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638 · Aug 2014
Can You Remember My Friend?
Can you remember my friend?
We were walking together with same plan
Conceived together with same pang
Can you remember the priceless pain?

We promised to stand under same umbrella
And took shelter underneath the same tree
When at rain or required to take a little rest
Can you remember my friend?

Thoughts of time made the strong ideas,
We composed an ode of ideology
Died when it was young and possible
Unrest our love even our life
And children never smile again

Now the difference is too high
between -
The rich and the poor
The male and the female
The king and the pawn

And I see a far distance between hope and hopeless
Can you feel my friend?
The difference and the anomaly

We lost all of our commitment for man and mankind
And we painted the dark future of our children
The song of joy that now a coy

Can you remember my friend?
Can you ever remember?
Ah! My friend
'O' No, my friend of mine

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
The broken commitment, An early death of an ideology
636 · Aug 2014
The Angel and The Poet
It was a long sad story,
form a long, a long years ago
an Angel came down from the haven,
there was a love light fallen on the horizon
and the Poet heard his first angelic song

The Poet made his commitment on her
He fallen into love and
after then,
the dispersion of light spreading
throughout the sky -

Angel taught him the moon’s beauty
and the Poet taught her the large sky,
after then they made a dream
that was more than a dream

The Poet lived within her moon
And the Angel played within his sky
It grew love more and more
between them the light,
only the divine light
That gravity attracted them more and more

After a long dispersion of light
one day Angel came down on the horizon
took the Poet,
and enfolded him with her arms,
wandering upon an ocean

The Poet kissed the Angel
and they lost within themselves
suddenly the Poet discovered themselves
beneath the ocean but the Angel could not

She was drowning,
drowning beneath the ocean
the Poet tried to rescue her
and picked up her on the horizon

Then so many angels came down on the horizon
blew her from the Poet’s sky
and the sky grew dark at once
But the Poet still sees her Angel again
When he recites the* Poe’s Annabel Lee
*In a very slow Autumn -

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
*Tribute to My beloved romantic Poet Edgar Allan Poe*
636 · Aug 2017
True False
What is good that could be bad
even things are thin or fat
when rumor run like a cat
could be good or bad
I judge, you judge
with or without cause
As I feel or As you think
In the dark or in the pink
What is good that could be bad
if there a false can be add
unexpected reality become so sad
but one day there a true feel you had
What is bad that could be good
when truth stands on own foot
of course false has broken down
you made those even with steel or wood
@Musfiq us shaleheen
630 · Apr 2017
my mind is blind
with this soft sweetness of wind
where dry leaves are blown
Again I find myself alone

An echo on the other side of the wall
I hear a mystic call
but on my eye
the light saying goodbye
626 · Jul 2014
little bit invisible
the old songs fates are nostalgic
never euphoria can catch it
the deep purple is now more mystic
my love playing an enigmatic flute,
i go through the much known pages
so many times it bitter me the lost path
autumnal clouds are no more cloud nine

the way I find too far above,
the real divine song,
a little bit invisible -
the way of peace,
the ultimate way of freedom -

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
mystic poem, divine cloud nine, ultimate peace and freedom.....
626 · Nov 2017
love love love-
in the night to day
love love love-
that may you have gotten
that's why the poetry
yet makes a symmetry
between the life in the lost
in the desert or in the frost
you have never forgotten
the metaphoric cohesions
in the tunes of the flute
or in the dreams of mute
yes life processed some illusions
which may make any creation
love love love-
there is, of course, an inspiration
yet the lonely dream possessions
in the treasures
or in the desert
the mystic mirage why?
otherwise, the dreams to die
in the night to day
from one May to another May
a day remains a day
on another unique day
yet the elusive rose
never grew gray
love love love-
that once you have gotten
you have never forgotten
@Musfiq us shaleheen
love love love-
625 · Jan 2017
Lost Life
And an object behind
the dark,
you say true
I have lost that light
again I feel the sight
and fight for the wright..
625 · Jul 2014
Yesterday And Today
Yesterday I was sick and
Moon was far from my window
I called you that it was full of dark
Miss you very -

You told me that you were busy
Drink is over, hanged out today
You called me today, said you are free
I told you that, I am sound
and moon shimmers at my window

@Musfiq us shaleheen
Every day is different, what you need yesterday may be you do not need that today...
623 · Aug 2014
Who is Lair?
They are very cruel
Try to **** me
Cause I told the truth
What makes a man liar?
The question is not so fair!
I asked them,
Why do you **** me?
They told me, I am a liar
So I will be fired!

@Musfiq us shaleheen
like become true when you have no power...........
622 · Aug 2014
The Black
Any color is a combination of red green blue
When all thrice have disappeared
It has grown the black

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
When life has no color it means it has color and that is black, specially it happens when there is no love or even any hope.
611 · Aug 2014
End of May

*You wrote a romantic love poem
that loved you and me
like the flower and bee
and all this poured at the dreaming May

Now I write a sad love poem
that is again calling you, my love
and I build a tragic epitaph of love
May be it will be the end of my gleaming May

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
Love come to me in its romantic mode and lost with its sad,
but reminded me the gleaming of Spring ...
606 · Aug 2014
The Terminator
We are in trap comrade
We have made all those mistakes
and creating the difference among us
We didn't know that
here the originator made the dark lines among us

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
Everything is predefined, we are just playing the event within some rules.....
602 · Aug 2014
A Love Poem
I come to you -
Rivers come to ocean
As monsoon comes to summer

I come to you -
Roses come to lips
As ants come to sweets

I come to you -
Waves come to shore
As truth comes to me

You went too there -
I wait for you here -
Forever and ever ----

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
Simple love poem
602 · Jul 2014
Strikes to Shadow
Then after you have gone,
My reality has gone away
The imagination has taken places,
Between the spaces is so tight dark
A shadow behind the wall
You never faced that realization,
That I see through my imagination
What you have given me,
A long before -

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
when love gone you will be scattered and alienated and through your imagination you will see your reality, what dark has played a role.

*Hope is a cotton like substance
It's moving to and fro around us
Hope has grown several of colors,
white, green,yellow and purple

Hope melts with dream,
to bring water on the horizon
It has grown yellow on the barren fields,
rather than a shadow it turns to be a green meadow

Hope has boomed when kite flies on the blue sky
When white moon shimmers,
on her innocent smiles
It has grown purple when dreams mingle

Hope is as like a little boat on the sea,
moves on the waves that you see
as like as a Pendulum,
that dances between life and loss

Hope is like a lead guitar
It’s longing until the song moves to end
It twists with songs of her
And brings melody as the deep purple

Hope holds the rhythm of life
Those demons try to cut with knife
It initiates dreams of thoughts
And it has made us for freedom of fought

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
Hope is a cotton like substance several colors and it mingles with our dreams and moves us to drive our life and love. it brings freedom and ultimately we live on hope.
600 · Aug 2014
Words were not those as you said before
And the sentences were
not also like as the story behind
Then, how it will be possible!
As he fits those tones perfectly within that tune

@Musfiq us shaleheen
we are trying every thing to make it better and also trying to be perfect one with our devotion......
598 · Aug 2014
moon and me
Alone on this low horizon
None can wake up now
Moon calls me tonight,
With full of merriment

Now it is lifting me too high,
Water is shimmering sharply
And I drink alone the beauty
Until ache the twilight horizon

Stars are dancing over the skies
River rises within its silky way,
I am biding boat through its Milky way
When distance is million miles far from you
sharing love and beauty alone with my moon.
596 · Aug 2014
Now I think
I have no friends at all
When I have seen them with their wives
Then I feel they are at least a good husband -

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
To all of my friends who spent all the lazy time with their wives never call a friend,,,,,,,,,
591 · Aug 2014
Sometimes good is not so good
You need to apply good
in a good way
with a good manner

The meaning of good is not
the same to thee as always
sometimes you realize good
after a certain time even after several era

which is good?
only time can say

the taste, the beauty, the knowledge
everything is relative as you are
so different from others
in mind and soul within look

but there are some good
thoughts and things
those everybody like but
somebody sometimes differ from that

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
good: sometimes very contradictory from man to man.
590 · Feb 2016
Sometimes I try to remember
those things I have forgotten
moving as the ember
suffering seasons as a rotten

when we were wandering
on the known river of a little boat
even more than trending
while passed beside the distant road

what I left!

Find the broken bridge
between me and my brotherhood
still I'm searching,
my first overcoat of the childhood

I find the images of my father,
brother with my mother
and among them I,
a lovely guy,
see the stars together

I scatter,
when see the clouds gather
and which has broken my shelter
as like as a strong hood

Again I find my first overcoat
of the childhood
maybe I left in the lost boat
which still sailing me away
in the dreams..

@Musfiq us shaleheen
590 · Jul 2014
'Memory' it decays a little
It rain drops,
little stream flows through -
wordless tune but endless rhythm --
it reminds a long before--
decays of a rolling stone,
still glistened--
Love how I feel!

@Musfiq us shaleheen
Love on time and after so long time...
579 · Oct 2017
In fold a feather,
footprint of petals,
a book of old pages
I count
and found
the story of forgotten Lenore
that never return anymore

@Musfiq us shaleheen
In memory of Edger Allan Poe
575 · Jan 2018
alone apart
apart from a lovely day
apart from a full moon
where a friend is a kite
flying in an endless sky

apart from the springtime
apart from the autumn cloud
where love for the beloved
burning within an infinite heart

apart from a distant song
apart from a long road, alone
a shadow hut behind the dark hill
surrounding wind of very chill

@Musfiq us shaleheen
573 · May 2016
I'm a prisoner
How is it!
My world revolves around a circle, my darling
If I go, was forced to return,
I can not go beyond the boundaries of
A visible tension,
All those separated from me,  darling
Attracts towards the center point

I'm far away from you
Sure end position outside of the ring,
Centripetal force does not let me go
A Mist,
A Shadow,
Drags me always as a  Classic Music
I'm a prisoner,
A prisoner! my dear

An imprisonment set boundaries,
Set the Time also
I have your picture in the sky,
Smell in the air,
Forms in my eyes,
I think the eternal words of yours, repeatedly
So, I'm a prisoner forever, darling

You are not in front of me
There is a long time
You do not keep in touch of mine
In the darkness
I see a silhouette of yours, dear
Call me
Say Love,
Sing a forever love Song,
My long sighs grew smaller,
Turn to very breath of-
Phase of loneliness as a prisoner is released
I dreamed again-
And discovered myself in your arms!
@Musfiq us shaleheen
569 · Jul 2014
Left Hand Writing Verses
Suddenly my left hand writing faster than my right hand
The curse of my past generation
  If I count all curses those back to me -
The verses are my hope of ambition,
The new motion moves me to stand up,
May be the earth rotate reverse,
Whatever I ‘m writing about,
Neither love nor peace -
Words move towards left
Then I write from the right side of the pages

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
left hand writing verse is a different thoughts of writing style for love and peace.
564 · Aug 2014
Earth and Haven
Here is the Earth,
far from the Haven
where thee and my son
are sleeping soundly
I see but my son sleeps
still sleeps on my chest
I love him and he loves me too -

Here is the Earth
far from the Haven
where the lake and the hill
twist with each other  
hill lies but the lake
sleeps on her chest
lake devotes on
and hill cherishes too

Here is the Earth
far from the Haven
there the moon shimmers
on my old window
where moon laughs and
my dreams are rising slowly
moon kisses my dreams
and dream kisses her too

There is the Haven
far from the Earth
here Earth kisses the haven
but Haven never
Here Earth is lonely
but there Haven is full
Earth missed the Haven
but Haven never

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
Earth and Haven, though separate entity but both we feel within our hopes and loves.
561 · Jun 2017
How Do You Feel Sir!
True love can't always go in a certain way
As you don't always think before a step
It may even beyond imagination-
But finally it is a sacrifice for life-
Which gentlemen may count after reading the book
@Musfiq us shaleheen
True Love
Particles of Love as the Nebula
AS IF Heart of the Expanding Universe
A Space of Span
From Helium to Oxygen
As if Intoxication of Toxin
Again Expanding space
Crunches in the Black hole
Captured even Unspoken Feelings

There DNA makes home in the water
In the Form of Breeding
Come out with Evolution
Life, Earth and the Chemistry of Heart
As the dew of dawn
A Sign of Love on the grass
Drop by Drop Credited into a Container
Earth is made
This Town
There my ancestors walked
However they were Coward
Or Hero
White or Black
Either  Red or Yellow flowers were in their hand
Among them
My father was the only
Who bought the Red Flamboyant for me
In a yellow day

And their Love was like a Dinosaur
That is dead,
Leftover in basin of the Span
Sometimes there are large Fossils
When their bones in foot
Exposed the existence of Love
Sometimes hundreds of millions of years of love
As a Footprint on the Black Shale
And the Clot of Coal in the heart
Today, which is just fuel of the history
But Sometimes Spreading
AS Glimmer Glee of Diamond
Beckoning the Bright Star of Eternal Love
.... if like pls share your comments....
556 · Nov 2017
songs of love
songs driven me into a new spell
I loved them
until the very last bell

I mortgaged my passionate flute
in their tunes
that lute with my evergreen root

the treasures of my thesaurus
an anguish of salty sea
unforgotten dreams of pleasure

now i guess after miles of stress
an overflowed heart
yet longing in the silence of dark
@Musfiq us shaleheen
556 · Apr 2016
For anyone
On any given day
Maybe comes back
if the familiar
Tune comes back
Of Spring in the air
In the Last
Of Losing Lyrics

Then Maybe
Wrinkle log
In the forehead
Still old wall standing with
Hundreds of Signs
Even assuming that the mind
Speaks the poem in the

If again any
Dream Embraces
Floats on the
Rafts of
Autumn Cloud
Towards the Endless

On going
Raining of poems
Maybe discovered antiquity of
Any Romantic Creation

Maybe Finds
The Left yellow days
Lying in the mother's lap
Heard the first poem
Saw the Earth within
A new dream

In the compulsive tune
Moves to Far away
Maybe comes back
April, Springtime, Storm
Gets back the Fragrances
Of Mother's body

Origin of Eternal Love
Causes of the
Creation of a mystery
556 · Jul 2014
The Portrait of Life
I, myself an obstruct face
even a tiny creature can fly
can't mocked never but how long
her face will be absent
seasons then cry when winter flowers
lost their breathing space
anchor my ship again to my mother’s hope
thou love flows to ocean
mountains are weathered
not there was any tree but lonely one
colors are changing over
except the soul murmuring the old
see the new one glee
glisten as a rolling stone under sea and lost
and come back again
to home inside a blue green algae can born -

@Musfiq us shaleheen
abstract depicts life's varied phases -
554 · Jun 2017
This move is not therefore
after love or before ...........

@Musfiq us shaleheen
Anthropological principal
Everyone sat in rows
In the hands of everyone,
Writing his own poetry
They were reading again
Will recite

Then I was a young poet
My poems were formed
By the faces and eyes
Rain stung like
My pen was flowing as wild
As a vigorous stream

In front,
Sitting too many famous poet
Not too aged,
Writing judged
Equal to the hills of Fame
Expanding their scope as the sea
Many ahead of his time
A lot of poetry grew them legend

I will read the poem in front of them
Vibrating my heart and hands,
Throat was dry
Remembering the words of Robert Frost,
"And Miles to go before I sleep"
As if,
Repeatedly I touched
The new Spirit,
The Flame in the body
And the poem that would accelerate

It was a festival
Nothing else
Soundly a great festival of poetry
There so many poets came from
In Country and Abroad

I guessed,
I guessed
I have to recite my own
Should do at least once
Should do at least once

@Musfiq us shaleheen
and miles to go before I sleep: An inspiring words by Robert Frost
540 · Aug 2014
A Moment
A moment indulged rough-and-tumble,
A new frustration bloomed
As a kite cut off when swing on air
Sandbars cut in the velocity of river

She went to honey moon,
My speed less time ceased and stuck
moving from fire to cold
At the end, spring moreover fade-out

Dream lies under disaster,
You will not come back again
Shadow clouds strikes on dark clouds,
Dream blended as ice to rain drops

Cats and dogs rain flooded,
over river flood plain
Clouds are spreading with,
firing through the sky, again and again -

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
Sometimes I suppose to feel like this.
536 · Jun 2017
I can see through darkness
cause there are millions of photons dancing in the neurons
creates a long chain of yellow object
really form an ultimate romantic virtual subject

Naturally i come and go within it
also feel the sounds of harmonic bit
Sometimes brain makes an emotional song
mystic tune that plays the melody so long

Suddenly the tune breaks when I wake up
try to make up again and that is really so tough
Even I pass through in a very dark night
There I am almost pale and tight

Somehow I go again with the emotional streams  
bully Ah! a bully that seems like mother's lullaby
Certainly I suppress my subconscious sigh
dark, pale say goodbye! goodbye!

@Musfiq us shaleheen
535 · Feb 2019
An unfolded poetry
Alone, a long night without you
the hopeless romance digging dew
missing words are whispering a few
distant the moon mourning
a melancholy melody
where the very words wandering slowly
in that restless folded chocking night
while the days sky having no floating spring kite
the words,
very words are vigorously coming down
beside a river of this lonely downtown
"Here words are a deep dark
where the dreams touch afar"
Oh! here -- once again ...
I'm wandering in a wonder
dreaming a dream with an endless tender
how the streams are falling from the waterfall
until the hopeless romance turns to fall--
in a deep quite understand
how all those things are moving to stand
in the roaring waves of oceans asymmetry
how the words are grown as an unfolded poetry
@Musfiq us shaleheen
507 · Jan 2018
in the night whom bed is separated
for whom the lovely moon waited
for whom the wise words uttered
forever the named door shuttered

night's melancholy on the edge
lonely bird in the heavy cage
In the hopeless sky,
a romantic blue sapphire,
A fused bright star of the last year

whatever you share, whatever I share
whether we are far or near
certainly both under deep dark cover
yet to understand who was the lover

I press the dark if things to uncover
maybe impossible the days to recover
away a future, far from the good night
under the lens a lazy haze light

@Musfiq us shaleheen

25th December 2017
502 · Jan 2015
cut into pieces
Time when cut into pieces
Occasionally in tiny fraction
Hear a sound
To play around in my head

Hit the broken piece
Like a knife objectives
To my heart
****** me

The man who love lost elect
That way the traveler lost prompts
Guess he was not caught
Love does not make projects out

But that's the way to get lost in the river
If nothing else the
Sure finds
One day in her estuary
@ Musfiq us shaleheen
cut into pieces
498 · Sep 2015
I love thee
because they love me
but without she
there is nothing to be
@Musfiq us shaleheen
497 · Mar 2016
I Know All Those
I know the time
Even I know beyond the time
Your heart
And the heart of mine
Even which is divine
Where everybody is going
What causes the heart singing
Where is our Soul
Why Sometimes Everything
Running without a goal  
Even in the dark night
Why the prophecy brings the light
Why the green turns to yellow
Even the life of the stream becomes shallow
Why we count the time of death
And where is going all those faiths
Even I know
What Love is
With or without a kiss
I know all those
Even the mystic beauty of the Rose
Why, that's not to be bowed
While her heart goes
Goes to the end
Without any friend
@Musfiq us shaleheen
..If like share your Love...
497 · Apr 2015
Can't catch
Can't hold to touch
Only feelings,
Frequently restless the shadows
As the Autumn mystic smoke
On the horizon

Haze gray evening
Her quietly solo soul in the shadows
Cast the net at electrocute
In my mind's wave

I have caught behind
Fight to hold dreams again upon
A flash of red, blue, violet light to play
Dreams, love
Swinging, dancing

Can't catch
Can't hold to touch
Only feelings,
Repeatedly would get the mind
On reverse page of the rules of time

I'm a prisoner
My prison walls cut through the sky,
Move towards the Seventh Sky
Can only be released in God!
492 · Jul 2016
At the end of waiting
Another day has come
As the rolling stone comes with the stream
The thin crescent in the sky
Smiled upon the womb of clouds
Flow of joys outburst in the outside air
At the end test of gonna
As if the long waiting rain comes down
If you will come back

Everyone's gone fast in a chariot
Away the owl calls out in the way of dark
Light and dark playing on the canvas of memory
Rain song comes up on the track
Early at dawn woke up with that mystic song
Still I'm just Thee revolves
492 · Aug 2014
An Autumnal Dream
A set of dreams as autumnal cloud,
drifts again and again-
I bought all plucked flowers,
perches a flower basket again and again

At dark sunk night I dreamed full moon,
At full moon I never dreamed dark night
I saw beauty and truth hide behind melody,
Tried to rescue love and hope again and again

Lining my eyes towards her path,
Though I could not touch her
I saw petals of roses plucked and wither,
A flower basket behold an empty heart

I dreamed that you would come to me,
at full moon night with some sticks of flowers
I am passionate and temp for waiting and waiting for you
I want to behold thy forever and ever -

If you don't come again on my lonely lane
I will be wandered through autumnal cloud,
with my dream angel,
As like as she represent you!

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
A dreamy love poem: An Autumnal Dream
491 · Nov 2017
Someone calling from the front
I want to go
when I looking back
Someone calling with my old name
Now I wander
where I will go
neither I go to the front
nor back
.@Musfiq us shaleheen
489 · Nov 2017
Interested to Answer
I hear the low humble post
Interested to answer
Response from the resonance
Impulse is going to increase

Necessity to be a clear hear
Words maybe past or future
I switched my compass-less ship
Saying fate will fade

Passers passed by the side
They are aloof for the farewell
I grow the speed of the ship
unconsciously moving my hand,
saying goodbye! goodbye!

Known horizon grew small
Waves break in the waves
Calling unconscious in a low voice
Interested to answer

Break the waves, Small waves
Big waves
Moving the wheel of time
Towards an uncertain destination

Interested to answer
Yet unanswered the whole life
Break out,
Build up
Saying fate will fade

I hear the low humble post
I have sent a counter reply
Now waiting for continuous
Interested to answer
@Musfiq us shaleheen
13th November,2017
Musfiq us shaleheen
488 · Jul 2014
It Will Live Forever
It will **** all the pain
Even sun stops lighting to moon
Love is a shine as moonlit
Death is small and narrow
Life is enlighten even after death
So lovely the love was and is
In all my poems for you
When I am past -

@Musfiq us shaleheen
A Love Poem
478 · Aug 2014
A Bird's Will
A bird breaks cage finally fly away
Takes a breath with full of oxygen
Certainly circulation of,
blood picked up too high
A rising speed accelerate hopes
Try to set a direction to nestle
A dream to survive his children
who are still waiting for him there
A fear of fire still,
changes his direction
A will to wish him to survive,
till to reach at nest.

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
This is a hope poem..
where there is a will there is a way.
476 · Aug 2014
Hang On The Sky
So enough depth to fill so feel to me
So long it’s longing the losing song
Feelings are falling on the rough floor
Not enough room to hide behind the melody

My night is going through tears of toil
Last drops are waiting for your departure
So many times it hanged me on the sky
No more roads to take off or take away

Dark is proof and profound over the sky
So long it’s paining the bored river bed
Crushing through the glitter of gold
Decays the moon and decades are lost

I who so nice to play days over lost
So mature through immature days have gone
Dropping all drops to depth and dragged
So melancholy melts within the dreams of life

@ Musfiq us shleheen
A Melancholic Song of life
476 · Aug 2014
You can see thee existence
maybe lies in the half a way!
Where it comes from, even
What does it say to thee?
Ambiguous, when you try to realize,
through nature and super nature
'O' I have discovered the origin
and cause of tears and laughs
you can try you will be,
through the path where
believers can run -

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
only you can find the way of peace on the path of believers........
471 · Nov 2017
on the edge
on the edge
space of dark in the silence
no drought or sandy
nothing rainy
or candy
just feeling beyond
shadows sleeping behind
neither any kind of bind
nor anything bound to find
i know anything is something
nothing not to be say anything
but here is something is nothing
so nothing is bothering
above or below
i feel empty or hollow
in the space of null
there an endless soothing lull
anything may not be moving
even with a gravity's pull
nothing not to be say something
anything else
an infinite dark,
an endless silence
above all,
behind the shadows of love
still an essence
@Musfiq us shaleheen
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