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yellow soul Aug 2023
Constant fear of falling
falling in
falling out
falling alone
falling with no one to catch me
                                           falling just to fall
                                                                           once again
feeling the pain of the pointless fall
unable to speak up
unable to stand up
unable to show up
stranded in a universe where gravity is much stronger
than I will ever be
Holding me down
Keeping me grounded
Keeping me humbled.
Keeping my mindset programmed in a way
so that I'll never feel enough
so that I'll never fell your love
Sabotage becomes self-care in a universe where
Speaking so loud, that no one can hear me
Thinking so fast, that no one can follow me
Laying so still, that no one will stay with me
yellow soul Aug 2019
His smile is made of indie love songs and red Wine
yellow soul Sep 2018
Every cloud less night
I lay down on the cold hard ground
With my face turned towards the shiny yellow stars
And every night I feel at peace  
I feel like that’s where I belong
They once told me:
Our bodies are made of atoms
And every single atom
Were once a star
So maybe I’m not going away
I’m going home
Home to where I belong
yellow soul Jul 2019
They don’t understand it!
They never will!
Telling me I will feel good again.
Saying it’s okay to be happy.
But they didn’t lose you.
I did.
They say they care, but they don’t.
They say they also loved you.
But they didn’t!
I did.
God took you from me.
Just like that.
It isn’t fair.
In my notebook I read your words
Read them over and over again

With you
I reminisce about
The past
Dream about the
But most important
Lives in the

That was what you wrote
You promised me
You did!
But now I’m so alone.
Now I’m so alone.
I’m So alone.
So alone.
yellow soul Jul 2018
He was so insecure, never got noticed,
He always stayed out of the picture,
But then one day he got really drunk
It was his only way to overcome
All his anxiety, and fear He went to this party
And saw the most beautiful girl he had ever seen
He knew he didn’t have a living chance with her
But he just couldn’t stop thinking about this perfect girl
One night he got a message, it was from her
The most perfect girl ever,
They started talking and he knew he was in love with her
But everything they got close she would push him away
He was broken because he really loved her
That’s when he found out his mom was sick
He was so filled with life he couldn’t take it anymore
He found some pills and swallowed them
He waited,
But then he got thinking, he didn’t want to die,
He ran to his sister’s room asking for help,
He survived,
The perfect girl almost killed him
But he was so in love he fell right back into her arms
He really struggled to rib her walls down,
But when he finally got them down
He realized she was just as messed up as he was
She kept letting him close and then pushing him away
He got even more depressed,
He started drinking to forget about her
and his mom who got even sicker
she asked him if they could be just friends
and all he wanted was for her to be happy
so, he agreed
but he couldn’t stand the thought of her with another man
in the middle of his deepest depression, his mom passes away
she wanted to be there for him,
but she heard that he had found a new girl
so, she stayed away
until she came to a party drunk and insecure
she knew she didn’t have a chance
but then it all happened again
they discovered, depression gets easier when you are together.
yellow soul Jul 2018
I'm anonymous
Anonymous is me

You don't know me
Nor do you know my face

I'm anonymous
Anonymous is me

I could be your sister
I could be your cousin

I'm anonymous
Anonymous is me

I can do whatever I want
Because it's not really me

I'm anonymous
Anonymous is me

You can't help me
Even though you really want to

I'm anonymous
Anonymous  is me

Nobody around me can help
They have no idea because...

I'm anonymous
Anonymous is me

If I tell who I am things will get real
And I will have to deal with them

So, therefore...

Am I anonymous
And anonymous is me
yellow soul Jul 2019
The fact
The we won’t
Ever get
Together again
Tears me


yellow soul Jul 2018
I cut myself with a sharp knife
It wasn’t on purpose I swear
I feel the pain  
I Think I fainted
Never have I ever seen this much blood before
It was all over the bathroom floor
One sick thought I got
“collect my blood In a little jar”
And that I did
But then I got to think
I realized It was sick
I washed the blood of the jar
And called my mom saying
That I dropped the knife on my foot
Wasn’t on purpose nur so good
I waited for her to come home

my blood on our bathroom floor
yellow soul Oct 2018
I see you over there all alone
You see me as in the old days
It takes me back
It takes me back

I broke up in September
Wanted you back in October
Missed you in November
Wished for you in December.

Take me back now
You are the only thing I want for Christmas
You can get all you want
If just we can bond

I broke up in September
Wanted you back in October
Missed you in November
Wished for you in December

Nothing could make me smile
You are the only thing
Give me peace
Tack me back.
yellow soul Jul 2018
Am I the only person
who thinks they
wouldn't have survived
without music?
yellow soul Aug 2019
Remember telling you
I would always stay
but when you needed me
that’s when I walked away
all the memories
they will never fade
I know you hate me
and I wish you could say
that when you’re around
I truly feel OK
But I feel choked oh
where is all my air
need to get away
to any place it’s not here
When I see you
my head goes to blank
I still feel guilty
for the pain you felt
when you ended it
I was truly scared
cause for the past year
You were always there
Do you miss me?
It’s okay you’re not here
I feel chocked oh,
Where is all my air
I need to get away
To any place that’s not here
yellow soul May 2019
I wanna cry in the safety of your arms
But when ever you’re around I’m suddenly fine

Until I’m alone again
And I need your arms to stop me from feeling this lonely
yellow soul Jun 2018
WiLl NeVeR sToP
wIlL sTaRt
WiLl BrEaK
yellow soul Jul 2018
he is the first thing I think about in the morning
he is the last thing I think about at night
he is the only thing I dream about
he is the Only thing I want so bad, but I can’t have
he wants more than my sweet kisses and my hand in his
he wants us to be more than friends and I want to
but my parents are so strict,
that if I tell them all the things we love to do together
will be forbidden,
we weren’t be allowed in my room alone with the door closed
and I bet my parents will be so mean to him
he is my forbidden love the thing I really want but can’t have.
yellow soul Jan 2020
His smile is made of
indie love songs and red Wine
He tast like one night
yellow soul Jan 2020
If I were a bird
I know where I would fly
I would fly away
yellow soul Apr 2020
Sun rays dancing on her bronzed skin
Her, dancing through my mind
The smile that portray my summer
Her giggle, the music my ears crave
Her cherry flavored lips
The mystery hidden in her dimples
Wild child, wild, lost?
yellow soul Aug 2023
I am holding your hand on my heart
it is a grip I can not let go of
because if I do
so will you
Time goes as went
communication will not mend
                                                   - Where are you?
                                            - When are coming home?
Days turn into weeks
kisses turn into bruises because
In love, all is fair
In love, you must beware
The butterflies begin to whine
as fear is digging into my spine

I gave to you my all away
All I ask is for you to stay...
yellow soul Jul 2018
She was beautiful
She reminded me of the sun
I knew she always were near
Even though the clouds
had taken over the sky
she shined brighter than
a million stars combined
she always stayed positive
she told me this
“when it’s raining, don’t be upset
but take your rainboots on,
and dance till it stops,
when there is thunder,
don’t be scared, don’t hide
but instead find a safe spot
and admire the beautiful lightning
when it’s windy outside,
don’t be irritated,
find your dragon
and see it fly through the clouds”
she wasn’t afraid of being herself
she did what she wanted to do
she did wear the most colorful clothes
and she loved when people stopped
and looked at her like she was crazy
because she knew
what she was doing
and she knew
what they were missing out on
she wasn’t living her life,
she was alive.
Her favorite color was yellow.
yellow soul Jul 2018
I feel Like a butterfly trapped in a jar
yellow soul Jul 2018
I fell in love with this boy, who I can never take home to my mom
I fell in love with this boy, who got ****** everyday
I fell in love with this boy, who smoked tons of cigarettes
I fell in love with this boy, who got kicked out of to different schools
I fell in love with this boy, who I knew never would pick me over his smoke
I fell in love with this boy, who told me how gorgeous I was all the time
I fell in love with this boy, who would look at me and scream out loud that he loved me
I fell in love with this boy, who got hurt When I didn’t wanted to be seen in public with him
I fell in love with this boy, who told all his friends he never loved me, he just wanted to see if he could get the pretty girl no one else could.
I fell in love with this boy, who stopped answering my messages
I fell in love with this boy, who played me so hard I don’t think I can ever trust again
I fell in love with this boy...
yellow soul Jul 2018
If I were a bird              I know where I would fly
I would fly everywhere                      at any possible time
If I were a bird                     I would sing to my lungs hurt
I would sing the                   most beautiful songs
So beautiful that              people would stop and listen to me
If I were a bird                I would be free
yellow soul Jul 2018
I’m dead
But I’m alive

I see everything
Still I see nothing

I cry rivers
But I smile

I see colors through the day
Still it’s the dark from the night I remember
yellow soul Apr 2020
Drunk words
Sober thoughts
I take one more
***** shot
Just to make sure
I will forget you

I lay down
I give in
I feel your touch
On my skin
I know
It is wrong
Cause you mean
Nothing to me
yellow soul Jul 2018
What if I die before I even get a chance to live my life?
yellow soul Apr 2019
How she moved so carelessly
when touched by the evening breeze
she sparkled like the light ***** in the night sky
however, I heard the anguish in her laugh
she consistently kissed me like it was her last kiss
danced as if it was her last dace
lived as if it was her last night
fascinated by everything
but I was only fascinated by her
how tiny her fingers were around her cigarette
how her bones looked like
they were about to leave her body
I never understood
But as she took off
Her bones became stardust
longing to get home
now I understand
that she never was supposed to be here with me
god had other plans for my angel
yellow soul Oct 2018
When I think of you I think of  
The greenest eyes and the purest freckles
I taste cigarettes on the tip of my tongue
And a soft touch on my bubbly lips
I feel your gentle yet steady grip on my waist
I hear you deep and calming voice
And then it feels like I can’t breathe
All the memories came into my head to fast
My heart starts to hurt
And I open my eyes
***, ***… ***, ***… ***, ***…
The only sound in my dark room is my heart
***, ***… ***, ***… ***, ***…
I see how your tearful eyes have lost their sparkle
I hear you ask me why…
why I keep hurting you
why I’m so messed up
Remembering the smell of the smoke you blew in my face
A new smell
A new smoke
A new boy
With the same green eyes
Admitting to all his lies
Left me here wondering why
this is about my ups and downs with this boy who keep breaking my heart but who I can't leave.
yellow soul May 2019
As I opened the jar
The butterfly flew away
It left me feeling free again
yellow soul Jul 2018
you have only
seen yourself
tow times

takin a picture
and looking at the
image and staring
in the mirror and
looking at your

you don't get to see
the way your eyes
light up when you talk
about something
you love

and you can never
see how beautiful
you look when you
really smile

it's really is kinda
sad that never
actually seen yourself

but I can promise you
I will be here every day
to tell you what I see

yellow soul Jun 2018
It’s summer vacation No school, no anything,
But I can’t relax, I can’t be happy
I’m feeling like packing up my things,
and moving to the other side of the world
I’m so sick and tired of
the same people, the same school,
and the same rumors,
I’m caught in this small town where everyone knows everyone,
Every single day I feel like running far away
Like to a forest, and just scream,
scream so loud, and so long
Scream until my lungs are out of air,
And I pass out on the cold hard ground,
in a river of my own tears,
I’m caught in a relationship with a person I don’t love,
But I can’t cope with hurting him,
so, I just smile and act like nothing is wrong,
even though I cry inside all the time,
it’s getting clear to me that I don’t have any friends
at least no anyone that really care about me
not anyone that knows me,
but that’s because I keep everything to myself
they think I’m pretty and funny,
that’s the reason why to boys love me,
and the girls hate me.
I’m so messed up,
I don’t know how to be happy anymore,
I don’t even care for what my parents say,
I get drunk on school days,
I’m basically the kid my parents always told me to stay away from,
And I would love to, but I can’t,
Because the place I’m caught most of all,
Is in my head,
Me and my summer depression.
yellow soul Jul 2018
Don’t stop trying
Because you hit a wall

Progress is progress
No matter how small
yellow soul Jul 2018
What if I could have stopped
What if I told you that I loved
What if it was my fault?
What if it was an accident?
What if you were so depressed
That even just Getting out of bed seemed too overwhelming?
What if it was something someone
What if I had picked up the
What if it didn’t work?
What if I’m not the only one
Feeling this guilt?

Tell me love...


Why did you **** your self?
yellow soul May 2019
They water me
I get lots of water
Lots of love
But I’m placed in the shadow
The window is so far away
And I’m drained from energy
But they placed me in the dark
And so the dark is where I will stay

The dirt is so dry
So they keep watering me

I’m drowning
yellow soul Nov 2018
It's cold.
Oh, so cold.
Not outside, not in my room.
In me.
“who are you?”
I only see
red, purple, blue and yellow
in the mirror
the seduction dripping from my lips
the sin between my thighs
safety is an illusion
you tore me in half
but not end me
I am your broken doll
yellow soul Jun 2018
Not all stories need a follow-up,
some are just best ended without another chapter.
You know the second won’t be as good as the first,
it never is.
So just end the story,
before you destroy it,
yellow soul Aug 2019
It was the kinda
Love they make movies about
You’re the kinda
Boy they dream about
I’m the kinda
Girl they write songs about

It could’ve been so perfect
But we’re living in a quick world
Stick n move
yellow soul Sep 2018
Rain drops on my window
Making a sound
A sound I love to hear
The calming and quiet sound
yellow soul May 2021
Reach for the sky
She did
Grab the starts
She did
Fly high
She did
Fall down?
She did.
yellow soul Jun 2018
She is yellow like the sun,
And she follows it like a sunflower,
But inside she is done,
Her life is so sour.
She is yellow like the honey,
And she attracts only bees,
But bees have no money,
Neither do they have any knees,
She is yellow like the cigarette,
And that’s the only thing that can make her stop fear,
She can’t stop at least not yet,
She literally just wants to Despair.
yellow soul Oct 2018
I meet her an autumn evening
It was cold outside, but she didn’t care
She took my hand and dragged me away
from the party, the people, the noise
she said that it was a perfect night
a perfect night for us to meet
cause the sky was cloudless
and the moonlight wasn’t bright enough
to steal the beauty of her favorite thing
the lonely yet perfect stars
she said she was like the stars
easy to admire, beautiful and unique
but dangerous to come close to
that she could destroy everything
but I wouldn’t believe her words
it was like they became
a brisk breeze that cold night
her ocean blue eyes lit up in the moonlight
and her long blond hair
where full of crunchy leaf’s
her nails were long and painted
with dark brown nail polish
and her coat was nowhere near
she laughed at me
when I panicked and said a stupid joke
and she kissed me on the lips
when we saw a star shouting
glide effortlessly across the dark blue sky
I closed my eyes for second or two
And when I opened them again
she was gone
yellow soul Jul 2018
His childhood went up in smoke when his mom got sick
He found out, he could hide in that little cloud of smoke,
he made, when he exhaled the smoke from his cigarette.  
He lost the girl of his dream, because of the smoke
that went down to his lungs, out of his mouth and into her hair.
He tried to show her, that he needed her help by make smoke signals,
because he had heard that that’s the way to ask for help,
when its serious and nobody is around.
She never noticed his cry for help in the smoke.
his life went up in smoke.
yellow soul Jul 2018
People always tell me
That if I’m struggling
I should talk to
someone about it
And that would make
The problem go away

I did

The problems are just
Growing bigger inside
my freakin head
And I can’t talk to anyone
Cause I don’t wanna
Sound like a cliche
yellow soul Jul 2018
My heart is pounding
It’s pounding so hard
Inside my chest
I’m afraid it’s gonna
Break up my chest

* message opened 3 minutes ago
I told him i loved him
And he left me unread
Maybe He is thinking
About how to say that
He loves me too or
Maybe it’s not true
Maybe he won’t even
Be friends anymore

message opened 43 minutes ago*

He’s not gonna answer
yellow soul Aug 2023
We were meant to last.

Like a bubblegum sticker on a 5-year olds hand...
yellow soul Jul 2018
She feared so much
Still she wanted to
see, feel and be
it all
She was her own
No one was like her
And she was
Like no one
She was so talented
Everyone was jealous
But she couldn’t see it
She had no idea
She wanted to feel alive
She went too close
To the fire
Too many times
And ended up
getting burned
yellow soul Jul 2018
The girl in the red dress
The first time I saw her I was a little boy, she walked past my window.
She smiled brighter than the sun and all the burning stars.
I watched her walk past my window for the following ten years, she walked in rain, snow, and storm, always in her pretty little red dress.
Everyday I said to myself that today was the day I would talk to the girl in the red dress with the blinding smile. But I couldn’t my anxiety had taken over my body, I was so disappointed in myself, why was I like this.
One day she stoped walking past my window, I didn’t get it, I waited for days, weeks, months, until one day I looked in the paper, and I saw this big picture, it was the girl in the red dress with that stunning smile, I started reading, Emily Marie Anna Johnson, wow what a beautiful name, to a beautiful girl, I continued but stopped in chok, Emily Marie Anne the amazingly beautiful girl in the red dress, had committed suicide.
I wouldn’t believe it, so everyday I stared out that same window to see that pretty little girl in the red dress walk by...
she never did
yellow soul Jul 2018
Imagen being the sun
Everyone admires you,
Loves you and want to see you

But when you shine you
Know you hurt people
You see people turn
Away in disgust

Even though you shine
Brighter than anyone else
You are all alone your
Hole day you try to please other

You work all day long
And all night long but
Have nothing to look
Forward to, depressing
yellow soul Oct 2019
three flowers in my vase
They all stand there in their place
One is white
One is red
And the last one is blue
When the sun touch my flowers
I see them dance
It’s from the sun they get their powers
But today I notice there’s a change
My blue flower seems sad
It has bent it’s back
The red one appears to be mad
it’s ready to attack
And my white flower is gone
I lost it yesterday by mistake
In the moment I lost it i thought it was fun
Oh dear lord what have I done

Two flowers in my vase
They both stand there in their place
One is red
And one is blue
When the sun touches my flowers
I see them dance
It’s from the sun they get their powers
But today I notice there’s a change
My blue flower has bloomed
Now it’s even more blue
My red flower is doomed
It’s color is gone, I swear it’s true
It is dead
It didn’t get a chance to live
I never had it with me in bed
Well they say love isn’t fun
But oh lord what have I done

One flower in my vase
It stands in it's place
One is blue
The sun can’t touch my flower
It’s the last one I’ve got
Without the two others it has all the power
This feeling isn’t what I thought
The blue flower is me
And I am the blue flower
But I let nobody see
Up I have build a tower
It has no door, window nor Stairs
I will never let you in
You killed my flowers
Now I’m blue
White flower - my  innocence
Red flower - love, lust, passion,
Blue - sadness, loneliness, depression
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