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709 · Dec 2015
Beauty and Grace.
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
Beauty and grace,
Sway from place to place.
As you walk down this unguided line,
Though signs are clear.
And quite charmingly here,
This choice of life's undying rhyme.
So what cradled hand that made you,
By the living breath that saved you.
Not always clear cut or on time,
But isn't quite clear?
That's why life is truly dear,
And cannot replace true love's chime.
704 · Mar 2016
Old Soul Melody
Seth Milliman Mar 2016
Like a song within my soul,
The view just gets really old.
And though sometimes I'll never truly see,
What happens next to me.
The walls sometimes close in,
And with the song I play again.
With every line the feelings hurt,
There's not a moment sometimes I feel like I've lost my worth.
So play sweet melody,
Bring back those gone memories.
I don't care in which way they return,
It's my heart that yearns.
And I try, oh yes I try,
But it keeps coming back.
Yes it keeps coming back,
No longer are the days simple without keeping track.
So play on old soul melody,
Let every harmony and pitch rise.
Flowing indiscriminately,
My eyes and ears will keep aim on the rise.
For me here and now,
There are no goodbyes.
Seth Milliman Jan 2016
**** all the things I've ever known,
Whether here or at home.
In all this world I've never seen,
Oh what to trade for a spirits gleam.
The smooth rich taste that takes the world away,
Dark or light.
Doesn't matter,
To each their way.
But here one regresses in life's scheme,
All for just a taste of liquors forgetting drink.
683 · Feb 2016
No Simple Pleasure.
Seth Milliman Feb 2016
There are no simple pleasures without consequence,
No room for error except learning to dance.
Beaten brow for a repeated cycle,
Chasing after rainbows like a daily rebel.
What shining light blinds you so?
When in the world you'd rather lose your soul,
The frightening truth one rarely sees.
When love becomes the motivation,
What then will you be?
681 · Feb 2021
The Junk Of Love
Seth Milliman Feb 2021
The junk of love,
A notion perspiring.
Wanted by few,
Left all those desiring.
A torment unchecked,
By the few who flow with it.
Sweated out till you break,
Keeping the movement brewing.
This ***** love,
While one abates.
Another struggles to master its gates,
The end twiddling like thumbs.
Till the next thing arrives,
Breath kept in motion.
Don’t lose that drive,
So mend it or lose it.
Drive past,
Don’t abuse it.
This junk doesn’t last all the time,
No ***** will heal it.
Neither will those who appeal to it,
The wrong junk to have in your life.
678 · Dec 2015
Quarreling Lovers.
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
Quarreling lovers,
Put out the light.
Shut up,
Go to bed.
Don't forget to turn out the light,
Your rambling arguments are childish shambles.
Get up and get over it,
Or figure out your unlearned parables.
Your stupidities reach beyond your garden wall,
Stop fighting and grow up.
Stop using the wall,
Obvious fallacies lay on both sides.
Either work it out and be adults,
Or for the love of the almighty.
Say your goodbyes,
Your public fights are childish with no reaching results.
Shut up,
Go to bed.
And leave relationships to those wishing to be there at all.
668 · Mar 2017
Tears On The Land
Seth Milliman Mar 2017
Provided no more tears,
Fall down on ones head.
The rain may continue,
Yet not from dread.
Is there only horrors of life hiding in the wait?
Are there no more avenues for one to create?
This beast of burden I've carried,
So long kept concealed.
Always remaining calm,
Storms brewing infield.
A moment of silence necessary,
For those still living.
Let your mistakes be many,
And always forgiving.
632 · Dec 2015
A Future to Fight For.
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
I'm fighting for a future that I don't deserve,
Because I'm lost in this land of misery.
What can it be?
Time has come to a halt,
More to question.
More to see,
I'm a lonely soul.
Lose control,
Is this all I'm meant to be?
630 · Apr 2017
Wasted On Tomorrow
Seth Milliman Apr 2017
What wasted energy of today,
Spent hating on tomorrow.
Life's shortness is exasperating,
You'll never live without sorrow.
This maddening madness,
Of screeching ruckus filled despair.
I've lost my edge,
Yet kept my cool.
The thickness of this hot air,
What blinding rage can produce beauty?
What forked nonsense can make rational appeal?
I'm done with this irrational moment,
A needed silence to congeal.
621 · Jan 2016
So Long Ago.
Seth Milliman Jan 2016
In those days so long ago,
It used to be what we know.
Now days have come and gone their way,
I now long for yesterday.
The beast within has yet to be tamed,
His snarling teeth his relentless rage.
His fearsome roar and untitillating stage,
Begots all in his own way.
Mind the path where your footing may lay,
It seems to be missed those good ole days.
Seth Milliman Jan 2016
It does not get better,
As the world gets wetter.
Crying and screaming for home,
In this triviality is where one roams.
When voice after voice,
Argues against the other.
No traction nor gain,
In this world gone insane.
Where cries of hope and peace are heard,
Only cries of death and blood remain.
589 · Jan 2016
Your Musical Number.
Seth Milliman Jan 2016
So here we are at the beginning of the stage,
The instruments tuning to their right key.
The blare of the tuba combined with the horns,
Yet all in all I'm here to see you.
From afar I'm sure you're nervous,
The beginning jitters set in.  
Yet when it begins the silence falls,
And in that moment you'll shine.
The music will embrace the audience,
And your stage amongst others will be set.
So far yet so close,
Maybe, just maybe this is what love is.
Or maybe I'm wrong and I don't know anything,
But all in all without a doubt I certainly feel something.
586 · Mar 2016
Seth Milliman Mar 2016
The simple truth.
Drowned out by the complexities of getting older,
As I see with tired eyes.
This world, though wondrous, gets colder,
Breaking from which drags my feet back to the ground.
I see the bells yet they make no sound,
What remains of this big complex life?
When all that remains is but silence in the night.
579 · Jan 2016
Peer Into My Universe
Seth Milliman Jan 2016
Peer into my universe,
Lifting my disguise.
Although things could get worse,
Trying to hide from everyones eyes.
There are days I'd rather be dead,
Being free to roam it all.
The foolish can be mighty,
Making me feel just so small.
What comes next,
Is a mystery.
This world can leave one big upset,
Be what you can be.
There's no time,
To question it all.
For more appear,
Every question you have.
Brings another near,
This all in more.
Trying to make the answer clear,
Oh I'm just so tired.
Yet floating in this universe,
I am here.
577 · Mar 2016
This Old Crusty Skin
Seth Milliman Mar 2016
It's hard to get rid of,
This old crusty skin.
Am I to rid myself of this tiredness?
Or by it cave in?
Lost and dreary forever on this empty shore,
Begging for more when all recedes me.
This the never ending struggle of the mind,
Bearing and dragging me down all the time.
And so it is that it bears down more,
When there's no room to breath.
And nary a door.
574 · Jan 2016
My Only Warning.
Seth Milliman Jan 2016
I don't think I need to remind you,
Of the thin ice you're on.
Make yourself a disappearing act,
There will be more than words you'll be missing on.
I don't care to be made a fool again,
Breaking me down as you did before.
This my only warning,
Or any open road will be no more.
564 · Dec 2015
You Are You
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
You are you,
But not the whole of you.
Sums and pieces,
Bit by bit collected over time.
You are the result of your moments spent,
The collective of good and bad swirling in the mix.
A voice that can be heard,
Yet drowned out altogether.
You are you,
But not the whole of you.
For until death takes you,
Closing your eyes for the last time.
You are still collecting,
You are still learning.
And by the grace of God, hopefully,
Still living.
So find peace and give it away,
Live in hope to give it to others as well.
Chaos reigns as long as you dispense fear and live in it,
So keep living and become whole.
563 · Dec 2015
Perish, Perish.
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
Perish, perish,
Oh thought of wonder.
The mind needs rest and ease,
You drivel and drive.
Till the end of the line,
Can not your heart be set free?
But where do you travel,
In this bitter battle.
That no sane person would ever follow,
Is it here or is it there?
Whether up or down in this pointless manner,
My rest, my sleep matters.
555 · Mar 2016
In The End
Seth Milliman Mar 2016
In the end,
Do not burn in your self-pity.
For the world you see,
Was never really pretty.
So burn in what you may,
No return to once what was.
For life was never meant to be lived in one space,
So bloom and buzz.
532 · May 2016
Your False Projection
Seth Milliman May 2016
So why do you say it with such a disdained voice?
Is it not beggars choice that reveals thee?
Do you aim to hurt in return?
Not knowing another way to be kind,
Why do one thing and say another?
Are your promises nothing more than dust in the wind?
Your claim to some enlightened state,
While the reality of you exists oppositely.
You cannot fathom the consequences of the projection you put on and take off,
Alls well that may end well,
But with your choices will you?
528 · Dec 2015
Old Crusty Skin.
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
It's hard to get rid of,
This old crusty skin.
Am I to rid myself of this tiredness?
Or by it cave in?
Lost and dreary forever on this empty shore,
Begging for more when all recedes me.
This is the never ending struggle of the mind,
Bearing and dragging me down all the time.
And so it is that it bears down more,
When there's no room to breath.
And nary a door.
521 · Feb 2016
More Than A Thank You.
Seth Milliman Feb 2016
They want more than a thank you,
Always wanting more than they need.
It never ends with a thank you,
Just saying more please.
Where did we grow so discontent?
Burning desires that never relent,
Why can't we just accept a thank you?
As a satisfying benefit,
This world is always wanting more.
Greed always knocking at the door,
But why can't it just end at a thank you.
Instead of always wanting more.
Remember to say thank you,
And never always wanting more.
520 · Apr 2016
A Face I Once Remembered
Seth Milliman Apr 2016
I see a face I remember well,
It would cast glances upon me.
And cast me under its spell,
But now it's up and gone.
So it's time to move on,
Like fire that's died long into the night.
Time to find a new light,
I gave to the ungivable.
Loved the hard to love,
But now I learn.
Time to grow,
Hard to give up what one once perceived.
But life just moves on whether or not you agree.
I may or not fall and gain what I wish so much for,
Yet right now the fool in me must agree.
Goodbye to those who'd rather be forgotten or not,
You were already gone before you were free.
515 · Dec 2015
Like Trees.
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
Like trees we grow from small seedlings,
With each passing moment we grow to the sky.
We shoot and sprout,
Changing evermore to reach that full growth.
Yet one day like the tree,
We will come down.
We change,
We grow,
We die.
This the passing of life and all its wonder,
Into the next we go.
514 · Apr 2017
Don't Live Like A King
Seth Milliman Apr 2017
Don't live like a king,
For it can be taken away.
Lazy work,
Never fully pays.
Why then do we act like we'll exist forever?
When crowns can be taken,
Rules bent to our pleasure.
Kingdoms can be burned down,
A fools mind ignorant.
For their folly will be exposed,
As their noise is incoherent.
So don't live like a king,
With riches a plenty.
When you don't have any there,
Lest become a tragic setting.
We learn much is to be found,
From an experience to comprehend.
Living like a king,
Will hurt you in the end.
507 · Mar 2017
This Future I Fear
Seth Milliman Mar 2017
I look into the abyss,
And it tells me somethings wrong.
It usually tells me this most of the time,
And I flail and fail within its words.
But I must try to climb the mountain,
The hills and valleys yet to sallee forth to.
Burn bright forward oh blazing sun,
The time of change is here.
In this the opportunity waits for me to take it,
This future I still fear.
Seth Milliman Jan 2016
You don't have to try so hard,
You already have me here.
Though I'm not always able to be in the moment,
My place is perfectly clear.
So don't keep trying so hard,
Because I know where you are.
And the pushing will only make things disappear,
So know that I hear you.
And I see what you leave behind,
And when things are open.
You will hear from me,
When I have the time.
492 · Feb 2016
Chocolate Surprise.
Seth Milliman Feb 2016
Chocolate surprise,
Hidden in your eyes.
Wouldn't dare dream of taking that away,
What dream is this?
Sparkly sweetness of tomorrow,
Maybe sorrow.
Can't one stay?
To have fun and play,
Is it just a dream?
I don't know,
Only that of tomorrow.
This life is crazy,
But I'm not gonna laze back.
Gotta find my way through the haziness,
Of what I lack.
So be a part of or don't,
You choose your end.
Am I worth the recognition?
Or a forgotten friend?
491 · Mar 2017
A Foolish Man
Seth Milliman Mar 2017
I owe you more than you know,
And yet I the fool do not show.
At what is hard pressed to be expressing.
With this fear,
That is very clear.
I play the caution of my lamenting,
Where my mind goes, there I reside.
But what then does that make me?
A lost soul out at sea?
My words scatter and fail me,
And all that will be left is my actions to prevail thee.
So I simply float on this brazen blue,
Still at times my mind wraps around you.
Thinking, dreaming, and trying to understand,
That I need to change.
To be more,
Than a foolish man.
477 · Dec 2015
A Rose By Any Other Name.
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
A rose by any other name,
To me that's what you are.
There is a beauty to you and all that is,
But as with all roses.
Your thorns protect your glowing glare,
There to ***** the fingers of whom don't belong.
I've been close enough to survive the ******,
With bleeding finger tips.
From where my blood doth flow,
But the blood is worth the ******.
For such a roses glow.
476 · Dec 2015
The Voodoo You Do.
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
Oh how obscene,
You're so cruelly mean.
Your flair and kindredness exploited,
Your spot on Q.
To me you know what to do,
Breaking me open like you knew.
This unfair twist,
Having walked away from your hue and bliss.
Never begged to return anymore,
But again I find.
Colliding again in time,
Of the way you keep roping me towards.
But alas that's my fault,
Hard to say no to you.
When again a view of you,
Breaks me in two.
And wondering the voodoo on me you do.
473 · Dec 2015
Backwaters of the World.
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
The backwaters of the world flow upstream,
They try to find their worth and all of what it means.
You can only go so far on what's real or fantasy,
I've lived and seen the ire of ones ways.
Dropped on point confused and dazed,
This the time of triumph for ones returning place.
Can you no longer see without rage?
Is all blinding fury your only attribute?
At this point lossless and sadness continue.
473 · Jan 2016
Challenge Accepted.
Seth Milliman Jan 2016
You've issued a challenge,
Having it return back to you.
Of a love long ago,
With shelled memories of past youth.
But you struggle and fight,
For the reaction you wish for.
Being told in the end,
You want him even more.
You test to break,
But your challenge is beginning to fail.
For he's in for the long haul,
Your escape growing small and stale.
470 · Dec 2015
Different Proposition.
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
Time to write a different proposition,
Leaving behind the one I know.
Spent a chunk of life focusing,
On one particular persons go.
Time spent,
Seeking new things more and more,
Still I'll keep believing.
Of one still left to know.
466 · Jan 2016
Foolish Time Spent Wisely.
Seth Milliman Jan 2016
Consciously I look at you and see a bit of me,
Where thoughts drift in through happy and sad.
Like the ocean,
That's far and wide inbetween.
The ups and downs can have their toll,
As it's not always easy.
But not every moment spent is foolish,
Only lovingly.
463 · Mar 2016
Down Below
Seth Milliman Mar 2016
Power plays,
On different days.
Bringing irony to the tip top of this plateau,
I struggle with words beyond reach sometimes.
But never forget what's below,
Hellish work for sound minded journeymen.
When all wish to be as quite so,
Yet when one is corrupt.
The mind no longer sound or sane,
This is the beginning to what's down below.
And to what's never seen again.
461 · May 2016
The Shadows Night
Seth Milliman May 2016
It is not the shadows night that scares me,
But the blazing day that does.
For what hides in darkness,
Certainly is there for a reason.
And shining light upon itself,
Brings out the darkened truth of all.
No truth is easily swallowed,
Like a bitter pill needed.
But not wanted,
We hide ourselves from being seen.
For what is the worth of being exposed in hopes of freedom?
For in exchange of an unknown outcry.
We seek to keep the dark bits of ourselves wrapped up tightly,
In the end the truth is always harder to swallow.
But oh, what great joy in knowing, That freedom from burden and despair.
460 · Dec 2015
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
Your mysteriousness in question has made me second guess.
You've fooled me like the rest,
When I have lost ability to tell what is true.
You've turned an even weaker man blue,
How then can I call you love?
Were you even love to begin with?
Or just an illusion of what I've been seeking of?
Who knows what it truly is?
Or understands the vast valleys one finds them in during,
Hide my eyes no longer behind your cloudy veil, oh love.
For if I am ever truly to have you,
Then I must be free clear to see out of it, of you.
And gain the happiness of you again.
456 · Dec 2015
Faceless in a Crowd
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
I wonder what it's like to be a face in a crowd,
To never be heard but to still be loud.
Like a ghost town with its people still there,
No matter the voice.
Would anyone care?
I can say and see,
What more can I be?
When all words disappear into thin air.
454 · Jan 2016
The Path of Learning.
Seth Milliman Jan 2016
The path of learning,
And setting stance.
Will it bring the path back on full?
Or open the past?
One must learn to discern,
And take cautious course.
Or the question left unanswered,
Knocks back in full force.
454 · Dec 2015
You Have Been Given.
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
You have been given this moment in time,
To learn, to grow, to see, and to define.
Let not one moment fall to waste,
When the doors of gracefulness appear.
Life can be forgotten on the way,
And slowly and silently disappear.
But I bring hope along,
In order to make things clear.
So reach and learn,
Grow and admire.
For so little time is left,
And so much to do that's dire.
453 · Mar 2016
The Heart Of Me
Seth Milliman Mar 2016
All in all,
You disappear into the heart of me.
Like sunlight coming through a window pane,
You see.
It is a rarity,
A treasured find.
That someone can make me be seen through,
With all that is.
It leaves me not knowing what else to do.
449 · Feb 2021
Way of the River
Seth Milliman Feb 2021
And I will go in the way of the river,
Till I find my place of rest.
To the place that was made for me,
That which for me is the best.
I know not where the river will carry me,
Which twists and turns will surprise.
I only know of this moving water,
To the place I have yet to arrive.
449 · Jan 2016
Rise and Fall.
Seth Milliman Jan 2016
Everyday you rise and fall,
Ready to ever fail.
But the challenge you rise to raise,
Leaves those on you to bail.
Foolish is he to touch the heart,
Where all you show is stone.
Beating dead the horse you bring,
Leaves you again home alone.
Fire and brimstone you sometimes spew,
With belts of sorry in between.
It wouldn't be so haltingly horrible,
If you weren't so equally mean.
449 · Dec 2015
Innocence Lost.
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
Is innocence lost such a gain elsewhere?
What is innocence?
In a world filled with void and hurt,
You'd think the answer would be easy.
Part of the answer is seeing a world no longer through a child's eyes,
Seeing torment and struggle.
Feeling all of those things as burdens of weight and fear,
But is innocence truly lost?
Can not some remnant remain?
Or must everything be lost to fit in?
The world and its wonders,
Are truly truly strange.
448 · Jan 2016
I'm Just Here.
Seth Milliman Jan 2016
I can't help you with your problem,
You already have the help you need.
I'm just something that's been here before,
And live it more and more certainly.
You cry you're lost and confused,
But it's only a moment of cloudy.
I don't know where I fit anymore,
When you've up and gone from me.
So I can be here in the presence of it all,
That you've found everywhere else.
This the best of what used to be,
Gone, lost, forsaken, possibly.
448 · Mar 2016
Days Of Troubled Youth
Seth Milliman Mar 2016
In our days of troubled youth,
As we tried to reach for the stars.
When those who knew us told us no,
Trying to reach past the moon and Mars.
Now here we are as old as old can be,
With nothing but joy and laughter to see.
Far and wide as the days run,
Here and now we laugh in fun.
444 · Jan 2016
Where Have You Gone?
Seth Milliman Jan 2016
Where have you gone?
No longer around to stay.
You are where you are,
Popping in on your own way.
My how the days come and go,
Without saying hello.
Releasing fate into its place of this play.
Your face doesn't disappear,
It just fades away.
441 · Dec 2015
Life is Worth Leading.
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
Life is worth leading,
If one could only try.
The fears of a leftover age,
Amidst whats gone by.
This the turn of the page moves forward,
And I in the words being read.
Does this reveal the soul of me?
Has my poker face shown its tell?
Nothing is for certain,
Only change keeps its course.
441 · Mar 2016
The Power Of Words
Seth Milliman Mar 2016
A collection,
A statement.
Voiced principles of another mind,
Carefully picked words for an even cautious sentence.
They pull punches or arrive as a cheerleader,
Screaming with intent of being known.
Or bring forth easement for another day,
Words and their power.
Hidden or clear is yet to be known,
For not all words are clear and concise.
Nor are they always cryptic and wordy,
My power is in my words.
Whether to hurt or heal,
They are the pinpoint boundaries in which I dictate the say.
I wield them,
Though as a child.
I still wield them with ferocity,
And you can be sure that by brutal or enlightened pursuit.
Either depend on me,
And only me.
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