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Jul 2018 · 2.0k
My body&looks
Samantha Marie Jul 2018
I have learned from a young age that I would attract a certain kind of attention. Prepped for the stares I would receive for being more well endowed in the areas that spark lust in men. From a youthful age sexualized, only sought after for one purpose. One glance and thoughts are shifted to fantasy. Never asked about feelings or emotions, just questioned about how I can satisfied needs. I am only looked at as a fun time never a long time. They all believe that because I look a certain way, that I must have all these men in my bed, and that I am only in their presence for pleasure. My sanity is often questioned, once they realize that I am not a seducer or temptress that falls in to the hands of multiple men. But they also have the mentality to wonder why someone like myself is distant, guarded and closed off.
(Looks gone to waste in their eyes, tainted in my own)
I have never learned self love in my life, still haven't
I have had multiple voices telling me how I should look, what I should show or not to show, how I should use these(looks)
My body& looks have never felt like my own, they are loved by many but hated by the keeper.
Jul 2018 · 703
Lying to Myself
Samantha Marie Jul 2018
I miss you but I do not wish to be with you
Maybe to relive my best memories of us is all I wish
Knowing we had something special and seeing us vanish
was my biggest sorrow
Our ending turned spiteful
I miss you but I do not wish to be with you
Maybe to relive my best memories of us is all I wish
I revisit my fondest moments of us as a sleep-aid
Hopefully triggering dreams to be fulfilled
before we ceased to exist
Jul 2018 · 1.2k
He's Not You
Samantha Marie Jul 2018
I knew from the start when his good morning and goodnight texts never had the word beautiful with heart eyes unlike yours never without
Why didn't I notice sooner that I would never fall for him the way I fell for you
I should have known when most of our conversations ended with arguments, that he was never the one
Unlike yours and mine filled with laughter every minute
I should have known when I never smiled at the sight of his name on my phone. . .forced feelings
But when your name appeared on my phone my day was filled with undeniable happiness
I should have known when he never made me feel special
I still remember the paragraph you had once sent me
Explaining how I changed your life and how it had no meaning before you met me
All I get from him is criticism for every little thing I do wrong in his eyes
He would never amount to you, to what we had
I doubt anyone ever will
I am wrong and only hurting myself trying to find you in others
Its been awhile, to long
To many held in emotions

I search his eyes for the slightest hint of you but you are a hidden gem
Samantha Marie Dec 2017
"I actually feel sorry for you, because I feel like you wanted a relationship with me but couldn't admit it"

You were right my love, I regret never opening up to you. I was always to afraid that you would realize I was never truly what you wanted. I did not want to be hurt by someone I cared for so much, but in the end I just hurt the both of us.
Sometime Before 11/10/17
Those words are forever embedded in my thoughts, harsh truthful words from the man I never could admit my love for.
Dec 2017 · 554
I miss you
Samantha Marie Dec 2017
I still miss you
I still live in the memories of us
The wonderful times we shared together linger on the nights I am loneliest
But the image of you is starting to fade
and I do not know whether to be relived or sadden
8 months since I've last seen you
3 months since I've last spoken to you
Dec 2017 · 1.8k
Samantha Marie Dec 2017
They tell me the things I crave to hear
I'm hesitant every time knowing that it is all *******
I hold back as much as possible, but still give in I am only human
Thinking this time will be different, I was wrong
I am always wrong
Leaving an unfamiliar home mascara stains under my eyes
Residue of a wiped off sticky white substance on my chest
Lighting my cigarette a habit I had given up months ago
Crying because he was the same as all the others even though he stated over and over again he was not, and how he wanted to change my perception of men but he was one of them from the start
Inhaling each drag along with a a memory of the ones before
They always give so much affection and admiration until they got what they intended when they first laid eyes on you but it is now replaced with cold distant replies
They can not all be the problem right? So I guess the problem has always been me
I am used to their lies and games
But i am only human and crave being wanted
They are similar to cigarettes easily crave able but deadly and hurtful at the same time
Nov 2017 · 340
Samantha Marie Nov 2017
I write to you often, I have multiple goodbye letters
Expressing the the things I was never able to say
How I actually started falling for you
Saw a future with you, I regret not letting you know that you meant something to me.
I also write letters of hate towards you, asking why you chose me, was I a joke to you, did you just want me for lust, was it all a lie.
I write you letters on how much I miss you, even though you hurt me I still miss you.

I write to you with no intention of ever showing you
I guess this is another letter for you
Nov 2017 · 340
Samantha Marie Nov 2017
My wrists ache
They ache as tears flow from tired eyes
My chest hurts
It hurts from lack of air, too much air all at once
My heart beats the faintness of beats
It beats with no purpose
My thoughts have been overcome
Overcome with sadness
I am weak and only becoming weaker
There is not enough strength in me to carry on
Nov 2017 · 255
Three Words
Samantha Marie Nov 2017
"Don't say anything stupid" I whispered

.  .  .  "I love you" were his next words
Three simple words said but I can't seem to decipher the meaning
Stupid because who would ever love me, or stupid because you fell in love with me
Nov 2017 · 521
Samantha Marie Nov 2017
Sadness is nothing new to me
I am dealing with depression
Emptiness has a home in my chest
Negativity has found comfort in my head
Both permanent residences
I now have a new sadness to welcome
This sadness leaves an aching pain in my heart
An ache that is refusing to leave
Sadness is nothing new to me
You are the ache, my heart break
The reason I cry these days
I guess disappointment is nothing new either
Oct 2017 · 459
Samantha Marie Oct 2017
Everything I did was for you
It was all for you
But you hurt me
Why did you hurt me
You stopped caring
Why can't I stop caring
You left me broken
Are you happy seeing me broken
If offered a chance to erase my memories of you
I would agree in a heartbeat
Not ever knowing you has to be better than being hurt by you
Oct 2017 · 378
Samantha Marie Oct 2017
I cannot tell what hurts more these days
My depression or being left with a broken heart
Everything is meaningless without you
Things don't matter like they used to anymore
Oct 2017 · 465
His Flower
Samantha Marie Oct 2017
he held the flower in his hands admired its beauty and scent
realizing it was the one for him he plucked it calling it his own
not knowing each petal combined made the beauty he admired
so he plucked one by one till there was nothing left for him
the beauty was no longer there in his eyes the once beautiful flower was no longer valued and thrown out while he admired another to his liking
holding on to the flower so much it becomes bruised and wilted at the ends
plucking the petals leaving them to fall and rot on the floor tossing what remains as garbage repeating your ways on the next "beauty" you seek
Oct 2017 · 238
Samantha Marie Oct 2017
I'm often seen as the fling
A one night only type of girl
The type they brag about and pursue as a sport
Only for them when they are looking for a good time
They crave the exterior but never stay long enough to see the interior
Always short term never long term
I have only ever wanted someone to truly care
To been seen more than a one night stand
Oct 2017 · 575
Samantha Marie Oct 2017
Its that type of night
thoughts of you appear stronger than usual
making me numb and my heartache unbearably
crying while I curse your name to the wind
repeating "I hate you" to the darkness of my room
hating the fact that I could never have what we had again
I miss you so much
I have never missed anyone as much as you
1 month since I have broken down over you
I relapsed
Oct 2017 · 845
That Day
Samantha Marie Oct 2017
Hands entwined perfectly
Fingers tracing the fine lines of my palms
Our stares not once abandoning one another
Lips briefly caressing every moment possible
Words were hardly spoken our presence of each other was enough for both of us

Then I blinked
and it was all but a haunting memory again
That day was the best day to happen to me
But it turned out to be a tormenting memory
I can not shake
I wish more than anything I can forget you and that memory
Oct 2017 · 527
Samantha Marie Oct 2017
Because they denied the love, it did not stop being persistant
Making it impossible not to fall
Making it inevitable to miss the person who did not give up  
Leaving an unavoidable overwhelming heartbreak
It is impossible to count how many times I pushed you away
but you remained
only leaving once I was finally able to trust and accept you
Oct 2017 · 573
Samantha Marie Oct 2017
You were my knight fighting off my darkness, allowing my light to shine. I was in awe about how you gifted me with happiness, when I myself could never create my own happiness. You broke me down and exposed the only will I had to be alive. Being my knight was only a facade to the antihero you truly were. You left me unprotected and alone, darkness has completely taken over, returning stronger and shattering my will to live.
Your physical presence is not required to agonize me, you left me mentally ****** up
Oct 2017 · 309
One Thing
Samantha Marie Oct 2017
They have only ever wanted me for one thing my whole life
I have closed myself off and made myself unapproachable
I am emotionless and resent having feelings thinking they are wrong
Because they have only ever wanted one thing
Till this day they only want one thing
Never giving me true affection
Just one thing
But I give in because that is all I ever did
Too young to know just how damaging that one thing can be
Old enough to know that it has ruined me
Oct 2017 · 536
Samantha Marie Oct 2017
You and I are alike in a way
Both used each other heartlessly and ruthlessly
But in a very different clashing type of manner
I was used to satisfy desire and passion burning within
You were used as an attempt to fill voids of emptiness
Along the way my intentions were altered
Yours remained the same
That is when we grew apart
And I fell apart
We were just two people who used each other
How else would you describe a relationship
Oct 2017 · 1.0k
Samantha Marie Oct 2017
When I heard the word romanticized
I questioned everything
I wondered if we were less then what I thought
Did I break my own heart?
I need to stop reliving our old memories
I bring this torture upon myself by living in the past
Sep 2017 · 475
Samantha Marie Sep 2017
Men ruined intimacy for me
Something that was supposed to be gratifiying is now tarnished
They have ruined something for me without giving me an option
Numerous intangible things have been taken from me
I am only left with wondering what if it never happened
Sep 2017 · 351
Samantha Marie Sep 2017
I quench my thirst for you by gulping down our conversations
Nourishing my drought of your vacancy  
The contents are known to be pernicious to my mind
No matter the amount of harmful liquid I absorb
I am still left feeling parched
Requiring more
Please cut off all contact with me, I am to weak to ignore you,
dumb for replying to you, lonely enough not to block you
I need you to end things, because it is pathetic how I crave your attention
Sep 2017 · 470
Samantha Marie Sep 2017
You can't tell me these things , you just can't
The simple meaningless words you tell me
They mean everything to me
I will pick them apart and hold on to everybit
knowing they are nothing
Knowing it's not what it seems
But for someone like me your words mean the world to me
It's hard for me to distinguish the lies in your so called truth
I tell myself it is all a hoax
but I'm still falling for it
I used to be the most cautious when it came to loves dangerous game
but you made me reckless
Sep 2017 · 339
There You Are, Here I AM
Samantha Marie Sep 2017
There you are out with your boys
Here I am rereading our text conversations
There you are buying a girl a drink
Here I am going through our old photos
There you are making her laugh
Here I am remembering all the times you made me laugh
There you are taking her to dance
Here I am wishing your hands were holding mine
There you are living it up
Here I am sad
There you are never cared
Here I am looking dumb because I cared to much
It pains me to think you are not left broken like me,
but then again I only ever wanted you to be happy
Sep 2017 · 1.4k
Samantha Marie Sep 2017
I tell myself you were just a crush
But the way I’m hurting & missing you
It was heartbrokenly more than that
I hope my feelings are not unrequited
Sep 2017 · 286
That one feeling
Samantha Marie Sep 2017
I ask you "what is love, explain it to me"
Not trying to be taunting
But because I've never experienced it
I want you to explain the feelings and emotions you encounter
The thoughts that swirl in your love drunk mind
Sep 2017 · 357
my body
Samantha Marie Sep 2017
my body has often been the conversation towards explicitly

my body has been the conversation for my mother
telling me a guy my age will be intimidated they will never like me or how she could take me to Vegas or the corner to make money

my body has been the conversation of men
at the age of eleven being cat called as a twenty year old
in the 6th grade having boys grab me or look under my skirt

my body has been the conversation of teachers and peers
not being allowed to were similar clothing due to my curves
"it may be distracting to others" they say
"what size are those things" from my classmates

my body has been the conversation many times
it no longer feels like mine to claim
words/actions stripped me from self worth and left me with self hatred, no longer wanting what everyone has a piece of
Sep 2017 · 316
Samantha Marie Sep 2017
It amazes me how easily you lie
It  has become fluent to you
A second language you have perfected
Every word spoken with smooth deception
Were your lies so absolute that I fell for them
or was I to blind to notice the obvious?
Once he got what pleased him
I was left unveiling all the lies he told
Bothered by how I can be so naive
Sep 2017 · 281
More than sadness
Samantha Marie Sep 2017
Distressed with enough built up pain to hurt any who come near
Sobbing from dusk to dawn at the conclusion I will never be able to accomplish happiness
When others are deep in slumber I demand for it to end
Or wishing it never began
Yearning to feel that pain to divert the hidden pain
Content with the thought of vanishing without a trace
I cringe knowing this can all happen again
Sep 2017 · 381
Through your eyes
Samantha Marie Sep 2017
I see myself through your eyes
I do not blame you for wanting that slender frame I will never be
That natural beauty you seek when you concentrate on my bland features
You crave getting lost in a mesmerizing smile when all I offer you is a mediocre expression
You wonder if the next will captivate you with a charm I was never able to accomplish

Do you compare me as I compare myself
In my eyes they are far more desirable than I ever will ever be
Do our eyes witness the same insecure girl
Are you counting the minutes
till you relive me as your burden
and keep me as a past mistake
Samantha Marie Sep 2017
Wake up
Take a sleeping pill
Do it all over again
Sleeping is nice
It keeps me from my thoughts
Sep 2017 · 468
Get over it
Samantha Marie Sep 2017
"Get over it"  . . .  Its not that easy
"Move on"  . . .  I've tried
"Let it go" . . . It is apart of me
"If it was me I would be happy"  . . . Impossible with my thoughts
"Think positive"  . . . I try everyday
"The past does not define you"  . . . It haunts me
"If you just think differently"  . . . If only my mind allows me to
Enlightening words from a friend who has never know depression
Whose mind is right
A friend who has no sickness holding them back from life
Something sane people do not fathom
Those who do simply do not "get over it"
Sep 2017 · 434
Samantha Marie Sep 2017
It is 3:27 A.M.
We just ended a three hour call
This was the first time hearing your voice in 6 months
You said my name like old times
Like we never ended
We talked effortlessly
But only about your wants and needs
That is what I've always been here for right
Your call was nothing more than an attempt for a late night hookup
But for me it was a slap to the face
The sound of your voice hit me like a ******* train
A repercussion of memories appeared stronger than ever
Does it bring you pleasure to trifle with my feelings
I tell myself to hate you
But you know more than anyone that will never happen
Because I am wrapped around your finger
Not knowing how to set myself free
I deleted your contact from my phone
but I recognize the last numbers
I had to take a couple breaths
Before I allowed myself to get tangled in your word
Sep 2017 · 982
His white truck
Samantha Marie Sep 2017
Sweat trickles down her forehead and down the back of her neck
His chest glistens with sweat accumulated over the past two hours
Hands grasping at his broad shoulders towering over her
Breaths have become shorter and moans have become longer
Legs dangled over the leather car seats
Thighs spread as far apart as they allow her
He bites her bottom lip mixing pain with pleasure
Their hot breaths fogging up the windows
Bodies harmonizing perfectly with each others movements
Till they have drained each others energy
He lays his head on her bare stomach
Dozing off to the sound of her breathing reducing to normal
Her hands run through his hair
She wondered how she allowed herself to enable this behavior
After all he was only supposed to give her a ride home from work
The date was 4/23/17
You kissed me goodnight
Little did we both know it was also a kiss goodbye
Sep 2017 · 2.3k
Our converstation
Samantha Marie Sep 2017
"Do you miss me" he asked

"Define miss" . . . yes

"I miss you" he repeated

"You don't miss me your just bored" . . . I miss you too

"I'm serious I miss you, there's something about you I like"

"You want me to say I miss you and then what" . . . You know its hard for me to forget you

"Then we unmiss each other by you coming over"

. . .  you haven"t changed
Stop tormenting me
Sep 2017 · 420
Samantha Marie Sep 2017
I detest your creation,
despise the thought of you,
loath your existence,
resent your continuous.
But you and I know that is the untruth
Sep 2017 · 459
Why ?
Samantha Marie Sep 2017
Why do you chose to hurt me?
Why do you say I mean so much to you?
Why do you say you need me?
Why do you lie to me?
Why me?
You tell me lies
But do I really want to hear the truth
Am I strong enough for it?
Aug 2017 · 319
You are
Samantha Marie Aug 2017
You are
The influence to my writings
Creator of my sadness
Author of my heartbreak
My muse for it all
It's all for you
Aug 2017 · 569
Lost girl
Samantha Marie Aug 2017
"Never say goodbye
because goodbye means going away
and going away means forgetting."
How I yearn for Peter Pans words to be true
When you said goodbye
I wanted nothing more than to forget you
I cried every night wanting the memory of you to vanish
Wishing we had never met
Hoping I never gave you a chance
But to this day
Months after your goodbye
I am waiting to forget you
But I am miserably failing
The only thing left are the images of you
Your smile
The way you softly touched my hand
My hair wrapped around your fingers
When will I forget?
Aug 2017 · 333
Downside of My Daydreams
Samantha Marie Aug 2017
I am risky but not in the way you think
I spend most of my time in my mind
Thinking of scenarios that will never happen
Living a made up life that is unobtainable
I do not deserve that life
And that will never change
But spending time in that place is risky
Almost dangerous
With all the negativity
I should be avoiding my mind
But I am ****** into its trap
It tortures me by dangling the perfect normal life in front of me
Only to light it on fire
Worsening my depression
A ruse set by depression
Dreaming of my parallel universe
It is nothing more than a hoax
Only pulling me from reality to leave me with my sadness
Aug 2017 · 301
The End of Me
Samantha Marie Aug 2017
The words that slip from your lips
Fill my mind like oxygen to the lungs
Needing every bit of it to feel alive
The words consume me
They are what I live for
And in that moment
I feel treasured . . .
Wanted almost
But the horrific truth comes to light
The words once used to bring me bliss
Burn my mind with arsenic
Leaving me numb
Deceit hidden in ideal utterance was all it took
To end me
It hurts me knowing your words held no importance to you
because they meant the world to me
You meant the world to me
And the sad truth is
I forgive you
Despite it all
I miss you.
Aug 2017 · 299
My mind
Samantha Marie Aug 2017
The mind is powerful
It can be an inventor
A doctor
An artist
The list is neverending
But my mind is different than most
It is the master of twisting happiness into sadness
Love into hate
Light to dark
Joy into pain
It enjoys watching me suffer
It thrives on my misery
They say misery loves company but I refuse to let those around me be ****** into my personal hell so in the meantime I will keep my mind company and condone it's misery
Aug 2017 · 533
Love at first sight
Samantha Marie Aug 2017
he spots her almost instantly
long black curls blowing with the breeze of each step she takes
her face stern with concern but still impeccably gorgeous
sun kissed skin with a glow that keeps him captivated
lips tainted with a subtle hue of red
he can only imagine his lips against hers
she looks up making eye contact for a brief moment
leaving him breathless
all he can comprehend at the moment are her stunning eyes  
eyes that have the ability to ****** him with each gaze
almond shaped with an entrapped light brown
she was the most alluring women he has ever seen
but she will never know of his admiration or thoughts towards her
for she has now left his sights with no trace of continued presence
Someone may be noticing you
but you are to concerned about a person who notices someone else
Aug 2017 · 475
Depression's war tactic
Samantha Marie Aug 2017
You know its there
You feel it everyday
It holds you hostage from your own life
You try to defeat the control it has on you,
Managing to achieve it
You start to see the light,
Where darkness once reigned
An ending you are at peace with
But it only last a brief moment
Till it disappears  
Depression never ends
Depression has mastered the art of camouflage
Hiding in plain sight
Ready to make its move
Aug 2017 · 263
Samantha Marie Aug 2017
Fall in love
Crash into heartbreak
Breaking a broken heart once over
It may never recover
If I am never the same
remember my heart has taken to many breaks
to function properly
Aug 2017 · 1.3k
When depression hits
Samantha Marie Aug 2017
When it hits me
It comes in stages
Everything will be fine
Then the thoughts flood my mind
They take over me
I start to get numb in the chest
I then lose focus
Only thinking of the thoughts it has brought
There is no way to avoid it
It fills my body till there is no actual life left
An invisible tidal wave
That drowns me with thoughts
Aug 2017 · 534
Behind these walls
Samantha Marie Aug 2017
I act tough
Say I'm heartless
When I'm just hurt
Saying I have no emotion
But I am overwhelmed with it
I say my soul is black
The past has rotted it to nothing
I build walls high enough to keep people out
But have trapped myself inside
Surrounded by the lies I've told to cover up
The fact that I am broken
Never believing the lies just living with the tragic truth
What's behind these walls will ruin anyone
I keep people out in order to save them
But who will save me from the war in my mind
Aug 2017 · 327
Before you
Samantha Marie Aug 2017
Before you, I was a mess on the verge of ending things
You only had one thing in mind like all the others
Hoping I can overcome my weakness
I gave you a chance
You helped for a while,
I thought I was finally normal with these feelings you brought me
But you only wanted what was best for yourself
Never thinking about me
I wish you never tried,
You left me in a bigger mess than I was before you
Leaving me alone would have kept me sane
But it's not like I had mattered to you
Aug 2017 · 397
Samantha Marie Aug 2017
It was a simple number that meant something to you
And I admired that
You memorized it and it was yours everyday
May 12
You didn't text
You didn't call
You knew
You had to know it was part of our everyday routine
The one person I wanted a birthday wish from
I constantly checked my phone
And I was constantly let down
It hurt me even though I'm the reason we ended
A simple happy birthday
May 12
Also celebrating the day you let me down
Balloons filled with sadness
Cake made with heartbreak
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