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Jun 2015 · 401
Agony (10w)
I can't take it anymore. So much of this heartbreak.!
Hearbreak feels like every piece of your body is broken too. Even brain sinks, shatters.
Jun 2015 · 376
Four word thought
I'll treat you right.
I'll treat you good.
Serenade you every night,
each moment I could.
I wish I may,
I wish you might.
Oh come and say,
"you are my knight."
A smile to laughter,
a cry to sorrow.
A love of adventure,
my love of tomorrow.
Like coat in cold,
my love will hold.
My love will stay
I promise It may.
Like candy, so sweet,
So warm like heat.
My love, so bold.
kept as secret, untold.
Jun 2015 · 740
Blinded (10w)
He cheated,
She didn't see it
She's blinded, it hurts.
Cheating is as painful you're being Shot in all parts of your body but still live. >.<
Jun 2015 · 456
Remedy (10w)
Next present love is just a remedy for first love.
First love never dies.
Jun 2015 · 567
Why do we think love makes us whole,
where in the end it just
leaves us more broken than before.
Loving without getting any love back.
Jun 2015 · 447
Goodbye (10w)
I Moved on.
I think, there's point of turning back.
Strong heart, so ironic.
Jun 2015 · 787
My broken heart
Its like
leaving shadow
of the day,
like everyone
returning home,
when it cries,
it doesnt show
its hurt,
it doesn't scream,
with its
sound of silence,
it dont want to get someones
it wants to be alone,
I listen to a rhythm of its beat,
it show how I feel,
it started to
let my hand write,
that discribe, how it does,
and how it is,
I cry
it never let sleep
i want to freeze it,
shut it down
but it can't,
its still beating
no one can see it,
not if it let me do.
still making sounds,
nobody can hear
right here, right now.
Jun 2015 · 258
Untitled (10w)2
If forever exist, I will live my life with you.
If it doesn't, I'll just treasure every moment with you.
I don't believe in forever, afterlife, instead.
Jun 2015 · 308
Infatuation (10w)
She gives everything he wants,
in the name of love.
Oh love, what really is.?
Jun 2015 · 214
Who to listen (10w)
Brain says, I don't love you.
Heart says, I do.
May 2014 · 211
"Flower and Butterfly"
On a garden
I'm a flower,
many of us there,
I saw you stare.

you're roaming around,
not making a sound.
you're still starring,
we're not moving.

as the wind blows,
we're gliding.
somebody's coming,
a bee getting close.

stares at me,
not for long,
and she goes.
then you come more close.

on me you've landed,
you've kiss me.
everybody envy.
i didn't take it for granted.

still i'm not moving,
you've got what you need.
the kissed you've given,
a sign that you're leaving.

my butterfly
didn't even say goodbye.
i'm still on a garden,
alone, with everyone.
#Goodbye #Kiss #Love #loner
May 2014 · 319
"Stop & Stare" (10w)
I see that lovely girl, I just stop & stare.
At first sight
May 2014 · 238
Still I'm waiting (Love)
Here i am, alone
waiting in a river till break dawn.
sitting beside this shore of wonder,
throwing some stones of perfection.

The more i wait here,
the more i feel dark inside.
nothing comes each day
hurts my emotion.
a bottle of wine, my letter collide
trowed on a river
to the ocean by flowing water

Like a kid, believing,
on a abage that has no point of meaning.
I hope someday she could see
my letter in a bottle over that sea.
I am waiting, Im waiting, lonely longing.
#Love #Lost #Right Time.
May 2014 · 272
I'm still in love, i can't sleep,
it's 3:20 doing nothing, stuck with something.
good morning, still heart saying.
you lady, the one i'm thinking.

oh, love, help me out.
with you girl i always think about.
i can't sleep, i'm gonna freak out.
changing positions, looking from north to south.

to sleep is to dream of you,
still the same i'm thinking of you.
Oh love, help me with this.
this something i feel,
i just can't resist.
May 2014 · 276
Dream (Oh!Love!)
As my eye's closed,
think in' bout here who is the most.
The girl I merely see,
the one i want to be, forever with me.

Before, I never felt this way,
like, always your on my head every night and day.
When i get narrowed,
this heart feels so hallowed.

As you enter there's peace,
full my heart, that never been happy like this.
Promise me to stay,
never leave me in a nonsense way.

All i wan't you to know,
is that, I Love You so.
I wanna be with you,
as long as you wan't me too.

My beautiful Lieh,
my love for you is more that you think that way.
I'm just carried out >.< i don't understand.

— The End —