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7.3k · Apr 2015
Behind the door are cries,
heavy swallows and closed eyes.

One. two steps out the door
no crying. Can breathe once more.
My thoughts, they conquer
I don't believe your words anymore
My thoughts win again
1.7k · Aug 2013
I Cant Forget You
I can't forget you
I wont ever win this fight
Aside from everything you said to me in spite

Erasing you from memory is so **** hard
The one thing that  keeps me going is the way you looked at me in my yard

You stared at me that day with love in you eyes
Something I gave you got you hypnotized

I was so naive that day, I couldnt see
All you wanted was to be with me

I hesitated, I was scared, I didn't know what to say
So Instead I gave you a hug, walked inside, and pushed you away

You read me as If I didn't want you, but that was a lie
I wanted to tell you that it wasnt goodbye

But it was too late, you moved on
I am left moping, hoping.

2 years have passed,
you still cross my mind
But like buried treasure, you made yourself hard to find

Its ok now, my heart doesn't hurt as much.
Just know that at one point you had me at the clutch

You had powers over me, now Im immune
One day I will Forget you, one day, Soon
1.6k · Oct 2015
Devil's Minions
I Will Do whatever It takes to Feel Again She said

No. That's It! You've made your Choice the Devil Said

Now walk amongst the others just like you
With ice for hearts covered by brick walls with a view

I will see to it the Devil Said. After all, Your dead

You and the others have no courage to fight again
and soon enough more of you will emerge and Heaven will end.

Patience my Child and you will see

The Devils Minion I made you be
1.5k · Jun 2014
I am Not Happy, I am not Sad
I am not happy, I am not sad
I am somewhere in between
Stuck in the same routine
Observe; don’t speak. “Children are seen not heard”.
Tis to why my thoughts speak louder than my words
Imagining a new reality in my head
beacause surely my real one is bitter, and dead.
I am not happy, I am not sad
I’m somewhere in between
Stuck in the same routine
1.4k · Aug 2017
Don't Fall in Love with Me
Don't fall in love with me.

I'm a devil in sheep's clothing dressed behind a brightly covered shirt and black jeans, bright eyes and a warm smile.
I will be cute. I will be sincere.
You could be standing in a busy crowd. Everyone. And I mean everyone is screaming in your ears. But. Just the thought of even seeing me will make you feel at home.
I have reeled you in.

Don't fall in love with me

I will get attached.
I will ask you what your doing about every hour.
I will ask you  about your day.
I will Instagram you, tweet  Snapchat, facebook and spam you.
I will worship the ground walk on  make you feel special. Because that is what everyone is suppose to feel.
I don't know it, you don't know it. But you just fell into my trap.

Don't fall in with me.

You will text me and If it's not .0236 seconds fast enough. I will get mad.
When I see that you answer my question with and "I don't know" guess what, you got me ******* furious.
But no, I won't tell you. That would be too easy.
I will save it for a another day. Explode on you like a unstable grenade.
"Hey honey" DON'T HEY HONEY ME!
You didn't been see it coming.

Don't fall in love with me

I will get sad.
I will question if you love me. Every. single. Day.
I will ask you to compliment me, even if I don't believe you or I don't deserve it.
I will compare you.
I will wonder why you aren't doing these things that I saw this stranger do with his girlfriend.
I will question why you didn't have the manners to open the door for me that ONE time.
I nip and pick at you.

Don't fall in love with me

You will grow tired, dnd your tiredness will grow to anger.
You will wonder why I did the things I did.
You will yell at me.
Tell me that I torture you.
You will scream and you curse. "Why this why that, why?"
I will question the things I did.
I will go "why this why that, why?"

Don't fall in love with me

I will lay those traps for you.
A series of bombs that I left lying all around us as I tap my hooves around the foundation.
I will for you to light your match Tap tap tap.

Don't fall in love with me

You will light that match

Don't fall in love with me.
1.4k · Nov 2014
Bring me love
Bring me joy
Don't be a boy
I'm not your toy
1.2k · May 2014
I stopped
I stopped writing when you left.
You gave my life meaning,You gave it depth.
1.1k · Aug 2014
Dear lover,
If I had infinite amounts of money, I would express my love in infinite amount of ways. And if money doesn't matter, I 'll give you this letter. I will do anything for you love, any thing to make you feel better.
1.0k · Oct 2015
Stopped Building Her Walls
The Demons Came Marching in
She Had Let them Win
1.0k · Feb 2014
Why are you Gone?
Why are you gone?
It's been so long.
You were once "catchy", like the words to my favorite song.
Why are you gone?

Why are you gone?
I am so alone.
You dont even answer me on the phone.
All I hear is *ring *ring.... dialtone.
Why are you gone?

Why are you gone?
What happened to being there by my side?
Now there is no one left for me to confide.
Why are you gone?

Why are you gone?
I have cried for help.
What a sad hand I have been dealt
Why are you gone?
963 · Sep 2013
Dear Mr. TimeKeeper
Dear Mr. TimeKeeper
You took my time;
Something that was rightfully mine
No more time for this or that.
I want my time, rewind it back!
953 · May 2014
Bury me with your thoughts,
Nourish me with your wisdom,
water me with love,
Tend to my fragile mind,
And I shall bloom into a
Garden entirely made by your creation
819 · Feb 2017
You Cant
You cannot tell me these things if I don't believe them my self.
Only I can determine my own self wealth
You can't tell me I'm beautiful, because that is not  true
If I was so beautiful, why do I only hear it from only you?
You say your hands shake, your heart skips beats with me
I get them too, they are more scary than friendly
I overthink things, quite often than you see
I fear that you will move on and let fragile me be
Your the amazing one, I love you to be honest
But you loving me , now that is no contest
I don't deserve to be loved, that I believe is true.
I'm an emotional wreck, very sad, very blue
778 · Aug 2013
Remember Me
I traveled all the seven seas to get a glance of your face
only then you look at me with such disgrace
your disgusted stare has been drowning in this sea
Now there is no one left to rescue me

You were my lifesaver, the only thing that kept me breathing
Now your gone, and Im just left here, sinking

The least you could of done is bury me, instead of letting me go down and down in this blue abyss
At least then when Im in the ground with a stone above my head, people will know I exist

Its too late now, I am earthbound, into the sea
Now no one will remember me
764 · Aug 2013
I Was Wrong
I was wrong
Even words cant express how I feel
Those words haven’t been invented yet
If I tried using words it would be jhfdkjxb and erfdfcs;ud
Do you understand what’s wrong?
Can you fix me better yet?
733 · Apr 2017
I am so tired
Still, You make me so weak
I torture myself
721 · Jan 2015
She thinks she loves him
He thinks he might love her too
But neither admit the truth
644 · Aug 2013
Both a blessing and a curse
but all I show you are the good ones
you hear me speak only ones of loved ones

But behind these eyes that you see pure
Lies sad memories I endured
Ones that left me crying at night, made me lost, broken and sad
Memories of  lush of a dad

He is not all the blame of my sad memories
I have a sea of them galore
Only to cross my mind when they wash up on  ashore

This side of me I did not want you to see
I do not want to show you how a fragile being I came out to be
So I wrote this poem to pretend I told you
But In reality It is something I will never Confide to
622 · Aug 2013
I am Halfhearted
The other half left, departed

With it went the story of us
Now I find it hard to trust

Walls and Walls were built to protect my heart
For if the rest of me leaves, I will fall apart
609 · Oct 2013
I Didn't Believe
I didnt believe at love at first sight. Then our eyes met and something ignited.
I felt as If I were dreaming, a fairytale of somesort.
Falling from the clouds, caught by reality. I couldnt deny it. I am in love.
Though the days have past and all I wanted to do was be around you.
The vibe you gave was so thrilling and got me trembling without a doubt.
Finally, One October day, I got the courage to tell you how I felt.
I hoped for the best and expected the worst.
But then you leaned in and kissed me.
To think that my heart will never heal, you made it beat again.
602 · Jun 2014
I'm Not So Different
By Victoria F. Sanchez

I’m not different, I’m just like you.
I take one step at a time; look, one foot, two
I have fears. Like many I am afraid of dying.
The thoughts of being beneath the dirt
Makes me feel like crying
I may not be rich, but it’s nothing to whine about
How I use the money I have is what counts
So don’t toss me a bone,
My issues are nothing but my own.
I admit, there are be times like life has ended and I may feel lonely and drear
Then something saves me, a temporary home is here.

I’m not so different, I’m just like you
I take one step at a time; look, one foot, two
I have fears, like many I’m afraid of heights
The thought of falling to the ground
Starts to make my heart pound
I am not rich, but I am not poor
I am stable, to pay the bills; I am able.
I have few dollars to spare, don’t need any bone
Take this, now please leave me alone
I admit, I am bored at times with nothing to do but stare at the wall
Left hoping that someone, anyone would call.

I’m not so different, I’m just like you
I take one step at a time; look, one foot, two
I have fears, like many I’m afraid of spiders
8 legs is one too many, those creatures will scare any
I wouldn’t say I’m rich, but I have more money than others
A bone I don’t need, But I will give it to others if needed
Paying if forward, what that boy did
I admit, at times I question who my friends are. Which ones were there from the start.
Which ones will depart?
Unanswered questions left me falling apart.
WE are not so different
580 · Sep 2014
We're Not Mind Readers
Never say what you mean
and you get something different
What did you expect?
514 · Feb 2018
Dead End
The light disappeared
  was no longer a tunnel
Tears blinded her path
512 · Aug 2013
Two Words
Hello, Stranger
......Love Me......
Love you!
Your Beautiful.
Remember when?
Help me.
I'm Sorry...........
Trust me.
Go Away!!
Come back....
......Please Stay.....
Goodbye. Stranger.....
We all start out as strangers. Sometimes those strangers fall in love. Sometimes they fall out of love. Then they go back to being Strangers.
508 · Mar 2018
Bad Wolf
He huffed and he puffed and he blew my house down
The devil found me here
490 · Aug 2013
You Are Not Welcome
You are not welcome
That is what you seem to say
you dont put any effort into this. you dont give it a time or day

This friendship I cherished
But you guys ignore my existance, leave me here to perish.
Waiting for the day where you will see
To be your friend is all I want to be

Lost and forgotten is all I have been
Sad and depressed, Im caving in
Long for that time way back when
481 · Dec 2015
I don't want to say "I love you" and then say "I Tried"
I want to say " I love you. Forever. Until the day I die"
468 · May 2018
Sept. 20. 2017
I do not fear death. As long as I'm with you. Wrapped around each other's arms in times anew.  Give time, and I  will give you mine. Giving love, our love entwined. Skipping beats, holding hands.  Making love,  the whole romance.

I do not fear death, I  fear time. for that is true. there is not enough when I'm with you.
Busy schedules and Uber rides, slow nights at work, your on my mind. Unfair acts I must abide. But dearly I must confide. I want you always by my side.

When it's night and it's only me and you. You lean in kiss me and you hug me all night through.

A blanket made of your warmth. It  Guides me through he  night.  keeps me sane as you hold me tight.

And As the night gets darker and you are are dead asleep. I whisper these words on repeat :

I do not fear death. As long as I'm with you. Wrapped around our arms in times anew. Give time, and I will give you mine. Giving love, our love entwined. Skipping beats, holding hands. Making love, the whole romance.
439 · Aug 2013
Maybe Guardian Angels aren’t what you think it means.
Maybe "Guardian Angels" are just people looking after one another.
Maybe Guardian Angels are actually your Friends.
432 · Mar 2017
This Man
The man I fell in love with is stuck in last year.
2017: I don't know this man anymore
426 · Oct 2014
Mom Sent us away. She says it's for our  own good. Shes says that people don't understand us.  I don't see whats not to understand. Ted, do you know what's wrong with us? [silence]. Oh Well. The people here treat us really nice. We get three Meals a day, and after every meal we get Candy. I think their Tic Tacs!  and then When I'm Tired, they  give me this coat so When I sleep my arms won't get in my way. And Ted Guess What! Since the kids don't like me, They gave me a room all to myself. I feel so Special, At Least That's What Dr. Hopper says. What Do you think Ted? [Turns to Corner of Room] [Stuffed Bear Lies Lifelessly in the Corner]. Yeah Me too, They’re Crazy.
425 · Sep 2015
Sara passed her the bottle and stared as she drank, Tracing the outline of her figure so carefully. Oh How Sara couldn't help  herself . “What? What's Wrong?” The girl said. Sara stood there in silence for a few moments and then turned away. “Nothing”. Sara sat there in contemplation. Slowly she turned and kissed her. Though it was only for a few seconds, Sara sworn she was breathless. The girl froze in shock, mouthing words that had no meaning or sense. Sara could no longer breathe and regret filled her lungs. Sara stood up and preparing to walk away when a hand stopped her in her tracks. The girl looked at her. The girl said nothing, but her glowed and her grip tightened. No words were exchanged. The girl eyes said it all as she reeled Sara in and kissed her and then again once more.
413 · Feb 2017
He Returned
I used to only cry twice a year. Now I cry like I was born to do it. A job assigned to me by the devil himself. Why he thought I deserve this. I don't know. He is winning.  Give me strength.
408 · Jun 2017
I love you
You did
I still love you
You don't
I gave up
I tried for so long. Not to give up on him. Thought he would come back to me. I was ignorant.
396 · Mar 2018
Fear the Night
My fear gets stronger
As the night starts closing in
I pray for the light
395 · Oct 2017
The grey clouds stormed over
The gusts of wind pushed through
The air screamed, "I'm back"
My heart dropped
389 · May 2017
You are losing power
I no longer fear you
Justice will be served
379 · Feb 2016
Are you bored my dear?
Well what do you know my child?
I will have to agree
374 · Apr 2018
I should remember
I need think before I speak
Less damage that way
372 · Oct 2017
Your "used to it."
Blade digs deeper into your forearm.
As I watch you bleed , all I can do is cry. For I fear your pain has turned to look at me.
367 · Apr 2017
Came down from my high
To my surprise, nothing changed
A druggie's relapse
362 · Aug 2013
Most Cases
Most cases I dont have much to say. Instead I will watch and observe. Doing so I have come to realize all the things people are struggling to stay "normal" in the eyes of others.

Most Cases I can see right through people. I can see their pain. I can see how they really feel inside. Sometimes I wonder if they notice, that people like me notice. Are they calling for help? I always do my best to do so.

Most cases Im there all time. Other cases I can't because its beyond my grasp. I will do my best to help the people surrounding me.
361 · Jul 2017
Broke free from your grasp
Can finally breathe once more
Time to start a new
351 · Oct 2023
I Am
I'm getting bad again
I'm like a dear in headlights
your blank stares scare me
340 · Jan 2018
Rest your body against mine
Let our temperatures match
Ignite The Fire.
lips burn with desire
Set our love aflame
339 · Mar 2018
Love you too
The cold air blows through my hair and dances with my  body. Longing for the warmth you carry from your head to your finger tips. To feel your hand roll down my side. Searching , grasping the  essence of my heart. How I miss the the music in your chest as I lay on top of you, hearing the beats as you whisper the words I love you amongst your breath. I love you too.
338 · Dec 2017
Self Inflicted
Floating in a pool of blood
My own demise
by the sharpest knife made by my sharpest teeth
331 · Sep 2014
Took her breath
Nothing Left
Laid down
Accepted death
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