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4.5k · Jan 2016
Love #18
She had one man that had
two different versions of himself.
One made love to her body
the other, made love to her mind
3.3k · Jan 2016
Curiosity #22
Curiosity killed the cat
but you can't blame the cat for being curious
2.3k · Jan 2016
So many spiderwebs
each with individual suction cups
******* blood and injecting poison....

a collapse lung....
withered and black....
festering in the hot sun
kissing silver scalpels
and ******* yellow pus
into crunchy white tarp....

capsules that release toxins
into a parched mouth

spiderwebs.... make love to my arm
2.3k · Jun 2016
The Beauty Of Combat

though morbid in nature, there is a sense of beauty....

for example -
the bullet and it's chamber
the slickness of steel, and the power of the trigger
which together correlates the symphony of motion
from the time the trigger is pulled, to the
daunting escape of a bullet, and then finally to the ******* of it's victim.....

Quite morbid... yet hauntingly beautiful.....

Then come's the bullets quintessential cohorts

The Chemical and The Armored Car (a Tank)

The brutal barrage of steel cartage
crashing into unstable masonry
then the soothing smog of golden mustard gas...

The echoed shrieks, the violent shakes,
the ****** eyes and mucus filled noses
whose violent episodes finally conclude
when the eyes of death stare back at them...

Quite morbid.... yet hauntingly beautiful....

The finally... how can we forget the noble foot soldier?
his footsteps, silent to the earth....

out of the hysteria and chaos
two men, two weapons, and a whirlwind of emotion  
nationalistic pride, paranoid fear, and  scattered  tranquility...

A sign, as is to say....
"I don't want to fight, but I have to..."

Which all correlates in the ****** of the bayonet
a twinkle of blood, and then finally the gentle weeps...

Quite morbid.... yet hauntingly beautiful....
What the hell is up with the assassination attempts towards LGBTQ+ community? what did they even do? I mean, why hate someone for being different, why try and **** someone for being gay, or, bi, or transgender? or whatever they associate themselves as? like it just baffles me how much hate and animosity this world has, if someone is different, let them be different, because we all have differences and that what makes us the same, we're human beings and should be treating each other as such, I have friends that are gay, and bi, and I'm a straight guy myself, but you don't see me treating them any different, I respect them and they respect me, at the end of the day, it's all about love, respect and character, when did we turn a blind eye towards those values and morals? it's just crazy the amount of hatred and violence this society will stoop to....
2.0k · May 2016
Erotic Rendezvous
******* and bra's mindlessly slung over chairs
while the serenade of squeaky bed frames
is aided by the collaboration of lustful moans

Chocolate sauce drizzled over naked flesh
the toppings of whip cream and strawberries
are also included.....

The exchanging of saliva....
passionate kisses conclude the motion
of passionate ******....
1.9k · Jun 2016
A pack of cigarettes, some gum,
some condoms, and $50 were stuffed
into his cargo pocket, in his left hand
a 9 millimeter, 10 rounds in the clip
he spotted a dead Vietcong.....

                                                              Yellow and scrawny....
                                                             a bullet through his right eye
                                                             his brains seeping out of his skull....

                     A little girl, walking down the dirt field road
                     a rice bowl in her right hand,
                    a bayonet in the left, it was covered in blood

Up the road, he spotted a fire,
the sounds of AK-47's whipping through the wind
a pile of bodies stuffed on top of each other

                             Ears and fingers wrapped around bare skinned necks
                                                                       the smell of rotten flesh....

                        To the south, a *******
                        high heel boots, lace *******
                        and a mini skirt, unkempt hair, pitch-black
                        red lipstick and hazel colored eyes
                        $50 for a hand-job, $75 for a *******
                        $100 for one hours and $200 for two
                       condoms still stuffed in the cargo pocket

                    A back alley, a sloppy *******
                    the ****** broke.....

                                                              The gum is still wrapped in foil,
                                              unwrapped, slowly chewed, sweet then bitter
                                           the roar of helicopters and the blast of grenades
                                                         American flags ripped and set on fire
                                                  A single bullet, a silent gasp.....
1.8k · Apr 2016
The Beauty Of Combat

though morbid in nature, there is a sense of beauty....

for example -
the bullet and it's chamber
the slickness of steel, and the power of the trigger
which together correlates the symphony of motion
from the time the trigger is pulled, to the
daunting escape of a bullet, and then finally to the ******* of it's victim.....

Quite morbid... yet hauntingly beautiful.....

Then come's the bullets quintessential cohorts

The Chemical and The Armored Car (a Tank)

The brutal barrage of steel cartage
crashing into unstable masonry
then the soothing smog of golden mustard gas...

The echoed shrieks, the violent shakes,
the ****** eyes and mucus filled noses
whose violent episodes finally conclude
when the eyes of death stare back at them...

Quite morbid.... yet hauntingly beautiful....

The finally... how can we forget the noble foot soldier?
his footsteps, silent to the earth....

out of the hysteria and chaos
two men, two weapons, and a whirlwind of emotion  
nationalistic pride, paranoid fear, and  scattered  tranquility...

A sign, as is to say....
"I don't want to fight, but I have to..."

Which all correlates in the ****** of the bayonet
a twinkle of blood, and then finally the gentle weeps...

Quite morbid.... yet hauntingly beautiful....
1.8k · Apr 2016
Love #73
A love that is holy,
cannot be holy without a little bit of sin....
1.8k · Dec 2015
The Dollar Menu
The smell of stale french fries
and E.coli coated beef

the raw onions and garlic cloves
stunk up the kitchen and watered my eyes
no ice in the drink machines...
but plenty of warm pop

Chicken nuggets with 16 new herbs
and spices and hot fudge Sundays, without the hot fudge

banana splits with rotten bananas
and the tomatoes weren't that fresh either
the cheese was moldy and the buns, moldier

The advertisements claimed "Have it your way"
it wasn't my way, it was their way

I paid a dollar fifty ordering off the dollar menu
it was a ripoff....

I spoke to the manager
and the manager spit in my face
and said "Have a nice day"

it wasn't a nice day, it wasn't a nice day at all....
1.7k · Dec 2015
Continuous Battle
In the battle between good and evil
the winner will always be balance
1.7k · Feb 2016
Revolution #4
Injustice spawns from anger
and when you have a combination of the two
then spawns the birth of a revolution
1.7k · Jul 2016
Comedy #47
I'm afraid to call Donald Trump a *****
because that would be an insult to *****....
1.6k · Mar 2017
Thunderstorm #150
I sip my coffee as I gaze into her eyes
we listen to raindrops drip on the windowsill
she reminds of a thunderstorm with no signs of a rainbow....
1.6k · Jan 2016
Passion #7
Our hearts were placed in ovens
with the rotisserie setting set on lust
1.5k · Jun 2016
Passion #49
Fingers frolic beneath the confines
of soaking wet underpants

Tasting yourself.....

Forcefully jamming every inch
of finger down your passion filled throat....
1.5k · Apr 2016
Love #37
The sound of your heartbeat
is a song I could listen to forever....
1.5k · Jan 2016
Revolution #20
1.5k · Aug 2016
Erotica #16
Your body was a busted pen
with clear, white ink leaking on the bed sheets
and onto my fingertips.....
1.5k · Jun 2016
Love #85 [10W]
Droplets of compassion,
slowly oozing out of my frigid heart....
1.4k · May 2017
Love Quotes #147
"I undressed you with my lips
my tongue was a blanket that covered your insecurities, your flaws and your fears, your naked body look beautiful behind a camera and the whole world laughed, I convinced you that you were everything to me, only to watch you crash and burn...."
1.4k · Apr 2016
Love #50
Our lips were close, yet never touching
the residue alone became quite addicting....
1.3k · Dec 2015
Write With Blood
Go ahead and ***** your finger
let the blood spill on to the paper
for blood is more effective
than ink will ever be
1.3k · Apr 2016
Comedy #13
A dollar for a gram of coke?
sounds like a good deal, but just one problem
I don't like coke, I prefer Pepsi....
1.3k · Dec 2015
Baseball bats and steel pipes are useless
the only real weapons that I use are my words.
1.3k · Jun 2016
Love #95
I craved her attention, it was like oxygen
every "Hello" was simply addicting
and every "Good bye" was simply excruciating....
1.3k · Jul 2016
Love #106
She was my lightning and I was her thunder
together, we were the perfect storm....
1.3k · Apr 2016
Love #65
I carved our names on the tree
and then I set it on fire, to leave a constant reminder
of a love that spark, burned, and later died out....
1.3k · Mar 2017
Miscellaneous Jokes #1
I applaud *****, even though her roommate is an *******
and she's constantly beaten up by a ****
she keeps her spirits high and she keeps right on moving...

I applaud you *****....
1.2k · May 2016
Southern Shadows
The winds whipped the trees
and a body swung,
bypass the scent of magnolia...
raining ash, flickering through the breeze....
1.2k · Aug 2016
Alcohol Poisoning
Dreaming of the day
that my alcoholic binges
will finally drown my over-thinking mind....
1.2k · May 2016
Comedy #34
Skimpily clad girls caressing giant slabs of meat....
oh the ****** innuendos......
1.2k · Jan 2016
Laos (No Tears Were Shed)
Yellow people were everywhere....
their eyes were thin and their bodies were scrawny

A ******* strolled by me....
she promised me a good time
$200 for 1 hour
and $400 for 2
Oral costed extra....

A man was eating octopus
next to him, another man was eating a dog
he claimed it taste like chicken...

gravel kissed my feet,
and a M14 cuddle with my hands
a pack of Skittles snuggled in my pocket
some cigarettes and canteen full of whiskey
also accompanied me....

I smashed the leaves with black boots
and camouflage married the trees

A body stared at me
a star shaped hole through his head
two kids burned to ash,
and a wife with her throat slit laid next to him

No tears were shed.....

A Vietcong with his arms shot off
he coughed up blood...
he whispered, but the whisper was inaudible
I put a bullet through his chest...

No tears were shed....

a good friend of mine...
stepped on a landmine
his body went every which way
a arm went left
a torso went right
and his head went backwards...

No tears were shed....

My unit entered a abandoned building
they saw a young girl.... her clothes were ripped,
her screams echoed, five men took turns with her...

my M14, loaded, five bullets, silence
and a pool of blood.....

no tears were shed...
1.2k · Jan 2016
I remember kissing her lips
but it wasn't the ones on her face
1.2k · Jan 2016
Love #26 [10w]
1.2k · Jan 2016
Life #42
We systematically drained the cure of love
and started to spread the virus of hate
1.1k · Mar 2016
Love #64
She was the painting
that I could stare at for hours, and never grow tired of
I looked into her eyes as I slit her throat, they screamed, “Why?” I didn’t mean to **** her, I watched as her body went limp, crashing onto the cold, marble floor, I had to hide the body but where? I found myself grabbing a shovel and hiding it in the backyard, I had to wash the blood off my body, I soaked the sheets in bleach and burned all the furniture, there was nothing left but ashes and dust, I knew her family would start wondering where would she be, I was nervous, frightened at the fact that they would soon learn the truth, her father was a strict disciplinarian with a catholic background, he preached purity yet practiced adultery, sometimes his lips would kiss the heads of whiskey coated bottles.

During his drunken stupors, his fingers would slip between the cracks and crevices of his daughter’s white skirt, his drunken stupors soon turned to violent outburst, his large, gaping hands grasping the soft, tender flesh of her mother’s throat, she was a quiet woman, she would sit in her recliner and sip on her ruby red wine, her cigarette ashes would be scattered across the floor, her eyes would slip into a stupor, she would sneak her lover's home and fornicate in the master bedroom, their violent ******* would shake the walls, rattle the cabinets and keep the neighbors awake, the whole neighborhood knew of their infidelities yet said nothing, especially her daughter, who would watch their father and mother take home various strangers for their twisted ******, then she met me, I would listen to her, she spoke as the whole room went silent, she would speak about her dreams and fears, I would become her shoulder to cry on, I remember one day, as my fingers would fiddle through her soft, black hair, her eyes, dull and dim, would lay their hints of a tortured life, they were brown, a dark brown, her eyes slowly lost their luster, she would stare at me and the world with such contempt, I knew, I knew that she only wanted love.

I watched her as she slept, her fragile hands, gripping tightly on a crucifix and a bible, she would twist and turn out of frustration and guilt, in her mind, she wanted only to repent. I found her one day with her head slumped over the toilet, the pill bottles and ****** needles sat right to the pool of ***** that flooded the bathroom floors, her eyes were bloodshot, her arms were bruised, battered, and marked, I took her to the hospital, I still wonder, how did she survive? When we returned home, I looked at her, her body would shake and she break out in hot flashes and cold sweats, she couldn’t handle the pain, I could tell, she would look at me like sick puppy wishing to be put out of its misery, she grabbed my hand and gave me the razor, she pleaded and prayed, as I paced the room, I contemplated the thoughts of assisted suicide, as I watched her, she look into my eyes and whispered “Please…” I took the razor, with my hands gently caressing her hair, my hands, the blade, dance across her throat, I saw the blood, the luster in her eyes had returned as she slipped into the afterlife, I knew in death, that she thanked me, I saw the pain, I saw the relief.
1.1k · Mar 2016
Life #57
Our bodies are trapped within the realms of life and death
but our minds are free to explore any realm it may so choose
1.1k · Apr 2017
Vodka and Ice
I want to kiss those ***** soaked lips
your mind's like chaotic cocktail,
swirling in a big red cup of confusion
your heart's like ice, floating and melting
I'm tipsy, yet I wanna be wasted....
1.1k · Nov 2016
Love #2654
I don't know rather it was love or lust
but I knew that I wanted her
she was like those fine pieces of art
that you could stare at for hours
but could never touch, she was tempting to the eye
she could burn down bridges with a single gaze
or she could set your heart on fire, I was smitten
she was a tempting tease, these ****** eyes
slipping off her clothes, one garment at a time
I never stood a chance, she stole my virginity
without a single finger laid...
1.1k · Aug 2016
Erotica #5
Fingers frolic beneath her skirt
her ***** is soaking wet, dripping down her thighs
my tongue, I taste, I devour
she screams, hollers and pushes my head
she ***'s in my mouth, the satisfaction of a well earned ******....
1.1k · Jan 2016
Passion #24
When we kissed, time stood still
when we made love, time was simply an illusion
1.1k · Aug 2016
Comedy #24
**** that ***** is thick....

that's a big *** Labrador Retriever.....
1.1k · Apr 2017
Love Quotes #153
She jammed her tongue down my throat
and the taste took me back to simpler times
truth be told, I loved it, her kiss reminds me of my favorite ice cream
but it leaves a bad aftertaste, it's a killer addiction, like poison
she slowly eats me alive, I'm addicted to the heartbreak....
1.1k · May 2016
War #16

The cold touch of steel masonry
it's violent barrage of iron shell
and the crashing thunder with raining shrapnel

The rain, the mud, and ****** terrain
swiftly it crashes through the enemy lines
with it, a swarm of bayonets and steel helmets

Piles of broken bone and empty artillery
raging inferno's and gray smog
****** bodies and a white flag....
1.1k · May 2016
Love #99
I stared into her eyes and burned a hole into her soul....
1.1k · Jul 2016
Love #22
There are people in this world
that will make you whisper,  I love you
and then there are people in this world
that will make you scream, **** love....
1.0k · Jan 2016
Love #43 [10w]
1.0k · Feb 2016
Love #29
I want to suffocate under the sweetness of her lips
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