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1.4k · Jul 2017
Air Of Remorse
Broken Arpeggio Jul 2017
I regret remaining so small
I regret being removed from it all

I regret the crippling fear
I regret wishing to disappear

I regret my deafening silence
I regret not showing more defiance

I regret giving you so much power
I regret the way I would cower

I regret believing your lies
I regret those blurred family ties

I regret the bridges you burned
I regret leaving the ashes unturned

In a way, my regrets always kept you near
Instead of severing the relationship when it became clear
That you no longer cared
Then again, you never really did
It was merely the wishful thinking
Of your broken hearted kid
The past can give a reason for penance and shapes who you are. However, it does not need to define you...
Broken Arpeggio Oct 2018
This step,
Moves you forward
That step,
Sets you back
Be determined to just keep moving
And not panic, when the mind attacks

Being present,
Allows growth
Numbing out,
Smothers the seed
Staying nourished, in both body and soul
Lifts the fog and allows you to breathe

Going quick,
Isn't always better
Slow and steady,
Can set the pace
Running, may not be faster
For crawling, could win the race
All steps, are as varied as the individuals who take them...What's right for one, may not hold true for another...Thus, there is no right or wrong/ winning or losing here...True accomplishment comes from simply deciding to take the first step!
964 · Sep 2018
My Rhythm Of Being
Broken Arpeggio Sep 2018
It is a symphony of distortion
That unfolds before my weary eyes
A complicated but intricate body of work
I fight daily not to reprise

The opening sonata is slow, yet eerily intriguing
Simply starting with a beating heart
Never knowing the tempo each day will bring
Due to inconsistent sight reading from the various nourishing parts

Switching to adagio brings a fluidity of movement
Though the pace is still quite slow
An integration of crux and marrow can be painfully tedious
Thus suspending vital balances and flow

A minuet seeks to pull these things together
The lively dance of mind, body, and soul
While entertaining and fun, it can bring about an urge for perfection
Inciting an overwhelming loss of control

Finally, a sonata-rondo gradually calms the madness within this body of work
Accenting an inotation that is both a bright and hopeful sound
Yet, it still holds tempo, not willing to relinquish
The rigid temperament previously found
The music found in daily struggles, and the dance we do to manage them...

Music + Poetry = Life
913 · Aug 2017
Shallow Breathing
Broken Arpeggio Aug 2017
I am wading through some murky waters
That I have yet to understand
With sludge so thick and deep enough
It keeps me from dry land

Still, I try to power through
While keeping you all informed
Though this barrage of wanting to know
Is leaving me quite scorned

All I hear is "you have run out of patience"
And "surely I understand"
Well No, I do not, I am always compliant
Especially to a brutish hand

Throughout the years I have kept in line
And played the dutiful role
But shaking hands with Father Time
Permitted my mind to **** my soul

At times the struggle is so intense
That I cannot catch my breath
I strain and gasp to choke it down
Knowing you expect nothing less

By pulling rank, you shut me down
And add weight to my fear and doubt
You fail to see that I am grown
A mother who has earned her clout

Assumptions can be cruel you see
We both have made our share
I hope my voice of honesty
Helps us to finally clear the air

You are an added link in a long chain
That is weathered but still intact
Now, I am asking out of respect of that bond,
Let us please breathe before we act
Always doing what's expected can create more damage within...

Is it really worth it?
793 · Sep 2017
Hate To Heal
Broken Arpeggio Sep 2017
Dear God...
I hate to be bothersome
However, I could use a bit of clarity down here
Trying to assimilate your will has become
   quite cumbersome
So, are there exceptions to the rules you
   meant for us to adhere?
"Hate the sin but not the sinner",
Was ingrained within an impressionable
Depraved acts forced my soul to splinter
Leaving painful shards that shook my faith
And allowed darkness to stand at my side
If loathing cannot happen and forgiveness is a
I fear my heart is amiss
For it is seething with pain and disgust
A fate sealed by an excruciating kiss
I want to hate the few that tortured my
Detest the cruelty within their adolescent
To forgive them is something I have no
   interest in needing
Seeking only the solace from my weariness to
Please do your bidding,
If enlightenment is the key
Take me from blindness to sight
Stop me foreboding over doing the forbidden
Releasing the anguish in order to heal and
Healing, as it is in recovery, is not a linear process. For a perfectionist, this is HELL! There are many ups and downs, twists and turns, good days and extremely ****** ones...Allowing yourself to feel and accept ALL OF IT, without judgment is part of the process!
770 · Aug 2017
Dark Innocence
Broken Arpeggio Aug 2017
Vile innocence times three
Tore me down to my knees
That left a gaping hole in my soul
Of varying degrees

Caught off guard
And confused
I experienced violence in bloom
While they reveled the brutality of victory

Time stood still, as they got their fill
Of tagging in and out of the game
Beaten and bare, my voice never found air
Knowing my life was forever changed

While my dignity was stripped
I prayed death would be quick
Leaving the unbearable pain and suffering behind

The gravity of which is unknown
To the abyss, I made sure it was thrown
Never to surface again and see the light of day

Regrettably, the dark secrets we keep
Do start to seep
And engulf every crack and crevice of a waning mind

So, my battle rages on
To find meaning in a life that's long gone
And make peace with the afflictions of Dark
Simply put...Many times, bad **** happens to decent people! Dealing with the fallout is a treacherous road; however, there is hope and healing if one is willing to travel it!
741 · Jul 2017
Wishing Well
Broken Arpeggio Jul 2017
A complete state of well-being
Is something we all hope to achieve
Though my mind constantly questions
If it's nothing more than an idealistic belief

What is truly well
What definitively is not
How does one get better
When the mind intentionally forgot

Will I ever find what I'm searching for
Will I set my demons free
Can I allow my will to loosen its grip
Just enough to find inner peace

Somewhere there must be a blueprint
Stamped upon my soul
The mind and body connection
That can one day make me whole

For now, I ponder the questions
Cause answers I have none
Yet staying true to my intent
Of finishing the journey begun
Steps forward are simply that...The size of the step doesn't matter, the forward movement does!
703 · May 2019
Veiled Affliction
Broken Arpeggio May 2019
You must not know
The pain I hide
So, I tuck it away
Until it burns me alive

It sears every cell
Of my weak and battered soul
Searching for a breath of air
To ignite a raging inferno

I conceal it to protect you
From a burdened and heinous fact
Past horrors are devouring me
Forcing my mind to reenact

Scenes and images I cannot fathom
Therefore, I am reluctant to share
Hoping for a bit of resilience
To save you from the crosses I bear
A desire to conceal atrocities, in order to protect, often creates more damage and does the inner-self harm! It also causes those we hold dear to feel hurt, confused, and shunned... Always keep fighting for resolution, acceptance, and peace; but remember no one should walk a long journey ALONE!
666 · Apr 2019
Exposed Trigger
Broken Arpeggio Apr 2019
They come out of nowhere
And can be as simple as a word
Intrusive, flashing voices
Who refuse not to be heard

These opinions with biased force
Keep ringing in my ears
Burning through my retinas
And searing their mark upon my fears

Like a thousand prickling itches
That cannot be soothed by a scratch
Stifling does not contain them
They constantly find new ways of attack

The mind is a delicate balance
Of inner and outer cues
A slight shift can cause a deafening
Where clear thoughts spiral to confused
Triggers are afflictions that come out of nowhere, and "set up shop" within the minds of even the most stoic individuals...Proof Positive that no one truly knows what others struggle with; and that appearances can definitely be deceiving!
591 · Oct 2018
Intrusive Thoughts
Broken Arpeggio Oct 2018
Mind explosions
Of a different kind
They come unexpectedly
Freezing the unconscious mind

With nowhere to run
It is impossible to hide
A terrified hostage
Of the demons inside

Victimized at night
Praying sunlight brings a reprieve
Desperately seeking distraction
From memories one cannot believe

Unknowing of what to do
Unsure of who to trust
Confusion rooted in fear
Is a tumor primed and ready to bust
As you peel back the layers, **** starts to rise to the surface! Never stop fighting...It will lead to healing!
Broken Arpeggio Aug 2018
File One...
(The beginning of the end)

You formed a union from naivety and misguided love
Which bore fruit, but had shallow roots at its core
Though youthful exuberance and a lust for devotion
Kept you continuously searching for something more

File Two...
(Too young to know better)

Starting a family with one child, while not planned, was
Enough to halt the search
Leaving room for number two, and before long there were three
Bundles of joy intrinsically bound to your side
Seeking nothing more than loving arms and serenity

File Three...
(Inception without conditions)

Instantaneously, a love was present
Even before my eyes gave sight
Inherent feelings of contentment
Sealed with a silent vow to always make things right

File Four...
(Incidental letdowns)

Promises are great, as long as you keep them
However, all too often, they became lies
Whether soaring aspirations or overwhelmed be the cause,
You cannot hide the defeatedness within adolescent eyes

File Five...
(Cloak of invisibility)

With the passing of life and time, your best of intentions
Always were lost in the fray
Leaving this child alone in the dark
Forever wondering if I got in the way
To the ones who never needed to be overtly attended to...To the self-sufficient, yet self-secluded ones who strive to do everything right...To the non-wave makers who are peaceful caretakers at heart...To those who love fully and unconditionally...I SEE YOU!

Being loved and feeling loved are two very different things. Never be afraid to speak with and show those closest to your heart, that they are adored! If someone matters to you, please tell them because you may not get a second chance.
576 · Nov 2017
Forceful Voice of ED
Broken Arpeggio Nov 2017
The beginning is so unassuming
It's a faint desire to better oneself by
succumbing to "healthier" options both
mentally and physically
Or at least that's what we tell

Once the introductions are over and
the pleasantries of obtainable goals
made, you become totally enamored by
the sense of accomplishment
That nagging whisper of assurance,
gratitude, and love keeps you
constantly striving for something
With that, the trap has been set

One goal turns to three, and three
turns quickly to ten
Now you are in the grips of an enticing,
vengeful, and all-consuming force that
is never satisfied
The whispers soon become screams
that berate your inadequacies and
open the floodgates for negativity
"Never Good Enough" becomes the
battle-cry of this addiction towards

Intentions to stop are always there
However, chasing the ever elusive "last
goal" becomes your entire existence
You alienate yourself from any and all
who stand in the way of disordered
Blinded by a strong conviction and
supposed self-improvement, you
cannot see the destruction ED craves
It devours every possible ounce of time
and energy a body has until there is
nothing left to give

Still not content, and louder than ever,
ED seeks complete annihilation and
your ultimate demise
Only through intervention,
enlightenment, and a shroud of hope
can the bond be broken with the beast
This clarity makes it possible to live
and fight another day

I Believe...Do You?
THIS IS ME...We all have addictions (that itch that you just can't seem to scratch). Mine happens to be centered around food, or lack thereof!! Not so long ago, it was a reality that I wasn't ready to face nor admit. However, through the help of an awesome treatment team and those that cared enough to support/stand by me when I was at my worst, it has now become a daily battle that thankfully I AM WILLING TO FIGHT!
572 · Jul 2017
The Untarnished Self
Broken Arpeggio Jul 2017
Unknown memories
Keep invading my mind
A buried time capsule
With an arsenal decimated by time

Wrestling with the muddled thinking
Accompanied by a paralyzing fear
Happens when undeniable flashbacks
Become all too uncomfortably clear

A pain ignites and starts to dig
Burning all the way to my core
Breathing only fans the flames
Incinerating all I've ever adored

Sifting through the ashes
Of a war that's raged within
Still finding untarnished pieces of self
Longing to be whole again
There's an untarnished piece of "true self" deep within us all...One just needs to look for that unwavering spark!
570 · Sep 2017
Broken Arpeggio Sep 2017
Blond hair
Chuck Taylors
Boy multiplied by three

Morning Dew
Dirt clumps
Darkness covers everything

Things that are seemingly "run of the
mill", " normal", and "mundane"
May also be the precise source of
someone else's pain

Consciousness fades
Pain grows
Body can no longer fight

Invasion within
Hope retreats
Mind and soul take flight

None of us can presume to know the life
behind one's eyes
Let us "break the cycle", "be kind", and "love"
Then maybe, our scars will naturalize...
You simply cannot tell what others are going through by their appearance. Many of us, put up walls and don masks in order to face the day. Kindness DOES matter and means EVERYTHING to those silently suffering!
555 · Jul 2017
Sovereign Light
Broken Arpeggio Jul 2017
Sleepless nights all dark and gray
No end in sight as I become prey
To the creeping abyss that coincides
With the restless struggle behind my eyes

Don't give in I want to scream
My strength is more than just a dream
While faith eludes me and hope dwindles to a spark
My cries for freedom still ring clear through the dark

Clarity is found with every step taken
Towards healing a mind the darkness has shaken
I rise from a Hell of disdain and despair
To find the glowing light of sovereignty
And know my salvation lies there
554 · Apr 2018
Beacon Of You
Broken Arpeggio Apr 2018
The Light...

Breaks through an ever-expanding wall of darkness and despair,
In order to peel away the mask of smoke and mirrors;
So I can bask in your rays
Of unconditional love and understanding.
To the one that got down in the trenches and fought alongside me in my darkest hour...
551 · Aug 2017
Broken Arpeggio Aug 2017
There has been an invasion
Of mind, body, and soul
The out of mind, out of sight coma
Is no longer in control

All atrocities that don't ****
Plant deep rooted wishes of being dead
With many festering splinters
That wreak havoc in the head

Uncomfortably attuned
To the assault on inner peace
Allows stolen virtue and nefarious
transgressions to never cease

Will patience be the poison that rots
The onslaught of thorns
That allows time to sow grains of tranquillity
And be reborn...
Finding a way to recover from the unfathomable...
544 · Mar 2018
A Wallflower In Group
Broken Arpeggio Mar 2018
How does one openly share
With many strangers in a room
All the atrocities and scars
That mark your impending doom

Always leading with the heart
Has left it broken and rather dead
Causing the mind to eventually take over
Numbing you down to invisibility instead

Simply wishing to fade away
Into vast webs of silent misery
While a boisterous and opposing point of view
Keeps aiming for your victory

Strong-armed, not so gently, into a situation
That leaves you stripped down, sullen, and bare
Brings about complete and utter discomforts
All of which, you hope no one is aware

Longing for some connection
Though fearful of the start
Freezes you into a silence
Unable to be of any part

Your tongue becomes sluggishly thick
Appearing knotted, twisted, and tied
Oblivious to the surroundings
While your brain is quietly being fried

Amid the haze, a courageous voice is heard
   sharing pieces of a story
With similarities to that of your own
Sending reassurance throughout a weary head
That there is no longer a need to feel so lost and alone
One should never stop attempting to learn and grow as a human. Compassion needs to start with the self before it can be given to others...
543 · Dec 2017
Shadow Empathy
Broken Arpeggio Dec 2017
Growing up in a loud and boisterous world,
makes it easy to seek solace in the
It allows for a fine-tuning of the senses,
in order to mirror what those around you

Quietly and dutifully, you play nursemaid
to everyone else's needs
Eventually losing touch with that inner voice that pleads

Remaining consistently neutral and in-tune
with others, has seemingly served
you well
Though the waves of ignored and
forgotten emotions, uncontrollably start
to swell

So becoming comfortable projecting a
voice, that you never really had
Is quite the challenging and daunting task
to an introverted empath
It's easy to lose yourself while being genuinely concerned for the well-being of others! It actually can take on a life of its own, if done long enough...Never forget that an empathetic soul, that willingly and easily hides among a crowd, also needs to be heard and nurtured!
492 · Aug 2017
Question Of Need
Broken Arpeggio Aug 2017
What if I needed
For you to simply glance my way..?
Would it validate my existence?
Make the invisibility cloak start to

What if it was essential
To communicate your thoughts and
Would it make me less mechanical
And find a way to allow the tears?

What if it was vital
To not dash and dine behind closed
I wonder if that adjustment
Makes for serene and calming shores?

What if letting go of the toxic
Is an integral part of growth?
Does that lead to a sense of
Not being afraid of the things

What if touch was necessary?
A hug to make it all go away...
Would the craving for what was lost
Be an obscurity that was never in the

What if ALL the "What If's"
Bring light to just one truth?
Would I welcome in the contentment
Had I been nurtured in feeling loved
by you..?
The "What If's" are within all of us. Finding a way to move forward despite them is true healing...

My hard fought journey has just begun!
484 · Jan 2018
Connect The Dots
Broken Arpeggio Jan 2018
The reflection I see
Is blurry at best
Marred by the dots of doubt
That have no way to connect

I am trying to methodically regain a link
Into the feeling of "being me"
Learning to embrace the (beauty) of all the
fallible pieces,
That make up my identity

I have put my (body) through a torturous Hell
Trying to obtain an unreachable goal
Yet it still manages to be forgiving enough
To keep mustering up (strength)
As I journey to become whole

I do not know when inner peace will come
And silence the screaming beast within
Though I have found an urgent will to fight for
And (respect) my true self again
Beauty-Body-Strength-Respect...These are all words that I spent a lifetime excluding myself from. After extensive help from a "Bad ***" crew, keeping me in check, I am now starting to explore the possibilities of including "myself" along with those wonderful, yet powerful, words!
478 · Oct 2017
Broken Arpeggio Oct 2017
Repair It...
Take this suffering
And take my pain
Let my poisonous mind
Be cleansed by the rain

Restore It...
Take this prison
And take my shame
Break down the walls
And to my defenses take aim

Soothe It...
Take this perfection
And take my mechanical ways
Become flexibly imperfect
And allow growth from change
Do something different...Say "NO" to the monotony of ruts!
472 · Apr 2018
What I Wanted...What I Need
Broken Arpeggio Apr 2018
What I wanted was a hug from her
At a time when I needed it most
Reassurance from some loving arms
Forever keeping me safe and close

What I got was an apparent attagirl
Your strength sure makes us proud
Just cover the bruises and move forward
Speaking of it is never allowed

What I wanted was for him not to judge
Assuming that it had to be my fault
Simply by going against the grain
And not utilizing the skills I was taught

What I got was his scrutiny and doubts of faith
Citing my deficiency had gotten in the way
A reminder that God truly does keep score
Testing those of us who often go astray

You see, family plays a pivotal role in persona
Either developing solid roots of generational ties
Or they are unversed in shaping, nurturing, and growth
Unwittingly becoming the enemy in disguise

What I need from my family is a listening ear
Being supportive through silence is sometimes right
I do realize opinions will want to be shared
However, please refrain from giving me unsolicited advice

What I need is to feel heard and not admonished
For speaking against those who are no longer around
Enough damage is being done all on my own
Because my admiration and love knows no bounds

What I need most importantly is extra patience
The vile devastation caused by "them" was immense
I am working hard to heal the scars left behind
So bear with me, the journey is long and intense
Being able to ask for what I need has always been a foreign concept to me...believing it to be more burdensome and selfish than useful! So, this was my hardest write yet; but definitely a step in the right direction towards healing a weary mind, body, and soul!
472 · Feb 2018
Windows To Nowhere
Broken Arpeggio Feb 2018
They can be dark
They can be bright
Reflecting all the brilliant colors from the
morning light

They can seem empty
They can seem full
Expressing the constant ebb and flow of
society's pull

Some will remain open
Some will remain forever closed
Waiting for that moment when it's OK to be

Some will invite rigidity
Some will invite change
Hanging on to the notion that "what is"
doesn't always have to remain

It's all about perception
Eyes come in many different sizes, hues, and
So, those windows to nowhere may also be the
windows to everywhere for me
Open Mind + Open Eyes = True Healing and Growth
468 · Dec 2019
Slaughter Of Innocence
Broken Arpeggio Dec 2019
NO MORE am I confident in what this world has to offer
Its people are selfish and crazed
Chewing up and spitting out the meek and mild souls
Imprisoning an empath to suffering and pain

NO LONGER can I look upon life fondly
With that pure yet innocent gaze
I've been stripped of the wonderous excitement that curiosity can bring
And replaced it with an anxious but violent haze

NO MATTER the extent to which I try to recover
My mind keeps taking me back to those horrific days
Where a person or persons exorcised their demons
Placing those vivid memories on a continuous loop of play

NO DOUBT I'm broken and tainted
Which is quite short of filing it all away
I cannot condone or explain exactly why
Those that slaughtered my reality did NOT somehow pay
One single act, be it wonderful or horrendous, can change someone's world forever...
465 · Jul 2018
High Hopes
Broken Arpeggio Jul 2018
Rise up adolescent
And start to overcome
The burdens and hardships
Adults stand upon

Society strives to forget you
By paving a path to obsolescence
It fails to see the potential
Within your naive, yet growing luminescence

Take heed young one
Let nothing diminish your roar
The world may not be aware yet
However, it needs for you to soar
Teach them well...Hope is something that dwells within us all. While it lies dormant in some, it's innately abundant in our children!
460 · Feb 2018
Appreciation Of Flaws
Broken Arpeggio Feb 2018
You are beautifully broken and chaotic
Then again, so is everyone else
You wear your heart on the sleeve
While theirs is on a shelf

Caring too much
Versus not caring at all
The former labels you too sensitive and weak
While the latter will label the mind small

Selfless thinking takes courage and strength
Making you a target in others eyes
You will gladly take the brunt of the blow
In keeping an opportunity for kindness alive

Looking out for your fellow human
A simple act that carries no mystique
It just makes some of the beautifully broken
Shine brighter by being beautifully unique
STOP...Be Patient...Be Kind...You never know what someone else battles within! A small act or simple smile can go a long way and start the healing process for ALL!
448 · Jul 2017
The Promise
Broken Arpeggio Jul 2017
I am dangerous...

It's haunting
This hold I have over you
You become so weary and weak
My grip tightens
And everything slowly fades away
Until you can hardly breathe

You mustn't ever speak of me
So they will never know
Exactly what I'll do to you
And the shame that starts to grow

My deceitful assurances comfort you
They entice to draw you near
My promise is I will hurt you
And prey on all your fears

The only guarantees I have
Is that my promise is a lie
You cannot take the beating I'll give
No way that you'll survive

No matter what you say or do
You know how this will end
So consider turning away right now
Your last chance before we begin

I am dangerous for you...
It's haunting how an ED vows to conquer every aspect of one's life until rational thoughts no longer exist!
Broken Arpeggio Aug 2017
Am I Lost...?

Amid a complicated swirl of tangled
The mind cannot comprehend nor decipher
the mutterings from within

It takes stern candor from an outside voice
To break through the woven web of
confusion and angst

Offering, the faint flicker of hope, enough
oxygen to remain burning in the dark

Or Am I Found...?
I think...Somewhere in between! It can be hard not relying on your "gut" when doing just that, is all you've ever known. Healing from within takes patience and self-trust will return. Acceptance is the key...
440 · Aug 2019
Broken Arpeggio Aug 2019
When spoken by the timid
It evokes anxiety and fear
Ruminating over how to utilize it
And desperately not wanting to hear

The dauntless utter it overtly
Overconfident in prose and strength
Never contemplating the consequences
Keeps everyone at an arm's length

A sentence this precise shouldn't be so confusing
Nor open to the interpretation of its core
"No Means No", as a matter of fact
The brazen should use it sparingly, and the meek demand it more
This one word, yet complete sentence, has definitely created strife and fear within me!!!
428 · Feb 2019
The Safe Shed
Broken Arpeggio Feb 2019
Free from judgment
Free from fear
No worries about fitting in
'Cause we all are welcome here

Serene is the setting
Serenity is the goal
With many hooves patrolling these grounds
There's no need to be in control

Relinquish your inhibitions
Renounce your social curse
For everyone is beautiful within these walls
Embracing the individual first

Security will be a priority
Secure will be the first thing you feel
Guided by a firm yet loving curator
This shed of safety is REAL...
Everyone needs "THAT" place they can go to vent, breathe, and release all the woes this world instills within us...
420 · Sep 2017
Only The Lonely
Broken Arpeggio Sep 2017
Silence is deafening
My thoughts can no longer hide in the seams
The shadows have voices that are beckoning
I am stuck in a world of in-betweens

Darkness befriends the elusive
While honesty is embraced by the light
I created a maze of reclusiveness
The windings my approachable-self wants to fight

This type of existence is confining
The needing a breakthrough, but afraid of breaking free
I permitted my solitary life to define me
Instead of letting all the peering eyes see

The ebb and flow of being receptive
By allowing What Will Be...To Be
It is free-thinking from a different perspective
A stark contrast to the lonely life of ME
413 · Jul 2017
Cloak Of Belief
Broken Arpeggio Jul 2017
They see strength
A rock that's weathered but not broken
They see loyalty
A bond of trust that's always there but never spoken
They see considerate
Arms open wide and ready to give
They see creative
Enough pieces of talent that show where my soul lives

I see weakness
A mere pebble wore down by the constant storm
I see alienation
The meek and solemn path chosen to tread upon
I see estranged
Forever building walls so no one gets close
I see meticulous
Where everything is flawed by a perfectionistic boast

I often wonder what would happen
If both perceptions collide
Would one overshadow the other
Keeping the raging angst inside

Do they see what's real
Do I see only lies
The truth becomes muddled
When playing from both sides

Why am I hiding
And afraid to let go
Lurking in the shadows
Never letting my true-self show

Will I one day be free
From this torment inside
Finally accepting myself
Casting all doubt aside

Imagine an existence
Without the masks and veils
A willingness to be open
Exploring all that entails

I long to find the place
Where both views intertwine
That will be the moment
This life will truly be mine
Perception is everything...
412 · Jul 2017
Blending In
Broken Arpeggio Jul 2017
Color is eluding
Never been a fan of things bright
Gray tones are consistent
Giving way to comforting night

A voice that's muted
By all things loud
Will never be heard
While controlled by the crowd

Opaque is appealing
A means of not standing out
Creating an impenetrable fortress
Of walls to hideout

Time can cause a slight iridescence
A glimpse of what was once there
Though blending in, is the name of the
Opportunities for the illumination of color
are very brief and rare
Does one continue to live in the gray...Or break free?
410 · Jun 2018
Day Of The Damned
Broken Arpeggio Jun 2018
Memories of that day
A seemingly endless moment in time
Still torturously haunt me
By captivating my mind

The things that were forcefully stolen
Can never be returned
Only replaced with sadistic images
On my soul, they are forever burned

The barrage of hits and touches
Grew invisible by the passing of time
Though the body does not forget
I was seared and branded by their heinous crime...
Time does not heal all wounds...In fact, some are so deep and depraved, they begin to fester with time! In order to truly heal, one must learn to accept the wound; and learn to live with it without allowing it to define you.

Everyone's journey towards healing is different... There is no cookie cutter/linear/fail-safe way of achieving it. Writing and creating happens to be part of mine...
407 · Oct 2017
Echoes Of Trauma
Broken Arpeggio Oct 2017
Time does not heal every gaping sore
Instead, it can create a festering wound that slowly seeps poison into every pore

Time cannot erase all the hideous pain
It rather gives a purpose for walls to be built in order to keep the mind sane

Time will not provide a safe haven from harm
Although, it can reinforce the locks on prison doors that no one can disarm

Time should have given me my freedom
Or at the very least, granted my parole

However, I have become uneasily comfortable with the internal terror
Whatever uncertainty lies beyond my confinement, scares me more so
Doing what's uncomfortable...Seeking and accepting help...Discovering inner strength...Embracing your "flawed" true self...JUST BEING OK WITH ALL OF IT! This is my journey of trying to heal; because nothing stays buried forever.
402 · Apr 2018
Stigmata Of Shame
Broken Arpeggio Apr 2018
Chained by self-doubt
In a dungeon of in-betweens
Barred from moving to either side
Stuck motionless in the seam

A wearisome place where all the "I don't
know's" and "I don't care's" lose any voice at all
So monotonous that individualism and
opinions cannot break through the prison

Complacency will start to settle in
By becoming increasingly comfortable within
the rut
Unless intervention allows a glimpse beyond
the despair
That entices the healing of a fearful gut
Feeling "STUCK" along the path to healing can cause frustration and shame...NEVER STOP FIGHTING!
385 · Aug 2017
Inward Dissension
Broken Arpeggio Aug 2017
Opposing points of view
Trapped within the same mind
One, hardened by experiences
The other, fragile and forgotten with time

Fear consumes both perspectives
In many different ways
Manifesting an actualized identity
That rules without dismay

No thought is ever cohesive
Which burdens the wayward soul
Creating a perfect storm
For angst to spin out of control

Internal rifts knock you sideways
Catching the senses completely off guard
Realizing irreparable destruction is at hand
Unless true-self takes a unifying charge
Stopping the inner tug-of-war is the key to harmony and balance within... As for myself, it's still a work in progress!
366 · Sep 2018
Broken Arpeggio Sep 2018
Locks cannot contain the force
That innately exudes from every being
So nurture it,
And allow it to consume you
Create fully,
With every facet of your heart
In order to achieve
True nourishment of the soul
363 · Jun 2019
The Unique
Broken Arpeggio Jun 2019
A flaw or difference to one,
Is a pathway towards acceptance
For another...

...In a world that embraces and encourages
a "cookie-cutter" mentality,
Individuality should be celebrated,
Not chastised!
DARE to stand alone...Humanity NEEDS individuality!
347 · Sep 2018
Soapbox Mantras
Broken Arpeggio Sep 2018
Create fearlessly
So that music and poetry may speak
Let it grow and flow
To the rhythm of its own beat

Love with no filter
For the world is in dire need
Be kind and find
The wonders that arise from a good deed
We should all strive to just "Do Better", not only for our own well being but also for the world around us!
344 · Sep 2019
Memory In Pieces
Broken Arpeggio Sep 2019
It starts with a blur
Then frightening moments of clarity
It flashes piece by piece
Then my mind changes polarity

An erratic heartbeat
Leads my consciousness away
Being frozen in terror
Leads all body movement astray

I smell things
When they aren't present now
I sense things
When I know there's nothing around

I see HIM
And then I don't
I feel HIM
And then I choke

If I ever remember it all
Maybe then, my mind will be at peace
With all the horrors out in the open
Maybe then, my body will finally get that coveted release
Memories can be beautiful and forever cherished; however, some scar us deeply...
344 · Jul 2017
Staying The Course
Broken Arpeggio Jul 2017
How to hang on
When the world looks so bleak
How to be strong
When all appearances seem weak

Words that are spoken
Does one take them to heart
Do you dare to take a chance
On that shot in the dark

Rise up is a phrase
That seems fleeting at best
Still, it lingers in a soul willing
To put faith to the test

Bound to but not broken
By the fear that's underneath
Allows a sense of hope to arise
And strive for inner peace

Determination is a constant
That's never been cast aside
That one unwavering thing
Still, keeps the spirit alive
331 · Jul 2017
Broken Arpeggio Jul 2017
For far too long
I've been comfortably numb
Walking to the cadence
Of someone else's drum

Expectations are piling up
And running me ragged
The edges are harsh, always broken,
And jagged

Creating many different wounds
That have no time to heal
I built walls around them all
And forgot how to feel

I lost my identity
Trying to become who everyone needed
All the while, killing my inner self
That faintly begged and pleaded

How do I reacquaint myself
With a person I never knew
Being OK with who and what lies ahead
And opening the door to something new
326 · Sep 2018
Hooves Of Solace
Broken Arpeggio Sep 2018
There is a place that seeks
To help others connect
It is an assemblage of the four-legged kind
An area dedicated
Towards peace and contentment
Hoping to help the tangles of the mind unwind

First encounters may seem a bit foreign
Creating numerous "What-Ifs"
For a skeptic to fear
When given enough time,
All the doubts start to settle
Realizing there are never unwanted expectations here

Having no set rules
Invites a sense of relief
Allowing all to be present without panic
Unspoken conversations
And being free to "just be"
Gains trust without a loss of dynamic

This equine way of healing
Is something wonderful to behold
Where what is lost and impossible
Starts to find a way to miraculously happen
As a relationship grows, the rigid soul begins to flex
So the horrendous scars eventually fade and soften
OK Man...Therapy is hard enough; however, when an equine element is added, it can be downright weird as ****! That being said, if you let go of all the perfectionistic tendencies and fear of failure, healing can finally start to happen! All one has to do is simply "let go" and allow the help that everyone struggling deserves...Just be present and see what wonders can happen
when in the presence of a non-judgemental magnificent being!
305 · Jul 2019
Breaking Into Whole
Broken Arpeggio Jul 2019
A weight that crushes
With every exhaled breath
Leaves me helpless and hopeless
Creating an emotional death

I'm tired of hiding from feeling
And apologizing for who I am
Needing to depart from the shadows
Being that person, no one understands

Two parts of a self
That is conflicted but wishes to be whole
One yearning to please everyone
The other desperately trying to escape from web spun molds

This delicate silk
No matter how impenetrable the twine
Hopefully will start separating
And allow both sides to emerge combined
302 · Jul 2018
Forging A Reality
Broken Arpeggio Jul 2018
Only through determination
And nourishment of the mind,
Can a flickering spark
Become a flame that burns
Into a roaring fire
With embers that soar...
Create and burn bright! The world is a much better place with inquisitive minds in it!
287 · Sep 2018
Broken Arpeggio Sep 2018
An attempt to drown
One's inner demons,
Does nothing more
Than render them
With an ability to swim...
267 · Jul 2017
Broken Arpeggio Jul 2017
Please unsee me
For I cannot take the glare
Nor the crippling affliction
Of unwanted stares

Transparency remains elusive
And is a most formidable foe
Whereas invisibility is ever enticing
That old friend I've come to know

Please unsee me
I do not shine in the brisk light
But take comfort in the shadows
Offered up by the solemn night

Finding bright amongst the dark
Gives power to one's dreams
Though I wonder, through enlightenment,
Can I still remain unseen
An open mind can illuminate the darkest of corners...
261 · Jul 2019
Misgivings Of A Patriarch
Broken Arpeggio Jul 2019
I believe you held my attention
From the moment our eyes first met
Desiring to emulate and follow you
In your hands, my world was set

An opportunity to help me flourish
By way of your tutelage and guise
I wanted to hold the title, "Daddy's Little Helper"
And witness the pride in those eyes

Your gaze seemed more of disdain than a satisfaction
Making me yearn to keep toeing the line
Always striving to be, just perfect enough
And worthy of anyone's time

When precision becomes routine, expectations are assumed
Leaving no forgiveness for not doing what was told
I did more than my share, freeing others from their burdens
And my childhood got lost within the fold

Lessons were handed out, on both sides of a wall
Built upon fear, stubbornness, and pride
Desperate and broken, I faded away
Creating an impossible divide

As time passed by, you moved on with life
Erasing our troubled memories with something new
That was never my thing, family loyalty was innate
So I choked on but buried deep, my feelings of you

Alienation gave cause, for my contentment in being hopeless
That we would ever, share the same breath of air
But out of nowhere, your heart falls suddenly on a sleeve
Now together, we are healing and attempting to repair

Thanks, Dad...
All experiences in life, be it good or bad, shape who we are. Therefore, the individual must decide whether or not those experiences define them! I am choosing to sift through the memories and wreckage in order to build something new...Thanks, Dad for making the same choice!!

— The End —