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Sep 2014 · 427
beauty (haiku)
mark john junor Sep 2014
to look for beauty is a form of hope
perhaps a fools hope
but better that i be a fool and find
than regret not having looked
Sep 2014 · 815
sun creepin
mark john junor Sep 2014
hot sun creepin long
be hours for cool evening comes
so we got to hang on for just a little longer
we just gotta *** down this mountain side
just gotta forge the steel
just gotta make it one more day
little further is all i can say
blind to all but the road its hard to tell
little further is all i can say

that night we rested in the lea of a shade tree
cookfire making shadows leap and play
while his soft song breached the stars and river too
so strong a soul hard to believe anything could lay him low
that night saw the truth of the man
had so much to give
but had no love in his life
had no destinations
pity thouse who live without love
thouse who live without hope
that night i saw the truth of the man
a good man who life had cheated

when dawn stirred me
found him cold in his blankets
he had passed away in the lonely night
so i buried him there by the beautiful river
there by the lovely gardens
found no beauty in life but i hope
he finds it in the everafter
saw the truth of the man
a good man who should have had
but had been denied
so i buried him like a king
in the beautiful gardens
by the peaceful river
Sep 2014 · 638
my lovely friend
mark john junor Sep 2014
dazzled by wonderment's true voice
hear now the shape and shifting theme
of these your lost years
call out with a true heart to thouse
you wish to behold come to such beautiful day
know that each of these you cherish
hold you as well in the deep waters of loves ocean
sail free my lovely friend
sail to dawns beautiful treading maidens
laugh and sing with them freely
after all its only love shared that makes the
world a wonderful place to be
so now as the majesty of night falls to our hands
let us rejoice once more
my lovely friend
for our open hearts and open minds
let us tell laughing happy tales all the night long
with a flagon of ale if thats what you wish
i only wish to live in the love
of that smile you share once again
mark john junor Sep 2014
she is a graceful moment in my stumbling day
im a simple man but shes simply beautiful
her blue lace
(if i could love one more time it would be her)
Sep 2014 · 1.1k
skull and crossbones
mark john junor Sep 2014
round his mouthful of bullet's and bones
he spoke of the woman and a box of gold
and as he opened the deck and began tossing cards
his version of what happened had him with
one foot in the grave and giving both barrels
she called him a hero
but he was just a fugitive of the hangman's necktie
the old sailor died quiet in the night
slipped away laughing in the company of
all the olde saints he loved so much
they will take him on home
so the truth of the tell rest with this man
with this soft eye hardened heart
with a mouthful of bullet's and bones
Sep 2014 · 666
summers end
mark john junor Sep 2014
summers end is here
greet the drowsy break of day
with your brightest smiles
greet the sunshine with the love
it brings out in your heart
its lovely here neath shady tree
sit here with me
taste the beautiful breeze
that carries carnival wonders of summers day
that carries the promise of beautiful tomorrows everyday
come with me and lets go dance in the sun
let me live in that smile your bring
let us both live in summer's fast day
summers end is here
want to spend it with you
my dear one
Aug 2014 · 1.6k
saltwater jewels
mark john junor Aug 2014
her jewels melted away in the saltwater
her crown broken by jealous girls
but she sat on my wood floor
the prettiest in blue lace dream
a beautiful song breathing on the still air
and her eyes full of doubts washed away with tears
held her hand till she found her strength once again
she knew how to dance
so i cleared the clutter and
let her dazzle
let her shine

she smiled once more
put aside her silver screen dreamy voice
and talked all night bout the adventures and
the balloons chased with laughter's joys
and you could feel the sunshine in the room
from the beauty of her voice
from the beauty of her soul
she smiled once more
and whispered a song just for me
questioning but gently
seeking but giving

when i saw her last
she had returned to the carnival of californian hills
once again the rare talent with a gift of light in her eyes
for thouse who have the strength to dream
fly free and true beautiful one
be who you are without fear
you are loved
so dance...shine
(for the kristen stewart in all of us)
Aug 2014 · 705
gremlins of the mind
mark john junor Aug 2014
look upon you with my dark face
you would not know me
for i am lost from all light
i have stepped into the shadows
and know not my way home
i have come to where the chill of night seems warm
to the place where dark companions seem kindred
see the angry faces in their hearts
see the memory of bright light long dead
turned to grave and grey
turned to living dead
look into my dark eyes no more
flee child of light
there is no life in this place
there is no future for the featureless night
Aug 2014 · 1.4k
your hearts burdens
mark john junor Aug 2014
looking for forgiveness in the eyes of strangers
in every train station on the hudson line
breathing the beauty of the rush and hustle
of every train in the pouring rain
scribbling heartfelt worthy lines in a dogeared notebook
with her name etched with loving care into the
weatherbeaten cover

while standing at the top of the stairs
the faces shuffle past
offering absolution to the pawns
offering escapism to the bishops of twisted truths
gaze down the halls of forgiveness
looking for a familiar face to unleash your hearts burdens
to unwrap the tear stained words for
hoping like hell its somebody who could tell her
that you weren't so bad after all
if she only see her way to giving you that
holy grail of the heart known as a second chance

but in the end you catch a glimpse of your
reflection in some woman's poem
makes you look and see the state your in
see how far you have fallen
how far you've run from the light of day
carrying the weighty truths close to the heart
but never looking them in the eye
live again my friend
forgive yourself and live once again
Aug 2014 · 937
like a cheshire
mark john junor Aug 2014
her iron words rusted in the rain
so we had to sit in the hot afternoon
restoring the image she had painted with a sweet turn of phrase
dazzled by the sunlight i did not see
so she played it back for me
so slow and sweet if you listen real close
to the sound of her viper pen scratch the dry page
hear it dragged over like an old man scraping his dead skin
how lovely the dance between dark and light
wrong and right

and she says....
now i stretch my limbs
step so boldly like a cheshire and do it slow so it looks
like i got graceful art to my ways
wrap myself up in laces and wine
keep my smile dark and my lovin eyes on you
while i step over the cracks in the sanity of it
sip the cool liquids with a careful symmetry
sway to the lovely song
and wait for you to show me the way

because as a girl she doesn't want appear to be too bold
lest she find her bed cold
so dance slow with her slow my friend
because she will love a gentle breeze
more than a wicked wind
show your strengths in your hesitations
show your moonlight harbinger before you
show her your dark dreams
she needs to know you are evolved
beyond schoolboy charms

so dance real slow
and romance yourself with her beauty
if you stay she will liberate the lace
let you into the palace
let you into her long hot summer day
scrape you with viper pen
Aug 2014 · 719
no half lies
mark john junor Aug 2014
sitting here in the late summer daylight
watching her tending to the line
see all her strength and beauty
know her complexity's and her easy smiles
know the girl kicking off her jeans backseat in the cool night
know the woman standing here by her man
everything iv ever wanted
no half lies

and i gather her up in my arms
gather up our wondrous dreamin
and we weave us a blanket of sun and stars
wrap it round us like a hearts lovin arms
we walk it on down by the old cathedral
sit hand in hand on the steps of forevermore
kissing our hellos and smile to eachother
no one will tread on our sacred stones
no one can stop the sweet love that shines in us
no half lies

my dreadlock honey asks me
to speak to all of you
weave you a poem
tell you the tale
how we had been two very lost souls
crashed into eachother in deepest dark places
of the world
saved eachothers lives
ran for the border and survived
now madly in love
no half lies
into the forevermore
Aug 2014 · 10.6k
a september bride
mark john junor Aug 2014
a september bride her hollow sounds
fearfully echo on the leaf strewn trail
with intonations of a blushing bride to be
she makes a graceful vision
obscured only by her hamfisted collection
of undesirable father figures
who stand round the groom and brow beat
him with dire dreams
but his eyes are for her alone and
the tigers of her sensual rainforest
"lions, tigers and bears...oh my!" she whispers
into his eager ear with a sardonic grin

her hollow sounds both haunting and beautiful
they will stay with me as a soulsong
long after history has devoured her
namesake and words
a quick poet of the three line shoot from the hip haiku
pink glossy eyes all damp with remembered tears
she is the quintessential september bride
the long summer nights swayed her
the longer cold winter may undo her
but it is a girlhood dream that
she knits with papier-mâché knights and
bubblegum queens
she waits for me there
to officiate the proceedings
with a bottle of red wine and single red rose
wrapped in the tender notions of
loves sweetest kiss
Aug 2014 · 1.5k
joyous and bold
mark john junor Aug 2014
the motionless air hung heavy
with late summer heat
at a distance a woman's voice in song
the rich sound reaching for your heart
with feelings of life lived joyous and bold

i walk the sunsoaked road
to the farm field to find her
where the dusty faces of the pickers greet with smiles
their great baskets filled with the newly picked crop
its thick scent filling the air with intoxicating fresh natural beauty
**** and tangy ripe to the souls tastebuds
they gather round the water spigot
laughing and speaking
a family of strangers
come to harvest the land

they invite me to join them
for the midday meal
so i sit in the shade of a truck
sipping the cool clear waters
eating the thick rich bread and cheese
such people of the earth
their hands worn with its labor
their hearts alive with its loves
such kind souls of the land
sharing their moment with me

the meal done
the baskets for the picking ready once more
they wander back to the field
and she begins to sing once again
as the sweet summer sun lulls me to slumber
her voice a beautiful tapestry woven with her
love of her people and her life
a rich tender sound
she carried me into sweet deep dreams
of the kindness of people who harvest
with their hands and hearts
the bounty's of the earth
(migrant farmers on the sun coast)
Aug 2014 · 818
one smile at a time
mark john junor Aug 2014
raised a passionate voice
against the darkness
and standing as one in the setting sun
we held hands and looked on with
wonder in our eyes and joy in our hearts
as the banners flowed in the late day breeze
as the children of our beliefs carried the day
as our trusted man took the field with victory's cheer
saw the fruit of our labors come at long last
peace had defeated war
love had destroyed hate
caring had swept away all the cold hearted
and we could at long last breath free
long last we could thrive in the sun
they say that the time has passed for such dreams
that the sixties are so long ago
but history is filled with men who stood up
and changed the world luther king...
so take my hand and lets not ever stop trying
to change the world
one smile at a time
Aug 2014 · 387
love song neverending
mark john junor Aug 2014
candlelight dinner for two
on the beach in moonlight
a single rose wrapped in lace
with a golden thread woven into it
as a symbol of loves bond....
i write beautiful sonnets for you
craft poems from my hearts beating living love
stir images of transient beauties that reflect true loves tender kiss
lovely words and images pour from my pen like sweet wine
that is for you alone my love to drink
speak fluently of your graceful sweet presence like a love song neverending
i could take a lifetime of words as a writer
distill them down to perfection of expression
and still thouse words could not say
any more than i truly deeply frantically wonderfully insanely love you
Aug 2014 · 3.1k
mark john junor Aug 2014
the skilled craftsman
he labors pen on page in nights silence
the names and faces of his students
vividly painted to him in small ways on each page

the girl with her flourish of drawings
in the margins of her work
a bird delicately drawn to appear to be dropping
the words onto the page
in amongst her arguments that shakespeare was a charlatan...
the young man from the morning bell
who dose not write as much as he carves and hacks
his words into the dull instrument of the page
crafting it in his way to resemble the angry face he wears within

this quiet man
he learns too
from the patchwork quilt of humanity
that passes year by year through his world
some shine brightly
others faded away into obscurity's cage
see him sitting in nights silence
pen in hand
a master craftsman at his labor of love
(for my brotherman kristian...get well kid :-) ..........)
Aug 2014 · 874
the glory of the hot hand
mark john junor Aug 2014
a hot number and
you could see the dice smokin
her luck was on fire
life was a flash in the pan sweet
the glory of the hot hand
hounded when its thin
celebrated when its speakin
she walks with a swagger
and clutches the wages of her sin
alone on the pinnacle of power
looking down on the pretty city lights
plunder at her feet
her thoughts turn once again
to the real
how a single turn of the cards
could change it all
how the glory of the hot hand is so fleeting
see the cards turn her to cold stone
plunge her to the depths
but oh god that feeling
the glory of the hot hand
Aug 2014 · 453
see the truth of you
mark john junor Aug 2014
memory's floorboards
the worn wood blackened
by weary footfall
constantly retracing steps
sometimes with worries or strife
sometimes retraced with loves forlorn wish

memory's floorboards
it has ceaseless wonders of hope
a spaghetti of things lived felt seen heard
that give credence to the hope you hold
and helps you endure

lay open your your tightly shut window
lay bare to sunlight
these tapestries of your life
this mosaic of your life's journey
this room of faces past
places distant
roads once traveled

look upon this face you wear within
this ink and dust face
see the truth of you and then
embrace the moment you live in
with thouse you love
leave this room with its memories
walk in the sunshine
Aug 2014 · 1.2k
love the world before
mark john junor Aug 2014
weep not in the willows my child
the summer day calls you to play
the mothers songs calls you to smile once more
lifts your heart from this sullen mood
laugh once more
summer has come

chase dragonflies in the thrush's nest
let the words dance your tongue
quick now and high you leap to catch firefly
for summer grass has such a sweet scent when cut
blends the heart with wondrous dreams
faster fun with bright smiles

quick now my child
race your shadow's footsteps along the path
in the summer wood
watch the dandelions spread wings on the wind
watch the sunlight catch the sky afire
so much wonder to be found
listen now for mothers song
her voice will call you from your sleeping
to run laughing in the tall grass
chase the bluebird
walk with the sun through the puddles
quick now my child
love the world before you grow too old
Aug 2014 · 352
her last willing surrender
mark john junor Aug 2014
her delicate hand did lead me away
from the setting sun and all its warm glories
took me to a place of mysteries
she silenced my velvet tongue with her smile
placed some music in the sweet summer air
pulled me into a soft dance close to
her lace and rose scented silken skin
let me loose myself in her enchantments
let me change in the warmth of her gaze
told me with a voice that sailed the breeze
like on wings of gentle butterfly's
that she could handle a rough one like me
that she could see the harsh edges disappear
if i would let her
she took her words down to whisper
asked me to take her
till the sunshine breaks the clouds
till her last willing surrender
till she would call out so lovely
that she has found who she had spent lifetime looking for
and i knew i could build a life with her too
one with words exchanged softly
one with hopes sweetest dream
with her
Aug 2014 · 698
she dreams
mark john junor Aug 2014
she gathered up the fragile flowers
carried them softly as a child
in the stillness of late summer air
with a gentle song rolling slowly through her heart
a memories palace where her heart often goes
a beautiful place where love could have thrived
where she sits by the cool waters of the coin fountain
tossing golden dreams into the wishing well
dreams of him
dreams of laughter's that once were
dreams of his strength wrapping her
chill frightened fluttering heart
making everything ok
just for one moment to have it all be ok
like a leaf falling from a tree
for one bitter free second as it flys free
as it kisses the summer skies
and lives its own dream
before falling into obscurity
she dreams she is living that moment
with him
in his arms

and he dreams of the moment in her eyes
where she saw him
and they breathed as one
without all these angry tears
without all these useless words
as one soul together
as one heart beating slowly to the
song of moonlight kissing the stars
Aug 2014 · 865
grace of the sullen eye
mark john junor Aug 2014
a cold ribbon of thought
its blackheart birth on the lips
of a madman whos eyes follow the truth
with skyrocket perfection
tell me about this dark thought you keep dreamin
together we can set this sinking ship aright
together we can unsink the dreams we had as children
the cold ribbon looks like a medal pinned
looks like a politicians smile
looks like a madman's eyeball
see the crazy light it gives off
feel the winter's breath in its gaze
entertain me with its song

here it comes again
looks so friendly
but look at the trail of empty lives it leaves
no matter what happens don't let me end like them
promise you take care of it
don't let em leave me an empty shell
gasping for air at some roadside death carnival
tapping my foot to some horrible song
put a bullet to my head so i don't end up like them
here it comes again look out
like some worm of the wasteland
like a smile lie in the darkness
looks like a lover but its a feeder

a cold ribbon of thought
calculating its next move with carefree abandon
look there see that girl
watch as the light in her eyes dies
watch as they **** the life out of her
the dreams cherished make a tasty meal
the hope so carefully crafted just in one bite
come on we can beat this thing
tell me this dark dream so we can unsink this ship
we can get away
slip away in the heartbeat of night
with the grace of the sullen eye
shallow *****
Aug 2014 · 478
it wasnt really god calling
mark john junor Aug 2014
the phone rang
middle of the night
it was god calling
but hung up got the answering machine
if only

but what could you say anyway
ask to do differently
unweave one strand of the worlds tapestry
undo one space and place in time
surrender the whole for one fragile moment
but you would say what beauty there was there
you would say how precious this thing i lost
in the ocean of the world
looking for that single drop of water you cling to
middle of the night

the phone rang for a brief moment
it was god calling
to say he is sorry but
sometimes just cant be
some people just catch all the wrong raindrops
some people see the rainbows but never get to see the smiles

so let me redefine this phrase
im sorry for all the calls you missed
nothing can prepare you for this journey
its only the warmth we find in others that make it bearable
and im so sorry you have had so much trouble finding them
the phone is ringing
its me, not god
hoping you were home
ill love you till you find the love you were meant to find
Aug 2014 · 299
as a human...
mark john junor Aug 2014
as a human you learn to live with things you cant live with, they sit in your memory, resurfacing from time to time, and you learn to cope with facing that learn to live with what you cant live with. its with the love of thouse around you that makes it bearable. never fail to embrace what love you find in this world,
Aug 2014 · 1.4k
unforgiven agent
mark john junor Aug 2014
the empires silk wraps the parchment
blue and gold ribbon of such regal device
but this neat folded apparel
tangles in my mind
with fog of memories frame
door table tray
the parchment bears the blessings
but the ink is as black as his heart
cold as his intent
child i was
child no more
forged instrument misshapen
a single paper cup of jungle juice spilled
haphazardly on the clean lines
the parchment adorned with the
phrase and emblems of republic
stained with my child's mind
child i was
child no more
Aug 2014 · 1.6k
got a ruckus to make
mark john junor Aug 2014
im walking along
hardly breathin cause it might disturb
im steppin in the shadows of great men
with one eye on the popularity of what im sayin
but i dont think anybody sees me anyway
cept her and its real hard to tell what shes thinkin
dressed to the nines and she lickable head to toe
hard body honey half my age

came here to pick a fight with the powers that be
dont stand a chance but thats beside the point
cant you feel the storm brewin
been there since it became hip to be an activist
tempest in a tea ***
but what a blast its been
a struggle of the masses not to drink another latte
a demand for justice for the **** who ate the last bearclaw

he trims that fashion beard
combs out the rough phrase from his latest trending poem
and some cat in london stamps his seal of approval
sold out for a pat on the back
just remember kiddo that your a greenhorn
and i got one beady little eye on ya

meanwhile in chechnya they are swaping pens for rifles
feel little like hemingway
wanna throw it all away in a blaze of glory
for the ideal of the revolt with some
things still worth fightin for
hand me that pen
got a ruckus to make
LOL maybe i should stick to non-ruckus stuff LOL
Aug 2014 · 533
my love my love
mark john junor Aug 2014
iv written a thousand love letters to you with my fingers on your bare skin
written a thousand love poems to you with my lips caressing
an epic love story with every with every smile we have shared
a love song with every tender embrace
iv written them with the magic i feel simply holding your hand
iv written them with my hearts truth
iv written them with this gentle kiss i give you now and forever my love
my love
my love
Aug 2014 · 805
a stlyin' prince like me
mark john junor Aug 2014
looking good in my leisure suit
like i should be sipping martini's in some classy bar
like i should be flyin first class
looking like i got the cash to get unstuck
but a miami sun gonna melt my snowbunny **** for sure
down here with some human fleas
and desperado's with sweaty smiles
could use a hand
hell i could use a truckload of hands
if ya got one to spare

by the time the bill came due
i was sitting on the beach barefoot and broke
no idea how i got there
last thing i remember was some sweet honey
and her warm hands on my wallet
burning the candle at all three ends now
running low on escape plans
could pay you in sand
got a bucket full
this is one sad tale
never thought would happen to a stlyin' prince like me
never saw this comin when i laid down with the lions

never know where your day gonna take ya
sold my guitar
never could play the **** thing anyway
keep slipping outa tune like the rest of my life
sold my fine china set
my pretty bride hopped a greyhound
headed back to the frozen wastelands
thats ok...the cold suits her ice cube heart
sold my chess set
cause i got played like a pawn enough for one day

look at me now
standing here in the tattered remains
and it shouldn't be a surprise i feel liberated
feel like dancing and raising hell
aint got me weighing me down
who the hell wears leisure suits anyway

sometimes you gotta fall all the way down the rabbit hole
to find the only thing your hiding from
is yourself
here...have a bucket of sand and a pair of flip flops...
you'll get used to getting slowly fried in the tropical sun
and mosquito's the size of a bus
good for the soul is what she tells me
good for the soul
Aug 2014 · 353
quick brown bunny
mark john junor Aug 2014
stepped from the brilliant sunlight
to the apple tree shade
there on flagstones we sat curled up
by the falling leaves that came down like snow
and watched a brown bunny get swept away
innocence has its own eyes
but it never sees all the turns
a plastic toy this brown bunny was gonna survive
but the fragile moment i spent with my hand
wrapped in yours faded away all too quick
like a snapper in a cool water stream
or the sunlight fall thru the canopy of trees
i lost you that day
that i got turned
and i have to live with that today
because all my yesterdays are unforgiving
and i miss you
and i miss you
like a quick brown bunny
Aug 2014 · 1.3k
internet wingnuts
mark john junor Aug 2014
internet wingnuts...
nah nah nah whatcha thinkin?
whatcha spelled it wrong
whatcha didnt capitalize
are you satan's spawn you cant write that here
i will come to your house and eat your dog
nah nah nah whatcha thinkin?
ill follow you round tearing you down till you let me kiss you
ill fill your mailbox full of hate till you love me
i will tell everyone what a horrible person you are
till you let me in
who are you....keep me warm....let me hate you
wingnuts....wingnuts everywhere
whoever invented the block list should get a freakin sainthood
whatcha thinking you cant block me
ill just make a new profile
fill your inbox full of hate till you love me
Aug 2014 · 673
cherished innocence
mark john junor Aug 2014
a romantic beauty to the way she looked
a sweet cherished innocence to her
and i was moved in ways that changed me
i was a different man in her delicate hands
spent that summer chasing rainbows at her side
fishing for lovely stars in the milky way at night
and puddle surfing in sweet summer rain on lazy afternoons
one moment out of our lives shared
that we thought would last forever
and in my heart it will
for joyce galante...find a puddle quick :-)
Aug 2014 · 744
frenchmen in rain
mark john junor Aug 2014
the painting was literal
figure hunched walking a dirt road in rain
its hues and tone spoke
mute but vividly
each brush stroke matched the images birthplace
in the authors crippled heart

each leaf a burnished gold of autumn
each a dying fragment of the withered tree
even the mans footprints in muddy soil
one can almost feel the squalid mud underfoot
his uniform and helmet named him a frenchmen
from the great war
his boots rendered with bloodstain

figure hunched walking dirt road in rain
a great dying had come to france that day
swords drawn they charged into deaths embrace
this man and his comrades in this awful place

the painting hangs in some museum
an awkward moment for the viewer
is he going into the storm of battle
or going home after
the tale is left untold
it is just the tale of a man on a road in the rain
a frenchmen in the world war
a lone figure in rain
re-write of old piece
Aug 2014 · 1.6k
gods teeth
mark john junor Aug 2014
but still you took
this rusty nail you call a heart
and slammed into my head

you said you would be a friend to my darkness
you said you would break bread with my rage
so heart beating faster
sweat breaking on brow
still your silent
still your liars book remains unburnt
still your liars house has life
while the twin razors of your eyes stare at me out
of my history
and out of my pain sweet pain
now when you finally did speak
you poured gasoline on my heads fire
and then you ran laughin

it wont be enough to watch a pack
of wild dogs pick your bones clean
their fur matted with your stain
it wont be enough to burn your house to the ground
i'm gonna break its bones in my teeth
i'm gonna eat your world whole
can you feel my teeth on your mind
i'm eating you alive from the inside of your skull

brokenhearted this rusty nail you call
a heart is covered in my innocent blood
your filthy lies dance laughing in my eye
my ***** burn to see your house destroyed
to see your filthy book burn

this rusty nail you call a heart
i'm gonna drive it like a jackhammer into your love
like gods eyes on the hand on the wicked
i'm gonna eat your world whole
break its bones with my teeth
with my darkness
with my rage
("gods teeth" is a curse from the elizabethan era)
Aug 2014 · 2.4k
magic potions
mark john junor Aug 2014
as the sky closed daylight away
her magic box came out
a few loose threads soon wound themselves
into carriages fleet of foot on the forever road
delivering love and quick boys with
with stout hearts and steel eyed resolve
a few loose potions spilled and away flew mysterious birds
loosed upon the bright eyed world
free to fly high among soft clouds
a few magical words spilled out too
and thats when i found you
you were complete from the very beginning
you danced delicately along the sweet musics
and then you smiled at me
knew i was yours didn't weren't wrong
now look at us
an enchantress made us in some long ago
to be here together
made for eachother with loves thread
made with passions potion's
for eachother forever
fly away with me now
lover sweet lover
Aug 2014 · 630
the morning found her
mark john junor Aug 2014
the morning found her
and in its sweet light i lay enchanted by her
and all she was to me
gently cradled in my arms

there was an elegant soft eternity in her voice
there was a thousand summer days in the sweetness of her lips
there were breathless nights in the warm perfection of her arms
i lost myself in the deep bewitching magic of her gaze a thousand times
and still find myself with my heart pounding with her nearness

i will never stop falling in love with her
over and over again every moment i spend with her
because my soul breathes for her desperately
for the fragile warmth of her on my fingertips
the silken texture of her hair as i run my hand through its scented river
the close intoxicating beauty of her on my senses
as i run my lips along her neck

everytime i see her i catch my breath
exhale slowly not wishing to disturb the
fragile warmth of the moment
i have so much love to give in my heart
i give it all to her
passionately with all the forever's in her arms
Aug 2014 · 566
picture show
mark john junor Aug 2014
you shined once
stirred the waters
made em all stand up and take notice
a romeo dancin in the spotlight
charmed the prettiest of the fast lane
had vanity nailed while you cherished the high-life
but it has a way of sneaking away on you
cause chasing the dream is a full time occupation
a devotion of the addiction to the limelight
and if your not careful it'll get away from you
with a quickness

suddenly you find head in hand
as dawn is creepin in one door
while the last of the fun seekers is strolling out the other
the bill is comin due and your pockets empty
spent it on one last fling but sure it was grand
you did a soft shoe shuffle that they will never forget
funny how the top of the world looks so different when your fallin from it
never know where you day is gonna take you
but it will take you

things change enough and eventually so do you
the top of the world means something new
and from the top of your molehill it don't look too shabby
settle down with another lost soul
and share a love thats real
and as you settle down end of your day with
your girl in your arms you think to yourself
came a long way
to come back to where you started from

a jaybird makes you a nightwatchmen
and you can be the leading role in your own picture show
you can write the script of your own life
peculiar as it may be
long as your happy
long as your happy
Aug 2014 · 482
traditional sorrow
mark john junor Aug 2014
there was a deep snow in the spring
we kept eachother warm in the night
and built snowmen in mornings light
lost in your eyes
wandered the joys of you
that laugh
and that kiss
i could see all my tomorrows with you
see it all clear as day
but then....
but then....
now i wander the ghosts of our yesterdays
stand in the summer night wishing for rain
all these yesterdays slipping through my fingers
all these beautiful glorious moments of you
spinning round in my heart
a hurricane of beautiful dreams like touching you
a thousand tastes of paradise in your lips
all these things and so much more in the
promise of your arms
but then...
but then...
Aug 2014 · 1.5k
mark john junor Aug 2014
her voice a fragile thunder
her thoughts gossamer wings beating on
the thick summer air
her awkward gestures a lovin embrace to
the eyes that haunt her histories

dawns intensity begins
its silent fire consuming more and more of
the spacious turning heavens
a star falls
she reaches out one unconstrained hand
fingers tracing its path across the pale blue skies
a word of worshipful sorrow on her lips
till it fades into the sea
extinguished with loves kiss no doubt
no doubt

she floats upon the wind
no sand or tree in sight
she floats upon the sea
back and forth across the deep night
seeing the world breath
seeing the mechanics of the star strewn heavens turning
how beautiful the stars
how desolate the sun

silence had finally taken her
her parched eyes now forever closed
her hand on the tiller
till doom strikes its hour
alone on the sea
her life slowly ceases
extinguished with loves kiss no doubt
no doubt

her dusty wings folded
the breached purity of her heart
leaves her a silent figure forlorn
with her eyes forever looking distantly
with longings painted vividly on her face
a desolate angel
of sea and sand
to greet the lost sailors
and thouse who wander the sea
at the end of their voyages
end of their days
Aug 2014 · 495
you will see
mark john junor Aug 2014
in the full richness of time
with my hand in yours
with my heart in yours
you will see
the truth of loves knowin
you will see the beautiful truth of our lives joined
breathing as one
being one
kiss me
give yourself to me
you will see
Aug 2014 · 1.2k
first kiss rememberd
mark john junor Aug 2014
all good dreams begin with a kiss
that beautiful touch of soft lips
eyes closed
body poised on the very edge of yearning
and her lips taste so sweet
warm invitingly
passions flame a brief moment away
barley contained in this soft embrace of lips
but you can feel its fire ready to burst upon you
feel the deep ocean of her heart stirring to wild thought dreams
feel her surrendering to her wishes delights
pull her closer
yearn with her
let your heart run with hers
let go
let her
in a long sweet kiss
tumble back to breathless earth
tumble back to...
Aug 2014 · 301
a haiku (20w)
mark john junor Aug 2014
beauty is a hearts hunger
beauty of feeling or beauty of sight
....i live for her....she is my light
Aug 2014 · 5.6k
solider, sailor, tinker....
mark john junor Aug 2014
whom do you trust
solider, sailor, tinker, tailor....
what eyes see the meaning of the blind
what tongues listen...which lies
in the picturesque morning
beauty spins its deceptions with golden hued sunlight
weaves its hand puppet theatricals made of
fleeting wisps of smiles
kissing gestures weakly delivered
    solider,  sailor,  tinker,  tailor...
    they gather round the dead man
    some come to mourn the lost
    some come to rifle through his pockets
    some come to silently wait for their own fate
he sits in his worn chair
in a pool of lamplight
with a small hammer in hand
his spectacles on bridge of his nose
tapping tapping ever so gently the thin metal mask
the uniform of his mind shifts according to his lie
his tool is always the deceptions and misdirections
a sly smile...firm handshake...a signature style
'to whom do you trust' is a phrase that troubles him
her perfume lingers in the air
years have buried the cold war
but not its warriors
not their handiwork
     they dress the dead man for his burial
     with his decorations and platitudes
     with his shiny sword and neat uniform
     with honors they lay him
     with truths his secret they bury him
     why did he do whom did he answer
     to the tomb with his truths and lies
     to the tomb
he gathers the long coat
and the umbrella
walks out in london's chill spring night
to a bridge
and throws a small box into the river
long years after the cold war died
these men of shadows still play
these keepers of the gate still watch for hannibal and his horde
solider,  sailor,  tinker,  tailor
whom do you trust
(reference to John Le Carre's novel)
mark john junor Jul 2014
the tender light of her eyes
haunts me from just steps away
they ache with unspoken heart deep desires
vivid dreams which unconstrained would set her passions afire
she falls into my arms with a kiss filled with longings unleashed
with unquenched hungers of loves burning intensity
i pull her in against me our skin igniting us
we wrestle with eachothers bodies trying
to pull eachother further in
closer deeper in loves furious heat
my sweet lover my goddess my everything
you are a flame in my embrace
softly quick and urgently you take me and i take you
quick now we race our passion to
the very heart of our love
and spill eachother gently in our embrace
breathing heavy and tumbling tingling back to our bed
and eachothers deep smiles
small soft kisses
gentle caress
cherish eachother tenderly
Jul 2014 · 761
mark john junor Jul 2014
there is a cold echo of time in the photographs
the clustered figures in uniform with haunted eyes
they each had a gas mask and a gun
could have been alive this very moment
with such familiar features...a

a hundred years ago they began yet another war
another bloodletting for
a game of brinksmanship of the powers that be
thousands of young men littered on a field
died in a gas attack is the simple phrase beneath
you can almost feel the concussion of the shells landing
hear the wiz of the bullets as the past so near at hand

these young men gas masks in hand
looking into the cameras lens with such horror
things too terrible to speak of in their eyes

a hundred years later
the papers are filled with pictures
of shells landing in the gaza
armed men clustered round a
jet airliners wreckage in the ukraine
children running from a burning village in africa
we have learned nothing
i am sorry we have all failed you
failed to cease all this useless warring
all this bloodletting
Jul 2014 · 4.5k
consequences handiwork
mark john junor Jul 2014
consequence has no face
but he has a voice
speaks so loudly in the lives of the unwary
i can hear him now talking like misery in the
background of her eyes
her loves are empty
her love will only last till the sun has ground down
the lion of your beautiful moments
look at his once proud mane matted with
the dusts of your life of compromise
its consequences handiwork illustrated in sorrowful colors
a lover of the feelin fleeting and vain
a stealer of the better things
a child of her consequences
bitter is her joys
in her sour smiles
Jul 2014 · 950
mark john junor Jul 2014
if i sit perfectly still
if i hold my breath
i can almost picture you here
my heart captivated
but nothing compares
like being next to you
in all the sublime scents tastes sounds feelings that
that flood my senses when your here
you are an ocean of existence i swim
that place where the heart blooms like springtime's kiss
you are light as air
filled with flowers and sunshine
your summers joys and sweet romances
you are timeless
from the moment i set eyes on you time ceases
like deep winters night safe in the arms of love
you are a woman
the only woman that has ever been
will ever be
you are....perfect
if i sit perfectly still
if i hold my breath
and close my eyes
i can feel you
and you feel like sunlight
Jul 2014 · 1.6k
be my beautiful day
mark john junor Jul 2014
she seduces my mind
with just a quickness
shes the everything iv always wanted
with a natural beauty thats more than just surface
heartfelt from her spirit
clean and strong
she is a woman in ways that just fill me with joy
fill me with longing
i was always hers
iv been hers forever
tell her be with me
take my hand
lets find that beautiful day together
be my beautiful day
Jul 2014 · 2.3k
my kryptonite
mark john junor Jul 2014
floyd and the skinny kid skate round
me like vultures looking for table scraps
today im all about just keeping the head above water
try all night to sleep but just climb walls in my head

my kryptonite came round again and she was full of smiles
even tho i could feel things crawling round neath that pretty face
couldn't help myself just ended up humpin leg
while she just laughed counting bills outa my wallet
just really skull **** myself over and over
like to trade my life in for a simpler one

distill the hours down to thouse moments
when i escape the circus of my own thinkin
when i can sit and soak up some sun on the beach
without all the headnoise crowding out my goodtime

floyd and the skinny kid circle round me
but i got no use for virtual vampires
and they just manage to annoy
i got prettier things on my mind
hoping to distract
just hoping to distract
Jul 2014 · 670
the night's rain
mark john junor Jul 2014
as crickets renew their song
she came to me dreamlike
a lone candle held back the night
its thin light strong in her heart
as she brushed her flowing hair
and looked with distant eyes to unseen horizon
to unseen memories taste on the soul
the cost to any but the mad is too much
but she endured
she has seen the promised land
and the greener pastures she longs for
are a distant lands postcard stuck to
the torn up wall above her bed
not a single word pierces that painted smile

in the nights stillness
i retrace my steps
to stand exactly where she stood
as if the magic of her presence might still linger
i stand breathing gently
somehow believing that i can feel her in the air
not wishing even this empty moment to end

even if only half perceived
her delicate features were hauntingly beautiful
her long thick auburn hair wet
with the night's rain
she had come to ask
i came to answer
she silently leaned against me
i silently held her

love has no need of words
Jul 2014 · 11.9k
country girl
mark john junor Jul 2014
like a natural country girl
took me by the hand
lead me places only country girl could
rode me like a bronco
left me with a shine in my soul
and a big ole smile on my face
like a natural country girl should
waited a lifetime for a girl like her
hay in her hair
love for horses in her heart
nothin better than a natural country girl
and the smiles we give eachother have allways been there
shes everything iv ever wanted
a natural country girl
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