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Apr 2015 · 3.7k
Porcelain Doll
A Watoot Apr 2015
Dragged in the corner of the room
My porcelain face started to crack
But I was made with eyes that cannot cry

I was given to you as a present
I was a sign of prestige for young girls
But I was put behind the wardrobe

I understand my looks gave you creeps
But my smile was genuine
Yet my stare was far off from this world

I wasn't given a life, only pretty colors
Etched on my skin were features of a human girl
On porcelain skin, I cannot show emotions
I have a victorian porcelain doll hidden behind my closet.  It kinda creep me out so i placed it behind my wardrobe.  I wonder if this is her life.
Apr 2015 · 1.5k
A Watoot Apr 2015
A howl of the wolf in this eerie night
Reminds me that I'm not alone in my wood cabin;
Yet I lay myself on the cold wooden floor
While salty liquids drop from my eye.

It roll down to my lips and I taste the bitterness.
I'm in my nightgown waiting for my heart to fix itself;
Yet it waits for you to come as the moon wans over again.
Apr 2015 · 791
A Watoot Apr 2015
It's pretty simple actually.
Make love to me like you don't know what tomorrow is;
Like a hungry animal craving for flesh.
Worship me like I'm providing you air for breathing.
Love me like I'm the best person in the world;
Like I'm the perfect person.
Make me feel that I'm special.
Even if I'm the ******* person in the world,
Make me feel like I'm a special kind of ****.
Give me the love that I deserve.

*Treat me like a queen;
A queen that loves you, she bows down to her slave.
It's as simple as that.
Apr 2015 · 3.6k
A Watoot Apr 2015
Sand on my hair,
Salt in my ears,
Fish on my toe.
I grabbed a handful of sand
and tossed it in the sea.
A ripple formed.
The hardened sand scattered into the sea;
tiny little grains;
And I remembered why I did not choose you.
It's because you never really loved me.
ah.weird memories. no ache.  plain numb.
Mar 2015 · 2.1k
A Watoot Mar 2015
A statue of beauty
Slowly being unveiled
By the artist so proud of his work.
Only to see that
Its clay arms melted
Along with his dreams.
Too bad people cannot see beauty in imperfection.
Mar 2015 · 1.7k
Match 10w
A Watoot Mar 2015
threads and needles;
hook and eye;
you and me.
Mar 2015 · 1.1k
A Watoot Mar 2015
Nobody saw my flame; **and you will be consumed next.
Try turning the tables.  Remember, I can turn your chair upside down with you hanging on the ceiling.
Mar 2015 · 1.3k
A Watoot Mar 2015
He's a world reknown pianist and
She's a respected ballerina;
Another one's a famous artist.
Everyone wanted a picture. An autograph.

A simple teenager turned into a super model and
A hunk in the beach; girls flock him.
Another one's singing in the comfort of her home.  
She turned into an internet sensation.
Everybody wants to be like them.
No.  Everyone wants to be them.

And here I am, passing by the familiar streets.
And here I am, listening to my own thoughts.
And here I am, a girl unnoticed.
*Here I am, just another face in the crowd.
Mar 2015 · 1.1k
Fall in Love Again and Again
A Watoot Mar 2015
And when your shell shatters into shards of grainy pieces in front of him and he accepts you for who you are, learn how to be a keeper.

When you fall, fall hard.  Don't be afraid when you fall.  

I fell hard.  Lips first- on top of his lips.  He got me by my waist and shifted my weight to his body.  

Fall in love and then fall in love with that same person over again. It is a cycle that should never end.

*And believe me, you will see beauty.
Mar 2015 · 2.0k
A Letter 10w
A Watoot Mar 2015
Sometimes, it is so good to write an unsent letter.
I do this all the time just to create a release.  I have lots of unsent letters and I'm glad I never sent those things to people.  I've never been better.
Mar 2015 · 2.4k
Escape Me Not
A Watoot Mar 2015
Why do you want to forget
All the things that you've done wrong
Why do you make things complicated?

In a night full of splendors,
An eclipse? A change of heart?
Never forget the things you've done.
Never escape from what you've gone thru.
You can never truly run away from reality.
You can never escape me.
all i have in me is all you have in you. you can never run away from me
Mar 2015 · 6.3k
Forget Me Not 10w
A Watoot Mar 2015
I'm OK.  I'm fine. She whispered as she cried tonight.
im ok im fine.
Mar 2015 · 667
So It Begins
A Watoot Mar 2015
I'm as weak as a category 5 typhoon
I constantly need help
A fury so soft, everyone looked up
to see the intense gentleness

I'm as weak as a magnitude 9 on the Richter scale
The graphs wild with every seismic movement
That gently rocks everyone to permanent sleep
with a gentle lullaby that soothes your nerves

And I'm as strong as a feather
That tickles your innards and brain
To cry and laugh without fail
and make you stop breathing with a smile
wala lang.
Mar 2015 · 3.9k
Taste of Sparkles
A Watoot Mar 2015
The taste of your tongue lingers on me
A taste of honey encrusted in gold
It shines and sparkles even in the dead of the night
Our muffled voices echo in these four walls

The room smelled of animal musk
A mix of heaven and sugar combined
Your taste supressed the heavenly bodies' light
and gave me light brighter than Sun.
Mar 2015 · 426
is this what it is
A Watoot Mar 2015
is this whats its all about
pushing things in your brain
that really don't make sense

is this whats its all about
doing things to please everyone
that you don't really want

is this whats its all about
the grades, the money, the medal
which doesn't really make you any better than anyone else
Mar 2015 · 1.6k
Silent Calluses
A Watoot Mar 2015
Tonight, once again,  
I'm left in the corner, broken.
Tonight is yet another night

But I refuse to leave.

Tonight is full of excuses.
Once again, my heart's so used to, it grew calluses.
Tonight is yet another night

But I refuse to leave.
Mar 2015 · 8.6k
Aida 2.0
A Watoot Mar 2015
Aida, Aida, I'm not yet done.
Have you heard that I do not run?
I never ran away from my fears.
For you, I will never shed a tear.

Aida, Aida, did I get your attention?
She was lying to get your appreciation.
I never imagined you'd never figure out
A lie that screamed "I'm a lie!" out loud.

Aida, Aida, can you hear me now?
When you leave, I won't give a bow.
Unlike Boo who treated us well,
Even if he just smiled, that's all I can tell.

Aida, Aida, do you not understand?
You can't tell us where we should land.
Give us the freedom to explore our path,
for you to earn our respect, not wrath.

Aida, Aida, I'm no hater of yours.
I understand where you're coming, my words aren't forced.
You want us to reach the stars instantly.
But it doesn't work like that. No. Not that quickly.

Aida, why do you look down at us?
Aida, why do you think we're nothing?
Aida, I will never let this pass.
Aida, I won't let this keep on happening.
I just needed to vent now that I know the truth. I needed to let the world know that you are a ******* *******.  I wanted to shout that you are unfair.  Why do you look down at us?  Why do you treat the others well?  Why are you so unfair?
Mar 2015 · 8.2k
My Cup of Coffee
A Watoot Mar 2015
ph5 acidic

ph6.7 slightly acidic

*I do not sugar coat boldness.
A piece of me.
Mar 2015 · 804
Help Yourself 10w
A Watoot Mar 2015
Please don't let yourself drown in the ocean of lies.
Late night thoughts.
Mar 2015 · 831
A Watoot Mar 2015
So you tell us we do not amount to anything,
and scream in our brains that we are nothing.
But before you speak, have you seen,
The efforts we have been exerting.

Aida, before you tell us anything,
Please know what you are saying.
Have you seen the efforts we made outside these walls,
and all the things we've been through, we won't fall.

Aida, please listen, I know you're busy,
If you dig deeper, you'll smell something fishy.
We did this because you provoked us all
In order to accomplish, we must throw the ball.

Aida, do you know the story of our humble beginnings?
If not, you don't have the right to treat us like you're the one who's winning.
You are not one of us, Aida.
You will never be like us.
People will see all your flaws.  They will never really focus on what you do right.  It's always forgotten.  It will always be.
When you lose, they will never care about you.
And when you win, they share your glory.
Mar 2015 · 1.1k
Insensitive (10w)
A Watoot Mar 2015
In my anger,
heart is heavy,
you laughed at me.
You're a dense ******.
Mar 2015 · 5.1k
Self Love
A Watoot Mar 2015
She turns off the lights,
lights a scented candle- lavender, her favorite.
She lays her tired body
and surrenders to the needs of her inner self.
She knows she's empowered.
She knows herself.
She knows what she wants.

Her petals wet with her desires.
She reaches inwards as deep as the night.

Her body quivers while she lets out soft moans
until she can take it no more; but she knows what she wants.
She never stopped reaching for the glory of self love.

Her moans grow louder.
Her state of mind in disarray.

An earthquake.
A huge internal earthquake.


Pulse.  Pulse.  Pul­se.

She knows what she wants.
She breathes in deep and smiles.
Another take on sensual.
Mar 2015 · 1.3k
I'm Not Even Envious
A Watoot Mar 2015
She's beautiful
She's cunning
She's bubbly.
She's like a Victorian figurine in the glass shelf of menagerie.
She works her way up
by telling the right words
at the right time.
She's impossibly perfect in every way.
I see her.
I can see her.
I'm not envious.

Because I saw her lie and steal in the presence of her perfection.
This is for the person who I should always keep my eyes on.  
She has been lying and stealing since day one.
Mar 2015 · 1.7k
Your kiss (n.)
A Watoot Mar 2015
A kiss that ***** the life source out of me.
That kiss on the staircase.   I'll never forget that.
Mar 2015 · 874
A Watoot Mar 2015
His lips traces her every line
Their breaths are all they hear
She raises a glass of wine
He sees a glass so clear

Creased sheets of the mattress
in the hot summer of May
A moment of their unrest
As the sun sets by the bay

Their breaths grew quicker
As they reached the dawn of the night
Their muscles clenched tighter
A release of spring- without a fight
I wrote this in a boring afternoon class.  My first attempt in sensuality.
Mar 2015 · 438
Never Forget
A Watoot Mar 2015
I never got tired of reminding
Like how the wind never stopped howling
In the great, wild typhoon of the century
I never stopped my sadness, I'm sorry

I shut my mouth and hide my emotions
For you to be satisfied but I cannot stop the commotions
You turn me upside down with one word like the wind
But I never stopped reminding you,
sorry for I have sinned

A sin you so hate that you completely shut me off
I now stand still in my shanty I call my loft
And when the wind passed by again, I swear I'll stand still
That you will never again shut me off at your own will

At this moment, you forgot how to treat me well
This, I make you remember, how I should tell?
Remember how you pleaded and begged for me to stay
I did and no one, even myself got in my way

*You forgot how to kiss me
I dont know if what I am doing is right
Feb 2015 · 351
A Watoot Feb 2015
I love because I can.
You take
and take until
What's left of me is a shrunken heart;
But it will never
Ever stop beating.
Even if you make me feel like

I see your sacrifices.
Yes, I do.
But think of me, too.
I'm an emotional machine that keeps on swimming in an ocean of dense *******' fish.
Feb 2015 · 1.3k
A Watoot Feb 2015
I've been counting days by the second
Since February seven
I hope you'll come
Wish you'd listen to me talk
While you breathed through my skin
I'm waiting
I'm sacrificing everything
I'm learning so much
It's just a bit
Getting bigger every day
I never wanted any of these
I wrote this piece way back 2010.  I altered this piece just because I needed to keep the memory private.

— The End —