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7h · 28
Deep Thoughts
How to gain the confidence to complete a simple task?
a bit of a lighter note than other poems I’ve been posting lately…
1d · 80
You took everything from me

Before I was anything at all
To deny me of my ownership

To deny my memories

To shush my aching cries

To refuse to acknowledge your actions

That is what killed me.

Long before my body died.

Your silence,

your agonizing apathy

That is what killed me.

Long before I grew up.
1d · 50
I was born pure,
baptized in blood and placenta

My cry was raw and clear, unashamed

My body whole and unwanting
My soul full of light.

Carelessly they polluted me

First a soft touch, then a grab
They forgot to ask my name.

Little fingers clenched into a fist
Eyes shut tight
Hoping I don’t bite

My baby soft skin turned ashen and dry
My cries refused to carry in sound proof rooms.

Polluted so often, so many times
I forgot my purity, my freedom, my name.

Conditioned to want them
Conditioned to know ***
Conditioned to be a woman, when I had not grown up yet.

I ran far away, without looking back

But still their groping fingers haunted me.
Their smiles, their lies.

My body can’t forget
what my mind has hidden from me

My soul forever tarnished
from their wandering eyes.

My heart pained
from my open wounds
My mind thrown off course

I can’t remember what I wanted before they took me,
Before I aged so quickly
Before I lost my innocence, taken by force.
Depollute me, pretty baby
**** the rot right out of my bloodstream

Oh, dilute me, gentle angel
Water down what I call being grateful

Oh, you kissed me just to kiss me
Not to take me home

It was simple, it was sweetness
It was good to know

You look perfect, you look different
I don't wonder about your indifference

If I said you could never touch me
You'd come over and say I looked lovely

Oh, you kissed me just to kiss me
Not to make me cry

It was simple, you are sweetness
Let's just sit a while

Depollute me, gentle angel
And I'll feel the sickness less and less

Come and kiss me, pretty baby
Like we'll never have ***
A beautiful song that perfectly captures relationships after experiencing abuse
Mar 12 · 43
MuseumofMax Mar 12
my soul breaks into pieces
splintered glass piercing my heart

I look down at my hands

I don't remember having blood on them

crimson drops to the floor
silent yet so loud

you told me it's not over,
that we can rebuild

but my soul is still wounded
my heart broken,

They all saw my trembling, my bloodied hands
now I wonder if I can ever be me again

if anyone will ever know who I am,

if they can separate my fault from me,
if I can become free of my monstrosities.
Mar 8 · 395
MuseumofMax Mar 8
With your hand in mine
I no longer fear the fall

I embrace the climb.
Mar 8 · 121
Home Videos
MuseumofMax Mar 8
A stolen childhood is irreplaceable

Lost in the fuzzy static of camcorders
Mar 3 · 180
Ramadan Mubarak
MuseumofMax Mar 3
Celebrating Ramadan amidst the concrete rubble

String lights illuminate hungry faces

To be surrounded by oppression and violence yet sit together at a table to share a feast

That is true resilience.

Love radiates from the dishes, food scarce so they share

No matter the evil, the deathly threats,

They stand together united, all as one,
Their connection un-severed.
Material things, they have none.

To have such joy in dark times
Is to resist the occupation, to be freed
Body, Soul, Spirit, Mind.
My thoughts after seeing the images of those in Gaza breaking their fast.
Mar 1 · 276
Blood Money
MuseumofMax Mar 1
I feel as if darkness is falling upon the world
A darkness that is not seen but felt
A pain that destroys peace
That hates love
Why are we so bound for destruction?

Every tree gone, every field mined for oil
Children buried under rubble
Do you feel the darkness there? Do you feel it now?

I have no words to describe this
Mother Earth is dying and so are we
While they sit in their towers
Endlessly counting
Blood money
Feb 5 · 192
Twenty Questions
MuseumofMax Feb 5
I used to ask so many questions,
hoping to uncover my past, her past, their past.

I was never as afraid as I should’ve been,
of the answers that had waited dormant
gathering dust in her mind

The more answers given to me, the less I wanted to know,

the more I wished I never knew,

the more I mourned the sins of his past

the more I allowed my questions to cease.

In her words, full of sharp honesty, reluctant to fulfill my requests,

my wide-eyed wonder died, making way for a quiet adult, burdened with the trauma of three generations.
Feb 5 · 219
MuseumofMax Feb 5
I want to be a great many things

But to be great is daunting
And to do much is tiring

I want to express myself in a beautiful way
spreading deep emotions across crisp pages

Allowing my reader to adventure
To see worlds beyond their imagination
To become wise from my text

I want to live and breathe my poems, my art, my books

I’ll die to share a piece of myself,

to express my soul, to feel that I have told the stories that haven’t yet been told,

I’ll die for that
Feb 5 · 184
Moon River
MuseumofMax Feb 5
Moon river
wider than a mile

I'm crossing you in style someday
(someday, day)

A dream maker (maker)

My heart (you heart) breaker

Wherever you're goin'

I'm goin' that way
My favorite song by Frank Ocean, this first stanza of his song is so poetic I had to post it
Feb 2 · 273
MuseumofMax Feb 2
I stared at my monstrosities, I looked them in the eye, swimming in pools of ink.

Silent in their darkness, I spoke.

“I forgive you,” I whispered, breaking their unyielding gaze.

They reached for me,
a single claw, then many, tangled into a mess of limbs and bone.

Pulled into an embrace, thorny vines twist around me, their eyes lock on mine.

Resistance made the vines tighten,

I welcome them inside

Our embrace into melting and melting into growth,


I stared into the mirror expecting to see a monster,

but all I saw standing before me was human,
flesh and blood,

and darkness too.
Jan 29 · 172
New Year
MuseumofMax Jan 29
I welcome the new year under a foggy sky

Warm breaths glowing in the cold air

Bright smiles never lie

I hope I can teach myself some self-care

I hope I can try

I welcome the new year under a foggy sky

in the middle of Oklahoma
Wrote this on New Years
Jan 8 · 143
MuseumofMax Jan 8
I don’t have time for senseless scribbles written by arrogant men, hailed as classics

But I’ll spend hours pondering a sentence written by the most somber silent woman,

I’ll listen to hear her quiet voice
Little thought I had while looking through archival files
Dec 2024 · 92
MuseumofMax Dec 2024
"Well it’s over now"

you said

While you stared into my haunted green eyes

as you spoke
my heart broke

"It’s over for you,” I agreed.
Dec 2024 · 293
MuseumofMax Dec 2024
The wrinkles in your hands echo ceaseless queries

I try and fail to piece together the patchwork puzzle of white lies and half truths

Your aura glows with warmth and light
but your shadows haunt me at night

I never knew maternal love could be so painful

Your scriptures guided your sight,
Turning the other cheek,
Blinded by light

While they tortured and abused your blood
They took advantage of your nature

I forgive the woman you were
I forgive your blind eyes

But in forgiveness lingers pain, searing, each time I see your face.
Dec 2024 · 380
MuseumofMax Dec 2024
The scars that I bear so well

They still burn
Dec 2024 · 479
Falling Stars
MuseumofMax Dec 2024
I went outside to look at the meteor shower

The sky was grey and foggy
The air was damp and cold

I tried to see the falling stars
But could only see the grey white sky

I wonder how many showers I’ve missed because of a stormy sky

I wonder how many falling stars I could’ve wished on
Dec 2024 · 66
Any more
MuseumofMax Dec 2024
I have to let go of you

I have to leave behind the anchors tied to my ankles

I can’t drag them any farther

I can’t let them hold me back

Any more
Nov 2024 · 175
MuseumofMax Nov 2024
You would not even exist without women

How dare you try to claim them

How dare you try to own their bodies
To control their wombs

How dare you disrespect the mother that gave you life

How dare you hate us when we created you
Oct 2024 · 181
Normal Days
MuseumofMax Oct 2024
There’s a beauty hidden in normal days

Getting ready in the morning

Going to work, going to class

Coming home to cat meows and a soft bed

Sometimes I hate the repetitiveness, the normalcy of it all

But I love the habits I’ve made taking care of myself

I love staring into my eyes in the mirror when I’m still sleepy

I love petting my cats when they’re excited to see me

I love going to class when it feels like fall

Mostly I think I just miss your part in my routine

Your comforting presence in my bed holding me before I get up

Your whispers of sweet nothings as I brush my teeth

Your smile when you see me come back after a long day

I guess I don’t mind so many normal days

I just hope you can start living them with me
I hope you can stay.
Oct 2024 · 394
MuseumofMax Oct 2024
We’re not in the movies

But when I look into your eyes I see blue and purple static

If I stare long enough I get lost in starless pools of deep blue

I could drown in them if you’d let me
Oct 2024 · 117
MuseumofMax Oct 2024

Why did you let us go home to him

Why did your world not stop when I told you

I am so full of your love

But at night I wonder if your negligence discounted it

I know your mind is like mine, scattered and foggy

I know you were lost too

But I needed someone to get help

And I asked you.
Oct 2024 · 302
MuseumofMax Oct 2024
You are hidden in moments everywhere
Oct 2024 · 2.6k
Little Women
MuseumofMax Oct 2024
I used to think we were the Little Women

Louisa May Alcott wrote about

Meg was the oldest, responsible and kind

Jo was the middle child, passionate and determined

And I was Amy, stubborn and young.

Now I see each sister in myself and in them.

My eldest sister has the drive and intelligence of Jo and her independence, yet the softness of Meg, the soul of Beth. But the beauty of Amy.

The middle sibling, is a romantic like Meg and fiery like Amy, she always knew what she wanted. Like Jo she never gave up and chose what was right for her. Like Beth she finds solace in her home.

And myself..

I still bear the bluntness of Amy, her stubborn realism. But my writing is of Jo’s spirit, free and adventurous, words dancing across the page. I love like Meg does and strive to be like Beth, she appears in my homeliness.

We may not be the girls Alcott wrote of but our stories live on in my script. Our childhood selves saved away in the corners of my mind, waiting to appear on a page, preserved.

One day I’ll write us, our story, our lives

But to me we’ll always be my

Little Women.
Sep 2024 · 202
Missing Persons
MuseumofMax Sep 2024
Missing lemon boy again

Turns out he’s not always so sour,
despite his shades.
I can still see his smile
I hope it never fades

With every passing hour
He crosses my mind
I wish I could see him
I miss feeling, intertwined

I wonder if he’s thinking of me?
or maybe
reading my poetry?
Sep 2024 · 108
MuseumofMax Sep 2024
Looking into your eyes
I feel at home

You make me feel whole
When I lose myself

You give me a smile
Even on bad days

Thank you for being
My hide-away
Sep 2024 · 198
MuseumofMax Sep 2024
Sometimes I hide away from my reality

I wander off into smoke filled rooms and fall into blue screens

I sleep under warm clouds that threaten to smother me

My cheeks flush

I live inside my made up world to escape what I cannot face

I lie in a bed of guilt and despair for days on end

Unable to move
Unable to feel

I lose myself in this suffocating realm
I lose all signs of life

Until I can barely breathe.

Sometimes I escape just for some air

But I found that oxygen runs through my heart, not the wind

I came back to hide again

But this time couldn’t stay

For my smoke filled rooms were full of toxic gas
And the blinding blue hurt my eyes

My clouds suddenly felt weighted
suffocating me in a sick warmth

I guess my hidden world wasn’t made for me
But for my younger self

Unable to comprehend their surroundings
Unable to process

Now I leave it behind and step into today

Breathing in the achingly beautiful

And learning how to feel.
Sep 2024 · 413
Becoming Human
MuseumofMax Sep 2024
I noticed I stopped being so judgmental

Maybe because I have become more human

                         and in doing so

          I have understood what being human is.

   I am flawed

                                               I make mistakes


                                     I learn

                       I improve

        I love

                                                              I hurt


                                  I try again.
Aug 2024 · 64
MuseumofMax Aug 2024
My mind is in anguish
as I process my past

They carved scars into my skin
With their sharpened knives

Then gave me claws that I couldn’t seem to trim

First I hurt myself
Scratching my skin until it was raw

Salty tears didn’t heal my wounds

Now I’ve scarred your flesh
Because I didn’t file my nails

It bleeds as I stare in horror

I never thought I’d recreate the pain
That I had felt so deeply before

Although I now carefully remove each talon
Inspecting their purpose

Your scars will remain, just as mine

I wish I was never given those weapons
That I didn’t want

I wish hadn’t used them

Forever now I live in reflection
As I wonder if your cuts will heal

As I wonder if we can move forward

My wounds revealed
For you
Aug 2024 · 62
When She Loved Me
MuseumofMax Aug 2024
I am never good enough for myself

Despite all my attempts

I fail to reach my ever high standards
That I only hold for myself

The cruel adjectives I use to describe myself while staring through the mirror

break my seven year old self’s heart

When did I stop loving her?
MuseumofMax Jun 2024
I know that we are different

Our personalities align

but when we walk down the street holding hands, it’s not me they’re staring at.

I wonder about the things my ancestors did that I cannot undo,
I’m afraid to know.

I wonder how yours suffered because of mine

So much hate runs in my family line

I cannot undo it, I cannot take away the fear you feel when it’s getting dark and we’re in a small town in Oklahoma.

I cannot feel what it’s like to be painfully observant of your surroundings, carefully watching those around just in case

I cannot take the burden off your shoulders that rests so heavily


I can hold your hand.

When they stare at you I will hold you tighter

When your eyes grow tired and your shoulders weary I can help you rest your head

When you feel distant and remember the things you don’t speak about, I will listen.. your words and your eyes, turning purple in the light as you look back into your self.

When you are unsure of yourself in a corporate world not made for you, I will take your hand in mine and encourage you to step forward

Even when you are alone I will stand with you and love you wholly

I cannot change what has been done
I cannot take away your burden
But I can help you bear it if you’d like
I’ll hold your hand so tight!!

I know I like to talk
But for you my sentence stops
For you I will listen to your mind, your heart, and your soul
I will hear what is said and what is unspoken
and I’ll take it all in, in silence
So I might hold your sorrows and feel your pain and laugh with you when you feel joy and cry when you cannot find tears.

I know that we are different

But I will always hold your hand
Jun 2024 · 157
MuseumofMax Jun 2024
With you I share my faults

I whisper stories of who I once was.

I close my eyes while I reveal my weaknesses, hoping you don’t leave.

I speak the thoughts that have gathered dust in my head.

Each word that falls from my lips
more anxious than the last.

Your arms pull me close so I know I’m safe

You listen.
An old poem that I liked.
May 2024 · 100
Twenty One
MuseumofMax May 2024
At twenty one years old I still feel like a child
I wonder when I will have it all figured out

At twenty one years old my hair is growing out in an awkward style and my body has become something foreign to me

At twenty one years old I look in the mirror and wonder where the self I knew went and if they are still there

At twenty one years old I wear glasses and brush my hands through my hair

At twenty one years old I started noticing the stretch marks that decorate my thighs

At twenty one years old my favorite place is my bed and my favorite company is him and my cats

At twenty one years old I’m finally beginning to know myself in a way I never have

At twenty one years old I can move forward away from my past, creating my own future

At twenty one years old all I want is to live in a cottage with my cats, to create art and get fat

At twenty one years old I am learning to take care of this body I have. I’m learning to self comfort and take time to my self

At twenty one years old I started loving my personality more than my appearance

At twenty one years old I feel more free than I ever have

At twenty one years old I am poor and impulsive but my mind is healing and my heart is full

At twenty one years old I am hopeful for the future I can enjoy but I’m trying to live in the present

At twenty one years old I take one day at a time. On my bike ride home I feel the wind and smell the air, I appreciate the trees that I pass by

At twenty one years old I am so much
May 2024 · 447
MuseumofMax May 2024
I fall
just like a child,
in and out of melancholy

I climb a mountain every day
but I feel as if I I’m sitting at the bottom dragging my feet

I search for contentment,
for inner joy
in temporary doses of serotonin

My therapist is teaching me to love myself
I didn’t realize how bad it was
I asked her why I hate myself so much

I can see myself as a child
small and afraid
in need of someone’s hand

Now I reach out to them
I hold her close
and tell him the words I wish I had been told

There still within me
deep in my soul
behind all these years and avoidance
They still need me

I don’t have to prove myself anymore
I just have to be kind
and say the words I wish I had been told

I’ll pick up my feet
and take a few steps

So I may find myself
and forgive my faults

So I may reach a peace within my soul

So I may love my whole self and move forward
May 2024 · 32
MuseumofMax May 2024
I am learning how to find joy in myself

Not from drugs or wine or the ones I love

But through my soul, knowing deeply who I am

I’ve heard it’s possible to find joy in one’s self

And I’m trying to find it.
Mar 2024 · 157
MuseumofMax Mar 2024
I overthink everything

and it’s exhausting

I wish I could stop
and I’m trying

But it’s hard to unlearn what used to help me survive

Now it only clouds my mind.

I’m so tired of not being able to enjoy things I love
for fear that they won’t last

I’m tired of worrying about how I will do
on my next test

I’m so mentally drained

My self doubt screams in my ears

You try and tell me to calm down
And I’m sorry because it doesn’t always work


I’m sorry to myself for forgetting how to be care-free

I’m trying to quiet the monsters in my head
and lay down on your chest

I remember the other day what you said
and it made my head hurt a little less

One day I won’t let my anxieties run my life

One day I’ll go beyond my doubts
and my brain can finally rest

No more tests
No more doubts
No more wondering how I can get out

I’ll find the peace I’ve been crying for
and leave behind my worries,
Cast-away, never more

And finally I’ll see
My life was right in front of me
It’s sort of all over the place but I guess that fits the title
Mar 2024 · 120
A letter never sent
MuseumofMax Mar 2024
Dear dad,

There are so many things I wish I could say to you

but I know you would never listen

I wish I could tell you how your decisions affected my childhood
How your rage left me afraid
How your wives stole my confidence
How your step children stole my innocence

How your negligence made us feel so alone
How I still have dreams that I’m trapped in your house.

How can you not recognize the pain you caused?

How can you not see the scars on me?

I shouldn’t have to remind you of your atrocities
So many wrongs you never acknowledged
Your actions never matched your words

I used to hope you’d get better

but you never did

I gave up on you

but the pain still burns in my heart

For the father I never had

For the dad I wanted so badly

And for the monster I had instead
Mar 2024 · 719
MuseumofMax Mar 2024
Every so often

I am haunted

My mind betrays my eyes
And once again I’m looking out of a window  
trapped inside a brick house

The ghosts that follow me
Remind me of each moment
That I wish I could forget  

Those around me never see
How my eyes go dim
and my smile fades

my ghosts surround me
threatening to suffocate
They appear in my dreams

no escape.
Mar 2024 · 91
MuseumofMax Mar 2024
How am I supposed to know my soulmate?

How can I make that decision?

How can I decide my fate?

I am still so young.

I love him right now,

But will I forever?

What if time goes by
and I can’t remember
the love he gave me
the joy I felt

What if he moves for me
only to regret his decision

What if I don’t want him around one day
but I’ve already committed?

How am I supposed to know my soulmate?

How can I make that decision?

How can I decide my fate?

I have so much life left to live.

I like it with you
but what if one day I don’t
I can’t see the future
but I hope that I won’t

I hope for a perfect life with you

but perfection is implausible

rushing feels illogical

but if I do not decide eventually

we may be separated eternally

I hope one day I can know

How to recognize my soulmate

How to make the decision

to change my fate.
Feb 2024 · 628
MuseumofMax Feb 2024
What does it mean to be truly free?

I am not sure.

I know that I am not free, that I may never be.

But I am more free than others

Why does the government decide my freedom for me?

Why can’t I help those dying across the sea?

Why do they decide who I can be?

I’m not sure I’ll ever know true freedom
while living under this system

But I’m not sure how to escape, how to truly be me
Jan 2024 · 1.6k
Blonde hair
MuseumofMax Jan 2024
Yesterday I noticed a few blonde hairs mixed in my chestnut brown hair

They blend in until I looked closer
Little strands barely there

They reminded me of when when I was a child

Sunny hair and a freckled face
Bright blue eyes and an always smile
Big front teeth and rosy pink lips

I forget what it felt like to have blonde hair
I forgot what it was to feel free

I know my childhood was not all smiles
Mostly rainy days and hiding away

But I cherish the moments when the sun came out
And I laid in the dewy grass talking to the trees

I remember now how I loved my blonde hair
That glowed under the shining stars

I remember now how I smiled when I looked in the mirror
Loving my reflection, my whole self

Now as I stare at those few blonde hairs
I remember how beautiful I can be
I remember the child that still lives within me

I hope she never leaves
Jan 2024 · 357
A letter from my soul
MuseumofMax Jan 2024
You have given me a love I cannot understand

I cannot express in words the great joy you bring me

The glee you make me feel in my tummy when you touch me

The shivers I feel when you watch me with those purple-brown eyes

The warmth I feel when you hold me as close as you can so I don’t feel afraid

The relief you bring me knowing I will always be loved by you

No longer left alone, wondering when I will be saved

You opened my door and let the light in

Now we sun bathe in our boxers

We glow with the aura of our souls

Intertwined in one another

Somehow love is not good enough to describe how I feel for you

I am utterly, deeply, wholly devoted to you

My friend, confidant, lover, companion

My forever home

I love you Kobe.
Dec 2023 · 1.3k
Chamomile Tea
MuseumofMax Dec 2023
I’d like to be a willow tree
Swaying next to a cottage

I’d like to be the morning grass
Smelling of fresh dew

I’d like to be the ocean
Calm and steady
Powerful and wise

I’d like to be the warm sand
Letting waves wash it’s surface

I’d like to be a purring cat by a fireplace
Warmed and sleepy

I’d like to feel the bliss

The trees feel

Each time the sun shines brightly

I’d like to feel the sky
As I sit among clouds

I’d like to be a book
Being read for the first time

I’d like to be a painting
To be admired by all

I’d like to be a warm cup
of Chamomile tea

I hope one day
I can like
being me.
Nov 2023 · 210
Note to self
MuseumofMax Nov 2023
Hi again,

I’m sorry I avoided you for so long

I’m sorry I hid from the past

Sometimes looking forward is easier than facing the present

For so long I’ve tried to forget parts of you

The parts that I’m afraid of

But to be my whole self

Means looking at all my pieces

Even the ones I tried to loose

I’m sorry I hated you

I’m sorry I stopped caring

I’m sorry I stopped thinking I was beautiful

I hope you can forgive me

For all my imperfect actions

For my ignorance

And for my fear

I hope you can love me again
Like you used to

Do you remember?
Oct 2023 · 410
Missing person
MuseumofMax Oct 2023
Did you notice I was gone?
Sep 2023 · 1.1k
MuseumofMax Sep 2023
I read a book that reminded me of you

It reminded me of the days I wished to find a way out
To go through a door that would lead me somewhere else
somewhere better

I never found that door

And you never got better

I wish you had
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