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11.8k · Jan 2022
My Muse
Persephone Jan 2022
You are truly breathtakingly beautiful.
And I condemn god every time I see you for not gifting me with an artistic soul.   
For you deserve nothing less then to be immortalized in art
6.7k · Dec 2021
An Act Of Worship
Persephone Dec 2021
There are so many ways to worship the divine
Though my absolute favourite is in an abandoned parking lot
With fogged up windows to hide our devotion within
A temple of our own construction, and as sacred as the sin between our lips
As your hands roam the curves of my body, the fire within us ignites
Ready to sacrifice any and all logical thoughts
The rituals begin soon after in a rush to take our clothes off and I am nothing more than a humble offering
So you can drink me in like the finest of nectar, suited only for the gods
And finally the festivals commence with a tangle of limbs and a fight to keep ones breathe
Hands still explore as the fire burns hotter and before I know it you take me to the home of the gods
You welcome my acts of piety and respond in ways that make me see stars
My screams echo louder as your pace only quickens
And as the fire consumes us both
You take great pleasure in hearing your name being sung from my lips like a prayer
Satisfied by my worship you have no doubt in knowing which god my devotion belongs to
4.0k · Dec 2021
Persephone Dec 2021
Someday I will bring this world to its knees for everything that it has done to me.
And while it begs for my forgiveness, I will simply watch as it trembles at the echos of my laugh
3.0k · Dec 2021
The Dead Don't Die
Persephone Dec 2021
Their names still burn your throat with the same fire that lit their pyres 3000 years ago.
And yet you still have the audacity to call them dead?
2.8k · Feb 2022
Please, Grant Me Mercy
Persephone Feb 2022
I was at the centre of her anger once.
It was violent and unforgiving.
It made me forget who’s mercy I should be asking for.
Or her’s
2.6k · Jan 2022
My snowflake
Persephone Jan 2022
No two snowflakes are alike. Do you know what that means? Are you able to grasp just how much weight that statement carries? That means that even during a blizzard when the world is being consumed by snow and the flakes are falling faster than a torrential down pour and you can’t see your very own hand in front of you, still even then not one of those trillions of snowflakes will ever match another.
It’s practically unthinkable, a laughable old wive’s tale. But then I remember how I saw you that one day with your friends, laughing at something one of them said and I realize in that moment then how something like that is truly possible
2.6k · Mar 2022
Reason to Live
Persephone Mar 2022
Darling you need to eat
But to pick up the fork I would have to put down the pen
And I cannot do that

Darling you must have something to drink
Why? The ink is satisfying enough

Darling please, you must stop and rest
I can rest when I am dead
Until then there is too much to do
Too many things that still must be written about him, for him, because of him

But darling, why is he the reason you will die for writing  
Because he is the reason I live for writing
2.5k · Mar 2022
To Un-Define Love
Persephone Mar 2022
To love and to be loved are two of the most wonderful and indescribable feelings on this earth.

So how can we ever attempt to define something so beautiful, that not even poets can put into words?
Persephone Jan 2022
To all the ones who didn’t make it,
Tell me are you finally at peace?
Did the weight of the world truly leave you be?
I’m simply asking because I am one of the ones who did make it
And wonder what would have happened if I didn’t make it?
Has the addiction to be perfect stopped eating you from the inside out?
Or the need to please everyone, by now surely that drive must no longer be around?
To all the ones who didn’t make it, tell me it got easier?
What about the voices, the voices in your head that could never be drowned out, the voices that always told you “you’d never be good enough” for the love of god tell me they finally listened, tell me they finally shut up?
And are you still able to feel numb to all the hurt?
That you don’t have to fight the cravings any longer? Tell me, tell me there is no harm to just giving in?
Tell me, tell me please
To all the ones who didn’t make it, tell me how it was worth it?
Or would you rather ask me first?
Would you rather ask me how warm the sun feels on a lazy august afternoon?
Because you can’t seem to remember what that feels like any longer
Or if the roses still bloom with the promise to smell sweet and to bring the honey bees around?
You’re starting to forget what they look like
What about chocolate you ask, is it still known to melt in your mouth and bring a smile to your face?
At least that is what you think the rumours you heard say
And is laughter with loved ones truly contagious?
It’s been a while since you’ve done it yourself
You go on to ask about blue skies and cozy rainy days
Old teachers that made you fall in love with learning and the ones you’re happy you’ve forgotten about
We discuss friendships new and old and how far they’ve come sadly in your absence
And when I’ve answered all your questions you finally agree to answer mine
But I simply smile and say,
To all the ones who didn’t make it, may you please forget I ever asked?
2.1k · Feb 2022
Ancient soul
Persephone Feb 2022
She had a soul so old
she made god look young
1.9k · Dec 2021
We All Have Our Heroes
Persephone Dec 2021
While other girls were dreaming about Prince Charming saving the day
I was praying for the Villain to take me away
1.9k · Mar 2022
Persephone Mar 2022
The most dangerous blindness in this world is happiness
For it becomes easy to mistake the devil’s hellfire for the warmth of an angel
1.8k · Dec 2021
Michelangelo's Rival
Persephone Dec 2021
Oh Darling, look at what you've done
Believed the tall tails of boys instead of the female at your feet
But why would you when you have an ego that towers over the David?
And you thought it was silly that I gifted you the name Michelangelo
I couldn't have picked more right
You though have forgotten that I am a master piece of my own creation, sculpted by none other but my own hands and never appreciated by yours
And my sweet Michelangelo, if you think to call yourself my muse then you are nothing more than a fool
For everything I have been through has led to my life's legacy
My family chiselled out the shape
My childhood chipped away at the detail
And men like you did nothing more than carve in the finishing touches
I am a beauty in my own right
And as always too much for some to handle, and never fully understood by the rest
But still she will live on through the ages
So the next time darling that you fall confused, I implore you to simply ask the master herself
And you would come to realize that this artist was far too focused on creating to let anyone interfere with her work
1.7k · Feb 2022
January 20th
Persephone Feb 2022
Today I wish to not wake up
I wish to go from yesterday to tomorrow and forget that today ever exists
I wish for the sun to stay below the horizon and the song birds to sleep past noon
I wish this world to skip today

Today I wish to be nothing
I wish to not be a mass of energy or to take up space on this planet
I wish for Einstein to be wrong and Newton to be full of sh*t
I wish this world breaks physics today  

Today I wish for fire
I wish to have water scald my throat and for food to become ash on my tongue
I wish the air I breathe turns to smoke in my lungs and my skin to char from the heat of the sun
I wish this world to burn today

Today I wish for ice
I wish for no smile to melt my bitter heart and no embrace to warm my calloused soul
I wish for Arctic wind to bring forth a new ice age and for frost to encircle my home
I wish this world to freeze today

Today I wish for disaster
I wish for my tears to flood the highest cities and my screams to cause cracks in the sea floor
I wish for wild fires to incinerate all forests and global warming to evaporate all oceans
I wish this world to destroy today

Today I wish to have a chat with death
I wish to be kissed by the lips of a viper and down hemlock until I’m no longer parched
I wish for the gods to send down a new plague and Mother Nature to take revenge on us all
I wish this world to die today

Today I wish for you to not care
For today I wish that you turn your check the other way when you see me and you don’t whisper a word for the wrongness I am causing
I wish for you to let my anger consume me until she can see it from the heavens and let me destroy myself until her absence feels less empty than I do
I wish for today that you let me embrace death with open arms so I can be close to her once more
Because Today I wish to no longer exist

But if you refuse to grant me any of these wishes than grant me this one simple request
That today of all days you let me have this hate
You let me have the same hate for myself that I have for this world on the day that it took her away
1.6k · Mar 2022
Rome Fell Again
Persephone Mar 2022
I pride myself on not being able to fall in love so easily.
But one look at you darling and I felt the ruins of Rome shiver at the thought of falling all over again.
What choice did I truly have?
1.5k · Mar 2022
Who to Forgive?
Persephone Mar 2022
Is it the sin of the father or the son, if the son does not grow up to be his father?
1.3k · Feb 2022
Persephone Feb 2022
I sometimes wonder if I’ll ever be satisfied in my life time
But until then
I will keep writing
1.3k · Feb 2022
Take My Advice
Persephone Feb 2022
If you are ever unfortunate enough to witness her anger. My only advice is this: pray then to every god you know, for your own will not be enough to save you from her fury
1.1k · Dec 2021
The Children of Happy Homes
Persephone Dec 2021
I think you do not realize that the childhood of the privileged does not make you richer with knowledge
- There are people far wealthier than the 1%
From kids who come from bad homes or have good reasons to hate where they came from, I find it's always the kids who come from good homes who are the first to argue how we shouldn't hate them. Even though we will never say anything about how they love their families unconditionally. This poem kind of represents that.
1.0k · Dec 2021
The Day You Die
Persephone Dec 2021
You don't die when you take your last breath, but when someone uses their breath to say your name for the very last time
985 · Feb 2022
Persephone Feb 2022
Ah yes, love has a way of tasting differently when god birthed you hungry
706 · Mar 2022
Losing Faith
Persephone Mar 2022
I lost my faith in religion when I lost faith in my parents
If they couldn’t save me, what chance did god have?
611 · Apr 2021
A Mother’s Silent Love
Persephone Apr 2021
Though she may be frolicking, in fields forever in bloom  
No longer the guiding hand you always used to follow
I can see how you may be left in shambles, with acceptance long to be withheld
Your late night questions now go unanswered, even when you call or scream for her
You cease to believe she’s with you, since she laid her head to rest
And you do not know how she can love you, when those heartfelt words can never be spoken
But please know this to be untrue
For every time the wind blows, she is sending warm embraces to soothe your aching heart
For every time that the songbirds sing, she is bringing you the answers that you seek
And for every time the flowers bloom, after the harsh caress of winter, she is showing you the strength that life possesses that no death can truly **** it
For a mother’s love is eternal, even if it’s rendered silent.
230 · Apr 2021
Drowning love
Persephone Apr 2021
I love you with the fierceness and furocity of the ocean, and I would sooner drown in my own waves than fall out of love with you. Even if your sea legs grow tired of my rough waters and your soul yearn for the safe embrace only the greens of the earth can give

— The End —