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May 2016 · 876
In Memoriam (Classic Poets)
Ann M Johnson May 2016
A poet upon his or her death " Does Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night", for they have something to share with future generations through their poetry.
Robert Frost "When faced with two roads diverged in a yellow wood he took the one less traveled by and that made all the difference."
Was William Blake laid to rest under A Poison Tree? Or was he saying that we are like  poison to our enemies? One beauty concerning poetry is that it can be left up to the interpretation of the reader. Even if it was written to mean one thing the readers can discover several possible meanings to the poem like discovering jewels each time it is read.
Perhaps lets for fun imagine" The Raven", giving the eulogy for Edgar Allan Poe, and talking about his life and the loves that inspired his poetry especially Poe's beloved" Annabel Lee" and "Lenore. "The Raven" proceeded to close his eulogy with the words " Nevermore".
Maybe when it was time for William Shakespeare to be laid to rest while dressed up in his Sunday best. His poem " Fear No More" could have been read leaving not one dry eye as many fans cried for a great poet and playwright had died. A big comfort to his fans is that his work is forevermore immortalized in print for future generations to enjoy. As Dylan Thomas best stated " And Death Shall Have No Dominion" because the poets words still live on in print to be read and enjoyed and discovered by many generations to come. The poems that a poet writes are there legacy that they leave for future generations.
Check out the classic poems referenced above: Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night by Dylan Thomas and Death Shall Have no Dominion, also by Dylan Thomas. The Road not Taken by Robert Frost. A Poison Tree by William Blake. The Raven, Annabel Lee, and Lenore, by Edgar Allen Poe. Fear No More by William Shakespeare. I had been thinking about this in memoriam idea for the last 3 to 4 years I finally got it done in time for Memorial Day. I hope you enjoy it. Please be inspired to leave a lasting poetic legacy for future generations to come.
May 2016 · 972
Live In The Momment
Ann M Johnson May 2016
How many times have plans been carefully made
then drifted away when faced with the problems of
real life.
Contentment can be found when giving up on previous plans
and taking things one day at a time and living in the present moment.
After all, I don't know what joys or sorrows tomorrow will bring.
I am currently on a medical leave from school so I need to live in the moment and take life one day at a time.
May 2016 · 882
Dry Bones
Ann M Johnson May 2016
I’ve spent too much time  wandering aimlessly stuck here in the sand in this dry and lonely desert land.
  Rise up these dry bones and bring me to the streams of living water where I may drink and thirst no more and may my soul be restored.
  Lift up these dry bones out of the mire. I pray to be placed somewhere much higher. I will surrender my hand to you so I may finally leave this desert land.   Then I  can be placed  on the mountaintop. Where you will rise me up and breathe life into my dry bones. There I will shout praises, dance, and sing.  The healing and restoration will be complete as I trade in my sickness and brokenness for your joy.  I will rest beside the still waters within your promised land.
May 2016 · 949
Ann M Johnson May 2016
The sun  is brightly shinning
may it shine through my thoughts
and break away the cobwebs deep within my mind
I had a head injury (concussion) in mid April and have still been experiencing problems such as extreme headaches and difficulties with my vision and slight memory difficulties.
May 2016 · 1.2k
A Shout Out of Thanks
Ann M Johnson May 2016
I was making out a list of things I am grateful for which includes many things but I will list a few:
   Good friends
   Friends here on Hello Poetry
It made me think that one person on Hello Poetry deserves my Thank You and the Thank You of all of us here on Hello Poetry, the founder Eliot York who faithfully maintains this site that we all utilize. We might not always think about expressing gratitude for this site that we enjoy so much. There is no time like the present to do so.
Here's a Shout out to Eliot York who is responsible for all of us having this Great site to use to share our poetry!
With sincere, Gratitude this Shout out of Thanks goes to You!
Maybe you could join me and write a shout out or tribute to our sites founder Eliot York.
May 2016 · 905
Ann M Johnson May 2016
My Life was filled with different hues of black and white until you added color to my life.
This poem is dedicated to all my Hello Poetry friends and my friends and family near and far away too. I have much gratitude for all of you making my life filled with more beauty!
May 2016 · 573
Character Reference
Ann M Johnson May 2016
The best test of one's truest character is not in how one treats their friends
  but on how they treat those that they don't particularly like.
  It is good to strive to always treat people with the same respect that we expect from others.
  After, all we are all sharing this same planet together.
Sometimes an unexpected blessing happens and a former enemy or (bully) becomes a friend.
Some people change and grow and can surprise you.
  It may take years but when it happens it can be amazing and really brighten your day!
  Live to cherish and see the good things in life than they can outnumber the bad and help put your perspective and life back in balance.
Ann M Johnson May 2016
( Feat Syd Rivers)
    (Feat Gwen Johnson)

Blast of bright flames
glowing in the horizon,
igniting the trees

A prayer to God
releasing celestial drops,
water saves the land.

Blowing is the wind
carrying seeds of new life
gently caressing

Today’s barren tree
tomorrow’s fruitful harvest
live expectantly.
It was such a pleasure to work as a part of a trio on this Poetry collaboration of Haikus with both Syd Rivers and Gwen Johnson who are both talented writers and great people too! Thank you, so much for working with me and for challenging me to work on something new to me the Haikus. It was so much fun! :)
May 2016 · 1.4k
Blank Page
Ann M Johnson May 2016
Sometimes my mind seems so full of thoughts
  Ideas spilling overflowing
   like ink onto paper

  Other times
my mind seems hazy
or just rainy day lazy
The more that I try to think  
more elusive my thoughts become
making me feel like I'm temporarily numb
Apr 2016 · 6.8k
Heroes & Villains
Ann M Johnson Apr 2016
Heroes and villains seem harder to define
when somethings happen to blur the lines
The villain style of justice may appear better than no justice at all
When the system fails the victim and makes the victim feel so small
Where are the Heros when evil abounds?
Are they still around?
Who fights for truth and justice throughout the land?
Who is brave enough to take a stand?
Remember heroes often are easily disguised as ordinary people and don't stand out in a crowd
Their anonymity allows them to work behind the scenes
they effectively crush the evil villains dreams.
The Heros tirelessly fight for truth and justice and selflessly care for others in need.
They support and encourage those that the villains of this world have knocked down.
The villains can too easily be found courtesy of our television screen they often make a showing on the 6 or 10 o clock news they are promoting violence they don't care about anyone else's views.
As far as Heros go you may discover that a Heros heart is contained inside of You.
Hero or Villain?
The choice is yours
Today you could take a stand to right some societal wrong
Today you can be strong and be a Hero to a friend or loved one or a stranger in need. To them can  make a difference indeed.
Hero's Traits:
H elping
E ncouraging
R espectful
O pportunity
Perhaps these traits are within you
Be the Hero that you long to see!
Apr 2016 · 1.2k
The Race
Ann M Johnson Apr 2016
Sometimes there are obstacles in this race called life
that I need to overcome
Sometimes the journey is just beginning even when I feel like the race is done
Sometimes the road seems lonely
Sometimes the hills seem too steep
Sometimes I long to quit running and just want to sleep

The race is like a marathon
It is best taken one step at a time
It is best to go at my own pace
and not  by comparing myself with the other runners along the way
If I take my eyes off of the goal
I will quickly lose my place
It is good to seek encouragement displayed on the faces of friends along the way
It drives me to press forward on otherwise darkened days
I need to persevere even when the path is rough and the goal seems way too far away
This seemingly uphill battle builds strength and endurance for this long distance race
I don't have to be the best runner that there ever was
I just need to do my best to run and keep the prize in sight
when I finally cross the finish line
I hope to hear I'm glad you made it
If I'm fortunate I might even hear  Well Done
for now, I will keep running taking it one step at a time.
Apr 2016 · 1.3k
My Favorite Quote
Ann M Johnson Apr 2016
(Written by my daughter Gwen)
As it appears on my wall lovingly written and painted with a Butterfly wing and roses hand painted by my daughter on a small canvas. The words are carefully inscribed in white.
I placed the picture lovingly and carefully below her picture.
Her Quote reads:

    Don't spend your life
    wondering if you'll be missed
    spend your life
    being so amazing you don't miss your chance

I hope by sharing this quote it might inspire others.
   Gwen, if you are reading this you inspire me with your beautiful words. Your encouragement to reach for my dreams continually gives me wings especially on rough days and gives me the courage to overcome obstacles that I face in life. I hope that my belief in you gives you wings also.
I love you more than words can adequately express.
  Sincerely your Butterfly mom,
This quote is written by my daughter Gwen who posts her work here on Hello poetry when she gets a chance to. She never posted her quote. I am posting this quote because I think it is beautiful and inspiring too. Please feel free to comment. I will share the comments with her when I talk to her next, or if she visits this site soon she will read them. If you want to check out my daughter's poems her name is: Gwen Johnson on this site.  Thank You for reading :)
Apr 2016 · 1.2k
Tranform (15 word)
Ann M Johnson Apr 2016
Heal me
  Restore me with your Love
   Transform me from a seagull
     into a Dove
Another late night poem drafted while half awake. I hope it speaks to you anyway. Thank you for reading :)
Ann M Johnson Apr 2016
The polyp was benign according to the pathology report.
  One of my poems was Published in the Lindberg Edition of the Sr. Perspective, April 2016. The story-poem is called Hidden Treasure, as it first appeared here on Hello Poetry.
Here it is below if you missed it:

   Hidden Treasure
A man went for a walk one day. He seemed to be searching for something as he hurried about, "Just a rock covered in dirt nothing special he says while he walks away".
  A little girl walking down the same path carefully inspects each rock
  she examines each one and then picks up the same rock that the man
  had rejected.
  She holds it in her hands lifts it up toward the sun and says," you may not look like much outside, but I have a feeling that you’re true worth lies within you".
She excitedly skips down the path and brings it home and proudly presents the rock to her father.
He carefully takes the rock and breaks it open and discovers the treasure that lies within, a geode that is sparkling like diamonds in the light.
In life, people at times are too quick to judge according to appearances alone. They hurry through life, they seem to be searching for something but not taking time to discover what life has to offer us through one another. They might even perceive that another person is like dirt, and with that misconception they miss out in discovering another's true worth.
Upon closer examination they might discover that the other person has many great qualities and can become a treasured friend.
If only they would slow down and take the time to take a closer look so that they don't miss the hidden treasure that lies within.
I did not get any monetary benefit from the publication of the poem, just the benefit of knowing that others were reading and enjoying the story-poem.
Mar 2016 · 2.4k
Daylight Savings Time
Ann M Johnson Mar 2016
Oh it is that time of the year again
I have to set the clock's again on my microwave
on my alarm clock
on my wristwatch

  It's that time of year again
  it fills me with dread
  I become reluctant to leave the bed
  even if I try to go to sleep early
  as hard as try to sleep
  I'm forced to count the sheep

  The one clock I can not set
  is the one that is most upset
  My internal clock does not wind
  to automatically set to daylight savings time
  May I make a request, please
  Just don't mess with people's circadian rhythm
As far as setting wrist watches. I am thinking about buying two cheap watches one set one hour back for fall and one set an hour ahead for spring. How does that idea sound?
Ann M Johnson Mar 2016
I have a dilemma I might have been waiting too long
      I'm running low on cash to spend and have been running low
      on paper too, it might seem like a trivial matter to you
       Not for me because
      I need to write things down while waiting for my voice to
      return, to hear my own voice again soon I yearn
      I don't want to cause a panic you see
      If I use the ATM machine or make more than 5 online transfers
      each month I get stuck with excessive fees
      I need some feedback, Please
      I don't want to cause a panic, I repeat again
      I am anxious about the thought of having to hand a teller a note to get My Own Money
      She might  press the panic button not taking time to read or understand
      I don't want to cause a panic, I don't want to meet security or the local men in blue in that way
     I would matter meet them at a community meeting it is a friendlier and much better way to meet them, I say
    I prefer a quiet living by keeping trouble at bay
    I am a law abiding citizen and long to stay that way
    I know how to act responsively but not I'm sure the best
    way to make a transaction at the bank without a note and so
    I say one once more that I Don't Want To Cause A Panic!
For those who missed my status report. I had a Polyp, removed from my esophagus and can't talk right now and have been communicating by passing notes to others.
Ann M Johnson Mar 2016
I miss my voice
I miss my voice so much
I would write it a letter
but would not know where to send the letter
or who I should send it to
To My Voice Care Of...........?
For those of you who missed my status update, I lost my voice, a Polyp was surgically removed from my esophagus. This posting is a result of me trying to have humor over the situation of losing my voice. A friend encouraged me to share this when she read it in a notebook that I have been carrying with me and need to communicate with people by passing them a note.
Mar 2016 · 1.9k
Life Happens ( Persist)
Ann M Johnson Mar 2016
I have had sorrow
I had pain
I have been locked out in the rain
I had stuff happen in life that's hard to explain
I have been knocked down and felt like giving up
Like a comedian once said " life happens when you make other plans"
That statement seems to speak some truth.
Life sure has not turned out the way I have wished
That is why I must persist

When I have planned for sunshine
I have gotten rain
Planned to be happy ever after
only to discover pain
Through it all I have gotten stronger ( I think)
Life is a work in progress it is not finished yet
Life happens but I must persist

I know what it is like to be hungry
or well fed ( think thanksgivings past)
Those are cherished memories
sure to last
I have found
There is more joy in being content
than in wishing for what I don't have
If I have somewhere to rest
or some food to eat
man, that is pretty neat

Some day's I feel weary or pretty beat
I may not get want I want
But it is a blessing to get what I need
Like family that I love
and a few close friends
on whom I can depend
When I think about that my live seems pretty full
I than feel more complete and whole
Let life happen if it takes it's toll
I will fight off worry
It can not add a day to my life
Or add more hair to my head
  I would prefer not to have troubled
thoughts when I retire to bed
Life can be worth living
That is why I must persist!
Mar 2016 · 742
Status Update (not a poem).
Ann M Johnson Mar 2016
I went to the surgical center on Monday February 29th, 2016. A Polyp was found and removed by the surgeon from my lower esophagus. I am waiting for my voice to return and the for the doctor's report. I am planning on seeing my regular doctor tomorrow hopefully I will know more after then. I am working on perfecting listening skills while I am not able to talk and being patient while waiting for my voice to return.  
I am doing my best to be in good spirits throughout this whole situation. This too shall pass. Hope you All are doing Well and Healthy wishes to Everyone.
Ann M Johnson Feb 2016
Silence can be tough when you have something to say.
I lost my voice  (quite literally, I am going to a surgical center today so they can figure out what is wrong).
Ann M Johnson Feb 2016
Too many choices it makes it tough to choose
Don't want to make the wrong move in the game of political chess
We the people are the ones who have the most to lose in the political games
Regardless of the candidate's name
There every decision impacts us in some way
It will be that time of the year soon to be bombarded with seemly endless campaign Ads
I hate the negative ads that seem to  list a litany of their opponents sins
it does not even have to be true for them to publish them
They seem to have a desperate theme as they seem to scream, vote for me
I wish the politicians would have more Soul instead of cutting someone else down to get ahead in the polls
I wish they would display more compassion
I wish they had a poet's passion
I wish their words were more like Lincoln
I wish their speeches had more distinction
I wish they would more accurately represent the people, they are supposed to represent ( not everyone is a doctor or lawyer or a business major).
Perhaps it's time for a new political flavor ( politics can sure leave a bad taste in your mouth)
Do you see a blue collar worker or poor politician in office?
I wish I could vote for you fellow Poets
Poets wear their emotions on their sleeve
Poets should be less likely to deceive
I believe in you poet friends
On my next voting ballot, should I write you in?

Edit poem
Ann M Johnson Feb 2016
Poetry Take Me Away

I have had a hectic day ( that's an understatement)
Poetry come and sweep me away
Transport me through time and space
Please just take me to another place
I need to once more have a smile on my face
Because no one else can take your place

Poetry take me away

My TV  will not do
I am devoted only to you
Give me a quote or a sonnet or a rhyme or 2
My heart belongs to you
So write upon it with ink or stamp my heart
with your poetic seal
You have all  the appeal
For poetry I have zeal

Poetry take me away

Poetry you are my most faithful friend
My love for you will never end
You are my undying trend
I want to spend time with you
Only you will do
My love for you is so true
Poetry Take Me Away <3
Ann M Johnson @ 2016

I hope you like my random poem.
I Dedicate this Poem To All My Hello Poetry Friends
I Love your poems and I am Grateful for all of  you!!!
I hope you like my random poem.
I Dedicate this Poem To All My Hello Poetry Friends
I Love your poems and I am Grateful for all of  you!!!
Jan 2016 · 1.3k
Valentine Serenade
Ann M Johnson Jan 2016
I am not able to conduct a parade
I would not want you to catch a chill
in the icy cold winterland
Lets stay inside where it is cozy and warm

Let my warm up your heart with songs
old and new as I serenade you
I hope the songs sung for 45 minutes
take you to the Top Of The World
because Baby Baby, you mean so much to be

I hope you will get to know me better As Time Goes By
and know that I am with you through both your laughter and your tears
I hope you will learn it more as i get Close To You throughout the years
You are My Funny Valentine that is for sure maybe that is why I Can't Falling In Love With You more each and every day
After years of darkness now I See The Light as it is shinning in your eyes
If you Kiss Me in the moonlight it will be a truly Wonderful World.
I am singing for a Valentine's celebration in the Apartment building were I live and there will be a potluck afterwards. My guy friend heard me practicing and got an early Valentine's serenade. The songs I am singing their titles are woven throughout the poem. Here I share this poem, with all you Hello Poetry friends. I am not sure whether or not to share this with my friend who heard me sing? Is it too cheesy?
Jan 2016 · 863
New Year Resolutions
Ann M Johnson Jan 2016
Resolve to be patient with one's self and others
Resolve to appreciate the beauty found in nature and in those around me
Resolve to take one day at a time and not let worry surround my thoughts
Resolve not to think about what I have not got
Resolve to appreciate each day for what it is a gift
Resolve to keep in touch with my family and friends
Resolve to learn new things
Resolve to try my best at everything
Resolve to treasure blessings both big and small
and appreciate them all
Resolve to see what is good in everybody around me
Resolve to live each day with an attitude of gratitude
This resolution starts with thanking all of you
for your friendship and for inspiring me
Ann M Johnson Dec 2015
( In memory of Eleanor)
It's the little things that mean so much
A kind word
A gentle touch
A hug
A smile
A laugh
Sharing of thoughts together
expressing of one's self  with another
accepting oneself and also accepting others
caring that is expressed in many ways.

It's the little things
we often take for granted
as we go about our busy day thinking that
I will talk to them tomorrow instead of taking the time today
We are not guaranteed tomorrow
seize the present  moment today
Once time is gone, it can be recaptured
It is like sand quickly slipping through our hands

The little things that are so precious
like blessings from above
Cherish time with loved ones
before time does slip away
They might not be here tomorrow
but you have today

Those memories are very precious
kept like an image in a locket
held close to our hearts
The love of those closest to us
is likened to a light on a dark and lonely day

It's the little things that are so precious and priceless
which money can never buy
We may not have tomorrow, so we can try to make the most
out of today
I recently lost a friend that was so dear. My sister's mother-in-law.  Who I did some respite care for before she went to the nursing home. She was like family to me. Her funeral was on Christmas Eve eve.
Dec 2015 · 2.0k
Traveling Businessman Blues
Ann M Johnson Dec 2015
Traveling Business Man Blues

(Tune of Folsom Prison Blues)
  I hear the whistle blowing as I see the train go around the bend. It has been so long since I have been home I don’t even remember when. I’m stuck in my man made prison working every day, while my lady and my kids play. My wife likes to drive her BMW while my kids have all the latest high-tech- gear. I saw the pictures on Facebook because I have not seen my family in well over a year. My father always said son be a good provider while mother pleaded me not to forget to be a good family man. The airport lost my luggage again it got stuck in Reno while I am here in LA. At night, I get so lonely while in my motel room I sit alone and silently cry. Maybe this is normal for the life I’ve chosen of being a traveling business man. Yet every time I hear the whistle blowing I have thoughts of home.
  I get to thinking do my wife and children miss me as they eat their meals? The times passes so quickly, I fear my youngest will be full grown by the next time I return home. I have an inner struggle between work and family and it tortures me inside. I wish to be free from this prison, it was too easily to get ****** in. In this lonely life, I am living it is hard not to get the blues. I would trade a thousand dollars just to be the one to tuck my youngest daughter into bed and kiss her cheek and tell her good night in person. I am stuck working yet again to close yet another big deal. Instead, of another high priced  meal with a client. I would trade it in for a home cooked meal with my family even just once more. The money was nice at first but each day it is costing me so much more. I seem to be drifting farther away from my family with each passing day. I wonder does my family still love me now that they barely see me or just love the money I’ve sent home. I hear the whistle blowing and I wonder if I would die tomorrow how would my epitaph read? Here lies a family man, or more accurately here lies an absent father imprisoned by greed.
I am in no way a match for Johnny Cash, I am only a poet and student with barely any cash.  This is a work of fiction not based on any person. I heard someone sing Folson Prison Blues, over my break from school and my imagination started wandering as evidenced here. I hope you like it anyway.
Dec 2015 · 498
Wishes For You
Ann M Johnson Dec 2015
I wish that you have  friends close beside you through every trouble that comes your way
I wish that you have light to guide you and to dissipate the darkness of this world
I wish you peace in the midst of life's storms
I wish you joy and contentment
I wish  that you see beauty within yourself and others
I wish that you feel the warmth of the sun on your face
I wish that you will see the beauty of the stars relaxing you at night
like a lullaby leading to sweet dreams
I wish for you love wider than the sky
I wish for you all these gifts that money can never buy
Ann M Johnson Dec 2015
I have trouble sleeping
my CPAP machine starting squeaking
like a mouse is in my bed
So I quickly yanked the mask off my head
The cat knocked something over
the contents spilling the contents on the floor
Too late to vacuum up the carpeted floor
Midterm week for school tests and
big paper to write
I need more sleep to think more clearly
The highlight of my day was reading
and replying to messages that you
my dear Hello Poetry friends have written
I bid you adieu for now and wish you
sweet dreams and hope for them too
Dec 2015 · 3.2k
Bethlehem Star
Ann M Johnson Dec 2015
The busy day of taxing
  became one of relaxing when  in hushed
silence they stared at the Bethlehem Star
Did the star sparkle with colors that made
people silently exclaim  oh and awe?
In star stuck amazement the Shepherds left
their tasks to behold the Bethlehem star
Did the star shine like a beacon to light the way
to bring people safely home
In case I forgot to mention it got peoples attention
from near and far who wanted to get a closer look at
the Bethlehem Star
Did the constellations align in the shape of a mother and a child
making it a very rare sign that drew the Wise men from afar?
  To the Baby Born that day the star lit the way for people to find him
What a unique invitation to every tribe in every nation
What a joyous birthday party invitation
  Sometime later the star might had dimmed but for those who trust in Him the light is still shining today, there are pieces of that light shining in all the hearts of everyone he calls sons and daughters
  The light still shines like a beacon for those who are seeking for Him
His  invitation still stands today for every tribe and every nation
  No need to RSVP, he will  just meet you were you are if you will believe and except his invitation  He is waiting for you to receive the free gift of Salvation that He already paid the price for, He is a friend like no other invite your sons and daughters and friends too
There is a celebration party with all the angels in Heaven when he welcomes us home
In Heaven there are many mansions He is preparing a place for you it does not matter if you are rich or poor He will receive you all
May the light of the Bethlehem star shine brightly not just on one day but all year through and every year after that for You
Nov 2015 · 3.8k
Hidden Treasure
Ann M Johnson Nov 2015
A man went for a walk one day. He seemed to be searching for something as he hurried about, "Just a rock covered in dirt nothing special he says while he walks away".
  A little girl walking down the same path carefully inspects each rock
  She examines each one and than picks up the same rock that the man
  had rejected.
  She holds it in her hands lifts it up toward the sun and says," you may not look like much outside , but I have a feeling that your true worth lies within you".
She excitedly skips down the path and brings it home and proudly presents the rock to her father.
He carefully takes the rock and breaks it open and discovers the treasure that lies within, a geode that is sparkling like diamonds in the light.
In life people at times are too quick to judge according to appearances alone. They hurry through life seem to be searching for something but not taking time to discover what life has to offer us through one another. They might even perceive that another person is like dirt,and with that misconception they miss out in discovering another's true worth.
Upon closer examination they might discover that the other person has many great qualities and can become a treasured friend.
If only they would slow down and take the time to take a closer look so that they don't miss the hidden treasure that lies within.
Nov 2015 · 1.0k
Blaze Of Glory
Ann M Johnson Nov 2015
A lonely leaf blowing in the wind
tossed to and fro by the seasons change
you eventually land
become faded over time
but you never felt jaded
by the changes you faced

You grew from a tiny bud
shined upon by the suns love
you drank deeply
from heaven's rain
You remained free
from any human pain

When your time was up
You went out in a
Blaze of glory
in wonderful colors
for others to enjoy

someday when my time
earth is up
I can only
go out
Nov 2015 · 452
End Of The Rope
Ann M Johnson Nov 2015
There are times when I felt I was at the end of my rope
    until I realized that I could climb back up again.
When faced with depression or tragedy you feel like you are at the End Of The Rope, until you except help to climb back up again. It helps to know that you are not alone.
Nov 2015 · 1.2k
Poetic Water
Ann M Johnson Nov 2015
I thought of a great poem
while in the shower
I felt a bit overcome by it's power
I thought of flowers and love
I think it was something in the water
because as soon as the water dried
the poem died
I cried
because I did not remember it anymore.
I am wondering has anything like this ever happened to you?
Nov 2015 · 572
Ann M Johnson Nov 2015
Sometimes I like to sing
out loud and clear
Other times I like to hear
other's sing
Feeling content
like for that moment
I am just meant to listen
and watch as they shine
I recently went to a performance were their was a combination of singing and dancing and comedy.
Oct 2015 · 2.1k
When Poets Fight
Ann M Johnson Oct 2015
When poets fight
it just don't seem right
The weapons are not
a gun or a sword
but with  written words that
cut like a knife
instead of dividing
it is best to be uniting
through our love of
This is written in response to some people having conflicts with others on this site. When they fight it affects us all.
Oct 2015 · 1.8k
He Lives Within ( see notes)
Ann M Johnson Oct 2015
( written by my sister, shared with permission from the author)
                      He Lives Within                              
Within my heart there is a place,
Where love is always found.
The place is where my savior lives,
No matter where I am bound.
His name is Jesus and his face,
I someday yearn to see .
Jesus came for you, and me,
from sin to set us free.
Reach out for His loving hand,
and though your knees are weak,
He'll help you stand.
Look into His loving gaze,
He is with you through all your days.
And when He gently whispers your name,
You will never be the same.
This poem was written by my sister Cathy and appeared in the October 2015 , Sr. Perspective, River edition newspaper in the Poets Corner section. I am delighted that she let me share this with all my Hello Poetry friends.
Oct 2015 · 3.6k
French Manicure Moon
Ann M Johnson Oct 2015
Last night the moon took a break from showing it's Full Face.
  It made a showing it was still so bright.
   It was a crescent moon.
   Who's bright shape resembled a French Manicure.
   Maybe even the moon likes to be pampered and look beautiful
   for the stars in the sky, and us people below
    Until daytime when the sun makes an appearance once more
     That is the time when the moon gets it's beauty sleep.
Ann M Johnson Oct 2015
The Market crashed as the people dashed
   All the banks closed down
   The people frowned
   Natural disasters were all around
   Stock brokers quite literally took a dive
   Many people died
   On the day the earth stood still

    The daily grind
     The worry over bills
      Was replaced with the need to just survive
       Some people rioted just to get something to eat
       On the day the earth stood still
       Some people screamed
        While others cried
         Some people looked down looking for someone to blame
         Still others looked outward and sought ways to help out
        Some people banded together to keep each other and their         neighbors alive
        Some people looked up
       While some people prayed for wisdom for themselves and others
        to get through this trial
        Some people looked within only and felt all alone
        Still others thought of this as a test of their will
        On The Day The Earth Stood Still
         I wonder if we were faced with this crisis
         would we stand together
         or fall apart ?
         perhaps the answer is found already in our hearts
         If we are lacking a strong network of family and friends
          Now is the time to start
          We don't want to be found slacking if the world falls apart
                     Sometimes things happen in a blink of an eye
                    It might be best to get ready just in case
                    No time left for slacking if The Earth Stands Still
I recently watched the Movie San Andres, and it got me thinking and writing with this as a result. I would love your feedback and comments Thank You !
Ann M Johnson Oct 2015
Hey Princess my name is Han, I picture us together in a Galaxy Far Far Away
I  promise you adventure to say the least
I'm not saying the courtship will be all filled with peace
I will fly you in a spaceship which is very nice
I hope you are able to withstand some strife
I have to let you know  that I have a kind of pet he is quite unique
He is a Wookie  you may in fact rather kiss him than me
If my mannerisms get under your skin
I feel I should warn you about the competition that is interested in You
I heard about a fat ugly guy named Jabba The Hut, he might even want to imprison you
Well I heard you once were interested in your brother, I am willing to overlook that fact
I can tell you that dating me is not boring to say the least
We will fight against The Empire and you will get to meet many Jedi Knights
You and I together will have to dodge fire from Storm trooper  guns
Not to mention the dictator Darth Vader wants to **** both me and you
I will let you know if this don't appeal to you or sound like to much fun
You could date a certain doctor named DR. Who and see were he and his Tardis might take you.

This is dedicated to some friends of mine who are big science fiction fans, and my daughter who likes DR. Who
I also give credit to George Lucas who created the Star Wars films and Whoever created DR. Who
#science   #star   #personal   #wars   #fiction   #ad
Reposting due to new Star Wars Movie
Oct 2015 · 729
Catching Up
Ann M Johnson Oct 2015
Sometimes unfortunately I get a little behind
or have way too many thoughts pressing on my mind
or I am experiencing sickness or heaviness on my heart
at times like these my best intentions seem to depart

  It forces me to play a game I don't want to play
or I might say that I'll get around to it on a Rainy day
The game is called catching up
It can be quite intensive
or in the case of paying a bill late
be extremely expensive

In the game of catching up I never seem to win
mountains of laundry make my head swim
mail piles up as I feel like I'm about one step forward
and twenty behind their are thousands on e-mail that
I can not read through it feel at times like I might lose
my mind

Worst of all I get behind on what I enjoy reading the most
The beautiful inspiring poetry from all my Hello Poetry
Family and friends to whom in my gratitude my words
alone is not adequately expressed
You have inspired me and enriched my life
  and poetry has once more become my life's breathe

I am sorry that I get a bit behind on reading poems or on replying
at times
You are etched in my heart and mind at times that I am away
  when I get a chance to read your poems it really makes my day
  Each time I go on here I discover new poetry treasures to follow
so I continue to get behind while trying to catch up
but it seems to be all worth it now!
   With Heart felt Gratitude to all my Hello Poetry Family& Friends
       Poetically Yours,
         Ann M Johnson
Oct 2015 · 1.1k
Thoughts On Friendship
Ann M Johnson Oct 2015
It has been described that New friends are like Silver and Old friends like Gold.
Maybe it is because new friends like a new Silver Coin add sparkle to our lives.
Over time we realize their true value and we realize what a Treasure they really are and we now know that they are worth more than Gold!
At times new friends come into our lives but stay for a short while when we need them the most, but seem too quickly to depart but make a lasting impression on our hearts. They seem like Angels heaven sent to guide us through difficult moments and to walk beside us or help carry us through life's trials.
I want to thank you all my Hello Poetry friends for being Silver and Gold, you are all precious treasures and have been like Angels when I have had difficult times.
Oct 2015 · 1.8k
Furry Angel
Ann M Johnson Oct 2015
A furry angel watches me while I sleep
A furry angel hardly makes a peep
except an occasional purr or meow
The furry angel requires no vow
but likes food and love
In return she loves me much too
Welcome Picket the furry angel cat
My daughter and I have a new furry angel cat
Sep 2015 · 968
Sunny Day
Ann M Johnson Sep 2015
Another Sunny Day
  Enough to temporally chase the blues away
  Another Sunny Day I wish it could just stay that way
  Another Sunny day to warm my body while I am ill
  Another Sunny day seems to be all too quickly replaced
   in time with a seasons change and a winter's chill
I have been having some health problems and trying to enjoy the sun as I sit in my chair while it is still sunny out.
Sep 2015 · 2.5k
In The Silence
Ann M Johnson Sep 2015
In the silence I hear him calling
   He's calling me
   In the silence I hear him singing a sweet melody
   through the wind and the rustling of the trees
   In the silence I sense his presence
   In the silence I reach for him
   In the silence I confess to him
   In the silence I cry out to him
   I know he comforts me  
   In the silence he heals me
   In the silence I have peace within

   In the silence I envision him dying
    He died for me and you
   In the silence I know he is living
   He is living for you and me
   In the silence I know he loves me
   In the silence I know that I want to live for him
   Jesus is there in the silence
   He's calling to all of us in the silence
I  found this in an old folder that I wrote about 27 years ago and thought I would share it for the first time now.
Sep 2015 · 2.1k
Ann M Johnson Sep 2015
For Every Ten Words I write there are 10  Unspoken
Sep 2015 · 1.2k
We Are United
Ann M Johnson Sep 2015
Sometimes poet's leave us for a short time
   Sometimes they leave us for quite awhile
   We are blessed that while they take a rest
    that some of them choose to leave their poems
    for us to read
    We have a need to stay connected to our poetry community
     We are not perfect, but we like family are joined by a common bond
     Our love for writing and reading and our commitment to the written words are so strong  
   We are united even when we are apart
    We hold each others words close to our hearts
     Each other's words make a lasting impression on our mind and emotions, and often times our very soul
   We complete each other making all of us a part of the whole
    We are all united... all of us of various creeds and race
    We all are one Community ...We are all Hello Poetry
Thank You, Eliot for bringing us all together in one place and helping us become Hello Poetry
This is dedicated to Eliot all of Us Poet's on Hello Poetry !
Sep 2015 · 1.1k
Choose Tranquility
Ann M Johnson Sep 2015
Take a dip in the peaceful waters found in another's poems
find refreshment for the soul
Avoid the tempest troubled waters contained in the jealous sea
instead choose peace and tranquility
Sep 2015 · 1.7k
Words Of Encouragement
Ann M Johnson Sep 2015
Words of encouragement are like a cool drink on a hot day
     Words of encouragement can chase the blues away
     Words of encouragement are like a warm sweater on a chilly
      May day
     Words of encouragement is something most of us seek
      Words of encouragement is something too few people speak
       Words are a powerful tool they can be used to build people up
        Why not spread words of encouragement today?
Sep 2015 · 845
Ann M Johnson Sep 2015
A person could gain everything in the world
but lose those which they love
remember to always prioritize properly
Sep 2015 · 3.0k
Warm Our Hearts
Ann M Johnson Sep 2015



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