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Oct 2021 · 1.6k
3 am sunday
luciana Oct 2021
Smoke lingers from every corner of the street
A sad man leans on the side of a closed barbershop
Rustic silver bars hold up the stumbling drunks
The man thinks to himself
"a sad sober man is just as pathetic as a careless drunken man"
Mar 2021 · 441
my dried out eyes
luciana Mar 2021
And here I am
praying to see your smile
"all good things must come to an end"
I'll still find you in my dreams once in a while.

For now I must put
these hopes to rest
hidden away in this notebook
hold my heart that you have blest.

You represent these lost
feelings of happiness and contentment
I found them, but with a cost
our dreams and reality resulted in tension.

please know this
I believe we met for a reason
we could still reminisce
but I'm keeping the idea of us from leaving.
what's new
Mar 2021 · 180
i call him inconsiderate
luciana Mar 2021
rays of light shimmer through
our breath synchronized
both, you and i
encompassing one another
refuged from reality
the day starts to unfold
the only good thing I got out of it was this poem
Mar 2021 · 293
warmer days will come soon
luciana Mar 2021
little blue bird
fly north
she brings the spring
to her new home
Feb 2021 · 115
a short story
luciana Feb 2021
those first few steps
a quick glance
the sun is starting to set
you begin to ask me for one last chance

as the autumn leaves turn
one last look into your eyes
I am taken by concern
every good memory I was taught to despise

this love story was nothing but an experiment
you didn't want commitment
every discussion you were hesitant
so I was forced to be distant

why the sudden change
when time is never ending
these promises you now exchange
why do I feel that you're pretending?
Feb 2021 · 139
a simple wish
luciana Feb 2021
thinking of when our next encounter is
I've been waiting patiently
I was left to only reminisce

you made a mark in the depth of my mind
I was captivated then and now

I am weak
wanting to be wanted
"I miss you" is all I seek
Feb 2021 · 344
february weather
luciana Feb 2021
there's no comfort at this time
stuck in shattered hopes
my body cold
no more of these love rhymes
Jan 2021 · 191
follow me outside
luciana Jan 2021
little bursts of imagination
one fallen idea

there's a world worth exploring
In this we call, Gods creation
Jan 2021 · 247
in conclusion
luciana Jan 2021
she knows
people say things
to hide true feelings
be a different being

she knows
that past events
are what make the present
a chance to change the future

she knows
it's only her now
turning the page
and letting go
Jan 2021 · 813
luciana Jan 2021
listening to your dreams
it's inspiring
heart lifting
you're too good for me
it's intimidating
heart breaking
Jan 2021 · 173
luciana Jan 2021
it never happened
eyes locked, breath inhaled
overwhelmed need

warmth increasing
worries decreasing

time is non-existent
feelings evolving
the night unfolding

hands intertwined
side by side
it never happened
Dec 2020 · 200
I know my self-worth
luciana Dec 2020
my thank you
comes from the simple
of an epiphany
induced by your actions.
you're not the one
to drown my energy

Dec 2020 · 247
winter morning
luciana Dec 2020
a frosted windshield
waiting for the warmth to come
forecast says too bad
Dec 2020 · 147
in a journal
luciana Dec 2020
she created endless scenarios
reckless wishing
secretly hoping
only her and the ink will ever know
Dec 2020 · 316
who knows
luciana Dec 2020
these words I write
create a composition
day in, day out

one may not understand a meaning
or definition
no recollection in sight.


not even I
remember what any of this
was about
Dec 2020 · 487
luciana Dec 2020
Forgetting you is something I can't seem to do

I wished for closure upon your lips.

All of me wants all of you

But, I think the idea of us is what I'll truly miss.
Dec 2020 · 1.1k
that doesn't sound right
luciana Dec 2020
a single note
a minor incident
a major fallback
Nov 2020 · 266
luciana Nov 2020
don't turn around now
with so much ground covered
an endless game of life is waiting
to be discovered
Nov 2020 · 152
luciana Nov 2020
caressing her curves
she looks away
innocent feelings arise
"i missed you today"
Nov 2020 · 396
grey matter
luciana Nov 2020
apology printed on your
lips that remain shut
towards a quiet girl
who thought of you as
her whole world
let me know what you think. I appreciate anything
Nov 2020 · 258
memory note no.7
luciana Nov 2020
these syllables of past feelings
seem distant now to define
a barrier
put up against.
confused in my head
as I lay here
I remember
you left as the season progressed
saying you'll still care
please tell me
in my dreams tonight
if what you did was fair.
I am now
an emotional state I cannot bare
Nov 2020 · 425
luciana Nov 2020
being apart from the ingroup
they say you'll find a way
to be a part of some social loop
hopefully where labels won't convey
Nov 2020 · 279
luciana Nov 2020
when does time affect how we feel towards someone?

maybe as the seasons progress
we will find a winter to lay down and rest.
or when the midnight hour fades in
your voice is a lullaby that can paint a vision.
our radiant past that enriched our hearts
pinky promises and aspirations.

thinking of the future, do you see
our sunflowers ever blooming?
this one is so old & iffy
Oct 2020 · 45
luciana Oct 2020
a guy like you
should be easy to turn away
to forget
Sep 2020 · 167
luciana Sep 2020
thin strings made of the self
there is a desperate need for a knot
she feels worthless and empty
wanting to fade into the clouds above
Sep 2020 · 312
luciana Sep 2020
the night is fading
taking those memories with it.
this high is persuading
making reality a hypocrite

this fade is a dream-catcher
allowing me to let go.
the 99 problems don't matter
it's just me going solo

it's a new recognition
that i'm willing to live through.
uncover some new ambitions
is what i should do

exhaling out our past
****, you were the best i never had.
which will outlast?
probably this fade just a tad
Sep 2020 · 151
a playlist
luciana Sep 2020
looking up at all the stars
i hope for a better tomorrow
thinking through the late night
my mind and heart know.
our first take
was so long ago
but as I leave the sun city
its for the best that I let it all go.
like most, I associate songs with people, memories, etc. and unfortunately these titles have the most baggage.
Sep 2020 · 317
the late night
luciana Sep 2020
the night i let my heart play its course
i was curious
the night with no labels
i was comfortable
the night we celebrated you
i was content
the night you were knocked out
i was chilling
the night where we almost
i was complicated
none of it should have happened
this night restarted a toxic cycle
Sep 2020 · 262
a city heartbreak
luciana Sep 2020
3 days
until I'm on the road
back to you.
I come
carrying some hope
that "we" are not overdue.
I begin
to remember all
of what we used to do.
the day
finally comes to leave so
I set to depart in a few.
the road
induces me to play
Suncity, a go-to.
passing lanes
under a tangerine sky
wishing you could see it too.
I begin
to notice glimmering
lights out of the blue.
stepping out
little did my heart know
what it would go through.
a feeling
helpless against heartbreak
please, maybe we can start anew...
this does not sound like closure
Sep 2020 · 153
tell me
luciana Sep 2020
how difficult
can it be
to let
in the
end I will
find closure, right?
no one
said it would
last this
Aug 2020 · 169
I used to see
luciana Aug 2020
city lights becoming brighter and brighter.

reflecting from your eyes. I see the ambition and optimism you carry.

a life where you don't despise or get caught up in your flaws.

in the distance is your future.
this is an old one
Aug 2020 · 281
melancholy mind
luciana Aug 2020
there's little imagination
for a girl and her mind
when there is no effort
in sight that she can find
what are your thoughts on this? reading back i'm not sure if it really flows
Aug 2020 · 288
what now
luciana Aug 2020
to miss you is a crime
an accusation made against my word.
you make it feel as if this is expected
to feel missed by those you lured
let me know if this reads okay or if the last sentence is grammatically correct
Aug 2020 · 141
tough luck
luciana Aug 2020
once you fall, you feel lost
without a sliver of hope.
the world looks down on you
making it hard to cope.
Aug 2020 · 173
luciana Aug 2020
a shallow girl
with innocent eyes
she holds the
element of surprise
came up with this while on the toilet. i am not ashamed
Aug 2020 · 247
luciana Aug 2020
poetry in disguise
soothing for the soul
thousands of playlists
waiting to be explored
Jul 2020 · 544
mi amor
luciana Jul 2020
you're tired mi amor
you don't have to stay awake anymore
come, gentle night.
laying next to you, I've never felt like this before
seemed as if life was nothing, but a bore
come, gentle night.
there's nobody else that I adore
having to say good-bye is something I can't afford
come, gentle night.
but for you, I will always care for
therefore, I must go
trying to convince myself that this is for the best
I head out the back door
come, gentle night.
Jul 2020 · 149
through the night
luciana Jul 2020
1:21 am
thinking of who I am right now
tired of these day dreams
always caught up being alone
even at home.
everyone has these same seconds
I experience this too often
a maze of mirrors I get lost in
sitting still.
head so heavy.
maybe I need a pep talk or a pill
1:35 am
made no progress
it's hard controlling my head
life's importance grows less and less
this was months ago when every night was rough and I couldn't fathom where I was with my life or how I felt every day.
luciana Jun 2020
new day
old feeling
same life

head dizzy as I lay
am I truly being?
in this world of strife

hold my weight
as I try to figure out
what has come of me

I ask if this is my fate
you're filled with doubt
I try to agree
honestly, i couldn't come up with a title. i personally hate titles
Jun 2020 · 188
what's the use
luciana Jun 2020
every time I try to escape you
I start to feel empty to my very core
I'd rather hold on then say adieu
because either way I was a wreck before
Jun 2020 · 168
self portrait
luciana Jun 2020
A piece of white paper
A box of new crayons
An assortment of colors
A palette of shades that are
More than just labels

Chestnut; a horse's coat
A woman's locks
And a roasted treat.

Mahogany; a tropical tree
A dining table
And a name of a bay.

Copper; a lucky penny
A kettle
And Lady Liberty's robe.

Burnt Orange; a sunrise
A sunset
And a sunburn.

Brown; hot cocoa
A chocolate lab
And muddy boots.

Flesh; pale peach skin
Not mine
And maybe not yours.
This was a poem I wrote in high school as part of a final English project. My poetry has progressed, but I'm still proud of it. My professor loved it = high grade which is good enough for me
Jun 2020 · 167
think of this as a draft
luciana Jun 2020
as the day surrenders
i find myself
slouched and
i'm not one to flock
with others
or be approachable
i miss the
excitement and movement
endless nights
even if i prefer
a small gathering
i find myself
alone. at least
i had a choice to
look present
back then i would feel alone in a crowd, but i wouldn't look alone. sitting in my room I am physically and mentally alone
Jun 2020 · 249
luciana Jun 2020
your eyes with shimmering lies
that captivating smile
tell me what you truly desire
Jun 2020 · 445
over time
luciana Jun 2020
she's a growing sunflower
what will you bring?
fire or water
over time we come across people that either damage us or help us grow.
damage may be the wrong word for some, but you get the idea
Jun 2020 · 139
stupid girl
luciana Jun 2020
couple of visions
manifest themselves
now and then.
crowding my mind
of what could
have been.
none of it's
fair for they
taunt me.
was it my
fault? i start
to agree.
i am cornered
by my thoughts.
stupid girl.
the sad thing
is that i
doubt you
ever spare time
to think of
me too.
or if you
feel this way
at night
looking back if
any of it
felt right.
May 2020 · 107
quiet comfort
luciana May 2020
and so it seems
the lingering affects
consume and suffocate she
ever so quietly

taken into the stars
where even they are lonely
at least it's better
than crying here

the girl who
is thrown around by
her emotions, a state
of broken pieces

gravity unknown
eyes closing
the stars
comfort her endlessly
May 2020 · 264
one name
luciana May 2020
moon river in our heads
august came instead
running our course
knowing there was much unsaid
May 2020 · 179
luciana May 2020
overwhelming desires
past expiration
she doesn't know what closure requires
to keep or not to keep correlation

— The End —