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Jun 2018 · 503
In search of Peace
Alicia Allen Jun 2018
lustful hunger
restless slumber
in Christ we keep
Prayerful Thoughts
Heal me through a broken path.
when you're going through something you just have to keep going.
Jun 2018 · 482
Alicia Allen Jun 2018
It would seem, so it seems
that I have more time than anyone else
not in the mean time
or in between time
but real time.
It would seem, so it seems
that I make time for things that take time
not air time or prime time but
my time.
you have to know the difference between when someone hit you up only on their free time and when they free time to hit you up.
Jun 2018 · 218
Untitled 62518
Alicia Allen Jun 2018
I slammed my phone into the wall
why do I have one, you never calls
yeah, you hit me up when you wanna put it down
other than that, you're never around
why have doors you never use em
had feeling for you,
now am about to lose em.
what you do or wont do
tell me more about you than you ever could
so send me a letter
when you're feeling better
heard you got the flu
****, I  know that aint true
yeah you're sick
but its more with the mind
cause you always be out there ******* and lying
and you wonder why you're depressed
home boy, your life's a mess
trying to be five steps ahead,
must be mad tired keeping that pace,
look around, only you and  yourself in that race.
Jun 2018 · 419
Alicia Allen Jun 2018
All food has lost its taste
and wine its buzz
there is no comfort in the sounds
no familiarity in the smiles
empty is how I feel inside
an important part of my soul is missing
I do not sleep, I do not dream
the emptiness yawns to swallow everything
return and take the missing part of my soul with you
come back and anchor me
for I am empty without you.
Jun 2018 · 416
Alicia Allen Jun 2018
What am i doing wrong
what am i saying wrong
what am i seeing wrong
Not fat enough, not tall enough
not slim enough, not thick enough
wrong face, wrong hair, wrong skin
wrong smile.
what is so wrong with me
Not smart enough, not funny enough
not rich enough, not poor enough
laugh too hard, dont laugh enough
not too coy, not bold enough, not old enough
not witty enough, not pretty enough,
too much curves, too much emotion
wrong everything and anything
what am i doping wrong?
never, never good enough
when you just cant do a **** thing right
Jun 2018 · 500
For the love of Company
Alicia Allen Jun 2018
I will awash myself in sorrow
and seek to cry the saltiest tears.
If for that reason only you will chose me
above all others despite circumstance.
I shall be no more than Misery
Simply to state my need for Company.

Oh, what misery I shall joyfully bring
for games are not just for fools
I shall throw myself upon wretchedness,
unscrupulous morals
and dastardly deeds.
the best of Misery I endeavour to be
For the love of Company

And Company you shall be to my Misery
Endlessly, Completely, Eternally.
Jun 2018 · 329
Untiltled 27
Alicia Allen Jun 2018
To you my thoughts do fly,
to carry these words
in the blink of an eye.
what words and thoughts you may ask,
well I hadn't thought of that when I began this task.
I only wish for you to know,
my feeling will remain the same
for it matters not how many time you go.
Jun 2018 · 373
Untitled 11318
Alicia Allen Jun 2018
Life has a way of making fools of even the smartest mind and love is its greatest weapon.
life has a way of teaching us  the lessons we try hardest not to learn and even when we see the hit coming from a mile away, it still hurts like a motherfkr on impact.
hit one: being in love with someone you know sooner or later will replace you.
hit two: praying for that one in a million chance to move up from side chick to main *****.
hit three: knowing this side chick **** is hard while being the **** of  life's biggest joke, thinking I'm in love.
Jun 2018 · 496
Alicia Allen Jun 2018
Here is a response I must give but cannot give to whom must receive it.
You feed the need.
A yawning dark and deep emptiness that lies within.
devouring everything it touches
dragging to its depths
an eternity of punishing hunger, wild and intense
gnawing away at the fabric of my mind, an emptiness that desires you
your presence,your warmth, your smell, your very soul.
to placate, to fill
I crave for you.
a yearning so maddening, it is frightening
But even as you fill, you increase the emptiness. crazed and rabid, I desire you still.
an ache as tangible as it is visceral
as painful as it sooths
as though I am caught in a fevered dream
tell me my perception from your reality
you feed the need, even as you cause the hunger still.
a desire so strong it physically hurts
Jun 2018 · 434
Miss you Babe
Alicia Allen Jun 2018
I miss the sound of your voice , close to my ear
verbal poetic *******, whose timbre
like pen stokes ink into my skin

I miss the feel of your lips, to taste your soul
when we kiss and worship before your tongue
leaving praise upon your lips

I miss your scent on our pillows
like a memory on which I drift
to lull me back to peaceful sleep

And the heat of the space where you slept,
in which i curl like a cat on a window sill
lazy, content.
when sleeping with someone becomes more than a habit but a necessity
Feb 2018 · 277
Untitled 27
Alicia Allen Feb 2018
To you my thoughts do fly,
To carry these words in
The blink of an eye.

What words and thoughts you may ask.
Well I hadn't thought of that when I began this task.

I only wished for you to know,
My feelings will remain the same
For it matters not how many times you go.
A charming little spell to let him know that ill always be thinking of him and despite the distance, I will keep on loving him. :)
Feb 2018 · 444
Drive By Love
Alicia Allen Feb 2018
Heavens know I love you with a lot of my heart
But you only love me so long as the car is in park.
You're neither here nor there; but mostly you're there.

Until you come around with pom and pageantry, acting like you never left.

Oh, look who the wind blew in.
In through the door and out through the window.

We both know you don't aim to stay,
So do your damage and go away.
Your kinda love, a girl can do without.

Speed up, roll out, breaks to the curve.
Everybody duck, everybody duck
Long legged, mac daddy is coming about.

We both know you don't aim to stay,
So drive by lover
go on
Hurry up and drive away..
Alicia Allen Feb 2018
I spend my days, in a haze, daydreaming
About somebody else's man.
I've got my head in the clouds and my heart soaring wild.
I spend my time daydreaming, about a man that aint mine.

I sit and I wonder, about the taste of his lips
I've seen him a time or two dozen around the way.
I watch as he go, to and fro, everyday
And I keep a wonder, wondering when its gonna be my turn.

I spend my days, in a haze, daydreaming
About somebody else's man.
Feb 2018 · 616
Hello hello old friend!
Alicia Allen Feb 2018
Hello, hello old friend!
How's the weather up there on thy lofty perch?

Does it neither thunder nor rain?
Do you too not experience unexpected storms that toss and tumble things about just so?

Does your upturn nose not itch from the stench of your own narcissism?
Do you not fear the arbitrary nature of your own will, that it should grow a life of its own and tumble you down like a potted plant from a high rise window sill ?

Does your *** not hurt from how stiffly you sit? Fixed in your stance, relying solely on your own crooked opinions?

Hello, hello old friend!
Do your ears belie the sound of the condescension in your voice
And your eyes blinded by your own pretence to hide you from yourself?

no wonder you cannot see further than your nose.
Feb 2018 · 434
Something, Something hurts
Alicia Allen Feb 2018
Something hurts.
A deeply painful hurt that seems to resonate from a place as deep as it is painful.
As brutal as the crushing pressure building from within lungs trapped under tons of water . Salted water drawn from earths own seas.
Something hurts
and it hurts something fierce, now there's water in my soul and an ancient ache in my bones.
Wandering under the pressure of it in a dark chasm.
Something hurts and it is not found of this earth. Its ache as foreign as distant lands.
Something, something hurts.
It makes a body weary and fatigued
Hard pressed not carry on  longer.
No heavier sigh has be found as a burdened one.
Something hurts and it tells me carry on no more. Let it be, let it rest, let it go
So let me be,  let I will this thing that hurts.

Something, something hurts and I will it not to hurt anymore.
Feb 2018 · 426
If Only
Alicia Allen Feb 2018
If only you'll learn to whisper
No softer lips I've yet to find and
Stroke my index finger against your bottom lip to watch it quiver to a smile.
As tiny pink rose blooms primed for full bloom, caught in iridescent of early morning dew.
Let me worship before your tongue to the beating heart of the drums and tell Your soul
I am incomplete
Alicia Allen Nov 2017
Feeling you burning your way down my throat
The heat that you bring spreading through my blood
Slowly, slowly, rocking the boat
Your lingering scent on my breath

Let me, oh let me, drink from your lips
Getting drunk on brown liquor
Spilling all, the best secrets kept.

Don’t numb the ache
One shot down
Don’t blunt the need
Take another.

Getting drunk on Brown liquor

Bourbon, Brandy, Cognac
Straight up,
Mixed or
On the rocks.

Half seas over,
Two more fingers, Jack

Getting drunk on Brown liquor.
Nov 2017 · 329
Alicia Allen Nov 2017
Every day it gets harder and harder to smile and to pretend.
You end up fighting yourself,
a pointless battle really, as you neither lose nor win.
But those nagging thoughts and tiny voices keep piecing together a tapestry of coincidence.
And soon its all too real to simply ignore it.
Now its true, a fact, a real thing.
And you either confront it or be confronted by it, because little by little and too slow to notice you'll eventually drive yourself insane.
Nov 2017 · 321
Alicia Allen Nov 2017
You lied to my ears and my heart listened.
Listened and believed my foolish heart. For it cared not for the reasoning of my head.
And you,
you lied to my meddlesome heart and stole it, right out from between my ribs and my eyes never saw it coming.
You lied to my heart, stole it and then broke it.
Broke it into pieces, and that I felt and that I saw.
Give me back my lied to, stolen, broken heart.
You give me back my ******* heart!.
Nov 2017 · 482
Alice and the White Rabbit
Alicia Allen Nov 2017
Run little rabbit run
Scatter and scamper
Breakneck through the bush.
Run little rabbit, run.

I come tramping through the underbrush
Ill get you, I'll get you eventually
Ha! Ha!
Run little rabbit.

Here I come with a snare
Ready for our game
I like the thrill, I like the chase
Barreling after your pretty little tail.

Run little rabbit, run
Here I come sneaking through the underbrush.
Nov 2017 · 234
Alicia Allen Nov 2017
I have kissed you in my head a thousand times
And dreamed of kissing you a thousand ways more

With each little kiss you steal my breath,
Now I cannot bare to breathe without the touch of your lips.

Even as you bring me to life, I suffocate on your kiss.
Nov 2017 · 246
Alicia Allen Nov 2017
I wish to sit under the shade of a grand tree.
To listen to nothing but the silence of the wind
in the leaves and the song in my heart.

To quiet the squatters in my head, who despite
My behest wants nothing but to drive me into insanity;
By staring into the expansive nothingness of unencumbered
space of brownish grass and rolling hills farther away still.

To lull my spirit to blissful rest, where peace is as tangible as the
dirt beneath my bare feet.
And in this moment, space and time
I hope to find a feeling of kind, where all is still and right
And I would feel next to Jesus Christ.

— The End —