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8.2k · Feb 2018
(the truth)
Jessy Feb 2018
I’m happy
(I’m depressed)

I love myself
(I hate myself)

I can’t wait to live my life
(I can’t wait to die)

I am lucky to have my friends
(why do they even like me?)

I have a family who loves me
(and I continue to disappoint them)

I am an excellent student
(I can’t focus in school)

I want to travel the world
(will I even live to do that?)

I’m fine
(I’m not fine)

I’m perfectly okay
(please help me)
Jessy Apr 2018
a lot can happen in
f i f t e e n  d a y s

you could go on a vacation
you could get married
you could give birth
you could buy a house
you could get a new job
you could make a new friend

there's so much you can do in
f i f t e e n  d a y s

what did I do in those fifteen days?
I tried to take away my next fifteen days
and all of them thereafter.
1.2k · Dec 2017
my thoughts
Jessy Dec 2017
I look at myself in the mirror,
Unsure why
I don’t like what I see,
But how can I change?
I was made this way for a reason
And I will stay this way forever.

I don’t want to be like this forever.
I look at my reflection in the mirror
And I do it for a reason,
Even though I don’t know why.
But I guess I want to change
Although it’s not that easy, you see...

I hate what I see,
And I don’t want to be this way forever.
But I don’t know how to change.
Because what I see in the mirror
I think is ugly. You ask why?
Well even I don’t know the reason.

And there is a reason,
That I am still unable to see
And I know why.
Because no matter what, I will think this way forever
And continue to look in the mirror
Wanting my body to change.

I want myself to be different, to change
And it’s like that for a reason.
I can only see myself in the mirror
And I hate what I see.
It will be like this forever
No matter how many times I ask ‘why’.

I cry and scream and yell out ‘why’,
Because I want my body to change.
I will cry forever
For the very good reason
That I hate what I see
When I look in the mirror.

I now know why and it will stay like that forever,
I look in the mirror and am disgusted with what I see,
But I see that I can’t change myself and that is the reason.
1.1k · Dec 2017
me and my problems
Jessy Dec 2017
the other day
I had my first kiss
the first time my lips came in contact with another human
it was magical

I was on cloud nine the entire time on my ride home
I was happy
I couldn’t stop smiling
genuinely smiling

when I got home I cried uncontrollably
but they weren’t tears of joy
they were tears of sadness and fear

I was sad because I thought he wouldn’t want a relationship
I was scared because I thought he wouldn’t want me
why would he want me and all my problems?

I have depression
I’m suicidal
I slit my wrists
no one wants to deal with my problems

I’m fat, ugly and rude
no one wants me
but I don’t blame them
I don’t even want myself
wrote this about three years ago
905 · Jan 2018
Jessy Jan 2018
The day is over.
The sun is setting,
Darkness is coming.

Yellow fades to orange and pink.
The sky turns a light blue,
The day is over.

The moon peeks behind the clouds,
The stars are starting to twinkle.
Darkness is coming.

The sun is leaving,
while the bright blue turns deep.
The day is over.

It slips away,
The light has faded.
Darkness is coming.

Life is the day,
Death is the night.
The day is over.
Darkness is coming.
814 · Dec 2017
Death and Funerals
Jessy Dec 2017
Today, my friends were sitting at our lunch table
My four friends sitting around me
We were talking about death and funerals
My one friend said,
“I’m dying first.
I’m dying before all of you.
So that I don’t have to go to any of your funerals.”

And I thought to myself
Isn’t that funny?
How she stated, as a-matter-of-factly
That she is going to die first

It’s funny because I almost died before her
When I tried to **** myself
Lucky for her, I guess, I failed
803 · Feb 2018
an illusion
Jessy Feb 2018
Are you even
Or are you just an
Sometimes I think I
Made you up
Because no one could possibly
Hurt me this much
You can’t be real
You aren’t
You are an illusion
You’re just an
i l l u s i o n
746 · Jan 2018
Scared, Afraid and Suicidal
Jessy Jan 2018
I am scared of taking a bath
Because I’m afraid I will slip under
And drown myself

I am scared of driving a car
Because I’m afraid I will veer off the road
And crash at full force

I am scared of cooking with a knife
Because I’m afraid I will lose control
And slice it across my wrist

I am scared of taking pills when I’m sick
Because I’m afraid I will get tempted
And swallow the whole bottle

I am scared of being near a gun
Because I’m afraid I will point it to my head
And fire it through my brain

I am scared of everyday things
And afraid of trusting myself

I am scared of the world
And afraid I can’t take it any longer

I am scared of myself
And afraid of what I will do
730 · Feb 2018
Jessy Feb 2018
I want to feel euphoria
I want to feel his hands on my body
I want to feel him entering me
I want to feel his lips on mine
I want to feel the shivers his touch brings to my body

I want to physically feel something
Because I don’t emotionally
721 · Jan 2018
Over the Edge
Jessy Jan 2018
I will be good for a while
I won’t cut as often
I won’t want to **** myself every day
I will actually see the other side of the tunnel

But then
Something ticks inside me
I’m reminded that I’m not normal
I remember that I’m a depressed ******

And my arm becomes full of cuts
My head becomes clouded with suicidal thoughts
And one day
When I tick
It will be enough
To push me over the edge
719 · Feb 2018
Jessy Feb 2018
I can’t get out of bed
I can’t swing my legs over the edge
And place my feet on the ground
My mom says it’s because I’m lazy
But little does she know

I hate going to school
I hate walking into the building
I hate walking the hallways
I hate getting up to go to the bathroom
My teachers say it’s because I’m lazy
But little do they know

I won’t do my homework
I won’t try to focus on a sheet of paper
I won’t try to type of a three-page essay
I won’t spend hours trying to figure out what they’re asking of me
My friends say it’s because I’m lazy
But little do they know
713 · Jan 2018
new year, same me
Jessy Jan 2018
2017 was
one of the hardest
years of my life
I started
cutting again
I tried to
**** myself
my depression hit
an all-time low
I was at
rock bottom
and I promised myself
2018 would be
it won’t turn out
the same
but three days in
and it’s already
looking the same
if not worse
702 · Dec 2017
The Voice in my Head
Jessy Dec 2017
You are fat
You are ugly
You are weak
You are pathetic
You are repulsive
You are revolting
You are rude
You are annoying
You are clingy
You are a *****
Why do you have friends?
Why do people like you?
You ruin everyone’s life
You are taking up space on this earth
You don’t deserve anything good to happen to you
Go ahead, one more cut
You deserve the pain
This is what you get

Your body makes people wish they were blind
Your voice makes people wish they were deaf

You disgust me
You make me want to **** myself

Do us all a favour an commit suicide
So we can finally be rid of you
667 · Dec 2017
Sick Days
Jessy Dec 2017
It’s funny
When my stomach hurts
Or I’m throwing up
Or I have a headache
I can stay home
Take the day to relax, get better

But when my brain’s suffocating
When I feel like killing myself
When I cry myself to sleep
When I feel numb to any physical feeling
It’s not a valid reason to stay home
People tell me to get over it

What’s the difference?
Being mentally sick is the same thing as being physically sick,
Maybe even worse

But if you can't see the pain
Then it’s not there, right?
626 · Dec 2017
my note
Jessy Dec 2017
is what you think it is

i never thought i would write one
but then again
i never thought i would be in this situation

i thought of saying thank you
to those few people who made me happy
but i think that might make me feel worse

so instead
im going to explain
why im doing this

why am i ending it now?
why am i giving up?
why am I losing hope?

im “ending it” because im tired
tired of living with myself
tired of hating myself

im “giving up” because i can’t go on
i can’t keep pretending im fine
i can’t act like im not falling apart

im “losing hope” because there is no hope to hold onto
i don’t have a future
i have nothing, no one

im sorry
im so so sorry
but this has to happen

you may think im weak
you may think im over exaggerating
you may think im seeking attention

but in all honesty
im just sick of this life im living
if you could even call it that

so this is my official goodbye
goodbye to the world
goodbye to my family
goodbye to my friends
goodbye to my life

is my suicide note
614 · Nov 2017
Jessy Nov 2017
If it doesn’t **** you,
You’ll wish it did.
And that’s the sad reality.

Blood drips down your arm;
There will be a permanent scar,
If it doesn’t **** you.

You lost the will to live;
You have no more passion
And that’s the sad reality.

You use it to numb the pain;
It makes you feel better,
If it doesn’t **** you.

They made you feel like ****;
They drew you to it,
And that’s the sad reality.

You’re addicted to the feeling on your skin.
You’ll use it every day
If it doesn’t **** you,
And that’s the sad reality.
539 · Mar 2018
drowning in a puddle
Jessy Mar 2018
crying on the floor
drowning in my tears
a puddle of salt water

cutting open wounds
drowning in my own blood
a puddle of redness

constantly overthinking
drowning in my depression
a puddle of self hatred
517 · Mar 2018
Jessy Mar 2018
I find peace in the rain
I find comfort in the lightning
I find relaxation in the thunder
The storm holds me tight
The humidity keeps me warm
The weather doesn’t let go

I feel at home
When there’s a thunderstorm
Because the weather mimics
What goes on in my head
Jessy Dec 2017
do you ever just
walk down the street
because you want to feel the wind blowing against your skin
see the sun shining in your eyes
watch small buds bloom into beautiful flowers
hear the children playing on their bicycles
smell your neighbour’s freshly cut grass

I do this often
but not for satisfaction
or happiness
or joy
I do it to know that the life around me is still going
the people near me are still going on with their lives
to know the world is still turning
even though mine’s stopped

usually I do this about once a day
after I do this I rush inside
I run upstairs
add a few cuts to my collection
wipe away my fresh tears
apply makeup to my permanently tear-stained cheeks
and carry on with my life
it’s routine and I do it every **** day

my mom once asked me about it
“why do you always run upstairs after you step outside?”
“what do you do in the bathroom all the time?”
“why do you always wear long sleeves?”
“why are your eyes always red and puffy?”
“why are only your cheeks covered in messy makeup?”

you know what I told her?
I tell her it’s none of her ******* business
as long as I’m still breathing
I’m fine

she doesn’t ask me questions anymore
I feel bad that I was so harsh to her
but I didn’t feel like talking to her about it
because I’ve heard what she has to say
about depression and suicide
she thinks people are wasting their life being sad
when they have absolutely nothing to be sad about
she thinks people who are suicidal are ungrateful
because “god” gave them the gift of life
and they are ungrateful for wanting to end it
they are selfish for wanting to die
because they are hurting the people that love them

well you know what I have to say to that?
that’s a load of *******
because people don’t choose to be depressed
they don’t choose to be sad all the time
they don’t choose to hate themselves
they don’t ******* choose to wish they were dead

depression is not a ******* choice
suicidal thoughts are not a ******* choice
because if it was a ******* choice,
no one would **** themselves,
therapists would be out of a job,
happiness would be more common

you know,
so many people I talk to
think depression and suicide are silly
they think people who deal with these things
are attention-******
and it angers me so ******* much
it fills me with rage
it makes me want to punch a ******* wall
but then it makes me sad
because these people are my friends
my family
my peers
people I’ve known for so long
people who think they know me
they are calling me these things
without even knowing it

and it’s funny because you think you know someone
you think you know what’s going through their mind
you think you know when they’re happy and sad
you think you know them better than they know themselves
you think you think you think
but you don’t know
you have no ******* clue!
you don’t know I lie awake until four in the ******* morning
thinking about how much I hate myself
you don’t know I come home every day and slit my wrists
until they gush blood everywhere
you don’t know how much I wish I didn’t wake up this morning
wishing I would have just disappeared into infinity
you don’t know I have to go take a walk outside
and watch everyone around me go on with their lives
for me to remember the world isn’t crumbling down
even though it feels like it is
you don’t know that I put eye drops in my eyes
to stop my eyes from being puffy and red after I cry
you don’t know that by the time I fall asleep
my pillows are soaked in my tears
you don’t know that I have to use my curling iron to burn myself
so that I can feel something, anything
you don’t know that behind this smile I’m falling apart
and holding on for dear life
you just don’t know

well guess what?
now you ******* know
now you know that I’m the attention-*****
that I’m the selfish *****
that I’m ungrateful brat
and now I ******* know
what I am to you
all I ever will be to you
and that no matter how much I try to reason with you
try to change your mind, your opinion
I will never be more than what you think I am

so maybe one of these days
when you see me walking down the street
taking in the area around me
you will finally know what I’m doing
and you can finally understand why
496 · Feb 2018
Over Under
Jessy Feb 2018
Over thinking
Heavy drinking

Under eating
Always repeating

Over stressed
Very depressed

Under weight
Slow heart rate
481 · Dec 2017
i sit on the floor
Jessy Dec 2017
i sit on the floor at night
in my dark bedroom with a single light
im almost finished but not quite
my ideas keep coming as i continue to write

what is wrong with humanity?
has everyone been driven to insanity?
they’re all too busy with their vanity
and their constant use of profanity

i’ve lost all hope
and my mom thinks i mope
but it’s just how i cope
would you rather I hang myself with a rope?

but i’m just a fool
who thought i was cool
but society was too cruel
and now i want to drown in the pool

i keep all my thoughts inside
while i count all the times i cried
eyeing the pills bottles on my bedside
wishing i could’ve just died

so here i sit with my insecurity
feeling as though i lost my purity
is this what you call maturity?
i’ll just wait in obscurity
480 · Jan 2018
l i e s
Jessy Jan 2018
I’m an imposter
I’m a phony
I’m faker than Barbie

I claim to be a perfectly fine teenager; I’m an imposter.
I say there is nothing wrong; I’m a phony.
I smile all the time; I’m faker than Barbie.

I'm just one big
l i e
449 · Jan 2018
Homicide in Disguise
Jessy Jan 2018
If she kills herself
Because of your words
Because of your actions
Is it still considered suicide?
Or can it be called what it is?
A homicide.
think about what you say to people
445 · Dec 2017
Jessy Dec 2017
Sometimes I think
About all my flaws
So I take the blade
To my bare wrist
And make a slice
Into my skin

Sometimes when there are pills in my house
Or nearby to where I am
I get an urge
To find the bottle
And swallow its contents

Sometimes when I’m alone
In my bedroom at night
I think about how much I hate myself
And that I would be better off dead

But if it weren’t for
Certain people
Those “sometimes” would be “all the times”
And I would be dead
415 · Dec 2017
11 July 2017
Jessy Dec 2017
Five months
Five months since I almost ended it all
Five months since I almost left the earth
Five months since I tried to swallow a whole bottle of pills
Five months since my mom stopped me, saved me

Five months
153 days
Since I tried to **** myself
408 · Dec 2017
Rainy Day
Jessy Dec 2017
I wake up to the sound of rain
pattering on my roof.
I hope it will pass,
that it’s just a small rain shower.
But as I get up and get ready,
I discover what kind of day it will be.
It will be a gloomy day.
I sit on the couch,
hoping the rain will pass.
I look out the window,
watching it
and hoping it will clear up.
It doesn’t.

I sip my warm tea,
trying not to let the weather bring me down.
I try to ignore the relentless noise
of rain splashing the ground.
But the noise clouds my head,
I can’t rid of it.
I decide to take a nap,
trying to put my mind at ease.

I wake up forgetting for a second
what kind of day it is.
I open my window and remember
it’s a rainy day.
I can’t forget,
Mother Nature won’t let me.
Because depression is the weather
on a rainy day.
405 · Mar 2018
the hardest fight of all
Jessy Mar 2018
I'm done fighting
Because every time I do
I just feel more and more
short but very honest
403 · Feb 2018
Jessy Feb 2018
I want more chocolate
To help mend my broken heart

I want more alcohol
To help me forget my problems
395 · Jan 2018
I'm getting help
Jessy Jan 2018
I’m doing it
I’m finally doing it
But please don’t say
you’re proud of me
Please don’t say
you’re happy for me
Because then I will feel
Like I’m doing it for
Not for

All I want you
To say is
393 · Dec 2017
forever wishing
Jessy Dec 2017
when someone tells me im pretty
or that im beautiful
or that they wish they had my brain
or they wish they could be me
all i can think
is how they’re lying

because who wants to have my fat stomach
or my disgusting thighs
or my ugly face
or my self-destructive mind
or my suicidal thoughts
or my depression

they’re probably trying to be nice
when they say they want to look like me
but they probably mean it
when they say they want my brain, my mind
because they don’t know what goes on up there
how i hate myself
how i am disgusted with myself
how i wish i didn’t wake up
how i wish were dead

but then again
how could they know
when i don’t tell them
or when they don’t ask
393 · Jan 2018
Jessy Jan 2018
You say you love me
You say you care
You say you don’t want to see me hurt
You say you are there for me

But there’s one problem,
I don’t believe you.
390 · Jan 2018
Jessy Jan 2018
I am a
I bother
No one
Likes me
Hates me
I do no
I do nothing but
Why am I still
When I deserve to be
382 · Dec 2017
Jessy Dec 2017

these are things people want to be
things people strive to be
things i want to be


these are things people don’t want to be
things people avoid being
things i can’t stop being

****** up

these are things people refuse to be
things people don’t accept
things i am

sure, they’re just adjectives
but they’re so much more than that
374 · Dec 2017
A Reason
Jessy Dec 2017
People don’t realize
Everything I do
Has a purpose

Why do I have so many key chains on my bag?
So that when I walk it drowns out the sound of my thighs rubbing against each other

Why do I sit sideways on my chair?
So that you don’t see my thighs spilling over the edge on both sides

Why do I always wear jeans?
Because they hold in all my fat

Why do I always wear long sleeves?
So that I can hide the scars on my wrists

Why do I always wear hoodies and sweaters?
Because it hides my body fat

Why do I always straighten my hair?
So that it will frame my face and hide my double chin

Why do I wear four pounds of makeup?
So that I can hide my acne and disgusting face

Why do I play with the ring on my finger so often?
Because I do it whenever I'm anxious, which is often

Why am I always smiling?
Because on the inside I’m breaking but I don’t want you to see

You see
Everything I do
There’s a reason behind it
354 · Feb 2018
Jessy Feb 2018
I don’t want to be loved
I don’t deserve it
Because all I will do
Is bring them down with me
So instead
I will live angry
Angry that I can’t be loved
Angry that I don’t deserve love
Angry that I am unlovable
Angry that the world is against me
Angry at everybody
Angry at myself
Jessy Jan 2018
I want to be happy
But I can’t
I want to cut myself
But I shouldn’t
I want to talk to someone
But I won’t
I want to **** myself
But I don’t
348 · Apr 2018
I'm sorry
Jessy Apr 2018
Please don’t be hurt. Please don’t blame yourself. This is not your fault. I just couldn’t take it anymore. The voices in my head, the emptiness in my heart, the darkness in my body. But I had everything, I know I did. A loving family, a bright future, a promising life.

There was just so much going on inside my head. I felt like I was 10 feet underwater with my feet tied to an anchor that was pulling me down, down, down. I knew I needed to find my way back to the surface but I couldn’t seem to untie myself. My willpower had reduced to nothingness.

You know, I was terrified of mirrors. Every time I looked into them, I felt like I was under a magnifying glass where every single one of my flaws was staring back at me, mocking me. I looked around and saw so much perfection, and my own imperfections made me feel so small. Like I could disappear into thin air and no one would’ve noticed because they didn’t understand, or care. Everyone thought it was easier to pretend I was still the same girl I used to be, when they all knew I wasn’t.

Sometimes, I tried to think back to the exact moment my depression became too heavy to bear and my anxiety became too prevalent to ignore because then I could’ve found a way to retain a tiny shred of who I used to be. Unfortunately, every time I did, I came up empty because it wasn’t a specific time or a certain moment. It was something that developed over time and got to a point where I couldn’t ignore it anymore. There was so much bottled up inside of me and I didn’t know how to deal with it.

Depression slipped into my system, and slowly, it got a little harder to wake up in the morning. I felt like I was moving, but not getting anywhere. Soon I started to feel numb, like nothing mattered in the world. I found that all the things I used to like doing, didn’t bring me joy anymore. Then suddenly I was sitting in my bedroom, alone, wondering how I got to such a dark, sad, empty place and I tried to find a way to make myself feel anything other than this overbearing numbness.

My anxiety came in small bursts. It started off small and barely noticeable, but built up overtime. One day, I was getting overly nervous and scared about a specific situation, but I didn’t think anything of it. Then sometime later, a similar situation occurred and that time, I was sitting on the bathroom floor trying to breathe, telling myself to stop crying. My chest tightened, my vision blurred, my hands and feet went numb and I couldn’t think straight.

In the end, all I was left with was the feeling of wanting it all to go away. But my mental illness was just like a layer of skin: I could never get rid of it.

I know I seemed fine, happy almost. But it was all fake, a simple act I put on each day. I know I should’ve told someone, I know I should’ve reached out for help. I just didn’t want to seem like a failure, I didn’t want people to think I was weak. I was put on a pedestal and I was scared to come down from it. It would have crushed my family to know I wasn’t an intelligent, confident young lady but rather an anxious, depressed freak. But it still isn’t anyone’s fault, it’s mine for caring more about how people thought of me than my own mental health. It just got to a point where there was no other option. Whether I was living or not, I was already gone. There was no soul, no life, left in me. I was just an empty body.


I'm so sorry
347 · Nov 2017
Jessy Nov 2017
her dull eyes, pale skin, blue lips
were once radiant and lively
but now she’s gasping for air
while everyone around her easily breathes
she’s drowning
sinking further down

she screams, “someone save me!”
but her mouth doesn’t move
the words don’t come out
people just stare at her
oblivious to her internal battle
no one sees she’s falling
and holding on for dear life

the water around her
is trying to fill her lungs
it’s trying to overtake her body
and she’s tired of fighting it
the water’s getting too strong
she can’t hold on much longer

the water pushes down on her body
filling her organs
it’s damaging everything she’s made up of
and she lets it

everything goes black
she can’t move anymore
her body is numb
her heart stopped beating

the water drowned her
and they let it happen
no one rescued her
she begged for someone to save her
but no one bothered to ask
three simple words
“are you okay?”
341 · Dec 2017
worth it
Jessy Dec 2017
is life even worth living?
because i can’t name a single reason to live
but I can name a thousand reasons to die
337 · Nov 2017
5 W's
Jessy Nov 2017
“Who is more ****** up than you?” No one.
“What the **** is wrong with you?” Everything.
“Where is your face underneath all that makeup?” I don’t know.
“Why are you still alive?” Great question.
“When will you die?” Soon.
336 · Jan 2018
light bulb
Jessy Jan 2018
You see that light bulb?
When that light bulb stopped working,
When it was broken,
You knew.

But the thing with people is
You don’t know when they stopped working
You may not even have known
That they were broken

What a tragedy, huh?
325 · Feb 2018
Jessy Feb 2018
I want her pin-straight hair
I want her sun-kissed skin
I want her piercing blue eyes
I want her little button nose
I want her plump lips
I want her long legs
I want her skinny arms
I want her flat stomach
I want her round ***
I want her curvy hips

I want to have his money
I want to live in his house
I want to be in his family
I want to have his car

I want their confidence
I want their fierceness
I want their self-love
I want their happiness

I want to look just like her
I want to live his luxurious life
I want to have their personality
320 · Mar 2018
An opportunity to die
Jessy Mar 2018
At this very moment,
I’m not suicidal.
But if a car came
While I was crossing the street
I wouldn’t move out of the way.
If someone was holding a gun to my head
I wouldn’t exactly beg for my life.
In fact, I would tell them
To go for it.
No, I’m not suicidal.
But if I had an opportunity
To die without killing myself,
I would take it.
saw something similar on Pinterest so I decided to recreate it
317 · Jan 2018
Jessy Jan 2018
I have trust issues
So if I confide in you
Please take me seriously
And understand
This is a big step for me

I have anxiety
And I’m embarrassed about it
So if I have a anxiety or panic attack
In front of you
Please don’t make fun of me

I have depression
So if I look down or sad
And you ask me if I’m okay
Please realize I will just say I’m fine
Even if I’m not
299 · Feb 2018
Jessy Feb 2018
I want to be rich
So I never have to worry
I want to have all the money in the world
So I can finally feel comfort
I want to be powerful
So I can feel in control
I want to have power
So I can truly have control

I want money
I want power
284 · Dec 2017
Jessy Dec 2017
flowers bloom
flowers grow
flowers live
flowers die

flowers start as little buds
tinier than a centipede
they grow into beautiful living things
hoping to find their place in the world
they live out the remainder of their lives
depending solely on themselves
then they shrivel up
lose their strength
lose their passion
lose their will
and they die
they leave the earth
the place that didn’t help them
that didn’t care about them
the place that let them die
276 · Dec 2017
who knew?
Jessy Dec 2017
I used to imagine people who self-harmed
as crazy people
"you're making yourself bleed?"
"you purposely put yourself in pain?"
I used to ask

I would cringe
thinking about it

who knew a few years later
that would be me?
who knew that would be me
making myself bleed?
who knew that would be me
putting myself in pain on purpose?

who ******* knew?
274 · Feb 2018
Jessy Feb 2018
Tonight is the night
I realized
the human mind
is truly the
264 · Feb 2018
Jessy Feb 2018
I'm tired of living
I'm tired of living
I'm tired of living
I'm tired of living
I'm tired of living
I'm tired of living
I'm tired of living
I'm tired of living

how many times do I have to say it
for you to finally pay attention?
259 · Feb 2018
Valentine's Day
Jessy Feb 2018
I hate this

I love this
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