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415 · Sep 2016
Send Me On My Way
elizabeth Sep 2016
Send me on my way,
To the land of light
And dreams;
Where happiness and joy
Pour down into streams.
Send me on my route,
To the land of peace
And love;
Where beautiful golden light
Shines down from above.
Send me on my path,
To the warmth of arms
And hands;
Where I may feel safe
By the sea and sands.
Send me on my road,
To the fields of flowers
And stars;
Where butterflies flitting about
Kiss my many scars.
Send me on my journey,
To the place of beauty
And wishes;
Where love and light combine
In small, sweet kisses.
Send me on my way,
To the land of bliss
And dreams;
Where I won't wake
Until the glorious sunlight gleams.
September 19, 2016
402 · May 2018
as i have become
elizabeth May 2018
rocks get worn
clothes become tired
people do as well
the skies go dark
the oceans toss and turn
in the night
just as i do
in my nightmare-filled slumber
******* is thrown away
fires die out
just as the burning passion
of love that others promise
flowers wilt with time
decomposed and shriveled
just as i have become
may 5, 2018
393 · May 2018
don't lean on me
elizabeth May 2018
please don’t lean on me
i’ll crumble beneath you
and no one is willing to
help pick me up again
so please don’t lean on me
because i can't afford
to fall down again
may 5, 2018
390 · Feb 2017
Silence (10w)
elizabeth Feb 2017
Sometimes silence is the
Most dangerous tool of them all
February 24, 2017.
388 · Feb 2017
Fish (12w)
elizabeth Feb 2017
There's always room in my pond
For a little fish like you.
February 22, 2017.
To my dear friend, S. I'll always have room for you in my heart, no matter what.
381 · Apr 2016
The Girl
elizabeth Apr 2016
Her hair is the

color of gold.

Her eyes are ever-changing,

such as the sky.

Her skin, fair and untainted

as a newborn babe's.

Her smile, warm and soft as

the morning sun.

Her heart, made of glass;

cracked but still whole.

Her sorrow's as deep

as the sea;

Her happiness wains with

every wave of turmoil.

But somehow, every day,

her joy is renewed

and she finds a light

in the darkness.
I tried to describe the best parts of myself.
I'm not self-absorbed, I promise.
elizabeth Feb 2017
If a poet falls in love with you,
Don't take it for granted;
*They don't write poetry
For just anyone, you know.
February 24, 2017.
376 · Feb 2017
elizabeth Feb 2017
Don't mistake my smile for happiness
Or my laughter for joy;
Deep down, my soul is
Tearing itself in two.
February 24, 2017.
376 · Sep 2016
elizabeth Sep 2016
Sometimes I want to die;
But the saddest part is,
I'm not afraid of those thoughts
September 28, 2016
374 · Oct 2016
I Depart
elizabeth Oct 2016
Hearing you sing,
Makes my heart flutter.
Hearing you laugh,
Melts me like butter.

Seeing you smile,
Makes me dance around.
Seeing you being goofy,
I laugh 'til I fall on the ground.

Feeling your warmth,
I long for you to hold me.
Feeling your touch,
I long for you to want me.

Watching you turn to her,
Breaks my heart.
Watching you be with her,
Breaks my will and I depart.
October 31, 2016
371 · Apr 2017
Breaking Trust
elizabeth Apr 2017
I broke their trust again.
But they were not angry this time, no.
This time, they were simply disappointed.
Which is much worse.
April 19, 2017.
I apologize for not being on. I've been trying to get my grades up and I've honestly just not had the desire to write much.
365 · Mar 2016
She May
elizabeth Mar 2016
She may look happy,
but she's dying inside.
She may sound joyful,
but she wants to scream and hide.
She may look beautiful,
but she doesn't feel that way.
She may say "I'm alright",
but really, she's not okay.
She may look, say, and act "okay" but she's dying on the inside.
354 · Feb 2017
Fish: Part Two (12w)
elizabeth Feb 2017
Guess you don't have room
In your ocean for little old me.
February 23, 2017.
I have room for you, but you're too busy for little me I guess. The first part I said "pond", but my friend has more friends and a busier life, so I decided to use something bigger to represent that part of him.
350 · Sep 2016
Professional Faker
elizabeth Sep 2016
Faking is my specialty;
Didn't you know?
I fake everything,
Everywhere I go!

That smile you saw?
Wasn't that so perfect!
That twinkle in my eye
Was just so terrific!

That laughter at your "joke";
My, that was a performance!
The happiness I showed,
And that stress-free stance!

Everything I do is fake;
Even my own skin.
You don't see the scars;
Neither do my kin.

You don't see the pain
That lies behind my eyes;
You don't see the harm
I'm doing to myself out and inside.

You don't see my suffering,
You only see my mask;
You don't see the anger,
And you don't bother to ask.

No one really wants to know
What's hiding under there;
They only want to know
The happy, sweet, and fair.

No one sees my covered scars,
As new ones start to show;
No one sees my tears,
Nor watches the blood flow.

Why can no one see
Through my smile?
No one's even seen
The real me in a while.

I guess I'm just that good;
It is a full-time job, after all.
I wonder how I shall fake it
When I finally fall?
September 14, 2016.
345 · Jun 2017
The Liar (senryu)
elizabeth Jun 2017
Liar, Liar, pants-
Pants? Pants? It's more like: Liar,
Liar, soul on fire.
June 13, 2017.
341 · Feb 2017
Reminders (10w)
elizabeth Feb 2017
Reminders are everywhere;
In messages,
And especially my mind.
February 21, 2017.
elizabeth Feb 2017
This holiday...
This delightfully cheerful,
Wonderfully happy,
Endlessly beautiful holiday,
Is also so terribly lonely.
Every year I spend it alone,
No Valentine to give my heart to,
And no Valentine gives me their's.
I'm happy for those who
Have found love and
Have Valentines,
But I can't help but feel
So lonely and sad on this day.
Because the cute couples,
The sweet letters,
Kind gifts,
And warm cuddling
Just reminds me that
I can't have the one I want.
February 9, 2017.
323 · Feb 2017
Panic Attack (10w)
elizabeth Feb 2017
My body shakes;
I can't breathe.
I'm drowning once again...
February 20, 2017.
300 · Dec 2016
Missing You (10w)
elizabeth Dec 2016
I wonder...
Do you miss me,
My dearest love?
December 21, 2016.
297 · Oct 2017
The Words Are Stuck
elizabeth Oct 2017
The words are stuck
In this throat of mine.
I try to unleash them,
But I don't know why I bother trying.
What's the point?
I see no point to any of it
And still the words are stuck.
They swim in my head,
Like tiny, little fishes.
I'm a terrible fisherman;
I should mention that now.
"Explain yourself!" The people say,
And I try.
I try very hard, but the little word-fishes
Seem to always evade my hook.
I simply stand there, in a daze,
Mouth wide-open like a grouper.
Wishing that I could find the right words.
But still, the words are stuck.
The people become angry,
Because they are hungry for my words.
But I'm an awful fisherman,
So they shouldn't rely on me.
So I stand there, gaping.
Opening and closing my mouth again,
While the waves of my mind are crashing
On the walls of my self-control.
I fight hard, trying to sail through
These hazardous oceans.
But it is to no avail.
I'll end up alone again,
Gasping and choking for air as
The waves drown me.
And even still,
The words are stuck.
June 4, 2017.
288 · Feb 2017
1:07am EST
elizabeth Feb 2017
Late night thoughts
Of someone who isn't you.
Am I moving on, I wonder?
February 18, 2017.
284 · Mar 2016
elizabeth Mar 2016
Hello, my love!
I dream of you often.
Though we are just friends,
I wish and pray to God
That the man in
My dreams is you.
Your brilliant eyes,
Soft smile, and hearty laugh
Bring me comfort
In dark and dismal days.
I wish! O, how I wish!
That I might be with you someday;
That you are the one for me.
Goodbye now, my love.
I hope you dream of me often.
Dedicated to my secret love. I hope and pray you dream of me often.
278 · Dec 2016
New Love (senryuu)
elizabeth Dec 2016
New love brings new life;
New life brings new light in the
Darkest of places.
December 21, 2016.
264 · May 2018
elizabeth May 2018
blood running down
my unshaven legs
disgusting and hairy
deserving of
gashes and scars and pain
deserving of hatred
deserving of starvation
those numbers 115
dont just magically
appear on the scale
my attempt at cutting
away the fat,
ugliness failed
now im left
watching the wine
pour out of my skin
down the drain
may 5, 2018
260 · Jul 2016
elizabeth Jul 2016
This weight on my shoulders
Is too much to bear;
I'll eventually break,
But no one seems to care.

Someone, please, save me
From my unwanted demise;
How is that no one can see
The tears in my eyes?

My cries for help
Fall upon deaf ears.
Don't you think that
I've cried enough tears?

Apparently the answer is "no",
Since no one answers my calls;
So I'll quietly wait
Until my whole worlds falls.
256 · Sep 2016
Liar (short poem)
elizabeth Sep 2016
I'm such a liar.
But you don't need
More stress on your
Already full plate.
September 21, 2016
241 · Sep 2016
Beautifully Broken
elizabeth Sep 2016
Never has my heart
Broken so beautifully
As when looking into
Your eyes and thinking,
*Why couldn't it be?
September 21, 2016
239 · Apr 2016
elizabeth Apr 2016
You know you're in love when,
even though they hurt you,
you still want them;
still love them,
and still wish that you could hold them.
April 24, 2016.
239 · Dec 2017
If I'm So Pretty
elizabeth Dec 2017
Butterflies have wings...
So do other lovely things...
Where are mine then, God?
August 3, 2017.
229 · Sep 2016
Lonely (10w)
elizabeth Sep 2016
"Why are you
So lonely?"
*Whispered the shadows
And walls.
September 19, 2016
228 · Jul 2016
Pushed To The Side
elizabeth Jul 2016
He can't hang out,
She doesn't have time.
"I'm really busy";
It's the same, old rhyme.

Excuses, rainchecks,
They all fall into a pile.
Plans that fall through;
It gets tiring after a while.

Constantly pushed to the side,
Never a priority or top-of-the-list.
Always just an after-thought.
You get the gist.

Sometimes it's hard,
Being "the dependable one";
"The one that's always there",
When everyone else is gone.

Don't you know that
I need someone, too?
Someone always there,
Through and through?

Someone to hold me
On my darkest days;
Someone to make me
Feel better in a manner of ways.

Sometimes it's lonely,
Being my own friend.
It fills me with sorrow,
Sorrow that will hurt 'til the end.
Being your own friend is lonely. And it hurts to never be a priority.
This is a more selfish poem, but if you feel this way, then you can't help but be a little selfish.
225 · Sep 2016
elizabeth Sep 2016
I can no longer see
the light of day;
I've been blinded by
*My very own darkness.
September 20, 2016
223 · Sep 2016
elizabeth Sep 2016
I thought I was done,
I thought it was over;
I thought maybe I had it beat.
I thought I had won,
I thought I got better;
I thought it was gone.
But I guess that, after everything,
*I thought wrong.
September 21, 2016
205 · Oct 2017
welcome to my blog
elizabeth Oct 2017
you should check my blog out
181 · Sep 2016
elizabeth Sep 2016
So overwhelming.
So dark.
Harmful behaviors...
So prevalent.
So scarce.
So red.
So harmful.
*So scarred.
September 10, 2016.
There's no actual blood or cuts, it just feels like it.
167 · Sep 2016
elizabeth Sep 2016
Struggling to breathe,
To live,
To do something.
But I can't.
My faith is failing;
My depression, overwhelming.
Temptation hits me
As hard as a train;
I feel guilty for it,
Though I haven't
Done a single thing.
I'm tired and hurting;
I'm just falling apart.
September 18, 2016

— The End —