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Let the tears flow like a river,
A river of regret and pain.
Let them fall and weave down your face,
past your cheeks and down your neck.
Drench yourself in tears.

Empty yourself of all hurt and pain.
Suffocate every scarring memory.

Add a waterfall to the end of your river.
Force the pain all the way to the the edge.
Bully the regret over the edge.
Watch your pain and regret fall.
Watch them as they disappear downstream.

They're dead.
They're gone forever.
Roses symbolise her appearance,
but deep beneath her façade lies a poisonous pest.

This whole poem is basically an extended metaphor. Just as the pests of the rose feed on it's roots so too does society compromise the woman by poisoning her soul.
She loves me.
She loves me not.
Does she really love me?
She loves me not.
Is this meant to be?
She loves me not.
Is this what we could be?
She loves me not.
Time isn't for free,
Wasted all my time just to be
Nothing to me.
When I look into​ the past
I see you and me,
I see you being all I need.

When I look into​ the past,
I see us becoming much more.
I see us being together.

When I look at you,
I still see what you used to be,
but now you don't know me.

When I look into​ the past,
I see myself seeing much more
Than what I see right now,
Which is nothing at all.
Society is a liar.
You're perfect just the way you are.

Friends aren't always friends.
Be your biggest friend.

Family can forsake you.
Trust those real people closest to you.

Don't automatically believe lies.
See the truth behind it.

Be who you are.
Do not be who you're not.
you held me in your hand,
you took me everywhere - at your mercy.
you would drop me in the sand,
continually batter my heart and soul,
then only would you go looking for your mercy which you lost, somewhere in the sand.
Swimming without assistance,
Progressing - stroke by stoke.

Gently moving along the surface,
Barely scratching the depths.

Stroke by stroke, I become stronger and more confident.
Stroke by stroke, I pound and penetrate the water.
Stroke by stroke, I overcome my previous position.

Each stroke like torture
Ripping myself out and falling back in,
Allowing the water to take a hold of me once again.

The water symbolised my struggles and insecurities.
A never-ending and already lost war,
I was battered, stroke by stroke.
love is a big word.for only four can mean so much to someone.or nothing at all.are you the one i wana call late at night​.or are you the one i need to stay away from.i don't know if it's true love.yet you make me feel special.all i want is you.but i'm scared.scared of heartbreak.
Hannah De Jager (@AnonymousMouse)
feelings re-appear
images re-appear
the fear of loving becomes more apparent
love that leads to heartbreak enters again

trying to channel the feeling
into nothingness
is tough as it is when your mind plays with you
especially after seeing the person for the first time

stupid thoughts drown me
the realness of a human is questionable
but somehow the love remains

no matter what
love pollutes the soul
forcing us to make assumptions
and forcing us to make sacrifices
all for one goal - love

love intoxicates our minds
forcing us to make the incorrect decisions
and forcing us to say words we never meant
all for one goal - love

love poisons those who fall in it
ultimately tearing them apart from each other
and breaking the connection they had
all due to one goal - love
Lack of punctuation adds to lack of care and sympathy by love.
Crying isn't an atrocity,
It's beautiful.

It shows that you have a functioning soul;
It expands and contracts
It can feel emotion and display it.

It shows that you understand importance of life;
It displays your hurt and pain
It displays your dissatisfaction

Crying shows the world that you're sensitive and that you have a heart that deserves to be cared for.
so peculiar yet
You have chosen me

so undeserving yet
You have blessed me

so full of sin yet
You have cleansed me

so full of the world but
Greater are You who is in me

they try to stop me but
nothing will stop me from reaching for You

You are Jesus ❤
You make me want to cover myself,
hide myself,
abuse myself.

All that you can see are my eyes;
Looking out for where you are,
Hoping that you'd stop.

You make me want to give you a blank canvas,
so that you can paint me in the way you want me to be - I want to live to be myself, you can live with your own version of me.

You've used me
and now my love for you feels second hand,
just like the way you've treated me as your only other option.
Rich history
Rich president
Rich scenery
Rich minister​

Poor citizens
Poor country management
Poor service delivery
Poor crime prevention

A richly poor
South Africa
Poetry is the key to the soul.
It cracks it open like a tin can, and most times, it floods it with a waterfall of tears.

Poetry is the key to the mind.
It enters and cleanses any impure part, forcing the mind to realise it's wrongs and inspire it to do right.

Poetry is the key to the heart.
It enters the heart and sweeps away residue from heartbreak and repairs any cracks to be perfect once again.

Poetry is the key to feelings.
It enters the heart and soul and pierces your emotions like a sword through another's heart, making you realise that he's not the one and that he's doing this all for fun.

Poetry can enter pretty much anything.
You broke me.
I'm standing here, broken.
You made me tear up.
I'm laying here, emotional.
You beat me down.
I'm getting up, slowly
You hurt me.
I'm moving, painfully

My head is telling me that I'm broken.  
- Therapy.
My head is telling me that I'm emotional.
- Therapy.
My head is telling me that I'm powerless.
- Therapy.
My head is telling me that this is painful
- Therapy.

All I need is your
a rose
might yield
fake and loveless intentions
intentions to use and abuse
none to love and appreciate
only to have a quick
then maybe a "i love you"
just to get some more fulfilment
a sneak peek into the unknown
the wanted to be known
just for flesh on flesh
all of this concealed in a one gesture
the use of a rose
walks like she is being judged
turns around
expecting a crowd

the occasional humble
she does not stumble
societies opinion
fear of demoralisation

she could be herself
but she tries to be
someone else
You lured me into your grasp,
and looked at me with determined eyes.
Your biggest task was to use me,
and it was obvious that everything that you told me were honest lies.

When I was close enough,
you manipulated and exploited me.
Every time I opened up,
you tore the opening even wider.

When our souls intertwined,
mine got stuck.
I desperately tried to free myself,
but you were tugging at it,
ripping it apart.

You lured me in and got me to be comfortable with you so that you could use and abuse me "just for fun".
#fun #abuse #soul #manipulate #grasp #lies #stuck
Today, we fight many battles.
How has it gone so far?
Injustices rule;
Stand up for yourself, risk death.

We gain nothing through violence.
Our dignity is tainted.
Random acts of goodness overshadowed.
Living becomes indefinable.
Death is felt with the warmth of blood.

“I was attacked.”
Suffering being witnessed and felt.

“I barely survived.”
Now people need to watch their backs.
Fury prowls the streets,
Until justice is served.
Remember when we used to be free.
“I arrived home safely.”
A "Good Morning" text is now feared.
Today it can be exactly what it is.
In a few days, it's a death notification.
Now we need to fight together;
Great powers require big forces.

Many will fall. And
Eventually we will all rise.

(Take the first letter of each line and make a sentence.)

- The Sentence
What rhymes with used?
What rhymes with abused?
What is synonymous with accusations?
Escalation of your heart rate.
Why does your heart rate intensify?
Reason lies in the your fear of being battered.

Once you're bleeding, you're just a few minutes away from the unwanted... and the attacker lives happily and justice leaves with the victim.

if you could shine
the darkness would evacuate
but since you're potent
you remain homogeneous to the darkness

your subtle presence
like that of a sickness
hidden only till its effects are seen
death far too sympathetic for you

your personality so evil
that transparency turns into opaque
that love turns into hatred
that wishing upon a shooting star turns into a death wish
#love #hate #star #her #darkness #shine
Wooden creations of life.
Thousands of years of hassle-free thriving
'till we arrived.

Currently, decaying and suffering trees are killed,
Perfectly healthy creations are murderer,
Wise and noble beauties are ripped from the earth.

Its home
Is dying too.

Large cavities in the earth
Like a mine shaft in your tooth.
Suffering is synonymous with humans.

Our lives depend on nature, both their existence and their death.

Nature provides us with important ingredients to life,
But we also remove every trace of it in our urbanisation.

Trees stand their ground,
They don't go down without a fight.
They stand tall and are tough to penetrate.

They have faith that their roots will be the strength to their growth and do not detach,
so why do we dwell on others to be our strength and why do we disown our origins.

Be more like a tree.
Believe in your capabilities;
Live a confident life.
I risk it all to have it all;
The be all and end all.
Clichés like unmutual love
Show you what I'd do for love.
She was lost
So lost that the stars were out of reach
So lost that darkness was all she could see
So alone that she had no one to be her saving light
Society continually asks about relationships;
How many you've had, how many you've faked.
Society constantly asks about affection;
Whether you've expressed affection or not.

Society never asks how many times love lead to heartbreak;
What you undeservedly deserved.
Society never asks if you're okay;
Whether you're living positively or whether you feel like just another brick in the wall, waiting to be vandalised and demolished.
she sits miles away but you think she's right next to you
she sits in corners that make it difficult to reach
her life is a game called 'the maze' and you're in it
reach the centre of the maze and see her alone
she seems lost bewildered

you make your way to the centre (of your life)
your centre becomes eccentric as your centre moves away
she your centre sees someone else and runs towards him passionately
they leave the maze feeling victorious

you walked miles to see her and realize that she has walked miles to see someone else
your heart beats on every tenth step you take nearing the end of your life
the intent that she has is present but for someone who isn't
she felt different
different to me
i saw something more
she saw nothing
at all
Exterior beauty is viewed like the average individual passing a painting.
They barely understand meaning, but seem to conclude that the painting is beautiful.

Interior beauty is ignored like the average individual passing a painting.
They understand the surface, they see it's beauty, but the exact story behind the painting is unknown and worthless.

We focus on the exterior, make a decision and leave, but forget that the interior is what will reveal itself louder than the most bombastic exterior.
all my struggles
all my attempts
are useless

i plead with you to understand
that you are beautiful

i try to explain that you are beautiful
but there is always something
always someone better
that miraculously steals all your beauty just because they are beautiful

i wish i could take a dagger
stab myself
and use my blood to paint
on every doubt you have
on every wall that you have built around yourself
on anything that can fit 3 simple words
that basically mean
r e a d
b e a u t i f u l
heard it before
i call you that every time
now believe me already
when im all alone
i get wild thoughts
when im all alone
i get thoughts of you
when nothings up
i think of you
#wild #thoughts #you
You are nothing humane.
You stand out like a diamond amongst millions of other gems.

You drive me insane.
I am to blame, but you make it difficult
I try to remain composed, but everytime I see you, my heart just explodes.

You cause me to sacrifice many things;
Late nights, all for you.
You really get under my skin.
You're my everything, and I want to be your everything too.

You were brighter than everything.
You were all I could hope for.
I thought I was everything to you, but you hit me right in the core

I've always been there for you,
Through thick and thin,
You were my ultimate win.

But now things are different.
Seperated, like a cub without it's mother.
My heart, I wish I could save it.

If I fight the good fight,
There will be hope within the light.

You were my favourite constellation.
You became my addiction.
But now you are the burglar bars preventing me from running off into the sunset with my real love, fleeing your darkness.
A life without a mother is like fighting a war

You emitt a sense of dignity
You display beauty and excitement
Your appearance is a sight that can heal any brokenness
Your spine holds together all the stories of your innermost being.

Your structure aids your courtesy
A flip-style lid that uncovers all your experiences
A passageway to your inner workings.

Your appearance is mostly a façade;
One that enlightens and softens the viewer
When the lid is flipped and your inner self uncovered, everything seems different.

Your inside displays short bursts of anger
Punctuation is used all over
Complexities in understanding display uncertainty
A sense of broken and relentless suffering;
One that is nothing less than negative.

The shell around this inside is solid, rigid and safe.
Without opening the lid up, the inside would not be exposed.

These two entities are completely different and independent from each other.

You are like a book:
The outside - the lie
The inside - the truth.

— The End —