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Badshah Khan Feb 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust) – 39

BismillahIr RahmanIr Raheem

The faqeer (Holy Wanderer) won’t search for any eternal love.

The eternal love itself eagerly begs for him,

To be uniquely his loved once.

He naturally becomes a Faqeer (Holy wanderer) means;

He scatters himself as a void vessel,

To be naturally filled with divine wisdom and love!

Allah Khair….. Khairul Rabul Alameen Yah Arrahmanur Yah Raheem

Ummah Thurab – Badshah Khan.
©UT-BK 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust)
Badshah Khan Feb 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust) – 38

BismillahIr RahmanIr Raheem

Pure Salt and sweet sugar melt in visible water
In specific taste both key ingredients are naturally varying.

We intuitively know the proper Social usage,
Of pure salt and sweet sugar,
Still they wont be same!

We as being naturally, are typically varied
Like pure salt and sweet sugar,.

On our own way of cultured taste,
But still we are same creation,
To taste the confirmed death of our dear life!

Allah Khair….. Khairul Rabul Alameen Yah Arrahmanur Yah Raheem

Ummah Thurab – Badshah Khan.
©UT-BK 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust)
Badshah Khan Feb 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust) – 37

BismillahIr RahmanIr Raheem

The limitless sky!

Under the limitless sky, I seen everyone desperately Try,
To satisfactorily conclude each other, on their own way,
But we human, how can we properly interpret the sacred past.

As it happened in eternal heavens in the sacred past,
That one ultimate conclusion, naturally causes us all,
To critically survive under the one stable roof,

The limitless sky!

Allah Khair….. Khairul Rabul Alameen Yah Arrahmanur Yah Raheem

Ummah Thurab – Badshah Khan.
©UT-BK 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust)
Badshah Khan Feb 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust) – 36

BismillahIr RahmanIr Raheem

In my own presence, I sense myself void,
Rage and angriness, Pride and unkind,
Desirous and irresistible craving, where I lost myself.

But when I am at ease in your divine presence,
Oh my Beloved, I sense Myself absolute,
As I properly grasp, myself with absolute Truth!

Indeed, Oh my Beloved You are rightfully the Only One! (Al Ahad)
And You are Universally The Truth! (Al Haqq)

Allah Khair….. Khairul Rabul Alameen Yah Arrahmanur Yah Raheem

Ummah Thurab – Badshah Khan.
©UT-BK 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust)
Badshah Khan Feb 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust) – 35

BismillahIr RahmanIr Raheem

Oh my Creator!As I am the sacred dust,

I am the key part of all visible and invisible cosmos,

Glittering stars and all your divine creation,

But none, can’t be properly formed without your eternal light!

Allah Khair….. Khairul Rabul Alameen Yah Arrahmanur Yah Raheem

Ummah Thurab – Badshah Khan.
©UT-BK 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust)
Badshah Khan Feb 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust) – 34

BismillahIr RahmanIr Raheem

My Divine birth and moral death, in-between this two puzzle,
My dear soul, is dangling, my dear soul is sovereign’
I naturally born, before my noble birth.,
And died instantly before my noble death.
My Birth naturally obtains divine mercy of my Creator!
And peaceful death is inevitable.
In between my noble Divine birth and moral death,
My dear soul, is dangling precariously.

My dear soul, heartily enjoy a unique way of dear life.
and to voluntarily undergo the confirmed death.
My divine birth and death cant be compared equally,
In between my gentle birth and moral death,
My dear soul, is dangling precariously.

In my divine birth my active life
Dearly want to perform optimally a several journey.
And it will merely rest with my moral death.
In my moral death, my dear soul
Willingly experience the solitary journey to hereafter,
And it will merely start on the rare day of moral judgement!
In between my divine birth and moral death
My dear soul, is dangling precariously.

Allah Khair….. Khairul Rabul Alameen Yah Arrahmanur Yah Raheem

Ummah Thurab – Badshah Khan.
©UT-BK 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust)
Badshah Khan Feb 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust) – 33

BismillahIr RahmanIr Raheem

Chanting and dancing divinely in your eternal love,
Oh my Divine Creator, what you did exactly to me?

In Your eternal love nor any query, nor any moan,
You naturally made me vanish in Your Eternal Love!

Allah Khair….. Khairul Rabul Alameen Yah Arrahmanur Yah Raheem

Ummah Thurab – Badshah Khan.
©UT-BK 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust)
Badshah Khan Feb 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust) – 32

BismillahIr RahmanIr Raheem

The mighty king is always been a slave,

And the Dearly Queen is always be doxy’

In their private chamber!

Nor the Royalty or Nobility matters,

When its comes to their unquenchable thirst!

Allah Khair….. Khairul Rabul Alameen Yah Arrahmanur Yah Raheem

Ummah Thurab – Badshah Khan.
©UT-BK 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust)
Badshah Khan Feb 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust) – 31

BismillahIr RahmanIr Raheem

Me, As Ummah Thurab (Badshah Khan),
I faithfully represent, the complete creation of my Divine Creator.

Merged seamlessly within my eternal love and noble soul,
My noble soul can’t depart from my eternal love.
Nor my eternal love from my noble soul.

With eternal love and noble soul, As me;
Faithfully representing to the visible universe,
A complete creation of my Divine Creator

As my noble soul is properly formed,
In chasmic love of My Beloved Love!

Allah Khair….. Khairul Rabul Alameen Yah Arrahmanur Yah Raheem

Ummah Thurab – Badshah Khan.
©UT-BK 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust)
Badshah Khan Feb 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust) – 30

BismillahIr RahmanIr Raheem

Genuinely am I worthy?

As a divine being?

No, I am unworthy.

But when I fondly recall you,

And chant your name Oh My Beloved’

I undoubtedly remain worthful,

More than divine being and Soul,

As my noble heart and regal soul carefully restored,

With your Divine love Oh My Beloved!

Allah Khair….. Khairul Rabul Alameen Yah Arrahmanur Yah Raheem

Ummah Thurab – Badshah Khan.
©UT-BK 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust)
Badshah Khan Feb 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust) – 29

BismillahIr RahmanIr Raheem

Maybe, or Maybe not,

You heart holds the unique key.

To your intense desire and sincere passion

All desires and passion ends,

Towards your sincere love,

You naturally need to be wisely deciding,

How to unlock!

Allah Khair….. Khairul Rabul Alameen Yah Arrahmanur Yah Raheem

Ummah Thurab – Badshah Khan.
©UT-BK 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust)
Badshah Khan Feb 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust) – 28

BismillahIr RahmanIr Raheem

In cruel atmosphere, I bloomed with pristine purity,

With gentle and soft, I was sincere to the social beings,

But beings use Me for their own purpose,

And trash me as litter once it’s been adequately fulfilled,

As my Beloved (earth) given life and when I rest peacefully,

She Grasped me and knowingly allow to successful revival,

Once again to bloom in this cruel unkind world!

Allah Khair….. Khairul Rabul Alameen Yah Arrahmanur Yah Raheem

Ummah Thurab – Badshah Khan.
©UT-BK 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust)
Badshah Khan Feb 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust) – 27

BismillahIr RahmanIr Raheem

We both encounter unique challenges in our eternal life,

You are deeper as mighty ocean,

I am deeper in my chosen path of eternal love,

Wisely let’s both experience the unique challenges together,

As You and Me the Divine Creations of our Own Creator!

Allah Khair….. Khairul Rabul Alameen Yah Arrahmanur Yah Raheem

Ummah Thurab – Badshah Khan.
©UT-BK 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust)
Badshah Khan Feb 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust) – 26

BismillahIr RahmanIr Raheem

As a green blossom, I came solemnly from the divine nature of sacred dust,

And flourish the whole garden with my floral scent and sensuous beauty!

But key part of my sacred dust wondrously become a precious vase,

And I ended peacefully up my divine nature Into that precious vase,

Allowed possible life to us by the sacred dust!

Allah Khair….. Khairul Rabul Alameen Yah Arrahmanur Yah Raheem

Ummah Thurab – Badshah Khan.
©UT-BK 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust)
Badshah Khan Feb 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust) – 25

BismillahIr RahmanIr Raheem

Silence, Silence, Silence…..

Eternal silence accurately represents my eternal solitude.

Eternal silence is precisely my deepening shadow.

Eternal silence is enough for my gently Heart beats.

Eternal silence is morally my Heartily cheer.

Eternal silence is wisely to tell the truth about my Meditate.

Silence, get rid our desired distance.

Silence, gently wipe my sad tears.

Mostly I, visit in my ominous Silence.

My loyal heart beats fiercely, and halt instantly in my breathless silence.

Divine creator! Carefully constructed the eternal universe, In Silence

Whatever he naturally created, everything will be precisely end in eternal silence…

Silence, Silence, Silence…..

Allah Khair….. Khairul Rabul Alameen Yah Arrahmanur Yah Raheem

Ummah Thurab – Badshah Khan.
©UT-BK 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust)
Badshah Khan Feb 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust) – 24

BismillahIr RahmanIr Raheem

Sufism is precisely not a meditative practice or social study.

Sufism uniquely represent a mystical path,

That properly directs you, to remain humble and Obedient, and love towards the whole creation.

Enlighten your noble soul with your own divine wisdom,

Towards your One and Only Creator and your Beloved!

Allah Khair….. Khairul Rabul Alameen Yah Arrahmanur Yah Raheem

Ummah Thurab – Badshah Khan.

©UT-BK 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust)
Badshah Khan Feb 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust) – 23

BismillahIr RahmanIr Raheem

Shine yourself in the direct path of your eternal loves,

So others can walk fearlessly, in the direct path of eternal love,

Without any key hurdles, in the deepening dusk,

Wisely seek the divine wisdom through your eternal love;

As eternal love, enlightens your wisdom path at deepening dusk!

Allah Khair….. Khairul Rabul Alameen Yah Arrahmanur Yah Raheem

Ummah Thurab – Badshah Khan.
©UT-BK 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust)
Badshah Khan Feb 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust) – 22

BismillahIr RahmanIr Raheem

Willingly I ummah thurab, as passionate lover of my Beloved,

And as a wanderer (Faqeer) , by willingly’ I defame myself with my own will,

Without proper care about this ideal world or eternal fame,

Oh my social fellowship don’t try to think wistfully or sense.

To defame my noble dignity, as you may, don’t grasp my fierce rage.

I myself daunted and scared about my inner rage, Kindly do not disturb,

My wanderer path pleasantly let me be myself,

In the moral sense of my willingly lost,

And let me drown in my Beloved love forever!

Allah Khair….. Khairul Rabul Alameen Yah Arrahmanur Yah Raheem

Ummah Thurab – Badshah Khan.
©UT-BK 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust)
Badshah Khan Feb 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust) – 21

BismillahIr RahmanIr Raheem

The tortoise is uncursed, due to his lovely contour,

But willingly forget his moral strength in his noble mind,

And typically remain crawling towards his social fear,

You choose to Travel lot in fear and hide yourself in your shell,

Come out of your pearly shell (fear) and see accurately,

The divine creation of genuine love and the divine melody,

Dance freely in the open breeze, wisely let’s toss gently the social fear,

And join heartily towards our hearts with the creator’

As you are My Soul and I am your Beloved!

Allah Khair….. Khairul Rabul Alameen Yah Arrahmanur Yah Raheem

Ummah Thurab – BADSHAH KHAN.
©UT-BK 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust)
Badshah Khan Feb 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust) – 20

BismillahIr RahmanIr Raheem

No eternal matter, how you carefully write,

Sacred matter is precisely what you precisely write.

Every singular word will be reckoning.’

whatever you naturally write;

On the sacred day, you merely the one responsible.

Who precisely to tell the truth about your Sacred writings.

Oh Ummah Thurab, do not panic, about your Sacred writings

Who do they sincerely devote in eternal love, with his Beloved,

The Beloved, Himself will be precisely your mighty pen

To accurately describe about your eternal love,

towards Him through your profound sense!

Allah Khair….. Khairul Rabul Alameen Yah Arrahmanur Yah Raheem

Ummah Thurab – Badshah Khan.
©UT-BK 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust)
Badshah Khan Feb 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust) – 19

BismillahIr RahmanIr Raheem

Surrender yourself to your unutterable loneliness,

As a visible result, you can universally see;

Your own creation in deeper.

You can’t recognize anything, when you are within you.

Burn yourself completely within you,

So your infernal existence becomes eternally!

Allah Khair….. Khairul Rabul Alameen Yah Arrahmanur Yah Raheem

Ummah Thurab – Badshah Khan.
©UT-BK 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust)
Badshah Khan Feb 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust) – 18

BismillahIr RahmanIr Raheem

“**** e Qalb ki Saansoun Sey’ Hum Muhabbath Kiya Nahi Karthay”

Nah Janey Kab’ Zindaghi sey Bewafai KarJaye!

“I am not in unconditional Love, with my active living”

Who naturally knows, Inevitably betray my eternal life!

Allah Khair….. Khairul Rabul Alameen Yah Arrahmanur Yah Raheem.

Ummah Thurab – Badshah Khan
©UT-BK 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust)
Badshah Khan Feb 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust) – 17

BismillahIr RahmanIr Raheem

Others say, new year endures a new start,

for me its an end for a new start,

But I would say every new start endures a new year.

So don’t give up on your new start;

Wisely let’s be there for each other,

And start a modern era with love and unity,

Between us, let’s establish the modern world with humanity!

“Wish You All Happy New Year 2019”

“Atamanaa Lakum Kl Eam Jadid Saeid 2019”

Allah Khair….. Khairul Rabul Alameen Yah Arrahmanur Yah Raheem

Ummah Thurab – Badshah Khan
©UT-BK 2018
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust)
Badshah Khan Feb 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust) – 16

BismillahIr RahmanIr Raheem

Let me bloom, for you my eternal love.

Hence, you can gently kiss me unconditionally.

Rarely I bloom, so don’t miss the precise date.

As I am precisely a rare flower, and you are heartily my Beloved.

No matter, wherever you wander hopelessly.

For your own existence, as I gently hold the Key,

Of your noble heart, As my Beloved’ Forever!

Allah Khair….. Khairul Rabul Alameen Yah Arrahmanur Yah Raheem

Ummah Thurab – Badshah Khan
©UT-BK 2018
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust)
Badshah Khan Feb 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust) – 15

BismillahIr RahmanIr Raheem

I am worst of all worst, but you came and shaped me in a perfect look.

You transferred me from imperfection to perfection.

You are the source of light’ that I am walking towards my beloved path.

In you, I can see clearly and feel the blessings of my Creator and my beloved.

As you naturally become my faithful ally, and;

my possible existence towards all formidable hurdles, in my chosen path,

No words, can be described’ about your sacrifice, all I can say that,

I am blessed by the Heavens and Every Noble Creation of my Creator!

Allah Khair….. Khairul Rabul Alameen Yah Arrahmanur Yah Raheem

Ummah Thurab – Badshah Khan.
©UT-BK 2018
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust)
Badshah Khan Feb 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust) – 14

BismillahIr RahmanIr Raheem

Fi zulmat qatimat alruwh,

Du’i almaryiy yuadiy hatmana ‘iilaa mashhad jamil,

Baynama ‘ana ‘ashtaeilu binafsi bshd,

Fi zalamik al’abdii ‘me altahmil sabri!

Ya Habibi!

In Your grim darkness Soul,

My visible light inevitably ensues a lovely scene,

While I am furiously blazing myself,

In your eternal darkness’ with my patience endurance!

Oh My Beloved!

Allah Khair….. Khairul Rabul Alameen Yah Arrahmanur Yah Raheem

Ummah Thurab – Badshah Khan.
©UT – BK 2018
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust)
Badshah Khan Feb 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust) – 13

BismillahIr RahmanIr Raheem.

Wala ‘ana saeadatan Wala ‘ana hazin,

Wala ‘ana Al’hayat, Wala ‘ana Al’mawt,

Eindama tatahidu, ‘ant taerif ma ‘ana,

Eindama tatahidu, sataerif min ‘ana,

**** hunak ‘qbul ****’

Al’sabab Al’wahid, ‘Ana mawjud tawal hdha alwaqt,

Ruwhiun, aindamajat fi habik lil’abd,

Ah Yah Hubun! Yah Habibi!

Nor’ I am happiness, nor’ I am sad,

Nor’ I am life, nor’ I am death,

When you unite, You will know who I am!

I was been there’ before you were,

Only reason, I existed this long,

My soul, merged in your Love forever!

Oh my loved One! Oh my Beloved!

Allah Khair…..

Khairul Rabul Alameen Yah Arrahmanur Yah Raheem.

Ummah Thurab – Badshah Khan.
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust)
Badshah Khan Feb 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust) – 12

BismillahIr RahmanIr Raheem

De qalbiun waruhiun,tudie fik,
Let my heart and soul, be lost in You,

“Ya Ghouse E Azaam Dastagir” Ya Malak kl Al’nubla!
“Oh Ghouse E Azaam Dastagir” Oh the King of all Noble Ones!

“Ya Ghouse E Azaam Dastagir” ana ghubar’
“Oh Ghouse E Azaam Dastagir” I am Dust’

Daeni ‘abqaa kalghibar’ fi wujudakum,
Let me remain as dust’ in your presence,

lidha , fa’iina ‘aqdamak, alnabilat tabqaa daymaan ‘iilaa al’abad!
So, Your noble feet, be always upon me forever!

Allah Khair….. Khairul Rabul Alameen Yah Arrahmanur Yah Raheem

Ummah Thurab – Badshah Khan.
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust)
Badshah Khan Feb 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust) – 11

BismillahIr RahmanIr Raheem

Ya habibi , eindama ‘aqra shiftik.
‘Astatie ‘an ‘akhbar milyun qisat , bal ‘udris majmueatan min Al’kutb.

Al’maerifat , ma ‘aseaa ‘iilayh , laysat min Al’kutub,
Lkn, ‘aseaa min Hakimat Al’Nabilat.

Daeuna najlus maeaan waltahaduth , Ya min Al’Nubla’
Baynama tatahadath , daeni ‘alsaq wajhak la’uktusab maelumati.

li’anak ‘ant ‘ahbati! ‘Ant li’Mehbubi!

Oh my beloved, when I read your lips.
I can tell a million stories, rather I study a bunch of books.

Knowledge, what I am seeking, is not from the books,
But, I seek from your noble wisdom.

let’s sit together and talk, oh the noble one,
While you talk, let me glaze Your face to gain my knowledge.

As, you are my loved one! You are my beloved!

Allah Khair….. Khairul Rabul Alameen Yah Arrahmanur Yah Raheem

Ummah Thurab – Badshah Khan.
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust)
Badshah Khan Feb 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust) – 10

BismillahIr RahmanIr Raheem

My Soul’ enlightened with Your radiant truth!

Oh my love! Oh my Beloved!

Allah Khair….. Khairul Rabul Alameen Yah Arrahmanur Yah Raheem

Ummah Thurab – Badshah Khan.
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust)
Badshah Khan Feb 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust) – 9

BismillahIr RahmanIr Raheem

The Noble descendant’ always finds its roots towards his Noble descendants!

Allah Khair….. Khairul Rabul Alameen Yah Arrahmanur Yah Raheem

Ummah Thurab – Badshah Khan.
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust)
Badshah Khan Feb 2019
Rubaiyat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust) – 8

BismillahIr RahmanIr Raheem

The heaven and earth decorated on this noble month. (Rabi’ al-Thani)

Your feet are blessed, for every guardian, and to this world,

Blossoms flourish in your love even in a dry land,

Oh Jilani, all guardians, gathered to welcomes you,

As you are the king’ to entire guardians,

Everyone welcomes you with utmost respect.

As your are Jilani, my Loved and a respectful Friend,

Let me, hold your noble feet in my heart and walk on this earth.

As dust, of your noble feet’ Oh my Jilani!

Allah Khair….. Khairul Rabul Alameen Yah Arrahmanur Yah Raheem

Ummah Thurab – Badshah Khan.
Rubaiyat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust)
Badshah Khan Feb 2019
Rubaiyat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust) – 7

BismillahIr Rahman Raheem

Oh E’ilahi’ (Creator most loved one) (Mehboob E ilahi)
You are the creator most loved one (Mehboob E ilahi)

There is a veil in between you and me,
You are the order, and you are the noble saint,
I am not worthy, to see you through the veil,

Maybe little glimpse You and me, from behind the veil,
let me learn the order from you Oh E’ilahi’

The Order about Our Beloved, and His love,
May I am not worthy, for any of these,

But From You, Oh E’ilahi there is an enlightened lamp (Chirag Dehlavi) and Altruistic (Bande Nawaz)

So I came, in your presence with the utmost respect, beneath your feet as your dust, Allow me to learn,

Tonight, is the gathering of loved ones, let me sit beside the veil,
Let me fade in silence, and watch the gathering,

I Ummah Thurab, not worthy for this knowledge, except remain as dust’ beneath the sky and your feet!

Allah Khair….. Khairul Rabul Alameen Yah Arrahmanur Yah Raheem

Ummah Thurab – Badshah Khan.
Rubaiyat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust)
Badshah Khan Feb 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust) – 6

BismillahIr RahmanIr Raheem

In the autumn winter, under the dull moon,
Near the rosarium garden, there is place where I can rest,

In dull moon, Beetle glitter their lights, and decorate the garden like shiny stars in the open sky,

Roses sprays their odour to perceive the fragrance of heaven’s.

Let me rest peacefully, besides my Beloved,

No any other thoughts, Waiting for his presence in my heart and soul!

Who is my Loved one! Who is my Beloved!

Allah Khair….. Khairul Rabul Alameen Yah Arrahmanur Yah Raheem

Ummah Thurab – Badshah Khan.
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust)
Badshah Khan Feb 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust) – 5

BismillahIr RahmanIr Raheem

Welcome to my world, the entire world grasp with ecstatic love,

Ecstatics towards my Beloved and his elegant world,

He taught me, the true submission towards his creator and to the love,

The love, that what we seek in this world, when I merge in his love,

He transformed Himself, into everything, that I see, smell and sense,

He is the key, towards myself and to my destiny

Welcome to my world, as my entire world grasp with ecstatic!!!!!

Allah Khair….. Khairul Rabul Alameen Yah Arrahmanur Yah Raheem

Ummah Thurab – Badshah Khan.
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust)
Feb 2019 · 304
United Arab Emirates
Badshah Khan Feb 2019
United Arab Emirates

BismillahIr RahmanIr Raheem

The nation always attend the simplicity,

Respect the bonds towards all commitments,

Enduring the past and securing the future,

Always greet you with smile, and embrace you,

This is the Year of Zayed! The Dream of Our Zayed!

Pleased by every citizen and expats

This is U. A. E….. This is My U. A. E ♥️
United Arab Emirates
Badshah Khan Feb 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust) – 4

BismillahIr RahmanIr Raheem

Try to know your creator, don’t make him to show his signs,

As, His every signs are havoc and frightening,

Creator, Himself the truth, and an eternal,

As, He is the truth, He adapts his verity to his love,

He created by Himself The (Al Sadiq) Truthful!

Who is my loved One! Who is my Beloved!

With the guidance of “Truthful” (Al Sadiq),

I am, an eternal truth’ of his own creation!

Allah Khair….. Khairul Rabul Alameen Yah Arrahmanur Yah Raheem

Ummah Thurab – Badshah Khan.
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust)
Badshah Khan Feb 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust) – 3

BismillahIr RahmanIr Raheem

The Sun and the moon are the radiant lights of the world’s

Formed by the creator of the world’s;

But the creator himself transformed his radiant light Towards his love,

From whom, He the creator’ created the sun and the moon with his radiant light,

Luckily, He doesn’t need the radiant light of sun or the moon,

As himself, represent the radiant light of his creator in this world,

Whom, He walks on this earth, as my loved One! As my Beloved!!!!!

Allah Khair….. Khairul Rabul Alameen Yah Arrahmanur Yah Raheem

Ummah Thurab – Badshah Khan.
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust)
Badshah Khan Feb 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust) – 2

There is no darkness exist in the world, except in my eyes,

I seen the world through my closed eyes, seems to me everything is dark,

When I opened my eyes, I can see the radiant light in this world,

Indeed, you are the radiant light of his all creations.

The both darkness and the light are merged in myself,

Light upon light, guide me the path towards your radiant light.

Oh my loved one! Oh my Beloved!

Allah Khair….. Khairul Rabul Alameen Yah Arrahmanur Yah Raheem

Ummah Thurab – Badshah Khan.
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust)
Feb 2019 · 116
Badshah Khan Feb 2019








My World!
Badshah Khan Feb 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust) – 1

BismillahIr RahmanIr Raheem

Oh the Noble one, Oh my Beloved,
I left my nation in your Love,
Being royal I left my all senses,

Seen the beauties of creation, but none like you,
With the elegant face and serene eyes,
I lost my all sense after what I seen
In my time, I never seen anyone like you,
Your looks, your smile, made me slave
And made me cosmic in your Love, oh my beloved!

I Ummah Thurab left my nation, left my comfort,
In your search, Grasped the dress of rags
From Badshah , I become a wanderer (Faqeer)
My heart and soul wandering in your search!

Been slave and psychic and lost as a dusty
Nothing stops me from being in love with you
Only once, show me your radiant face,
Let my arid core quench his thirst,

Let my soul taste the life of being
I don’t want to see the heaven’s or the comforts
Don’t open my mind or my eyes, just
Grab my soul , and take me whole
Oh my loved one! Oh my beloved!

Allah Khair….. Khairul Rabul Alameen Yah Arrahmanur Yah Raheem

Ummah Thurab – Badshah Khan.
Rubaiyat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust)

— The End —