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Jan 2016 · 636
The ocean is calling,
calling for me,
he wants me to
get lost in him.
To join the white foam,
to go and say hello.
Nothing's here to stop me,
only the cold dry wind
of some cold and silent place
that lures me into the dark,
to some colourless scene,
to some lifeless landscape.
I try to run, to call out,
"I'm coming! Wait!"
But all I see is them leaving,
without me, leaving me here
on a wasted island,
by myself.
So I stay here,
without anyone,
waiting in the nothingness,
waiting nothing,
only the silence interrupts
all these thoughts in my mind.
These void and empty thoughts,
rough, cold and dry,
as the day on this island,
dark, wet and cold,
like all the nights here,
enlightened only by a dim hope.
That someday, someone
will come along
to take me back to the world
and end this loneliness,
erasing the memory of my time
alone here on the island of my mind.
This one has an accompanying drawing... its not too good though
Jan 2016 · 621
The Earth is filled with fantastic secrets
        just waiting to be unveiled
Filled with places to see and to live
        filled with hidden magic
just waiting until it is discovered
        and here I am wasting it
throwing life away in a grey cubicle
         missing out on tastes
never being able to see the colours.
So when I die, please, when you bury me
            bury me all in white
and set my ashes free, somewhere far
            in the middle of the night
So I will  be reborn within their flight.
Jan 2016 · 335
2,555 Days
And so it was that time passed by,
                               the years came and went,
  and every minute seemed like the first,
every look, renewed.
                Every vow was new.
Even when the only words left to say were
              "I Love You"
       it seemed as if they were always being said
   for the first time.
Jan 2016 · 531
Empty pages
All these books to read

and all these songs to sing

but all I can think about

are these empty pages

and how my hand would look better

with a glass of whiskey.
Dec 2015 · 600
Monsters dream
that unicorns get together with vampires,
while they dance and drink
under the moonlight.
The Gods see them and envy them
The Undergods see them and they laugh.
While they dance and drink
they die
under the moonlight, during the night,
they have fun at the speed of light.
Once they start
they don't stop.
Once they get tired
they drink blood.
Angels dream
that Heaven and Earth are one,
united under one flag.
They dream dreams,
they dream peace.
God hears them and hopes
The Devil hears them and he laughs
his *** off.
A father dreams as he works,
he dreams of better days.
A mother dreams as she cooks,
she dreams of silent nights.
A grandfather dreams as he smokes,
he dreams of a peaceful life.
A child dreams as he sleeps,
he's filled with hope as he plays.
A child's laughter is a dream,
a child sleeping is like peace.
A child's kiss is all that we need
to believe that those monsters
that dream of unicorns and vampires
are real.
Dec 2015 · 452
I am very curious about what is love
And life, I say
For I have seen such things and
Such eyes
That show nothing of them.
I am intrigued of what the meaning is
Of happy
For I have lived such lives but only
In quantity
And I have no recollection of it.
I often wonder about eternity, infinity,
About forever
For I have been threatened with them
From everywhere
And I have come to fear them the most.
Nov 2015 · 612
006 (15 words) (Ask him)
Ask him to write you poems
           and books,
For I have run out of words.
Nov 2015 · 669
005 (15 words)
I envy the dead sometimes,
   they needn't worry about honesty.
            They have seen everyone's souls.
Nov 2015 · 362
about my heart
i don't know
maybe my heart
doesn't belong
to me anymore
maybe it just
never did
maybe that's
the reason why
it sometimes
hurts so bad
it is trying
to run away
somewhere quiet
where it's not
all on its own
all the time
Nov 2015 · 346
I need someone who loves me tenderly
Someone whose kisses are kind.
Maybe someone who listens carefully
To everything that can't be spoken.
Someone who realizes I break easily
And lets me know that it is fine.
Someone who loves my weakness
And talks me through the night.
Someone to unravel or disappear with
And to forget all about time.
I need someone to catch me when I fall
And knows to wait for me to get up.
Someone who will make feel strong
When I can barely manage to stand up.
But what I need the most is someone
Who does it all without me knowing it.
     So I can feel I am the one they are
           Able to rely on any time.
Nov 2015 · 859
It feels,
most if the time,
as if I
will apologize
for what goes
my mind,
or just
for being who
I am...

... Whoever that is.
Nov 2015 · 461
004 (15 words)
I have grown thin,
      I have grown old,
                   I have grown out of love.
Nov 2015 · 18.9k
True Insanity
Someone take my mind away from me,

                                    its driving me INSANE.
Nov 2015 · 771
Have I ever told you about infinity?
I had never seen such a thing, not once
not even a glimpse or a reflection,
or a shadow. Not even a ghost.
Until one summer day, while on the bus
I finally saw it,  infinity that is;
I saw it in the colour and the light
of a pair of sun-filled brown eyes.
I saw it in the way those dark pupils,
contracted whenever light was upon.
I saw it in the way the irises moved,
seemingly changing colour and shape.
It reminded me of breathing, inhaling and
exhaling, and the light was the oxygen, and
the irises the diaphragm, moving in order
to let in as much vital energy as possible.
As I moved closer to those round infinities
I felt, the vital energy they absorbed was mine,
it was in the way a galaxy was being born
from the clash of invisible light and brown.
An endless number of swirls and turns,
an unimaginable number of movements,
the unexplainable intensification of colour,
it was the perfect symmetry of breathing
But it still was something incomprehensible,
something that still seemed like a theory.
Infinity was so close but it was still too meek,
that was until, without warning, infinity saw me.
Oct 2015 · 959
I, sometimes, crave for something
To call my own.
I, sometimes, crave for someone
To call me their own.
But what I crave for the most
Is for someone to call myself.
Oct 2015 · 445
Question No. 2
What's more tragically beautiful?
Falling in love,
         Falling out of it?
Oct 2015 · 367
At 2 a.m.
I want a love who
loves me dearly,
I want a love who
loves me well.
I want to be taken
by the hand,
I want to be guided
out of hell.
I want a heart that
is beating wildly,
I want a perfect match
for mine.
I want a flame that
lasts forever,
and slowly burns me
from the inside.
I want a dream that
goes on forever,
I want it to always
be the night.
Oct 2015 · 615
Death by any other name
I looked into my father's eyes
and they were frantic, panic-stricken,
pupils blown and all.
I looked down to my father's hands
and they were trembling, unsteady,
they reminded me of home.
I focused on my father's breathing
it was erratic, irregular,
it probably reminded him of his life.
I remember him wheezing out
"I think I'm dying, this is it."
trembling hands pressed against his chest.
And I kneeled down in front of him
my knees steady and unshakable,
and I hoped he was jealous.
I remember I looked at him and said
"No, father, this isn't your death
it's simply consciousness"
I can still taste the sick satisfaction,
the sly grin as I reckoned,
that those were probably the same for him.
I'll never forget the feeling of your tongue,
       like acid
               peeling off my skin.
Oct 2015 · 727
003 (15 words)
Recently discovered a world of reason,
I am lost.
                  It's a world I can't understand.
Oct 2015 · 398
002 (15 words)
I say less than half
of everything that I see,

          thus, silence is my hell.
Oct 2015 · 638
My Soul
We are not body,
We are not mind
Nor heart.
We are thoughts,
We are feelings
And ideas.
We laugh and cry,
We love....
And we hate.
We are our souls,
Its whims
We must follow.
This is my soul,
It's wishes
And I obey.
So, after a mild break down I am back, reuploading and writing again. As my soul has always wanted to.
I remember those final moments
as I watched her pack her bags,
emptying drawers and closets
whispering through the halls
her words lost in the corners.
And I walked up to her, slowly,
as one would approach a ghost.
But she moved away from my hand
and tears were in her eyes. I stood,
like a statue, blank, unmoving.
She asked me the point of dating a poet,
if poems about her never were made.
Words failed me then, standing at the door,
words more beautiful than her weren't real,
and neither was I a poet nor a lover by myself.
Oh, the irony! Even with her crying eyes,
in her goodbye, so much poetry was told!
I wanted to tell her the magic in her being,
and how I longed for her happiness.
I thought about telling her, that next to her
moon, stars and sun were just street lamps
That in her sadness lived contradiction
and that the tears made her eyes shine,
and my fingertips desperately yearned her.
I understand now, that she never saw
how I formed constellations with her kiss
and within her breath was my existence,
that with her, my soul grew wise and old.
I guess there were never stars in her eyes,
or melodies in her laughter that she recognized.
She never noticed me looking at her from afar
or when, without me talking, she heard me.
Maybe she never loved me in my anger.
But seeing her there, so ready to leave,
my universe compressed and expanded,
and with a kiss I wrote the poetry she wanted
and to her lips, as a goodbye, I whispered:
*Never say I didn't write you anything
Oct 2015 · 689
And I miss you
I could have drawn constellations
with the dots on your skin,
but you made me write a goodbye
letter instead.
Oct 2015 · 743
Fell to Pieces
And I looked at her then,
So many years after

I saw her

Smile for the first time
And long after
I swore to her endless
Days of pure love

Ghostlike I felt then
Observing her figure,
Or maybe it was a shadow.
Defeated I walked to her,
Breathing heavily,
Yearning for the past,
Even then I loved her so,
First try at acrostic poems
Oct 2015 · 599
What is Love
What is Love if not the
agonizing hallucination
of helpless fools who
don't even know they're
     . . . . . . .
What is Love if not the
sweet denial that your
heart is being ripped out
from your body in a way
you don't even feel the
     . . . . . . .
What is Love if not fire heated
swords slowly going inside
burning you up as they cut
through your flesh and bones
     . . . . . . .
What is Love if not well hidden
pain coated with flowers that
distracts the mind from the
insanity of what's become of the
     . . . . . . .
What is Love if not delicious,
beautifully well camouflaged
death hiding behind a perfect
smile and sweet words for deaf
     . . . . . . .
What is Love if not astounding,
hypnotizing,  breathtaking and
perfect misleading beauty that
is everything that helped build
Oct 2015 · 498
There Are Things
There are some things that are not meant to be seen
Some things that were made to remain hidden
To remain in the darkness, covered, unsaid
Some things that I keep hidden even from myself
Things that, were they to appear,
Could break me
There are good times, when I forget
Times when I convince myself those things are not there
That I read them in a poem, or a book, or a song
Good times when all of that seems foreign and distant
Those are the days I have the strength to breathe, to laugh,
To live.
But there are days when those are the only things I see
The only things I hear, the only things that reign in me
Those are the days when I forget  how light looks like
When I forget what the beating of my heart sounds like
And all I hear are the voices inside me,
And I silently scream.
And there are days when there’s a strange peace
An odd balance, a numbness, a greyness spreading inside me
Days when everything is muffled and blurry and barely there
Those are my favourite days, the days when I’m barely there
The days when I don’t need to remember to breathe,
To not die.
Oct 2015 · 376
Waking Up
I had a dream once,
   I dreamt we’d grow old together
      I woke up young and alone.
Oct 2015 · 419
Question No. 1
What's so wrong
     about needing a little
      to exist?
Oct 2015 · 356
001 (5 words)
I forgot myself
               for you.
Oct 2015 · 318
001 (15 words)
I am so tired of love,
     I am.

But, I can't get enough

                        of it.
Oct 2015 · 826
It is the weakness of the flesh,
the sweetness of the sweat
on your skin
what will be the end of me.
Because no matter how strong
I am,
you make a quitter of me,
I quit my values and my mind.
And it is all worth it, for you,
for the taste of your body, of
your skin,
for the slickness of your lips.
Its the sensuality of your eyes
that ignites me entirely from
the inside,
its even hotter than lava.
You set my hands on fire
and I can't wait to see the red hot
scorch marks
that I will leave all over your body.
It's your tongue making its way
from my lips, to my shoulders and
to my ear,
that makes me fall on my knees.
And it is with your every breath
that my entire world goes away,
its shattered,
the pieces lie under your fingernails.
I'm left overexposed and alone
lying in bed naked dressed only
with regret,
because of this I have to remain silent.
You are fire and I am gunpowder,
you make me explode every time
you touch me,
and I know this is all wrong.
You will take me everywhere
from pleasure to agony,
from glory to ruin,
but I know we will meet again.

— The End —