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Özcan Sh Aug 2018
It may be that i am just an empty book
But i am ready to write your love
On my blank pages.
Özcan Sh Mar 2019
I never believed in magic
Until she held my world
In her tender hands.
Özcan Sh Jun 2018
The ink is pitch black
And the fountain pen was white
Summoned a poem.
A little haiku 5-7-5 poem :)
Özcan Sh May 2018
I saw a baby today
The baby looked at me
His eyes shine like diamonds
His skin was sweet as chocolate
And his cute litte smile taught me
How the love in this world feels.
I love when babys smile and laugh ☺️
Özcan Sh Jun 2018
I saw her on a bench
She held a book in her arms
And a pen in her hand
She brandish her pen like the waves on a sea
The ink from the pen was blue as the sky
When her pen touches the paper
Her eyes begin to shine like stars
She loves poetry
Treated the words like jewerly
When she look deep into my eyes
I felt that she wrote a poem
Deep inside my heart.
Özcan Sh Jul 2018
I take their hands
Pull them out of the darker forest
Because I love them all

I saw their happy faces
But not the knife they hid behind their backs
They stabbed me
I fell on the cold ground
They left me alone in the dark forest

I came alone in the dark forest
And I will go out alone out of the dark forest
The pain they gave didn't stop me to go
They just make me stronger

The forest does not scare me
Their fake smile,
Their fake feelings,
Their fake faces scared me
But I'm not scared anymore
Because I have finally seen behind their masks
Their true identity.
Özcan Sh May 2018
I close my eyes
she closes her eyes
we hug each other in the rain
and let our hearts dance in the rain
Özcan Sh Jul 2018
Flame in my heart
Air in my chest
Your water drips on me
I turned to ash
But did not stop glowing
Because my flame
Will come back again.
Özcan Sh Aug 2018
She was beautiful as the snow
Danced through the clouds
And beautify the world
With her wise words

I was thrown in the dark
She found me in the night
I became myself again
She blows my mind

She taught me
How to love
But she did not know
How the love feels

Her chest was empty
I broke half of my heart
Put it in her chest
So that she can feel
What love really is

Her eyes start to spark
Our hearts begins to race
I want you in my arms
Because I love you my dear.
Özcan Sh Mar 2018
I will wait until you are with me,
without you my heart can not beat because you are the one who makes my heart beat again.
Özcan Sh May 2019
I wish
her scars were on my heart
and not on her arms.
Özcan Sh Dec 2018
I wish it would rain forever
When you are standing
Under my umbrella
My heart starts to beat faster
Your eyes begin to shine
When you stand on your toes
To touch my lips I would kiss you
Until the sun rises.
Özcan Sh Apr 2019
Never forget
Who has always held
A umbrella for you.
Özcan Sh Jul 2018
The pen becomes lighter
The ink gets darker
I fly through the paper
Just let me write
To enjoy my flight.
Özcan Sh Mar 2019
It was the last moment
That I saw her smile
I couldn’t say goodbye

Now she is gone
But I didn’t let her go
From my heart.
Özcan Sh Sep 2018
A song played on the radio
She cried softly

I saw her tears
Fell from her eyes
Down to her cheeks

I collected her broke heart parts
Glued them together with love
Pulled her in my arms
Whispererd in her ear

Do not cry my little girl
Let me change your bad memory
Into a beautiful one.
Özcan Sh Jun 2018
Let me free you
From your inner prison
Full of sadness
Özcan Sh Jun 2018
Every one of your lies
My trust in you dies
Brought a tear out of my eye
Thought you were a friend for life
You were just a stranger for the whole time.
Özcan Sh Jul 2018
Makes the heart cry
Trust begins to die
Like a knife that cuts deeper
And slower inside
Özcan Sh Jun 2018
His heart is
Like an old piano
He waits under the dust
Quiet, lonely and shy
Until she plays him
And makes his strings vibrate.
Özcan Sh Jun 2018
He was a little fighter
Blood flowed down from his head
Sweat keeps his whole body warm
But after every hard fight
His heart starts to cry.
Özcan Sh May 2018
I saw how the world gets more colorful
Fallen bombs turn into colorful butterflies
Weapons shoot flowers instead of bullets
Hear how the birds start to sing
Children started to play outside
And I feel the feeling that everyone needs
Love, fun, trust and peace
Unfortunately it was all just a dream
I do not want to be woken up
I just want to continue living in the dream
But it was all just a dream.
Özcan Sh May 2018
They loved each other
Then hated each other
Still the hearts beat for each other
But in the end they will miss each other.
Özcan Sh Oct 2018
From many miles
I saw her sad smile
And tear in her eye

Shone alone in the night
Changed her shape everyday
and went home alone again

Nobody was in the sky
She was very shy
and cried silently

I fell in love with her
I release a sky lantern
To make her smile again

Stars rose in the sky
Her eyes shone with joy

She was not alone anymore
Made the night more beautiful than ever

Even if I never met her in my life
I will still love her from a distance.
Özcan Sh Jun 2018
My heart is like my pen
Everyone takes them in hand
Some throw it in the trashcan
Or use it until it can not write anymore
But she refilled my pen every time
Because she loves to write with my pen
And I feel her ink flowing through my pen
But there was no ink in my pen
It was her love that brought my pen back to writing.
Özcan Sh May 2018
Love unites two warm hearts
But love can do more than just that
It can shoot a heart and
Make someone´s heart to bleed.
Özcan Sh Mar 2018
Why do I have those feelings in me?
A feeling that I have never felt
A feeling of sadness and being alone
If I miss her more and more
The weaker I feel

She feels the same as me but we know
That we are always in touch
With our hearts
No matter if we are miles
Away or come from other worlds
But we know one that our love
Will reduce the distance between us and
Unite us.
Özcan Sh Apr 2018
Life is like a magic cube
Think, try and turn
It takes a lot of time to solve a puzzle
But by every attempt we make
Let us take a step closer to our goals.
Özcan Sh Aug 2018
I let them to hold my heart
I didn´t see their masked faces
I thought they keept it save
From my inner pain
But they break it
In many pieces.
Özcan Sh Jun 2018
I hear you cry
After many miles
I will wipe your tears
And make you smile.
Özcan Sh Nov 2018
She was
So quiet
So lonely
So beautiful

She loved to dance
Between the stars
Her bright smile
Lighted up the night

Her wonderful eyes
Broke the lock in my heart

I stayed in her moonlight and
I felt love for the first time.

What a unforgettable night.
Özcan Sh Jul 2018
They have different shapes
They were all different
But still they were beautiful
They dance with the stars in the sky
And bring the lonely night
With their moonshine to life.
Özcan Sh Sep 2018
We drove through the night
Parked the car next to a street light
Saw how the stars began to spark

The moon shone all night
Her eyes shot an arrow into my heart
My breath became heavier
Her cheeks became redder

We kissed under the moonlight
And let our love glow
Like a shooting star.
Özcan Sh Oct 2018
Maybe I can not fix your broken heart,
But I can turn it into a beautiful mosaic art.
Özcan Sh Apr 2018
When you feel sad
I embrace you

If you hurt yourself
I heal your wounds

If you feel sick
I take care of you

if you fell in a thousand pieces
I collect your pieces


Because it is my duty to make the love of my life happy.
Özcan Sh Jun 2018
My heart hurts
It was ripped in pieces
And thrown into the clouds
When it starts to rain
My tears fall on the cold ground
No one pays attention to the tears
No one feels that the rain is crying
They just open their umbrella
And walk without care through the sad rain.
Özcan Sh Jun 2018
When I first held you in my hands,
you were very tiny
I gave you a house where you can grow up
The sun gave you more and more power
So much that you have always been thirsty
That I often had to call the rain for you
Every day you become taller and more beautiful with your blossoms
And now you take care of me with your tasty fruits
Thank you,
My little cherry tree.
Özcan Sh Jun 2018
She was on the sea
A sea full of her tears
She thought she was alone on the boat
She thought she was helpless
She thought she has nobody in her life
Until she saw my paddles on her boat.
Özcan Sh Sep 2018
The heart that you know
Was a light source for you
It lighted up your way
Protected you from wild animals
And let you feel safe by his light
Even you Damaged his heart
He never let you in the dark.
Özcan Sh Mar 2018
I love to drive in the night

And beautiful

But I love to look at the stars while driving Because the bright stars remind me of your Wonderful eyes
Özcan Sh Jun 2018
Many poems awaken inside me
So many that I only see words in front of me
It feels like my life is a notebook
Sounds I hear
Pictures that I see
And feelings that I feel
Turned into a poem in that notebook.
Özcan Sh Apr 2018
The eyes close
Heart opens
Feelings come up
The pen is moving
The notebook will come alive
Özcan Sh Mar 2018
Life is like a boat on a Ocean,
Big waves and thunderstorms
Rise in front of you, but after
The waves and Stroms
The ocean is calm and beautiful.
Özcan Sh Jun 2018
Oh loneliness
You come and go
You never forget me
Your presence weakens me
But the time has come to leave me
They never let me down
They always lift me up
They know who i am
They never let me stay
Alone in a room with you
Özcan Sh May 2018
Only by a smile
Can you see the colorless world
Again in bright colors.
Özcan Sh Apr 2018
The sun goes down
The moon is rising
It's getting dark
And the stars start to spark
But by our love
Our hearts begin to
Spark like the stars
The eyes begin to
Look like the moon
When we hold each other in the arms
Our hearts will be the brightest star
And we make the night to our night.
Özcan Sh Mar 2018
You write a message
The message has arrived
It made me cry
A message that reached my heart

I did not give up and kept writing
You did not give up and keep writing

I know that you are alone and I do not want you to be alone but we will unite in our reality and I will try the best to make you the happiest person

No one can put a wall between love, love is the strongest connection that can not be separated.
Özcan Sh Apr 2018
Every piano key she presses I feel what she feels
She created a song through the black and white keys
A song that makes two hearts beat faster
And on her music sheets are not just music notes
These notes are our love.
Özcan Sh Aug 2018
The pain
It’s stinging  me
And forces me to sing with him
But when i saw their smile
I feel alive again.
Özcan Sh Mar 2018
What makes a pen so special?
Because of her font?
Because of her look?


A pen is special because it shows what you feel in the heart
He transforms the writer's feelings into words
#feelings #poem #pen #font #heart #look
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