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Jay M May 2019
Acting like everything is alright
Just fake it
Take that pain
Bury it deep inside
But what happens
When someone looks?

HEAL **** IT!!

These scars just won't fade
This, I simply cannot evade
Say nothing
I fell
Don't hold me under
Don't pull me under

Let me live
Let me have this
"Normal" childhood
While I still can

Fading, yes
But gone, no
Let me grow
Let me be what there is for me

I did wrong
But spare me!

Let me live
Don't torture me
Driving me beyond insane

I am but a child
For the sake of living
Let me

Don't rip me away
From those I love
And all I know
Let me live
Let me grow

For the sake of a child
Let me stay
Let me live...

- Jay M
May 2nd, 2019
Jay M Jan 2020
Can you hold me?

When the night is cold
And nearby I hear a dog snarling
The streets dark and not letting my anxiety be
Can you hold me?

When the fire's burning bright
And the lighting is just right
Will you hold me close and tight?

When the room is full of boxes
And we're sly as foxes
Unpacking our lives together
Similar, like birds of a feather
Can you hold me?

When the day is long
And I sing you that love song
Can you hold me in your arms?

My safe place
Is seeing your face
Falling for all of your wonderful charms
While being in your arms.

- Jay M
January 15th, 2020
Just dreaming..
Jay M May 2019
Condemn me to death
Torture this flesh
I will not bow
To your empty lies

Here I stand
Alone in the rain
I tread upon the cobble
Absorbing my surroundings
An emotional sponge

A constant tug-of-war
Meet the expectations
Try to live their dreams
Give in
Let go
Don't be their puppet

Choose, **** it!

More so **** me

When did I
Become so cold?
When did I
Become so numb?

Where's the person I used to know?
Where are my feelings?
Scattered about
Lost to one another
Making me unable to function
I want to feel something
Be normal
It crashes around me
I just watch it

Lifted up
Told all is well
Convinced by lies
Held by the demons
Painted like faces I know
Then pricked
By their thorns
Of reality

Maybe one day
They would see it
But no
5 years and still
They see a "happy" child

The closer they try to get
The more hurt I make them
So then
I push them away
Save them from myself...
From this monster I have become

Listening to my heart
Not the lub-dub it's supposed to be
Whispering to me
Spiders webs swaying
One bites
My blood is the venom
Black as my tainted soul

Tired of living with no defense
Can you understand
Where I'm coming from?
I'm sick of surviving
When I'm supposed to be living...

- Jay M
May 27th, 2019
I suppose this is everything, all in one.
Jay M Jan 2021
Wound with joy and cheer
Unaware of the danger near
Moments away
Racing mind, rather absent
Hurry, hurry, hurry-!
Outcry echoes throughout the space
What searing pain
Heat from surface to flesh
Red as ripest tomato
Forming spots of pale white
Oh dear, what plight

- Jay M
January 8th, 2021
Burned my fingertips when baking this morning. My pinkies didn't get burned though, so I can still sorta type. It's gonna be a long day, haha..
Jay M Mar 2020
Talking to a friend
Then suddenly the conversation came to an end
Hiding behind a backpack
So proposed is a back-track
We rise, leave the area
Leave behind unexpressed hysteria

Prompted as to why
So, admittedly trembling, I try
To tell the tale
That I try to leave stale
Alas, all is well
When I tell
About that day a year ago
Gesturing to places here and there, almost show
What happened in that time long,
Yet not so long, ago

In part
From what I knew
Like a picture I drew
Painting my memories
Now almost...dare I say ease
A heaviness left
Was heft
From my weary shoulders
Like the moving of boulders
I could finally breathe

Letting a little ray of light
Shine bright
On one of my darkest days
For so long it says
Until it is gone over so much
That such
Is lesser than what it used to be
Tell me what I'm supposed to see

Flashes, flashes,
Forces into my head, dashes
Into the moments between
Like replaying a movie scene
Only it's just momentarily visible
Making one wish they were invisible
A cry;
"Take me from this - for when I try,"
"All I can do is run and cry."

But another being able to say
It's okay
Telling me I'm not so alone
Don't have to drone
Is pleasant

Though I've told my tale
Pierced the veil
This was...comforting
Then, in parting
Was left with a tranquility

One small moment of peace
When pain would not cease
Was nice
When not even the music would suffice

- Jay M
March 7th, 2020
It was...nice to be able to talk about past events with a friend. Good to get things out, I suppose.
Jay M Mar 2019
In sickness I am fearful,
In health I am more so,
When I fall into slumber is my only peace,
Dreams, visions if you will,
Laughter, screams,
Both see me,
Both trying to carry me away,
Lifting me up,
Tearing me apart,
I'm only human,
What more can I do?
Where can I go?
How much will ever be enough?

- Jay M
January 28th, 2019
Jay M Sep 2021
Long, weary day
Drained my energy away
What am I to say,
On a long, gloomy day?

Friends, they bring cheer
Friends are always near
To the heart, and before me
Giving as much support as need be
Even literally

Carry me away
On this cloudy
Cloudy day
Carry me away
Away like the wind

Up into the air
Down unto the grass
Time so short, it almost isn’t fair
Yet the moment comes only to pass

Thrill of the unknown
Rise into steady arms
Spin and see the day gone by
Away like yesterday

The cheer of friends,
The joy that they bring
Into my step a spring
Into their caring arms

Away, away, carry me away
On this cloudy, perfect day
Once looked upon with dismay
Now this is what I say;

“This has truly been fun,
Even without the shining sun
You all brighten up my day
In my mind this day shall forever stay.”

- Jay M
September 24th, 2021
Today my friends decided to carry me around a bit. I was tossed (gently) between friends, spun around, and set down. It was wonderfully fun, and today has truly been a highlight in my week.
Jay M Nov 2021
A call to the homesick
To those who roam
Their souls adrift
Wanderers among the vast

A call to the heartsick
To the broken hearted
Grieving their losses
May their hearts mend one day

A call to the uncertain
To those plagued by possibilities
Swirling about in an endless storm
Torn by the hurricane within the mind

A call to the weary
Similar are we
Long exhausted
Eyes beyond dull
Reminders of an empty hull
Crew overworked, with mere hours rest
May their hearts know rest
Within their husks of a chest

Carry on my friends
My weary companions
For we fight the unseen
We know the invisible plight
Battles through every night

Carry on my friends
My wandering spirits
We hear not the cries
But we know the sorrow
We carry our boundless stories
Until we can no longer
To let them go,
Or to end the tale

But carry on my friends
Your tale is not at its end
Your song not yet done
There is more in store
So carry on, for there are days ahead

One day you shall find your place
The home for your soul
One day you shall mend your heart
And it shall beat again
One day you shall know
Not all, but the way is before you

- Jay M
November 29th, 2021
Carry on my friends. All will be well in the end.
Jay M Jan 2020
Running to and fro
Can't let the stress go
Assignments piled up
Due so soon
All loom over me
My impending doom

Spanish, P.E., Creative Writing,
Journalism, English, Biology
And Finally; Math
These grades I'm fighting
I can't get it done chronologically
Can't stick to one path
Scattered mind
Struggling to find
The answers I seek.

Tell me, how do I survive?
How do I thrive,
In a world where I am behind?

Working to hard,
Keeping it fresh in my mind
Making a flashcard
To help me find
What I left behind
A week and a half ago
Right out the window
Now I need to go back
Through the window
For the information I lack.

- Jay M
January 8th, 2020
I'm so stressed and I can't focus. I have so much work to catch up on from when I was absent. Wrote this in class to get the tension to ease a little so I can try to get back to work with a fresh mind.
Jay M Jan 2022
Laughter and banter
A room full of cheer
Couch full of people
Chair supposedly for one
Until another would come near
Squished into the soft chair cushions
Adjust ever so to make room
Now a chair for two

A movie playing
All too familiar, and so
Calm and content
Embraced in warmth
Comfort surrounds
A frigid little soul
Drawn ever closer
To a source of peace

Sleeping soundly
Against one so kind
Resting in such a place
There is somehow peace of mind

Half awake, sounds come in
Fall mumbling upon small ears
Quietly, he speaks but odd whispers
They ask, but he knows not why
Only that she is as a cat is,
When one rests upon you
No longer shall you move
Remain here, in peace

- Jay M
January 31st, 2022
Fell asleep on a friend.
Jay M May 2020
A notice, a chance
To speak face to face
Presented and hopeful
Alas, when voiced to those in power
The first response, a gentle no
The second, a firm rejection
Surprised, and eventually scared

Loaded and driven away
Fear settles in
An icy realization
Notify the partner in crime
All is unstable

Arriving at the destination
Other home
Another place where I yearn to be alone
To shed tears of fear and pain
A deep, gnawing aching
Once more, a fresh wound
A gaping hole in my chest
Bleeding, tainting all it touches

Allowing salty rivers to flow for a short while
Then fold, fold enough paper to stretch for a mile
25 at one home, 65 at another
Folding until I must stop
Or until not one more tear does drop

All left to be shed on the inside
Then laid to rest
For remembering what I had said,
"I will wait for you, as long as it takes."

This promise I shall keep
Indeed, sometimes I shall weep
But would one not weep,
When all is left to the unknown
And you are left all alone?

The days shall be long
But I shall keep you in my heart
Even if I am shattered, in part,
I shall remain strong

Awaiting the day when you return
For this time, I did learn
To be patient, for all good things come in time
For now you remain in my love-filled rhyme
Just as I remember you
With that smile, and all the things you do
And hopefully, one day I shall hear you say again,
"I love you too."

- Jay M
May 18th, 2020
One day..
Jay M Aug 2019
Trying so hard
Keeping quiet for so long
To take a stand

Once branded so dully
So boring
So common and bland

I stand with pride
For I have made a change
My title

A new name
A new calling card
What a wonder it is!
What joy it brings!
For now, I have chosen!

A name of curious origin
Simple, so not to be forgotten
Similar to a bird
The Blue Jay
A beautiful creature

Like the bird
I will no longer think of myself as dull
I will be wonderful!

Of course
Self-doubt shall always be at hand
I shall have a name to have pride for
A name I have chosen

- Jay M
August 28th, 2019
This is a poem I've made in honor of my decision. I hope nobody is going to hate me for the name change...
Jay M Apr 2021
You simply cannot understand
The extent of all of the things I wish to do
All of which with you
The list goes on and on
So darling take my hand
And together I will show you
The wonders within my wildest of dreams

- Jay M
April 5th, 2021
Places to go, things to see, and who knows what else lies ahead. All I know for sure is; it's you and me.
Jay M Jan 2023
Red and black
His coat of checkers
Red and black
Songs and sleep
I try to count sheep
But he lingers, his coat of checkers
Imprinted in my mind
Soft and warm
Safe and sound

The pieces, they move
He made his, I made mine
He made his, and I made mine

Checkered sunset,
Fade as he walks away
Fade from view,
But not from mind, no,
He won’t leave my mind

Games played, moves made
It was made to end
Designed for one to win
Maybe at a time I thought it was far
So far away, but it was there,
Right in front of me,
Maybe it was mental chess,
He’s got me in checkmate

Checkered sunset,
Fade as he walks away
Fade from view,
But not from mind, no,
He won’t leave my mind

Words in my throat,
Choke them out,
I’ll take my time,
He’ll take his,
That’s all we have
It’s all we have

Cover my eyes, he’s still there,
What am I to do?
I don’t know what to do,
I lost, it’s done,
Yet here I am,
Here I will always be

Checkered sunset,
Fade as he walks away
Fade from view,
But not from mind, no,
He won’t leave my mind

I don’t wanna be this,
Pathetic dreamer, sad songwriter,
I don’t wanna be this,
Bringer of pain, I’m a bringer of pain
His and mind, I’m sorry

Falling through time
Dreams of vermilion fade
Back to the wall
Head on my pillow
He was the dream I had to believe in
Now a sunset, daily sunset,
I only catch glimpses,
Then turn away
I turn away, walk away,
Fading into the night,
Fading into starlight
I am only starlight
Glimpsing a checkered sunset.

- Jay M
January 4th, 2023
Jay M May 2022
Child of light, child of night
Graceful and kind
Tender and mild
But do not anger them
No, don’t you dare
For their fury, their wrath
Is mighty as a forest fire
Wild as the wind

Hear the call, echoing out
Call of the night
Follow into the dark
Embrace the shadows
To bask in moonlight
Dance beneath the stars

Flow in the midnight breeze
Deepest blues, dampened hues
Curving shapes, shift in time
Around they surely go
In truth, or in mind.

- Jay M
May 19th, 2022
How did this become a prophecy of dreams?
Jay M Oct 2022
But I see only faceless teenagers.

- Jay M
October 13th, 2022
Jay M Jan 2020
Stolen in the night
Children hushed of fright
Lullaby sung
Bow strung
Arrow nocked and ready
Hands once shaking, now steady

Hush, dear ones
The mortal shuns
What they do not understand
Beatings, mockery, barely able to withstand
What they throw at us
The things they discuss

We are different
Unique, standing out in the crowd
Going against the current
In mystery, we are shroud

Ravens caw
Tales of woe
Mortals gape in awe
Yet that was a time ago
Now they point fingers
And the terror lingers

Hush, children of night
They understand not our plight
So spread your wings
Take flight
Do not accept their rings
Do not be bound to them
It is us they condemn

Show them no mercy
For never did they show any
An age old controversy
Stealing the lives of many
For a pretty penny

Rest now, children of mine
You are safe and sound
Rest those heads of thine
They lay in their caskets in the ground
Worry not my darlings; hush now
Close your eyes, and drift off
They are gone, it matters not how
Just rest now, hush
There is no rush
Hush, children, hush

- Jay M
January 4th, 2020
Inspired by Lullaby of Woe by Ashley Serena.
Jay M Aug 2020
Trembling in the night
Leaves in a cold summer wind
Shaking loose long held rain

Whispering and croaking wind
Reveals long sought answers
Yet still, there are more to emerge
Unspoken, yet aware

A sound
A fluster in alarm
Grasping an item of protection
Against an unseen foe
Soon relief
As nothing did come

Quivering once more
Weather didn't call for the downpour
But there it was
Falling from above

The soldier remains
Reluctant, yet there
Aside, yet present
To protect the inhabitants
So young,
Undeserving of wrath
Neither is the soldier.

- Jay M
August 25th, 2020
Jay M Mar 2019
Wings fluttering overhead,
A feather falling and comes into view,
Leaving a trace of what was once there,
But I have no feathers, nor scales, nor fur,
So how do I leave my trace?
Carried by the wind,
Left to it’s mercy,
Alas, I cannot,
For my wings have been clipped,
Not visible, but once there,
Now gone, no longer fair.

Far below I can only see fog,
Concealing the danger below,
As I look over,
Tempted to jump,
Expecting to fly,
The way I once could,
With my invisible wings,
Now gone, forevermore.

The wind is calling me down,
Beckoning me in a whisper,
Brushing past me and down in the breeze,
Alas, I then freeze,
Thinking of the world I would leave behind,
Those who would lose me,
In the blink of an eye,
It’s all left to me now,
If I choose to go quietly into the night,
Or to stay and fight it,
The battle within.

My choice shall remain a mystery,
But I cannot help but wonder,
As I sit on the edge,
What is their choice,
The others like me?

- Jay M
September 4th, 2018
Jay M Jan 2023
Catch in my throat
Words entrapped
Choked by fear
Shadows of doubt
Tremble and twitch
Not a sound, not a one
Imprisoned, without bars
Only within a mind

Shake, shiver
Sway and rock
Comfort and soothe
Soon it shall pass
So too do you.

- Jay M
January 31st, 2023
Jay M Apr 2019
You were my flashlight,
Guiding me in the dark,
Smiling with me in the rain,
Then you stopped,
Let me go,
Never let me back in,
But what did I do?

I have always been there for you,
And still will be,
But why did you throw me out of your world?

Dear friend of mine,
Why lies in that mind of thine?
Did I,
Some way,
Do you wrong?

Talking to you,
Spending time with you,
Asking to see you over,
Or go over,
Do those normal things,
Wasn't that enough?

What ever happened to the sky is the limit?
The night we spent together,
When I held you,
While you cried,
And talked to you,
Helping you,
Sneaking out with you,
Yet, what does that mean to you now?

You act like I don't exist,
Making every excuse as to not see me,
But what is it all for?
What for?

I wouldn't mind,
If you just came back,
If you just were my friend again,
Treating me like a human being,
And not like a stray dog.

No matter the reason,
I would come running back if you called,
I would run into the burning building,
And carry you out,
Nurse you back to health,
And stay with you.

If you ran in fear,
I wouldn't chase.
I'm not ignorant -
I know when enough is enough,
But please,
One day, once again, would be nice...

Maybe something as gracious as an explanation;
A reason why I was made a wraith,
Sitting alone in the rain,
Instead of by your side,
Where I long to be...

If this is creepy,
I apologize,
I only mean to say
I miss you,
And wish,
So much,
To know why I was ghosted...
Or at least to be your friend again...

- Jay M
April 3rd, 2019
I just hope one day you'll be my friend again.
Jay M Aug 2019
Seated together
Compact room
Flowers in bloom
A dream takes flight
A bird in the clouds
Flying solo
Searching and hoping
Not to perish alone.

- Jay M
August 28th, 2019
Jay M Oct 2022
Silence, it echoes here
In this private chamber
Lay me down to my eternal slumber
Perhaps you knew me once,
But nevermore shall we speak.

- Jay M
October 21st, 2022
Jay M Jul 2022
They wished to break me
To wash away my colors
So I hid them, locked them away
Far away, away, away...

The key, I lost it somewhere
Just out of reach, so now I sit
Lay back, turn up the music
Float in the vast unknown
Into the expanse, detached
Disconnected by this antigravity

When, oh when
Shall I fall unto the ground
And be anchored in my body?
For gone, far away, away, away
Are my colors, hidden from even myself
When they shall return I do not know
Only knowing that they did go
Just out of reach, out of sight
Leaving me with nothing
To hold surely and tight
To save my soul from
This endless night.

- July 19th, 2022
Jay Martinez
Jay M Feb 2020
The colors of the sky
They vary, so wild
One base color
A light, calm blue
O what a wonderful hue
We are all someone's child
And at one point or another, we all cry

The other colors of the sky
I know not why
But there are so many
Things moving, fast as the spinning of a penny
Purple, yellow, orange, green,
Red, pink, white, blue, black,
Electric blue, maroon, indigo,
Violet, scarlet, gold, navy,
Aqua, mint, burgundy,
Fusha, midnight, cream,
Neon pink, neon green,
Neon blue, neon yellow,
Any and all colors you can think of
Moving up there, before my eyes
I tell no lies

These shapes, lines, and things I see
O, how can they be?

Somewhat faded
Some more pronounced
They came in, unannounced
It looks like some faraway place was raided
And the loot was spilled into the sky
I know not why
But it simply is

Circles, squares, rectangles,
Squiggling lines, moving all about
Things that resemble amoebas
Looking almost like oil and water mixed on a sidewalk
About this strange thing, I could talk
For so long
Is it so wrong?

Something so wonderful and obscure
If there were one, I would not want a cure

Some see them
As I do
It appears to be a field with a gem
Up above me
But what about you?

- Jay M
February 5, 2020
I see weird shapes and squiggles in the sky when I look up at it. Is that weird? Someone told me it could be a stigma with my eyes, or something like that. Hope you enjoy. Might edit this, to make it feel to be grasped, but not exactly. Ah, the joys of writing.
Jay M Oct 2021
A smooth fluidity,
A delicate touch,
Nothing but tranquility
Nothing is too much

A voice so soft
An energy so sweet
Lying in the grass
In the shade, avoiding heat

Scent so alluring
Lulling into sleep
Here there isn't a need to weep
A hand reassuring
Dreams reccurring

Come, rest here
One calls, ever near
Rest here and sleep,
My darling dear,
Do not weep,
Rest, and sleep.

- Jay M
October 1st, 2021
Comfort, something I'm glad to have. Again, in my journal.
Jay M Sep 2019
With hopes risen
So high
They'll find a way
Your heart will bleed

Though not much
To him
For me it was
My chance to prove
My intentions to
The one I care for.

- Jay M
September 10th, 2019
Jay M Sep 2021
A gathering of souls,
A collision of culture
A place of safety
Where voices are heard

As I sit, sharing in the wealth of life
Sharing in the stories
I wonder how we all got here
How we all came to be this great family
Not bound by blood, but belief
In one another

Throughout the days gone by
And the obstacles we have all faced
Through the hardships,
Through the happiest of days,
I am here among them
Together we stand
Unified, as one

We all come from different places
All to remain here
With those we hold most dear
Here, this unity
Is our little community

- Jay M
September 26th, 2021
Had to write a lyrical poem for my Creative Writing class, and I thought I would pick the topic of community.
Jay M Dec 2021
Companionship, or solitude?
To be together, or alone?
To have and to hold
The company of others
Share in their warm embrace,
Or to have and to hold
None but yourself,
Keep the lone flame burning
Hoping to stay warm?

While, in times,
Solitude may be needed,
It should not be forever
Throughout the seasons, throughout the weather
Do not leave me in solitude forever,
Growing in yearning for your company,
To have and to hold,

- Jay M
December 9th, 2021
Jay M Mar 2019
You may break me,
You may lie to my face,
But never, never harm my friends.
Whether it be in the physical,
Or mental form,
None shall come to them,
You shan’t lay a mere finger upon them.

If you dare, consequence shall find you,
Hunt you down as though you were prey,
Maybe you should pray,
If you wish not to perish at my hand.

I’ll always chase you for your lies,
There’s really no escaping until I die,
You must brace for battle in the night,
It’s merely a game of waiting,
The return of the ******,
The torturer shall become the deceased,
Join them now; such is your fate,
If you dare bring harm upon my friends.

- Jay M
December 13th, 2018
Jay M Aug 2019
As I sit here,
Alone in my own thoughts,
I cannot help but wonder;
Am I ever truly alone?
No, I dare not say,
Alas, if I do not,
I fear my heart may explode,
Shattering me into a million pieces,
As my soul cries out in bewailment.

- Jay M
September 6th, 2018
A little older, but here it is.
Jay M Jun 2019
I'm only human
Aren't I?

I clean
I care
I run about
Like a headless chicken
For what?

Knives in my heart
In my back
Protruding from my legs
That have ran miles
And will walk
Thousands more

Was it worth the fight?
Living, I mean
Living with no defense
But your own fists
Turned upon yourself?

No, I suppose not
Even so
Here I stand
Never to release it
Into the open air
So innocent
Until I breathe
Into the vastness
Polluting it
Making it harder and harder to breathe...

- Jay M
June 22nd, 2019
Jay M Mar 2019
Rain patters lightly out the window behind us,
The transparent white curtains,
A dark rug,
Filled with little vines of dark yellows, reds, and greens,
So soft, and so familiar,
Pillows up against the wall by the window,
Pillows off to the right by the wall,
All different;
Save for two.

These two pillows,
The memories they store,
This could be a thing of lore,
Or a thing of bore.

Sequins of ruby on one side,
Sequins of sapphire on the other,
Constantly, some are scattered on the opposite side,
Done by one so mischievous,
Done by one so magnificent,
One whom I hold dear,
Whom I shall never reveal.

We sit there, in this corner,
Under the window,
Rain pattering outside,
Soothing, and familiar,
The scent of them, faint but there,
Soothing and familiar as well.

Sitting so closely,
The light dim,
We smile and simply enjoy the moment,
A moment thought only to be of fantasy,
Yet here we are,
In this moment shared,
So generously spared.

There we were,
Soon there again we shall be,
Not soon, but in time,
Returning to that place again,
Beneath that window,
Those curtains,
The pillows and rug,
The many different,
And the two alike,
Them always messing them up,
Irritating me, yet satisfying me,
Making me thus content.

- Jay M
March 22nd, 2019
Jay M Jan 2021
Sky of grey
Clouds of palest hue
There are many things I wish to say
Great and small, all for you

Imaginably soft
Compared to cotton fluff
Gazed upon from a dusty loft
Full of old trinkets and stuff

Gifts hidden away
Cards and letters bound to stay
Beneath layers of time
Next to paintings of yellow and lime

Cobwebs left by content spiders
To be gazed upon by curious writers
Moved on for better prey
Webs left to be cleaned on an unseen day

- Jay M
January 13th, 2021
Jay M Aug 2019
Every day
Consumed by the wonders
The rabbit-hole
Never to surface again
For I am curious
And forever that shall be.

- Jay M
August 26th, 2019
Jay M Apr 2020
Life is a mystery
Solved by living through each day
Picking and choosing each little thing you do
To hopefully come out the way you dream
Even though oftentimes reality is ugly
So unfair and we yearn for things to stay
Remain and not bid us adieu
Things heat up, water to steam
In the night, people scream
Some with delight, others of fright
Some real, some making a foolish deal

Up is right and down is left
South is east and north is west
Stalking about like a major theft
Doing it's very, very best
Throwing a stone in the lake
But it comes back and in its wake
Rush toward the shore twenty more

None hear the cries of the unsure
But discover the corpses of their mistakes
Pondering what could have happened
When there were witnesses a plenty
All spewing acidic lies to disfigure
The twisted thing they could never cure

Life gives and takes
As an ocean pushes and pulls
Metal above a candle blackened
Polished to be shiny, like new

A mother lulls her child
Tells it to calm, no more to be wild
Look to the sky, as it changes hue
Does that not calm a restless soul?

Rolling clouds, endless expanse that is the sky
Some beg and plea and ask it why
But the answer they seek is not in the great vastness overhead
Or in the miles of earth and life underfoot
It's within oneself, and in those you meet
Find it, and embrace it
Don't stop searching
Especially if you're uncertain what you're searching for.

- Jay M
April 17th, 2020
Ramblings and thoughts.
Jay M Dec 2020
I curse thy name
The one whom dare
To attempt in severing the string
Of red, tender loving fate
Stretching beyond the realm of reason
To bind a pair in eternal bliss
Oh what a test,
What a test of such lengths!

I curse thy name
The one whom dared
Allow me entry into their abode
Only to be cast away
Nevermore to return
To thy fortress of cold stone

I curse thy name
Oh maiden of faces
Viper in disguise of garden snake
Venom dripping from thy cruel tongue
Perhaps poisoning not only thine enemies
But those held ever so dear and near
To thine jagged pit of a heart

I curse thy name
The one whom dare
Not seek the existing truth
Offered to thee in full
Ever so stubborn, as a bull

Perhaps things may become peaceful
All to one day be clear as crystal
If yee only wished it so
Perhaps we could let it go
If the other could but understand
What the other holds in their hand?

- Jay M
December 15th, 2020
Something I dreamt about. How strange...
Jay M May 2019
Musing through memories
For all I wish I could say

Yet when I hear the news
I cannot choose
So I act
I laugh
I say I am happy...

But the truth is;
I am in shock
How can this be?

I know
It's been 2 years
But even so
Can you do so?

Carry out the vows
This could be your last chance
Please make her happy
Please stay with her
If that's what you
Both of you

I'm scared of what's inside my head
Don't make me right
Lost in a sea of doubt
Don't let me find out
What lies ahead
Unless it's good for me

What if
The game I always play
In my head

You are both so happy
And make a choice
Will I have a voice?

You agree
Will it be a gift
Or a curse?

Will it destroy us
Or make us grow stronger
As a family?

I'm your baby girl
I want to see you smile
Do what feels right for you

But please,
Make it right

You only have one shot
Please don't throw it all away
Make this one count
Stay with her all your life
Make her the queen
Because no king deserves to be alone

If you love her
That much
Then go get her
But don't stop loving her
Take care of her
This time...

- Jay M
May 7th, 2019
My dad proposed to his girlfriend that he's been with for 2 years. He told me this morning, and I'm shocked. I hope they are happy, and that he has the best life with her.
Jay M Sep 2019
All are dancing slowly
This masquerade
A gala
All is in great discord
Among the orchestra
One is out of tune
None seem to care
To hear the broken melody
See the chip in the stone

Cover it up
With a little paint
None shall tell
Besides the meek little pup
Soon it shall faint
One shall yell
While the rest
Ring, ring, ring the bell
Dancing in discord
To the broken melody

Pulling out a flask
‘Neath the rows
Folk chatter and ask,
“Isn’t something off?”
While the other throws,
“Neigh!” then one does quaff

Shine a light
Alone the floor
Hold one tight
For one shall sing no more
Grasp it
So one may not fall
That she would not permit
Not a’tall

Sing, sober dream
Whisper your whims
Through a beam
On a limb
The lullaby
Child doth cry
Sing, sober dream
Sing, sing,
For ‘tall must end
One day.

- Jay M
September 12th, 2019
Jay M Dec 2020
Cracked and torn
Fuse with a little glue
Paint on a little green and blue
Give it a better view

Strings of new
Invisible fiber
Pulled up
Move without care
Move without dare
Dance of the puppet

Pirouette in the dark
Where the stars disappear
Dip low
Give it a swing
Right back up with a ring
Of a distant ear

Without cause or fear
There is nothing here
Upon this great stage
Besides a delicate doll
Dress it up and pull the strings
Letting ghosts and things
Haunt and torment
Oh the lament

Far below
Ice and stone
Chained beneath the surface
Oh how it ever does flow
Far above
Restricting movement
In the frigid waters

What is unseen
Left unspoken
Is hence unknown
Lost to the abyss
Of all that falls away

- Jay M
December 14th, 2020
Jay M May 2022
I'm in love with death
Its warm embrace
Carry my soul away
Leave behind a cold
Lifeless trace
As tears flow
Down my face
Please, my dear,
Dance with me
In this night
Take me away
From this empty
Desolate place
Let me dance
Dance with death

- Jay M
May 6th, 2022
Jay M Mar 2022
Dance with me
To the call of the moon
To the beckon of the wind
To the sway of the breeze
To the beat of our hearts

Dance with me
To the flow of river streams
To the falling of the rain
To the tumbling of leaves
To the shuddering of tree branches
To the whims of the mind

Dance with me
Together we shall see
All that which surrounds
May influence humanity
The cacophony of sounds
Trace along the lines of the mad
And strangeness of sanity
The marriage of realities
The conjunction of thoughts
Blended to unfathomable perfection

A balance more delicate than petals
Of a dried, wilted flower
Yet still full of life
Full of pigment

When it lives,
None then lament
For even if its destination is clear
A fate set in stone
It is never expected
Until the final breath
Is wearily drawn.

- Jay M
March 15th, 2022
Listen, and you too shall know as I do.
Jay M Mar 2019
He’s coming.
Rage, hate, steaming,
Hunting you down,
As though you were prey,
Though you thought you knew,
You were wrong,
We all were...
Danger, that’s what it is,
He is.

Think you have the upper hand?
He will never be satisfied,
Not unless it’s his way,
Its way or no way,
Run away,
If you can.

Hope he doesn’t follow you,
I’ll protect you,
Hide you away,
"Just leave us be!"
Would be my plee,
But I doubt it would listen
Like a hurricane of devastation,
Destroying all in its path,
Get away if you can,
Run from Danger.

- Jay M
September 11th, 2018
Jay M Apr 2020
There are some days
When I wake up
And feel

N o t h i n g

Even the sun's rays
Cannot touch the cup
That lies in my mind
Waiting for me to find
Something real

Take a step, when I land my heel
Each time it touches the earth below me
Something calls my attention
Like the buzzing of a bee
As I look about I notice tension
All throughout my body
Fear courses through my veins
And is embodied in sound
Footsteps echoing upon the ground
Reminders of great pains
Slipping through my fingers again like grains
To pour down like powerful rains
From an unforgettable storm

Sit by the fire
Keeping me warm
Cut the wire
Sever it, block it out
To no avail
Error, fail
Cannot shake it
Louder than any shout
Not one bit

Smother the screams
Throw on a smile
Don't let the darkness bleed through
Hold your tongue
Not all is as it seems
Walk about a mile
Understand what you thought you knew
Remember that song they sung
Those pretty little liars in your head
How they would fill you with dread
Well, they're all in your head
So don't give them a voice
Shut them up
And put on a smile
Act like they didn't spill that pretty little cup
The oasis in your head
Is simply that
So wear a waterproof hat

Atomic seconds to seconds
Seconds to minutes
Minutes to hours
Hours to days
Days to weeks
Weeks to months
Months to years
Years to decades
Decades to centuries
Centuries to millennium
Going eventually to eternity
But the reality of it is;
All that's passed is a few minutes

Not all is as it seems
Maybe Poe had it right;
Maybe all we see or seem,
Is but a dream within a dream

Reality is whatever we shape it to be for ourselves
Some feel the have lost that control
To shape their reality
When the answer is right in front of them
Day after day;

You shape your own reality
So long as it follows all of the rules, of course
That bind together our lovely little world
Ridden with horror and beauty alike
Only time can help reveal which is which
And what is real or false
A picture or what's true.

- Jay M
April 20th, 2020
Looked through my list of words, and picked three in a row for a title. The poem is based on the title.
Jay M Mar 2019
Through days eternal,
Memories fly past,
Lost among empty thoughts,
Clouding my mind like rain.

Drip, drop, these poisons won't stop,
Forevermore intoxicating my freedom.
Making me weaker until I can move no more,
Even a breath, or simple movement,
All require drawn strengthen,
Reserved deep within.

- Jay M
December 10th, 2018
Jay M Jan 2021
They come and go
Shuffle to and fro
A part of each
Never quite letting go

Many to come
Each one so unpredictable
Dragging on like textbooks in a bag
Get through, page by page
And drop it in the sands
Of ever shifting times

Shaking hands cannot catch a chilled breath
Freezing in this frigid space
That has become undisturbed
Only shadows dance
Memories of a relaxed stance
Only to remain as such
And nothing more

Once sweet, bringing comfort and ease
Now bittersweet, an ache yearning to cease
Turn back to the sweet, blissful things they are meant to be
Oh dear mind, let it be

A single ray of light
Shines in the distance
Miles away
Alas, the shackles that bind
Have only one key
Far away with the light

Patience is a challenge
Taken on, bring it on
A well worn promise
A tender memory
A heart waiting to be whole
Patience is many things
Tested over and over through time
To only possibly be shown what lies beyond
Waiting at the other end

- Jay M
January 4th, 2021
Patience is hard, but I'm sure it'll be worth it.
Jay M May 2019
Rushing around
Trying to do what makes me happy
Yet I forget
Having to rush back and forth
Get it
Come back

Here we go
Diving into a world only we know
All different
Yet together for the fate of the land
Friends to the end

Smiling throughout
Cheers and hoots
Down with those evil *******!
On we go!

Battling for a while
Then peace
Then, battle once more
Then stopping at a cliff hanger
Hugs, talks
Then off we go
To meet again in the days to come

- Jay M
May 9th, 2019
I've been playing for about a month or longer, and I love it.
Jay M Apr 2019
Here I stand,
Helpless and left for dead,
Larva crawling across my skin,
Eating away my eyes,
In this world so cold..

Feeling those cold, dead eyes,
Stealing this life of mine.

My soul wants to go home,
But it's tethered,
Chained to this shell,
Unable to be released until
The shells final dawn.

So far,
Yet growing ever closer,
Through each passing day,
Reminding me to make each one count,
Yet, to what amount?

In the end,
Will it matter
What good I did?
'Cause I know my sins are too strong,
Probably outweighing the good deeds.

Potential deity, fate,
Please ease my pain,
Please tell me there's a happy ending...

- Jay M
April 3rd, 2019
Jay M Oct 2021
Apathy, oh dear apathy
How I suffered slowly
Heart so lonely
Even safe in their arms
Your coldest embrace
Hides my tear-stained face
Save me from the shell
From the nothing I have become

Dear apathy, dear apathy
My heart rings lowly
An echoless bell,
A great empty shell,
Ever trapped in the greatest of hells

Why you come to me I do not know
For you cover my soul and call it home
Shelter me from the rain in my head
Even when I wake from my shivering bed

There is no more dread
There is no more pain
Not sorrow nor aching
Only nothing again
Nothing but numb
What have I become?
What have I...become?

Dear apathy
Even when I should be happily
Joyously so
You refuse to go
Oh the great things that you know…

Dear apathy, dearest apathy
My heart, it suffered slowly
Until you came to me
Took me into your embrace
You shelter my tear-stained face
From all of this disgrace
That has become me…
Whatever am I to be,
With or without you
My dearest apathy?

My dearest apathy
I suffered so slowly
Heartstrings, tear and fray
For indescribable reasons I stay
Even whilst they play
Ever so lowly

There is no echo, no ring or sound
There is no song, no feeling at all
There is no care, not a bit in the world
For I have given all I have to give
In this great life that I live
I give and I give…
Until I can no more
Until I can no more
My heart opens the door…
It opens the door
Welcoming you into my coldest embrace

Dear apathy, you came for me
When I needed you most
I was but your host,
A wailing ghost
Until you came to me…
Now my greatest emotions
The vastest of oceans
They rest, now
They leave me be…
Since you have come to me
They leave me be…

Dear apathy, dear apathy…
These times you come to me
Shelter me, hold me to be
Lulled into your coldest of arms
Silence the alarms
Out with the candle
Out with me…
And welcome, dearest apathy

- Jay M
October 11th, 2021
I have been in and out of a state of apathy since Friday evening. I finally willed myself to write this song, this great poem.
Jay M Dec 2021
Dearest S----, you hold my heart steadfast. It is as though thou hath cast thy spell here; within this blaze that is mine humble soul. Thine embrace is a comfort eternal; yours a shelter for my quivering self. Sing, darling dream, thy song, thine melody; 'tis the sweetest nectar upon mine ears.

- Jay M
December 27th, 2021
How love makes a poets heart sing.
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