Orion, Orion,
run through the sky.
Shoot Polaris through the heart
and drag it down to earth.
Orion, Orion,
lasso up the moon.
Roll it round the world
and create a crescent smile.
Orion, Orion,
chase the northern lights.
Herd them down to the south
to join with their brothers and sisters.
Orion, Orion,
take a look at your belt.
And travel to the stars that sew
your clothing all together.
Orion, Orion,
please take me on a journey.
Capture me as I walk
and bring me up to you.
Orion, Orion,
let me live with you.
In the sky and in the stars
with the moon by my side.
Orion, Orion,
please become my friend.
Take me away from this hell I live
on this earth that is breaking down.