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4.1k · Feb 2015
You're leaving
you are leaving this town,
its great, like a shiny crown.
But all I want to do is frown.
You are my best friend, my first love
and now I must loose you.
I don't know what to do,
I don't know how to cope.
But for now all I must do is mope.
A friend, our parents were pregnant together, and we just became friends last year, out of the blue. We got very close, and now he must go. I am lost and sad, also a little mad. But its out of my control.
3.1k · Jan 2016
Air dancing through
Hair, faster faster I peddle away
Trying to find a way
A haiku dedicated to biking away all the problems in my life. Biking is also a muse and a beautiful companion esp. At the end of the day, one I can always go to. I'm glad I found my bike
1.4k · Feb 2015
A blank mind,
could ever be so fine.
Shine on,
Find others fond.
Let’s sit on my lawn,
watch the sky.
Oh my!
A shooting star,
so far away.
Everything will be okay.
Don’t think.
Just feel my heat,
and listen to my heart beat.

A bump in the night.
Are you scared?
Get up & fight.
You have the might,
don’t you?
Get on your shoes,
this is your cue.
When it was mine,
I flew!
I had no clue,
how high I could go.
But if you stay low,
you will never truly know.
a poem written simply by looking at a blank screen and the words flew out of my mind onto the key board into the computer. A basic poem but hidden meaning for me.
1.2k · Feb 2015
cool cheeks
His scent was strong when I put my chin on his shoulder.
he enveloped me with wet arms and soggy hands.
we laughed and talked in the rain.
saw lightning, and I felt the sparks.
soft hints
And nervous actions.
I love the way you make me feel
a light kiss goodnight
Is this the end or simply the begining..I can never tell and it scares me. I hope out this all works out for better or for worse, but I want you in my life. YOU ARE Extravagant! and it's sad you don't see it.
1.1k · Oct 2015
Our bodies are sustainable machines
Our fuel is not visible
Unless put into a color
Green, blue, red
Know this
You'll never be able to tell what someone's fuel is
You can only guess and
Guessing is desiving
A poem  just written today from scraps of another
1.1k · Oct 2015
That one feeling...
I am simply a rough caretaker of my
Temple, vessle, canvas, corpse..
Whatever it may be
There is so much more than you can see
Too much if we were able to we'd be overwhelmed
Our eyes would probably burn out of our skulls
Because among the deamons we manage to see
Random, rough draft
1.0k · Jan 2015
Even though I am here physically,
does not mean I am here mentally.
Right now I am away,
from all the pain and disappointment
I call, school, home the city I live in and
I don't want to be here
1.0k · Feb 2015
rapid writing
There is an ache in my hands
an itch in my brain
the fluid is flowing
round and round
faster and faster to a sudden stop
and it all come slipping and crashing out of the sides
a mess everywhere
nobody is here to clean it up or pick up the pieces
go on
simple random thoughts coming to my mind spontaneously some how to try and make this poem make sense... it doesn't
928 · Sep 2017
I see you everywhere
Are you the signs in the sky?
Are you the lady bugs in obscure places?
Are you the wind blowing in my hair?
Taking me a away to a place of infinity
Where my memory
Will never let you fade away

( Oh how i love you so--
Its infuriating. )

Are you the sand dancing along to the singing sea shells songs?
The waves whisper to me
They say you’re okay
The sun tucks herself into the horizon, and the waves kiss her goodnight
This poem is a scrambled. Its a continuation of another one. Total rough draft. 1 am thoughts..
833 · Aug 2015
Gospil of bullshit
The back of my head pulses
Rosey, warm cheeks under my
Very sore and sensitive eyes
ill wash my body and the soap
Dilutes my skin but
The toxins are from within
Days of being away
But i cant stay
And feeling as though in a rut
Shut the door
Alone time
I hit my head yesterday and this was the rambli ng nonsense that became,.
810 · Jan 2016
Indelicate angels
Beauty all over
No one cared to notice
Open your eyes
The title is from a poetry book by Ismael García Santillanes, a book I so often pick up for a pick me up.
Hope you enjoy my haiku and the title I felt like flowed with the best after days of thinking of one.
You are all a indelicate angel and that's what makes you special
782 · Jul 2015
What day is it?
Drousy still days
of windy aggressive motion
cutting through the nonsense
my head in the clouds
I lost it
774 · Jan 2016
Greener than green
hiding away
as we lay
in the trees
beneath the leafs
we forget about everything
wishin' we were evergreens
what does anything mean
I'll just get lost in her laughter
and forget about anything that bothered me that day
because you are here
and I am here
and we are healthy and happy
for now at least.
a poem about a time my bestfriend and I skipped class, so we wrote about it, and it came alive in the moment of creation..
766 · Oct 2015
High school sucks
This whole l\
Stupid rant/kind of poem.. Just spat put bits and pieces of how I've been feeling today and mostly all this week. (Criticism is accepted)
725 · Jan 2015
The last thought before I go to bed
Is always a handfull of the same things
-how should I be feeling right now
-I hope I didn't hurt anyones feeling that didn't deserve it
-the sky is nice
-so are trees
-and bees
all of those things are great, but also in some way bring great pain,
Like a
pure grief
I don't know my feelings ever, I try with poetry. I don't know if it makes sense to you but it kind of does for me so ya know. it's my outlet. But opinions are accepted!
679 · Dec 2018
A woman’s world
Permanently placed
Heavily covered in lace.


Full of determination
Yet the lack of representation.
No sense of protection
High expectations
That lead to
Constant self evaluation
And even when you're good enough
If not better than
You still never are to them
They treat you as an object
You're not yet
But you might as well be
A wax figurine.
i Wrote this along with an essay of mine about the lack of woman representation in Congress, hope you enjoy it’s one of my fav poems I’ve ever written
656 · Mar 2015
My thoughts are heavy and loud
they make my head pound and my neck sore
my body begins to shake
Quaking in my own significance
i dont want to exist anymore
Let me go
I have no idea, i likef the first few lines and went eith the rest so whatever you think is appreciated. ENJOY
634 · Feb 2015
I am the lonely chime at night
the one that gives you a fright
then you turn on a bright
and with all of your might you get out of bed
to check and see whats ahead
led down a dark and spooky hall way
the noise gets closer
and clearer
have you been looking for this or has it found you
spontaneous play on words, starting with a single letter into a huge mesh of words and phrases that only really make sense to me..
592 · Feb 2015
groggy visions
And an upset stomach,
last night I did something bad, but that's
every weekend.
soemthing stupid for a spark of laughter happiness and
masking how I feel and what's really going on
I need to get it together.
but somewhere in my mind is telling me other wise.
Last night was a good night to only get punished. Was it worth it?  A lil. but now I feel sick and I need to get the toxins out one way or another
534 · Feb 2015
the mind is sweet
confusion rots in my mind
as the questions i want to ask you leave through my ears
Knowing your response
before even asking i know i wont want to hear the answer
so i just smirk and nudge it off
but its always there
and here you are
this is about no one really i just like the first time and felt as if it needed some other stuff to it to make it complete. not sure if this is it but maybe another poem or thought will work best with it. Just don't want to lose it.
483 · Nov 2017
poetry jumble
A girls world in a man's imagination,
Just hang in there.
I once saw a fairy Kiss the ground and a Flower arose
Even from the murkiest of depths there will always be a twinkle
Especially with How you look at the world with those big brown stellar eyes
The sunsets smile surprised me
“I still can’t pull your heart out of the ashes anyway” she said

I Have too many thoughts in my Mouth

“The greeks did not believe the gods created the universe,
It was the other way around:
The universe created the gods.”

Sherbert filled skies
With gleaming helicopter eyes
Cashmere fields to rest your head
Even the heavens cry sometimes
these are all individual segments of poetry that I have written in different times through out this year and I thought it would be fun to put it all together and maybe create a story, enjoy!

quoted from 'mythology'
481 · Jan 2016
Finding a muse
Subtle affection to a full embrace
My heart feels incased
You didn't notice, because I gave it to you covered in lace
I love the chase
Rough.  Unfinished
460 · Jan 2015
eyes dry
and mouth raw
rosy cheeks
and a sneak peak
through the ceiling and into my mind
away I go
I'm v sleepy n I just felt like doing a random free sleep, sorry for if I have bad grammar. but I would like opinions!!! Thank You!
447 · Jan 2016
craving a muse
The air I'm exhaling is cold
chilled toes and the tip of my nose
bug hypnotist
resting my mind
days at a time
pen tops that whistle
and glide on the page

gold to grey
randomness and goop put into one, is this even a decide
As i sit on the damp bank amongst the ivy that can’t help but tickle my ankles
I listen to the gurgling stream, and she says to me
“Life isn’t always as it seems, but if you look at everything with a positive mind-- obsticles become easier even if they seem impossible…”
And the trees wave me on..
Their support helps me breathe in ever so deeply..
I’m alive, i’m alive…
The bugs cheer me on to peddle faster and the wind is here to cool me off
And as i let out a big sigh,
I’m not ready to die,
I am spaceless, i am timeless,
I’m not ready to die
I’m not ready to die quite yet
this poem was just for fun, i love to personify nature as if the little beings/ critters are my friends... inspired by a simple bike ride in the park and being able to simply sit by the bank an listen to what around me has to say
408 · Jan 2018
if love is a Flower
I want to be buried  meadow

if love is a sound
I want to sing it for the rest of my days

if love is an aroma,
I want to float upon it

if love is art
I want to live in museums

if love is pain
I never want to be numbed
                                                   If Love Is...
if love is a trap,
I'm willingly defenseless

if love is a mystery
I'm on the case

if love is a joke
I'm a jester

if Love is Supposedly Real then Why is it that You Live in My Dreams?
inspired by a quote " is love is the sea, I never want to surface.." something like that. I created this with help but I made a funny story. Inspired by twin peaks and the constant urge of wanting to love and be loved. It's okay to go slow.
396 · Sep 2017
Ode to an Odenary Man
You were the one along side my mother’s battle to push me out.
You helped run her to the hospital five time and the doctor would continue to send you home for it was a false alarm each time she appeared to be in labor.
You demanded we stay and have this baby.
As you spoke those words,
I must’ve heard
My mom was ready like I .
You were the one that graciously cut my umbilical cord,
And you were the first person to hold me.
You were my first experience of unconditional love in this harsh world.
For seventeen years, you stood by my stubborn ***.
You carried on your shoulders anything I dished out at you, but
You still took no ****.
I know that for the rest of my life, no man will ever love me the way you did.
We helped eachothers’ worlds go round,
And since yours stopped,
Mine began spinning,
Bit and pieces are lost,
All made into ash and if I  were to,
Cash in all my blessing.
Would I be able to make it to you?
For you dad. I love you so much, you never escape my thoughts...
394 · Sep 2017
What is there to say?
Even though I miss you so
I look up at the up at the creamsicle skies you present to me
& I reminisce about how sweet life can be
I feel less alone in those quiet instants
Though I usually never show it
Some days I'm more fragile than others
Yet, I've learned to love every second of it
Solace in the silence
I like to be able to slowly arise from my slumber
I like to be able to hop on my bike
& feel what the breeze has in store for me
I like to listen to the trees when they tell me about their dreams
I like it when the sun kisses me so
Or when the bugs play hide and seek in my hair with
the leafs that want me to take them home
I'm not ready to die.
This poem like many of my others are dedicated to my dad
I'm in the making of making a collection out of them all.
385 · Aug 2018
home sweet home
mi hogar es dentro de Tu Corazon
me acuesto en tus brazos
vive en Tus Sueños
asi por favor dime...? es esta realidad o un fantasía ?
this poem goes along with the painting done by bansky saying home sweet home, this is a random poem in spanish
331 · Sep 2017
Ode to my shower
A place where I may cower
For many a hours
Locked away
A safe place to stay
Too steamy to see past my nose,
Making the ceiling ooze and cry with I.
As I also attempt to inhale
the thick air full of
hopeful positivity the universe has to offer
And exhale the faint recollections that make me desolate
I’ll contemplate how it must’ve been for you
When you collapsed and laid there for who knows how long
Then I feel a burning in my core
My head aches from those thoughts,
All I can think to do is to scrub my skin
But the toxins lie from within.
Another poem dedicated to my dad, oh how I miss you so...
330 · Feb 2015
Lonely remnants of the things you
Learn to forget.
And leave around your room,
Soon you become one of those things.
Things that are either broken or not are left.
To sit and collect dust
do you ever miss my voice

our laughter in sync with one another

me laying on your chest
our scents intertwined

the way my hair would tickle your nose
249 · Oct 2018

What would your ones last be?

Before you let out your last breath.
Ending the excess of energy in your body
Being released and recycled back into the world.
♡  ♡  ♡
And knowing, simultaneously having the same feeling,
we Will find our way back to each other
even if it takes more than a couple life times
to only find out that You were never too far behind me.
and somehow someway in any shape or form
You always seemed to be right beside me.
240 · Nov 2018
On and on again
As the days cling to night
Bringing over bright
peach crying skies
I swallow a mild sigh
As our eyes left contact
Our hearts stay intact
And react
To the songs we listened to while laying together
The same beats
Stay on repeat
Tugging at our heartstrings
Till they break
Having to shake off the dead weight
Oh lord please tell me this. is. fate!!

— The End —