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11.0k · Jul 2016
Shopping for Inner Praise
Christina Cox Jul 2016
Waiting my turn in
----------------------------- line
for the golden star
from Self-Gratification.

Now to find the shortest aisle.
Christina Cox Jan 2016
Going to the gym
Seeing the me that I hate
In the mirror wall
8.0k · Dec 2015
Painting an Elephant
Christina Cox Dec 2015
For an hour and a half I sit on the floor
holding a piece of shaped cardboard.
I turn it round and round to show all side
while holding a paper plate of paints.
He holds the brush like he holds his pencils
He pays attention to the cartoon at his lap
and sporadically looks at the tip of the brush.
Colors are scattered with no rhyme and reasons
and brush strokes are seen without hesitation.
He paints and paints and saps his little energy
to make a Christmas present for his little sister.
4.4k · Dec 2015
Oh How I Love the Smell
Christina Cox Dec 2015
A lavender field
Grown in the dark of my room
Lulling me to sleep
Christina Cox Dec 2015
My mom is snoring,
thirteen stairs and ten feet away.
My mom is peaceful,
thirteen stairs and ten feet away.

My dad is watching,
seven stairs and fifteen feet away.
My dad is learning,
seven stairs and fifteen feet away.

I am sitting,
on the floor against a trunk.
I am crying,
on the floor agains a trunk.
3.9k · Dec 2015
Slang Love
Christina Cox Dec 2015
Less than three denotes a heart
showing love between two teens.
Texting back and forth with words
created out of broken and squished words.
Back with “ilu,” “ilysfm,” “ily,” “ilusm.”
And forth “i<3u,” “ilym,” “ilylc,” “bilu.”
Outsiders don’t understand the slang
but they don’t know,
they do not need to.
Only the two who are in love.
3.9k · Dec 2015
Christina Cox Dec 2015
Is it so hard to understand?
I want to love myself.
Before I love someone else.
Christina Cox Feb 2016
I wash the clothes
and fold them too.
I take the dishes
and load them up.
I look at closets
and organize jackets.

I do the chores
mom usually does.
Parents thank me
and smile at my work.
To them I'm getting better
and working to be better.

Little do they know
that when I do housework
my live is spiraling more
and all I am doing
is making things easier
for when I am gone.
3.4k · Jan 2016
Personification of Life
Christina Cox Jan 2016
I've always been confused
by media's personifications of Life.

A beautiful woman
                          whose skin is flawless
                          whose face is symmetric
                          who has no faults

She, Life, is perfect and clean.

How life truly is not

A depiction of Life I give you now,
one not so perfect as She before.

                                           Skin and features of many
                                           taking in the best and worst.
                                                    A being who is strong and weak
                                                    visibly ill while being well.
                                A being who is beautiful in it's -u-g-l-i-n-e-s-s-
                                or rather,
                                a being who is beautiful in it's uniqueness.
A being who is not perfect,
but strives to be.
A being who is not commonly pretty,
but true to the mixture of
                                 Pain and Sorrow
                                 Ease and Joy.

Now I am sure you depict
Life a different way.
But how truthful all these depictions are

for life is different to everyone.
2.8k · Jan 2016
Christina Cox Jan 2016
I see the way you look at me
a fat girl wearing a crop top at the gym.
Your frown screams how dare you
and I'm sure your mind says it too.

The small girl walks in
with perfect hair and shorts barely there.
You will avert your eyes
to avoid the ugly in your gym.

But wait.

You didn't.

You walked over and smiled.
Said hi.
Gave me some advice
and moved on.

There are boys I know
from middle and high school;
I haven't seen in years.

I see them wonder at my clothes
while acknowledging me
with tiny pursed smiles.

There are women larger than I
they look at me with disgust
and I don't know why.

So many judgements
in a place where walls are mirrors
and sweat is a normal thing.

But do these people really feel
the way I think they do?

Because I look at them
and don't really care.

We're all just working out
in a gym
trying to become
who we want to be.
2.8k · Aug 2016
Time Travel (Haiku)
Christina Cox Aug 2016
On the wall, right there,
Hang windows for all to see
Of past memories.
2.8k · Feb 2016
Christina Cox Feb 2016
Orion, Orion,
run through the sky.
Shoot Polaris through the heart
and drag it down to earth.

Orion, Orion,
lasso up the moon.
Roll it round the world
and create a crescent smile.

Orion, Orion,
chase the northern lights.
Herd them down to the south
to join with their brothers and sisters.

Orion, Orion,
take a look at your belt.
And travel to the stars that sew
your clothing all together.

Orion, Orion,
please take me on a journey.
Capture me as I walk
and bring me up to you.

Orion, Orion,
let me live with you.
In the sky and in the stars
with the moon by my side.

Orion, Orion,
please become my friend.
Take me away from this hell I live
on this earth that is breaking down.
2.7k · Feb 2016
To Avoid Being Crushed
Christina Cox Feb 2016
I feel the weight on my shoulders.
So I hide under the table.
Let the wood take the crushing world.
And allow me time to sleep.
Lie down on the shaggy floor.
While the makeshift roof is cracking.
Melt into the floor for once.
Becoming something new.
No longer am I human
But a part of something bigger.
My body has disappeared
From the harmful world.
There is no more crushing
The world cannot find me anymore.
2.5k · Jan 2016
Losing My Virginity
Christina Cox Jan 2016
A conscious decision made weeks ago
turns into a conscious action.
Talking and flirting to find the right one
who will take my meaningless title.
Finding a day and time to come together
and consciously act.
Going up and going down
waiting for the ******.
The one takes the time
and finally the meaningless title
is destroyed.
2.4k · Dec 2015
Christina Cox Dec 2015
The face and body of a million others
because of the 21st chromosome.
The movements and quirks of a million others
because of a little spectrum.
The testers and medication of a million others
because of a tiny chemical.
Down syndrome. Autism. Diabetes.

The most loving person I know.
2.1k · Dec 2015
Ear Piercing
Christina Cox Dec 2015
I pierced my ear today.
        Emphasis on the I.
I bought supplies,
     took the needle,
     and pierced my skin.
Then cartilage and skin again.
Put the earring in and locked it up.
Cleaned up blood with watered down
I pierced my ear today
                         to get a safer rush of pain.
2.0k · Dec 2015
Finding Courage
Christina Cox Dec 2015
Ready the washcloth and the drying mats.
Turn the faucet on to hot and let the water flow.
Pour blue soap onto each glass and fork;
Onto every dish and bowl.
I’m searching for the courage to do the family dishes.
To roll up the sleeves of a long-sleeved shirt under a simple tee.
To show my scars to myself and maybe to the water.
Doing dishes home alone, finding courage to face myself.
2.0k · Dec 2015
I Am A Pirate
Christina Cox Dec 2015
Maps drawn with lines and X’s
Marking the spots of interest,
I’ve drawn a map on my body
with lines of scars, scabs, and blood.
The spots of interest being my
Mind, Heart, and Soul
all parts of my body,
marked with an X each.
Which one holds the treasure,
the desire to live?
The search continues,
following the lines
and braving the sea.
Taking over ports and other ships
just to find the happiness
I might hold inside.
2.0k · Jan 2016
Just Sex
Christina Cox Jan 2016
I'm going on a date
with a man I met online.
We've agreed to short term,
ending with some ***.
Promises of milestones,
talking of consent,
with one purpose: virginity to lose.
The timing we will choose
to do the big event.
We will work out the hormones
and in the very end, be another ex.
This truth we both hold firm.
We hope the last night will be divine
as we end up being just a playmate.
Rhyming front to back. Had some fun with that.
1.9k · Dec 2015
Keeping Hands Busy
Christina Cox Dec 2015
I color with pencils that are too happy for my feelings.
I paint with colors that express my dark mind perfectly.
I sew too fast to keep my mind occupied.
I hand sew to find a peace within my body.
I play with Chinese Health ***** to keep my muscles working.
I sign the ASL alphabet as I walk to work my mind.
I write poems to keep my thoughts centered and alive.
I do the dishes to find the time to stare outside the window.
I roll a snowball to get the courage to throw it.
I find some ice and hold it tight to restart my system.
And when none of it works,
I take a razor blade to my skin to find true clarity.
1.7k · Dec 2015
My Depression
Christina Cox Dec 2015
Naked trees and close to green bushes are no longer seen.
Five, six, seven inches of snow piled on branches.
Creating sad plants, drooping down.
Height is cut in half.
Now transfer that image to the soul.
You see my depression.
Christina Cox Dec 2015
At two weeks old I was blessed to be healthy, happy, and strong.
Which is actually really sweet.

At eight years old I was baptized fully underwater in a giant tub.
It sounds stranger than it was.

At eight years old I was confirmed a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and given the gift of the Holy Ghost.
But why would the counsel of the Holy Ghost be a gift only given to those in this church?
And why is the name so **** long?

At twelve years old I was moved to different classes separated by gender then brought back together an hour later.
The concept and schedule of a three hour church day is quite strange.

At sixteen years old I could have followed the rule my parents and higher-ups had made to not date until sixteen but only in groups.
At fifteen years old I broke the rule and found a boy to call my own.

At eighteen years old I graduated from seminary, even though I lied.
It helps when we graded ourselves.

At eighteen years old I could have followed the rule my parents and higher-ups had made to be allowed to date without being in a group.
But I broke this rule three years prior.

At twenty-one years old I could have chosen to spend two years away from school, family, friends and serve the church through a mission.
A scary thought to me but a great experience to those who are faithful.

At twenty-one years old I told my parents, “I don’t think I believe.”
**And crazily, they still love me.
I was born into the church and have just put a few experiences here. Just like any church, there are people who believe and people who do not. Please don't take this as a strict, "This is what this church is." That would not be fair.
1.6k · Dec 2015
Christina Cox Dec 2015
There are people who call me brave.
For dressing different, being honest, and letting my hair talk.
Truth is loneliness, sadness, and terrifying thoughts.
I distract you with how I look, how I act
so you don’t ask questions.
My appearance really whispers, “stay away.”
And you do.
1.6k · Dec 2015
Self Pyramid
Christina Cox Dec 2015

The pyramid of importance.
The pyramid of selfishness.
The pyramid of tragedy.

Depending on how you perceive it.
Christina Cox Dec 2015
I cry, my tears freeze.
While I swing in the playground.
As the snow falls down.
1.4k · Dec 2015
To Be Free of the Curse
Christina Cox Dec 2015
To feel safe inside my body
would be a blessing amid the curse.
To keep my body safe from harm
would be a glorious change.
To find a way to stop the war
from taking over mind and soul.
To take away the blades
that have taken hold of my soul.
To be free of the curse
that lays in wait inside my heart.
1.4k · Dec 2015
Christina Cox Dec 2015
Bravery comes in many forms.
It changes forms depending on it’s friend.

We take the brave to conquer demons
in different, personal ways.

Being brave is different for everyone,
it has a different face.

With respect we watch people fight
with swords, or guns, or more.

We may have similar fighting styles
but truth says no-one is the same.

Being brave is a personal thing.
And I respect the way you fight.
1.4k · Dec 2015
Ice Diving
Christina Cox Dec 2015
Throw your face into the bucket
full of ice and water.
Leave it there for predetermined times
based on physiology and psychology.
15 Seconds first, to get your lungs to work.
20 Seconds next, after getting used to holding breathe.
Try for 30 Seconds last,
that is what they tell me.
Then I go for personal bests
to make the pain even worse.
Ice Diving is a coping skill for cutting. It's a way to induce pain without really harming yourself.
1.3k · Dec 2015
I Do It For The Attention
Christina Cox Dec 2015
I cover my body fully.
     Long sleeves.
No one can see my skin.

You cannot see my arms and the scars I hide.
You cannot see my legs and the scars I hide.
You cannot see my stomach and the scars I hide.

Let alone the fresh cuts.

So tell me again that I do it for the attention.
When I don’t show you the pain I give myself.
1.3k · Feb 2016
Dear Mom I Love You
Christina Cox Feb 2016
If I could write a letter to my mom and tell her the truth...
how liberating and sad it would be.

Dear mom if I take my own life,
don't be afraid of the word suicide.
There were inner demons I could never beat.
Who left their claw marks on my sleeve.

Dear mom if I die, I hope that you're not sad.
Because I'm finally done with the life that so brutally hurt me.

Dear mom I love you so.
And I wish that you knew that taking my life was never about you,
but the darkness in my soul.

Dear mom I know that you believe in a God who won't give you more than you can handle.
But if this is true then why
is it that I want to die?
Because I've had so much more than I can handle.
And I just can't fight anymore.

Dear mom I don't want to alarm you
to the truths lying in wait
in the caverns of my soul


Dear mom I'm dying inside
and I can't take it anymore.

Dear mom tonight I'll say goodnight
and whisper how I love you.
Then go and be alone
to try to stay alive
for just one more hellish night.
Christina Cox Dec 2015
Look at my body. See my body.
Do you see all the scars?

The ones from when I was a little girl
and fell off my bike,
when I picked at my chicken pox,
when I walked through home depot just a little wrong.

The ones from when I was a grown up little girl
and fell down when running in the woods,
when I picked at my pimples and scabs,
when I walked and ran into the door just a little wrong.

The ones from when I was a grown up hurt, little girl
and carved a heart into my arm,
drew a checkerboard on my thigh,
wrote words into my stomach.

Every single scar on my body tells a story.
Some are happy and playful about a little girl who liked to wear dresses.
While others are sad and depressing about a grown up girl who
felt too much pain.
1.3k · Dec 2015
Antique Map Haiku
Christina Cox Dec 2015
One thousand pieces
for ages twelve and older
taking days to mend.
Christina Cox Dec 2015
The scenes of lovers
Intertwined in arms and legs
With eyes full of trust
1.1k · Dec 2015
Fairy Tale Haiku
Christina Cox Dec 2015
Swords are forged of pills.
Castle of dark tapestries.
I am the princess.
1.1k · Dec 2015
The Morning After Relapse
Christina Cox Dec 2015
Feel the dull but sharp, pins and needles pain of new cuts.
The worst is on my hips, a new place for this ****** up girl.
I see the cuts on my arm, the checkerboard I’ve created out of skin.

Would you like to play chess with me?

The deep and wide cut created from needed control of the cutting.
I feel the words carved into my body, the new one on my stomach, “****.”
All the words are true.
All the words are true.

All of these **** words are true.

            The release of emotions,
                   The control of emotions,
                           The object of emotions.

So many reasons and so many stories.

Carved into my body.
1.1k · Feb 2016
A Suicide Note
Christina Cox Feb 2016
I look at you and see the happiness I wish I had.
The love for everyone you see.
I start to cry for my hopeless wishing
to be happy once again.

I write on paper all the things
I wish I had again.


Now all I want
is to write a new letter
to you.

A letter saying,
"I'm sorry for all I've done"
"I'm sorry for what I'm about to do"
"I'm sorry I can't do it anymore"
"I'm sorry I've lost my fight"
1.0k · Jan 2016
My Wish For My Long Ones
Christina Cox Jan 2016
I want to scream and yell
at you, Reader

"Why do you see the longer ones
and skip over them?"

These are the words I wrote
with my heart and soul
for you to read.

"Why do so many get a reading
when they are shorter than them above?"

These are words I quickly found
that do have meaning
but only in those seconds.

I wish you would become a reader
of longer, lingering thoughts.
Then you'll see into my soul
in different ways than I understand.

But truth be told,
I should yell at myself
for doing the same to you.
1.0k · Dec 2015
Christina Cox Dec 2015
Is it my heart or my head
that wishes I was dead?
978 · Dec 2015
Christina Cox Dec 2015
Head splitting
open wide.
Waking up with
nightmares inside.
Find the cabinet
with all the pills.
Choose the color
make the mind still.
Overdose possible
through the label.
Without the extra
can’t be saved.
971 · Dec 2015
She Believes
Christina Cox Dec 2015
She believes that she is nothing.
Yet you tell her she is not.
She holds on to that believe
and ties it around her waist.
Maybe if you tell her enough
you’ll pull her out of the deep.
And she’ll she the light above
that surrounds her when she believes
that she is something.
964 · Dec 2015
Christina Cox Dec 2015
Lights and sounds
disturbing the brain.
Making the move to
sicken the stomach.
Working to lay in bed
in the artificial darkness
with the loud silence
to maybe get better.
Christina Cox Jan 2016
Isn't it funny
how a brown, warm little drink
keeps my eyes open?
Christina Cox Dec 2015
A scary movie
Screaming into the pillow
Curled into myself
Christina Cox Dec 2015
Romantic movie
Comedic love intertwined
Maybe I'll find some
Christina Cox Jan 2016
I'm needing a map
Showing in my soul
With a path to leave
902 · Aug 2016
Consider This.
Christina Cox Aug 2016
There's a light at the end of the tunnel
for if there wasn't
it would be a cave
and you would be stuck.
894 · Dec 2015
Christina Cox Dec 2015
To be free of suicidal thoughts
To be free of self harm urges
To be free from the demon of myself

Can only be a wish.
878 · Dec 2015
Christina Cox Dec 2015
Dying alone is the secret of life.
It’s what everyone does but no one realizes.
Gather together your thoughts and dreams one last time.
Nothing known and nothing unknown of death.
Infinite wishes of dreams not found.
Thankful for the dreams you were able to make true.
Y**ou die alone after a life of dreams created with lovers and friends.
874 · Jan 2016
Losing Virginity?
Christina Cox Jan 2016
He's taken all of my firsts.

My first date.
My first hand hold.
My first kiss.
My first love.
My first make out.
My first time I was touched.
My first breakup.
My first true hatred.
My first true forgiveness.
My first friend with benefits.
My first *******.

Will he also be my first?
854 · Dec 2015
Christina Cox Dec 2015
One bump, two bump.
A little bitty crash.
One bent bumper, one bumper scraped.
Two heads thrown too fast.
Two necks hurt just a little bit.
No need to send an officer.
Just fill out the online form.
When did an incident at a major intersection
turn into a trivial moment?
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