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12.3k · Apr 2019
When I Take A Selfie
S Bharat Apr 2019
When I Take A Selfie

I always have a lot of fun
In the mist of my own
I fall in love with me
When I take a selfie

I walk around the place
Caring for my pretty face
It is so pleasing to me
When I take a selfie

I meet girls and women
And tell them in vain
This is memory for me
When I take a selfie

My beauty drives me crazy
Always keeps me busy
I always think only of me
When I take a selfie

I get an immense pleasure
To open up the treasure
I look at none but me
When I take a selfie

S. Bharat
Fall in love with yourself, not in narcissistic way. But for you're kind, loving soul and not hurting others.
8.7k · Apr 2019
The Peak Of Success
S Bharat Apr 2019
The Peak of Success

The reason
My professor loved me
So much,
I thought there was
Something to be known.
When I asked him
To give its account,
He smiled and
Had something nice
To be shown.
He opened his diary then,
Some lines he sought.
Once you'd opined,
he said then,
It was the great thought
On the peak of success
(in your mind).
He continued his talk
And told the rest,
It shouldn't be having
The tip and cliff
Or that of the Everest.
A question you'd raised,
What if it is
The Table Mountain
And its land?
You meant, its crest,
Where everyone
Could stand.

S. Bharat
6.9k · Apr 2019
S Bharat Apr 2019

I waited
for a long time.
My hope will

changes clime,
When you will

I asked for.
Some bliss
To me.

I desired
Not a life nor
You, just miss

You, become
And express

Felt some
And confess
My heart leap,
Your aptitude,

The heart keep
And in solitude

S. Bharat
3.2k · Apr 2019
The Master
S Bharat Apr 2019
The Master

The Master had a dog
And a docile goat.
Once he went through
Jungle in the boat.

There, he left his dog
Known as bad hat.
The dog returned home
And received a pat.

The Master's was then
A sweet darling pet.
It made the dog happy,
The goat very upset.

The goat annoyed none,
Made no mistake.
Still she was ******* to
A rusty iron-stake.

S. Bharat
3.0k · Apr 2019
The Roses
S Bharat Apr 2019
The Roses

O, the Flowers lying
On the bed!
Never blame the Roses
That rise far afield and fade.
For they never lose
Their grace
Like the Flowers wilted
In the vase.

S. Bharat
2.4k · Apr 2019
The Flowers
S Bharat Apr 2019
The Flowers

"How happy and pretty
You look!"
I said to some flowers
And shook.

"Happiest moment in life",
Said the flowers
"When in search of nectar
The bee hovers."

I said, "It's very interested
and swollen,
Has selfish purpose and
Carries pollen."

"You pluck, hand over us
When you meet,
***** down us on floor.
We lie at feet."

"Our friends, our chums
Butterfly and bee!"
Bluntly said the flowers
And rejected me.

S. Bharat
2.3k · Apr 2019
The Secrets
S Bharat Apr 2019
The Secrets

It is mind which brings for what you yearn;
This is the gist of book by Byrne.
“Thoughts are contagious.” I changed mine.
“Let them be positive” said Einstein
Energy, frequency and vibes you ever knew
Are the secrets in Tesla's view.
What Buddha had told made my head reel;
“You can attract what you feel.”
“If you think you lack nothing” said Lao Tzu
“The whole world belongs to you.”

S. Bharat
2.1k · Apr 2019
The Hummingbird
S Bharat Apr 2019
The Hummingbird

The golden egg, an Owl put
In the nest of nerd,
Out of which came then
The Hummingbird.

A gemmy nestling saw nerd,
the sooty Raven
He was terribly shocked and
in grief driven.

Aware Peahen asked Raven
Eyes aren wet?
Seethingly he answered her
The little I hate.

The restless little flatters,
As a bee unstable
And hovers above flowers
Which do wobble.

Belated Peahen took Raven
To Peacock White.
The incident she explained,
And story did recite.

Let my wisdom penetrate,
In thy empty brain,
Love begets love; hate hate
Said Whitish sane.

Take care of her, no her liberty,
The little be free.
Wish she pearches on loyalty;
A branch of Tree.

S. Bharat
1.6k · Apr 2019
The Post
S Bharat Apr 2019
The Post

I went to picnic spot and had a lot of fun
With cousin and di
I took some selfies and later on posted
Them on WhatsApp to see
I checked in the morning I got two views,
Thirty two at noon and in the evening added few,
Seventy five by eight and eighty four by nine.
But they were not seen by the best friend of mine.
Why he didn't see? Why he didn't see?
Wasn't he angry with me?
Was he angry? He was angry? Was he?
With me! With me!

S. Bharat
1.5k · May 2019
So Called Friends
S Bharat May 2019
So Called Friends

So called friends
As the feelingless words
They always use

Friendship with me
As mine are emotive words
And in them
I cannot

S. Bharat
1.4k · Apr 2019
The Sparrow
S Bharat Apr 2019
The Sparrow

I desired to be loved
and flew down to them
They were so kind that
They just fondled and
Set me free to fly away.

S. Bharat
1.4k · Apr 2019
The Condition
S Bharat Apr 2019
The Condition

I liked when I partly heard
They had the vacancy
Reserved especially for a girl.

They didn't want very educated
But the beautiful one.
And my head was in a whirl.

S. Bharat
1.2k · Apr 2019
A Lad
S Bharat Apr 2019
A Lad

Since they spoke
And made me do,
I saw they cut a joke,
And I did too.
Why they hit me then
I didn't know.
I learned by myself
And did grow.
Then I saw them and
How they spoke;
I laughed at them when
They cut the joke.

S. Bharat
1.2k · Apr 2020
Facade of Love
S Bharat Apr 2020
Facade of Love

She loved Butterfly
So much
Its songs she used to sing,

So, I placed one
On her hand.

She screamed
Threw it away.
For it was without wings.

S. Bharat
1.1k · Apr 2019
The Man
S Bharat Apr 2019
The Man

I was thirsty; he gave no help.
Thence I kept no book on my shelf.
All ocean he wanted to gulp
And keep rest of them to himself.

S. Bharat
998 · May 2019
S Bharat May 2019

You don't know
How far
You appear to be

When you avoid
Don't talk to me

S. Bharat
859 · Mar 2020
The Photos
S Bharat Mar 2020
The Photos

Taking photo has gone
Through a change;
Sometimes this is to absolve,
To take revenge.

I wonder as to
Whose status is raised high;
Is it the person taking selfie
Or the person
Standing by?

It's no longer for
Your simplicity but shape;
You got to be pretty no matter
How you make face
Or gape.

I wish not to see them
As now they startle;
I capture the moments slowly
And make them

S. Bharat
850 · Apr 2019
The Post
S Bharat Apr 2019
The Post

I went to picnic spot and had a lot of fun
With cousin and di
I took some selfies and later on posted
Them on WhatsApp to see
I checked in the morning I got two views,
Thirty two at noon and in the evening added few,
Seventy five by eight and eighty four by nine.
But they were not seen by the best friend of mine.
Why he didn't see? Why he didn't see?
Wasn't he angry with me?
Was he angry? He was angry? Was he?
With me! With me!

S. Bharat
806 · Apr 2019
S Bharat Apr 2019

"Watch this video today",
Say the laughing boys -
Far afield from warmth,
Tenderness and joys.

"A person has committed
Suicide under the train;
He is cut and writhing dies"
Is their constant refrain.

"He struggles violently for
The two minutes in suicide",
They reiterate and I frown
At them - dumb wide-eyed.

S. Bharat
802 · Apr 2019
On Birthday
S Bharat Apr 2019
On Birthday

Wake up, my shining pearl!
The moon has bidden adieu.
You are such a lovely girl,
The god can't help loving you.

Wake up, my little sparrow!
The day is fresh and new.
Take yourself out of sorrow.
Everyone is waiting for you.

Hello, the chaos will ensue,
Dear, if you avoid them all.
They are dying to see you
Since the previous nightfall.

S. Bharat
660 · Apr 2019
S Bharat Apr 2019

I was looking for you I said,
But I'd found you nowhere.
You were silent and dead
They said in my nightmare.
They left me broken down
To walk with my feet sore.
I couldn't and tumbled down
When you were no more.
Life without you was bare,
And very agonising - I knew.
If you leave me alone here,
See I can't live without you.

S. Bharat
641 · Apr 2019
On Love
S Bharat Apr 2019
On Love

I hate you as much you're loved
Because you've saddened a lot
Now I don't want this melancholy
To settle down upon my spirit
But still I'm unable to get you off

S. Bharat
617 · Apr 2019
The Beauty
S Bharat Apr 2019
The Beauty

She was the artistry
Of the artisan
That they spent their
Hours to see

They lost themselves
Or the reason
After watching - they
Spoke with me

She was the beauty
Curing the pain
That they adored and
Could not part.

I was suggested by
One of the men
I should show her my
Broken heart.

With my heart she had
Nothing to do
She remained mute and
Unfeeling too

I realised I could not
Fulfil my goal
For she was the idol
Without soul.

 S. Bharat
579 · May 2019
I'm Wrong
S Bharat May 2019
I'm Wrong

I'm wrong, because
I care for none
but you.

I'm wrong, because
I talk to none
but you.

I'm wrong, because
I want none
but you.

I'm wrong, because
I befriend none
but you.

I'm wrong, because
I trust none
but you.

I'm wrong, because
I love none
but you.

I'm wrong
I'm wrong?

S. Bharat
551 · Apr 2019
The Gust
S Bharat Apr 2019
The Gust

I shatter the lull and drift
The dry leaves and dust
Even inside the threshold
Because I am the Gust

Today I have brought
Cool wind of the sky dull
Sky has sent the message
Of the Rain's arrival

The sizzling Day living
In May has been told
But his Night is remained
Completely untold

Black clouds rule over Sky
I convey you renegade all
You will be responsible for
This upcoming rainfalls

Lightning threatens Soil
War has begun with Sound
Birds shall take shelter and
Cry with yelping hound

I carry the smell of lumps
Yet, it is pleasing to some
And they are unaware
Of what is about to come

S. Bharat
548 · Feb 2020
The Wind
S Bharat Feb 2020
The Wind

She bites me
And wispers, "You're freak."
For I say her,
"You're cool" when happy.
When sad,
"You're bleak."

S. Bharat
530 · Apr 2021
Take Care
S Bharat Apr 2021
Take Care

Trust is earned
Heart is won.

But take care.
You may fall from heart
And lose it

If you do something
That shouldn't be done.

S. Bharat
501 · Apr 2021
In the Hot Summer
S Bharat Apr 2021
In the Hot Summer

The sun mounts high
It blazes down on the floors
The children scurry by
Everyone has to be indoors

All the plants are adust
Temperature rises by degrees
Mulch thobs by gust
Wind is sighing in the trees

The men carpet mats
Lying in shodow they doze
Pests are the buzzing gnats
They deprive them of repose

Buffaloes let out gasp
Sheep squabble over water
On brims birds clasp
And each other they slaughter

A hot wind inflicts harms
Dust is carried by whirlwinds
Boys rush into farms
Eat up melons and leave rinds

Water begins to boil
Every drop ends up in smoke
It is the sons of soil
Who burn in heat and go broke

This is no less drought
Months ahead is the rain
Yet Karanj stands out
Blossomed in thirsty terrene.

S. Bharat
It is about how the summer season gets worse in India and makes things difficult for the people.
484 · Apr 2019
The Earth
S Bharat Apr 2019
Save Me

I quench thy thirst
And rear thee,
Thou consume and
Just eat at me.

Thou deaden a lot.
I expect fee,
Not thee to yield,
Come to knee

Solely I am thine,
I love thee
When thou care for
And save me.

When devastated
I will be, See!
Thou will also, Dear,
No longer be.

S. Bharat
437 · Apr 2019
S Bharat Apr 2019

They're footsteps in a way
Left behind on a sea shore
By the girl who walks away.

The footsteps slowly fade
With some distance and
With her every step ahead.

They're no longer the same.
For the ageless waves are
Constantly wiping off them.

S. Bharat
423 · May 2019
The War
S Bharat May 2019
The War

I remember
No white and no brown,
But gasp for air
I drown!

S. Bharat.
381 · Feb 2020
The Conquerer
S Bharat Feb 2020
The Conquerer

Plunged the sword
Into my heart,
"Conquered the world" he said,
"I left no part."

S. Bharat
376 · May 2019
I Was Looking For Me
S Bharat May 2019
I Was Looking For Me

I was looking for me.
I trudged in my sphere
And unknown boundaries crossed.
I peeped into your heart to see.
I didn't find myself there.
I was lost.

S. Bharat
376 · Apr 2020
The Other
S Bharat Apr 2020
The Other

"Panyacha barka tambya dya, Kaku",
From outside, a boy cried
For his father had toiled in field
And his throat completely dried.

Kaku shouted at him
"It's Chhota, not Barka" with her eyes-wide.
"Run away from here,
Stupid guy from countryside!"

"Panyacha Chhota tyamba dya!"
Then he preferred to say;
"It's Lota, not Tambya, Duffer!" Chachi harshly said.
From there too he wended his way.

He didn't have any courage
To ask anyone for water for his father
Whom he should reach out?
He was considered to be the other.

An Aunt stood in the corner
And was watching this drama all along
She offered him a glass of water
Since then the boy started singing her song.

S. Bharat
Sometimes people judge others by the words which they speak and the place where they live.
369 · May 2021
S Bharat May 2021

Love is patient;
Love is kind;
Is there anyone
To whom you are still

It does not envy;
It does not boast;
Is there anyone
Whom you do not love
the most?

It is not proud;
It is not tall;
The God forgives those
People who love one and

It always obeys;
It always surrenders;
Believe in Him,
Your life will be full of

It is a sole purpose;
It is a pretty game;
Miracles happen
To those who believe in

S. Bharat
353 · Feb 2020
S Bharat Feb 2020
Let Us Not Wait

Minutes tick, moments slip
And the days pass by.
Let us not wait. Let us not say
"Why should firstly I?"

You, do not hold the grudges,
Always let them go.
There are good people around.
Yet, you never know.

Life is too short to have room for Reticence and anger.
Speak with the loved ones now,
For they'd be no longer.

Lest you lose them for good
To them, you, walk.
God forbid you regret later and
Say, "I wish I could talk."

S. Bharat
304 · Apr 2019
When I Talk To You
S Bharat Apr 2019
When I Talk To You

You're very close
When I talk to you
I trust you twofold
When I continue.
Don't mistake me
When I do explore.
For you're a friend,
Loved even more.

S. Bharat
258 · Apr 2019
In The Street
S Bharat Apr 2019
In the Street

As I walk alone
in the street
I see the people
and greet.
No matter if
They are lovely
Or cheat.
I love them for
Who knows
whether or not
We'd again meet?

S. Bharat
256 · Apr 2020
S Bharat Apr 2020

I realised far away
From my place
I reached.
And many promises
I breached.
To be wished by loved ones
On my birthday
I thought.
And my mother
I forgot.
On this day,
She was lying
In agonies of death.
For in this world
I had to
Take a breath.

S. Bharat
249 · Apr 2020
In the House
S Bharat Apr 2020
In the House

Away from them
I always walk.
Wherever I go,
To me they stalk.
A shelter from them
Now I seek.
Everyday I'm violated,
And getting weak.
I don't find
Any place of stillness;
Away from them,
From getting into mess.
I don't want to be
Here any longer.
Please, stick me out.
For I'm stuck
In the house called
The body with
Love, lust and anger.

S. Bharat
247 · Apr 2019
Defining Beauty
S Bharat Apr 2019
Defining Beauty

"In being the beauty lies
Above all does rise
Through efforts and errors
Not before the mirrors"
- S. Bharat
242 · May 2020
But I Won't Tell You
S Bharat May 2020
But I Won't Tell You

Though I don't seem to care
I have many things to share
But I won't tell you

Though I don't seem to give in
I long when you're not seen
But I won't tell you

Though I don't appear at night
I miss you out of your sight
But I won't tell you

Though I don't have you here
I yearn and want to be near
But I won't tell you

Though I don't seem to do
I love madly and think of you
But I won't tell you

S. Bharat
221 · May 2020
The Rainy Summer
S Bharat May 2020
The Rainy Summer

In shower of raindrops
I see the dancing tufts of grass,
Under the shaky trees
Lying a huge flower fruit mass.
In midst of stormy wind
I plod through the mud.
Frozen is the cow,
Standstill buffalo and stud.
The rain begins to pelt down;
I cover myself with the sack.
During dark drizzly night,
The absence of light
Takes me into the past far back.
The lull song for me
Is sung by the frog-choir.
Soon I fall asleep
That crickets and fireflies admire.

S. Bharat
It's a depiction of life of people in Maharashtra (India).

— The End —