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Jul 2015 · 2.1k
An egg
I may seem hard
From far outside guard
Just thought me inside
And my softest soul will abide
With only one uncareful touch
Means so much
Takes no doubt
I could be broken *inside & out
Jul 2015 · 411
The things I wanted the most
was never beyond fear.
Jul 2015 · 680
The 5 Wh
What does the heart
Do to me, to you
Why does it hurt
If I lost you
When will it start
Thinking things we want to
Where's the place apart
This spaces between our hearts
Who can tell me
Who can tell you.
Jul 2015 · 1.0k
Wind with cold breeze
Sky's full of stars with memories
Jul 2015 · 1.1k
I remained (5w)
Jul 2015 · 357
I can only tell I'm okay when "I am not."
Jul 2015 · 664
If you will just break my heart
Tell me sooner.
Jul 2015 · 525
What is Life?
The meaning of life is not to be discovered
Only after death in some hidden
Mysterious realm
On the contrary,
It can be found by eating the succulent
Fruit of the Tree of Life
And by living in the here
And now as fully
And creatively as we.
Jul 2015 · 3.9k
Taken for granted
Jul 2015 · 641
Cause I'm not
Please, never believe when I say
*I'm Okay" while smiling.
Jun 2015 · 201
The words you said to me
couldn't set me free.
#love #pain #long #hurt #remembered #unforgettable #words
Jun 2015 · 800
I'm stuck with writing poems just to forget what we really were about
Words are bringing me so deeply insane
And I don't think I could look myself again.

So I write this poem to you for the last time
I don't think any words to rhyme
Cause my heart sinks into
Thinking the day spend without you.
Jun 2015 · 1.2k
My permanent concealer to this persisting pain after you left.
Jun 2015 · 983
I am no longer me
I remembered how I died inside
I couldn't make a single sound
Like a dying fish crave for life been sunfired
In my own tears my soul drowned

It just killed me to know I was no longer for you
Being not in touch and how like we used to
How my voice no more gave you the jitters
When it all once rained pieces of my heart glitters

My heart now concealed by my tears to free
Our thoughts shared I wanted to break free
And so as my life shadowed with sky so grey
I am no longer me what I was yesterday.
Jun 2015 · 437
What is it that we show
As our hearts beats we don't know
That strange feeling we just wan't, No
Whenever we felt it with someone we can't, let go.

They say it's Love you are in love
At cause of nothing you just felt you have
That kind of feeling compared a lot
To what people felt, stated as a plot.

All blandishing words comes out within
My mouth from soul yes it's in
The thought of something I just don't know
This feeling's strange for someone I can't let go.
Jun 2015 · 485
A goodbye (I just loved)
Jun 2015 · 1.1k
After you left it lasts for a week
those pleaded and weep
I've done everything to keep
but still you left and now I am weak.

No text, no call
no you after all
I think you've forgotten me I don't understand
I've got this fear now that I cannot stand

I am no longer open for companions,
I don't even take everyone's opinions
I don't talk I thought doubtly
I think they'll just reject me.

I don't even talk to who's not committed
Cause I have this fear now of being rejected
I am now sealed with this fear
Be forgotten by a person eventhough I love for real.
Jun 2015 · 529
Their love of a lifetime
He loves death.
She loves life.
He lives for her.
She dies for him.
He wants eternity.
She wants infinity.
He cares good of their bond.
She promise him more of beyond.
Jun 2015 · 365
Don't go
He had wanted to say, "don't go".
She had wanted to hear, "don't go".
The he and she story
Jun 2015 · 822
There's something that you need to know
It feels so wrong when you leave me alone
I can't deny that to you I belong
And I can admit you're the queen of my home

I Love with thy Lord from above
Not to a paper signed without Love
What difference does it make ?
When from a priest, just a permission we take

I Love you now with no conditions
With no limits, excuses or reasons
I am hopefully devoted to you
Not them, not her, nothing but only to you.
Jun 2015 · 4.9k
I'd like to say Goodmorning to all
to let awaken you and your soul
a possitive act we used to use to
say every morning as our night get through
Goodmorning even if it is evening there
Live your life go on with care
Forget the pain of yesterday
Live your life together with pray
Goodmorning to all handsome's and gorgeous'es like you.
Jun 2015 · 2.0k
Torment of regret
She's terrified with the thought of suffering
*torment of regret
Jun 2015 · 362
Perfect day
My Perfect Day has
Nothing to do with the Weather
Or what i am doing
My perfect Day is
Whenever I am with you
Spending my all little moments
AndĀ felt loved
Jun 2015 · 1.9k
I'm not a virgin anymore
I was lively
And full of dreams
I chased the dark skies
And waited for him...
I was mere eighteen
When love happened to me
He was only twenty
And irresistible to me...
We talked long hours
No matter; Day or night
We made promises
Under those dim lights...
He touched me
With his voice
And My body shivered
Every time he said goodbye...
We walked for miles
And shared our lives
He said he was broken
And needed me by his side...
He gave all the love
I ever asked for
In return
He used to smile and walk off...
Weeks and months passed
Until he asked me
He wanted me to take another step
And surrender myself to him...
I was scared
And was definitely not ready
I kept silent
While he kept reminding me of my duties...
His voice changed
And so his touch
As if he was waiting all this long
To unbutton my shirt...
I was confused
While he made a distance
As if I was the culprit here
And needed the punishment...
I finally surrendered
And he smiled
He held me in his arms
While I felt broken and cheated...
But i still had hope
In my diminishing love
I decided to end my virginity
To save my precious love...
He did all he wanted
Day and night
But it was his touch
That doesn't sound right...
Now it's the body
That all he ever wanted
My soul was lost
But he never bothered to ask why?
I wept in darkness
And lonely night
He only called and messaged
When he wanted to undress me by his side...
I was cheated and
My love was lost
He used me
Like a *** toy...
I finally spoken
And broken up with him
He smiled and went away
As if I never meant anything to him...
This is the truth
Which I wanted to share
Don't lose your virginity and soul
To someone who says I love you and want to see you naked....
I was lively
And full of dreams
I chased the dark skies
And waited for him...
I was mere eighteen
When love happened to me
He was only twenty
And irresistible to me...
true story
Jun 2015 · 1.7k
A letter to my crush
Dear crush,

Sometimes, it's hard to find a word to tell you how much you mean to me. A lot of times, I don't say anything at all. But I hope someday, you'll understand,
"To have you, is what I live for."

Lovingly yours,
Jun 2015 · 657
Make sense
If you can love the wrong one
so much,
just imagine how much
you could love the right one.
Jun 2015 · 337
Should I Remove my Brain to Stop Thinking about You?
Or Should I Remove my Heart to Stop Loving You?
Jun 2015 · 1.1k
Presence (10w)
Never leave her waiting,
Just because you know she will.
Jun 2015 · 518
I may
Like me, I may like you too.
Hate me, I may like you more.
Ignore me, I may be your dream.
Love me, I may kiss you in front of them.
Be with me, I will marry you.
Jun 2015 · 665
Foolish (10w)
Decieve me I am fool
I do believe in *miracle
Jun 2015 · 260
Here I am alone
travelling in the darkness
you left and gone
this hurt totally sadness

Here I am wet in the rain
no shelter nowhere to go,
such pain.
I hope this tears would never go low
I want it shed to reduce my sorrow
Jun 2015 · 267
Jun 2015 · 2.7k
Charmed (10w)
She just bit her lower lip then blew a kiss.
Jun 2015 · 260
Could it be love?
Could it be love?

When I see your picture,
my heart sinks down to my belly,
my legs turns out jelly.
I saw your smile and my eyes melt.
This feeling is strange, Before, I never felt.

You are my very first thought in the morning.,
And my last night fall
Maybe I'm dreaming
What am I for?
Could this be love?
I Always ask from above.
Jun 2015 · 496
I cannot (I just love you)
I cannot make you understand.
I cannot make anyone understand.
I cannot even explain it to myself.

I just love you.
Expression of thoughts and feeling.
Jun 2015 · 283
In Love and Life (10w)
Doing everything right doesn't guarantee that nothing wrong will happen.
Just saying.
Jun 2015 · 507
Pointed (10w)
They hurt you, and they act like you hurt them.
Jun 2015 · 2.8k
The rain (10w)
Some people feel the rain.
they just get wet.
Jun 2015 · 1.2k
The internet
One day we met,
on this internet.
Our keyboards we typed away,
the things we had to say.
We chatted about our lives,
our triumphs and strides.
Little did we know,
we would let our feeling show.
In each other we have grown to care,
to each other, we are always there.
I am so glad that we met,
on the internet.
We have friendship that is true,
I am thankful that I met you.
Sometimes, it doesn't matter if we don't see each other, what matter is, we are contented on what we have.
Jun 2015 · 746
She started to hate herself
from the moment he left her
without any explanation.
Jun 2015 · 330
Perfect imperfection?
Imperfection is perfect.
Jun 2015 · 1.0k
I will wait
till the day I can forget you
the day you'll realize you can't forget me.
Jun 2015 · 349
Argument ended.
phone rings,
I miss you,
I miss you too.
you do?
It's been too long.
Longing so fast... :D
Jun 2015 · 7.7k
A beautiful smile.
A special face.
A special someone,
Like you with grace.
With eyes so blue.
A love so true.
A love so deep.
You're the one, I chose to keep.
Jun 2015 · 203
Tell me.
What is the sound,
Of your heart when I sing
What is that sound,
To your soul that it bring.

Tell me, tell me.
Jun 2015 · 9.7k
LOVE (10w)
is like ******, the agony ***** at its ****** time.
A qoute.
Jun 2015 · 631
Get so much hurt
by master of flirt.

He live his life of having fun
make fun of lying, cheating any woman.
He's here, he's there, he is everywhere.
At cheating, nor lying, he is master.

He sleeps with you, he sleeps with her,
Poor you believes, all his lies you recieved
With his word said "forever" you're decieved.
Of his Devilish words, silently, you suffer.

If I were you, I'll "leave him sooner,"
hurt only you'll get, if you "stay together"
A liar lying
A cheater decieving

You're all an option,
taken by emotion.
Tempted by seduction
Pleasure be his reason.

Get so much hurt
by master of flirt.
My friend's story.
Jun 2015 · 706
She's with someone better than you, she's no longer yours.
Being not better. Lack of care, cheated.
Jun 2015 · 1.2k
Said, the more I silently expressed,
the more obvious I can be seen.
Why you didn't? can't you notice?
Life's within you, Am I so mean.?
Unsaid thoughts.
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