alive.

Lizzie Bevis

— The End —