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1.6k · Jul 2020
Happy place
Maniacal Escape Jul 2020
Swinging in the breeze all day,
the sun is shining high,
warm glow upon my face.
Watching as the clouds pass by,
the sky an ocean blue,
a tranquil happy place.

The meadow sweeps out to beyond,
the flowers vibrant rich,
the hills are gentle green.
The birds sing merry songs of joy,
thier tune a cheery sound,
a picture so serene.

The children laugh and play bellow,
they run and jump and dance,
such energetic grace.
They monkey up onto my tree,
I smile as they climb high,
they squint and see my face.

They suddenly begin to scream,
fleeing in abject fear,
from my skeletal smile.
It's lonely swinging here alone,
nobody knows I'm here,  
I wish they'd stayed a while

The people come to cut me down,
my rope is old and frail,
thier blade is sharp and new.
I think I'll stay here anyway,
my spirit is my own.
I rather like the view.
1.5k · Aug 2020
Stay out.
Maniacal Escape Aug 2020
The explorer entered the cave alone,
and he emerged pale with terror.
He never spoke of what he saw.
He saw nothing after all, but he felt everything.
And everything was enough for him to never feel anything ever again.
1.1k · Jun 2020
Weekend wrists
Maniacal Escape Jun 2020
Dripping weekend wrist marks
Dance in the happy rain
Booming base and bleeding
Let it rush down your face
Feel it trickle down your tights
It’ll all be over now.
923 · Jul 2020
Silly goose
Maniacal Escape Jul 2020
Silly goose. Hide and beek.
Play the herion, strong and free.
Expensive easy life.
Such a good ride though.
904 · Jul 2020
Windsor knot
Maniacal Escape Jul 2020
Tuck into your suit and power.
Stand tall amongst dwarves.
The ditsy mistress polishes the pleather
Fake sheen, fake ****.
Fake smiles, fake gits.
Cheesy grins all round,
Lap up that cheeky cheddar cheese.
Now onto desert.
864 · Jul 2020
Eyes everywhere
Maniacal Escape Jul 2020
The circus of eyes.
So many eyes.
Blinking and staring.
Why do they stare.
Black eyes that always stare.
So loud, always looking.
Even when they close.
I can see them.
Makes my brain hurt.
Makes my nose run.
Because they just won't stop staring at me.
Makes it hard to think.
To function.
Maybe I'll close my eyes instead.
717 · Jul 2020
Maniacal Escape Jul 2020
Fat sounds, and fingers
spread ugly phleghming sharting stains on
Cotton, shiny white and new. And
Spit and ***** books a slot on,
Saturdays outfit change and
Its ok.
711 · Jun 2020
Don't skip breakfast
Maniacal Escape Jun 2020
Sipping daydreams, guzzling emptiness
Poison licks its carcinogenic tongue
Stains the buds that long for sweet
Sweet they taste
Forced sugar and sprinkled honey
Sweetness is sweet
The tongue tastes malice. And venom
Smooth toxicity glass half empty
Infected throat, glass half full
But always the glass empty’s
Self replenishment
677 · Jun 2020
Cross watch
Maniacal Escape Jun 2020
Grind against the stain of your hammer
The smile of blood judges your tools
Feel the wrath of an angels stare
As you tootle off home, his blessed wings stretched
In jest as they decompose and crumble. You did your job marvellously military man
675 · Jul 2020
Chuck us a beer
Maniacal Escape Jul 2020
Silk against lips, the softness unparalleled
Slipping down, eyes roll back.
Memory foam, it knows
Always rolls out the spread.
God I needed that drink.
673 · Aug 2021
Maniacal Escape Aug 2021
He sees himself through bloodshot eyes
Painting a picture with his lies.
He knows the party has an end
But not now, let the session never end
640 · Jul 2021
Mortemer's dance.
Maniacal Escape Jul 2021
Enjoy the madness, its Mortemer's dance!
Swishing and turning its not wishy-washy,
Slashing and cutting the shapes! Oh lord the shapes!
Slicing and spinning then boom! Red confetti.
Look at him go in his marvelous trance!
Spinning and cutting the dance spins in circles as the audience cries 'now do the slip and slide!'
So he slides in real slow now he's in his mojo
He's feeling himself as he's breaking it down.
Its him and himself in his spotlight lit solo,
A pool of composure for his one final flourish;
A swish and a slit, moves never seen before.
The big grand finale and the crowd goes bananas!
There's roses on roses, they pile on the stage!
Mortemer's touched by such lovely affection from a crowd of individuals with no connection.
He'll lie on the stage and soak up the praise.
His roses smell sweet, and his roses are plenty.
Maniacal Escape Jul 2020
Roses are red,
thinking gets dicey.
Speak to a doctor,
before things get too spicy.
625 · Jun 2020
Odds on truth
Maniacal Escape Jun 2020
Births sin, deliverance of death.
Blooded eyes view chaos. Jagged
Order. Smile at the view and take in the ecstasy
Fates whim deals a losing hand. But play you must.
The life of cards is a winning man’s loss.
Count the hearts turning to clubs. Feel the sharp of the diamond.
Sail on the sea of spades. The house grins.
A jokers trade, inevitability for certainty
Suckle from the table that slaps you with strife
Nuzzle teats of treachery and take your fill.
Soon you’ll be grown, suit and tie.
The house always wins
618 · May 2021
Leisure time
Maniacal Escape May 2021
Get high,
Get laid,
Everybody gets paid.
617 · Jul 2020
The Lady Grace
Maniacal Escape Jul 2020
The Lady Grace smiles down at me.
It's loving smile like no other
Brighter than stars and sun's
Beaming rays upon a child's face
As I smile back.
The smile of the lady grace lights my world.
Lady Grace lights her cigarette.

The Lady Grace smiles at me.
It's a loving smile like no other
Brighter than stars and sun's
Beaming upon her proud grandsons face
As I beam back.
I'm making strides in the world.
And she strides with me.
At her own pace.
The beam of the lady grace lights my world.
Lady Grace lights her cigarette.

The Lady Grace opened her eyes
She dragged herself off her side and propped herself up with her arm
She gasped for air.
She trained her eyes on me
Desperate and loving
Wishing to speak.
I look back.
Glazed to her pain.
She searches through.
I'm here for her.
Lady Grace lights her cigarette.

My eyes squint on the doorframe.
I drag myself to consciousness from dreams.
'your grandma is dead'.

Lady Grace left me today.
Her love and guidance vanished in the wind.
I light a cigarette.
And cry.
615 · Jun 2020
Loose hammer
Maniacal Escape Jun 2020
The sins of the father and the son must be punished
Allow the juries hand to be corrupt and
Dispense their magical omnipotence.

But taste the finality of man as the hammer draws near
To consequence; and question
The strangers leer in corrupt composure.

The judges sweat melds to the handle, he grips
Hard to the justice of his resolve, as
It slips beneath the bench

And now to the audience, you decide
To solidify a man in a statue to justice or
Grant redemption and torments respite.
Because I put to you that,
the sins of the father and the son must be punished.
566 · Jun 2020
Nothing to say
Maniacal Escape Jun 2020
Keys speak letters but not words
And sentences don’t make paragraphs but full stops end.
Stanzas stall and commas halt, but
Sometimes there’s just nothing to say.
But sometimes nothing blurts everything
And everything sometimes says nothing at all
Because that ampersand always sits there
But never leads to a paragraph
Or a verse
Or anything
Because every time. There’s just nothing to say.
553 · Aug 2021
Maniacal Escape Aug 2021
Pills, pills, pills across the board!
Pills in the eyes
Pills in the throat
Pills pills pills!
Pills in your sleep
Pills with your supper
Pills pills pills!
551 · Jul 2022
The beast and the pixie
Maniacal Escape Jul 2022
The beast cuddled the angry pixie,
And it writhed. So he crushed the pixie.
The beast tentatively held the pixie,
And it bit him. So he squished the pixie.
The beast stayed close to the pixie,
And it burned him. So the beast hated the pixie.
The beast spoke with the pixie,
And it sassed him. So the beast hissed at the pixie.
The beast listened to the pixie,
And it soothed him. So the beast cuddled the angry pixie.
521 · Aug 2021
The dragon
Maniacal Escape Aug 2021
Waking in these dreams,
It's always me and you.
In this world, our endless ecstasy.
The dragon seems ever so far away
510 · Jul 2020
Maniacal Escape Jul 2020
Be sure to hoover up your horrible personality when you're polishing down your filthy people skills Karen.
480 · Sep 2021
Drinks with a friend
Maniacal Escape Sep 2021
I saw your smile on Sunday,
It's madness when your here
But you're never too far
Within grasping reach.
You and your insanity.
Warm when its near.
Wrapping and enveloping.
Blanketed in the madness.
466 · Jul 2021
Panic perfect shirt
Maniacal Escape Jul 2021
Nostrils flare
You have a job.
That pill was meant to feel normal.
That collars tight.
Tight right?
Its too tight for a tie.
449 · Jul 2023
Set bar
Maniacal Escape Jul 2023
A case of whiskey for the judge.
A jug of beer for the marshal.
A spit of ichor for the prisoner.
A fine judgement for the downtrodden.
A fair judgement. From a man. In different robes
434 · Jun 2020
Maniacal Escape Jun 2020
Basking in the glow of a lacerated sun
Dripping blessed rays, life pools in an agonising emptiness.
Smile upon me with your godless grace
Light of life, prying open a necrophyte visage
Spotlight upon a murderous parade
Of life and happiness. Always watching with
Catastrophic intent and purging flame.
Behold the beacon of rage as it rips
At your vision. Blinding illumination.
A scar in the sky.
Cataclysmic vista.
431 · May 2021
Maniacal Escape May 2021
What day is it? Monday?
Dice are rolling
Eyes are rolling
Words are rolling
Stay with me for some fun tonight.
As the day goes so slow
A jackhammer in me
I don't know me anymore
We are singing with ourselves tonight.
428 · Jul 2020
Silly mistake
Maniacal Escape Jul 2020
Fall on your hands, drink some more wine
Open your legs
Take some more shots, take off your clothes
Stay on the bed
Take some more  lines, drag yourself up
Lay down your head
Keep your hands down, open your legs
Innocence lost.
427 · Jul 2020
Sainted Sickness
Maniacal Escape Jul 2020
Holy salvation is an illness, born from the fear of death's inevitability.

Crave it, seek your next fix.
Fragile psyche. A rational thought away from shattering should you miss your next dosage of biblical pills.

Forgive us our doctor as we sin again. We must have our medicinal eucharist.

The doctor plans his psychological corruption meticulously. Join hands, spread the disease of fear. Become terrified sheep together. Become dependent on sanctified lies together. The mass mania contagion runs rampant.

Now the doctor begins his treatment. Gold for a weekly shot of sainted insanity. The destitute pay well, their hands tied in prayer as their pockets are plundered.

The church of St charlatans. Founded upon a rock of corruption. Preaching divine death as curable terror, blessing it with coin.

But holy salvation is the illness, and only the dead are cured.
426 · Jun 2020
The boy under the bin
Maniacal Escape Jun 2020
I see a boy underneath the bin
He prays desperately to a deaf god
Looming over I can smell his despair
Rocking back and forth in holy existence
Your prayer won’t save you now little duckling
Say I to the rat
But on he chants, on and on to gods and clouds and demons
He names them all, one by one endlessly chanting his desperate canon
Where are your gods now?
Do they serve you a merciful end?
I ask as I slash his throat.
413 · Jun 2020
Happy dementia
Maniacal Escape Jun 2020
Taste the essence of frailty.
Ride comprehensions slip
And slide, careening into dementia.
Arise into normality, and laugh as everyone dances
A merry tune. Hilarious fun.
Grasp at the heavy spoon and be hungry.
Have you forgotten how to eat dear? Here, allow me.
Content starvation. A crippling disability
Take the cup.
Drink now, no don’t gulp.
You didn’t finish your meal, are you not hungry today?
Please, I’m starving.
Take the fork with too many gaps and enjoy the soup and smile as the monkey takes the bulb.
Sit in darkness and wait for help, that never comes.
395 · Jun 2020
Screw Loose
Maniacal Escape Jun 2020
Eight days of seven are you lobster
Stop chains kissing bouquets
Lovely sting but punch less
But don’t stop
I hate it
Front stabbing martyr I love you
Tighten my bindings whilst I take a ****.
Done? Good. I’d be so grateful if you’d take the katana from the mouth of my daughter
As they say the plot worsens
But please, do tell me about your luxurious Judas cradle
Is it to your liking sir?
Roomy yes thank you
I’ll pay half
Ten out of five on pointless dot com.
387 · Jul 2020
Modern teaching.
Maniacal Escape Jul 2020
Open your wings and fly high in the boundless infinite expanse of opportunity’s sky.
But not you. You’re bed-bound.
380 · Jul 2020
Curtain call
Maniacal Escape Jul 2020
Don the mask and join the parade.
Twirl twisted to the tune and turn and wrench some more
To the bang of the drum, bangs three twelve eighteen
Flail hysterically to the hand jive, 30 50 90 .
The dance abruptly ceases..
Encore! Yell the crowd.
378 · Aug 2021
Maniacal Escape Aug 2021
On the path to ruin
The young boy takes his gun
He's made his peace with all his misery
He'll showdown with the gun.
376 · Jul 2023
Hide away
Maniacal Escape Jul 2023
Hide away
Closet all your feelings
With me, hide away,
Hold all of your worries,
With me
Hide away,
All your biggest terrors, with me,
Hide away,
Everything you want in life just
Hide away,
All you want to be just stay with me and
Hide away.
368 · Jul 2020
Maniacal Escape Jul 2020
Take a lonely stroll through the park of life
Why not kick a stone whilst you’re there to enjoy the mood?
Turn and face the oncoming sweep of hatred with pitchforks at your throat
All you did was kick a little stone.
The rope is tight, it cuts and you bleed
But try to smile as the hateful hands stroke at you with enviable despise.
They drag you through dirt that scathes your façade.
But still you show what’s left of your smile.
The ropes pull and off you fly behind hooves of hatred,
gored and disfigured you cheerfully drag yourself up from behind the horse.
The horse **** tearing at your wounds as you try to stand.
Such a crowd
You wave at your fans and they pelt you with vinegar,
acid bubbles into the bastardised crevices,
your legs buckle as you’re yanked from behind ,
your eyes falter as you watch your essence snake out into the rabble.
They lick at your heels as your mind begins to wander.
Back to the block. You come to, the crowd is cheering
They’re happy and so you thank your audience.
Your eyes adjusting to the love as the axe blade cracks your neck through to the jaw leaving your disfigured skull rolling down into the dispersing gathering.
365 · Jul 2020
The Bear
Maniacal Escape Jul 2020
Such a loving delicate hand that grasps and claws its way beyond redemption.
Staring up with tearful tender eyes you see the beloved become the bear.
Bracing against its hunger for flesh you watch your clothes disappear.
The bear stares down licking its emaciated lips.
Its giant paw fumbles at its food, starving yet playful.
Stayed by terror and dry with fear you surrender your meal.
The Bear begins to feast.
354 · Jul 2020
Sorry not sorry
Maniacal Escape Jul 2020
Penitent one, pitiful soul.
It's hard to apologise whilst you're stood inside a house of echoes.
352 · Jun 2020
Red knife
Maniacal Escape Jun 2020
Knife through viewing eyes
Red dawn soaks through a clean lense
Vision blurs to pain
Red dawn sets early
Red eyes shut and dawn sets.
346 · Jul 2020
Loosing battle
Maniacal Escape Jul 2020
Hold tight. White knuckles.
Buttered hands, oiled pole.
Stand strong. Tall, proud.
Shaky podium, slippy shoes.
Stay sane. Fake smile.
Maniacs room, door ajar.
Maniacal Escape Jul 2020
Holding hands with the Friendly Reaper.
I feel it, the grip, the warmth, the care.
It cares, he cares, she cares.
Sickening shiny scythe.
That cares cuts.
So I keep on pretending,
That the warmth is warm.
That the metal is gentle.
That the grip is comforting.
Hiding my face from myself.
Averting my eyes from that panicked stare.
That terror, that glances at the joined hands and back at me.
I embrace the reaper and his scythe.
Cut and reshape me. Just don't let me go.
Make the face in the mirror go away.
I'd help him if I could but I can't so just get rid of him.
Hold me close I need you to cut me and care for me.
331 · Jul 2023
Daily cycle
Maniacal Escape Jul 2023
Head in the water
To begin the day
To drown today.
Maniacal Escape Nov 2020
The sky is as blank as my note.
Empty as a promise from the cosmos.
The universe serves only nothing but time, as it runs through your hands like sand.
310 · Sep 2021
Straight and narrow
Maniacal Escape Sep 2021
I knelt on my tip toes
For a higher perspective
Of the same small ****.
303 · Jun 2023
Give me more Sugar.
Maniacal Escape Jun 2023
Salivating, you swirl around my tongue.
My taste buds drown in your pleasure.
My teeth stand strong, knees weak.
The moment is gone.
Draining down the throat.
My teeth rot. My brain begins to frenzy.
My tongue longs again for your affection.
Clammy fingers fumble the bag.
Salivating once more,
Hand comes to mouth.
299 · Aug 2023
A nutritious breakfast.
Maniacal Escape Aug 2023
A Cigarette,
The smokey pillows soften the air
A Beer,
For that snap, crackle, and pop.
293 · Jul 2020
Maniacal Escape Jul 2020
This is the face of god
Craven and loud, pay him his due.
He loves gold.
He smiles in silver. Shiny and metal.
Dig it up and serve it to him,
He put it there for you to find.
He does love hide and seek.
Taa – daa, surprise,
You owe him more money.
293 · Aug 2020
Sizzling sausages
Maniacal Escape Aug 2020
Ever watched someone cook?
They're lovely served with salad.
292 · Apr 2022
Maniacal Escape Apr 2022
For one quiet day,
The queen sits and rules.
Her subjects love her,
Her people adore her,
She is royal and good.

Her palace shrieks,
Insurrection crashing about her ears,
Crisis biting at her jewel adorned heels.
Yet she slays in her finery,
Marching about the halls
Because her people absolve her.

This Queen is good.
This Queen is royal.
The people love thier Queen.
Her peers loom over the queen.

The day is quiet.
The queen does good.

For one quiet day.
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