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11.4k · Sep 2014
Five Fingers Sep 2014
just an ounce of it

would have been lovely...
8.4k · Jun 2015
Five Fingers Jun 2015
a taste of freedom
so bittersweet


a­ sugar crystal on my tongue.

but the sugar will soon dissolve.

                                                  ma­ke way for salt on the back of my throat.
happiness never lasts unless its true. i know that all too well.
5.9k · Jan 2015
fuck this.
Five Fingers Jan 2015
I dont know what's right anymore.

And even if i did,
would it even make a difference to me?
5.7k · Oct 2014
Five Fingers Oct 2014
My life
at present.
is nothing but a giant waiting room
in which i stand
for our life together
to begin
5.0k · May 2015
curly hair
Five Fingers May 2015
Somebody please tell me what the hell is going on
Why am i still crying and where has my love gone
For a brief moment in time I thought he was still there
with his beautiful scruffy face, and his curly hair
but then i looked a little closer and realized his eyes had dimmed
he struck once,
struck twice
I realized that man wasn't him.
You're hurting me. But i'm afraid to tell you i'm done cause your ego wont let you chase after me when i go.
2.7k · Sep 2014
Five Fingers Sep 2014
why is it that i forgive so easily?
why do i always weigh intentions instead of faulting stupidity
when stupidity, that fickle fool
caused us such grave heartache
and for what

why is it that i forgive so easily?
and risk my feather heart
a brothel for sentiment
care murdered and never returned
screaming out to be ****** over
by another

why is it that i forgive so easily?
and allow anger to fade
lay waiting for recognition
discard all ammunition
and tell myself once more
that *it is all worth it
I  can forgive, and i can look past things. But somewhere in the hidden idealist part of my being, i cant come to terms with how the people i least expect, are the ones that give me the most to look past. then of course its me i blame, for being so **** weak.
2.3k · Aug 2014
Five Fingers Aug 2014
The morning dew that clings
to the skin
so soft was your touch
that it burned me in the morning light

Sin dripping from the tongue
but so sweet on the lips

Pull me in
sending shooting stars through my veins as i breathe your name
it sinks into your skin

sink into mine
2.1k · Dec 2014
Be still
Five Fingers Dec 2014
have you benefited from me?
this friendship
this love
is there anything more i can give you?
so your heart
i can touch

you try
and i know that it gets tough
but distance would mean the world to me
if only you understood that much

i know what its like in your shoes
trust me
i know
i do
but i also know that this is the only way
to stop me from hurting you

to answer your question
you have
ive learnt that sometimes the truth
can only serve to break someone
and so ill keep lying to you

your life cannot benefit from my honesty
and something i know too well
is that sometimes people grow better
without me
sometimes i just shouldnt tell

im sorry i know you dont understand
and perhaps you never will
but my heart it hurts for you everyday
but soon youll learn to tell your heart
"be still"
I know you dont understand right now. but someday i pray you will. Im sorry Luke.
2.0k · Sep 2014
feelings are for the weak
Five Fingers Sep 2014
i feel hurt
i feel sad
i feel like this is so easy for you
i feel like you never gave a **** about me
i feel like this is unfair
i feel like if anyone should be walking away its me
i feel like the only thing i really want is for us to be happy together again, but then again i want you to be happy too
i feel scared
i feel like you will never miss me like i miss you
i feel disappointed
i feel unappreciated
i feel so **** sad
i feel numb inside
i feel nothing
nothing at all
im trying not to be some emotional wreck but im just so **** frustrated because i had no say in this and i feel so betrayed that you didnt stick around long enough to actually let me know you care. it feels. like ****.
2.0k · Mar 2015
in-between again
Five Fingers Mar 2015
im not an introvert
but an extrovert, im not sure
maybe i just like to share,
without really knowing what for.
im introspective thats for sure
perhaps to a point of no good
but my thoughts dont always get pronounced so well
id tell you everything if i could.
1.8k · Sep 2014
scared of the dark
Five Fingers Sep 2014
I'm scared of the dark
Afraid of what i cant see
scared of who's watching
of everything that may be
because in the dark
im all alone
even in a crowded room
if its dark
and i cant go to that place
where all the demons hide
where my own spirit torments me more than any other
where the dangers of my soul linger near
where my own voice sounds foreign and unclear
and muffled by fear
Im scared of the dark
because i never want to be left out
I never want it to be such that what's in front of me
I cannot see
I might miss the good things
and step right into the bad
and the darkness will never tell me
or warn me
my whole life seems like its in darkness
and im so
1.7k · Apr 2015
Five Fingers Apr 2015
Karma's got me by the neck.

The more i chase after my own happiness,
the more you hurt,
the more i hurt.

So i will stop wanting things. Have no expectations.

                      I guess im just not entitled to happiness of my own.

I'll swallow it one more time,

Then maybe god will see my plight.
Then maybe next time round

                               It'll be my turn.        

                                              ­                                     to be happy.
If i gained my happiness by taking away yours, what kind of person would that make me? i'd never forgive myself. So maybe im just not meant to be happy because if happiness comes with this guilt that grips my throat, i dont want it.
1.4k · Dec 2014
hey stranger
Five Fingers Dec 2014
You appear
in front of my eyes
after so long
and appear
a thousand times
in my head

after you've gone
we were built in the MSN age. where that little jingle sent me running to the computer to the familiar greeting of "hey stranger" that i waited for day and night till you left my side for something better. Now the jingle is enough to make my heart ache, and the sight of you brings back memories i cant shake.
1.3k · Dec 2014
My sanity
Five Fingers Dec 2014
Some nights
holding on to your words
feels like i'm losing grip of me
1.1k · Feb 2015
looking for you
Five Fingers Feb 2015
sometimes i search for you
in the corners of my mind
where im dying to get out
and keep running until i find
what we used to be
the things we used to share
im trying to find YOU
so please, are you still there?
1.0k · Mar 2015
Five Fingers Mar 2015
Im growing up.
what i want is changing,
a little more everyday.
My mind tells me i don't want this anymore.
sometimes it screams so loud inside this shell of a skull
telling me i need to get out

But i cant.

When i look a you lying next to me sleeping
my heart stands still because you lie in my arms
trusting me.
its like a cliche scene in some advert on tv.
i can hear the music in the background as the light shines on your face
and suddenly everything is still and slow-mo
and all i can feel is your soft breath on my chest and everything is alright
i touch your eyelashes so softly and your eye will do that little flicker
and you'll rub your nose and shift a little, but still soundly asleep.
ill kiss your forehead and whisper that i love you
because i do.
believe me i do.
But i dont know whats right anymore because i dont think that my love will ever match up to yours if i stay
and you'll keep telling me that's okay
but its not.

So let me go and please dont cry.
because i'm not worth the tears
someday you'll understand why..
maybe someday ill have the courage
1.0k · Dec 2014
Remember, please.
Five Fingers Dec 2014
Remember when we went to the barrage and had a picnic?
yeah that was nice. all those crazy photos and swatting away ants from our picnic mat. Do you remember that time you were grounded for months? and i was the only one who could come over and we'd play in your garden with the garden hose all afternoon and then have dinner in our drenched clothes. Do you remember that time we got drunk on breezers and my mum had to come pick us up? she was mad for so long after that and didnt want us to see each other but we did. many times. to have apple pie from macdonalds or just to talk about boys. Do you remember that time your mom found out you were smoking and i took the wrap for you and let her believe it was under my influence that you did so. she called me up and demanded answers from me and threatened to call my mom. Do you remember when we went for that camp together and cried like babies thinking about how small we've become since growing up in this world with people who don't understand us like we do each other? we made a pact to forgive all those people but we needed each others help. Do you remember us both crying about our first heartbreaks? It was so unfair because it was never our faults that it didnt work out. it was just never the right time or place. Thats how the universe pushed us together, we'd find each other in all the wrong times and it was the most beautiful thing. Do you remember when i found out you lied. Again, and then that other time. You told me it was a phase and its over. but the phases keep coming on. Do you remember the look on my face? did you notice it at all. cause thats the face when i knew everything that was coming out of your mouth was a lie. Why? i never understood. was i not accepting enough? Do you not remember everything we've been through or was it just never enough. Do you remember all that we used to be? Do you remember kicking up the leaves? Do you remember our plans to travel the world. Do you remember ME..?
today i lost my best friend to a pride that cannot be swayed.
871 · Jan 2016
Five Fingers Jan 2016
To live
so boldly
and independently
that my transgressions
hurt no one
but me.
866 · Feb 2015
Five Fingers Feb 2015
out of my mind today
trying to come back down to earth
i refuse to sleep
i aint tired
i insist
you see its just that
its just that
im finally alone
with myself
my thoughts
so im not all that alone
but there is no expectation or responsibility
like lifes other relationships
there is no relationship like my relationship with myself
and i need to be alone
i am finally alone.
i love it
cause i cant face people anymore
i dont know how to
while still liking myself
someone please take me away
829 · Dec 2014
the potter's hands
Five Fingers Dec 2014
i was made to love
such was my programming.
but every system has flaws
and when my love catches fire
and blazes into the sky
pulling my heart out with it
i retreat
i get scared
how do i love again
when it has cost me so much
how do i deny my makings
when there is a glitch in the system
how do i fix myself
when the damage has been done by foreign hands
there are no instructions
at least not in a language i understand.
no one can help me
but i dont trust myself anymore
and so i am stuck.
i try to be loving
i try to go back
but in trying i am hurting
because you dont deserve it
because i put myself at risk again anyway
so. *******. scared.
Five Fingers Mar 2015
I heard it,
a shatter.
Could it be my spirits broke?
could it be my tender heart
whose true feelings will never be spoke.
I know you don't want to be that guy,
I know you don't want me to be that fool.
But the truth is i never heard such a piercing lie,
how could words be so purely intentioned,
but cruel.

You lie to protect me.
maybe that's just what i want to believe
my heart screams "it must be"
my head says don't be naive
I been trying to move forward believe me,
I've been trying for so long
but my hands wont grasp the pieces
cause maybe i just don't want to move on.

I just want

As you are

As you've always been.

I wish there were a simpler way,
I wish the stars were better aligned,
I wish i had the courage to say

that I love you too
and i always will
Even if you really meant it,

I will love you still.
he said he loved me. then he said he was just confused.
786 · Jan 2015
Five Fingers Jan 2015
my life
is at
a stand still
everything is
into these tiny *******
that i cant put
and i dont understand any of it
and i cant move to change it
its like a nightmare
its like quick sand
its like nothing
but all at once
i hate who i've become and i dont even recognize myself anymore and i dont know if i even want to cause im so useless and ashamed
764 · Sep 2014
The Life of a Pillow
Five Fingers Sep 2014
Is it always going to be this way?
a place to cry
to hit
to cuddle
Destined, here i will sit
to watch your life
turn into a puddle

to let you make mistakes
and listen every time
to every scorn
every heartache
every mistake
every crime

i cant complain
i share in the happiness too
but only from the sidelines
and i'm happy for you too
its okay that you only need me to rest your head
and its okay the one you truly miss
is usually just your bed.

ill always be here
patiently waiting for you
to come on home
and lie with me through
every coming day
that is to unfold
because that's all i really need
someone (a head? a heart?) to hold.

But if one day you decide you care enough to ask
i guess it does hurt
that you think of me last
but its alright
come now
rest your head
ill keep wishing that some day
you'll cry over me
Its okay. This is the life i was called to..
751 · Feb 2015
at your disposal
Five Fingers Feb 2015
I'm not afraid of not being loved.
I'm afraid of being told i'm not worth fighting for.
come and go as you like, you know ill love you anyway.
Five Fingers Jan 2015
i am not insignificant
i am worth it
i am not stupid
i am not blind
i am not ugly and unwanted
my efforts were not for nothing
my pain is justified
my feelings are real
i am not over-exaggerating
i am not taking it too far
i am not selfish
i am not attention seeking
i am not alone
i am not useless
i am not a bad person
i am just a little br
everything i have to think through every single day, like a checklist of things to disallow myself from thinking and feeling cause i dont want to be baggage, i dont want to be a drama queen. but i have had it and i am tired of trying to justify my feelings to myself and everyone else i just want to be sad and needy.
743 · Dec 2015
Five Fingers Dec 2015
A heart so pure
and well intentioned
The face of a sinner
and it's got your attention
715 · Jan 2015
waiting game
Five Fingers Jan 2015
i see it on twitter
those "girl feelings" things.
the whole

"i wanna text you but im scared that im annoying you"

that kind of *******.
i mean no woman should be waiting around for any guy
am i right?
am i?

i waited.
you never came.
i still wait
but im too old for these games.
i want to text you
but im afraid of no reply
i want to be with you
but im scared to try
i text you anyway
and im afraid im a pest
but waiting for you
is really all i know best

the seasons change
and i cant wait anymore
but you know ill still let you in
if you come knocking at my door

"im scared that im annoying you"
so i think ill just walk away
because it scares me more than anything
that you're the only one who can make me feel this way.

ill come back another time
and wait
another day.
Five Fingers Apr 2016
You nod
As I explain myself
choking over my words and punctuating it with sniffles of
You understand and wipe my tears
As I explain myself
choking over the memories of us over the past few years and how I am bring us to
You cry
But you hold my hand through the whole thing
As I stare blankly into space trying not the look at the misery plastered over your face because I know
I am hurting you
Something I never meant to do.
You ask
For once you ask of me more than I ask of you
For some time. Just a little more.
I nod
Because I owe you that much.
663 · Dec 2014
Five Fingers Dec 2014
In breaking my heart
you have forced me to learn
how to


so let me live the way i choose
without you in my head
and hold on to the dignity i no longer feel
but can only wish
is still plastered over my face
as i walk by you
if i had my way i would avoid this forever. But in two weeks ill no longer have anywhere to run.
661 · Jan 2016
against us.
Five Fingers Jan 2016
Could the odds be stacked any higher than they are today
against us
like a mighty wall
of brick and stone

Then there's us
a fragile foundation
a house of cards

any moment now

watch us cave..
659 · Sep 2014
Five Fingers Sep 2014
my head just wont shut up
once more, i fill my cup
the voices, too loud
im alone in this crowd
the faces all unclear
without you, my dear
i just dont understand
why isnt it you, holding my hand
please, wait, dont go
baby i love you so.
i dont know what to do anymore
*i dont know what im living for
my head is too noisy sometimes. with thoughts not entirely mine.
643 · Jun 2016
free spirits run
Five Fingers Jun 2016
I could never fully belong to any one person
i was made
painfully aware of myself
painfully apologetic
i try.
637 · Sep 2014
Understand, Me
Five Fingers Sep 2014
ill never judge
or point a finger
always sympathize
and hold your hand

listen closely
to all your worries
let you hurt me
i will always

ill think about you
not an ounce of resentment
will i shoot your way

but once in a while
just like i understand you
its not okay.
most days im okay with being the understanding one. But sometimes, just sometimes, i wish someone would come rescue me
620 · Mar 2015
Five Fingers Mar 2015
i wish you'd fight for me
for once in your life, go after something and hold onto it
i wish you'd fight for me
and for everything you believe we could be together
i wish you'd fight for me
because maybe, just maybe i could make you happy and all i really wanna see is that happiness you wear so well in your eyes instead of across your teeth.
i wish you'd fight for me
maybe then i'd know for that i am actually wanted the same way i want you
i wish you'd fight for me
so i can stop questioning like a stupid infatuated girl
i wish you'd fight for me
fight for me like i have been fighting myself for you
i wish you'd fight for me
but i know inside you never will.
you leave. thats what you do. i know you think you're making things easier for me but i wish you wouldnt. just for a second.  come over here and take what you want so i can feel alive again.
618 · Aug 2014
nail polish
Five Fingers Aug 2014
you* are like nail polish.

You're beautiful
and shiney
the only sparkle i see
when i hold someones hand

Youre cute
and your colours change
sometimes red
sometime gold

But sometimes black and blue
battered and beaten
like my heart

when i have to remove you.
609 · Oct 2014
Lie beside me, not to me.
Five Fingers Oct 2014
And i will spend my entire life making excuses
for you
My whole life telling people you were
All my days convincing myself
you had your reasons
And my every minute saying
"its okay"

Whatever it takes me to finally forgive
and remind myself once more that
this is the price i must pay
to have you in my life

it;s worth it
it's worth it
take a shot
just swallow it down once more.
after all the lies, you know ill just forgive you again and pretend like nothing happened. Just like every time aye..
602 · Dec 2014
Five Fingers Dec 2014
nothing makes sense anymore.
I go through the motions
I fake it another day
but nothing makes sense
I feel like i am speaking a language
that only i can understand
but whats the use in talking to myself right now
cause all i wanna do is scream at you
but you wont understand
and i cant even blame you
nothing makes sense anymore
ill just keep going through the motions
and hope one day someone will understand enough
to break my cycle
593 · Dec 2014
Five Fingers Dec 2014
It took me 18 years to learn a thing or two
About life and all the utter crap it tends to put you through.

I learnt not to pine for love and wealth.
I learnt never to trust anyone but myself.
I learnt never to cling on to what you may think is yours.
I learnt never to let your feelings show beyond your room walls.
I learnt never to hurt another at the expense of my own,
because that would only leave me a *****,
and all alone.
I learnt that at the end of the day, even if i have nothing to call my own,
as long as i have heart,
ill always have a home.

But one thing 18 years
could never have taught me to see,
is that the greatest flaw in my life
was trusting the feelings
of ME.
Life will defy all i think ive learnt and know,
and the biggest thing thats so ******* hard to learn,
is to just
588 · Jan 2015
Five Fingers Jan 2015
to hide
but be seen more often
to give less of myself
but be caring and kind
to be grateful
but not place so much value in things
and to love
but feel less
583 · Jun 2016
Five Fingers Jun 2016
You're trying your best

to re-write the stories

paint over the pictures

erase the love letters

but i wish you wouldn't.

Just draw something new

so i know you're doing okay

and write again

like i know you can

and let the tattoos

of the good and bad

571 · Sep 2014
Five Fingers Sep 2014
No one has been through the same
none would understand
But i know you would hear all i'm screaming inside
just by holding my hand

But i cant find you now
I don't know where you are
And now I spend everyday of my life
wishing you were'nt so far
come back. only you would understand.
561 · Sep 2014
safety net
Five Fingers Sep 2014
after falling in rubble
but a hundred times
your skin breaks through
and you cant find the lines
I have been here waiting
just like i said

so fall on me now
*fall on me instead
559 · Jan 2015
the in-betweener
Five Fingers Jan 2015
im in between. in between loving and hating you cause how can i hate you. but then again this vessel is out of sympathy. im in between. in between screaming and keeping dead silent, trying to decide which might hit harder. cause im in between. in between trying to hate you and push you out of my life, and keeping you close cause i dont want to lose you and the only thing worse than pushing you away is seeing you stop trying to pull me back. im in between, in between wanting to be a good person cause when all is dead and gone i have my soul left to be proud of. but then again this old soul has gotten me nowhere and given me no good. im in between wanting to be stupid and blissful and naive about life like you. but i'd rather have my eyes too wide open then sleep in ignorance at night. im in between loving and completely hating myself for changing because im weak and sometimes i think i deserve to be and i need to stop beating myself up about it but why, why couldnt i just stay the same and confident in my actions because it was the right thing to do. why am i so **** in between why cant i be on one side of the spectrum for once. the right side.  maybe then someone will notice that i am stuck in between my own realities and idealistic fantasies that are turning to dust and falling through my fingers a little more everyday.
one of those nonsense verbal diarrhea rants
553 · Oct 2014
something died inside
Five Fingers Oct 2014
come a time when acceptance
is  not an option
doesn't have a say
even sadness itself slips out of mind
and something beautiful inside slips away

like when suddenly your mind screams
"i don't believe in fairies"
and even though you never brought it to words
a fairy somewhere fell, its wings dripped away
because you didn't know which would be worse

to say how i feel

i would never dare

to tell you
that would be a crime

so i sit here and stare at you
"dont open your mouth"
cause if i did let slip
"why me?" is all that'd come out
547 · Sep 2014
Hold My Tongue
Five Fingers Sep 2014
I will never give again
I will learn to not share
Contribute only when the boat is sinking
and Hurt
Hide it at all costs

I guess that's the problem with being upright
that's the price of knowing black from white
that's the problem with taking on the protector role
cause all that is left is

I don't wanna be the mom anymore
I don't wanna be taken for granted
I don't wanna be your confidante
don't wanna try and help
because if i do
you will never see me
as just someone with needs
just like you
transparency works both ways but you decided i should be the only fool
539 · Jun 2016
Five Fingers Jun 2016
I prayed
and I was given
but I told God it was not to be

I took
what was not given

He will be back to claim her from me
if He wills it, it will be
524 · Feb 2015
Five Fingers Feb 2015
I've had it with trying to decode all these hidden messages left behind for me. The i love yous that have no follow up. The i miss yous but ill keep my distance. The tip toe steps you take around me. All i need is a little honestly. For ******* once some honesty from people so that i know that im not a fool like im made to think i am. Waiting around for people to finally give me back the same amount i give them. Does. it. end.
519 · Apr 2016
Precious 9s
Five Fingers Apr 2016
Just don't forget me
When the 9s come around
And hold the memories preciously
Of when what is now lost
was first found
518 · Jan 2015
Five Fingers Jan 2015
it was like yesterday
letting my mother see me weak
for the first time
in so long
it was like yesterday
when i sat on her bed
trying to swallow emotion
that was crawling its way up my throat
gripping harder than reality
it was like yesterday
i begged her
i cried
and i begged her
it was like yesterday
"please i dont want to go"
"i cant face them"
"i cant face any of it"
it was like yesterday
i let my guard down
"i dont want to go to school dont make me go please"
it was like yesterday*
a mess
she didnt touch me
no comfort
no ounce of sympathy on her face
"you go"

"please, no"

"you go"

she always made me face it
she always made me face it
i always had to face it

its been 4 years.
"please dont make me go"
maybe if i beg one more time it'll work today
514 · Sep 2014
The only people
Five Fingers Sep 2014
The only people
i wish i'd have known
i never thought
you weren't the ones
would make me feel
i could call my own
so alone and distraught
makes me so angry an disappointed every day
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