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Jun 2014 · 1.2k
grape of wrath
mark john junor Jun 2014
the backyard lawn freshly cut
provides vivid perfected image of summer
half in shadow of the rubber tree
half in unyielding sunlight
i feel at peace drinking this scene in
i feel the strength of possible futures
i feel the beautified past
summer my old friend
summer my home

barefoot reluctance in the shallow pool
splash her sunning
she gives mock angers and throws a grape at me
this grape of wrath falls to sandy ground
to lay sweating in the sun
forgotten fruits of our laughter's and joys
seeds for tomorrows we will always dream of
and dreams planted in stealth of night
growing to smiles we share today
summer our silent companion
summer our dear home

her voice as she talks is echoed by birdsong
she blends into the days beauty
she is the days beauty
i kiss her while she talks on the phone
she shoos me away
then grabs me and pulls me back in again
and bites my lip tenderly
summer my friend
summer my home

laughter and joys can be seen
in the fluttering's of birds
in the plane climbing into clouds high above
in the insect crawling with intents to the
spent remains of my breakfast
summer is full of life
summer is my home
Jun 2014 · 665
the rain had
mark john junor Jun 2014
her untainted eye waits
as the edge of light is eclipsed
darkness fills the motel room
sound from the next room muffled but pure
unintended they fill this room with angers not our own
we just sit in our darkness breathing
she undresses and sits on the floor
i crawl out of bed and curl up next to her
the tv comes to life like an apparition
its pulsing flickers like heartbeats
slowing till we slept

my soiled hand sketches a history only wished
a desire for what could have been
bare my hearts fissure
and it lay in the slow rain
wet and weakly beating

she had shades of sorrow clinging to her eyes
her smile sang reassurances
but her distracted fumbling spoke to me
the silken mirror of adoration softened her words
as her image was coated with the happy thought ideal

her worries consume her lip
chewed slowly over the timeless evening
till only the pulp of my head remained
woodenly walking my way in her dark paradise
till the rain had
mark john junor Jun 2014
i found her in a field of flowers
dancing slow to the summer song
lost in her mind to the dream of a broken heart
dancing sensual with her dreams of lovers nonexistent
lost in the beauty of daylights pretty wonders
she had daffodils in her hair
she had midnight in her eye

i took her to the hilltop
far and above the sea
far from the temptations and tastes
the toxic poisons that are the worlds playthings
for wicked is the worlds kiss
and i thought if i could shelter her
she would heal of her own accord
she would be the girl i once loved

i had gone looking for a square meal for the mind
little intellectual meat and potatoes good for the soul
but as i was supping and laughin with casual company
i heard the distant crack of thunder breaking
like the uniforms of illogical world come to claim
their greasy hands on her clean white linens
stole her away in the rain
stole away my sweet lover never to be seen again

so now i sail these back roads
on the trapeze of delicate balances
of firing loose cannonballs at the
fleeing desperadoes wreathed in silken plunders
balanced against my pockets overflowing
with the wicked maelstrom of misery's and mysteries
that my dark woman's heart and dreams made for me
beloved is for more than just for a passing day
i will never stop searching for this wayward lover
remembering her salt thigh and ruby lips
Jun 2014 · 734
bury my bones
mark john junor Jun 2014
i promise not to bury my bones
till we are good and done with em
i promise not to wear my heart on my sleeve for
every skirt that skitters past me
promise not to be so blind to the hand that holds mine in the dark
promise not to think its too late
promise to believe in the process
believe in the dream
promise not to hold myself responsible for what
i couldn't have foreseen or done a ****** thing about
promise not to grieve for her
to remember that i'm just a human man after all
i promise that and more
if you'll just promise me one thing
don't leave me sitting here all alone
just hold my hand
keep me company in the cold night
Jun 2014 · 3.3k
sundown for the foolish
mark john junor Jun 2014
the folded man
sat creasing the edges of his wallet sized heart
and stared off into the romantic night
full of lovers embracing
and others who silently wished for a hand to hold

he waited for her soft footsteps
but she just sat in her bedroom mirror brushing her hair
thinking of some boy from long ago
sundown was just that kind of girl
trade your temptations today for the empty promise of yesterday
she will stay here another season
maybe he will pass this way
maybe the storm clouds gathering will go away

the harlots all dance with unacquainted tenderness
not all embraces are done with joy
call it a sundown's choice cause its a bad one
and the gambler brushes dust off his neat appearances
each detail of his solitude lie must be cared for
lest it crumble and expose hes just a green kid
from illinois
we all put the best face we can
some just take it too far

she went to the picture show
and looked for familiar faces in the crowded hall
but the folded man had already slipped away
with one of the harlots
who will make a pretty bride someday
everybody gets a second chance
they just may not want it once they get it

she brushed the ashes from her clothes
they fell like thin snowfall on spring day
a last taste of winters hand
out of the burnt shell of the dancehall at dawn we came
the thick smoke splayed out on the thin wind
wound its way past catching the dust and
making the sunlight a dull brown
she looked at me with tears for eyes
asked me to take her from this place
everybody gets a second chance
they just may not want it once they get it
(her name, what the hell was her name...something childish like tranquility)
Jun 2014 · 290
creatures of dawn
mark john junor Jun 2014
do not delay
do not fall behind
for we must hurry now
the dawn she breaks on the eastern sea
and day must not catch us
must not see the light in our dark eye
so hurry along now leave your burdens
leave all you have known
trinkets and fine cloth will not save you now
for we flee into nights sole haven
a house forlorn and ancient as the darkness
which birthed such wretched creatures as
you and i my poor sweet love

come along now hurry your steps
for the dawn is almost upon us
with its wrath for all who would forsake
the world of light for nights embrace
come along now hurry your steps my sweet one
the dawns heavy steps come quick now
for life and limb for light is certain death
remember your pact and promise
remember you have sworn against the sun
come quick with me
to the house of shadows
and dwell in darkness and magic with me
(for a friend who likes vampire ya go sweetheart)
Jun 2014 · 700
bus-stop girl
mark john junor Jun 2014
inside my head smile
because shes my bus-stop girl
she has sunshine in mind
and clouds on her walls
she sleeps with rainbows and laughs rain
her heart are velvet sands of paradise's shore
shes bus-stop girl
with a pack of strawberry gum
and a cherry coke
shes here in my head with a smile
shes here in my heart with two times the love
bus-stop girl
May 2014 · 2.0k
of thistles and velvet
mark john junor May 2014
caught in a dark romance of shadows
she said she could taste a wilderness of tears
waiting just beyond the soft candlelight
and she just couldn't face it alone again
so held her thin hand clasped in mine
while her heart thundered like madness
and we spent the hours talking ever so quiet

we lay awake under the moving darkness
we lay entwined in reassurance
we lay skin to skin
like lovers do
i drifted in and out of restless dreams
of sailing ships testing the tempest
i dreamt of gypsy's dancing in the dark wood
these dreams were a tangle of a dark romances shadows
****** you to believe that path you tread
was meant to be

her smoke filled eyes
lent favor to the idea that somewhere
deep within there burned a flame
but her voice was cool like the first kiss of autumns wind
was deep as the craft of her thoughts could devise
for she sought to weave such a tale
as to sway the heart
and repeal this dark romance
May 2014 · 899
mark john junor May 2014
the trees give way to large open space
with a road running its center
fields of wild grass and shrub border its sides
above the sky has forgotten the sun
under the swift grey silent river of storm clouds
it will rain any moment
the air is thick with its taste

a mass of small birds suddenly take to wing
moving as one swinging up into the treeline
the silence implied is full of birdsong
and the wood sounds
we walk hand in hand through the grass
to the cracked and **** strewn road
that has not see a soul in years
she stops to pick a wild rose
and we resume walking while she holds it with gentle care
like a kitten she is taking home to feed warm milk

thunder rolls off just to the east
we have crossed the road and plunge back into
wild grass and ****
passing the rusted skeletal frame of some car
engulfed by a small tree
i pitch a rock at the hood and with the rewarding metal retort
press on to the far side of the clearing
the large oaks looming in our path
seem like ancient sentinels guarding the gates to eden
we pause as we reach the treeline
i look back
i will never forget the beauty of this day
with my sweet lover
and this quiet peaceful place
May 2014 · 1.1k
happier rabbit
mark john junor May 2014
the happier rabbit drenched in sweat
the language of his contorted face pulls at me
something approaching repentance in his fuzzy eyes
but trickster he plagiarizes puppy dog eyes to ****** his way free

the happier rabbit is a ***** of the profane tongue
and like a smooth jesus walking on the waters of verbal jive
he just walks your wallet like he's walking the dog
he's got nothing but fur but might as
well be wearing a brooks brothers three piece
and living bankers hours

the happier rabbit
making fast tracks for the dark woods
with the equivalent of a rolls royce and a roll 'o' dimes
living is easy in the forever summertime state
long as you got the endless supply of sheep
looking for greener pastures comin south for the winter
the happier rabbit lounges by the pool catchin a tan
sipping a long island ice tea
there may be something seriously wrong with us
but we are happy just the same
i just wish...for one could just be like it was supposed to be
May 2014 · 473
winter's monday horses
mark john junor May 2014
winter's monday horses
unfold in the simplicity of muscular ambition
gracefully these earthly creatures contemplate asphalt flowers
they are flawless in the playground of the surreal
tranquility crafted  from the rapture of angst
i am barefoot in my disbelief peering at their silken perfections
winter's monday horses with angelic skill
leave me addicted to the cosmos trapped in
the shred of their approaching eye
they gallop toward me like a flood of thunder
terrifying portrait timeless like a woman giving birth to a thought of love
let me depart now
on the grim sails chaotic and forlorn
under the skeleton of moonlight
grieve winter's monday horses no more
they are free passionate waterfall on the worlds dark surface
lament only the puppets of their deafening heartbeats
such as i
addicted to the cosmos in their weeping eyes
May 2014 · 1.2k
cheesecake smiles
mark john junor May 2014
this hour brave face come forth
the nervous thunder of heart beating wildly
its grandeur thoughts race to
see all the possible and believe all the improbable
fear is a liar but what beautiful deceptions
lure you along with nothing more than whispered promise
teach you ways to live that chain you to cruel fates
wears the subtle masks of pretty things
for pain is an ugly beast
and fear wishes to ******

this hours brave face
etched on with fine china flatware blade
for the etiquette of tea and biscuit say
you must act with dignified indifference
polite and with manners
even as they cart you off to the rubber room
no madhouse is complete without its
dignified and refined madman of leasuire and class
have some tea old boy and mind the razors

this hours brave face may not leave me mad
but it feels like it could with its time passing so slow
i check the watch and glance at the door
for the fiftieth time in fifty minutes
this hours brave face is mine
and there is only brief span left to live
in this moment
but that moment is lifetimes

she emerges from the door
with a cheesecake smiles and kisses me
everything is fine
i can breath again
(nerve racking...maybe now i can get some sleep)
May 2014 · 696
two insane birds
mark john junor May 2014
he hungers for the fruit of the vine
he thirsts for the supper of the earth
his blue skies face crumbles
when he sees the dead field
fragments of his bravery litter the sand
while he sits in the harvest field
moaning in the tilled earth
fingers entwined in the roots of dead growth
the bounty of the earth is gone
leaving only this desolate dirt
his lament loud and wild
reaches her
and she is compelled to join him there
naked to the whip of the sun
leashed to the soil with thin golden chains
where they both lay mourning
like two insane birds
prisoners of the open sky
longing for the freedom of dirt
May 2014 · 1.1k
romance the burnt sea
mark john junor May 2014
romance the burnt sea
love its stain on your writing hand
romance its dark waters
and the stillness of the words it creates in your heart
evening light shows the beast of tides
gnawing at the sandy shore with restless hunger
feed it your naked feet as you run through the crashing waves
feed it your devil fish of ******* clad thoughts
but hide your face lest it see you and desire you

the beast of tides feeds on the velvet sands of paradise
while its offspring feed on starlight
ever hopeful of redemption foolish as it is

she tells you she loved the beast and the burnt sea
opened her heart to its plain plight
cared for it mended its wounds
spread herself to its darkness
now as it lay off shore she longs to swim in its dark water
she speaks of joining its bitter love
the burnt sea has hills like waves in the grasslands
creates creatures to chase this butterfly
all must taste of salt
even the sky
and the beast and the burnt sea shall see it done
she surrenders her naked feet to the
and rejoices in the salt scent
romance the burnt sea
for it is loved as she is
May 2014 · 637
sometimes none
mark john junor May 2014
the cold dirt road on  the mountain
its holes filled with ***** rainwater
a broken fence to one side
marking the edge of her farm
the trees obscure any distance
just patches of meadows and dark wood
the summer song of birds gone to roost
she walks alone hands buried in her pockets
she was born on this mountain
she will be an old woman here someday

a ****** of crows feast loudly
on some dead thing in the tall grass
of the bright haze of the meadow
untouched by breeze and soaked in sun
they gather at the overhang of a dead oak
where beer cans and spent bullets lay
like corpse's of a battlefield lament
the burnt shell of the oak
leans dangerously against the field stone
covered with graffiti
she would wait for him here
the ****** of crows gave way to silence

her father was a good man in his way
lean and quiet with a dark look
but as her father goes to show
one man in his family's arms another in the world
the nature of a man changes when he
steps out his door
few know a man
sometimes none

she is a rare beauty small town girl
but as much as she dreams of the wider world
hard fact taught her nothing like home
the nature of the world changes when you
step out your door
few will care about you
sometimes none
she was born to the mountain
she is going to be an old woman here
few know the heart of a woman
sometimes none
(not what you think its about...but a cautionary tale never the less)
May 2014 · 799
rowboats of pewter
mark john junor May 2014
ornate key to souls lockbox
kept by the old man
who sweeps the scattered leaves and mends the bent stones
his leather skin makes a sandpaper sound
and is tattooed with sea charts and mythical creatures
he is wearing the ornate key on golden chain
as he gropes his way down to the
courtyard where she is watching the stars

she devours his footsteps with her mind
and the trail of dust he disturbed salts the meal
she drinks of his liquid thoughts
their hot wet deep waters
as he works head held low
on the marble steps with wrought iron
sweeping up the dusty words
left by the shuffling of a thousand year students
who studied the discomforts and glories of the pen

as the soft sounds of her labor echo
she crafts rowboats of pewter to sail upon the metal sea
she builds metal men from a tin foiled
armed with swords to reap the harvest
she devises monks out of steel
their eyes an assembly of gears
fill the world with the small metal sound
of her blue eye looking out upon wicked world

as dawn stretches an aching red upon the sky
she lay in the old mans arms
watching her armada sailing the metal sea
watching her army of tin foiled men
their metal gear eyes forever looking to the stars
their dull grey skin echo dawns light
like regret

they have always been here
her and the old man
by the shore of a metal sea
in a tower of stone
building dreamlands from the chaff of seeds
that drifts down like grey snow
from the world high above
life from the ashes
someday that life will stand in summer sunlight
dance in october's moonlight
May 2014 · 960
mark john junor May 2014
her silence had conquered me
she allowed that i should build a tower of sandstone
she allowed that she would grant me the sea and its grandeur
and that the sea should ever beat upon the door like hunger
calling me to take my place in her dark halls
for she had once said that it was natural
that a man should hunger and strive
she allowed that i could have these
things for she was kind in her way
so it was a craftsman's eye she set to
stitch this raggedy man

when at last i stole away in early hours
and paid truth's price in coins of otherworldly realms
she spoke to me with such stern regrets haunting her voice
she said that you must return to your birthright
now you must tear down this tower
and see and speak what lay at its base
so the sea cannot wash away
the world cannot grow gardens over it
you must uproot it and lay it in the sunlight
you must weep as innocence would
as innocence should

she lead me to that place in the gardens grove
and set to clearing the stones
revealing the artwork carved
and the stain embedded
set to revealing the flawed man
set to revealing the nature of his inner gears
for none can be free untill they have found freedom within
and this long hour i sit and pray
that night will end
at long last
at this healers hand
(the obligatory end of such beginnings...a fictional account)
May 2014 · 1.0k
reflected with imperfections
mark john junor May 2014
in a setting sun
reflected with imperfections on the lake
she waits under the summer tree
its lively conversation with the wind
stirs shadows and returns lost memories to her
like wayward children asking for bread and a sip

her fathers stern voice on a cold night
her first kiss by moonlight at bible camp
her cat's purr
these things come back to her in a rush
but the stillness of her face undisturbed
her's is a setting sun
reflected by the lake with imperfections

night is a sour brother to day and sits heckling
her from the window
that she should endure the hour alone
that her time fallow ground
the seeds scattered without care
but her hand scatters to her sleeping poet
and rests reassured on his feverish brow

she draws his form in fine lines and shadows
a black and white reflection of imperfection sleeping
she lingers with her smile
and by moonrise she is curled up in his arms
both dreaming reflections of the days reality's
but dreams are imperfect messengers of meaning
and hers is stuttering images of yesterday

in a rising sun
perfectly perceived
her bare skin wakes him
with anticipations of lustful hungers
he sees only her perfections
sees only the bright beauty of her body and soul
that is his imperfection
we are all slaves to our sunset's
we are all hopeful children of our dawn's
they are both imperfect
but together they are perfectly imperfect
May 2014 · 929
mother of silence
mark john junor May 2014
with mother of silence we're a playground for
the scars we spent and received with lovers now gone
regrets are heavy jagged stones
regrets are written like ******* meant to ******
regrets are loud awake and thousand miles tall  
wishes and hope are just whispers
intangible as wind

echoes of the hearts illusion
haunting situation
footsteps faint give glimpse of a vision of loves return
but thats a wicked crown that threads the pain needle
no witness sees your depths
tastes your darkness
a whiskey candy drunk on its sweet embrace
but clarity is a toy also
diamonds to one hand
dust to another

take back your wicked crown of pains needle
shatter the illusion mother of silence
understand my attempt
emptiness is a disease that rots the heart
lonely is a hunger that eats souls
wishes and hopes are just whispers
intangible as wind
but they are all i have
May 2014 · 1.1k
french sailor
mark john junor May 2014
spanish rose lingers in the corner
with some french sailor who is
just a breathing caricature
illustrated in ink and animated by alcohol
his four letter word vocabulary with deluxe cardboard delivery
but its his eyes that capture you
swimming in hundred proof they are
wise with miles of years
and wicked in a smoky dark room way
but she is too busy to notice
flirting with the stranger across the room
a traveling salesman with boxes
of rusty trinkets for crafty sale

meanwhile old jack is swinging on the gibbet
talking away the hours with his old flame and friends
he is a threadbare imitation of me
and that suits you fine
long as its three meals and a slice of pie
the essentials of easy living wrapped up in a lace hanky
its a little ***** and on the down low
but the whole digging in some
rich kids ***** laundry for loose change
never appealed to you all that much
so attached to old jack come to make your stand
both barrels smoking hot and ready to let loose
should any fool step to the line

we all watched with amusements
as the magician open his show with a shock and awe
that sputtered and fell
but we all loved his punch lines so much that we
cheered him on all night
the chorus girls got us all up and dancing little past three
and the suave singer had us cheek to cheek by dawn
it was another night to remember to be sure
memorable as stumpy swimming with the gators
we all shuffle barefoot in the sand
to our dusty beds
and dream sweetly of fiveash romance novella endings
and the beauties of dawn
we will be up to no good once more
all loud and proud
young and full'a *****
as a spring moon crests over seaside town
May 2014 · 1.0k
chew on that
mark john junor May 2014
the daydream electric
she glows in daylight
like neon ice cream
**** on the tongue
like wry smiles
but creamy smooth on the fingertips
like a peanut butter chocolate chip pie
lick her eyelids to try and see
whats on her pretty little mind
shes a butternut job
and fingerlicking fun
May 2014 · 1.4k
old man freud
mark john junor May 2014
so i took liberty's with my lockpick and freud's diary
and went in search of the reasons for dry thunder
and for pictures of the rain locked away in some peoples eyes
some hearts are waterlogged silent forests
grey clinging to the wet pine needles
some are deserts of the twilight
like dust gathering at the least disturbed path
their hearts are heavy with dry weight

i found her in the cold light of candles
mapping the unknown with her thin hand
her perfections chiseled softly into all of my senses
like a michelangelo paint by number sweet summer dream
her immediate and urgent presence on the night air
makes me breath in deep and feel to the bottom of my feet
that she is tenderness personified
she is light perfected
she is fresh off the pages of some steinbeck novella
she just has a grace that gives
she is in love with its concept and rumor

with lockpick in hand and the image of
old man freud smoking something funny in his pipe
traveled through this place with an eye to the depths
a girl out there provides a sultry version of hopes in a song
from within her place of televisions flickers
as i sit by the window shade as it stirs to life
approaching rain
the lockpick also comes to life
as the complexity's of a strangers smile
fluctuate in the eye
a grain of sand lodged in the crawlspaces of the mind
grinding in the gears of thought
the song drifts to an end
with her smile
May 2014 · 869
madien hayfield
mark john junor May 2014
i met a man upon the road
who carried his mind in a thicket of thorns
bluejays nesting in his thoughts had built it
one thorny troubled thought at a time
untill he staggered as he walked from the weight
of this contraption of the mind
like a drunkard in the backstreets of seaside town
he would sit by the small cafe or coffee house
and sing for young lovers such songs as ballads of old
or ones from folk singers and childhoods fancy
bright songs of good cheer

at the end of the long summer day
as the cafe and coffee shop would shutter their doors
he would gather his coin
and bid the day fare thee well
would climb slowly the flower strewn hill
sit under the great oak tree
and prune his thicket of a mind
with pinking shears and a hacksaw
with a farmer's plow and the beekeepers glove

a thousand fold bluebirds moving as one
with a terrible sound of wings upon the air
a soft beating of wings like a hearts dry thunder
each carrying a twig to add to his thorny thicket
which was now larger than the man himself
he would wrestle with it all the long night
till sleep overtook him there under the great oak tree

so he lingered here by the sea for years
at the whims of romance by lovers in the coffee house by daylight
and the light of the moon that lead him to dance
in a maiden hayfield at night
he would sing ballads to the star light
and to the wisps of clouds flying the night sky

they buried him with his thicket of thorns
at the top of the hill
below the stars that weep even now
he asked me why once
why none helped him be free of his thicket of thorns
why not one took pity and took his hand to at least comfort
and i told him that the world had
in bluebirds that kept him company
in coffee houses that loved his songs
in me that came to know him at long last
not as a man with a thicket of thorns
but as an empire of bluebirds playing in the skies
just at dawns first light
May 2014 · 544
the rain is thick
mark john junor May 2014
the rain is thick
and bright in the minds eye
captures the wandering and
turns skyward all thought of walking
seek shelter under tree
but its stirs the leaves and
resides on your skin in a
damp codependent relationship with you
up close and personal

the rain pours through the phone line
making her damp voice warm with invitations
and layered with the hearts silts
each woman ever loved has left her trail upon the heartland
each trail become a river of regrets and wishes on her leaving
each leaving having dried like tears with time becomes a layer of silt
that the hearts home is built with
the sum of the hearts who have come
and gone

the rain slows
as the phone line falls to a stillness
a lack of words between two who know far too many words
none of thouse words can change the color of a sunset
none can unfly a flown bird
we make small talk till even that slowly fades
we say goodbye
the rain begins in earnest
May 2014 · 2.4k
sweat and sunscreen
mark john junor May 2014
i love that sound
a wind walks by and stirs the trees
that rushing breathing sound
the leaves make as the branches are swayed in the wind
i love the many voices of daylight
a lawnmower and childrens laughter
birds chattering
a small plane boiling overhead
pulling a sign for some event
i love the sound of summer

i love its taste
ice cold soda when your sitting on hot pavement
the texture of a overcooked hotdog at a ballpark
i love the taste of
your lips while you are sunbathing
sweat and sunscreen are an ****** mix
i love how summer tastes to my mind
it feels young
it tastes free

i reach up with incredible grace
****** the contrail from that jetliner far overhead
and tie it into a ribbon for your hair
there you go my lovely
you are a young french princess of the world
i love your taste most of all
you taste like love to me
May 2014 · 671
nights true name
mark john junor May 2014
the day moves around me
coming to its close
anticipation of night on the tip of tongue
its dark mystery
its deep magics
you know nights true name
speak it now my sweet lover
speak it soft and swift
let us run together in nights sweet dark embrace

i see it coming
pierced the horizon with its dark threads
as it knits the fabric of stars from birds drifting in sky
filling the world with its soft aspects like a dream
the moon riding clouds that run untamed across open sky
watch them fly untainted by earthbound mortality's
watch the world unfold one grand moment
unscripted by foolish men's deeds

you know nights rightful name
summon the night
you know nights true name
speak it now my love
speak it swift and soft
like you are laying a kiss on its beloved countenance
let us run together in nights sweet dark embrace
for few love the night as we do
few see its grandeur
few know its everlasting deep loves
know its forgiving compassion's
you know nights true name
speak it now my love
speak it swift and soft
May 2014 · 476
brown turtle dove
mark john junor May 2014
i walked in the wilderness
i walked alone
there were signs and portents
but they were shallow imperfections on reality's page
they were ink stains afterthought to a great symphony
a dust devil in backwater forever forgotten road
and as i walked i heard it spin past
i saw its track on the cracked pavement
but did not slow my steps
after all i knew not a single face ever born of dusts fire

she came upon me in the wilderness
she stopped me in my walking with a gesture
that was complex in its simplicity
that was rich in its lack of words
she asked me to think upon the need
i asked her with a single tear frozen in time
heated by the hearts sun

she painted a masterpiece there on
the sunbaked road
she used the world as her canvas
she used the color of her words as her paints
and what she showed me
beckoned me further in thought
drew the mind to look upon its on mechanics
and with her hand she made doves in the air
with her hand she made soft trees upon which they could live

i walked once in a wilderness
i once walked alone
in an unseeing way
striding forth to an unseen future
till she had come upon me
and gave my words wings
and gave my mind a key
that turned in the wilderness
and released me

she made me a brown turtle dove
living in a paradise of roses
by the side of a road through a wilderness
that has no beginning
no end
she said no need to walk the road
now that you can fly
gave my mind a key
released me
May 2014 · 2.4k
driftwood kingdoms
mark john junor May 2014
in the evening tide
a remark of the world washed ashore
written with the driftwood's obscure tongue
its twisted words spun round itself
polished and worn to resemble the bones
of the world itself which birthed it
it spoke of a mystical place over the far salty seas horizon
spoke soft of a place where wilderness lived
and freedom thrived in a sheltered place
it spoke to me that it had crossed oceans of time
to lead me on adventures tale
to reclaim this mystical throne
to live in this far off grand palace of trees and glens
a magical place where my cares would not follow
where i could carve my own fate
from the rough sea
where a lover waited for me
wrapped in silks mystery's
so i set out swift as sunrise
set out following destiny
May 2014 · 692
spilled wine
mark john junor May 2014
the wine had been spilled
its red stained the floorboards
its tattered remains hung on the air
a stale scent of wasted wines
and the echoes of a lovers spat
shouts in the sultry tropical night
and two sets of footprints leaving the concrete into the sand
two sets to the shore

the book turned face down
some french novelist from some ages ago
his light phrase danced upon the ear with pleasing turns
his notions gave her pause in the humid day
pat dry the damp on her brow
as the rich tones reached deeper than
some romantic notion and ****** song of the eye
some deep and dire need answered
by his romantic words
and the touch of her perfumed hand
on the door **** of the hearts secrets places
just that light touch is all
after all its a long day in the tropical sun
and theres the cooking to be done

i asked of her
if she would have loved me if she had known me
if we had been children together
if she could have cared for me
when i lived a dark man
in a dark place
she said but of course
she said that we shall be as children here in our ages
and i would have brought you light in that dark place
as i shall love thee just as dearly
you are the grapes of my wine
i am drunk on your taste in my soul

two sets of prints lead out to the shore
came together out in the wash of moonlight
on sandy shore
and lay as one in the forgiving light
and lay as one in the night
like spilled wine
intoxicating the soul
May 2014 · 829
and snow will fall warm
mark john junor May 2014
if she submits just so
if she contorts to the worlds twisted vision
her breathing becomes quick
and her hands silhouettes
mimicry of ritualistic love

if she submits just so
the world will see
and snow will fall warm as summers day
quick will be slow
hurt will be healed
and the difficult will be easy
as easy as his smile back when he loved her
and things will be the way they were

her thin fingers
on the window panes frost
etch panoramas fine line drawings of loves triumphs
a garden where hope blooms
where beauty and happiness are one in the same
in the smile he shared with her back before

washed and trimmed to measurable perfections
she kneels in the strange halflight of the worlds eye
and waits for the settling dust to speak
for the haze on the window to illustrate
for the clocks silent mechanical action to cease
waits for the world to change her

her breathing quick and measured as she leans with perceptions
to any sound of approaching footfall
but the only sound that pierced the thick darkness
was that of the worlds slow decay
if she could only
but hes been gone for so long
that smile
his sweet smile while he loved her

if she contorts to the worlds twisted vision
if she submits just so
the world will see
shes a good girl
and snow will fall warm as summers day
it will be as it was before
he will come back
and snow will fall warm as summers day
May 2014 · 613
like moonlight breathing
mark john junor May 2014
her pale skin is moonlight breathing
like she has an essence of celestial beauty in
the palm of her hand and
without her the sun will never rise
without her the stars themselves utterly die
like the air itself around her flowing like soft waters
gently drowning all sorrows

she held within her delicate fingers a small canister
'within this is my heart'
made of wood laced with silver threads
it was worn but still retained its strength
it had an illustration of a phoenix
she buried it in the soft soils of her skin
with four nails to keep it in place
each nail carved with fine line drawings from the astral calendar
i ran a volley of kisses quick and soft on her pale skin
hoping to set ablaze
but she passed silent while lingering one hand along my arm
like a grief for our parting

i swim up her presence radiating with careful steps
and i run one finger lovingly along her bottom lip
but cannot contain the river of images that flow there
she photographs my hearts intent with eyes that see my soul
makes still life studies of loves blooming with her gentle wet kiss
and with her soft lip sets smouldering thoughts in my lustful soul

i am the canister she has woven with silver threads
i am the phoenix arising from the ashes
after she has destroyed me with a kiss
i hold her heart gently
for without her
i am a moonless void
empty of stars
i run one finger lovingly along her lower lip
adoring the very scent of her soul on the air
like moonlight breathing
May 2014 · 633
cold grey stone
mark john junor May 2014
she delicately wove a tale
for the echoes in the churchyard
because the sounds that words of love make
as they flutter on the cold grey stones
make such a lovely loneliness
the heart bleeds its tears openly
but the mind keeps its tears close at hand

but she assured me that she was aware
of how deep the water could run
as she waded into the hearts river
her great blue coat caught like in a vast wind
did trail behind and marked her passing
with a stain upon the waters like words of love on a dark heart
she beckoned with her hand without meaning to mock
i dragged the grey stone to the verge
and let my words fall
but they had a silence i could not comprehend

she had come to heal
she had come to see reason
or declare the innocence of its opposite
she weaved the echoes well into the stillness of the night
i had come to see her in the image of bearing beauties
come to see the true key of tales end turned
but she has no end to the tale
she simply beckons you on with simple gesture
because she adores the dance of her spanish boots
on the cold grey stone
and the words of love as they flutter
on the cold grey stone
May 2014 · 695
mothers milk
mark john junor May 2014
she picked at the
guitar strings without much heart
and as the long night wearied into dawn
her song changed
the confines of this run down mill of the mind
had worn her down
watch now as daylights child spoon-fed
the nights dream now wakes crying for lack

daylights child growin fast
listen now as her fingers stumble in the sweet song
hear the notes changing like spring changes winters face
know that she must feel it deep
she was always a tough girl
and would never shown tears like this
lest it was going deep as deep can be
deep as the sea

listen now to her song
just her weeping to her her guitar
in this run down broken old mill
this factory of forlorn
the child of daylight now grown
flexed muscles for some some strange woman of evening
took his wallet an' took his boatman coat
washed poorboy out to sea
listen now to her motherhood song
weeping for foolish boy gone astray
weepin' for poorboy lost at sea

mind your mothers now lad's
watch them strange girls of the setting sun
set your lines and watch your jibing
sail good lad sail on home
set your lines watch your jibing
sail on home good lad's
(happy mothers days...listen to your mother now)
May 2014 · 279
twilight eyes
mark john junor May 2014
a hurricane was treading on the world around us
sounded like it was gonna come apart at the seams
but all i could see or hear was you
as you held my hand laughing at the silly world
as you captured me and
held with tender embrace
your more than some mere force of nature

to look at you seem just like a girl
but iv climbed into the furnace of your heart
iv lost myself on the milk white sea of your warm gaze
iv wandered the echo of an endless summer night in your voice
your all the lost days found once more
your all the hopes
wrapped up in a tender kiss
more than some mere force of nature
you are natural to my heart

let your hair down my lover
breath easy tonight
as the sea rolls out the moonshine just for you
let your twilight eyes close to dream
cause ill have you safe here in my heart and arms
cause i know at long last that i'm home
with a woman who is more than a mere force of nature
you are natural in my heart like you always belonged there
my sweet lover
May 2014 · 1.0k
the devil rides the dread
mark john junor May 2014
her scarred lip held a song
it was a hard song
moving like a candle on the dusty road
restless in the bitter wind
feel it in your dry mouth like the taste of snakes
feel it like a misery of the dry sand

but its her song and she sings it to me now
as she gathers the weeds and small bitter things
that will be our penance as a meal
i cast out a whip and its thorny threads
and it catches her eye
looking into me
the sea tilts
and capsizes the rowboat carrying her song to me

my hair is a dreadlock at the root
my hair ends in a fray
which end would you choose
i told her the fray
because the devil rides the dread
like a wild horse its eyes aflame
she holds my hand and will not speak
i kiss her hair
and wait for the sun to save us

and the candle burns brightly on the dusty road
the devil bears the burden of our wares
in exchange we carry his brother
she cradles this child of our fate
it tangles its tiny fist in her dreadlocked hair
and i saw that the fray was mine alone
so i tangled it in my lips
for my own song
a soft one of lovers
May 2014 · 431
mark john junor May 2014
this place
in the thin track of woods
behind a shopping center
a boulder and the bare beaten ground around it
littered with beer cans and pizza boxes
a girls shirt with mud on it hangs in a bush
one mans shoe

but its so quiet here
the breathing of the wind
as it stirs the leaves overhead
and makes a shifting sunlight fresco of shadow's light
a crow beats wings into the clearing

who was i with that day
where were we going
a girl but who..who....
i cannot even remember what she looked like
the color of her hair
i cannot even tell you the year
i was a young man in a motorcycle jacket
and engineer boots
was it a dream
dreamt so long ago that it in
memory's eye it was real
no i know the place we were all to well

that clearing is fresh to the mind as it was that day
but time has eroded all else
i wonder who she was
i know i loved her after a fashion
i held her in that clearing
we kissed and talked for some measureless time
i remember her laugh
i remember her kiss
who were you

my sweet lost lover
forgive this old man his scattered mind
forgive my thoughtless forgetting
as the days end rush up upon me
i look back with a fond eye on my passing life
if we shared little else
i know we shared that day
and i know that my heart smiled for you
my sweet lost lover
May 2014 · 477
smoke and fire
mark john junor May 2014
the smoke spurned the fire and rose to flee
but she approached with her own deeper heat
like oil and water her thoughts and dreams
burn with a sinister hue
a thousand colors to her movement's
and each one blurs the lines of reality in the watchers mind
each one like an ocean in which
the unwary could drown

the nights difficult song twisted on
the dulled edges of her words laid with such cunning care
as she convinced him to stay
against his better steel eyed judgements
he did not hear the lock click into place behind
did not sense the ink drying on his fate
and still i sat there mesmerized by the nights song
and how familiar it was to my soul
one more round and let us toast vanity

her sister is perfections rose
and bathed in the soft nights otherworldly glow
beauty clings to her edges like acolytes
come to discover the secrets entwined
come seeing roads in the shadow
the two sisters separated by more than mere miles
separated by a lover they once shared
the bitter sister claimed
and the fair sister fled

he lay in the ruins
a carved stone in the midst of polished jewels
and i could not help him
i had discovered the nights song
and would never see daylight again
smoke had spurned fires embraces
rising to flee with thoughts to find some new life
she sells these dreams
a luxury in these lean days
mark john junor May 2014
a thirsty soul suspended over the
waters of this heartland like some kind of
symbolic sacrifice to the lesser demigods
she is wearing a hippy skirt and a fashionable hat
a swift sunrise gives her aspects of divinity

she tells me she came here to go shopping
but in the turbulent space between our hearts
something has changed
she tells me cloudy days make her sad
i tell her rain is a companion to no man
but the flowers love it just the same
she knows she loves it too

i pick up her thought and bounce it like a rubber ball
cause it keeps comin back to me'
just like that mysterious smile that
lingered on her face
long on my mind
i cant seem to shed the thought
that it all means something someplace
always somebody thirsty somewhere

the clock stopped at a quarter to four
and a shameful woman sits there fixing her face
with the wrenches and hammers of fashionable practice
seek to be the same as everybody else
someday your bound to get there
just to find yourself questioning why you
bothered once your there

her and the shameful woman put a
heated argument in the pocket of hunger
and giggling like schoolgirls walk away
to go find a mirror to get lost in
swap makeup and spit in some bathroom selfies
girls night out

i'm standing out here in the open air parking lot
watching the heartland of fiveashes sink slowly into the sea
walk on the puddles reflections of clouds
as they break apart to bring us a brand new day
rain is a companion to no man
but the flowers like it anyway
May 2014 · 614
quarrel with the sun
mark john junor May 2014
had no quarrel with the sun
have no bitter bread leavened at the worlds hearth
no trail of blood and bone
no stone flung at heavens hoping to dislodge
for whispered prayer's unanswered

sitting on the high contraption
while the last rays of parting sunlight wane
balanced on the winds whim along thin wire
of my own circumstances making

i seek within myself once again
pour over memories careworn with years
find solace in the cold comforts
of warm embraces engraved in the heart
that i have known such things
that such matters to me as some it dose not
is comfort after all
that i have been loved
and am able to love
there is hope yet

i have no quarrel's with sun or moon
dark is lights difficult lover
they bicker over the dawn
and surrender to eachother as dusk settles
find solace where you may
i seek the sun
May 2014 · 2.1k
savage of the night
mark john junor May 2014
living a charmed existence in the
shade of the seaward palm tree
but a telltale whisperer in hearts depth
sends doubters and scaremongers
like skulking figure's into the late day shadows
something darkly this way comes
some nameless faceless thing stalks this heartland of light
few pondered the night
few thought about what lay out there in the deep

brazen the lighthouse keeper
stokes the fires and keeps the lamps burning
no rumor of night will lay darkness at this door
no faint echo of footfall shall haunt this hour
again and again the lighthouse keeper
treads the midnight cold path of stones
along the seawall checking that all is well
raising his lantern and peering with old eyes
at the crazed cracks in the ancient wall
but none gave sign of weakness
none gave sign of peril

far out in the deep of the wider world
for the love of money and the greed of gasoline
something set in motion
some terrible beast of steel
and just as the moon set
in the final hour before dawn it came
heaving and rattling with such horrendous sounds
with bone rattling force laid its terrible hand on the seawall
and smashed the stones like it was no more than sand castle
this terrible thing so darkly come
unforgiven of wretched creature misguided soul
come to harvest the land of light

breathed with heavy burnt oil
breathed with mechanical labors
pulling its weight onto the shore
toppled the lighthouse extinguishing its light
darkness fell upon the scene
and with dreadful night returned once again to this shore
the seaward palm tree wither and die
no charmed place safe
from savage of dark
morning light never to return
in the shade of metal and oil fires night
the savage of darkness
mark john junor May 2014
a simple song from the heart
a soft turn of hearts silently spoken phrase
that brings the soul back to yesterday
when rich sunlight fell in quiet afternoon
came to rest soft as butterfly kiss on her cheek
and you saw all the wonders of the world in her eyes
saw the one heart one soul one body as you taught eachother the
song from the heart
like the lovely inspirations of dawns mist
on the still waters
that mystical connections
like when you hear your name on her lips
deeper than words
deep as the moment you see her heart in her eyes
and you soar in the beautiful winds you find there
you burn brightly enduring like the home you find there
like you were born to be in her arms
your destiny by her side
written in the magical inks on the limbs of angels
spreading the dawn light like wings upon the edge of the world
she is your song
a song that speaks with what your heart feels
a simple song from the heart
she waits for you there at waters edge
as dawn breaks on springs sweet tides
barefoot and softly free
sweet lover with your name on her lips
like a simple song from the heart
May 2014 · 801
by the light of a bonfire
mark john junor May 2014
i sit on a cold beach
looking at the night sky waiting for thouse
telltale first fingers of dawn to start playing with my eyes
think bout tall the things iv had and lost
trunk full of laughs and crates of tears
bothersome pieces of paper long since lost ability to cast their spells
and i wait for the image to come to mind
of the road i should take to relive my heart
of all its baggage of this woman and her lace curtains

a sand crab walks by me with such a light step
barley disturbs a grain of the world's sand
but you'll know he was here
thats a face you'll never forget
he waves goodbye and slips beneath the water
where a thousand years float like pop cans
the sea remembers what he's forgotten

i think ill go work on a fishing boat
cast my reel for something real
a priest of the pocket
ill make donations to the great beyond
one bone song at a time
let me just shine up this harmonica and ill join you in a tune
we can sing all night by the light of a bonfire
and the college girls can sit in our midst
cause they know that its ok to be yourself
even if you still learning who you are
******* the difference between dark and light is too exhausting
so just let one them sing you to sleep
and remember
we are all sand ***** in the scheme of things
May 2014 · 487
country girl
mark john junor May 2014
her innocent eyes asked
as the sun peeked out from the rain
and said hello to us in our joys
and i took her hand looked deep into her eye
with a love that spoke for me
her smile appears and i know that she understood
like i knew she would

a country girl
in cotton blues jeans
shes got a heart full of summer skies
she got a soul of pure magic
her heart is a warm tender place like a mountain stream
sustain you in your hour
nourish your soul and heart to keep
take her walking on the mountain side
take her to that shady tree
take the long day in her arms
the way it should be

after the day done
my country girl sat in my pickup and talked all night
bout all the things we gonna do
all the far away places we'd visit
but for now i'll want for nothin long as i got her
so i'm gonna take her to the shady tree
and give her some love
way it should be
May 2014 · 624
brother garcia
mark john junor May 2014
like a fool i rushed in
now i sit in the halflight and ponder
watch the crow carve a michelangelo in the sands of time
wishing it could have been me
keep washing away my days with tears
but its left me dry
like the desert between her heart and eyes
her practiced hand extracts me from the conversation
but i can still hear every word spoken
but i still cant decipher the smile on his face
i flee this woman and her complex locks for a heart
to wander into the rain  hoping the cure for her is rust

i sit here in a concrete flower bed
with life thriving inches from my thirsty heart
the sun is a hurricane blowin its light all over the worlds face
except this streetlight corner where i'm parked
in a shopping cart with a handful of handmade candles
and an ocean of tears for the nobody thats there by my side
a picture of some actress to fill the void
her pretend joys bring such dim return
but i still dream that i'm dancing in the sand
neath the fiery furnace of romances moon
english rose poised for her picture
with such sadness

i frustrated rushed forward across the beaten earth
to the edge of the stage hoping to get to see up
close and personal some man playing precision notes
on a beautiful wind
his song a sweet reprise of yesterdays loving heart
and all the shared smiles and hopeful joys
his dancing thought soars and swings like plastic on the wind
but fools like me caught in the imitation seats of oak can only watch with slack jawed wonders in our hearts
garcia where did you go my brother
you never said goodbye

there will be no easy solutions to my delemia
i must find someone who can hold the hand of a fleeing man
some sweet girl who wants do slow dance
in tonight's spring full moon like it was yesterdays dream
i like a fool fled the feast a hungry man in a dark land
wearing only a milk white robe
and carrying a plastic moon
ill wander till i find you
and sweetheart i hope its soon
i don't even know you yet and i miss you already
Apr 2014 · 636
without a penny
mark john junor Apr 2014
the dawn exploded with a roll of thunder
and her frightened face is all i saw in the flash of lightening
i reached out to her with my voice
trying to reassure but it sounded hollow
as the tread of armed men became apparent
in the fog to the east
i grabbed up her and our meager provisions and we fled
deep into the forest
where we came to the cabin of the hideous man
we knew he would shelter us from any storm blowin'
long as we could provide news of the wider world

so long into the night as she cooked
i regaled him with tales both real and invented of the
glory's and and great defeats
as i treated his wounds and gave him advices to mend
morning found a strange tale of its own
standing on the porch with a hawking gun in hand
he was a man of the far west
he had come from the dry dust
he had come from the bitter cold
and now he lay his burdens on the hideous mans doorstep

he had come looking for a crew to take with
to the high mountain pass
there in the wicked snows lay a treasure
there in the harsh night lay a tomb
the hideous man pointed to me and said
here is a young man with a strong back
and not a prayer to be had for love nor money
take him and the woman too

so we set off into the cursed darkness seeking
as all men must a better life in the promise of jems and jewels
she followed me or the stranger i could no longer tell
she was no stranger to leavings
and she would leave me high and dry at the drop of a thousand hats
she was no angel
i was no saint

we made our way to the high mountains
and there labored for many days and months
from that spring
till near christmas day
without nearing our treasures
fell to fighting with one another
over every spilled crumb
over every mislaid word

no better and now bitter she left us both there
in the cold of the midnight sun
for the face of some young jim
and his riverboat card games

i finally surrendered too
to the clear thought that we had been had
there was no treasure to be found
so i stole his hawking gun and made for the river trying
to find my wayward girl
but fell in with dark men who
wanted price for the riverboat ride
the kinda coin the hawking gun could fetch
so they murdered me in my sleep
and i slipped to the tomb without a name or a grubstake

now lay me up in the dark waters
now sing me a summer meadow
by the riverside
buried there a poorboys grave of a single wood board
carved with the words
that riches are a fools game
if you have come seeking treasures
seek thee elsewhere cause this boy died here without a penny
mark john junor Apr 2014
the second time i found her
it was in the midst of the grand staircase
she sat at the far edge overlooking the ballroom below
where many a face spun in wild dance
where many hearts fluttered on the verge of dreams

she cupped a single rose in her painted hand
its petals were cracked and dusty
and its scent had hints of rain
but she clutched it to her warm heart like adoration
saying softly that if she held it for long enough she could
give it life once again
i knew this to be true
but i feared the cost to her visionary soul
would it blind her to the tigers among the lillies in the ballroom
are we all not blind to the tragedy of happenstance

so i swept her up and rode into the night
to the shallow waters of the coast
where the salt of the sea could wash away the rose
cleanse the mortal wound that is such loves
but it was made of thicker smoke than that
and still you could smell a taste of rain on its dusty blue petals

i built a forest house that fall
and there i sat her to recuperate
but she only wanted to once again dance in the ballroom
with the faces of grandeur and the voices of naughty leasuire
'only a friend can debate you this tale'
is how i defended keeping her from that fate
once again we strove to gather words from the skies
as they fell like leaves abandoning their trees

once again she left in the spring
promising this time to take great cares with her pen and heart
i gave her a tender friends smile of my own as she had once done for me
and after she had faded down the summer road
i made my own way to the ballroom
because in secret i too longed to be lost in the swirling joys
the abandon of faces and names
of tigers dancing in the field of lillies
in a ballroom of trees
Apr 2014 · 1.4k
the dry fountain
mark john junor Apr 2014
it was in the darkness that i found her
there by the dry fountain
its basin gathered the paper thin years
like withered leaves
like soul searching written with her lips
like a castle keep penned with the inks of my regrets

the dry fountain flowed once upon a time with a rich river of
all manner of worldly beasts
the fabled ones and the forgotten ones
and their tales like tapestry's woven with heart strings

now the dry fountain was her home
she bid me take my leasuire for a moment from my fleeing
so my bone thin horse could rest his weary heart
i offered her coins in gratitude for her shelter
with a gentle hand she turned such aside
and instead took my hand
and withdrew the pen embedded in my skin

and said to me that
'each dawn requires a darkness with which to begin'
she began with fragments of me
i tried in vain to be the candle that holds back the shadows
but in truth she is venus finding gentle sweet sainthood in her repertoire
like a frail swan of the ethereal grace

she wanted only to see the glory days to return to this place
to see the fountain flow once again
see its thriving life and its deep magics of the heart
we spent that winter camped there gathering each paper thin tomb
and placing them at the alter of the written word
but to no avail
the days had fallen to cold stone
and not even the brilliant light she shed soulshine and heart
could revive the dry fountain

the last i saw her she had glanced back from her road leading away
with a kind woman's smile she gives to friends
she once said i was too reckless with my heart
now i knew what she meant
(for Sandra Beasley..the poet)
mark john junor Apr 2014
the silent witness washing
her truth in the forgiving rain
rinse away all the lies you convinced yourself with
and hope tomorrow wont remember
what today couldn't bear to believe
maybe if you feel it hard enough
you can be somebody new
with a new road to get lost on

she evaporates as the day drags on
cant keep up the purchased pretense
without a rationalization or blame game
she runs in a raincoat
but gets wet anyway
seems like its all for naught
gave up a bitter truth hiding her lie
for a reality of greys and endorsement of hand creams
grease the palm to ease the way
but it just leaves you hurting inside

she says turn me into a bird so i can fly away
a dark day calls my name
a reckoning for all iv done
this fate labored for
the one i sewed to my soul
spare me this weight
tell me i'm free to run far away
far far away
but she had left her last true companion long ago
and the shadows surrounding now
commiserate only with the tears of loss
and only bear the burdens that pay in silver and gold
she turns to meet the thunder drums
of the coming sun
to meet the maker of her design
and that mirror waits for her alone
Apr 2014 · 2.1k
selfie spawn
mark john junor Apr 2014
the animated man moves with languid effect
against the scattered clouds of the sky far overhead
he walks at a slow stumble
on the oil stained pavement of suburban driveway
'this is where the light blue mustang was parked'
he is carrying a stone carved into the shape of a head
its mind leaning precarious over the edge of sanity
you can taste its butterscotch candy laughter
and its salt water taffy tears
its face frozen in apocalypse of conflicting thought

he moves along the dirt road
hemmed in by trees and wild growths
the humidity so thick you swim rather than tread
but the feral grin sewn into his face
with her needle and threads
is what moves her
she adores its primal bloodletting
a self contained self abuse machine

she leads the way down the dusty road
to the clearing where night children gather
to make celebrations to dark matter
and the things it spawns
her thighs tingle at the thought of dead flesh
and feasts of the eyes filthy mind
the images in her mind are never really clear to her
just **** flesh rubbing cold things
i am disturbed by her dark dream
seek to flee on wings of night
but fail as he arrives head in hand
and pronounces logical rules for the slaughter
this night has no end
just the rest of fitful dreams
Apr 2014 · 1.7k
the morning tides
mark john junor Apr 2014
her ashen eyes hypnotize
the crisp summer wind catches me
i am not stirred from my place at her side
deep in thought she twirls a braid of her hair
and i watch her warm emotions
flowin easy like daylight on her
lovely features

the day romances its reasons
but finally bows to evening tides and begins to retire
with the flourish of a well mannered man of leasuire

the day walks with the sundown by the seaside town
hand in hand and window shop
the little shops full of sparkling wonders
and rich with old sea tales and lore
finally daylight leaves us on the the sand with evening stars
greeting each of us with brilliant words spoken to the eyes
the night long with its thoughts shared between lovers
and there she cupped me in her gentle smile

i knew that kind of love once again
that a woman gives of her secret heart
  like a summer rain
soft in touch and swift
deep with history's yet to be written
and rich with loves yet to be sung
and there once again she caressed my cheek
with tenderest touch and reassured
that all swift summer days contain such equal long nights
and she would not sway from her place
by my side
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