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Here I kneel,
to speak with you,
my god, who is me.

Here I kneel,
to give thanks,
to be grateful for every moment.

Thank you for flowing,
without control.

Thank you for having no expectations,
but still holding hope.

Thank you for allowing me to be myself,
without wishing to be someone else.

Thank you for not seeing mistakes,
but recognizing lessons.

Thank you for setting limits in my life,
but not rigid boundaries in my relationships.

Thank you for all I have to give,
but also for all I allow myself to receive in balance.

Thank you for letting me walk this path of life with trust.

Thank you for not taking everything personally.

Thank you for not judging others,
but for understanding what they mean in my life.

Thank you for not seeking to be loved by others,
but for embracing myself.

Thank you for all the things that make me different,
for that is what makes this individual so unique and defines me.

Thank you for walking life with purpose
and confidence.

Thank you for every moment of my life,
because it has made me who I am.

Thank you to all those who have hurt me,
for they have shown me how strong I truly am.

Thank you for all the incredible things that will happen today.

Here I kneel to tell you
that I deserve a love that is pure,
that I deserve abundance,
and I am open to receiving it.

Here I kneel to tell you that I love you,
and that I love myself.

Here I kneel to say thank you,
thank you for so much gratitude,
for so much love,
and for so much happiness.
The easy thing would be to tell you
that he wasn’t special,
that there are plenty of fish in the sea,
that time heals everything.
empty phrases.

But if you want honesty,
I know how hard it is to have your heart broken.
When you gave everything,
more than you could afford to lose.

When you gave so much,
you almost lost yourself.
I tell you this because I’ve been there,
where the soul bleeds without end,

Where the days turn gray
just by wondering
what you did wrong
to make him leave.
Where you waited for that call,
that voice saying he wanted to talk,
that you still deserved to walk together,
side by side.

But now, I want to tell you,
life goes on,
even with a broken heart.
You’ll hear songs that tell your story,
but one day, it will just be a story forgotten.

One day, you’ll say his name without pain,
but with gratitude.
Because he made you stronger
than you already were.

Because life and destiny
will lead you to real love.

But today,
conquer yourself with the same passion.
Give yourself
all the love you were ready to give.
Take yourself to dinner,
dress up,
buy yourself gifts.

Love yourself like no one ever has.
Want yourself like no one ever did.
Desire yourself like no one ever will.
Sorry, but with this poem,
I scratched the wound, and it started bleeding again.
Here we sit at the table,
of our life,
of our home.

It is just you and me,
to say what we feel,
to grow.

I want you to listen,
to my words,
without judgment.

I want you to see my struggles,
without opinions,
without trying to fix them.

I want you to see my struggles,
motivating me,
without pushing me to resolve them.

I wish for you to trust me,
without burdening me,
without demands.

I wish for you to help me,
without deciding for me.

I wish for you to care for me,
to protect me,
without erasing me.

I wish for you to look at me,
without projections,
without fear.

I wish for you to love me,
without suffocating me,
without binding me.

I want you to protect me,
without lies,
but with a true heart.

I want you to hold me,
not out of possession,
not by taking responsibility for me.

I wish for you to walk beside me,
without invading,
without controlling.

I wish for you to accept me,
every dark part of me,
without trying to change it.

I want us to see our struggles,
with empathy,
with solidarity.

I want that after every battle,
there is no resentment,
but peace reigns instead.

I wish for you to tell me everything you feel,
even the things that trouble you.

I want you to know,
that everything I ask of you,
I can give in return.

I wish for you to know,
that you can always count on me.

— The End —