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8.9k · Jun 2017
You Are Poison
B Elizabeth G Jun 2017
You are poison
You're love is ****
An apple with a kiss of death
Knowing **** well it will **** me quick
Still I bite to get my fix

The first taste upon my lips
So sweet and succulent, heavenly bliss
Slowly your poison creeps through my veins
Till my snow white skin is left blood stained

Sooner or later comes an antidote
A will to be happy that brings me a float
I cast away your rotten core
Telling myself I'll love you no more

Days go by and there you sit
A "brand new" apple with no holes in it
Suddenly all the cravings creep through
And again I take a bite of you

Willingly I poison myself with your kiss
Hoping this time it will be true bliss
Sadly it only ends all the same
With my heart in small pieces and only me to blame

You are poison
Your love is ****
An apple with a kiss of death
Knowing **** well it will **** me quick
I'll always take a bite to get my fix
To the man whom I'll never be able to stop loving

4.8k · Oct 2018
Realizing I Love You
B Elizabeth G Oct 2018
You breathed tenderness
Into my bones
With pumpkin spice kisses
And waves of sunshine,
Leaking through locked fingertips.
And for moments, gone too soon,
We were one hue;
Red and orange in deep tones
Making music
With the rhythm of every inhale
and ex.
A symphonic masterpiece.
3.0k · Jul 2018
B Elizabeth G Jul 2018
Today I missed you...

     but missing you is an empty jar
     that once contained wrays of
     Now it is nothing more
     than a jar...

          You see...

                tomorrow, I'll remember
                all the reasons why
                we are galaxies away
                when we used to be
                a couple of moons
                that spun in the same orbit...

Tomorrow, you'll be gone again,
but today...

     today I wanted to open the jar
     and hope I found that same
     and today I wanted to catch a
     to the closest moon in your solar

          But missing you is empty...
                        Empty Jar
                        Empty Space
2.5k · Feb 2017
B Elizabeth G Feb 2017
My deepest sleep and worst nightmares
find myself running and hiding
as I’m searching for the savior of the night.

And still,
there you are,
the hero at the end of the story.

Still, I find myself longing for you to save me.
Still, I hope for an ending with you in it.
Still, I love you.

But still,
you are not the same.
Still, you have changed.
Still, you are not who I once loved.
Still, you are not you.

And so still,
I will search for you there.
Still, the old you is waiting for me there.
Still, there you will be,
the hero of my dreams.
2.4k · Jul 2018
A Pebble She Became
B Elizabeth G Jul 2018
A wind stopped her.
Suddenly, she was a pebble
To the emencity of the Mother Earth.

Blankets of clouds warmed
Her lonely soul.

The crickets song
Was the most beautiful choir
She has ever heard.

Chilled grass upon her skin
Was nostalgia in a touch.

Her mind stilled.
Her heart restored.

No longer a woman,
But a child,
Beside a sea in the sky.
1.9k · Jul 2018
B Elizabeth G Jul 2018
As I lay down in the soaked grass,
The mud squishing into every crevice and nook,
I imagine myself melting.

Like leftover snow in early spring,
When the first showers come and erase the remains of winter.

I am the winter.
The rain dissolves me with every drop,
Until I am nothing but an element
Absorbed by the earth.

And the world forgets I was ever here...
1.8k · Jul 2018
Poetry is.
B Elizabeth G Jul 2018
Poetry is
The dance that words make
Without the need
For music.
1.7k · Jul 2018
Heart Clock
B Elizabeth G Jul 2018
Tick, Tick, Tick
Goes the heart clock
Longing to know
True loves taste

Tock, Tock, Tock
With every heart tick
Hoping your first time
Isn't all a waste

Bizz, Bizz, Bizz
Sing the belly bugs
Wondering when
You'll be with them again

Buzz, Buzz, Buzz
Fly the butterflies
Love floats the heart
At the strike of ten

Bang, Bang, Bang
Pound the mind drums
With every kiss
Beats true loves song

Hum, Hum, Hum
Pulse the static veins
With every touch
Sends a current miles long

Tick, Tick, Tick
Heart Clock
Tock, Tock, Tock
1.5k · May 2018
A Winter of Summer
B Elizabeth G May 2018
Loving you was a winter full of summer, and a pocket full of purple wildflowers.

Your smile was a warm breeze in late October, and your touch, the cool grass on bare feet.

Your kiss was the taste of raindrops on a July afternoon, and your voice the water that smooths the river rock.

You were childhood without the sting of the bee.

~B. Elizabeth G.
1.5k · Nov 2017
B Elizabeth G Nov 2017
She thought she had
gone deaf to the
sound of the
hissing flames that
guided her path, then

God shouted.
975 · Sep 2018
B Elizabeth G Sep 2018
I will never let you be cruel to yourself;
For you are the sunshine on my darkest of days,
And the sun can not shine without the confidence of knowing
It can light up the world.
To my niece, for you are the best thing that ever happened to me and I hope you always know how incredibly miraculous you are. Love, Auntie Peep
845 · Apr 2020
Three Little Women
B Elizabeth G Apr 2020
Three Little Women were best friends from the start,

Even though they were two and four years apart.

Golden Brown locks, all three in a row,

All dressed alike, from their head to their toes.

The oldest was protective, a mothers right hand.

Next was a gentle wild child always in dreamland.

Last was the one who was giggly and small,

And looked up to her sisters that broke her every fall.

Three Little Women at play in grassy meadows.

A secret garden they made with dirt covered knees and elbows.

Bare foot in jeans is how they’d always be found,

Just happy to have the others old hand-me down.

Fireflies caught at dusk in a jar,

Their faces aglow as they wished upon a star.

They swung on their swings and sat down for tea,

And ran to the mailbox singing “Ollie, Ollie, Oxen Free”.

Three Little Women would lay awake at night,

Telling stories and secrets in the glow of a night-light.

A room they did share with two big bunk beds,

And prayers said together before they’d rest their sweet heads.

Knick-knacks they’d exchange after doing their chores.

Makeovers and dress up were their favorites for sure.

American Girl Dolls, Barbie’s, and dresses,

Six tiny hands together making messes.

Three Little Women are little no longer,

All grown up and a friendship much stronger.

One day they will have little women of their own,

And once again they can enjoy what they once had outgrown.

Forever they will remain each other’s best friends,

Until their time together here on earth ends.

Nothing can shatter a bond so pure and true,

Sisters who love each other more than most sisters do.
715 · Sep 2018
Falling Souls
B Elizabeth G Sep 2018
I've found a soul
Once broken and blue
Who fights every day
To become a new.
Never thought I'd find
Somebody like you
Who once was broken
And blue like me too.
As you work on me
And I work on you,
I find I'm falling
In love, yes, it's true.
686 · Jul 2018
Busted Love
B Elizabeth G Jul 2018
I think my love button is broken...

Someone came along,
Ripped it out of place,
Turned it around, upside down
Snapped off my "give a ****",
And shoved it back where they found it.

Now sparks fly...
And not the good kind.
Now crackles, and pops, and buzzing
Wreak through the torn seams

Pretty sure the **** thing
Is ****** up sideways.

I think my love button is broken...
663 · Aug 2023
The First Kiss In Heaven
B Elizabeth G Aug 2023
I close my eyes. My hand held by the ones I love.

Suddenly, a fading of time occurs. I am warm, like I am wrapped up in a blanket that smells of mom's clean laundry. A Euphoric noise fills my inner ear, trickles into my head and down my face. There is a growing Light, like sunshine behind my sea salted eyelids.

And then, something cold and wet brushes my cheek. My eyes open. There you are wagging your tail before me. "You're home!" Your eyes whisper to me.

Heavy paws now on both my shoulders, your rough wet tongue cannot be controlled as you lick my face from chin to ear.

"I'm Home".
636 · Jul 2018
Earth Child
B Elizabeth G Jul 2018
For she is still

So the whispers of the grass

And the secrets of the tree

Can shout to her hungry soul.
558 · Oct 2019
This Place
B Elizabeth G Oct 2019
See this place? This place right here?
This is the place I hold most dear.

A place for laughter, for love, for smiles.
A place to come and stay for a while.

Its rock and earth has hugged every toe
Of barefooted children who’ve come here to grow.

Every tree has been watered with each tear they’ve shed.
And the stones made for skipping hold their secrets, once said.

The wind whispers music the children dance to,
With skinned knees and elbows, and tangled hair-do’s.

Each hill tells a memory of moments gone to soon.
Like fireflies in a jar caught under a full moon.

See that place? That place right there?
It’s where cousins become friends and live without a care.

They run and they jump, they giggle and scream.
And with rolled up blue jeans, they splash in its stream.

Into the woods where they place make believe.
Where all the stars hold tight to every wish they receive.

This place is not just dirt, earth and tree;
It’s the best place on earth, the place that made me.

How about you? Does this place make you grin?
Do you feel what I feel when you breathe its air in?

That feeling is joy, peace, hope, and bliss.
It’s babes wild and free. Oh, this place I will miss.

See this place? This place right here?
This is the place my heart will always hold near.

~B. Elizabeth G.~
396 · Apr 2019
B Elizabeth G Apr 2019
I guess you once knew me,
Like a sparrow knows its song.
I guess I thought you knew me,
But I guess I was just wrong.

You believed I was too weak,
Too fragile like a feather.
So you danced around my feelings,
Predictable as the weather.

But oh how you were fooled,
For you are so mistaken.
Cause the things you think that make me weak are the things that have forced me to strengthen.

So, no, I am not a feather.
I am the whole ******* eagle!
I rise above the hardships,
While you run away like a weasel.

I guess you forgot you knew me,
But this bird has found her song.
So with this blow you now must know
That it only makes me fly strong.
368 · Nov 2019
Time Warp
B Elizabeth G Nov 2019
Time that's measured by forgetting you
Is something quite difficult to do.
For days can be years
And months can be seconds
From the day, out of my grip, you flew.
311 · Jan 2020
Writer's Block
B Elizabeth G Jan 2020
All it took was a song
filled with truth
and emotion so raw.
The key buried so deep in the sand,
it was long gone.
The chamber or her heart
that held all these words
locked away in a prison.
No visitors allowed.
Not even the warden can hear
   the screams of the poetry needing a
   pen to meet paper
so that all she is needing to hear
   herself say can be displayed
and the chains finally sawed away
with every haiku and verse.
The words to a song
filled with the meaning muffled
   by her own doubt,
found the lost treasure
   that opened the jailed poets cell.
writing ink to scroll,
blood to sleeve,
tear to cheek.
308 · Oct 2018
B Elizabeth G Oct 2018
Days pass muddily, time is stuck.
Five more to go with the right luck.
At time and a half, hours tick;
The stroke of five does not come quick

Rush hour feels more like rush year;
Finally, your exit I near.
I dance up steps to the right floor,
A sweaty palmed knock on your door

The moment long overdue,
Is the heat before I kiss you.
The second between our lips meet,
That's the ****** I crave all week.
Craving that moment always, my sweetie <3
292 · Apr 2019
B Elizabeth G Apr 2019
My tears are hot and heavy
Like lava hitting island air
And it burns as it leaves me
A fire in each drop
As the flames you left are suffocating
They make their way out onto my cheeks
Someday they'll ***** out
But till then I'm scalded with every memory
Like a fan to a hot coal
And we start all over again
274 · Apr 2019
B Elizabeth G Apr 2019
I always thought
that the worst betrayal
was a thing called infidelity.

But oh how wrong was I.

And I cant help myself from thinking,
If only he had cheated.
Cause it would make the "I don't love you" sting hard
And then maybe I'd be able to feel anything at all.

With numbness, there is no healing.
For the wound that doesn't know it exists can never mend what is broken.
270 · Jan 2019
B Elizabeth G Jan 2019
Ticking of the clock.
Incessant noise that hits the eardrum.
The room spins.
Will it ever stop?
Darkness, thick as mud
Oozing slowly, steadily.
It engulfs everything.
Falling into its black pit.
Every second of the plummet, an hour.
Suffocation creeps in.
No breath welcome here.
In this black hole.
This empty space.
This void.
236 · Apr 2019
World of Numb
B Elizabeth G Apr 2019
What is it like to be numb?
I'll tell you, but it is not fun.
Sit right there inside your mind
Where all your thoughts are in a bind.
Now stare into the clustered mess,
Lose yourself till there's nothing left.
Now trickle in the roaring pain,
So much so that you can't sustain.
Here comes fear, your faithful friend.
He'll be with you to the very end.
Circle down the rabbit hole,
Feeling too much has taken its toll.
Now take it all down in one big swallow.
All at once, you now feel hallow.
Welcome to the world of numb
Where feeling all is feeling none.
233 · Sep 2018
B Elizabeth G Sep 2018
If the whole world went dark
And the bright sun died out,
Would the light in your heart
Guide me to you, no doubt?
No street lights to follow,
Or moonlit roads to see.
Just the spark inside you,
Is it lit up for me?

Cause you and me got a good thing, honey.
And baby that's the truth.
No, I dont need the world to be sunny
To guide me back to you.
Love stricken melodies at midnight <3
162 · Apr 2019
Remember Me?
B Elizabeth G Apr 2019
Are you thinking of me?
Even a little?
Just when I think I've got you out of my head,
I look at the empty space in my bed.
I remember the face you made when you slept
And how you held me so tight when I wept
I miss you, you know but I'm not sure you do.
While my worlds torn apart, you're like brand new.
Guess I'll learn to move on like you too.
Till then I'll hope I still exist to you.
Do you ever think of me?
Even a little?

— The End —