Spinning, spinning, spinning;
I'm getting sick and I feel
Too dizzy. I was not made
For this uncontrollable whirl.
Things haven't been as they
Were, and I'm not sure if it's
The changing time, or the change
In me, that is so unsettling.
Creatures peel through my brain,
Poking fun at my deepest insecurities,
And bringing them to life.
(I googled how to get rid of them.)
Their static fingers pry open scars
That have long healed, leaving
A brand new wound.
(Google couldn't find an answer.)
I just can't seem to grasp how
I feel so ******* alone, cradled in
His warm arms; I can't begin to
Explain that I love him so much it hurts.
Two battles raging in my head,
A fight that I didn't consent to,
And I'm left to pick up the broken
Pieces of who I used to be.
The problem with this war is
That it's at a stand-still.
Neither side has the strength to
Keep fighting, although it's crucial.
I'm begging for its end, so I
Can begin to understand;
Understand love, beauty, myself.
I miss knowing who I was.