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Druzzayne Rika Nov 2017
I hope they'll all forget me
Then I can lead my life happily
Druzzayne Rika Jul 2020
It is not simple
It cannot be given
So simply
Without the intent
The mind won't rest
Till the end
But forgiveness
Gives the freedom
To move on.

Is freeing,
It is the peace,
It is so much more.
It is a step taken
To move ahead,
Leave behind
The history
In the past.

It is the best gift
Given and received,
It can be the beginning,
it is the end of bitterness.
It is just like a necessity
To be a human
Who makes mistakes
live with harmony.

I give to thee free
To free me from the chains
Of the ill thoughts
I conceive in head
time to time, again and again
To not loathe the trust
I placed in you.

It is a process
To forgive myself
As I forgive you,
I give myself another chance
To believe the best
In you and in me.

Let's mend it.
Druzzayne Rika May 2017
Hundreds of thoughts
starts a fight
and I'm the one on losing side
And I have to face it ,
cannot avoid
They do not play fair
their debate
goes nowhere
It starts somewhere
and do not end
They make loud noises
each one with own voice
gives my head an ache
too much to take
Tires me out ,
brings me to the state
that I succumb to their whims
burn down my own dreams
I can't win against me
my very own frenemy
Druzzayne Rika Oct 2022
People keep dying
Every century, year and this second
Be it be outbreak, poor healthcare or war
Lives are lost,
People keep suffering
History is filled with pages of red
Injustice alike, discrimination
Torture and slavery
Our contribution to the future,
It is quite the same
Along with carbon emission
and other deadly things
Humanity brings humanity down
It is a fun ride without the fun
Druzzayne Rika Aug 2020
The things I have gained in past few months,
is back pain and weight,
and the knowledge of the things that I absolutely need,
and what I can do without
The question of wealth,
the importance of health
And praying for well being of all.
I hope you are doing well.
Druzzayne Rika Nov 2017

Everything I do,
Everything I change
I try
so many different things
as the day begins,
all my efforts go down
as sun sets.
I lose interest
and feel so much dismay,
the boredom
the worthlessness.
Internally I get the feeling of unexplained grief
it doesn't go away
I do not know the origin of this feeling
but it slowly feasts on me
consumes me
and I lose this game everyday.

Druzzayne Rika Jun 2023
The Earth was green, the Earth was warm,
Then came the man, with fuel and farm.
He cut the trees, he filled the sky
With smoke and heat, and so we die.

The world is hot, the world is dry,
The polar caps are melting high.
The sea is rising, cities drown,
And we are left to stand around.
It is hotter than usual
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2017
She wishes him the best
says her Goodbye
with a warm embrace
but he replies her back
with a nod
and goes away
She waits for him to come back  
Many messages everyday
of his day , stay and others
with few to no replies
Hopeful less every next day
messages too decreased later
one and then none
He came after few months , changed
tried to locate her
but never found her again ever
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2017
The words are floating in the air
Gossip is everywhere
Druzzayne Rika Dec 2023
More than seventy years seen
still looked more keen
and what a year it has been
Yet cannot believe you didn't see
the year twenty three
what a hell it has been
Not seeing you anymore
Looking down from the window,
the one I most adored
why did you leave me,
Since the last day of last December,
The winter is freezing me like never before!
Druzzayne Rika Dec 2022
You come across a world, worlds apart,
A sanctuary to call my own
A beam of light, a true calling
Rituals of care, a distant longing
As this year ended, you decide to go
To the other side of the door
You keep walking, leaving me behind
In the unjust world, I find myself alone
Your new angelic glow, a darkness in my life
Death is a final farewell, the supreme call
The memories keep going and coming around
I cherish them dearly, the wisdom and the banter
I wish I could flip the clock to go on forever
Because this lifetime is not enough
Wait for me till I get my to cross this sea.
Druzzayne Rika Nov 2017
Why to test the gravity              

                          again and again
                                             by falling down?
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2017
Keeping hands to myself ,
I finish all my pending chores
till my hands become sore
Druzzayne Rika Sep 2023
What makes a happy memory
it would end like in a melody
the waves make in the way
Cherishing moments treasury
But eventually, things end.
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2022
Tremendous effort by those who develop ability
to keep their tongue in check
For a day from being politically incorrect

I do mind when you look at me
Saying do not mind and then proceed to tell
Another cutting sexist bad humour.
Those who do are the real joke.
Druzzayne Rika Dec 2020
Everything you write is sold
there is marketplace out there
what is authentic anymore
every word is carefully crafted,
manufactured and packed
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2021
I don't have a face for the man who just died.
But it is true indeed that my heart did cry.
I have been hearing his voice all through the last year.
He was firm and strict and kind in his own way.
The year has been too cruel that now I fear.
The news hit me hard to know he is no longer here.
I feel the numb as I hear more terrible news filling in.
Someone I knew or someone my friends knew.
They got affected and for few left and few are leaving.
And it will be hard to see the world around with them missing.
Druzzayne Rika Dec 2023
A violet sky, a silver sea,
A scene so pure, it should make me free.
But in this beauty, I find no ease,
A hollow feeling that won't appease.

The air is pungent, the land is polluted,
The creatures of this world, so persecuted.
Their plight unseen, their voices unheard,
As we exploit them, with no remorse.

Our greed is like a parasite,
Devouring all in its sight.
We leave behind a trail of destruction,
A hollow world, devoid of instruction.

Vindictive nature, now takes its toll,
As we reap the seeds that we sow.
The beauty fades, the sparkle wanes,
And all that's left is a hollow refrain
Druzzayne Rika Aug 2023
the whole world is circled around them
and we are left being their sidekicks.
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2017
Once upon a time
She ran away from her hometown
All the things she worked harder for
says her Goodbye
and restart all over again .
On the barren lands
everyone lost.
More half path
to the end
left to travel . .
faded away somewhere
which path to take
tall trees , scattered sunrays
and growing day by day
a chance to start living
And feel delighted
with all the time she had
wish not to be like someone else
And there will come a time ,
she'll get to shine
The End
Little scattered lines...
But compilations of lines from
most npmpoems ....
This is my attempt , hope you all like it
It's funny to see you in business
Arming them to ****
Frowning, but sending them bills
Putting money bags in your account
Collecting wealth on shared misery
The very heart of this new age tragedy
It's always the same,
Building skyscrapers and bridges
With their ghostly blood on every brick
We know your bluff, your stanze
Looking down and away,
One more terrain in disarray
Your eyes on the next target
Starting fire on next oil.
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2017
This evening,
slow drizzling,
peace accompanying
eyes drooping
And I start dreaming

This land , I go
The place no one knows

There are unicorns , there are fairies
There are roses , there are lilies
There is rainbow ,There is waterfall
But there is no worry at all

This is my hiding place ,
A place ,where my joy stays
A place ,where stress goes away
A place ,where I hideaway from trouble
A place , where I stay inside the bubble
A place that protects me from reality
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2021
Huge chunk of my heart is missing,

What is it that is still beating?
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2020
Everything is calm
There is a storm outside.
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2021
It is gone.

I was once a free bird,
but jailed in my home now.

I can go out but I won't,
Freedom has a big price tag.
Druzzayne Rika Sep 2020
Where does the right side of history originate?
Druzzayne Rika Aug 2017
People seek attention
because they need someone
that care ,
a reason to be ,
their absence , presence
to make significant difference .
If not given enough
they'll dig a hole
to get some ,
constantly ask for assurance
of how they matter .
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2017
How to hide ,
that I cried ,
when I am red-eyed?
Druzzayne Rika Jul 2021
I fell. Hard.

On the floor.

It was gravity's fault.

I did nothing wrong.

I am heavier than I seem.

The sky won't tuck me in.
Druzzayne Rika May 2017
Forget each religion
love humanity
And no God will disagree
Druzzayne Rika Feb 2018
Violence makes this place ******
we need it to run the world peacefully
we keep are guns at home dearly
who cares if someone fires on unknown
innocent dies, our heart cries for a second
we close our newspaper and feast on the cookie
and we move on to something new to lean on
and leave our home to see the world no differently
human life has never mattered much in history.
Druzzayne Rika May 2021
Are you lost in the time,
or lost in the space
Just out of my face?
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2017
An image , I see  
from where I stand
The coloured sky
and beautiful land
The birds fly
and winds blow
The sun shines
this place glow
and I walk there slow
taking my time with the peace
Something I know I'll miss
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2018
Till it becomes too late  
                           I'll wait....
Druzzayne Rika Jun 2023
Little little did I know
I was caught unprepared
And I wouldn't lie, you know
It is a truth, no one can deny

That I was in a pickle,
A real pickle, you see
And I didn't know what to do
So I just stood there, like a fool
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2018
Nobody is correct in the end,
is always proved to be correct.
Druzzayne Rika May 2023
I met different people, I met them at different place and time,
I am part of their story as an insignificant entity,
They are different human to me, a different facet in front of me
I wish there was a reason for everything,
But I guess I will not get to listen to them in this eternity.
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2020
Leave me with my thoughts, don't!
Get me out of here, now!
This is hell and heaven combined
Am I losing my mind, find!
It is getting out of hands, umm..
Help me out, someone?
Druzzayne Rika Oct 2017

let me be
set me free
don't do this to me
why be so mean
even in my dream
don't make this another reality
this is the place of my beautiful fantasies
don't ruin this too
like you always do.

Druzzayne Rika Feb 2018
the real nature
hidden beneath many layers of skin
there is truth
deeper in those myths
many doors
to the same corridor
met each other
quite a lot of times.

Many scene changes
the travel lengthens
along grows like and dislike,
dark and white.

There are many dimensions
the time relative
evolution and decline
and all the unknowns undefined.

There is the pride
with the many passions
dragging us towards another illusion
the mirage stays for the eyes.
Existence questioned
time blinks away
only in grasp of enlightened
others effort futile
this chance while.

Acceptance will keep the peace
no appeal, no appease
keeping still
the background wheel
initiating the end of the suffer
meditating to get better.

The inner light
shaded and dim
concentrate to ignite again
to the right bright
remove the leftover dirt
all that spins it
and revive the lost spirit
the one hidden beneath.
Druzzayne Rika Dec 2023
My inner voice, a chatty friend,
When sleep I seek, its whispers blend.
It lures me to its side,
And bids my slumber to confide.

It babbles on, without a pause,
Its endless chatter makes me doze.
I try to hush its gentle plea,
But sleep eludes me, it mocks me.

Oh, inner voice, I beg of thee,
Please grant me peace, and set me free.
Release your grip, and let me rest,
For sleep I long, my weary quest.
Druzzayne Rika Nov 2023
Anywhich way,
Innocent lives are lost,
Anywhich ways,
they keep dying,
Anywhich ways,
they are always targeted
People don't bother
if they see the number
The visuals of the real scene
are soul crushing, heart shattering stills
I don't know why, it has always been
A part of the reality,
Innocent lives lost, a sad tragedy
If not by bullets, than by hunger
the thirst increases, heatwave takes another victim today
It makes all the colours in my life go away.
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2017
This website,
is full of great minds
with great thoughts
new ideas
equipped with words and rhymes  
to inspire me  
help me write
one or more lines
each day
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2018
Your intentions spark in your eyes,
I'm smiling listening to your lies.
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2017
There is this question  
                           that lingers in my mind
The answer appropriate
                           I have yet to find

That after the time given to each life is up
The things , that she acquired
The success , fame , money , love , family
with all the time she had
All the things she worked harder for
The sacrifices she made
All memories , struggles ,everything
it will hold no value
The balance will turn back to zero

And there will come a time ,
she will need no oxygen ,
                       and then ?

In the end , it doesn't even matter
      So why , even live at all?
           So why , why work hard ?
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2018
I'm all over the internet,
but you won't see me.
Druzzayne Rika May 2018
Cherries and poppies
raspberries and strawberries
and fallen red leaves,
a burning memory.
Druzzayne Rika Dec 2020
Spending more and more time with the ones I don't know
will not anyday meet
I feel freedom to express me
in the ways I could never perceive
To the ones who know me, my name
I can't tell them the same,
Things I share with you.
Druzzayne Rika Oct 2020
Sometimes I wonder
Do I need you
And then I see that
you do not,
So I'd leave you.
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