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morning glory Jun 2017
I want to kiss the constellations in between us; the ones that hide amidst the places where you and I lay. This bed feels lonelier than it used to, but my heart doesn't beat as slow as it used to. I'd choose your smile over any sunset, (though they are so much prettier when I imagine I am sitting next to you.) Distance doesn't have to be all bad. And love only exists if we let it. So let your petals unfold; I'll be on the next flight out.
morning glory Oct 2017
autumn lies waiting, its leaves in a fit of fury.
the bitter breeze is hungry for home,
while i lost mine quite a while ago.
cold to the touch, i'll never forgive myself. you've already forgiven.
morning glory Mar 2017
“I wonder what it’s like to love you.” You say as we’re lying in my bed.

“I wouldn’t know,” I say, “I don’t think anybody ever has.”

And you give me a pitiful smile, the kind you always give when I
say something so negative about myself.

I guess I’m glad I’ve come to think of it as ‘commitment’ rather than ‘pity’.

I’ve let myself drown in you. I let myself become lost in your lifeless eyes

and I’m filled with regrets but I don’t regret a thing. Maybe I Regret Breathing.

You’ll let my ghost linger, just for awhile longer. You’ll let me be real to you.

And as I feel the smoothness of you silk black hair in my hands, I wonder

if I’ve ever really loved you or if I just loved how in love we could have been. The agony of loving you won't let me die.
i miss you always, daffodil.
morning glory Jul 2017
Love is quick
but so, so painful.
If it's quick, it's supposed to be painless, right?
morning glory Jun 2017
One season's end results in the loss of a certain feeling.
Your skin, like the snow, I might not see again.
Your lips were a bright shade of red, they contrasted with my dark blood on the day you decided he had stolen all that you had to give me.

I wanted to know if his blood was redder than mine. Did he contain colours that I didn't?

Your eyes, like the ocean in the early hours of the day, I hope to get lost in again.
But they might never find mine. Your blues and his reds will always attract.

I hope by winter I will have forgotten your love and the colours it all contained.
Maybe I'm worse than I know.
morning glory Jun 2017
And it was then that I noticed the flowers you gave me had all wilted,
Their petals drooped as if something was weighing them down –
Something I could not see. But I hoped this was all happening as a
Result of something better coming their way. Maybe the sun would
Shine on them again. I hoped that they would be able to breathe again.
it's you, my flower. something in me knows it's you.
and you'll be alright. you'll live again.
morning glory Nov 2016
the fragility which you encompass is much too rough for my black and blue hands to grasp.
morning glory Aug 2017
My sun: setting more beautifully than any sky in sunny California,
though I haven’t seen one in so **** long.
I’m starved for your attention, won’t you shine on me a little brighter, babe?
I know you miss the waves when you’re up north; I know you shiver in September
and that it’s too soon, that you should still be able to show off those tan lines but
if you stay here with me I’ll love you like I’m the moon. Let’s not make our love
something that they can only see occasionally. Let's outlast the summer.
morning glory Jul 2017
I imagine you're out on the shore,
sharing gentle kisses with the salty waves.
Watching sunsets dance by you while
you feel the burning rays bounce off your skin.
But you don't mind the feeling,
because it's something you know so well.
The beach almost feels like home,
it's like you could stay there forever,
if only there was a little something more.
I'm sorry what's missing is the warm feeling
of my arms wrapped softly around your waist.
i said i'd be there soon.
soon isn't soon enough.
morning glory Sep 2017
a little sliver of light
is more than enough
to chase the demons
never lose faith. we can save ourselves.
morning glory Feb 2017
You forget how to love her and she forgets what it’s like to feel like there’s enough oxygen in her lungs. Oddly spaced breaths and too much blinking – how can she even walk in a straight line these days? You’ll go right, knowing she’ll go left and you’ll lose sleep over it because what you think is best always turns out to be the worst mistake. And you promised her you’d stop trying to solve all your problems by drowning yourself in alcohol and in return she granted you the softness of her skin, the brightness of her smile. Without your drinks – you aren’t yourself. That’s what you tell her. She laughs and tells you she knows who you are, don't worry. And you don’t understand because you don’t even know who you are but you’ll believe just about anything if it means getting out of this and being able to hold on to her and her jasmine scent. She's just like spring; and where you live there's only ever two seasons.
my hands never stop shaking, i'm tired of winter
morning glory Jun 2017
A ghost of what I used to be,
though I'm not quite sure what that was.
She likes the rain because it
reminds her that even something
as beautiful as the sky is allowed to cry, too.
Skeletal hands trace the space where fire meets ice.
She was a freshly bloomed rose,
one look and I was hooked, but
I shed blood every time we touched.
My words ghost right past my lips
and she doesn't know that I like the rain
because it reminds me of her tears on
the day she left me. A little peice of her
in every small and watery drop.
God, I miss you.
It hasn't stopped raining since you left.
morning glory Sep 2017
Callused fingertips, bruised up lips, but
when the day is done, you're still my sun.
A star so high; digging me a grave so low.
Love is complete when it's this skin deep.
love is complete when it's this skin deep.
morning glory Oct 2016
i try to treat you as kindly as i can. try to fill up the spots inside you where others should have left their love but forgot that they had any, and who they could've given it to. i try to treat you as wisely as i can, so you won't grow up wondering what love is, and if it's real or not. so that you aren't sitting alone at a bus stop at 2am trying to come home from work to an empty apartment. i try to treat you as gently as i can, so that when you feel my fingertips against your skin, you can forget his. i try to erase the bad and fill you up with so much love and care that the past won't matter anymore. i try, but it's not good enough. i'm sorry. i'll try harder.
morning glory Jul 2017
Wakes me up; strengthens my bones
This early morning sky almost makes summer feel like winter once again.
Unforced smiles; finally, some fresh air to breathe all on my own, in such a rare and quiet solitude.
maybe i'm in love with the sky
morning glory Aug 2017
i'm tired of watching you go.
you ghost right past me
and forget all the love we shared.
i become nothing but your past
and you become someone
who i can never see again.
but then you return and
the heavy rain lightens for a bit,
i might even glimpse the sun.
but we both know it'll end
and the cycle will repeat itself.
morning glory Mar 2017
We’re fading, fading.
And I miss how you always felt like a fresh spring day under my fingertips.
I miss the colours you brought with your laugh; life wasn’t just all black and white.
But you disappeared into thin air, just like the smoke from my cigarettes.
I inhale, I exhale.  
I’ve tried to keep a piece of you with me in every word; in all those songs we danced to.
Why is it I can never cry, but I think about you telling me that god’s plan involves you leaving too soon, I can’t stop.
Crimson stains every pillowcase and the oceans of your eyes look like something I could get lost in but wouldn’t be able to get out of.
It all fades away;
The feeling of soft lips against pale skin.
All that’s really left is the ghost of your touches and this black and white sky I've been stuck under.
i love you seems so inadequate to describe what i feel for you.
morning glory Feb 2017
You entered into my bloodstream just like the drug I was once so hooked on.
You said, “At least you can see your ghosts, mine prefer whispering things into my ears and never showing themselves.”
I laughed because what else was there to do. You smiled, too.
I told you never to be like me; never to act like one of the ghosts that hovered around and stifled you.
You said that every time you saw me then, you couldn’t help but see a blue light glowing around me.
You said I reminded you of hospital bathrooms and lies and imperfections. I reminded you of thin needles and punctured skin.
I was just glad we were finally getting somewhere, getting to know each other.
And I was glad you never asked why all my poems were written in the past tense, too.
let's not pretend the reason i have all these scars is because i was sad.
dots and not lines.
morning glory Jul 2017
In a distant memory,
I hear the words
"I love you"
echoed in an otherwise
peripheral silence.
you haven't spoken those words in years. not to me.
morning glory Mar 2017
some days it hurts so much, i'm shrinking inside of myself,
you're like a thousand roses inside, thorns piercing my lungs
all i can taste is the thick blood, i'd be too afraid to kiss you,
worried that the taste might not go away, even if replaced by
the flavour of a fresh summer day on your soft lips.
a flower grows for every heavy breath, begging to be alright,
for every tear that you just won't let fall. the texture of
sadness which we encompass cannot be outwardly expressed
in such frail gestures. the brush of skin, the splatter of blood.
the wind through the blades of green grass, your pale pale
skin plays such a lovely contrast. but aren't you sick of all these
red skies? even sunsets need to take a break every now and then.
maybe it's time to move away, find somewhere new. i've always liked blue.
morning glory Jul 2017
It's not enough,
to be breathing, to feel the wind against my skin,
when you are thousands of miles away
and I have no one to hold at night,
I have no one to love when you're gone.
Let me remind you what you're waiting for. //
Will you really come back? I'm sorry I've been doubting you.
morning glory May 2017
Could we just... take a walk in the rain?
The whole sky is a cloud and there’s no sun to come and make you feel like you’re a ghost.

Can I... kiss your colourless lips to the sounds of a city that never sleeps?
You are everything warm, like my favourite cup of coffee.  
I could pull you closer and it’d feel just like summer.

Would it be okay... if I asked you for a dance?
I want to know the steady beat of my heart against yours;
I want to feel the rhythm of my body moving in sync with one so frail, but with a heart so strong.

Is it alright... for me to promise you something?
I won't let the rain wash you away.
I'll make sure the sun knows your name.
Like the quiet pitter patter of this rain, your eyes hold the beginning of a storm, but there has never been anything so gentle in life, before.
dreaming in the rain.
you're so far away.
nobody,not even the rain,has such small hands.
morning glory Aug 2017
you keep saying that i've changed.
i know,
these bones don't feel quite the same.
so many different versions
of me have passed by you.
always afraid; always so alone.
our souls have intertwined
so many times
and we don't even know it.
but i know in every variant of myself
i have loved you.
based off the song same soul by pvris
morning glory Feb 2017
Fear is a vine that beats down across my back, leaving uneven lines and parallel marks.
Is it always the prettiest flowers that become the most deadly? You’re poisonous to the touch.
All that calms me is all that fails to bring me happiness. Your jasmine scented perfume only reminds me of a love left unanswered; of a bird too scared to lift its wings and try out flight.
Maybe I would like the cold when I wake up, a thick shield of darkness to cover up and hide the person who I was never strong enough to be.
You’ll look me in the eyes when you tell me that it’s too hard to love me. Those oceans will be replaced with dull, empty ponds but you’ll mean every word, you’ll speak as if getting it off your chest will make the sun come back.
i'm left here wondering if the sun needs the moon too.
morning glory Aug 2015
Somewhere there’s a boy wishing on dead stars and lost dreams and he knows this but he keeps doing it anyway. Somewhere there’s a girl sitting by the ocean, tears in her eyes, waiting for him to finally find the note she left under the promise ring he gave her two months ago, and come save her. She’ll eventually let the tides take her and she’ll become a part of the ocean, lost in between continents, while he is somewhere up in the sky, lost in between the stars that no longer shine, wondering if she might accept the expensive diamond ring in a velvet box he worked his whole life to afford.
morning glory Apr 2017
I love the way you put your lips on me,

like there's not enough time left in the world

for us to be everything we want to be.

I like the way you look at me under blue lights,

not a hint of disappointment in your eyes,

just you, me and the bass making the floor shake.

I love the way we dance together, when both

bodies and souls collide in the heavy heat of

the overcrowded area. Where it's hard to breathe.

So don't let go; a love so refined

"Let me touch you there," I want your rude love.

I like it when it gets dangerous, when you're

drunk and the lights are blurred and unreadable.

I love the way you put your lips on me, but I

don't love you. And I won't live another day for you.
morning glory Mar 2017
Higher and higher; my love sinks down
I lose the sun, in exchange for the moon
Day by day; it's how we'll get by
I'll dance in the rain; I'll steal your sickness
Breath by breath; I'll be so gentle with you
I want to kiss your pale cheek, give you life.
Lower and lower, but my voice won't falter
I'll sing to the slow rhythm of you heartbeat
And I know you'll smile even though you'll
Be afraid and it will break my heart off into
Another piece, but it's okay, I'll give it to
You, so you'll have something to hold on to.
let's stop looking for an angel to cure you, we've already found her
morning glory Apr 2017
Always, pleasantly, like a spring day, you come to me.
My life unravels like a flower losing its petals; bit by bit I shed my skin
I become a new self and the sun shines down brightly upon the earth
Glimmering rays of light show the way to all life has to offer
And your eyes recite poetry; somehow, your love is grander than the sea
Your skin is paler than snow but you live on the beach, where miracles grow.
The wind gently grazes the grass that prickles my toes and your smile,
It replaces the sun. It makes me feel like I am the moon. Do you shine for me?
you are so much more
morning glory Feb 2017
You darkness is like symmetry, with its perfect lines and unchangeable parallels.
You eyes which enchant me, like the ocean after a man has drowned at sea.
your soul plays a symphony which vibrates throughout my entire being,
leaving no space, no room to breathe – only a twilight filled melody that
escapes through the small gap of your bruised lips and into the very darkest
part of my being. Into a heavy silence dripping with blood, with regret that
lay only inside of me. A mournful mess of veins and words left unsaid, what
goes around, must come around. Your darkness is like symmetry.  
You, the black swan, are too beautiful to bear. Too perfect to swim in such filthy lakes.
i feel like i missed out on heaven and on hell. your steady breaths tell me i haven't only ruined myself, but you as well.
morning glory Apr 2017
Have you ever stared death straight on, in the eyes of the one whom you loved?                        

I cannot steal her anguish or her scars. I can't stop the blood from flowing.

How do you continue to breathe when your angel has been ****** to hell?

What if these shaky hands cannot grasp all that she contains?

Flowers aren't often meant to bloom in winter; you did nothing wrong.

Selfishness overcomes compassion and obsession is mistaken for love.

Death makes no man wait, and I can't stop the aim of a trigger that has already been pulled.
she's dying, she's dying
morning glory Sep 2017
i wish our love could have unattached itself and fallen as gently as the autumn leaves do in the breeze; like a ship sailing smoothly at sea.
i wish our love had ended on a winter's day, so the memories would feel like icicles ready to fall on my skull, rather than fire creeping up my back, like the blazing summer heat.

— The End —