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tobi Apr 2018
everyone in my head
is so judgmental
no they're not voices
they're conversations
i've made up
and haven't even happened
i promise i'm not crazy
tobi Sep 2018
young people’s dreams are crushed
by the place they go where they are taught
to learn a cookie cutter way
and that their gifts are not gifts
in a world like this
we’re meant to be robots
creativity and originality is
simply dismissed
school *****
tobi Apr 2018
i just wish
that one day
i'll be able to walk this earth
and not constantly
compare myself
to other people
and not be trapped
and held captive
by my own
tobi Jul 2018
i’m a shooting star
i’ll burn so brightly
so much it hurts myself
in the end
i’ll burn out
but i’ll do it if it means
someone else could be happy
even if it’s for a second
i’ll do it if it means
someone could make a wish
come true
i need to be more selfish
tobi Oct 2017
i am aware
that bad days exist
and will never cease to exist
so it seems
but i know
that there will be good days
or at least days slightly better
than the bad
to give comparison
and yes it's a tiring rollercoaster
i don't like too wild of rides
but so long as you're next to me
for this head-whirling ride
i'll never stop smiling
tobi May 2018
i'm too busy drowning
in the waves
of the sea
to realize
that my feet
aren't even wet
how can you save someone that doesn't even need saving
tobi Oct 2017
as i look at the stars, which i have found more and more attractive everyday, just like you, i see how they align. how they form patterns called constellations, that i have come to find as a constant in my life. they're mysterious and beautiful, just like you. and i want to learn more and more about them, just like you. you see, i haven't always been this obsessed with stars, but i also just haven't got out of my own head enough to see the beauty of such a simple yet complex thing, thanks to you i do so. no matter how far away they are, no matter how hard you have to look, stars are always there, just like you.
(i really love you and the stars)
tobi Jun 2018
i hope karma gets you
in the worst way
and the most surprising way
i hope it bites you in your *****
and puts you through hell
i hope you learn
that life isn’t as easy
in this small town bubble
the only place we’ve known
i hope you learn
that diving straight in the deep end
will have consequences
i guess karma
will be waiting
with snarling teeth
good riddance pt 2
tobi Dec 2017
i feel like most days i'm just watching my life play out like a tv show or video game i used to like as a kid, but something about it just isn't that great anymore
all we wanted to do was grow up when we were younger, and now look at us
tobi Dec 2018
i feel like i can’t move
i have no motivation to
so i don’t
but laying in my bed
i also feel so powerful
and like i can change the world
but i can’t
because i’m laying in my bed
lost in my own head
i’m stuck
tobi Oct 2017
some people just can't be helped
at least thats what you've told me
as ****** as it seems
you have to learn to let go
but what if you're the only thing i know
what if your hugs no longer heal me
what if i'm too far gone
some people just can't be helped
and what if i'm one of them
tobi Oct 2017
-being alone
-getting too attached

well looks like we have a problem here
tobi Feb 2018
how could i possibly be lonely
laying in bed at night
when the sound of silence
ringing in my ears
keeps me company
and the thoughts
are so loud
that i can hear them
as though
they're whispering
in my ear
one day i'll get some **** peace
tobi Dec 2019
wipe those tears from your eyes
or let your pillow do it for you
because either way they’ll just
it’s okay tears make for soft cheeks
tobi Dec 2017
it used to be
the nights i couldn't remember
were the nights i couldn't forget
but you have changed that
because while i was trying to drown myself
and cover the problems in my head
they were still underneath
i had no hope
until you came along
i was lost
until you found me
and now with you
i'm slowly
finding myself
my sav-ior
tobi Apr 2018
i’m not who i was
and i don’t know who
im meant to be
but what i do know
is that i never cried in her
arms before
so when i say you’re important
to me
i really mean
there are so many words for you
i don’t know how to say
it’s been almost 9 months
and you still leave me speechless
mostly because
i’ve never felt love like this
baby i don’t deserve this
but you are the reason
i don’t feel worthless
you’re absolutely stunning
tobi Oct 2017
i try to write you love poems
but you just leave me too speechless
there is no rhyme scheme or meter
to the rhythm of your love
just the steady beat of your heart
that has captured mine
tobi Nov 2017
i could be the poorest person on earth
i could be homeless under a bridge
but dear as long as you're by my side
so long as my heart is fuller than my bank account
i may as well have won the lottery
you make my heart full.
tobi Feb 2018
tell me everything you were
where you are now
where you wanna be
and i'll try to complete you
help you become
that masterpiece
you always knew you could be
we all just need a little help
tobi Nov 2018
the day i met you
in knew from the moments
leading up to it
the feeling of emptiness
was me missing you
and now when we’re apart
even for a little bit
it’s me missing you
i miss you all the time
tobi Mar 2020
i want to believe this is just a nightmare yet i
please don’t leave me
tobi Nov 2018
if i had one wish
it would be to see in to the future
but as long as you’re in it
there’s nothing i would change
everything happens for a reason, whatever that may be
tobi Apr 2018
there’s nothing quite like
a long open winding road
that forces you to think
more than you have ever thought
in the past 3 months
i’m back, and slightly better than ever
tobi Oct 2017
treat me well
or treat me badly
either way
i'm still a *******
the battle with my self worth rages on
tobi Dec 2018
i know we all have a purpose
in this world
i know that you have to have darkness
in order to have light
but i’ve been in the dark for so long
if there’s one thing
i want to know
it’s if this suffering
will be worth it
because a life without meaning
isn’t what i’m living for
i wish i could just look in to the future to see if this will all make sense eventually
tobi Oct 2017
live not with regret, only memories and lessons learned in time
tobi Nov 2017
i may not have it all together, but together, we have it all
tobi Nov 2017
time doesn't stop for anyone, it only moves forward, so to dread on the past is a pointless thing, yet we still find ourselves doing just that
idek dude
tobi Dec 2017
honey if you don't love yourself, who the hell will?
learn to love loving yourself
tobi Dec 2017
i have a good feeling that if you put two pieces of paper in front of me and asked me to list negatives and positives about myself, not only would the negatives list be longer than the positives, i'd need more than one piece of paper
self-deprecating human
tobi Jan 2018
if you truly love someone, let them know, and never let them go.
tobi Jan 2018
the only thing i'm following to tomorrow is the involuntary beat of my heart
tobi Jan 2018
i don't know what the future holds, all i know is that i want to hold you in the future
tobi Feb 2018
why is it some people will try so **** hard to drag you down to their level of happiness, when they could be working on getting on your level of happiness
some people are just sore losers
tobi Feb 2018
time seems to go by slow when you wish it wouldn't, and races when you want the moment to last
i miss you.
tobi Mar 2018
i believe it is wrong to say "it's not about how you get there, its about the end result" because when you finally make it to where you want to be will you be proud of what you have done, when there's no where to go, not even back.
idk if this makes sense just a thought
tobi Oct 2017
sometimes you have to be weak in order to be strong
find strength in your weaknesses
tobi Apr 2018
it is impossible to be lonely
when we're all feeling the same thing
everyone has their demons
tobi May 2018
follow your heart when you’ve lost your mind. maybe you’ll stumble across it down the line.
im lost but i don’t care as long as i have you.
tobi May 2018
it is the saddest feeling, when others believe in you more than you believe in you, when others are more disappointed in your failures than you are
it pulls at the strings of your heart
tobi May 2018
sad to know that i could compliment you a thousand times, yet it takes one negative comment to wash that all away
i wish i could just take your insecurities away
tobi Jun 2018
“money can’t buy you happiness” sure, but it can pay bills that keep you afloat for a month
shower thoughts
tobi Jun 2018
there’s nothing more frustrating than wanting to explain what’s on your mind, but not having the vocabulary to word your thoughts
or maybe i just can’t hold on to a thought
tobi Jun 2018
seems like the more interesting the major you’re interested in is, the less jobs there is for it
still wondering what the world wants from me
tobi Jun 2018
it’s summer
so why do i feel so cold
summertime sadness
tobi Jul 2018
i always have so many thoughts, yet i can never find the right words to say
i think too much.
tobi Oct 2017
nothing lasts forever, good or bad, so take in all the good, and don't sweat the bad
tobi Jul 2018
sometimes it’s too hard to think, maybe that’s why people drink
i won’t go back
tobi Aug 2018
i’m tired of telling people to have a good day
i just want to help them have a good day
i just don’t know how
i’d give up my day at the expense of making someone’s day better
tobi Aug 2018
i don’t know who i’m trying to be
but i refuse to be anything less than extraordinary
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