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yellow soul Aug 2018
I change friends so often
To make sure nobody ever
Knows me to well
I want to remain a mystery
yellow soul Aug 2019
It feels like you’re dead
But you’re still alive
And that makes it hurt even more
yellow soul Dec 2019
And Mistaking
all the love I should have
That I want to give
But that I can’t seem to find
I’m lost...
yellow soul Aug 2019
But now tell me love,
What happens when
the bottle is empty
And we go home?
yellow soul Aug 2018
she was flying around on a cloud.
Living the good life, being happy as ****.
And then, she was hit by reality.
cold, hard reality.
she stopped and looked around.
she realized how bad, she had ****** her life up.
she felt the horrible feeling of not being wanted once again.
and she wondered if everybody else also feels like this way too often to?
yellow soul Jul 2019
She couldn’t imagine life without him
But she didn’t have to imagine it
She was living it
yellow soul Jul 2018
Yellow         stands    
                   for     happiness         yellow    stands         for  
                                                             the          sun         yellow        is          a        happy        
              color            perfect           for        depressed      
                                                                                         teens       who        have           to       act  
    like nothing         is        wrong          to        avoid  
                                      sounding             like       the         biggest    
                                                                                     cliché         depressed             teens             love       to      
                                     tell      people        how     much       they  
       care       about         things        
                                                                                       there     stands          for        happiness    
                                             almost         as       much            as    
                  they           love         to        tell      
                                                                                                       people       they         are           okay  
                                                                                           even              though           they              are        in         pain
yellow soul Jul 2019
She called him
Yellow but lately
She’s been blue and
He’s been nowhere
yellow soul Jul 2018
I had to leave
I was tired of
Allowing you to
Make me feel
Anything less
Than hole
yellow soul Jul 2018
when I think about you
all I see is yellow
because you are my
- you light up my day -
you are my
- you make me bitter but I love you anyways -
you are my
- I admire you, and I think you are the most beautiful thing ever -
you are my
- you taste so sweet on my lips -
you are my
- you help me through tough times without even getting messy -
you are my
- so I can be your flower -

— The End —