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Druzzayne Rika Oct 2023
Look beyond the shimmery sea
I feel the dark is my destiny
Touch me not, I become
A creature of the night, unnamed

I feel the pull of the moon
Tides and turns in tune
I dance beneath the stars
As I lose myself into the darkness

I am a creature of the night
I am the dark's delight
I am the one you fear
I am the one you cannot see

I am the dark, and I am here
Druzzayne Rika Nov 2017
My cup of tea,
now empty.
sits by me silently,
waits for me
to be up patiently.
As it turned next day
it remains still
the same way.
Druzzayne Rika Jul 2023
All *******,
All the time,
To things I adore,
To things I abhor,
I want to be liberated,
I want to be set free,
These bondages,
I am all *******,
Now is the time,
I know it is
Make a tear
Tear away
It is only once
The courage
To lose.
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2018
I am not on war
but am constantly
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2018
The compassion I keep
is lost
when I find the need,
it is so low
during the day
that it crawls back in the night
all at once,
feeling ruthless in my mess state
of what I felt
the whole day.

My heart is so cold
in the warm sun.
I flip internally
as the moon comes by.
to every device,
my tiny heart increases in size.
Feelings swarm around,
I feel them all
and by the morning,
I am empty
Ardently and rigorously shaking fizz,
A symphony of sensations, a blissful abyss.
You look at me, your eyes ablaze,
As I dance to the rhythm of my own daze.

My focus is blurred, my mind unbound,
In this dizzying dance, I am truly found.
Quiet disgruntled, yet oh so alive,
Amazed by the luck that brought us to this drive.

Sincere flattery, is that a thing?
I am just kidding, but your praise does sing.
Satisfied, yet always yearning for more,
In this little dance, my heart does soar.

Feel light, that's the way,
Never to stay in one place, I say.
For in this journey, I am never alone,
With you by my side, my heart has grown.

So let us shake this, ardently and with rigor,
And dance to the beat of our own inner vigor.
For in this moment, we are truly free,
To be wild and alive, you and me.
Druzzayne Rika Feb 2018
Dark surrounds the sun
even when it spread its light
the moment its gone
it makes its presence known
Though the sun reaches million miles
but the darkness is far beyond
will it conquer it?
Druzzayne Rika Oct 2022
A day for me
Do I take it right
So many days gone in the wind
I try to make a mark of my name
on the sand
before time washes it away
with its wave on the shore
tomorrow yet again,
I'll regret not doing something
the days are never in my hand
it conquers me in the end
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2017
Morning rises
when night is dead ,      
and darkness disappears
the night terrors end
The day starts ,
with its drama and real problems
and its hard to get through them .
Peace is long last dream
and you do not have time
to ponder over it .
The days like this pass by
ages you , and leaves you
with nothing but regrets
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2018
I deal with the nervous excitement differently,
                           I freak out completely.
Druzzayne Rika Jul 2017
all my opinions broken
because my changing perception
I battle out in making decisions
trying to draw better reason
but stopped by hesitation
as is not by everyone's expectation
Druzzayne Rika May 2018
If you end up becoming a hero;  
You are automatically a villain.
Druzzayne Rika Aug 2023
Discredit me yet again
I am a pawn for you to play your game
You have done what is right for you
I don't wish to fight you
I will take my feet behind
Push away all the sand
I have tall feet to stand
And you will have to stay
To see me walk away.
Druzzayne Rika May 2018
When people are talking
conflicts are erupting
even when everyone appear calm
some feelings are harmed

Using the most cutting weapon
we do not know how to control
The tongue has the most victims
no one considers at all

careless whispers
and the screaming match
hurting all those who matter
deeper than mere scratches

Resentment stays
as the words replays
and the distance grows
even if it does not show.
Druzzayne Rika Jul 2020
You have nothing and everything
Hollowness and infinity
Renouncing the world
To find real world within
It is serene calm
Peace and quiet

Away from the possession
And the violence accompanying with it
The obsession of name
And deceit all the same
It is an illusion of pretty
Get ****** in
To never come back

Away from the life
There is soul calling
It is the presence
Of the divine
Breathe in
And find the strength
Living in.
Druzzayne Rika May 2017
You are judged
either way
when you do it ,
or don't do it
so do it anyway
How each year, you look back
and feel it come with so much drama
You think last year was tame
not so much fuss, but looking back
it had pretty much unbearable
iterations too, now we are seeing a new year dawn
It's trickling down
Your thoughts in the pond
Hunger taking the toll
World is out in a brawl
And now I feel it in my bone
the drama this year will roll
It will be much more intense
Than the movies I love to watch
But wish to never be there in them
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2017
I dreamt a dream
I don't remember
Druzzayne Rika May 2018
He thought he found his dream girl
but he is actually living in her dream.
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2017
He thought she was his dream come true
but , this was all inside her nightmare
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2017
She ran away from her hometown
to make her dreams come alive
The city  ,with many famed success stories
a place with endless opportunities
they have their doors
closed for all the outsiders
And struggles start , after city's lure dies
Then dreams seem far thing
And survival becomes tiring
Odd jobs and odder bills
do not appreciate your skills
All her knocks , remained unanswered
Her ambitions discarded ,
The difference between
reality and dreaming
becomes far more clear .
Druzzayne Rika Sep 2020
Am i a drug,
People just continue to use me.
Druzzayne Rika Oct 2023
Tomorrow they won't care
At all, you'll be
Like dust in the air,
Nothing is fair.
Druzzayne Rika Aug 2023
It seemed like yesterday, but was it?
Days disappearing and what remains
Is feelings lingering
in places, we can't go back again,
For we refuse to,
It would be too, too much to
be feeling like an open wound
after what felt like yesterday, an eternity in truth
But it is still bleeding with a twinge touch,
it is an ache, just beneath
the surface.
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2018
The constant emotion
  sticking through the day
is raw disappointment.
Druzzayne Rika Oct 2020
Is empathy lost,
sometimes I forget to carry
do you have yours
let's share our thoughts
build it again
it won't be in vain.
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2017
Let's not fight about it,
   Let's not talk about it,
     Let's not hear what
        other has to say
           Let's just avoid it .

If we'll not think about it,
    It will just go away ,
       It won't cause bigger
          problem tomorrow .

Let's just sit in silence
   Let's enjoy the peace
       till it remains .
Druzzayne Rika Feb 2018
Want everything to come knocking our door
keep their count and score
Deserve it and should get it
Like it is the birthright
there are some who do not get to keep their breath
but let us forget them
and serve the power.

Why should we make an effort
when there is the privilege
and the crown over to rule many minds,
Frames smiling our faces
and give all the real excuses
when work comes in
and there are those who are slaves to do them
because they are not human like us.
Druzzayne Rika May 2020
one step outside
and thousand thoughts in my head
five feet distance to maintain
the mask, check
the gloves, check
can I breath, I don't know
my heart pounding, yes
it is crazy, I know
but paranoia won't go
Empty streets, here I come
got to stock up the essentials
Druzzayne Rika May 2017
Every night I wait for you
The only one ,
which can give me peace
take away the restlessness
away from fatigue, stress
Make me dream
as far as my imagination takes
be with me as day breaks

Though some nights
you come late
Make me count stars and sheep
then take me away in trip

But still the only thing I yearn at night
and some times , at other times too
is to sleep , a nice amount of sleep
Sleep away too deep
Druzzayne Rika Jun 2023
I think you should show your teeth,
Open them wide, for me to see
Please follow through,
And stretch your lips wide towards extremes
Stretch it horizonally
Keep it the way for as long you can hold

Now if you do follow through my instructions
then tell me one thing,
what are you smiling at?
It is not a funny thing on internet
But just an exercise to check
if your lips can excercise.
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2017
The beautiful memories
  of    just   yesterday
    faded way from eyes
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2018
the restless peace cries inside
calm but there is pain
who cares what is underneath
she is sipping on her tea
picture of normalcy
there is hidden trauma
it was missing the usual sugar
tasting the bitter
as her vision of the truth
her morning of clearing dust
touching the rust
and all what was hidden
beneath the carpet
came clear.
The false sense of security
vanished away
foolish to the fault
good awakening
to welcome the new resident misery
for expecting a good fantasy
in this fair world.
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2017
Long time back ,
When I was little ,
I read a story ,
A fairytale

Once upon a time
They lived happily ever after
The End

And my young mind believed
That is how my life will be
when I'll grow up .

And then I realised
this is not how
Realtale ends .
'FairyTale' is the word I found on the eighth page of my book
Dabbling in to faith
such a serious note,
Corrupt is on the throne
considered the God,
Blindfolded our eyes,
all the words mistranslated
and misconstrued,
I don't wish to speak about
this heavy subject.

It weighs heavily on my soul,
are they true or hollow?
should I listen, learn
to who do I follow?
Cannot trust my brother
in this century,
Then are those people
even holy, undue glory?

Sudden storm in my mind
pressure very unkind
People are on divide
Just blow on the horns
Whispers of taint
Rumour mills manufactured
urgency ungraded,
my faith repents
the spirit latent.
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2017
She regretted making false stories
when lies started becoming true .
Druzzayne Rika Jan 2023
A void, the emptiness, there is a window open
To bring in the sadness, it is the only feeling to come
And it comes.

My both set of grandmothers departed this land,
The start and the end of year as it happened
Above eighty, they lived through the eras
Saw the nation defeat and built.

Lasted longer than their spouses, outlived their peers
Lived through the crowd and loneliness,
Fed their kids and grandkids.

Their memories and their things,
Their words, they repeat in my mind
I keep thinking of them, them again.

They loved me and other dozen cousins,
They worried each day if I eat my meals,
catch my bus, reach home safe and sound.

It is funny how it comes to humans,,
When it is time to depart, their body deteriorates
The heartbeats comes to rest.

I really wish to have more of them,
I yearn to hear the same stories yet again,
Their hardship and the beautiful life.

I wish I had more time with them now,
I deeply wish I could go a year behind.
Druzzayne Rika Sep 2023
I'm riding a train
just me inside
passing through many station
not stopping anywhere
the journey to nowhere
the steam keeps it going
through hills and towns
places around the world
without more than a glimpse
Everything passes by
time hurries forward.
Druzzayne Rika Sep 2019
This comes to more than what I post
The life I lived and the moments I lost
In bringing the dreams together
All my wishes flew like butterfly
Birds shedding their feather
I leave each hope behind
Now I just live and breathe in unrest
Because I have got no conquest
Now all I do is wait
Wait to see what is stored in my fate
To turn my life around.
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2021
Fleeting glance
it is a memory
I see it
every bit
my leg up
And down
around my
tiny visions.
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2018
As the mercury rises,
I fall down.
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2017
Few years ago,
The story started so ...

It was a starry night ,
With a beautiful moonlight
and we did meet
we had a formal greet
on a lonely street .

You were standing by the street light,
A very alluring sight .
My eyes were captured by your eyes .
We were accompanied by dark skies,
And the blow of wind.
I had left all my thoughts behind
Enamoured by you !

You were perfection
but, in the end , a figment of my imagination .
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2017
The fire gives the warmth,
         as the storm rages on.
Druzzayne Rika May 2022
Is it still ongoing, the bloodshed?
Violence is no good, don't we know that?
Guns keep firing, in other nation and our own,
what happens next, more blood spill?
Is power, everything, no empathy for living?
Are humans blood hungry, why is it not stopping?
How is there no solution, only ego?
why make normal humans martyrs?
Is it going to end, the unrest?
Or soon will I too be drop dead?
Druzzayne Rika May 2017
Praises and flattery
works their magic once
then they start becoming
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2018
Inside the cages
The freedom
is the heaven

In the chains
any change
is welcome

The outside prison
is calling out to you
the invisible chains
binding everyone on earth
who go up, are falling down
it is just like what is in this home

Still the ravens are up
true to their wing
and we are in a place
to go nowhere

Yearning to feel
to breathe the fresh air
get an experience
to be unbound
get the heartbeats
to beat back to the music

The time when all
the shackles are broken
The time spins
and we have nowhere to go
but we run
towards the sun
But we can't fly
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2018
When will my soul take the call
do what I don't
do how I feel
for those few powerful seconds.

tempted to it
really want it
simply difficult
to follow through
enough, enough.

so slow
the heart beats,
so slow
my mind works.
There is risk,
I know.
I am so,
so hopeless.
Follow my journey
to get bored.
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2018
What is it about food
that I am eating life
killing their existence
and feel nothing.
Druzzayne Rika May 2021
Am I blind to my own truth
that I do not see what you do
what people see when they look,
who am I even fooling,
Or am I the biggest fool?
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