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449 · Feb 2020
Kai Feb 2020
Bright colors dance
Pattern of stripes
Swish and flick
Turning about now
When you turn
In motion flowing
Fabric so light
It could fly
Today my therapist was wearing a very cool dress. When she turned it swished and it was full of super bright colors! I kind of want one as well. I don’t think I’m tall enough to pull it off though.
445 · Aug 2019
Kai Aug 2019
you don't want to be alone
cause alone seems to mean
that you will feel lonely

you don't want to be alone
cause they say antisocial
when you love select people

you don't want to be alone
cause not having a lover
isn't accepted by them yet

you don't want to be alone
cause they believe being solo
isn't the right way to go
I had a very interesting midnight session with a friend who has this intrinsic belief that she needs to be with someone to be happy. It's not true, you should be happy by yourself. You don't need to be with someone to not be lonely. Alone doesn't mean lonely.
444 · Sep 2019
Forest Eyes
Kai Sep 2019
I came upon a man
weary now with age
with a deep cracked tan

He looked and told
of the old forest
that reflects ones soul

Is that why I walk
and only see eyes
that follow and stalk

Me through the trees
dark and sunken
as they peer at me
He was an old god. His knowledge was a warning.
424 · Aug 2019
Kai Aug 2019
I'm a loser
no need to scream it at me
I've always known
420 · Sep 2019
a dream
Kai Sep 2019
I may never dream
of anything but green
because I live between
what is supposed to be
and the true reality
of grey dusty skies
and those dark eyes
414 · Aug 2019
Kai Aug 2019
it's still dark out
it's eerie and quiet
still as a grave now
It's so wonderfully spooky in the early morning. when all is still and silent, not a person in sight.
412 · Aug 2019
Kai Aug 2019
you stop and see
that there is more
so much more now
to everyone around

they're not a someone
not a face in the crowd
they have hopes and dreams
struggles and down days

Ever individual
we will ignore
going about life
focused on ours
Sonder is a beautiful word. It means the profound feeling of realizing that everyone, including strangers passed in the street, has a life as complex as one's own, which they are constantly living despite one's personal lack of awareness of it.
409 · Nov 2020
alone in my room
Kai Nov 2020
blue lights
hot teas

cold feet
soft sleeves

quiet room
typing keys
solitude looks different to everyone this is mine
407 · May 2019
Kai May 2019
Love is like seed
you plant it deep in your heart
it might not seem like much
but sure enough it grows

little buds peeking up
roots spreading through your soul
latching on to a connection
and creating a relationship

As the seedling grows
you have to water it gently
not too much not too little
don't suffocate new love

When the flower blooms
it shows all the care you gave it
and pretty petals brighten the room
blossoming in love is the same
406 · Jun 2019
Tea Leaves
Kai Jun 2019
Little dregs in the bottom
forgotten washed out pieces
used and thrown away

Tea leaves have brewed tea
serving their purpose
thus ending their usefulness
What if they were without purposefulness to begin with?
406 · Apr 2019
Kai Apr 2019
an opening for you
somewhere a camera clicks
a passage to my heart

a fissure you went through
the shutter ticks
a hole where you depart

snapping a picture with no frame
an opening, hole, or gap.
401 · Aug 2019
Kai Aug 2019
lurking over us
a mystery a puzzle
an eye that sees all
396 · Sep 2019
Kai Sep 2019
a different love
platonic and familial
but never ******
394 · Dec 2019
Gallows Day
Kai Dec 2019
A rope swings gently in the wind
hanging from an elevated stage
an audience mills below the steps

From a gleaming metal bared window
a young women in plain clothes watches
she sits proper and straight before her fate

They come at dawn clacking with her chains
she holds her head high down the hall
as tears stream down her petite face

The steps are high as they hoist her up
ringing the rope around her fragile neck
the roughness is a promise of darkness

In the crowd she sees her children mourning
Not yet dead she smile at them sadly
and mouths “I’ll always love you”

There is an ominous thump from below
and she struggles in the air hands grasping
too light for the rope to snap her neck

Hours and hours later the crowd gone
she breathes her last breath alone
hanging for something she didn’t do
389 · Dec 2018
Where They Went
Kai Dec 2018
Do you ever wonder where they went?
The artists
The lovers
The inspirational

Where did they go?
To peace
To sleep
To the ground

Do you ever wonder where they went?
The broken
The gone
The ghosts

Why did they leave us here alone?
385 · Jan 2021
Kai Jan 2021
blue, a color to morn
seen as sadness
mistaken for a sign
of the coming sorrow
some simple symbol

blue, a color of comfort
like rain after drought
clear streams bubbling
and oceans swelling with joy

blue, like fireworks
while popping blueberries
and a refreshing drink
under the clear blue sky
382 · Jul 2019
Puzzle Piece
Kai Jul 2019
I'm no puzzle piece
it's not a question
or some problem

I'm a little different
but that's not wrong
I can just be myself

I'm not part of your ideal
I shake, smile, and stutter
and get nervous alone

I'm a lover of many things
just not touching you
or being put into boxes
Sorry for posting so many ASD poems I'm just really frustrated with myself and neurotypicals. I also really hate that puzzle piece symbolism, but blue is my favorite color.
379 · Jul 2019
Kai Jul 2019
emotions bundled up
unstable nuclear reactor
waiting to meltdown
I feel like I'm just waiting in the in between for my next break down.
379 · Jul 2020
Kai Jul 2020
s t  r   e    t     c      h       i         n       g
long corrrrrridors
ache with those
who once

 T                   l
   H                     k
      E                      e
         M                      d

can you hear their echoes coming back?

from so             F A R              away

                    these mirrored halls?
that distorted the truth
                           and their reality?
thinking about the distortion from the TMA podcast...
367 · Oct 2020
buried here
Kai Oct 2020
I sit alone on the floor,
the light blinks in and out.
...or perhaps it is my eyes?
that I cast now over leftwards
to look at the doorway.
Empty, as it always is,
or is now? as it should be.

I feel as though I am floating,
no, I am grounded now.
Chained here to the floor.
My body lays like bones in the ground,
unmoving and crushed by dirt.
heavy and cloying, the smell of earth.
worms dig under my skin,
wriggling parasites in my skull.

Am I decaying? like I once wished.
my thoughts like rot, what else...
but to deteriorate into darkness.
My body lays on the floor,
a useless cadaver as it always was.
I am strung to it by some means,
my ghost lingering on the dead.
Have I not moved on yet?
365 · Jul 2019
Kai Jul 2019
My tired dragging eyes
rubbing sleep out of them
or rubbing deeper in?

An impression of exhaustion
in my sallow skin
or my fragile mind?
363 · Dec 2019
Old Timey Things
Kai Dec 2019
I want the old timey things
from the county to the city
clicking and clacking type
swooping letters in the mail

I want the old timey things
delicate stitches along hems
cuffed and curled hair
skirts whirling and pearls

But most of all I want
that sweet old time love
brush hands and kiss cheeks
sweep your feet up love
361 · Jul 2019
Kai Jul 2019
sitting drinking tea
here wasting away the hours
slumped over my desk
Everything I do feels like a waste of time.
361 · Jun 2019
Kai Jun 2019
Learn a little self-;ove
you're the only one
when you feel undone

Learn to hold yourself above
the crashing waves
you're all that remains

Learn to have the most of
what holds you up
be your own back-up
Remember in the end you're the only one there for yourself. Learn to love yourself just how you are. No matter what they say or how you feel it's all temporary.
358 · May 2019
Tying My Shoes
Kai May 2019
something as simple as trying your shoes
it doesn't seem to be a big deal
but to me who always would refuse
never saw the appeal

until the girl across the street
saw me as she passed through
and looked at both my feet
she said "Let me show you"

she taught me a lot of things
from tying my shoes and riding a bike
to how to jump of the swings
I didn't know then as a tyke

back when I was still so small
that we would grow apart
I would loose them in a loll
the mother that held my heart
I've had many mothers, all of them never having children. I think the first will always influence me the most. Anyway It's really late, but here is my mothers day poem.
354 · May 2019
Kai May 2019
a sweet chime dings
as you walk through the door
you breath in the smell
of cherished tomes
and are drawn in
to a world of possibilities
I love the feeling of vellichor, it is just so enchanting.
342 · Jul 2020
Kai Jul 2020
the soft glow of you
the warmth inside you
that spills out from your skin
like standing in front of the sun
back lit and casting shadows
that comfort those in them
a break from the harsh day
a soft pillowing light
to hold them tightly
Prompt 62: Create a descriptive poem about something that has a soft glow or sheen to it.
342 · Aug 2020
Kai Aug 2020
sweet dripping and lush
in my tea and into me
honey in my veins
341 · Mar 2019
Coffee Breath
Kai Mar 2019
In the morning
rolling over
you smell like daisies

sundays are boring
stretching out
super lazy

percolating bitter gold
pouring it into a mug
you make it sweet

wrapping you in my hold
arms gently hug
you make the morning complete
341 · May 2019
Garden of Evil
Kai May 2019
How can something so sweet be so poisonous
a little petal full of toxins
a flower that feeds on death

How can so many lovely things be deadly
a plant creating scopolamine
a leaf that brews violence
It's all how you use them
they can sit pretty on the sill
or create chaos and unhappiness
340 · Jul 2019
Apple Juice
Kai Jul 2019
glass of apple juice
wonderfully nostalgic
you're sweet and smooth
I drank a lot of apple juice as a kid and drinking it now is very nostalgic.
336 · Dec 2018
Kai Dec 2018
Sympathy from those around me
Mercy on the constant lateness
Irritation when I keep saying I’m fine
Lies spilling from my lips everyday
Easy company is only at her grave
Part three of a series called "The Little Words" that I'm writing right now.
336 · Sep 2019
every so often
Kai Sep 2019
often I drag myself out of bed
     like I am weighed with anchors
     made of sorrow and expectations

often I am unreasonably upset
     over nothing and everything at once
     from scratchy sweaters to school admissions

often I wonder why I fret
     over the smallest failures I commit
     and over the little quirks that I have

often I'll ponder all that has gone wrong
    and wish I could have changed it all
    I will wish to not to think these things again
When you sit alone in bed at 2AM, some thoughts are a little too existential, so you'll wish you never thought at all.
333 · Aug 2020
the foodie who hated food
Kai Aug 2020
i hate food
i love to eat and eat and eat
i never seemed to stop
chips, nuts, berries, and galore

i hate food
i love to chew and chew and chew
i always seem to be hungry
pasta, bread, eggs, and more
i hate food
i love to hate myself for it
but never seem to stop
bits, bites, mouthfuls, and shame
329 · Jun 2019
Forest Dwelling
Kai Jun 2019
Deep in the forest
among the trees
past the wildflowers
that line the front gate

Sits a small one level
with chimes on the porch
tinkling in the wind
like fae laughter

There sits a woman
face drawn with old age
cradling a cup of tea
with a book on her lap

Alone in the woods
she lives at peace
a cat curled at her feet
as the days pass by
Based off my dreams and the song Ireland by Liza Anne. It would be so nice to just live my simpler dreams once I'm older.
329 · May 2020
Kai May 2020
slipping down a *****
pushed in place again
hair tucked behind an ear

soft light sparkles on glass
eyelashes press to the window
that you look through
328 · Dec 2018
Kai Dec 2018
Horrified by the person in the mirror
Aching from the scars on my skin
Talking to no one about the darkness
Erasing the existence that was a burden
Dreamless sleepless nights await me
Part one of a series called "The Little Words" that I'm writing right now.
326 · Aug 2019
Instinctual Fear
Kai Aug 2019
whether it's for fear of starvation-
or wild animals and their predation-
we understand those instinctual fears-
that we've developed through the years-

but what of that lurking thing we see-
that screams in night like a banshee-
what made humans so deathly scared-
of a pale sunken vision with its teeth bared-

what gave us the instinctual scopophobia-
or that sinking feeling of nyctophobia-
what creature hounded our predecessors-
that we fear slunken things as aggressors-
What in the past could have inspired this fear?
322 · Sep 2019
2am writing
Kai Sep 2019
back of your mind
it all bubbles up
words overflowing
inspiration so strong
you lose your breath
your mind goes numb
all becomes black
thousands of words
blink up at you
the cursor pauses
menacingly on screen
321 · May 2019
Mini Garden Poet
Kai May 2019
There in the flowers
another watches
writing on petal pages
attentive and fascinated
by the poet that lays
Just expressing the fae loving part of me.
319 · Nov 2019
Heart Beats
Kai Nov 2019
my head to your chest
palpitations of the heart
heady and steady
319 · Sep 2019
Flying Today
Kai Sep 2019
we could crash
we would burn
shaking wings
slight turbulence
metal monster
flying above
jittering nerves
gnawing anxiety
Time for me to head out to Washington! I've never flown before and I am downright terrified. Hopefully I won't die tragically today.
318 · Nov 2019
Kai Nov 2019
a manuscript set forth
erors sprawld acros
every single page

t̾e̾a̾ stains spot it
where it lᵢₑs fₒᵣgₒttₑN
on your desk now

half finished here...

c h o p p y sentences
full of m̴i̴s̴t̴a̴k̴e̴s̴
marked up in RED

there are improvements
little notes jotted down
between the margins

waiting for action
as you steep a cup
to string it together

Writing is really difficult sometimes, but it's also really a beautiful process full of mistakes and the like. I like to think maybe I'm a draft waiting to become some wonderful adventure novel. My author is just trying their best to work out the plot holes and flaws.
311 · Apr 2019
Kai Apr 2019
fizzy love wild days
like dynamite and lit fuses
you were explosive
Haiku's are actually kind of growing on me. They are short sweet and different.
310 · Sep 2020
can't sleep for they see
Kai Sep 2020
tired eyes, those long nights
drinking mint tea like alcohol
whispering to myself in a soft drawl
as the frigid september air bites

my lids grow heavy as hours pass
staring at my screen for answers
words jump around like dancers
my vision becomes milky glass

as I lift my head to the dawn
my hands still across the keys
and I can finally feel at ease
now the night shadows are gone
I see shadows echoing and stretching across my walls as I sit here writing hoping that I last through the night. I fear sleeping, but I know it is irrational.
309 · Jun 2019
Summer Daze
Kai Jun 2019
Summer time
lazy days
sleeping in
season change

School is out
it's vacation time
it's also time
for desperate measures

Summer dazes that push
you down into bed
where you cannot leave
broken from seasonal sadness
Sorry for not posting of late, summertime is always really hard.
307 · Mar 2019
Nothing Really
Kai Mar 2019
It wasn't a problem
just a tick really
it's kind of silly

It was nothing much
correcting tilted things
organizing rings

It wasn't a problem till after
when nothing was clean
and hands had to gleam

Skin was cracking
it was like a disorder
everything had to be in order
Sophomore year what was there to fear but my own habits?
303 · Nov 2020
Kai Nov 2020
beloved you are
gentle soft pillows
filled with feathers
that itch at my skin

beloved you are
sobbing on shoulders
acid on tongue
begging for love
that I've never known

beloved you are
the beat of water
the shower head
pearly tears fall down

beloved you are
broken like glass
an edged smile
at days of the end

beloved you are
chaining me here
clutching at nails
like knives in my hand
I just needed to get some stuff from my last relationship out... remember kids emotionally manipulating your partner into staying with you is still abuse.
301 · May 2020
wet meadows
Kai May 2020
it feels both like menace and comfort
like laying in damp grass
a threat of decay but a pillow of softness and promises.
Burry me in soft earth just below the surface...
298 · Jun 2020
Kai Jun 2020
the soft pull of you
fabric across my skin
pulled over my head
with rolled sleeves
you keep me warm
tucked into your folds
burrowing down softly
a comfort like no other
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