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Jun 2015 · 1.3k
By the Seaside
Lillian Harris Jun 2015
At the ocean
And the waves
That crash and foam,
I realize
In their motion
The sensation
Of home.
Jun 2015 · 5.6k
Lillian Harris Jun 2015
I am
A whirlwind
Of wandering thoughts,
A cyclone
Of spiraling dreams
A tempest
Of trepidation
A world
Fraying at the seams.
Jun 2015 · 429
Lillian Harris Jun 2015
How all the
Colors fade
Just as soon as
They come to stay,
And drain like
All the empty words
That I heard you say.
Jun 2015 · 616
Lillian Harris Jun 2015
Lonely benches,
Empty chairs,
Spaces filled
With empty air,
Absence felt
But never eased,
Love observed
But never seized.
Jun 2015 · 4.5k
Lillian Harris Jun 2015
We are just ghosts
Aimlessly passing the time,
Forgotten places
Left behind,
Boarded up doorways
Stained by decay,
Restlessly looming
In the deepening gray,
Disappearing beneath
The undergrowth
Jun 2015 · 581
Lillian Harris Jun 2015
The mind
Contains much more
Than the tongue
Tries to convey.

The heart
Knows such sensations
That the mouth
Could never say.
May 2015 · 2.5k
Lillian Harris May 2015
It is with
These hands
That I have sealed
The chains
Upon my wrists
And in my fear
I quite lose sight
Of reasons to persist.
May 2015 · 479
Lillian Harris May 2015
The water
From the faucet
Cleanses the dirt
From my pores
But it cannot sink in
Past my skin
To purify
My soul.
May 2015 · 909
In Losing You
Lillian Harris May 2015
In losing you
I left behind
A love
That was never
And a heart
That wasn't mine,
Yet gained
A lesson learned.

In leaving me
You lost
A love
That was
Invariably yours,
And obtained at parting,
In my wake,
The pieces of my heart
You once promised
Not to break.
I'll say goodbye now since you never did.
May 2015 · 3.2k
The Thief
Lillian Harris May 2015
The door to my heart
Was always left ajar
In hopes that some lovely soul
Would make himself at home.
I should have had
The foresight
To keep it closed
And lock it tight
When you arrived;
A charming thief
In the dead of night.
I should've kept my walls up.
May 2015 · 356
Lillian Harris May 2015
My hands search
For a grip
That won't falter

My arms stretch
To find warmth
Where I lay

My eyes burn
With a past
I can't alter

My heart aches
For a love
That will stay.
May 2015 · 10.1k
Lillian Harris May 2015
Somewhere along the journey
Through the forest dark and deep
We gave away our faces
And our souls were lulled to sleep,
Now we are reflections
Of everything we see,
Replacing who we are
With who we're trying to be.
Apr 2015 · 696
Inside My Mind
Lillian Harris Apr 2015
Vast blue oceans
Running in fields
Fireflies in mason jars
Cliffs overlooking the sea
Raindrops on misty panes of glass
The sound of the wind through the trees
The crisp crunch of autumn leaves beneath feet
The rush of feeling during the culmination of a song
Blurred colors and flashing light through the car windows
Forests filled with ancient relics from another time
Dancing alone with the music blasting loud
Adventures to nowhere in particular
The mystery behind the ruins
Slow dancing with a stranger
The sound of crashing waves
Nations I’ve yet to visit
Burnt orange sunsets
Pages in old books
Crackling fires
Howling wind
Empty rooms
Guitar strings
60 degrees
Piano keys
My head is a chaotic place.
Apr 2015 · 9.1k
Lillian Harris Apr 2015
These words
Will never
Fully express
The pain
My chest
When I
That you don't
Want me
you probably won't even read this.
Apr 2015 · 1.3k
Empty Promises
Lillian Harris Apr 2015
So many pretty promises
Wrapped with lovely words
From your silver tongue
And fastened together
So neatly with
The melodies you sang to me.
If only I had
Examined them more closely
And held them in my hands.
The absence of weight
That I felt there
Might have lead me to see
The sad reality;
That those promises
You made me
Had always been
but it's my fault for letting myself believe that  you could keep those promises in the first place.
Apr 2015 · 556
The Passers-By
Lillian Harris Apr 2015
How strange it is to see
The Passers-By
With schedules scrawled
Across their minds
And clocks
Like ticking time bombs
Latched onto their wrists.

Overtaken in the static
Of their individual worlds
With all its never-ending
Numbers and plans,
Their heads are buried
In the sand
That falls from their
Hourglass skies.

So hurriedly they shuffle past,
Pulled by the pressing chains of
Straining to ignore
The hushed voice
That lives within them all
As it whispers its constant plea:
"Look up
And break free."
Apr 2015 · 2.1k
Lillian Harris Apr 2015
I am
A street without a name
A pictureless frame
A dull knife
A still life

I am
A question mark
A smothered spark
An unread book
A stolen look

I am
A blank page
An empty stage
A heavy sigh
A passer-by

I am
A ship with paper sails
A train on rusted rails
A flightless bird
A Dream Deferred

I am
An overcrowded mind
A word that hasn't been defined
A lighthouse that no longer stands
Two feet sinking in the sand.
Apr 2015 · 906
Lillian Harris Apr 2015
Worlds without end
Unfurled behind
The lenses of her eyes,
And yet the stranger,
In passing glance,
Saw naught but his own
Mar 2015 · 5.1k
Lillian Harris Mar 2015
I gave you
My heart
So quickly
And without
That I never
Bothered to ask
If you wanted it
To begin with.

And now
As I stare at
All the messages
I sent to you,
Each one left
I wonder if
I should have.
"If you love me, let me know"
Mar 2015 · 3.1k
Lillian Harris Mar 2015
I’m so afraid
That I
Will always be
The one
That loves
(n.) the act of loving the one who loves you; a love returned in full.
Mar 2015 · 519
Lillian Harris Mar 2015
I’ve written
Countless words
To you
Attempting to relate
The extent of my feelings
For you
Only to throw them
All away,

Those words couldn’t
Make you feel
The way my heart races
When I hear
Your voice
Or the ache at the
Back of my throat
And the salty sting
Of tears
When you tell me
You’re in pain

Those words couldn’t
Make you see
All the times
I’ve laid awake at night
Hoping that maybe
You would call
Or all the days
That I’ve spent
Staring through windows
Wondering how I could
Make you happy
When your days turn gray.

Those words couldn’t
Bring you
Any closer to me,
Though I desperately
Wish that they would
And they
Could never, ever
Tell you how
I love you
The way that I could
Show you.
Mar 2015 · 4.4k
Lillian Harris Mar 2015
I used to make fun of
Those naïve, lovesick girls
That stared out windows
Daydreaming of the boys
Who they'd been silly enough
To give their hearts to

I swore that I would never be
So foolish as to fall,
For with falling comes feeling
The crushing pain of loss
When it all undoubtedly
Hits the ground

But how could I predict
The sensation that would come
When you so suddenly
Found your way behind these
Walls I'd built so high?
You with those eyes and that smile.

How easily you persuaded me
Out of my cynicism.
My firm grip loosened
When I heard you sing that night
And I felt myself begin to fall,
Not knowing if you'd catch me.

Now I am that lovesick girl
Who stares out windows
Daydreaming of the beautiful boy
Who holds her heart
So carefully in his hands,
Silently hoping
That he'll decide to keep it.
Mar 2015 · 13.6k
Lillian Harris Mar 2015
The Sun loved the Moon
With a love so bright
It lit up the entire sky,
And when they were close
In those brief seconds
As day turned into night
The color that rushed
To her cheeks
Set the horizon on fire.

In the stillness of that moment,
The whole world could feel
The warmth of her affection
For the one she would wait
Earth ages for
To glow, at last, as one
In the light of an eclipse,
If only for
A little while.
Feb 2015 · 439
Lillian Harris Feb 2015
Maybe it's foolish of me
To stay awake
All night
Waiting for you,
But my eyes
Won't seem to close,
Kept open
By a lingering hope
That maybe
You are missing me
Just as much as I
Am missing you.
"do you even
think of me
at all?"
Feb 2015 · 347
City Walls
Lillian Harris Feb 2015
Suddenly the city walls
Have started to crumble,
An entire dreamscape
By some unseen hand
Within the space of
Only seconds.
The evidence of this chaos
Is not so violent
In physical form:
Shadowed eyes
And fresh teardrops
Burning down
Color drained cheeks.
But how her chest aches,
That empty cavity
Where her heart used to be,
And collapsed
Just like
The city walls
And the dreams
That once lived
Behind them.
Feb 2015 · 466
Vain Hope
Lillian Harris Feb 2015
I fell asleep to the sound
Of your voice last night.
The final thought
Drifting through my mind
Before my eyelids closed
Was you.

And when the sun
Kissed the sky
To wish it good morning
I hoped in vain that maybe
When I woke
You'd be there to do the same.
but you are so very far away.
Feb 2015 · 625
The Great Divide
Lillian Harris Feb 2015
You found your way
Into my heart
And lit a flame
Within it
That I thought
Would never burn.

It roars
So bright and hot
Inside my chest,
Igniting even the
Loneliest corners of my soul
Where it was before so
Dark and desolate.

And yet this warmth
Remains inadequate
When the distance
Yawns between us
Like an abyss,
Taunting me with only
The semblance of nearness.

We're sitting on separate sides
Of a great divide
Where Time is wearing thin
But I'm still reaching desperately
To feel, just once
The gentle heat
Of your hand
Holding mine.
Feb 2015 · 979
Lillian Harris Feb 2015
I'm terrified that you
Are falling in love
With the idea of me,
That the masterpiece
Your mind has painted
Far surpasses the reality
Of its subject.

When you see each
Glaring imperfection,
The incongruent lines
That shape my body,
The speckled skin
That litters my frame,
Perhaps you'll realize that
This canvas was flawed all along.

Past the impressionist blur of color
So thickly laced with
Your dreams,
There am I,
A harsh form
Captured in still life.
An incomplete charcoal sketch.

It could be that
You've simply
Never been one for realism
And I'm just
"The Girl with a Pearl Earring"
When you always wanted
"Starry Night"
Feb 2015 · 420
Three Words
Lillian Harris Feb 2015
Is this feeling too premature
To say the three words
That dance on the tip of my tongue?
I can't help but wonder
If this same phrase lingers
Behind your lips
Like a timid child,
Simply waiting to be sure enough
To emerge from its hiding place.
Feb 2015 · 764
Last Light
Lillian Harris Feb 2015
The colors start to fade
Just as quickly as they came
And the light that lit my eyes
Is dimmed with dark shadows.
I'm holding on so tightly
To this fragile orb of hope
But I can feel it begin to crack
Beneath my fingers,
Growing smaller with each
Grain of sand
That falls in the hourglass.
Feb 2015 · 642
Fate's Fool
Lillian Harris Feb 2015
What a cruel joke to play
On a girl whose heart was
Already so scarred.
To shine a light at the end
Of a darkened tunnel
Only to ***** it out
Before the threshold.
To reach out a hand
As she drowned
Only to push her further
Into the murky water,
Though she'd only just found
The strength to resurface
And feel the sunlight
On her skin.
Fate has a twisted sense of humor, and it seems once again I'm the punchline.
Feb 2015 · 320
Lillian Harris Feb 2015
I'm not sure what this feeling is
Blossoming in my chest,
But I know this for certain:
That I want it
To stay.
Jan 2015 · 1.2k
Orison for Understanding
Lillian Harris Jan 2015
Help me to be the Healer’s hand,
The words that mend,
A needed friend.
Help me to quell what pain I might
And in the darkness
Be a light.
Though anguish bars the path before,
Help me to open up the door.
If I can aid a soul today
I will have done enough to say,
Their broken heart,
My hands restored
This peace enough,
My great reward.
Dec 2014 · 408
An Empty Room
Lillian Harris Dec 2014
I don’t know why
I keep expecting a name
And a message to glow
On the screen of my phone
When i know that
It will always be blank
And here I sit longing
To come to life
But all I feel is empty
Like this room
And my heart
A worn out space
With faded walls and
Cracked paint.
Dec 2014 · 1.1k
Lillian Harris Dec 2014
My heartbeat races
A marathon per minute
And the familiar static of
Discomfort returns,
Muscles constricting
Beneath my skin

My hands like tiny
Earthquakes shake
With each shallow
Labored breath I take,
Heat rushing to my face
Staining it with red

My mind casts illusions
On indifferent faces,
Tilting their heads
‘Til they stare
And whispering words that sting
And simmer in the air

I smile with my mouth as I
Fumble over pleasantries
But my eyes burn with tears
That are dangerously close
To spilling over and
Revealing the fear behind them.
A poem about my experience with anxiety.
Dec 2014 · 549
Bottled Up
Lillian Harris Dec 2014
How do you fix a heart that’s full
Of sadness?

Despite all the times it’s been emptied

From a bottle that’s overflowed,
No relief moves in to fill the space.

You grasp every flash of pain and

Each withering poisonous thought

Until that silent moment when

The sting is far too great

And it begins to rain again

Down the sides of your face.
Oct 2014 · 733
Lillian Harris Oct 2014
Oh that I could love
And be loved in return
To feel warmth in the hearth
Of my heart
And not the icy emptiness
Of darkened stone
That seems to whisper
"You're alone"

Perhaps this ache in my throat
Would briefly dissipate if you
Tied your heart to mine,
Stitching the delicate pieces together again,
Though I thought them

You, the faceless figure
Whose absence I have
Known so long,
A phantom wish
Robed in my hopes,
The name on the tip of my tongue
That I can never seem to taste.
Apr 2014 · 740
Futile Devices
Lillian Harris Apr 2014
These foul slithering figures
Don’t dance across the page
As they spill from my pen
Dripping, smudging, bleeding
They sit and idly stare.

Language is deceiving,
For words cannot weep
Or scream and cry
They do not laugh
Or dream or sigh

They twist themselves in knots
And feign sincerity,
Tangled on my tongue
A thick web of
Self-proclaimed eloquence

With each sullen rhyme and
Insipid adjective
I am convinced
Of the lies in these disguises;
Words are futile devices.
Jan 2014 · 842
Lillian Harris Jan 2014
Skeletal trees
With their barren, scraping bows
Shiver and sway in the half light,
Branches desperately reaching  skyward
Aching to reclaim the golden leaves
That Winter stole in it's bitter rage
Clawing and tearing
At the faded warmth and
Cloaking the world in its
Deadened, icy shadow.
Autumn's gilded age
In it's evanescence
Dissolves into a turbid dream
And shrivels in the ice
Grasping the delicate remnants
Of a time long past and sifting
Through ancient forests of memory
Lost in the glittering particles
Of a fierce December storm.
Jan 2014 · 1.2k
Lillian Harris Jan 2014
You can't escape a nightmare
When it lives inside of you
And you can't run from the shadows
When the darkness is yours too

You can't hide from the monsters
That chase and claw and tear
When you look into the mirror
The real monster is there

Behind the surface of your eyes
Inside your very head
The demons make themselves at home
And fill you up with dread

Nowhere to turn when daylight dims
Nor when the moonlight glows
No solace or escape to find
As the fear inside you grows

No warmth to be had when the cold sets in
No relief from the pouring rain
No end to the aching inside your heart
No release from the infinite pain

Trapped within a battered cage
Fashioned from flesh and bone
You desperately cling to the fragment of hope that
Maybe you aren't alone.
Dec 2013 · 1.2k
Lillian Harris Dec 2013
I never thought that what I wanted wasn't you.
That the truth of this illusion
was that I was infatuated
with the idea of
being loved.
That someone could attach themselves to
one so flawed and scarred as I
with shadows cast deep
In the recesses of my mind;
What a silly dream to conjure.

Filled with electricity I floated,
Eyes clouded by the smoke of the sparks that you lit before me
And in the haze it wasn't your face that I saw
It wasn't your hand that I felt in mine as you pulled me in
To this accidental web of ours.
It was the face of an idealized daydream
the hand of a whispered wish
that I hoped had come true.

Naïve dreamer
Blind wanderer
The masquerade was ending
But I needed you
To be the one that I saw
behind the smoke.
Desperately I tried to shape you into him,
But you stood before me
An imperfect sculpture
That I was determined to fix.
But what right had I?

Truth broke the surface of my withered hope and shattered me.
Thousands of fragments of glittering glass dreams littering the floor
You were not mine to change
Not mine at all
And I was never yours.
Nov 2013 · 1.1k
Because I am the Ocean
Lillian Harris Nov 2013
Just because I’m quiet doesn’t mean I have nothing to say
Behind these closed lips are thousands of stories,
Endless words, thoughts, emotions
Waiting to be summoned
But fear is the glue that keeps my mouth shut
And the words scrawled on these pages
Convey more than my hushed voice ever could.

Just because I smile, doesn’t mean that I’m content
Beneath this ill-fitting cloak of concealment
With all its plastic sincerity,
There is a girl with fragile dreams
And eyes brimming with fire
Thrown into a world where she suffocates
In the heat of human expectations.

Just because I am ignored, doesn’t mean I am transparent
Carelessly I am dismissed, overlooked
They don’t understand that, like them,
I have felt pain, sorrow and joy
I am alive
My heart beats as their’s do
But we are separated by invisible walls.

I am more than a flickering, nameless face
Whispered words, a vacant smile
I am not a long-forgotten book lying facedown on the shelf
I am an endless world below the barrier reefs
Of a vast, uncharted ocean
But no one ever dares to leave the shore
And break the surface.
Sep 2013 · 2.3k
I am from Endless Words
Lillian Harris Sep 2013
I am from the towering oak and pine trees
That sway on the old forest’s edge,
Coyotes howling in the shadows
A haunting lamentation

I am from the creaky stairs and floorboards
At the house on Liberty Street,
From the ancient gas heater and its tendrils of flame
That never seemed to be quite hot enough

I am from the sound of my father’s voice
Heavy with sleep as he whispers to us
A late night bedtime story,
Scaring away the monsters under our beds

I am from Sunday mornings
Bursting with rays of golden light and
Filtering through glimmering church windows
Lingering on familiar faces

I am from ‘make good choices’
'Be a peacemaker’
‘You are greatness’ and

I am from the scent of Mom’s cookies
Chocolate chip and butterscotch
Melting away winters and
Warming cold hearts

I am from acrylic paint,
Graphite, ink and canvas
From smudged hands, stained clothes,
And a sketchbook full of scribblings

I am from the crisp chill of autumn
In the mountains of Vermont,
Staring into a sea of stars
As dazzling sparks float skyward in the distance

I am from the cool sea breeze
And the salty mist over the water
Waves crashing fiercely in the haze
Of Newport’s rocky shores

I am from the quiet peace
That can only come from the words
“I love you” and the warm embrace
That often follows

I am from endless words
Written with shaking, ink-stained hands
On crumpled bone white paper
Hoping to be good enough to keep

I am from weak muscles and fragile bones
From hesitant first steps and training wheels
From stubborn no’s and penitent yes’s
From late nights and shadowy eyes

I am from the past
I am from the present
I am from the trembling, changing
Pathway to my future

I am from this house
This family and
This home
Jul 2013 · 921
Lillian Harris Jul 2013
I will not fall
                                           Into that deep, impounding darkness.
                                 That sinking, violent pain that once consumed me.
                                             I am no longer a shadow of myself,
                                        A broken, sallow creature, lingering alone
                                    In the ashen wasteland of its everlasting night.
                                                          ­     I am not weak,
                                                           ­  I am not broken,
                                                         I am not insignificant.
                                                  ­        I am infinite in Him.
Jun 2013 · 3.0k
Childhood Lost
Lillian Harris Jun 2013
She was a child once.
Eyes wide and sparkling with hopes and dreams untarnished.
An entire future stretching out before her.
She saw the world through a kaleidoscope,
A beautiful mess of endless neon colors,
Untouched by darkness and disappointment.
Pain was temporary; A scraped knee, a paper-cut.
Band-aids could heal every injury.

Her smile was a permanent fixture of sincerity,
Radiating happiness. A gaze full of inquisitive wonder.
When she lay her head down at night,
Her chest was not heavy with worries and cares.
Her mind was not filled with the ghosts of her past.
Sleep came easily, a quilt of comforting warmth enveloping her,
Sweeping her away to the land of dreams.

Blissful in her ignorance she lived, unaware that one day,
The monsters under her bed would make a home inside her head.
That her heart would fracture and die.
That the world she had known was a lie.
She wasted all her wishes wanting to be older,
Age was overrated, but nobody told her.

At 8 she was so innocent, at 10 she was just fine,
13 was disillusionment, the start of her decline.
At 15 she was in High School, they told her, "be mature".  
Society screamed conformity, now she was insecure.
At 16 she was lonely, desperation took its hold.
Love slipped through her fingers like drops of liquid gold.
Now, at 17, she's stuck in a recession.
She thought the therapy had dispelled her depression.

She looks in the mirror and despises her reflection,
She is bent, bruised and broken, a mess of imperfection.
Past mistakes, her tormenters, they tear her apart.
Her body, a cage, imprisons her heart.
Each breath is a burden as she lay in bed.
She can't sleep at night, theres a war inside her head.

No one ever told her the price of growing older.
They never said she'd have
A crushing weight put on her shoulders.
Suffocating in this life, poisoned at her core,
Once she was a child,
A child she is no more.
Jun 2013 · 1.2k
Fathoms Deep
Lillian Harris Jun 2013
Beautiful and terrible,
Crashing on to the jagged shell-strewn shores of my mind,
Stinging my eyes with saltwater.
Wishes and wonders coalesce on the ocean floor,
Millions of fathoms deep.
A world undiscovered, no one dare venture so far.
Teeming with questions and confusion,
Darting through the murky depths,
Like frightened, chaotic sea creatures.
Mar 2013 · 1.2k
Falling Apart
Lillian Harris Mar 2013
She lays in bed at night, curled up and silent,
Desperately clutching the fabric of her sweater
As if its threads are keeping her together.
Her eyes like two fountains of glittering saltwater in the darkness.

Under the blankets of shadows she shakes,
Like a silent earthquake; trembling and destructive.
She's falling apart, but who would notice?
Her pain is masked behind a carefully constructed disguise.
Her plastered on smile has started to fade now,
Old wallpaper in this beaten, weathered house.

When the sun sinks under the trees,
Monsters creep into her room and whisper in her ears.
They sink their teeth into her skin and the poison seeps in,
Coursing recklessly through her veins until it has reached her very heart.
A heart that now beats timidly, crushed into tiny sharp fragments,
And grafted together by loosely tied glimmering threads.

Sleep slips underneath her eyelids like a gift,
A temporary escape from the storm brewing inside her.
"Help me," she whispers as she fades away,
Lifting off the dead decaying landscape of her mind.
Her life is a sad mournful song, perpetually stuck on rewind.
Feb 2013 · 943
Lillian Harris Feb 2013
Loneliness seeps into my skin and surges through my veins,
Seizing my heart with cold, gnarled claws.
One would think that by now i would be accustomed
To the faintness of my beating heart, with all it’s aching, broken shards.
It is fragile, emitting spurts of pain with each shallow intake of breath.
I have grown weary of this masquerade, this counterfeit smile.
Silently I scream, desperately hoping
That somewhere, in this vast, incomprehensible world,
There is a voice to answer mine.
Jul 2012 · 792
Your Words
Lillian Harris Jul 2012
You whisper the sweetest words to me.
They float into my ears and linger there, repeating themselves over and over.
How can I harbor doubt, when they fall so beautifully from your lips?
You spin flattery into an eloquent web, and entangle  me in it.
What hope have I to turn away, when your soft voice draws me yet nearer?
What chance have I of seeing through this shroud that clouds my vision,
When your face is reflected even in the blurred darkness of my closed eyes.
Somewhere within the refines of my muddled consciousness, I feel the warnings of Reason.
But Reason's voice is hushed, and your words paired with my quickened pulse are enough to drown it out.
Mar 2012 · 1.1k
Lillian Harris Mar 2012
I used to think that monsters lived under my bed,
Hiding in the darkness, with eyes of ruby red.
I'd hide under my blankets, as if they were a shield,
And hope that in the shadows i would be concealed.

But then one day i realized that i had been mislead,
The real monsters i had, were the ones inside my head.
They quietly creep and crawl in the corners of my mind,
Whispering words that make me weep 'til I've gone blind.

They shatter my happiness and suffocate my dreams,
And make my ears ache with the shrill sound of their screams.
They wrap their cold fingers around my worn out heart,
And inside i feel as though they are tearing me apart.
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