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yellow-thoughts Jan 2018
we easily **** ourselves
because we know our worth
our purpose, our lives path
but to point a gun to someone else
is harder, way harder
we don't know their reasons
their messed up childhood
or their fears

so to rule over someones life
we have to live that life
yellow-thoughts Jan 2018
I have learned to walk on snow
Without leaving my footprints.
I have learned to swim
Without scattering the waters.
I have learned to save the flowers beauty
Without killing it.
I have learned to read people
Without speaking a word with them.
yellow-thoughts May 2018
the meaning of life is so simple and so complicated
the purpose is to be, just to be
there isn't any praise in the end
or some transcendental goal to reach
just to be, the purpose is to be
yellow-thoughts Jan 2018
hate is a strong word i guess
let's use "i don't like" instead
it's not a human or a thing
it's just..
my soul hates
khhm i'm sorry..
my soul doesn't like long poems

i'm wasting so much time
on useless thing already
that even now i'm not taking
that risk to read
a long poem
because what if it isn't good

i'm guessing there is just something wrong with me

but if i like the beginning then probably i would read it
yellow-thoughts Feb 2018
time have already passed
new friends came and went
flowers bloomed and died
sun and rain danced

but my mind have
its own rules
it plays memories
about you repeatedly

my mind doesn't care
that i don't like this game
it's like hide and seek
where it seem that i can't win
i'm feeling really hopeless today .. >.>
yellow-thoughts Jan 2018
we always remember those moments
when we were on the thin line
or heavy decision
when one word could decide
our entire lives

the moment when you realize
that you doesn't feel some things anymore
the moment of revelation
the moment of relief

those heavy moments...
yellow-thoughts Dec 2017
they all are monster
and darlin' i'm too
we all are

sometimes we think terrible things
that would make people scream
believe me..

sometimes we do dreadful things
that make people cry
believe me..

or don't believe me
because all of us are lying
monster are such a liars
Monsters are all around us, see for yourself... just look around ;()
yellow-thoughts Jan 2018
how you ever seen moon shining so bright
that it seem like, it's smiling?

i think it's smiling all the time
but we see it, only the times it's the brightest

because we don't notice the ordinary
so don't be ordinary/ normal, be your self..
yellow-thoughts Mar 2019
i don't move on
i put things behind me
after i have ...
repeated everything in my mind
for a million times

we all have different minds
different motives and reasons
i met you once more
just to see
the same ending for us

the universe is not allowed
i repeat - NOT ALLOWED
to put us together in the next lifetime
or ever again,
even not in another dimension  
i know..
im already regretting this decision
cause i would rather be in your arms
even so, that has never ended well
our story has already ended
im just rereading this story
that fairy tail which never really ended
nor will continue ever again

im lost in my space...
but this time not for you.
its MY way of moving on
yellow-thoughts Feb 2018
my first love, as i want to say
but then i wasn't old enough
to even know what love is
so my first crush
wasn't something special nor romanic
it was a boy to whom every girl was crushing
it's what i told everybody
but in reality
from time being i have always
liked boys who were not like the others
to whom none were crushing on
'cause it made me feel special
i've always been selfish
yellow-thoughts Jan 2018
BE HAPPY. HAPPINESS IS A CHOSE. THINKING HAPPY THOUGHTS HELPS YOU TO BE POSITIVE. positive. negative. pluses and minuses. bad and good. positive positiveness. smiling, joking, laughing. SMILE! BE YOURSELF. so if I like crying.. NO! STOP DON"T SAY THAT. wait what? BE POSITIVE! so being yourself isn't positive? NO NOT LIKE THAT! so like what? FIRST OF ALL SMILE. but smiling isn't my thing.. WE CAN"T BE FRIENDS. why? NEGATIVENESS ISN'T MY THING. so negatively positive. i like that!
yellow-thoughts Jan 2018
why can't we buy and sell emotions?
let's make a new world where we could?
shall we?

i would sell my joy i guess
it's really annoying i can't stand it
because it's comes and goes when it pleases

and i would buy trust
because it would be pleasing
to count on someone

what would you sell or buy?
anger, fear, shame, envy or sadness?
courage, confidence, patience, kindness or love?

join me in this mystery..

yellow-thoughts Feb 2018
i dragged you here
but i have no reasonable reason
just that- someone gave me your name
and i couldn't stop thinking about you
i should start thinking before i start doing something
now i don't know what to do
yellow-thoughts Aug 2018
You can't add sugar to my personality
boy i'm not as easy as coffee or tea
today i'm sweet as honey
tomorrow i can be sour as lemon
so choose your words wisely
yellow-thoughts May 2019
all or nothing at all
there should never be a middle way
then life would be so much easier
easy - yes or no
yellow-thoughts Jan 2018
ohh darlin' waiting is hurtful i know
but why you didn't wait just a little longer
ohh we could have been so much more
that what we had even wasn't a thing
ohh this after taste is killing me
i wasn't ready for you but i let you in
ohh but you didn't wait
you wanted all at the same time
ohh what have we both done?
i really didn't understand...
yellow-thoughts Feb 2018
there is someone calling
my name in ocean
i can hear echos in the rivers..
someone's waving
by pushing clouds in the sky
right in the suns way..
someone's watching
i can feel that something is there
like an old memory...

get out of my head
i know it's just my imagination
but you are to blame
i don't want to forget him, even if it was possible...
yellow-thoughts Feb 2018
take me somewhere
sun is rising and setting continuously,
air smells like autumn
and pumpkins say farewells  
snowflakes have warm touch,
stars are my flashlights
and snowmen's growing my carrots
bed is made of flowers,
black tea is in the sea
and sun is my blond best friend
or at least where...
water is always warm,
smiles are magically flirty
and poems write them selves and humans
yellow-thoughts Jan 2018
people came and go
it's my belief
i think i live by that
and too strongly
'cause i don't get attached

no it's all in a other way
i get attached to people
but i'm already ready
that they will vanish
from my life
sooner or later
yellow-thoughts Dec 2017
they say i'm perfect
when i'm getting almost good grades
when i'm not speaking too much
or too little

they say i'm perfect
when i don't care what to wear
when i have messy hair
or messy handwriting

they say i'm perfect
when really i'm not..

they say i'm perfect
when it's perfect for them..
we humans are really messed up >.<
yellow-thoughts Jan 2019
my hands are made for words
cause they're guiding me
they're pushing me forward
cause they love taping the keyboard
they are desperate for letters
they want to learn
how to read...

little they know
these hands already
knew how to read
how to read -me

yellow-thoughts Dec 2017
Promise me something
It could be anything
Sweet, sad, dreamy or deadly
I really don't care
But then piece of you
Would be mine
I'm just me, but hi .
yellow-thoughts Apr 2019
Do you know when it's a real poem?

it is not when it gets popular
or gets many likes

it's when you reread your poem
and you don't immediately realize
it's your words, your poem

but at the end of the poem
those emotions hit you hard again
and so hard, that u realize
yeahh this my shiiit

that means that you wrote it
only guided by your emotions
every poem needs an emotion
without it
it's just a pile of words
it just happened to me, so i realized that ... :)
do you agree or disagree and why?
yellow-thoughts Jan 2018
controlling the speed is the key
not too fast or there will be a crash
an accident with broken heart..
nor too slow or nothing will move forward
no one likes traffic jams- that weird waiting part
yellow-thoughts Feb 2018
is there something wrong?
i have so many words
but i can't find the right ones
which would save us
why are you depending on me?
yellow-thoughts Feb 2018
say my name without saying it..
it sounds confusing but try..

say how i like my coffee,
why i find comfort in nature,
why i keep changing all the backgrounds,
say why i like certain numbers
and why i like photographing,
say why i hug my books,
say why i'm such a good liar
and which superpower i would choose

i know that- even i don't know some answers
but say my name without saying it...
yellow-thoughts Dec 2017
i'm in love with sea creatures
even the mystical ones
imagine they have their own world
their own rules
there are something mystical about them.. i guess..
yellow-thoughts Jan 2018
silence isn't so silent
if your thoughts
are so ******* loud
yellow-thoughts Dec 2017
are there is something wrong with me?
or I was made like this...
i'm feeling pretty good when i'm sad
it's like sorrow is my happiness

i'm just so used to it, i guess
my reality is different from yours ...
yellow-thoughts Apr 2018
why i am like this?
my soul doesn't have one stile
it is this spirit who can never chose
yellow-thoughts Aug 2018
something is stealing our time
you know that feeling
when year is already over
but you still remember something
like it happened yesterday
yellow-thoughts Mar 2019
ꜱʟᴏᴡʟʏ ᴛᴀᴋɪɴɢ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴘᴏꜱꜱɪʙɪʟɪᴛɪᴇꜱ
ᴄᴀꜱᴇ ᴛʜɪɴɢ ʜᴀꜱ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴅᴏɴᴇ
ʙᴜᴛ ᴅᴏᴇꜱ ʜᴇ ꜱᴛɪʟʟ ᴘʟᴀʏ ɪɴꜱɪᴅᴇ?
ᴛʜᴇ ᴍɪɴᴅ ᴡᴏɴᴅᴇʀꜱ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜɪɴɢꜱ...
ᴛɪᴍᴇ-ᴄᴏɴꜱᴜᴍɪɴɢ ᴅᴇᴄɪꜱɪᴏɴꜱ
ʜᴀᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ
ᴄᴀᴜꜱᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴡᴇᴇᴛᴇꜱᴛ ᴅᴀɴɢᴇʀ ɪꜱ ᴄᴏᴍɪɴɢ
ᴀ ꜱᴛᴏʀᴍ ʟɪᴋᴇ ʙᴜᴛᴛᴇʀꜰʟɪᴇꜱ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴘʟᴀʏ
something deeper, these words just triggers something deeper , i dont know why
yellow-thoughts Jan 2018
today the girl who i spent almost all the summer said to me that i remind to her a girl who is in love with moon, flowers, 3 AM's, stars and that ****. that beautiful ****, which i really love. that is interesting because i call her a girl who i spend a summer with not a friend or something. we even didn't talk much. and that's my fault because i'm not a talker but a dreamer. but back to the point - i was surprised because she doesn't really know me, but she saw that side of me. i didn't think that i can show the real me, so i'm really graceful to that girl, who told me that i can.
yellow-thoughts Apr 2020
sun is hitting my skin
not only my skin
but all of us
especially on mornings
sudden kick in a face
thats why most people
hate mornings
who thought that sun is the bully
yellow-thoughts Mar 2018
..............they teach us to think like they like

..............they teach us to strive for those grades

..............they teach us to please them

how can you judge my opinion?
how can you even dare to grade my thoughts?
grading my knowledge like you know everything...

Of course somewhere are good teachers too...
yellow-thoughts Dec 2017
they think that you are their friend
but are you?

yes, you are their friend
but they aren't your friends

how that's possible ?
maybe because they don't notice

they don't notice that
they are interrupting you all the time
that you don't finish your storys
that you are laying
and believe me you're bad at it

they even don't notice
that you're disappearing
that you're fading away
and that that you're hurt

such a good friends
but why?
why you are still their friend?

you're still hoping
you're such a stupid girl
but they don't notice even that
all they do is use u...
yellow-thoughts Jan 2018
it take only one scream to actually scream
isn't it funny?.................................................
oh keep your silence to yourself
but why?.......................................
just wonder too far in the universe
and then?...........................................
hold yourself so no one else have to hold you instead
right here?............................................................­...............
and always be just fine
yeah like always!.........
sometime we need to fell something more..
yellow-thoughts Feb 2018
heyy, old friend
could you invest your time in me, please?
i'm little short on it
you probably won't get it back
'cause i will forget
but you doesn't need to know that, right?
yellow-thoughts Jan 2018
we all need recharging

but to save our batteries
sometimes we need to stop speaking
and to start listening
need to breath in and breath out
of course breathing out is optional
just joking

and yeahhh
sometimes we need a good laugh
yellow-thoughts Feb 2018
what did you do to me
you showed me world i didn't want
and now i want all of it
it's unfair you know
leaving me here by my self
yellow-thoughts Dec 2017
i'm so unlovable i guess
i'm not made for human interactions
i **** everything up
felling like a nothing sometimes..
yellow-thoughts Aug 2018
i don't think that death is sad,
tragic, unexpected or unfair..
in the end death is inevitable
and so inescapable
so divine

for me honestly
i'm waiting for it and for a long time
yellow-thoughts Dec 2017
we spend our lives waiting for something
for opportunities
for lovers
for "the right time"

we forget that while we are waiting
the time doesn't wait
stop waiting start doing!!
yellow-thoughts Dec 2017
we don't know till we don't try

i didn't know i was good at art
good at learning and good with animals
till i tried

i  really  didn't know i was good at faking
good at lying and good at crying
till i tried

so is it good to try everything?

but if i get addicted  ?
but if it goes wrong ?
but if no one understands ?
but really we don't know till we don't try...
yellow-thoughts Dec 2017
to be honest
everything happened too slow
and too fast at the same time
i didn't understand what
did or did not happen

what did you wanted
to fall in love or brake me
to kiss or argue
to know me or know yourself

you said that you're selfish
i think you said so many things
at the same ******* time
so don't say i didn't understand you
because at the beginning you didn't let me speak
and in the end
i understood that the beginning
already was the end

but still i'm so sorry
for everything
I did or did not do
and for everything
what did or did not happen...
i'm in love with him, but he probably doesn't know and i't fine with me.
yellow-thoughts Jan 2019
I left you or you left me
who really knows
everything was so tangled
I slipped out and run away
sorry wouldn't be enough
but who knows, who cares
I'm putting blame on you
cause that's what I have learned
to never blame ourselves
but others
so who in the end
deserves that apology?

i have been through some stuff, but in the end, im back, hope you will get my poems... :)
yellow-thoughts Aug 2018
my window are in love
all three of them
but there's a twist
it's an abusive relationship

the love they seek is impossible to get
'cause rain is nowhere and everywhere

it's a harsh love
'cause i can hear that
rain hits them
but they are okay with it
yellow-thoughts Feb 2018
wind knocked on my window
like a traveler who overslept
he wanted to catch up
and asked about you
i gave him your number
i hope you don't mind..?
yellow-thoughts Aug 2018
wishing is dangerous..
if not for you then for me
once i wished for someone
who would save me
and one tipsy little thing
you saved me and then wanished

wishing is dangerous..
at least for me
you know why my wish came true
'cause i was saving all the wishing stars
but ohhh why i cant take my wish back

wishing is dangerous..
such a dangerous thing
but now i would wish
for someone to wish me
even if that would back fire me harsh

wishing is dangerous..
and so ******* wrong
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