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Jul 2014 · 789
slow roast
mark john junor Jul 2014
a mind is a treacherous thing to baste
but shes havin too much fun
runnin and gunning in the wild west of city streets
shes the star of her own reality show
but its never so real
she would have to think about consequence
never so real she would have to look you in the eye

she was a delicate beauty
now grown thin
stretched too far on the hard line
in the company of cold faces with dollar sings for eyes
she was a warm hand holding mine
when i needed it
never got a chance to return the favor
fore the streets swallowed her whole
a mind is a treacherous thing to baste
and she has slow roasted hers
Jul 2014 · 2.1k
haiku's of a madwomans mind
mark john junor Jul 2014
her silent monologue inside the cage of her mind
leaves fleeting expressions catapulting across her vacant face
like a strange circus act
the pasty face clowns in silent repetition
weakly grin as they grind through the dance
the lovely high wire girls seeking the perfect tuck and roll
her expressions move through this deranged carnival
of the mad again and again
never releasing its warped players to
the solace of privacy's ease
over and over they dance and roll

her lips stumble through misbegotten phrases
ten word haiku's written by the voices in her mind
written in lipstick on the mirrors of gas station restrooms
and truck stop shower stalls
haiku's of loves desperado warring against loneliness
the heart dose not actually make a sound when it breaks

her hearts deeper waters
like tidal pools in moonlight
the surface reflects the beautiful sky above
but in its cool depths other things live
some have no name

her silent monologue slows and fades away
the exhausted clowns of her madness laughter crawling
to lay their pasty white faces in reflection of sleep
the high wire girls to dressing rooms where they moan
for long departed heroic villains
who were last seen folding up diabolical schemes
and her silverware and making for the sun coast
where you can find them on beaches of paradise
sipping cool water under a neon moon

she slips into slumber
and dreams sweetly of all these players
in her silent minds story
she loves her madness
as she loves the rain
Jul 2014 · 3.4k
under sweet summer sun
mark john junor Jul 2014
sweet summer thick with late day sun
all the the children running with laughter's an joys
the men plowing in the rich soil
the women hands to hips all the washin to be done
hear em singing as each stitch laid to cloth
hear em laughing under the beautiful sun
aint no living to be done till you lived
natural on the land....
sweet summer thick with late day sun
walking back now to gather for supper
hear em singing with joys bounty
aint no living to be done till
ya come live under a sweet summer sun
all the children sleepin under the night sky
all the folks dreamin wonderful lives
aint no living like under the natural sun
Jul 2014 · 2.3k
fandango (10w)
mark john junor Jul 2014
her eyes like twin pistols
just kept blowin me away
for "Winter Allen Jane"
Jul 2014 · 1.1k
kiss the girl
mark john junor Jul 2014
she did a difficult dance on the street corner
but i had no time to stay and kiss the girl
my time had come and travelin was on my mind
there was a future callin on me
some bright eyed beautiful thing sparking in the sun
start off walkin but you know me
just get going and i'm runnin
ill see you someday i suppose
ill be doing a two step with some hot honey
and laughing in some parking lot three am
cause i got a future i gotta go catch
no time to stick round and kiss the girl
feel bad gotta leave her behind
but i got a destiny
and i'm movin already
some bright eyed happy thing callin me
some two step with some salacious honey
in the bed sheets
oh lord hear her callin me
goodbye my friend
got to go
got to go
Jul 2014 · 863
pass the difference on
mark john junor Jul 2014
she laid her eyes on me like twin regrets
her face was full of the dark hours
full of graveyards of her truths once held so high
now she stumbles in the hasty shadows of
storms riding the coastal highway
in the company of men who had
seen brighter days of their own
they break off a piece of stale bread and pass on the difference
all with an eye to the gathering rain
all with an eye to the long road
i stood near to her
and we spoke a few words before fate could drag her off
her words were plain
but behind you could see the rich tapestry
of what could have been
a life wrenched from its true line
to follow the coastal highway
to follow the setting sun
they break stale bread and pass the difference on
Jul 2014 · 643
the pettyjean
mark john junor Jul 2014
her tender thoughts
meant to ease my mind
only obscured what was already hard to see
but her kindness was not lost on me
an angel of the mercy
she held back the night till i had passed the worst of it
held my hand with warmth till the break of day
we wintered there high above the treeline
in the deep snows of high mountain pass
and when spring came at long last
kept my word
rode her down to the pettyjean
saw her to safety

long months passed without a word
till one late summer day
high up on the mountain side came cross her
in a picturesque meadow sitting in splendor
like a portrait of perfections
like a sad goddess come to earthbound tears
didn't need to speak a word
gave her a safe place to be
held back the night till the worst of it had passed
wrapped her in golden and silver thread
held her hand with all the love and hope my heart could hold
for her tears burned my soul
and i could not bear to see them flowin
stayed there all that night
and deep into the hardest winter since '63

with small smiles running cross her sweet face
she thanked me for my kindness
bid me fare thee well once more
it had come to her in a dream
that this love of hers would return to her
hurt her no more and be hers forevermore
so into the deep snow i took her
back on down the mountainside to the pettyjean once again
watched as the boat carried her away
nobody to hold her hand through the worst of it
nobody to keep her safe in the darkest of night
just my hopes to guide her
just my unrequited loves to keep her golden

sittin here in the darkest of the night
with nothing but the wind to speak to
say all the things i could have should have said
explain the things in the way of knowin
what could have been
in this valley of silver and gold
came to me in a dream
that this should have been
and will be again in that wonderful place called someday
when we will laugh again
when the night passes and wake to smiling face once again
just as the dream slipped away i saw her
one last time coming up the pettyjean
bright with joys
happy once more
coming home
Jul 2014 · 476
mark john junor Jul 2014
i hunger for you
thirst for your skin against mine
ache for your lips
i want the darkness of your deep desires
i want the hot lusts in your hands on me
i can taste you
and it is driving me mad
you are intoxicating to me
i can feel your presence in my thoughts
feel you in the air
i am breathing you
you fill my senses with out of control hot desires
i want to be with next to in around you
you are the very center of me
you pull me apart and together
nothing makes sense when your not near
nothing else matters when your here
i see only you everything else is just darkness
you consume me like slow fire
a hot long slow burning in my soul
i lust for you
i hunger for you
i want you
and only you
Jul 2014 · 490
swim in her
mark john junor Jul 2014
two young lovers
spreading blanket neath the mysterious stars
lay side by side
stare up at the unfolding wonders
hand in hand
love expressed makes heartbeat faster
love expressed nourishes soul
live for that long kiss
when world melts away
when stars don't shine near as bright as she in your eyes
when your heart and life is on fire with
natural desires
there in on the edge of a sea of stars
sailing into joys you've waited a lifetime for
shes so good to you
dose things that set you afire
swim in the madness of her arms
tossing and turning wild ride
swim in the delights of her smile
tonight is all that matters
everything else is just a dream
Jul 2014 · 1.1k
quaker ridge road
mark john junor Jul 2014
ashes fell like snow
drifting down aimlessly
silently one landed in her hair
but her eyes were fixed on the fire
a great rushing crackling tortured sound
as the building burned
we could only stand and watch
can still feel its heat on my face

years pass
with the seasons laying a great drift
of leaves and tangle of vines on the ruins
sticking up out of the rough sea of dead debris
the twisted remains of a child's school desk
the frame of it jutting out of the snow
melting in the spring breeze
a muted shout of metal

the jungle gym overtaken by weeds
and the swings just a rusted frame
i clamber up the top to see the vista
but only gain another perplexing view of ashen earth

we walk down the broken path
to the small house
its broken window a haven for a thrush
and nestled in its brick doorway
a rusty clowns head
battered and leaning over
the grin lost in reddish decay

we sit in the room we love
in the small broken house
really no more than a child's playhouse
while the summer air gathers in close to us
thick and filled with heavy summer scents
the sun piercing the room like a hot razorblade

she wont look at me
only sits mumbling a song unrecognized
till the words slip clear of old nursery rhyme
i fear for her fragile sanity's
she unbuttons her shirt
sweat pours from her like spring rain
she finally looks at me
and with a vacant diabolical tone
tells me she wants to hurt me in ways
no-one else can

as dusk litters the field
we come to stand where we stood that night
come to relive once more our thoughts
and words
as we watched it burn
symbolically i place a small grey paper in her hair
for the ashes that fell like tears
symbolically she raises a single forlorn cry
asking that i save someone
but there is no one to be saved
we are a lifetime too late
symbolically we weep

the twisted iron
in the rubble rebuffs our desire for comfort
the leaden sky
denies our desire to close this terrible thing
leave it behind

as nights restless hand pushes us
back to the small house
she takes my hand
silently forgiving us both
for having only been children
when our world burned to the ground
Jul 2014 · 653
stealer and a wagon wheel
mark john junor Jul 2014
aware of the hard tangle
i decided id better be off just cutting losses
picked up what she had left of me
what the vultures hadn't picked clean
and walked into the forevermore
but it felt good to have nothing left to steal
nobody questions your deal

found myself a stranger in a strange land
and nothing but a humble song to guide
nothing but the smile to provide
learn yourself the difference real quick
tween what you got and the next friendly face
and how long the two last
gone like a sparkle in the sun
but it felt good to have nothing left to steal
nobody questions your deal

gonna write me a new song to sing
one that wont lead me into the darker thinkin
one that speaks to the real road ya gotta travel
one that has lovers with loves to share
and all thouse who care
cause the real treasure is the smile uncovered
in the hands of a soul who really wants to know your name
i got nothing left of the old me
but it feels good to have nothing left to steal
nobody gonna question my deal
Jul 2014 · 11.6k
emo-warrior princess
mark john junor Jul 2014
she has dangerous thoughts
in her hello kitty slippers
she shines when thouse around her can only sparkle
there are dark angels in her stuffed bear collection
shes a gothic stoner emo-warrior princess
she wants to be heard
and its dreamy things shes gonna say
shes sketched in beautiful ways in my heart
mark john junor Jul 2014
the long day done at long last
watching as the sun sails into night
watching as the street folds up its day faces
the ones of good cheer
peddlers of balloon cotton candy mysticals
the ones who have traveled to the far reaches
seen more than tongue can tell
the wanderers of the ancient and magical
listen as these deep souls speak
like a quiet song loud as the wind and sea
then listen to the young souls speak
with laughter and tears
deeper living to be done is what they sing
let us set aside the rights and wrongs
of what divided us
lets breath deep the gathering evening tide
and join them in believing and living
in the forgiving lovin sun
take off that anger you wear with such fear
mask that you hide behind
and lets fly in the stars
like the lovers of ancient world
with our very souls
Jul 2014 · 518
whiskey jar
mark john junor Jul 2014
he took another pull off the whiskey jar
and worrying his last coin tween his worn fingers
spoke real softly of the night she went
on down the river road
you could taste this muscled man restraining
you could sense how deep it cut
this brute of a man brought to tears
cause the night she went down on the river road

he was a man of the plow and field
lived for the taste of newly broken earth
and the feel of seed in the sun baked soil
lived for the green growing
just wanted a life with her natural an free
take no more than he used from the earth
and to spend his life giving his all
building a world for the two of em to live happy
till the night she went on down to the river road
now look at this poorboy
wracked to ruin
by the cruel truths

high up on the hill
neath a threadbare tree
he laid her to rest
six feet under
you could taste the once living soil
gone to corruption in the shovel
as he filled in the last soil he would ever touch
he went on himself walking real slow
to the river road
hoping that he could meet her fate
and join her in the great beyond
find him there today working the steamships
and metal rods for the harvests of steel
a sorrowful song on his lips
'tween pulls on the hard whiskey jar
for the night she went on down to the river road
Jul 2014 · 530
heads all cloudy
mark john junor Jul 2014
but theres so much noise in my head
telling me five different directions to run
real quick fore something catches up with
untangle the mind
to discover the narrow distance
tween whatcha thinking and how it feels
my heads all cloudy cause my hearts caught
in the backwash of somebody else's fearful fall from grace
catch her like a broken angel
only to watch her fly free and clear
while i slug it out in the mud of misunderstanding
just wanna get back to the drawing inside the lines
get back to where it all went according to plan
cause i'm foolish enough to have a plan to go wrong
she swings by my emotional wreckage
trying to lend a hand
guess thats part of the mad scheme
called love
Jul 2014 · 1.4k
mark john junor Jul 2014
and there in his hand
balloon of bright colors
not even rain will damp that smile
come on shine like a child's mind
all that darkness you feel is just state of mind
if anyone can smile in the rain you can
he is as free as happiness could be
in the living breathing dream of his balloon
no lonely dreamers in a child's eyes
all just strange wonderful stories in the
wondrous playhouse we call a world
come on shine like a child's mind
our toys will all too soon fade away
let us rejoice in our laughter
rejoice in eachothers dream
child at heart is who i am
lets go find you a balloon
so you can shine like a child's mind
Jul 2014 · 428
questing heart
mark john junor Jul 2014
two butterflys chase eachother
across the summer pond
they are small fragile pieces of light and color
but they are woven into the summer song
that plays in her heart
watch them float on the warm air
watch them spin and turn in the daises
and climb the hill like lovers to the shelter of
the grand oak and its secret shade
its a song that flows along the silent exchange of smiles
its a song that shines in the night
lets you remember what you've dreamt can be true
that you began as a orphan
but now your part of another persons tale
lets find out what wonderful magic
is waiting for you
lets see where such a lovely summer day
leads your young questing heart
home in her arms
Jul 2014 · 2.5k
just to keep warm
mark john junor Jul 2014
midnight wasn't a cure
for all that darkness following her
she could see the sun coming up someplace ahead
always see the cheap advertising long
before some idiot actually hits the switch

stepped on the gas but her feelings kept pace
with this four stroke joke of a machine
one stroke for each time it failed to get her away
from feeling it all over again
she would trade it in
but nobody is feeling sympathetic enough for
that kind of charity

so she will ride it out into the strange night
with some dude speaking french in the passenger seat
seems like hes saying something important
but who the **** knows
she flips him off and turns the radio up
nothing is forever

if she could just stick to the plan
dump the loser's and leeches
find her somebody who speaks the same language
as her crazy good for nothin heart
she could get up outa this
one horse town

go set up in some romantic beach house
and drink margarita's till the world ends
just stick to the plan kiddo
keeps telling herself
as she cozy's up to the french clown
for one last night
just to keep warm
nothing for keeps...right?
Jul 2014 · 555
jezebel rose
mark john junor Jul 2014
laying here in the dark of night
listening to my lovers soft breathin'
listening to her sweet dreams as they sweep her
in beauty's company through the
mystical and the magical
and i hold her tight to me
and think of how wonderful it is
to be a part of her magic
part of her world
to be part of her tender smiles
given so freely to each and everyone
like a kiss of a mystic rose

and as sleep sweeps me away
i know i will find her heart waiting for me
with a great laugh we will run
and play in the sweet visions of
such beautiful forever sunrises
like a homecoming
in her arms
sweetly dreamin of eachother
and i will know her as she will know me
body and soul
touching eachother like stars touching the sky
like homecoming
waking in her arms
to thouse beautiful eyes lovin me
Jul 2014 · 8.1k
devilishly shy
mark john junor Jul 2014
in her devilishly shy
is a wild
lips of crimson creams
eyes deep waters blue

candlelight breathes promise into her warmth
the way she holds me tells me shes mine
but moonlight dances with her beauty
without her night would seem so vain

evenings magic at her fingertips
and with its she paints such pretty pictures
dancefloor with a sea of stars
a beach with the gentle sea
meadows with summer sun
such pretty things
are just a happiness that she finds in rainstorms
are just a beauty of living that she finds in my arms
safe and warm
in her devilishly shy
she is a wild

lips of crimson creams just for me
skin willin' and soft neath my hand
and the way she holds me tells me she is mine
in her devilishly shy
i see the naughty girl smiling
and i want to take her right there
in a wild way
Jul 2014 · 6.4k
hippy (hypocrite)
mark john junor Jul 2014
faintly sinister smiles
twitch their way across her acrobat face
and as her rolling and tumbling expressions
make their way through all manner of devious delight
your hearts hungry eye fixes on her
come hither and lets make whoopee nasty girl dress
her favors are optional
and she will tease but never share
the ever present dangling carrot
like a perfume
fills the air with delights but its just air
shes a happiness monger
so its best if you don't displease
its always a bitter mote neath the plastic vibe
might as well be a rocky mountain monument
little miss twisted in a little patchwork dress
Jul 2014 · 1.1k
naked footprints
mark john junor Jul 2014
she lay in darkness
listening to some sad song
some careless young heart with a version
of some sweet old melody
she lay wrapped in my arms
lay wrapped in her wandering thoughts
i bring her herbal teas and a ashtray
but the grey ash already litters our perfect world
like stains of regret on a untainted heart

she leaves the towel on the tiles
along with her delicate footprints
leading to the window where she lingered
brushing her long straight burgundy hair
brushed a hundred times carefully
a hundred moments drinking her with my eyes
but to her she was
alone in the mirror of her eyes
alone in the rain of her dream

she made eggs and toast
left it neatly adorned on the
table overlooking tomorrow
picture perfections of lives she promises
one day we will someday live
when shes no longer afraid of her yesterdays
one day when her voice will no longer echo
all the fears and sadness
one day when the delicate footprints
lead to sunshine
instead of further into the darkness
into the brilliant sadness of night

she carved a driftwood boat
and set to sail upon the still waters
of her dreams
set into its lovingly crafted world
was a neat photograph of her alone in the rain
with footprints beating a trail back to my safer bathroom
but i'm not home anymore
i'm no-ones home anymore
i'm just a figurine gathering dust
an echo of her dreams

she will wake
to find me gone
she will just lay in silk sheets
and dream away the yesterdays
to the sounds of some careless young hearts song
set to a timeless melody
like a stolen kiss forgotten
like a smile unanswered
soft and filled with tears
Jul 2014 · 1.0k
ten sharp pencils
mark john junor Jul 2014
with tears for ink
soul for a page

whatever became of the days
when the words flowed
fast and furious like a
wildfire burning in the soul
pick up the pen
pen to page
its too soon after midnight
but little choice left to me
i must speak
must put pen to page
once came natural as breathing
it will come once again
like going home

with tears for ink
soul for a page
Jul 2014 · 1.7k
saltwater jewels
mark john junor Jul 2014
she lay wreathed only in sunlights warm glow
loose strands of her long red straight hair flowed
like bountiful silken ribbons
of silent beauty's fire

i brushed one strand from the
velvety skin of her shoulder
and there softly laid a single lingering kiss
tasting her elegant beauty with my lips
ever so quiet ever so soft
she murmured a lustful smile

she is that faster than light butterfly
spinning in the hot winds of timeless dreams
a dutchess of the grand
a pauper of the sublime
regal in her reflections

their sweeter wines succumbing to the autumn celebrations
the girls in silken white dress
the boys in trimmed black cuffs
they all stand back bowing heads in humble submission
when on the cusp of a light whim she wanders through
the gathered and waiting apostles of beauties delight

dutchess of the grand
pauper of the sublime
regal in all her reflections like a warm jewel
at the center of all things pretty
at the epicenter of all things envied
the precise defining of the better universe at her fingertips

the dream murmured was just the soft stirrings
of her restless soul as she dreamt that all could be hers
if she would only reach for my hand
take the chance
dutchess of grand
pauper of the sublime
she murmured a lustful smile
(As she woke, opening the saltwater jewels of her eyes said to me...)
final poem in the series
Jul 2014 · 832
tidal basin
mark john junor Jul 2014
in the wilderness
i sketch in the thick air with my words
painting grand towers and epic people riding against
the forever setting sun
grand lives with natural loves like sweet roses
loves so deep and true that they defy time itself
wondrous lives like fabled stories
ever dreamt never lived
lives that such willful and swift hearts dream of
that such timid dreamers may seek and find
only in fragment
only in hearts wish

but i wonder
should such be spoken
like treasured gift swimming in the golden rivers
of sunlight hill
such people cannot exist
such lives cannot be truly lived

so should words so diligently woven true to meaning
be spoken with such bravado
so like a drunkard bellowing in mystical theaters
so like a fool speaking so loudly of things he cannot conceive
so i must set aside my pen
and cease its speaking
for my heart breaks
for the lives i will never live
thank you everyone who liked this poem, it really really means ALOT to me to get that support
Jul 2014 · 629
thick and thin
mark john junor Jul 2014
up ontop of a milk crate
standing in a three am parking lot
serenading while
she sat on the curb smoking a rolled cig
laughing with a sparkle in her eye
later when the night sets us drifting
the quiet back streets
walking hand in hand
thick and thin
till the stars are washed away
till the beautiful summer days have faded away
this is our time so lets not waste it on words
step outa them jeans babe
show me some of thouse tender moves
show me that tattoo
and she just smiled and said
sure nuff
sure nuff
Jul 2014 · 1.7k
at sea
mark john junor Jul 2014
rain at sea
thunder soaks the hot air
with a suddenly clarity of light
and as the sound rolls off into vast distance
the waters of the sea change color
breeze becomes foretaste of wind
its strong heralding of approaching storm
makes a swift heart beat
makes the soul race in its desires
bend hand to line and sail
bend eye to breaking waters
never felt so alive
at sea
at sea
(dedicated to anthony 'tyrone' polite. may you find the peace you sought and rest easy longliner)
Jun 2014 · 715
elston gunn
mark john junor Jun 2014
old saint bob
whacks a hefty tune out on a beer barrel
full of noise and nuance
like a dammed version of samson
tearing down these city walls
and like a blessed version of delilah
walking in mystical light

saint bob has a penny opera vocal
on his thin mans frame
but all the pretty girls say he's got a  voice like sin
and the eyes of an angel
they are all a-flutter at his nearness
hes there just off shore if you look with care

old saint bob and elston gunn
had taken to the waves hoping
to be saltwater henchmen in such grand style
only to be shipwrecked in the strip malls
of suburbia with the catholic schoolgirls and
the paint by number sinners and saints

old saint bob and the charlatans of love and loathing
sit with a *** runner and swap sea stories
on the deck of an english privateer called penance
hoping to salvage the folly of their youth
but they have drank themselves to a fitful slumber
and the *** runner has fled with the gold

while all good sailors romance ladies of spain
old saint bob held out an old tin cup
and a hooligans song
by the sunbelt highway
one of the lover girls by his side
she so in love with his rough jester lost and lonely style
he will make it home someday
but he will only come if it can be
with a peg leg and a parrot on his shoulder
in grand style
Jun 2014 · 460
we lived our smiles
mark john junor Jun 2014
me and juilet went a walking
in the late day summer sun hand in hand
waving our hello's to neighbor and a few
we lived our smiles
and it did let our souls breath
breath it in deep breath in the worlds beauties
and her hand in mine felt so natural so real
just set the rising sun to the sea of my dreams
felt so natural so real

she lead me into the old town
to this little place where the old woman welcomes
you to her table an feed you a feast
sit and tell the worlds tale
and we lived her smile too
felt so natural so real
the hour grew late
and she passed us the keys to the worlds dream
so we went wanderin under a sea of stars
hand in hand with my true love
just so as they say we lived our smiles
set the rising sun to my sea of dreams

we walked all the way to the beach and back again
so my love lead me once more
this time to our safe harbor of our bed
and we lay entwined and deep with eachother
we lived our smiles once more
felt so natural so real
and just as i drifted to slumbers
i kissed each trinket and bauble woven in her hair
one for her one for me
we lived our smiles on a sea of dreams
so natural so real
Jun 2014 · 337
as one
mark john junor Jun 2014
i walked with you in the
knee high grass of such golden sunlights
in the quiet grip of such sweeping glories of day
brushing fingertips among the wild seed
brushing the quiet mind on the
magnificent rolling winds of daylights brief stay

and into my thoughts
the world did carve with gentlest touch
all these thoughts that i speak to you now
here by our cookfire under blazing starlight
here by our bed my dearest lover

because i have not the voice to sing
because i have no instrument upon which to play
i will let my words flow ungoverned
and floating on sweet summer breeze
like my heart when i look at you
like my soul when i see your loves unconstrained
like our world gathered as one
in the cup of my hand
drink of its beauty
drink now of its swift hot lusts
and we will lay as one
and we will lay as one
Jun 2014 · 324
wash away
mark john junor Jun 2014
as day is gently washed away
on the sounds of her voice whispered sweetly
the tangle of words slip quiet into the
slumber of my heart
waking the dreams always near
the true ones of loves under cloudless stars spinning
the beautiful thunder of hot passions tender kiss
the one where its just two lovers forevermore
waking my eyes to you
as day is gently washed away
Jun 2014 · 1.3k
a madwomans jig
mark john junor Jun 2014
illusions soil damp with summer rain
we are silence creeping softly
in halflight carrying a farthings worth of sugar
for his bitter tea and stale buttery breads
our stealth footprints leaning to the shadows trail us
the thick scents of tilled earth
and the fresher faster scent of rain
turn to whisper your hush-now's and stifle the laughter
tis serious things afoot in the majestic night

seed lain with casual grunts
by the farmers son come of age
till foolish boy reckons what hes done
but storm riding in and no time to dawdle
bread in the basket and skittles in the cookfire
whats to be done whats to be done
he sweeps his mistakes aside and plows onward
like his pappy would have done

illusions soil fertile
and fools will take to heart any tale
so we have come sneakin' and creepin'
to harvesting our due
in halflight carrying a farthings worth of sugar
for his bitter teas and stale buttery breads
feed the fools mind with all manner of delusion
and while we sit and sup in the heavenly scented field
the thick scents of tilled earth
and the fresher faster scent of rain
he will be singing and dancing a madwoman's jig
under a lunatic moon
Jun 2014 · 443
musclebound mind
mark john junor Jun 2014
rain day grey
all in the muscle of my head
flex it but the thoughts still there
running round an round in empty space
strong head weak heart
send my head on global tour round the block
sunbathing my moral compass
but it never tells me what i want to hear
that its ok to do all the fun stuff

rain day grey
and iv walked my muscle head all up and down
the reasons and rationalizations
and still cant wrap it round her face being so....
rain day grey
and my musclebound mind is workin' overtime
beating me up and runnin' me round
all this thinkin' done wore me out

hello...customer service...
id like a refund...this mind appears to be defective...
Jun 2014 · 509
so do i
mark john junor Jun 2014
the night has a secret heartbeat
and dont cha know it beats a little faster
when shes near
dont cha know skips a beat when she speaks
and so do I

she wraps the day in lace
and calls out bold for tea and crumpets
she she she she she
and so do I
Jun 2014 · 1.1k
daughters of pestilence
mark john junor Jun 2014
i was sleeping sweetly
till i heard strange sound
trumpets of some deadly thing approaching
a november cold wind in her eye
she walked a shadowy figurine on storm wracked road
as she walked slow and deliberate dressed all in black
she held a dozen bones of a bird that flew
she held a dozen bones of a man that ran
none escape her hand
not in noonday sun
or riding by the fog bound moon in the night
you can find her stirring pestilence on cookfire
along the river road
with the mother of all decay for company
she asked me in a frail voice
what is it that you see...what darkness binds me
i said all manner of beast crawls your pale skin
all manner of shadow calls your heart home
i said you are a walking open grave
she smiled and brushed cold finger on my lip
promise of a deep kiss
that made my very soul shudder
that made me howl in heart deep terrors
fled that dark dream with its tastes of death
fled here to noon day sun
long as i keep the sun overhead
maybe ill see her comin and run
(why is death always cast as a man?)
Jun 2014 · 501
mark john junor Jun 2014
im sitting here
staring down the past
waitin for it to flinch
waiting for something to give
waiting to hold her one more time
future keeps slipping away
but im just hanging on to her words she left
hanging on the cold september air
so who you gonna lay bets on
the past changing or me
sitting here in streetlight rain
sitting here in the small light of yesterdays smile
while tommorows slips away
while all my tommorows slip away
Jun 2014 · 337
great poets
mark john junor Jun 2014
one of the masters could have captured this for you
one of the great poets could have spoken to you
with such moving beauty
as to stir your soul
could have painted her sweet dignity
could have brought her soft smile home to you
and laid it gentle restless on your romantic heart
swept aside all but the truth to the sunlight
dancing on the fingertip of a blade of grass
watch it dance like sparkling stars come
magnificently to play in the midday meadow
watch the wind romance the trees
and dance laughing in her hair
as you are soul searching in her cool water mind

one of the great wordsmiths would have left you
sitting here with her hand in yours
feeling that kind warmth that leaves you feeling so alive
feeling the beauty of the forever moment in her sweet eyes
yes one of the great poets would leave you dancing
on cobblestone street at midnights majestic hour
with the laughing sinners and saints
back before such definitions divided
we were all just happy clowns
dancing and smiling for the sake of dancing and smiling
and so don't fear this
i am not one of the greats but i can spin a word or two
and i just want to see you happy once again
i will take you there
in my soft fashion
because i never seen you so happy
and that means more to me than mere words can say
Jun 2014 · 3.7k
driftwood throne
mark john junor Jun 2014
she sat on a driftwood throne
at her feet lay the ruins of a stone man
her hair a wild world of winds draws you into her hurricane eyes
her lip a forest of meanings tender and soft
a single loose tear like a wild horse run free
she sat on a driftwood throne in all her glory
sun and salt water cadence to the living breathing dream
song of existence untainted

and now another song intrudes
one of loves lionhearted and bold
seafarer's son come of age
come seeking courtship of her soft hand
to be bound in the silken desire's both hot and sweet
and the dark ones such shy girl dare not speak

he brushes away the sand from her soft thigh
and within his mind romances such sweet
tender spot with a reign of kisses
but just then she arose graceful like the soft beatings of dove's wing
and emerging from the veil of his minds fanciful dreams
she laid before him her sandpaper eyes
so intense that summer sounds
like children at play and such soothing tones
could not hide her behind
he withdraws still no more than a child in her eyes
she desires a stronger, a true love
one that is not a fleeting fancy dream
one of a man who can speak his heart

the sand had invaded her driftwood throne
so into the dusk she sauntered slowly
with graceful flow
trailing his eyes behind her like glories of wishes
like worshiping doves
for such beauties perfection
he will return some day a man
once he has learned
Jun 2014 · 1.1k
hoop dreamer
mark john junor Jun 2014
i dreamt of the carnivals caravan
dreamt of the wild rose who dwelt there
enchanter of strange spells under
the quick moon flying in clouds high up
beyond fingertips reach
enchanter of rich tapestry within moonlight
of compassion's gentlest light
her sweet smiles embraces all

the caravan laid up roadside for the night
and she spread out her blanket
with her hoops she would spin the stars upon
with her hoops she would spin her magic and song
she picked a bead from her woven hair
and set it like a jewel in the center of my world
and with gentlest grin
did ask if i wished to be lost or found
knowing not which to be i let her choose
and wrapping the hoops round her
she spun the song of seasons feast
she wove the tale from fabric of starlight and roses

in the morning light
i awoke to the last carriage of the caravan
cresting distant hill like a the last piece of dream fading
i had been set loose like a strange ship on a strange sea
to find my destiny in the wild western lands
where a dark dusky angel would
take me into her song
where i would find a ship to set sail
for the lost edens tale
Jun 2014 · 782
mark john junor Jun 2014
come to stand center stage
white garish paint on thin hand
thin black mask for a face
he stands in the fading light
dusty serene silences surround him
with deep words paused on his wooden lips
speak now oh devilish masked man in this passion play
speak to the fathers plots and treason's
folly is his candy
trickster lover saint

fathers and other clowns
pour over the construction blueprints of
better living through chemicals
while the girl in the passion play sneaks out the window
to find her song in the silence of pantomime
find her pretty face masked in feathers
so lovely she awaits her lover beneath painted moon

harlequin and the servant slap with a stick comedy
and silently chased by the policeman
run amok on the worlds stage
come children of all ages see the show
silly and sad
fun and adventure
as harlequin and his lover
regale you with the tale
tricking father and the clown to sad defeats
harlequin, harlequin where for art thou harlequin
here you fool slapping the cow on the moon with my stylish stick
folly is his candy
trickster lover saint
its not misspelled, its a type of theater
Jun 2014 · 474
the loose strand
mark john junor Jun 2014
the wind embraces her
and sends her embroidered hair
to streaming like wild creatures dancing on spring breeze
she runs her fingertips along my cheek
and with the measured and carefully tender kiss of her smile
she releases me to wander the sunlight
and seek the turns of phrase
seek the true words that entice the day
to its beautiful paths
she leans over to show
and with such seductive pose
she is like a winterbird
warmth wrapped in brilliant plumage

winterbird perched on summer shore
brilliance feather and song so sweet
her voice is like spring come to the soul's heart
warm flow of such tender thought
that even the darkest must surely embrace with joys
winterbird with her embroidery hair loose
to catch sparkles of sunlight on the beads
to catch the beauty of springs day
winterbird come to sing in dreams
some song to devilish delight dance in wild freedoms
by enchanters firelight

winterbird how would you unlock me
with simple gestures you open the heart
with the ease of magics hand you unearth edens gates
and with simple pure girlish giggles
run dancing across timeless meadowland
she is eden breathing
she the the quiet magic that the world spins upon
like a ring of earthy fires in dreamscapes tale
Jun 2014 · 318
sea song
mark john junor Jun 2014
a storm rode up slow
on the sea's horizon
filling our senses with its wild winds
we rode the night out passing bottle of crisp wine
by candlelight while the sea rocked us
like children in the cradle
but our laughter and words were
so alive with our long roads
so rich with our full years

morning found us taking on water
so we turned to make haste
some near uncharted islands haven
and we beached her on untainted sands
with its stretch of palms and gentle *****
as he worked to mend sail and patch the hull
we walked far up the shore and found secluded spot
and i lay there with you
drinking in your taste and body
feasting with you on the sweetbreads of our love
till we were full and were left with only soft smiles

we sailed once again as dawn overtook the sky
sound once more and making good time
with a beautiful salt breeze in our sail
beating to windward
with a loving song to our hearts
these the days that my heart will cherish
these are the living dreams that
my worlds foundations are built upon
i knew i would marry you
you knew i would always be yours
from this day till time cease
this contains a few sailing terms...we both love the sea
Jun 2014 · 1.1k
her afterglows
mark john junor Jun 2014
there are echoes of christmas chimes
in the midsummer dreamscape she has
woven on our bedsheets with
her photographs and pencil sketches

there is much to be done and little time to keep
she gently sweeps away such frail notions
and with sparkling wonders
shining in her eyes she unwraps the day
with her girlish laughter's and warm joys

there are christmas chimes in the beautiful light of her eyes
i am there in her afterglows and tender kisses
im there to kiss the bells in her dreadlocks
as stillness once more settles like a ****** snow
soft and silent gently while we slept

im there in her afterglows
with english schoolboys charms
to dazzle and delight
because i live for her smile
because i live for her joys
Jun 2014 · 411
of her pretty thoughts
mark john junor Jun 2014
the old man pushes his lens
into the soft salt of her thoughts
trying to decipher the meanings of whispered cries
trying to divine the truth to the tale
he peered at the living moving thoughts
as they spun and danced just out of reach
just out of perceptions touch

teasing and laughing at his fumblings and grasping
the lead him on blind to his destinations
they lead him on of their own accord
you could just see him in a rapture of her lights
stumbling down dark road
walking like the sleeping innocence into the wilderness
into places only she would know
the old man muttered curses for the elusive dream
muttered wishes to see the truth of the daylight dream

he sipped from the dusty jug
and wiped a trembling hand across sunburned lip
still his gaze locked on the pretty lights
locked on the enticing thought
follow me my sweet i will give you loves and comforts
follow me my lover i will lead you to safe warm heavens
locked in the twisting turning spinning song
of her bright lovely thoughts
you can find him sitting in desolate wilderness
staring into a thimble of bright light
with a grin of rapture on his withered face
with a death grip on the glowing promise of joy
of her pretty thoughts
Jun 2014 · 641
words to obscure
mark john junor Jun 2014
if you were here
would you see me the same as you see me in my words
would your lovely soft lips recite with such
feeling the words you say
if you were here at my side
the crisp sun reveals more than just
picturesque lake and the perfections of paradise
how would you see me if you were
as naked before me as i am to you now
i am crying inside a river of hurt that seems to have no end
how would you see me if you were here by my side
i would see you as beauties soft hand
come to ease and hand to hold
this river is a teasing of darkness
come to shadow my door
it will pass
will you still be here with you soft words
how would you see me
if you stood before me with none of the words to obscure
Jun 2014 · 490
so i may be your dawn
mark john junor Jun 2014
tell me it was all a dream
tell me the beautiful wishing doesn't have to end
that a thousand years of golden kisses and
a universe of given completely to just being wrapped in your arms
tell me that the natural chaos of wrestling you in the pillows
surrounded by desires trance can go on forever
tell me that the spark like a fiery hunger in you
will be there to ignite me
i urge myself to my destination
to wake lightly in the salvation of your love
to wake lightly in the predawn and find you sleeping still
so i may kiss you awake
so i may be your dawn
as you have been mine
Jun 2014 · 857
harlot of pen and page
mark john junor Jun 2014
walkin slow in the heat an haze
our words got beyond our intents
she said i was a harlot of pen and page
living for that breathless moment
when reader extinguishes the last syllable of your passions flame
living for that deep in night romance only words on paper can explain
when the cool hand of your thought breaths life into cold furnace of her *****
for that brief moment when you and distant reader connect hearts
she left me standing under
florida highway underpass in a steady slow rain
reading the rumors of poems written in spraypaint
written in shades of dire loves
written with a destiny of fading
like ink on a rain soaked page
hey whats up with the limits on how many collections you can post to??
mark john junor Jun 2014
she forgives the notion
that her photographs are images
to her they are epic tales
to her they are living creatures with lives of their own
they speak to her
worlds full of life and motion
they jump up and get personal with you
still life breathing in motion implied
a girl with dreadlocks moving against the
trees in background
you can sense her laughter
you can feel the warmth of the sunshine
taste her sweat and perfume
epic tales to be told silently to your eyes
beautiful thoughts captured still life
growing in the heart
taste of her dreadlock beauty's hand
(we have co-authored a book of poems and is currently sitting on an editors desk...has been for four months)
Jun 2014 · 556
motel mirror
mark john junor Jun 2014
truths triage could not spare him as he was
trying to look angelic on a boatload of sinners
hes chained to his uttered story despite its flaws
he wrote it with the ink of despairs wisdom
despite knowing despair will lie to you as often as its dark brother fear
he carved his fate in the slippery wet stone of his pasts deeds
and theres no escaping the truth in that mirrors face
three am in a ***** motel room
the greasy light reveals the man within
unleashes the beast
and mourns all that could have been

(((thirty six dutch girls holding hands
walk in the shadows....
thirty six dutch girls
smooth to the makeup perfection on arrival
laughing and giving peck on the cheek hello's
the crowd into the booths at the back
a noisy forest of chatter and purses clutter
thirty six slender dutch girls
powdered and perfumed
come to build a romance of the mind
every single one of them dreams vividly of
real love and wanting something better than this emptiness
this is no way to live)))

bent tens ways to sunday but never really broken
he keeps on keeping on pounding flesh to footpath
hoping to escape reason with muttered excuses
hoping to beat the dawn keep the night alive for
just one more whimsical delight
he writes his fate indelible while lying to no-one
that its just a phase he's going through
****** his chained hands at the obscured waters
but once you start down the trail of tears
only the truth will set your sight free
four am in the motel parking lot
and the birds herald a coming dawn
this is no way to live
Jun 2014 · 607
heartbeats and whispers
mark john junor Jun 2014
sultry breeze stirs
lifts the soft curtain of night
and shows in deliciously warm light
the curves and subtle lines of my lover
her breathing one of dreams
like the sea slow soft wet warm
nestle in closer to the tangle of hair
wrapped round like fingers
her lip moves ever so
driving me onward the deeper road
the taste of the cradled moment of her eyes in mine
the tapestry of her words weaving strange
and the wonders of the approaching night
like a road
like a path of dreams
heartbeats and whispers
my love
sleeps sweetly
while i wait for the rain
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