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skipping class for him,
i thought i was the pam to his jim.
May 2020 · 181
3 years
3 years passed
& I’ve got two bedrooms
A negative net worth
+20lbs, and a new love,

He’s got clear skin,
A contagious grin.
He’s the coolest guy I’ve ever met.
I’m going to love him longer than I expected.

3 years passed
& I hope you still think of me.
And when you think of me,
You kind of wish you knew how I was,
What I was doing,
And if I still thought of you.

That jersey covered wall,
The camo and cross,
Those 4 years of loving you,
But never getting to love you
Like I always thought we would.
We were going to love each other
Way passed those four years.

3 years passed,
And I still think of you.
Nov 2018 · 528
i wish i was prettier
though i've been called
pretty many times
in many days.

but pretty to them,
isn't pretty to me.

we aren't supposed to live off
of what others think.

we are supposed to live
off what we love
about ourselves.

because if we don't love ourselves,
we can't love another.

if i were prettier,
i could love you better.
Nov 2018 · 351
i feel like
when i'm with you,
i feel like a shiny
star on top of an
already sparkling
christmas pine.
Nov 2018 · 311
i'm trying to sleep
below my bed,
is another bed.

and while i try to sleep,
my neighbor's bed
is like a city that never sleeps,
bodies bouncing on top of each other,
hotter than the Vegas heat.

i'm trying to sleep.
they are *******.
Jun 2018 · 1.2k
i have a lover like no other
i have a lover like no other,
and i can't explain him.

he's a writer.
he's lighter in a pocket,
a doobie, doobie doo.

he's my flashlight,
lighting me
up like the sun's

he's an old man,
a young man,
somewhere caught
in the middle days.

twenty-four and
is what he says
he is,
but my god,
that isn't even
a percent of him.

he's a lion.
he's a lamb.
he leaves me in shambles.
he brings me back together.
he's my **** day camel.

i can't even write something
as perfect he.
he makes me ramble.
i'm babbling.

he's looking at me.
my heart is fluttering
like it hasn't in years.

i'm muttering even
when i'm in tears.

he can't be explained
with words or actions.

all  you can do is take him in
like the ocean,
crashing into me.

you think you know it,
but you never will.

and that is the beauty
of why i love him.

i have a lover like no other,
and i can't explain him.
i have a lover like no other
Apr 2018 · 328
the little things.
you kissed me in public
where our coworkers could have seen.

you brought me a packet of sugar
for my office coffee.

you shared your chocolate with me
when i was crabby and hangry.

i want you.
i need you.

you make me happy.
Apr 2018 · 477
i've never been
so not afraid
and so afraid
of losing
or loving

, and

Mar 2018 · 371
i wish
if i had my way,
it would all match up,
but so many variables
are in play,

and i wish
instead of having a
chess match,

we'd just throw
the king and queens,
pawns and knights,
-- rooks too---,
off the board.
Mar 2018 · 300
our story is
100 kisses because we really like each other a lot,
and 100 smart *** comments...
because liking each other a lot scares the
**** out of each other.

our story is trying to be vulnerable,
but not too vulnerable.
Mar 2018 · 839
i talk to god about you.
i don't pray,
but i talk to god about you.

i tell him thank you
for blessing me with
you. he wouldn't have
given me such an imperfect
person like myself,
someone just as imperfect,
that sees my imperfections
as clearly as I see theirs,
but I think god has.

but i also question him.
i question him
why he brought
you into my life
because you haven't
promised me anything,
but i'm expecting a lot.

i get lost in your eyes,
your smile, the way
you like to sleep away the
day, the silly sounds
you make, and even
when our words are dark
and we aren't a sunny day,
constantly tossing each other
slander, and shade,
i can't help but want
us to be in love one day.

even when we don't
always agree;
i see you, me, us
as gospel. i just
really believe.

i want to know;
i need to know.

are you going to be here
for some time,
or a long time, a lifetime?

when i talk to god about you,
i ask for the latter.
Mar 2018 · 296
but i'm a girl.
i wait for everything.
even nothing is
something i have already
imagined in my mind
where i might be the
princess, you, of course,
are the prince,
and this is a fairytale,
or at least a
love story.

so i'm waiting.
i'm waiting for it
to happen.
i'm waiting for you
to take me to where
we first met, where
we first realized
feelings were felt,
or where we went
on our first date,
at some point,
soon enough,
where you will
grab my two
tangle and twine your
fingers with my fingers,
and say,
"be mine."
Mar 2018 · 455
i want someone...
right now,
i have something:
two hands holding mine,
a kiss on the cheek,
a kiss everywhere,
two bright blue eyes
that pull me
in faster than
an ocean's tide,
a friday night drink,
i'm making
my way up from
your parents'
basement to wake your
sleepy **** up in your
childhood bedroom,
a saturday morning
this is something
i keep telling myself.

but i don't want something.
i want someone.
Mar 2018 · 242
You're handwriting my name on heart
with your hands in my hands from the start.

I don't want to let go.

I don't want move too slow.

Keep writing those words of love.
Mar 2018 · 463
i haven't been getting
enough sleep lately.

you've been crossing
my mind like an animal
lurking through
the Nile,
trying to make it's way back home.

i don't know where you're going,
but i'd put on a show to
keep you in my arms.

oh i know it's hard to face
a lion.
it's hard to face a jungle cat.
but when you look like that,
you're almost taking over me.
get on me.
Mar 2018 · 237
a scene
Sweat dripping down your face,

Muscles lifting me up from my waist:

I believe I can really touch the sky.
Mar 2018 · 427
Colts' Country
There's a town north of the Jacket's place.
In the heart of central western PA.
Where the horses run free.
And there ain't a trace of the big city.

Some people say they're old-fashioned.
The ones living in that nation.
But who calls that home won't complain.
They're happy in Colt's country.

Barbecued ribs best in the county made by aunt Don.
Falling in love with Mr. Lee's son Ron.
Watching the big play with the gang.
{hoping that the boys win the game}

Staying forever young.
Believing in the word of God.
Never changing who we are for anything.
This is how we were raised.
Oh we might not have a million days.
But with what we have left.
We'll spend it in Colt's country.

Picnic on Sunday down at Danielle's farm.
Kyle and Matthew show up showing their big arms.
They're leading the team to another victory season.
And when you ask them about it they thank god and one more reason.

That they've been brought up in this nation.
Of the white and blue.
Staying true to Colt's nation.

Touchdown thrown by number 43 Tom.
Watching my hero wide receiver Ron.
Hoping our season goes out with a big bang.
{the boys winning the championship game}

Staying forever young.
Believing in the faith passed along.
Never changing who we are for anything.
This is how we were raised.
Oh we might not have a million days.
But with what we have left.
We'll spend it in Colt's country.

Now I've been gone for so long.
Years have passed and the memories still living on.
I won't forget sitting in the bleachers.
Cheering on them men, who made the halls of my high school.

Now Tom went on to the military.
It was his dream even if it meant risking his life.
Kyle started teaching at the local school.
And Matthew now plays in the pro bowl.

As for Ron, well he went to Penn State.
Never played again, gave it all up for me.

The chills you get where you hear the school's song.
Still in love with Mr. Lee's son Ron.
Walking in the funeral procession with the gang.
{hoping that Tom knows we'll always remember his name}

Staying forever young.
Believing in this town.
Never changing who we are for anything.
This is how we were raised.
Oh we might not have a million days.
But with what we have left.
We'll spend it remembering.
And making memories in Colt's country.
to the boy
who reads my
poetry on
this site,

sometimes it
frightens me
that you read my
words and know
that they are probably,
usually about you.

but it fascinates
me more than
frightens me,
so i continue
to write about
probably, usually,
Mar 2018 · 234
Campbell's Soup
i wish i could say
that you're the type
i'd find, buy
at the Dollar Tree
or on a Wal-Mart
shelf half price,
but that would be
an understatement.

you aren't just
good soup,
great soup,
one of the best

you are the best
Campbell's Soup.
i wish i had perfect explanations,
not just perfect as in,
perfect for what i want to say
but also for what you want to hear.

because i'm not perfect ---
neither are you,
and we will never be perfect.

but we can make funny noises
at each other. i'll catch you
humming a tune and join you.

we can have laughs about
my clumsiness and
your stretchy dress pants.

we can have coffee
at the kitchen table
as we small talk about
clutter and junk,
or deep talk about
the way we just
can't get enough.

we can have arguments
that are sometimes
both pointless
or pointful,
or even both at the same time.

we can also have kissing sprees
that last hours, wet ones,
long ones, short ones,
and french ones
to make up for those

we can have raw
and real.

we can have each
other, us, the glory,
the pain, and
maybe even
Mar 2018 · 546
blue swede for you
too be honest,

you turn me on.

i'm hooked.

i'm high.


you're in love with me.
Mar 2018 · 242
it all adds up.
you can pretend like it doesn't
because you've never
really done "love,"
but it all adds up.
Mar 2018 · 210
perfect one.
i will never be the
perfect one.

i will never be
even close to the
perfect one,
or anything perfect.

but perfection
is overrated;

i mean,
have you looked at me,
an imperfect masterpiece?

i think even leo d.
would take a second
Mar 2018 · 269
feed my soul.
feed my soul
with every ounce
of knowledge out
there because
i'm only alive once,
for what i know,
and i want to be
well fed before
my last supper.
Mar 2018 · 403
i'm an animal coming alive
only for you tonight.
i'm not a night owl, to say the least.

but you got me growling like
a beast.
but we know i'm really the beauty,
and this is a feast.
Mar 2018 · 290
Squirt Guns or Nerf Guns
Like my thousand audience show,
you wait to hear my next creation,
and although it is not about you,
your granny smith eyes,
your Chris Pine-like face,
you say “I’d love to listen.”

In that moment, I don’t say
what I originally plan to say,
the words of a poem about a boy
who isn’t you.
Instead, I say what’s on my mind,
and not the words on the screen before me.

“I want to marry you right now.
I want you to come home
and find a paper that says
“World War 3 is about to begin.”
And next to it, lies a ******* Nerf gun
or a squirt gun because
I’m ready to play.”

As you drift off to sleep on the other end
of the video screen, you say,
“It’s raw emotion” at the use of “*******."
As you say this, I finish the poem,
and can’t help but love you more.
I am fierce.   kills thee,     For my words              defines who i am
My pen      yet kills me.  that this pen slays,        yet---but still,
is a                                                                           it is often more
double-                                                                      of concerned curiosity
sided                                                                         than content and concise
sword,                                                                           happiness.
Feb 2018 · 183
Sunlight Setting Night
A blast from the past,

I cannot evade,

Crop tops, khakis,

Born with rapping genes,

Skin on skin in the

early, sunlight setting


I tried to keep the sun

awake like logic,

but logic fails to

guts, and evasion

cannot avoid what

I did not go searching

back for.
Feb 2018 · 250
First Love
That olive green
Joe Marlin shirt
stole my heart
the second
I saw it
a week before
at the local

I had a feeling
deep in my
but wondering
that you and i
would be

I remember
sitting on that
L-shaped couch
thinking how
we’d take the
kidney shaped
coffee table
for our house
one day
and all of the
guns in the basement.

That day
we went mini-golfing,
and I think
I swatted at
your *****
with my club.

We didn’t really
dance that night,
but the Clarks
sang that song
and I should have known ,
that despite the Chilis’ dates,
matching outfits,
baby names,
and **** that made
me love you,
I would be better off without you.
Feb 2018 · 217
The Right Guy
I think you can find the right guy,
the one who holds your hand in public,
tells you he’s gotten something for you,
and even though it’s hot chocolate,
it says more about him than a five-star dinner from another.

You can find the right guy,
if you let go of all of the wrong ones,
the doctor-like type who buys your love
more than he gives it,
or the guy who leaves you hanging,
wondering when somebody will untie you from the monkey bars.

The right guy won’t be perfect;
I can promise you that.
But the right guy, he will be right,
at least for some time.

If that seems to be exactly what you want,
then go find that right guy.
Don’t stop until he’s holding your hand
and bringing you hot chocolate;
if you want more than that,
don’t stop until you’ve gotten more,
more than a hand holding yours
or hot chocolate in the cold.

Find the one,
the one who’s driven you mad,
the one that you’re dumb enough,
dumb enough to leave the right one for.
Find him. Find him in the local restaurant,
the one who wears those beige shorts,
with the big cross across his neck
that guy smiling when he sees you join him,
to leave for a concert, or a drink at the bar.

The one who doesn’t say everything right,
nor tries to.
The one who makes more mistakes than you would like,
but you wouldn’t leave for a million other rights
because you know his one right is more like left,
but his left is also the rightest right you’ve ever met.
Feb 2018 · 718
If you ever attract a zebra,
remember they are wilder
than they look
patrolling the ice.

Remember that while you
stick around in your zoo,
they travel to other zoos
to do their business
and probably meet
other penguins like you,
and lions,
and tigers,
and every other animal.

Sure, the zebra will think of you,
that little innocent penguin,
waiting in her little zoo
for him to come back to her
for another game or two,
but remember, it’s not just you.

It probably won’t be
as he caresses her and her.
It probably won’t be
as he doesn’t mention
you to any other animals
except for his zebra friends
who probably have penguins
just like you
whom they leave behind.

Because Omaha isn’t your zoo.
Buffalo isn’t your zoo.
Atlantic City isn’t your zoo.
Philadelphia isn’t your zoo,
and you aren’t his one and only;
You will never be his only one.
Feb 2018 · 231
Fulton Tower
Fulton tower, our steel queen,
how you make me cry,
love at first sight.

You’re so high; fresh and standing free,
innocent, but we know your roots.

Black ashes polluting the street, debris clouds,
Those willing to jump. Those willing to die.
Those willing to take others’ lives for pride.
Those who didn’t have the choice.

Fulton tower, I cry. It’s hard
to embrace your beauty
while remembering the past.
Feb 2018 · 242
What Would Be
What would be the worth
of a day waltzing around
our favorite city
in our best suits and dresses
only to die suddenly
like the Kennedy curse?

I’d wear my Jackie O. glasses,
and you’d greet the public
like John F. on campaign,
never to know the tragedy
that was about to happen.
Feb 2018 · 308
green jacket
Garage-sale-picked for 5 Washingtons
the American Eagle patch was fading
like my eyes every time
I see Hillary Clinton,
Bill Clinton’s wife,
the former first lady,
the liar,
whoever she really is,
hits the debate stage.

The jacket was worth a pretty penny,
but with the market crash,
the seller is lucky i even paid her cash.
Credit is how 58 million billion dollars
of debt came to ruin America’s
perfect JFK looking face
in exchange for a growing
tumor-like deficit.

Maybe I’m too subjective,
a conservative.
I’m mean could Hilary be so bad?
Or Bernie?
Or even Putin?
I just wanted a cheap jacket.
I just wanted something that
was mine and wasn’t ruined,
but the patch was fading,
like my faith in making our
America, country, United States,
better than the past.
Feb 2018 · 184
spring 2014
That seasonal edition perfume
Might smell like another
Retail brand attempting to
Make a quick buck
From the “cool kids”
Who only shop at their shop.

I, on the other hand, recognize
The smell as that night
I wore a camo zip-up hoodie,
Another retail brand’s
Pink v-neck tee
With the words “American
Eagle” printed in purple on the front,
And a pair of jeans.

I walked into that freshman
Dorm hoping we’d do more than
Just your English Composition paper,
But then you showed me where your
Desk was and I sat down to write
An “A” paper for you.

You sat your left cheek on what
Was left on the seat that I was sitting on
So you could see better than awkwardly
Laying on your bed which was against the desk.

I told you to sit down.
You sat down.
I, then sat on your lap,
“Because now we can both see.”

You said “You smell good”
And the rest was history.
Feb 2018 · 239
i hope i don't miss
your ******, cavalier with the paint stains on the rooftop,
your out-of-place beard hairs that i'd pluck with my teeth,
your chipped tooth that you had fixed a few times then gave up on,
your eyelashes that outdid mine every day,
your timberlands,

the way you were my best friend,
my lover,
my everything.

i hope i don't miss you forever.
Feb 2018 · 271
if i had a dollar for every time i thought
i meant what i said, but really,
it just didn't come out at all
how i meant it to be said,
i'd be a millionaire,
and i'd just have a few ghostwriters.
Feb 2018 · 315
it's cool that you like like me.
i want you to like like me
because i like like you too.
but if you like like other girls
the same way you like like me,
get the hell away from me.
Feb 2018 · 262
you’re a flower
all weeds are flowers that
weren't given enough love,
so if i call you a flower,
don't feel too special.

before my heart watered you
with adoration, attention, and affection, you were probably
a big ****.
Feb 2018 · 248
don't leave me with a note sheet, a pen, and
painful memories.

because i will.
i will write about you.

even though you may never see it,
and the world may never know it's about you,
you will forever be ingrained with ink,
engraved on the sheet's lines
that you crossed me.
Feb 2018 · 163
some girls want diamonds;
some girls want babies,
and others, those are far-fetched dreams.
we can't even dream that big.
some girls just want commitment.
i'm one of those girls.
Feb 2018 · 1.6k
Don't fall in love.

You just ended a two-year
relationship with somebody
you were practically married too.

You moved to the city
and told yourself that you'd focus
on work and fun and anything
but falling in love.

You were down to meet boys.
Hang with boys.
Kiss boys. Go on dates with boys.
Maybe date a boy.

But then, he was there.
& he had been there
for a few weeks,
and you had the inkling,
and you being you,
you had to find out,
and now, look at yourself.

You're looking at him.
You're looking at him
like he's the next five,
ten, fifteen, sixty
years of your life.

Don't do it.
Don't do it.
Feb 2018 · 1.3k
I never understood why you,
laugh at everything.

Is it my general presence,
an insult or compliment
to my company?

NO. It's cannabis.
You're a little stoner.
Feb 2018 · 301
Parking Garage
It is in that moment,
mid-city, with people
everywhere there is to be,
that you seek an outlet
for catharsis.

Not the alley though,
because alleys are
still open to these

We found ourselves
in a parking garage,
not for our cars
as he takes the P12
while I'm a red-liner,
but because we
found that outlet.

We entered the elevator
on floor 1,
and we clicked floor 7.
For 15 seconds,
70 feet was heaven.

And then on floor 7,
we clicked for floor 1.

And  you can guess
what happened at floor 1.

And you can guess
what I meant by heaven.

Again. Again. Again.
Feb 2018 · 391
You wrote the notes inside your secret diary.
And day by day, the pages filled up.

You got yourself another set of blank pages.
And to this day, you keep writing more.

If you're writing
word for word for word,
what's the point if it isn't heard?

You're Hemingway in every right.
Give them lines.
Show them what your heart feels like.
Share them.
Wear them like your favorite long-sleeve.
Bare them like the nakedness
you feel when you're writing.

Again and again, you contemplate letting it out,
the secrets of your inner thoughts,
begging to be screamed.

You want the world to know what it feels like,
the boys, the toys, the heartbreaks, and the dreams.

Don't hide it.
Let it be seen.
Your success isn't by their acceptance;
success is being free.

If you're writing
word for word for word,
what's the point if it isn't heard?

You're Hemingway in every right.
Give them lines.
Show them what your heart feels like.
Share them.
Wear them like your favorite long-sleeve.
Bare them like the nakedness
you feel when you're writing.

Not everyone will love every wrinkle when you're sixty-three.
Maybe your rhymes aren't for them, but they're for me.
Share them.
I wanna hear them.
Let them roar.

The pages aren't blank.
You know you wrote them for more.

If you're writing
word for word for word,
what's the point if it isn't heard?

You're Hemingway in every right.
Give them lines.
Show them what your heart feels like.
Share them.
Wear them like your favorite long-sleeve.
Bare them like the nakedness
you feel when you're writing.
it's been a season
like no other.

who would figure
out this blunder
would be ours?

i thought we had it all.
it felt so real,
felt so strong.

but now, i just sit here,
down with no faith
it's coming back up.
they'll raise a drink or two
and party all night long.

they'll be the talk of the town
and all around.

that could have been us.
oh, that should have been us.


mark my words, i won't forget yet.
even when it hurts, i know i still love you.
maybe it wasn't that we weren't meant
to see the golden light,
maybe it just wasn't our turn that night.

now they're walking around in their best outfits.
they're smiling with a smile that should
have been ours.

oh, i don't know how i'll feel tomorrow,
but if it's anything like today,
it'll still be heartbreak and sorrow.

they'll raise a drink or two
and party all night long.

they'll be the talk of the town
and all around.

that could have been us.
oh, that should have been us.

they will light up the skies
with fireworks of their own shades of gold.

they've told me this pain wouldn't last forever,
but i'm not sold.

maybe next season, we won't fall
like the winter snowflakes did.

maybe next season, we'll have it all.
we will be the champions,
but not this time.

they'll raise a drink or two
and party all night long.

they'll be the talk of the town
and all around.

that could have been us.
oh, that should have been us.

it's been a season
like no other.

who would figure
out this blunder
would be ours?
Feb 2018 · 303
one day i walked into a room,
and i didn't know more than
i knew, but one day i walked
into a room.

with your fantastic, swirly, oceanic eyes,
you locked with my Van Morrison'*****-colored eyes,
and I thought, well maybe, just maybe
I didn't think that far into it,
but one day i walked into that room,
that room you were in,
and a thought crossed my mind.

you don't mingle with the others.
you don't tread water like the others.
you're in your own ship, and
that ship seems pretty stable on this sea.

see, my ship is stable as well, but it's
been with a lot of work, constant
reconstruction of the captain's ship
due to heartbreak, self-discovery,
and everything in between.
my sailing will never be anything
Columbus or Polo-level

you just sail in a practical nature
like Cook, in Renaissance-flavor
like Raleigh, and
one day i walked into a room, that room,
and not only did i want to come on board your ship,
get lost in your eyes or at sea,
but i wanted to walk with you
at the bow or even on to the plank.
Feb 2018 · 337
oh my
Oh my, you are one of a kind.

And if you would not mind, I would like to write and write
right next to you, while you read Clarissa Dalloway's story.

I would like to say that I am more of a Richard,
but I really am more of a Sally, minus the homosexual-ness.
Vivacity could be a substitute for my first, middle, and
last name on most occasions.

Yet, I exceedingly relate to Clarissa's adulation for Peter,
"it was his sayings one remembered; his eyes, his pocket
knife, his smile, his grumpiness and, when millions
of things had utterly vanished – how strange it was! –
a few sayings like this about cabbages,"
barring the pocket knight in exchange for a knit hat or two
that you would wear inside if it was a social norm.

Now as I would write right, my stream of conscious would pour out
like the musings of those about to attend Clarissa's party,
but most will never see my internal conflicts and revelations
because one of those revelations makes me mirror George Eliot.
I blanket most of my verses with a sheet of caution
because even when one's heart is on their sleeve,
that sleeve is a sheet in its own secularity.

As George said, or Mary for those who knew she really was,
"I like not only to be loved, but also to be told that I am loved.
I am not sure that you are of the same mind," and every so often
that is why my heart is evident out on my sleeve, and yet
the sleeve is steadfast.

So that is why I propose, if you would not mind,
to let me write and write right next to you,
while you read Clarissa Dalloway's story.

Because, "oh my," that two-word saying that I remember,
as if they are the analogous cabbages of you and I,
you are one of a kind, but so am I;
our minds are more the same than not.

The reality is, if I hosted a party,
I would not invite George, Clarissa, or any others;
I would invite only you, your eyes, your smile, your grumpiness, and your
knit hat, or hats, which I had let you wear inside if you would like,
and we would both read many stories
and write our own story right next to each other.
Feb 2018 · 494
don't be.
don't be my green light.
don't be the daisy to my gatsby.
don't be my dream,
my unattainable dream.
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