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Sep 2019 · 356
A new beginning
An optimistic start
A warm embrace

Let yourself smile
Be thankful
For another day of life

Take it in strides
Be the warrior
You were meant to be
Fight till the very end

Once the daylight fades
Your energy weakens
Your desire fades
Exhaustion takes over
And you give in

Time to close your eyes
Let the darkneds envelope you

Praying to see another day.
Sep 2019 · 238
Loving You
Falling in love is a beautiful thing

Those moments where you think he isn't looking,
Are the moments where he'll tell you
What he notices about you.

Your features
The way you bite your cheek
Or play with your hair .

He'll tell you how he's always aware
That you're staring at him,
But pretend not to notice

When you argue,
And he points out something small you do,
Something charming and cute
Reminding you of how much he loves you

Those moments
Where he stares into your eyes,
Feeling how much he genuinely loves you

Caressing your face with his palm,
Ever so gently
Reaching in for a kiss
Soft, yet so passionate...
Sep 2019 · 310
Would it be so bad?
To kiss those lips
Every night

Hold your hand
Look at you from afar
Admire you

Listening to your heartbeat
As we lay in bed
Touching your face
Reminding myself you're real

Touching my lips
Remind me of your touch
Closing my eyes
Replaying the words
"I love you"
Sep 2019 · 449
Look at the stars
Watch them glisten,
Brighten the night sky
Not a care in a world

Take their lead
Watch what they do
Give it a chance
Forget your woes

Don't think
Lay down
Watch them glisten

Let your mind wander
Close your eyes
Feel the world around you

As you become a star
Sep 2019 · 443
I'm terrified
Of loving you
Wanting you
Giving my heart to you

Losing it
Having it break in two
Believing every word you say
And it mean nothing to you

I'm terrified of it failing
I don't want to give up on you
Give me a reason to believe
Feel safe with you

Take this fear from me
Hold me close
Protect me from outside forces
And give me warmth

I'm terrified of this love
Wanting you
Loving you
Giving myself to you
I'll be terrified

But you'll help me feel safe

Be patient with me
Remind me of your love
Enough to take this fear from me
And forget about it...
Sep 2019 · 366
Leave it Alone
Leave it alone
Don't bother with it
See what happens
Don't look back

Take a deep breath
Think it through
You will pull through

Why worry
Stress over it  
Lose countless hours
Countless moments of ease

Take it as it comes
You'll figure a way out
No matter what happens
You're stronger than that

Close your eyes
Put your hand to your heart
Take a moment ...
Aug 2019 · 310
Painful Love
I've left once
I can do it again
Do I want to
Or stay with this pain?
The pain of loving you,
Or leaving you for good.....
Whichever I choose I'll still belong to you.

You own my heart
The key to my soul
My love for you will never grow dull
Whatever you say or do
I'll always keep loving you

The way you smile
Share your laugh with me
Hold and kiss my hand
And tell me you love me
The nights we drive around looking at the stars
Feeling your lips on mine before we say goodnight

You own my heart
The key to my soul
My love for you will never grow dull
Whatever you say or do
I'll always keep loving you

I lie awake at night
Wondering if you think of me
Hours go by and you haven't answered me
Is this what it's like to love someone so much it hurts?
Feeling them slip away
Or is that false?
I love you with all I have
But is it worth it?

You own my heart
The key to my soul
My love for you will never grow dull
Whatever you say or do
I'll always keep loving you

What should I do?
Leave it behind
And forget about you?
Should I stay and fight?
And pray it'll stay good
I asked God for the answers
To the questions I always knew
Were hard to muster
Once I started with you
I love you so much
I don't know what to do...

You own my heart
The key to my soul
My love for you will never grow dull
Whatever you say or do
I'll always keep loving you

I can't see the future
What's in store for us
I'm terrified of losing it all
And leaving heartbroken?
I've heard it all before
How wrong this all is
But guess what?
I'm all in.

Love me to the very end
Give your heart to me
You already have mine
Cherish that with me
Don't take it for granted
Remember what I gave up for you
What made me belong to you...
Aug 2019 · 213
Look at the end, do you see what I see ?

Can you look at yourself, and tell me how you feel?

There is so much I want to say, but not enough time to tell.

Please friend, don’t forget about me.

Remember the laughs, and the times we cried?

Don’t you remember the nights we laid side by side?

Come and find me, you know where I lye.

Don’t forget about me.

As I look away, and my vision fades, the world starts to go away.

Night is day, and black is white, but does it even matter?

I remember you now, and when you walked away.

Let’s go back to the way things were, but I know it’s all a lie.

The life I lived never happened at all, everything must have been a  dream.

I wake up with nothing, no heart or soul.

I want nothing more than to see that smile.

But I know it never existed.

Why do this to me, you sweet, sorrowful angel?

My bliss is nothing, and my love is pain.

I leave now for eternal slumber.
Jan 2019 · 403
Now or Never
Nights are longer
Without you by my side.
I've realized you moved on
So did I.

I thought this was over,
Those moments have passed.
Every time I think of you,
I'm reminded of the past.
My heart beats faster

I've met others,
None like you.
I don't want a replacement
But I can't have you.

You've met someone new
I bet you're happier.
I envy your ability
To forget about me.

Wishing I've never laid eyes on you,
Forget what we once had,
But no matter what
You'll always have my heart.

I'll forget you ...Eventually.
It's taking longer than expected.
I'm frustrated, hurt, sad, and alone.

I still wake up every morning
A smile on my face,
Living my life to the fullest...
However, I feel hollow inside.

Something is missing,
I know what it is....
Should I acknowledge it?

No, I won't give in
Lust doesn't last,
Love is earned
Not made.

He'll come my way,
Give me laughs, smiles, and more.
Look into my eyes,
and never let me go.

Time will tell
What destiny entails.
Night looks pleasant,
Welcoming with open arms.

I'll close my eyes,
Drift to sleep.
Waking up to a better tomorrow,
Or nothing at all.

The sky turns black
My eyes heavy....
It's time..
Take a deep breath...
Forget about eternity.
Jan 2019 · 494
I think about the things I've done,
The words I've said,
The lies I've told.
Truths I've held,
Loves I've lost.

Looking back at all that's happened,
Late night talks,
Tears I've shed
Hours I've lost,
Minutes I've spared.

Smiles from the lives I've made happier,
Moments I'll never forget
Friends I'll never let go,
Feelings I've had.


Always will be I...
Jul 2018 · 704
Night Sky
The night is at peace.
The birds are sleeping,
The sun has set...
However my mind keeps racing.


All while I'm still awake.
I think of all the good I've done.
All the people I've helped,
Placed a smile on their faces.
Reassured them.
Loved them.
Given them pieces of my heart and soul.
I think of all the memories I've made.


Then I think of all the bad...
The things I never said.
The times I could have stood up for myself.


I think of the times when I've felt alone.
Wondering if people hated me.
Thinking about how no one would ever love me.


And yet....

It doesn't destroy me.
I may feel alone, unloved, unwanted,
But I know thats not true.

I will find my person someday.
I have my friends and family who

Support me
Notice me
Love me

My worries and fears are like the night sky.
Filled with darkness and silence.

There are still stars that shine bright.
Bright enough to give me hope that the darkness will pass.

Eventually leading to a sunrise..
And the light of a new day.

A new beginning
A brighter beginning

Full of hope
May 2018 · 813
Forever One
How does it feel
To see the world around you,
Falling in love?
How does it feel,
Attending all their weddings,
Alone and hopeful.

I see them full of light and love,
Smiles and laughter.
I look at myself and wonder,
When will it be my forever after?

I'm waiting for my lasting love,
I thought I've had it before.
But I realized that those were the ones,
That showed what was my worth.

They didn't put in the time,
Didn't make an effort.
I pushed too hard to make it work,
And they always took advantage.

I realized I need someone who will support me
Love me for me.
Does not desire to change me,
But embrace all that I am.
Someone to laugh with,
Cry with,
Share my hopes and dreams.

Right now I feel alone.
Watching as my friends,
Create new lives with their loves.
I'll wait here,
Focus on myself.
Prepare for that one person.
That'll bemy forever
Apr 2018 · 2.6k
Playing the Game
I've been through this before,
You think I won't catch on.
I pay attention,
Its not that hard to see.

One minute you give me the world,
The next you hardly give me a glance.
I make the effort,
You used to do that too.
You give me excuses,
Now we hardly talk.

I knew it was too easy,
Too good to be true.
I was waiting for the other shoe to drop,
And it did.

I'm not going to beg,
I deserve more than a read text.
If you won't put in the effort,
Then neither will I.

I gave you chances,
The benefit of the doubt.
You showed your true colors,
And their nothing but darks.

I thought we clicked,
Felt a spark as we talked.
I opened up to you,
Slowly but surely..
You even stopped
No longer cared
Now we're here.

I thought we could have been more,
But I deserve a better man.
A man who makes the effort,
And manages their time.
I tried with you,
I really did....

I don't care for liars,
Despise dishonesty.
You can lie to my face,
But I knew you were a liar.

There's nothing more to give,
I doubt we'll talk again.
Those sweet words,
As empty as the air.

Don't bother now,
I started moving on from you.
Tomorrow will be a new day,
And a new possibility for love.
Apr 2018 · 578
Fire Inside
This fire inside,
Burns deep within my soul.
It leaves ashes behind,
Of the love we once knew.
The memories that once were,
Fade like a dream..
As if it had never happened...
Just like you never existed.

But you were once here.
I laid in your arms,
Kissed those lips,
And fell for your heart.
What is left is not enough,
I'll keep begging for more.

I know there's no use,
You'll never return.
My soul will keep searching,
Missing the other half that was you.
Wishing you'd have stayed,
Or loved me once more.

I can't remember you're face,
Can't picture your smile.
Imagine your kisses,
Or remember your laughter.

You walked away much sooner
Than you came,
I don't blame you at all.
Next time I think of you,
I'll just see stars.

Your face is fading,
Your hold on my heart too,
However, my love for you burns on,
Even as ash hits the floor.
The ash eventually piles up,
Comes together as one.
Builds itself up, and return once more.

I loved you once,
And still continue to do.
But I'll continue to burn,
If I get to close to you.
The fire will live,
Like a somber candlelight.
As long as I don't feel or touch
Everything will be alright.
Apr 2018 · 921
Self Love
Let's take a minute,
Look at yourself in the mirror.
Look at your eyes,
do they shine?
Does your smile look straight?
Are your ears too wide?
Is your nose too big?

Move down a bit.
Your neck to thick?
Too many sunspots?
Adequate chest size?

Now look at your body.
Do I have enough curves?
Big enough hips?
Tiny waist?

No matter what I see,
Someone will find a flaw.
It doesn't matter how much weight I gain
Or how much I lose...
How much plastic surgery I have,
They are never satisfied.

Does it matter what they think?
Can you live your life without them?
Why not love yourself,
And see how that goes.

Self love is important,
You are all you got.
Before you can love someone else,
You must love yourself.

Someday someone will love you,
For your quirks and kinks.
They'll call you beautiful,
And forget about your flaws.

You deserve more than a second glance.
Someone will come your way.
Be patient and love yourself
You don't know who will come your way.
Apr 2018 · 305
All in the Eyes
Can you see what this does?
Don't you realize what this means?
The simple heartbeat of the simple man,
can't be relieved.
Their foolish concerns, knows no bounds.
But is there anything left to give.
Their heartbeat quickens at the thought of love
Their heartbeat soothes as they feel death.
As soon as it comes, the moments are lost.
All that is left are the glimpses of the past.
The universe is a wonder to behold.
Caught in the eyes of the beholder.
Keep those stars where they may, as they glow abruptly.
The color swirl, blending with one another as they create something new.
Dark's clash with lights, fighting and caressing one another.
Everything is linked with a blink of an eye.
Regardless of the feelings, they never lose sight.
The lights are slowly dimming, they search for a break.
They see no out, and admit to dismay.
Their heartbeat fades, their eyes close shut.
Welcoming death with open arms, they slowly embrace, what they call sweet bliss, and complete serenity.
Apr 2018 · 439
Who is She?
Can it be?
Those selfish eyes still hold my desire.
They capture my need, and quench my thirst.
How can that be?
As I linger in the shadows,
I capture the sense of her presence, taunting me.
She's beside me.
Knowing I can't escape her longing stare.
I flinch as I sense a tug.
I notice I'm moving away from those deep, dark eyes.
I reach for her, knowing what she holds is the key to my Pandora's box.
I'm awake.
I see nothing more than my own heart upon my sleeve.
I feel no more, as I get up and look in the mirror.
She's right there, looking right at me.
Her crooked smile gives it away, and I realize what is real.
The true demon... Is me.
Apr 2018 · 352
My One and Only
Every morning I wake up and see you.
Every night you're the last person I see.
Your smile brings me joy, your pain brings me sorrow.
The memories we make, the laughs we share,
gives my life meaning.
The times we share together never seem to be long enough,
as I think of the next time we'll meet.
No matter what life throws my way, you're  just a phone call away.
No matter how many times I fail, you always pick me up.
You never forget to tell me I'm talented.
You always remember the things I like.
With every surprise you give me, you show me your love.
The little things matter the most,
as those are the hardest to pull off.
I'll remember these times as the best of my childhood,
telling my children about you someday.
Always remember,
no matter how many times I may hurt you,
I will always be your child.
Alway remember,
you'll always be my mother.
Apr 2018 · 242
Let's create something new.
Not something borrowed,
Nor something used.
Let's create something worth admiring,
From close up or far away.
Let's remind the world what it means to be creative.
Let's serve a greater purpose.
Let us find our way.
Forget about the past, let it fade away.
Forget about the present, aim for the future.
Forget about the difference between night and day,
Focus on the future and the next day.
Endless possibilities await our souls,
Let's not let that fade away.
Endless memories dwindle away,
Let's create a better yesterday.
Remind me of today,
On my 100 birthday.
Remind me of yesterday,
When I'm old and grey.
Remind me of forever,
Now and everyday.
Apr 2018 · 755
Just Tell Me
What is it between us?
Is there a spark we don't see?
Can it really be there if
Neither one of us wants to see?
When I look at you
I see nothing but star,
And endless possibilities.

Your smile brings me joy
Your presence makes me happy,
All I want to do is be near you

Can it be love?
Something so simple as this
Is it really this easy
To feel for something this way?
Being around yo makes my heart happy,
Skipping an extra beat as I dream about you.

I want to see where this goes,
Why don't you just tell me how you feel?
Are we on the same page?
Do you think about me,
Even on the coldest of nights?
Do you wish you  were with me,
When times get rough?

I want nothing more,
Than to be in your arms,
Take in your scent,
And feel your heart.

One day I hope you tell me how you feel.
Just don't take too long...
I'll wait if I have to,
It'll teach me patience...
By remember I can't wait forever
You are what I want,
But I hope I am for you

Someday soon... Someday maybe,
You'll build up the courage,
And just tell me
Apr 2018 · 2.9k
The sun sets,
But I lay awake,
Thinking about the last few days...
I wonder what it means?
Is it all in my head?

Replaying our conversations,
Thinking about your smile.
So many questions,
Not enough answers.

I wait for tomorrow,
Hoping to see you soon.
Waiting for another chance,
To be besides you.

The simple things you do
Mean the world to me.
Most people would overlook them,
But not me.

Hopefully you'll notice,
See how similar we are.
Notice our connection,
And give it a try.

Stop being oblivious,
Realize the signs...
I know you feel it too,
You don't need to compromise.

We can talk for hours,
From the simple to complex.
We don't have to do anything,
And be together all night.

You're so confusing,
Give me a sign.
Tell me there's something ..
Or if im waisting my time...
Apr 2018 · 491
Its been a while, I know
I still think about you and what we had
I remember our adventures laughs, and debates
You're intrigue for knowledge, and love for me
We were two different people, but found the path to each other
Nothing pulled us apart, not time or place
We made it work, our smiles were genuine
I thought we could make it last.....
But then you got comfortable,
Felt it was time to let go of the facade
You showed me who the person under the covers were....
I didn't recognize you at all
You became angry, greedy, spiteful
You didn't want to debate anymore
But you loved to fight
Everything I said was wrong....
I could never do anything right
And yet I stayed in hopes to be in your life
You pushed me away with your hurtful words
I begged for one more chance
You wanted nothing left with me,
Not a kiss, a trinket....or me
You said there was nothing left for you here
You didn't care if I was with you anymore
Leaving was best for you... But not for me
I think of you from time to time,
Bring you up on conversation
I get a smile on my face whenever you come up
You may not have been for me... But that doesn't mean what we had wasn't real for a while
I hope love will come to you eventually
As I wish for myself as well
But I hope you don't let go as fast
As you felt you had to with me
One day I'll forget you,
Leave you as a distant memory
For now you give me hope
That love is out there for me
With someone who will move the stars and heavens for me
Goodbye for now..
Farewell for good
Our love has come
And was farely new
But on to a better chapter
Bigger dreams
And a deeper love to seek
Apr 2018 · 399
Are we made of atoms?
Do we truly feel,
or wish to feel?
Do we have one soul mate,
Or do we continue to love?
Many questions without any answers
Leads to the curious discovery of truth.
Is it the truth we wish to find,
Or will we regret finding it?
Curiosity is a mystery,
A mystery without and end
We search the ends of the earth,
For the answer to all.
Some will never find satisfaction,
Others will go mad
Would that make them the Mad Hatter,
Or a psychopathic mind.
Is love crazy?
Or is it crazy not to love?
Why keep searching,
If you'll know if you're wrong?
Apr 2018 · 301
Pull back the covers,
Turn off the lights,
Close your eyes
Don't make a fuss.
Let the night take you,
Leave your body behind,
Take a deep breath...

Now open your eyes.

Do you see anything?
Can you feel?
Are you alone?

Look around, take a second
Let the darkness set.
There is something there,
Far off in the distance...
Is it a person or a thing?

I can't walk closer,
I can't seem to move...
I'm stuck where I am...

Is it my fault?
Am I the one to blame?
I'm left here alone,
No one can hear my screams...
I beg for help, mercy, salvation...

No one comes looking for me,
Does anyone miss me?
Will anyone remember me?

The darkness gets deeper,
I can't see in front of me.
I can't feel my limbs,
Its getting hard to breathe.

Maybe if I close my eyes,
Stand still....
It'll be over soon.

There's nothing left,
I am no more...

Did I ever exist?
Was this ever real?

— The End —