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2.6k · Oct 2018
zxndrew Oct 2018
I wanna scream professions of love.

Resounding exclamations of my infatuation for you.

I wanna tell the world the feelings I feel for you and kiss you like it's the last thing I'll ever do.

I wanna feel the sunlight from your skin as my heart burns while beating against yours.

I just wish I had the courage to tell you this.

I wish I could find the words when I'm with you.

I wish my lips could speak as well as apparently they can kiss.

I wish that I could tell you that you are what is missing from my heart, that you are the one part that makes my world able to revolve on its axis.

It's so hard being so in love with someone, frustrating, **** near exhausting and all I wanna do is hear the velvet of your voice as it drips like honey into the room and I can tell you I love you.

I been quiet for so long and it hurts.
2.0k · Jul 2021
I’ll build a pirate ship
zxndrew Jul 2021
So I can sail my way to you
I’ll sail across the seven seas if that is what it takes to see
you, and I’ve been thinkin lately
out here in this ocean, the stars are so much brighter baby
I hope I’ll see you soon
I’m lost somewhere beneath the moon
My heart, an island long deserted
But there’s some vacancy for you
1.9k · Aug 2019
Seeking discomfort
zxndrew Aug 2019
Attempting to break from normalcy
Learning there is much more for me to see
The process may hurt
But there is no progress without work
Trying to break my shell
1.1k · Feb 2019
Fragile Hearts
zxndrew Feb 2019
When your fragile world comes crashing down around you, you realize your place.
For now, we're stuck in our endless loop, this endless race we face.

The shatter of your heart replays in your mind, leaving nothing but broken behind.
please handle with care,  fragile
1.0k · Nov 2018
zxndrew Nov 2018
A warm hand caressing my cheek
The softest touch of light
A kiss filled with stardust
Whispering me golden words of love
This might be my favorite poem i've ever done
1.0k · Nov 2018
Arrow To The Heart
zxndrew Nov 2018
I took an arrow to the heart

It kickstarted my mind falling apart

Stuck, lodged in my heart, you left it there

Left me in that undying nightmare

Left it buried in my chest

Burning with the memories you carved into it

Bleeding in the miseries of my numbness
im fine
699 · Oct 2018
tending to your stars
zxndrew Oct 2018
I whispered you shooting stars
I spoke to you in the language of roses
and laid rose petals at your feet with every step
I treated you as if you were the queen of the universe
and I would do it all over again if you asked
Always putting others before myself
676 · Oct 2018
zxndrew Oct 2018
Your lips burn like the sun
You hold stars in your finger tips
The world is in your palm
You walk on asteroids guided by the constellations that are braided into your being
The planets ring out for you
The earth keeps spinning your tune
610 · May 2019
zxndrew May 2019
God bless Her
God bless her voice
God bless the way she walks
And the way she talks
God bless her smile
God bless the way her hair falls
God bless cameras for trying to capture her beauty
God bless her for the light she brings in my life
God bless her even when she takes that away
God bless her
But she doesn’t care for me anymore
598 · May 2019
The Introvert
zxndrew May 2019
How quiet can one person be?
I'm an introvert, to put it nicely

Please don't talk to me is what my quietness may seem
But I'm probably just caught in another daydream

I fidget and squirm under watchful eyes
It might be because I'm scared you might lie

Friendship and trust come a dime a dozen
But you gotta earn mine, I'm shy but I'm loving

I'm nervous and stutter when put under pressure
But can bloom like a rose and have a smile like treasure

So I'm sorry when I am a little reserved
You just have to unfold me slowly to ease my nerves
courage in my heart and lightning in my hand
592 · Jun 2019
zxndrew Jun 2019
She had the moon in her eyes
The ocean swaying to her will
A tidal wave of a presence in the room
529 · Oct 2018
zxndrew Oct 2018
I've put courage in my heart and lightning in my hand
I strike the ground with enough force to topple buildings
My war cry is heard from every mountain
My spirit, an eternal flame burning as bright as the sun
And my tenacity, equal to a thousand lions
My war mask hides all fear
Any advice helps, I plan on rewriting this, thanks
504 · Nov 2019
Heart On Ice
zxndrew Nov 2019
I put my heart on ice for you
I told you I’d save it for you
As my body went numb
You told me I was crazy
I only said that I’d wait for your love
499 · Oct 2019
Sunday Sweets
zxndrew Oct 2019
Meet me in Miami
For some sun and some candy
Where I was before there was no sunshine
I found the light in your smile
496 · Jan 2019
Colorless World
zxndrew Jan 2019
If I could I'd wash my skin off completely
drain it of all color
I'd do it to every person in this world
And then maybe we could all see each other for what we are
if only we could all understand one another
472 · Oct 2018
zxndrew Oct 2018
I don't want a shoulder to cry on anymore.
I want to tie my shoes and sprint forward, bounding, leaping towards my goals.
I will make every step with confidence.
I will run straight through every wall, every obstacle, every barrier set in my path.
Nothing will stop me, cause I am the Storm.
And with the speed of lightning and the raging boom of thunder, I won't be stopped.
458 · Dec 2019
zxndrew Dec 2019
She was gold
I was copper
She was rare
I was common
449 · Oct 2019
Sunrise Smile
zxndrew Oct 2019
I wanna kiss your ex’s name out of your mouth
Trace the lines of sunlight wrapping around your body in the mornings
I find pieces of your smile in the sky and your laugh in raindrops against my face
If I could bottle your voice and get drunk off of it every night I would
You’re a sunrise in a world that doesn’t know light
And a pulse to a heart that needs life
447 · Oct 2018
zxndrew Oct 2018
But I did it again. I froze.
I tensed.
I stuttered
and I left the words unspoken on the edge of my tongue
yearning and aching on the tips of my lips.
These 3 unspoken words that hold so much meaning.
443 · Feb 2020
Interstellar Lover
zxndrew Feb 2020
Situated between the stars
A room filled with stardust  
Fingertips caressing stars
Hands gripping constellations
You’re a galaxy inside a vessel
Im still wishing I could learn everything about your universe
Saudade: feeling of longing for something that you love and which is lost.
423 · Jun 2019
Sun and moon
zxndrew Jun 2019
I told her the moon was in her eyes
She said she hated the night light
I told her that her skin was made of sunlight
She told me the sun was blinding
I told her I knew that because all I could see was her
397 · Nov 2018
Beautiful Infinity
zxndrew Nov 2018
Race me to infinity
Down the track of our lives
Lead me to a paradise
Trace the tracks of tears from my eyes
And whisper me beautiful and sweet goodbyes
i like this
388 · Nov 2019
zxndrew Nov 2019
My heart sits like a hummingbird in my chest when I see you
Fluttering and beating in nervousness
My mind a two ton weight
Heavy and frozen by your voice
372 · Jun 2019
zxndrew Jun 2019
Another world where the sky is always purple and red and filled with cotton candy clouds
Where the air smells like vanilla
Where oceans are that perfect blue and beaches only have white sand
Where everybody wears their heart on their sleeve and feelings are always put into the open
Love is love for what we see it in movies
Imperfect but awesome just the way god intended
And as you travel this new world, rose petals bloom at your feet and seas part around you
The ocean stops crashing for a second just so it can remember this moment
371 · Nov 2018
Not Enough Ink
zxndrew Nov 2018
There's not enough Ink in my pen to write love poems to you
Not enough love I can pour into each note
I'm sorry I'm not enough for you
I wish I was enough for you
Not enough ink for me to keep writing these pretty words for you
we are never enough
362 · Jul 2019
Ankle weights
zxndrew Jul 2019
It feels like I’m in an ocean
And I’ve forgotten how to swim
And all my fears are tied to my ankles
And I’m sinking, no drowning
Reaching towards the surface
But grabbing nothing but the air escaping from my lungs
350 · Apr 2019
zxndrew Apr 2019
I used to tell myself that nothing could break me
But I've been feeling like I can be broken down lately
It's crazy how events have shaped me, changed me
Wrung me out and hanged me
You left and what you gave me?
A heart full of regret and lengthy scars
Shaky hands and a broken car
to be broken and to be together at once
346 · Jun 2019
Summer’s Freeze
zxndrew Jun 2019
Your touch lights up the tracks of my frozen heart

You glide in like a summer breeze
I can’t help but freeze at the sight of you

Your lips a frosty blaze against mine
A single moment that transcends time
Fire and ice
344 · Nov 2019
Clear mind
zxndrew Nov 2019
I took a walk tonight
It’s 31 degrees outside
I just needed to clear my head
To hit a reset
Now I’m just awake in bed
And my nose is cold
But at least my tears have dried up
321 · Mar 2019
Fools Love
zxndrew Mar 2019
It’s true, Real love is for the fools
So hurt me, I know you want to
We’re better misunderstood
306 · Nov 2019
zxndrew Nov 2019
A warm August Night
A 2011 Chevy Cruze
A car radio playing Get You by Daniel Caesar
A faint green light
The only thing lighting up her face
Long blonde hair just above her waist
A beautiful girl with a clear and solid voice
A nervous boy with shaky hands and the voice to match
One last hug before they part ways
One last exchange
A last desperate kiss with him wishing he could make it last forever
Clinging to her hands until they finally release
Longing is the last taste in his mouth
The words please don't leave me getting stuck in his throat
Left to watch the sun walk away, a final glance before a silent goodbye
A girl gone before he could even understand her
A boy left with a long drive home
to wonder if she was ever even real or she just existed in his mind
Saudade: a deep emotional state of nostalgic or profound melancholic longing for an absent something or someone that one cares for and/or loves. Moreover, it often carries a repressed knowledge that the object of longing might never return.
305 · Nov 2019
Reaching for Sirius
zxndrew Nov 2019
Lately it feels like I’ve been trying to throw rocks at the sun.
Like reaching for a star in hopes I can pull it down and bottle it for you.  
Or asking a blue sky for lightning so I could get the energy to talk to you.  
Or an ocean to stay still just so I could walk across to you.
And yet... why am I still throwing rocks?
290 · Dec 2019
Sun Kisser
zxndrew Dec 2019
The sun kissed her and she kissed it back
And I was left blinded by the sunset
269 · Aug 2018
Mind of Webs
zxndrew Aug 2018
My mind lately is a jumbled mess of thoughts.

A giant spider web sprawling into different directions.

This not so sturdy spider web wavers in the wind.
265 · Dec 2018
Cloudless Dreams
zxndrew Dec 2018
Wide-eyed nights, exhausted mornings
Mourning the loss of my dreams
My dreams transform to nightmares
Dreams used to unfold like sweet candy
and vanish before you can get a real taste
Now they bleed all night long
An open wound, raw and real as nightmares
264 · Apr 2020
Feeling in Color
zxndrew Apr 2020
I used to see everything in black and white
You introduced me to brown the moment I met your eyes
After that, the colors just flooded
I found pink in the lines of your lips
They were sweet and intoxicating
I met red underneath your touch against my skin
It was warm and loving
Blue was in your voice
It was calming and bubbly
With you every color seems to shine
The sky’s never gray  
I only see see sunsets and sunrises now
Thank you for showing me color again
Feeling in color or kaleidoscope
257 · Jul 2019
zxndrew Jul 2019
Patience. Patience. Patience.
All my life I've been told to be patient.
Well maybe it's time to go make it happen.
252 · Nov 2019
Rose Pedals
zxndrew Nov 2019
My love is intimidating  
I have so much of it I just wanna give away
If I could I’d lay rose pedals after your every step
And whisper to you in the language of roses
So please don’t fear me
I can’t escape the way I love
It burns a passionate red
Fiery and proud
251 · Jan 2019
freedom of the stars
zxndrew Jan 2019
Shackled and chained to this same place
My mind is stuck in a losing race
Wishing for adventure and love to be found
I'm shackled to this same town
Knowing I will never go far
Longing for the freedom of the stars
251 · Jan 2020
Tattooed Heart
zxndrew Jan 2020
When I first met you, your voice tattooed a chain around my heart.
The more I saw you the tighter it got.
The ink slowly got darker and your vice around me only grew stronger.
zxndrew May 2019
fly towards the sun
Only to melt halfway and plummet to the earth
The flame of passion gone out in its hearth
Electric charges pass between fingertips
A fire burning between lips
A branch connecting souls
Entranced by the honey drip brown of her eyes
Feeling misunderstood
For once I can't read it like the lines of a book
I'm just trying to be clear, Read my feelings
Trying not to think, when all my thoughts point her way
Will I burn in the warmth of her embrace
or be able to face the sun of her heavenly light
At what moment might be my
melting point?
mind, body, and soul
211 · Sep 2020
Ink to you
zxndrew Sep 2020
Pen to paper.
This pen keeps writing the image of you.
Metaphors bleed into the shape of you.
These similes framing your likeness like a photographer his finest pictures.
You are personified as nature but it is nature that draws inspiration from you.
For whatever reason, this pen always wants to write about you.
208 · Oct 2019
Dear Mama
zxndrew Oct 2019
Dear Mama,
I'm sorry to let you down
I'm sorry I don't talk much at home
It's hard for me to find the words sometimes
I miss you everyday being so far away from you
I miss the weight of your voice covering me like a warm blanket
Or the comfort of your cold hands against my face
I know I don't say it often but I love you
To the moon and back
Later Mama
203 · Jun 2019
Fearing seasons
zxndrew Jun 2019
Emotions will always be misunderstood
You’re making seasons change without a fair warning  
Should I be ashamed for feeling the way I do
My hearts floods with emotions and pumps out sweet thoughts of you
But the words sit on the edge of my tongue
Not willing to take the leap, the risk, for fear of feeling rejection
Past lies leave me broken
Hard times have me hopeless
I’m so afraid of loving again
afraid of hurting again
3:43 am
200 · Feb 2020
A Dance with Lightning
zxndrew Feb 2020
The idea of being with you is like dancing with lightning
Your voice sending shocks along my spine, making the hairs on my neck stand up
Every touch from your fingers a zap and a sizzle against my skin
With every meeting the dial turns up and the shock grows greater
You’re a graceful flow of electrify in a room
A river of overwhelming cosmic power
How will I weather her storm
196 · Oct 2020
zxndrew Oct 2020
I hate the need to always make myself look interesting
The feeling of needing to make myself look cool or fun washes over often
“If I can just do X, Y, or Z than they’ll wanna see me”
When’s it gonna feel okay to be boring?
I know I am not infinitely interesting but I constantly feel like I need to be
If someone’s gonna love me they’re gonna love me in my silence
They’ll love me when I’m quiet and we can just enjoy each other’s company
I won’t always have something say and hopefully one day someone will understand him
It is okay to be boring
183 · Feb 2020
Pure Nature
zxndrew Feb 2020
You’re a force of nature. The wind had to stop and catch its breath after seeing you.

The sun has to squint in your presence.

Your voice stops the waves and sings the moon to sleep.

You tell thunder to be quiet and the skies turn blue.

Dancing with lightning and the lightning is you.
First line: 4:45 am in the middle of sleep
181 · Mar 2019
zxndrew Mar 2019
I’d fight a thousand wars just to be yours
172 · May 2020
Unconditionally Naive
zxndrew May 2020
I’ve noticed that my writing is one sided
I write about the love I have and never have I written if there is any love for me
Why do I always feel so strongly for people
This realization has broken me in more ways than I could have ever thought
When was the last time I woke to someone professing something sweet to me
Why was I cursed with this heart and mind
Why don’t I fear love but am terrified of it at the same time
Who made me think in the ways that I do
168 · Feb 2020
Falling Into You
zxndrew Feb 2020
I hate the type of person I am
I love way too fast and way too hard
It’s a problem
Because I’m not saying I’d drop everything for you in a heartbeat but I’m definitely saying that
I would run around this earth 100 times backwards for the chance to be with you
I’m the type of person to wanna lay myself in front of you so you don’t have to walk on the ground
I’d empty an ocean a single cup at a time if it meant I could hear your voice say my name with “I love you” after
They say people fall in love
But it appears that I’m stuck in a never ending free fall
There is no gravity, there is only you pulling me into you
Why am I doing this to me
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