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10.3k · Jul 2015
Stains and champagne.
Poetria Jul 2015
Her eyes so bright;
Do you ever wonder where the sun goes at night?

The rain, dancing on the pavement
in no specific arrangement.

Luminous flames eat away at sharp skewers,
Her eyes silver-grey, clashing with the tables of steel.

Barbecue roasting, impaled through the middle
The pain paled in comparison to watching you smile.

A toast to me, myself and I, a glass of sweet solitude.
I watch tall wine glasses clang drunkenly together, alone.

A pin drops in the distance; no silence to accompany it.
Unnoticed it goes, by the arrogant lords and goddesses.

Pick a flower, compliment her hair; devil may care.
She's walking away, I tell her 'Ma'am, have a nice day'

Left alone to stumble back home,
sipping champagne royally; Mockery.

Spilling champagne and it swirls down the drain
I tilt my head back, laughing carelessly all the way.
7.6k · Jun 2015
Poetria Jun 2015
She had waves of hair           
cascading down her back
And waves of thought
running through her brain
Waves of sweet melody     
dripping from her tongue
The waves were strong         
and couldn't be tamed
The aqueous flame                 
in her heart was the same
                      Her waves were of                             a fiery essence
And left them in need          
of her shallow and deep

For when they, the people, were in her presence
She was the only source of life they could see

Human beings are constantly in need of water
And she was water of the best purity

So how could they deny themselves
A taste of the natural salty sea?

A sea that was blissful, wild and free.
6.1k · Jan 2018
Poetria Jan 2018
the fog is slowly clearing up
and spring is colouring the hills
I'm not chaining daisies anymore
I'm kissing yellow daffodils
inspired by troye sivan
5.3k · Jun 2016
The music
Poetria Jun 2016
They say
The music
is bad for me;
They don't see that
The music
helps me breathe.

They say
Excessive texting
is unhealthy;
They don't see
What they've taken
away from me.

They say
It leaves my
mind empty;
They don't see
These lines
of poetry.
Pull me out of this sinking town;
I'm dying to live.
4.6k · Jun 2016
Microwave popcorn
Poetria Jun 2016
What if** your brain
was just a small packet of popcorn
that desperately needed
a microwave.

What if it refuses
to operate
until you show it some love-
Let it open itself up.

What if all it wanted was
to feel a little more lightweight-
'pop' away the pressure of being
confined to a head-cage.

What if our brains
Were just raw popcorn pieces
That needed some heating
To melt away the pain.
Popcorn before heating looks so suffocating- it's no wonder that when energy is provided they just blast open into pretty little flowers.
4.0k · Oct 2015
Blackened ink
Poetria Oct 2015
I try to write you back,
but were you ever mine to write?
edit: I deleted almost all of it haha
3.3k · Feb 2018
Daisy chains or routine
Poetria Feb 2018
The only love I want to feel anymore
is the love of the Sea, of the trees, of mountains and rainbows and beautiful buildings, flowers and strangers and poetry, animals and books and art and everything alive,
everything I can only catch glimpses of, everything I need, which I don't have.

I need the love of the Earth, not it's people.
I'll start writing more seriously after my exams in May, but here's something for now
2.7k · May 2015
Day // Night
Poetria May 2015
During the day,
My brain is in chains,
At night it breaks out of its cage.

During the night,
My dreams, they take flight;
And I wish they would give me a fright.
Edited on July 25th, 2015
Edited again.
2.6k · Oct 2015
Poetria Oct 2015
The gypsy life,
never in one place twice.
Always on the go,
metaphorically so.

The gypsy mind,
it's one of a kind.
Always changing,

The gypsy type,
they never think twice.
So easy to lose,
*They're too fast for you.
2.0k · Jul 2015
Wings // Imagination
Poetria Jul 2015
We all write wistful poetry
About wings to help us fly
When all we really need
Is to simply close our eyes.
Out of lifelessness or bliss,
We would still be
**Sky high.
3:00 A.M thoughts.
1.8k · Jul 2015
Poetria Jul 2015
Your compassion for art
Led me to think I loved it too,
But it wasn't art I grew to love
**It was the memory of you.
I wonder when I'll see you again...
1.8k · Mar 2017
Narcissicm and art
Poetria Mar 2017
She poses
as a poet
to get noticed,
to be heard-

but really,
she writes novels,
forces poetry-

Oh, she wants to be
so many people,
she wants
to take their souls-

and if you look
a little closer
there is jealousy
in her bones-

yes, she writes
and yes, she dreams,
but she struggles
to compete-

and only when she
is the better one
does she feel
accomplished, free-

and she tries
to act innocent,
but is that
an act of innocence?

She is only
her capabilities,
and she sets standards
nobody can meet-

she's taken lives
and ran free
but she is always where
she wants to be.
edit: wrote this about my sister but this sounds much more like me at the time of writing this
1.7k · Nov 2017
Poetria Nov 2017
the composer, the symphony
the poet, the poetry
the artist, the masterpiece

the poet
is no poetry.
the artist
is no masterpiece.

the instrument,
until played,
carries no melody.

these conflicting qualities
could never meet.

I'm a poet, so I could never be the poem.
1.7k · Aug 2015
Poetria Aug 2015
Oh how you crumbled my defences.

Oh how my walls fell in defeat.

The damage was displayed

in the rubble at my feet.
// They were bound to fall someday;
they've been standing way too long,
just rotting away. //
1.6k · Mar 2016
Poetria Mar 2016
Adj; Not affected by the passage of time or changes in fashion*.

It could mean larger than time.
It could mean out of time.
It could mean in no time whatsoever.
It could mean less time.
It could mean a place where time doesn't exist or
A feeling where time isn't concerned or
A person who doesn't obey the laws of time with how they live their life.
Metaphorically, something timeless is something that remains unchanged with time; time doesn't concern it; time means nothing regarding that 'thing'.
Logically, something timeless is something that doesn't take time. It's impossible but the word still exists (?).
Emotionally, you could say an emotion felt strongly is timeless.
All I know is that this word ****** me off.
Maybe I'm a little too logical.
Face it, people.
Her smile isn't timeless, time has destroyed her innocence.
His poetry isn't timeless, it'll be forgotten one day, just not today. It'll become outdated.
Their love isn't timeless, because when they end, it will too. And everyone feels moments of absolutely nothing, right? (Maybe just the insane)
However I believe
There is one timeless thing in this time-controlled world;
I hope you're silently cursing this.
1.5k · Sep 2016
Parasitic satellite
Poetria Sep 2016
Echoes reverbate inside
this blue satellite,
signals of sadness and
ashen butterflies.

It's the little things
that bring nature to life,
smaller still are
the things that **** light.
1.5k · Nov 2017
Phases of the moon
Poetria Nov 2017
quiet, stolen brightness
oh, it doesn't belong to me
but this sky is your black ceiling,
I'm just trying to be seen
and I see you-
I see you-
I see you shying away, yes
every few days, there's less,
every month the same cycle,
over and over again
and you don't know
how much is too much
and you don't know
when you'll be enough
and you're stuck
cutting those pieces
and you struggle
to bring them back
back to largeness,
back to circular-
phases of the moon,

and the Sun does smirk
in the morning blue.
write this whole thing solely for the last two lines? does that make sense?
1.5k · Feb 2017
Poetria Feb 2017
My favourite version of reality
is the one inside my head.

I know I'm only talking crazy,
we all have those days; pretend.

Pretend your brain is just a stage,
and you have something to prove.

Pretend there are all these people living
inside this world you always choose.

Pretend the life outside yourself
is just the place you go to sleep.

Pretend that when your eyes are closed,
that's the life you want to keep.

Pretend nobody out here is real,
and live like a silent mystery.

Pretend the Earth is your asylum
and keep trying to run free.

This pretending thing is great,
you will soon begin to see.

Live life a little brighter,
*just pretend along with me.
1.4k · Aug 2015
Oceans & Poets
Poetria Aug 2015
Falling for a poet
is like swimming in an ocean
of warm, blue water,
with currents that never cease
and waves with a constant flow.

Natural, the water is,
though some would call it
*****, unfiltered* & dangerous-
and dangerous it is, absolutely!
Swim in too deep and
you'd probably drown in its volume!

Oceans cannot be tamed,
Oceans cannot be blamed,
Oceans can be changed.

But if you do get out of the ocean alive,
if you do manage to conditionally survive,
you would be leaving the water
*****, poisoned & polluted.  

Hence, the poet shall write.
1.4k · Jun 2015
Of bodies and souls
Poetria Jun 2015
You'll never see souls
Spray painted with pink
You'll never know stereotypes
Or make judgments, too quick
You'll watch how each soul floats
With a grace of their own
And the presence of everyone
Will always be known
Because if we were all just souls
Floating around, all alone
With no bodies to define
The beauty that's shown.
Everyone would be beautiful
In their own magnificent way
And tomorrow would always
Be a beautiful day.
Beauty lies within.
1.4k · Oct 2016
Fuzzy grey
Poetria Oct 2016
Through insomniac nights
a fuzzy grey mouse and I
coexist under lamplight.

My sleeping routine,
it's far from a dream
but my buddy and me,
we feel free.

He stays in the shadows
Collecting little bites
of leftover dinner to eat.

He comes out at night
and scuttles in this light;
he's put his trust in me.

I honour my promises,
and mice have their rights
so I vow to tell nobody.

So when I can't sleep-
in secret we meet,
my fuzzy grey friend
and me.
P.S When I wrote this, HE SQUEAKED!
1.3k · Jan 2018
Blurring the lines
Poetria Jan 2018
to traffic lights
but I know how they're
supposed to look

I walk along
a thinning kerb
frequently falling
stumbling along

nothing stops me
I stay on the edge
this line between safety
and imminent death
what punctuation? ;P
1.3k · Oct 2015
Fragility & deceit.
Poetria Oct 2015
Because when you live on a sphere,
there's nowhere to run.
You'll just keep running until you get tired, and accept defeat.
When your options of freedom deceive you,
when they add up to some other form of what you're going through,
there's nothing much you can do.
Because when everybody around you breaks their word
and you've got nobody,
what can you really do
but pray the ground doesn't fall through?  
The fragility of trust has yet to be acknowledged, it seems.
I guess I'll just keep walking down this never ending road,
because I've nowhere else I can really go.
And maybe I'll find another unfortunate being, as lost as I am.
Maybe we could work this out together.
*Maybe we can all someday, somehow
Find our way home.
1:00 A.M thoughts.
I believe that it's the most hopeless situations that spark the fire of hope within us.
The most hopeless things,
they give us inspiration to write a mile of verses about hope.
1.2k · Jan 2016
Irresistible fear
Poetria Jan 2016
You're screaming at me
and I don't understand
but all I can see
is the blood on my hands
Regrets splattered colourfully,
an array of guilt
A constant reminder
of the walls that I've built.
I needed somebody
to show me the way home
Now that you're not around
I feel dangerously alone
Dear future memories,
welcome to my danger zone.
It's irresistible,
now my nightmares have grown.
My life is starting to **** altogether. It's actually pretty funny.
1.2k · Jun 2016
Oven for a brain
Poetria Jun 2016
Got two poems up for plating
Lines in layers, piled in waiting
Even if they've been outdated-
That never stopped me baking.

A chocolate-centered senryu
A haiku pastry, maybe two
I'll throw in a little freestyle verse
To feed some hungry youth.
Sitting in a posh cafè;
sipping on a white hot chocolate;
Fudge cake in my stomach: I got inspired.
Poetria Dec 2018
are you the pieces put finely together,
or are you a togetherness, pulling apart?

and what lies in the in-between,
the borderlines, the crevices?

those things that bled
from your mind into hidden places

what did you lose in the battle of wits,
what did the darkness hide?
wrote this a while ago and it's just been collecting dust
1.1k · Oct 2017
Hey moon, don't you go down.
Poetria Oct 2017
I know you like your loneliness
but don't leave me here alone;
I'm in love with your melancholy,
your crevices, my home
(I stole the title from a band lyric)
1.1k · Jun 2015
Love, danger and fate.
Poetria Jun 2015
Your eyes
Your hair
Your captivating stare
Our similarities
Our differences
Our moments we share
The thought of you
The thought of me
The thought of what is meant to be
My universe
My time
My energy
All stand before me
The fireworks  in your eyes
In my stomach are butterflies
What we have is explosive
Dangerous yet breathtaking
Our hearts entwined
In this fragile web.
The spider is fate
And it brought us together
*To destroy us forever.
"To love is to destroy."
1.1k · Aug 2015
Poets (12w)
Poetria Aug 2015
Society left us all alone.

So we built ourselves a word throne.
// We are the leftovers
society doesn't know how to use. //
Poetria Oct 2015
Prodigious minds

Burning inside

Chasing their lives

Drowning in tides

The mind of a genius


The madness has died

It's unjustified

Because 'they' never learn
That it's not all about grades,
In fact sometimes it never has been.

But if you were to invent
Some ingenious contraption
You would become famous, you see.

So many bright minds
But most of the light died
On the way to adulthood, from their teens.

I've never felt pride
When my A's, they shine
Because it hasn't a link to me.*

Side note:

Just a little poem to rant about how unfair life can be, when your brains are only thought to be clever due to your grades. Think about the ones who basically created the subjects, added those complicated formulas they thought up. They were thought of as idiots, some of them. Until they made mind-blowing discoveries. I
recently watched this video called 'don't stay in school' by boyinaband on YouTube, and despite its name, it's actually a pretty intelligent argument. I fully agree with its statement. (The guy explains in another video that he didn't literally mean don't stay in school, it was to strengthen his point and catch the attention of anyone interested.) The video argues about how some things we learn in this education system are completely pointless, and useless if we compare them to other things which will actually help us prosper and understand this for our future.
-I'm not calling myself a genius or prodigy,
but others seem to think of me in that way, which I hate.

I'm horrible with titles...
1.1k · May 2015
Poetria May 2015
We have all the time in the world, we say
But how much time is that anyway?

A world of bloodshed and poverty,
governmental discrimination, and anarchy.

People avoiding this harsh reality,
Our hearts ignoring their silent pleas

No, life is far from being a dream
Our world is tearing at the seams

*Is humanity a miracle
Or disease?
1.1k · Jun 2019
Poetria Jun 2019
is sick in sweetness,
a cannibal and a chewed up girl

there is no place for us except these stairs
you are a meadow and i am the sea;
a hidden space, the outcast place

did i tell you that i love to go where they cannot find me?
did i tell you i have a habit of running, without my feet?
did i tell you about the holy events in my recurring dream?
that i am invisible, and you're looking at me?

a pirate of less wicked ways,
a sunrise on my darkest day
and if we should die, here we will lay
for with me, in purgatory
you might choose to stay
now these butterflies are feasting
1.0k · Aug 2015
Why can't I forget you?
Poetria Aug 2015
If only memories were like the ink of a pen.

They'd start to change
From jet black to grey
Until they'd completely
Fade away...
// I wouldn't mind that change.
I wouldn't mind at all! //
1.0k · Jun 2015
Poetria Jun 2015
Thoughts from one mind,
Transferred to another.
From one pair of lips,
Words are exchanged
With the other.
A mutual bond
Is discovered.
Agreement, disagreement,
Friendship, lovers.
These words can be sharp
And cut to your heart.
These words can be sweet,
But not necessarily smart.
They can end lives,
They can cause anger to rise.
Conversation is dangerous
In some situations.
Conversation is life-saving
If the thoughts uttered are wise.
983 · Nov 2017
Poetria Nov 2017
trying to hide it;
indecisiveness is a curse in a world where you can either be one thing or the other
960 · Feb 2018
stagnant waters
Poetria Feb 2018
I feel calm this time around

there are no waves left now

to accompany the melancholy

there is just a warm yellow sun

and I am a lake left in desolation

and sadness can be heard

in the silence of my being

and it is not beautiful

like the Sea
956 · Aug 2017
Poetria Aug 2017
Colour the skies maroon
with that angry red streak
that you always have,
and the way your blood boils,
scarlet rage that brings rain so cold,
hail pelting down from the heavens
making me question religion;
making me question myself

My skies used to be blue
with clouds painted, floating in grace,
a yellow sun in the corner of my page
back when I was younger than youth.

Though my skies are fading to grey,
I see the colours of your rage
so I'm making history for myself
this here, this now, these words,
writing until I break.

*Writing to escape.
943 · Nov 2016
Poetria Nov 2016
Wall clock,
Slaves to all of time.
Failure to comply.
913 · Mar 2016
Poetria Mar 2016
Write with what you have,
even if it isn't the best.
Write with all your might,
Create wonders, feel that pride.
Write as is your right,
Let your spirit breathe again.

*Every word written
goes down in history
As a flower blooming
in the fields of poetry.
I delete half of what I create purely out of self-doubt. I'm sure I'm not the only one.
908 · Aug 2015
Waves II
Poetria Aug 2015
Now, she's not just anyone
In fact she's a special someone
She's that kind of someone
You want to share with no one

She's like this calmness that settles on the ocean
After the waves come crashing down
She's like the purest form of unfiltered water
The prettiest sea to set eyes upon

But she can be lost so easily
She's got the strength of a thousand tides
But even the slightest pollution
causes such damage to her aqueous soul
Though the sea is magnificently great,
She still wants to hide.
Does that make her any less?

She can be lost so easily, I repeat
And I haven't mastered how to
stop the water spilling from my hands
Til all that's left is the bitter truth
That she'll never love you
And all you can do
Is look at the remains,
The bitterness inside you
Left, only the grains
Of leftover salt; **the memory of her.
I don't normally write freestyle poems.
I hope I did this poem justice!
Poetria Feb 2017
Our heads
will hurt,
Our bones
will break.

We ******
Our hearts,
they ache.

So dance
with the shadows
your candles

Learn some
and make
some mistakes.

breeds love,
and flames
create hate.
Utterly lame. The critics are laughing. [The non-existent critics, that is.]
837 · Jun 2016
Rapid love
Poetria Jun 2016

I fell for you like a waterfall in springtime.
Tumbling down an edge at your cliffside.
We are a force nature simply can't deny.

You accepted my siltation;
an unorderly invitation to a desperate situation
we could never leave behind.

You cried down from blue skies- silver-lined tears of denial. You fed this empty vessel
in the heat of June-July.

When those stars shine right into my eyes,
I'll reflect their light in the creases of a tide

I fell for you like a rapid-
gushing parallel to the road.
Love will never accept defeat;  
*We're certainly a force with which
seasons can't compete.

1) (adj) Happening at a short time or at a great rate.

2) (noun) A fast-flowing and turbulent part of the course of a river.

(Any advice for the format? It's frustrating me and I've changed it 3 times...)
Poetria Mar 2016
Shutters down,

No windowlight,

Not a single sound.

A scratching quill,

A windowsill;

A couple of flyaway pages.

Scribbling down

My Incoherent muse',

Desperate attempts

At a poem or two.

Trying to find

A you and I

In this world

I've created.
Poetria Oct 2019
the cloud escapes me
when i am far, it floats further away
when i am close, it is lost forever
what we see, then, is it true?

i try to find you
but you are far, and further
now you are closer, disappearing
soon, you are gone; you were never here
inspired by tyler lockwoods '5pm, last week of october')
Poetria Mar 2017
My clouds are falling
and all I want to do is run
but I remain frozen, no umbrella, no coat.

I thought the skies
would show me mercy,
but I guess I don't understand their poetry.

Torrential pouring of tears,
but I stand there accepting her grief
letting it wash away my pride.

I suppose one day I will realise why.

That day, I absorbed all of the rain,
and now all I can do is cry.
Burning 'til I burn out.
805 · Mar 2016
1:24 A.M
Poetria Mar 2016
Thought #1:
We all got together, the 12 of us.
We sat in a circle and remembered
the old days, the good days;
the only days.
We talked, we laughed, we cried.
We came back to life.

Thought #2:
We all got together, the 12 of us.
One of us left when it became a little too much, and locked herself in a room alone. I don't know what you guys found so funny. I wanted to know, and I didn't want to.

Thought #3:
We all got together, the 12 of us.
The circle was a gaping black hole,
or maybe my vision was blurring.
I left when the tears threatened to spill.
You followed me.

1:26 A.M

Thought 4:
It wasn't a circle, it was an oval.
They weren't happy, they were delirious.

Thought 5:**
You followed me.
I was sitting by the window.
You stood there and watched me paint pictures on the glass.

Thought 6:
I went back to the circle.
Everybody was gone.
I sat alone in the middle of the room.

Thought 7:
Everybody was gone.
You returned.
We watched The Book Of Life.
We cried.

1:28 A.M

Thought 8:
We all got together, the 12 of us.
We all sat in an oval and
remembered the only days.
We talked, we laughed, we cried.  
For once, we all felt alive.

Thought 9:
We all got together, the 12 of us.
We were strangers.
We smiled and talked about life.
We laughed over silly jokes.
We ate pizza.
We said our goodbyes.

1:29 A.M

Thought #10:
We never got together, the 12 of us.
We forgot about each other.
We left all of it behind.
We focused on our new lives.

1:30 A.M
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
edited out some parts I hated
793 · Sep 2015
Sad guys & starlight
Poetria Sep 2015
Light eyes
Telling white lies
Yeah, you're a bad guy
demons shining brighter
than the summer skies

Sky high
I'm soaring; wide-eyed
Glide over hillsides
Heart racing,
beating like the timeless tides

Let's never turn back
to the shoreside

Hold tight
'cause it's a wild ride
When you leave, remember me
As silences & midnight cries

Let's hide
Someplace with nightlights
Let out your dark side
Watch your ghosts roam alone
for one night

The bad guys
With starry eyes
Rule my starless sky
// My definition of starlight //

(I hope the continuous rhyming wasn't too cringe-worthy!)
731 · Aug 2016
Rear View
Poetria Aug 2016
Summer nostalgia
surfacing like sweat.
We try not to remember,
but how could we forget?

Our thick skins blistering,
disguises wearing thin.
Book bindings we try
to hide behind-
you're missing...

Making shallow conversation
though our friendships are forsaken;
Dripping sugarcoated lies
and sunkissed goodbyes.
High school vibes, or nah?
717 · Aug 2017
a constant ringing sound
Poetria Aug 2017
and i wonder why tonight
my mind is screaming for silence
like a mockery of itself
shouting for a noiseless abyss
begging to be heard in the quiet
and i wonder why tonight
there are so many gaps
in my memory of past events
and i wonder if i lost those moments
or if i chose to throw them away
and i wonder why tonight
the world seems so much nastier
than it's ever been before.
the lack of punctuation is deliberate
717 · Sep 2017
Conscientous Remembrance
Poetria Sep 2017
My conscience
carries your voice,
it wears your face;
I'm talking to you
when I think to myself.
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