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Hannah Jo May 2015
There are some days when I wouldn't mind staying lost.
Misery can be addicting.
Hannah Jo Jun 2015
I just want to be a light in your life.
Keep shining. Even when you feel nothing but darkness, speak with love and light.
Hannah Jo Jul 2015
She's got raindrops in her eyes.
A six word story.
Hannah Jo Apr 2018
Not even all the love in the world could stitch you back together the very same way again. I know that now. I know.
And maybe someday he will see it that way too.
Maybe someday he will see that we are all fighting our own personal battles, and sometimes those battles don't fit well together.
Sometimes our battles put together just create a whole new war.
Sometimes those wars aren't worth putting your boots back on for.
And sometimes it's the hardest thing, taking off your armor and giving up when you've been so used to constant day to day war cries and shrapnel.
To let chaos consume you, to wait for it to pass over, is paralyzing.
But all I know is you are tired, and you are too beautiful and wild to be kept down for long.
All I know is I want you to find your calm after the storm.
Hannah Jo Jun 2015
Everything is made up of the tiniest particles and if you think about it,
we're not that big compared to a lot of things out there in the universe and
I don't know about you, but sometimes I feel everything crashing down on top of me,
I feel the weight of being such a tiny speck in such a great big world closing in around me and straining my very bones and when you get to the point of lying lifeless on your bedroom floor or screaming and cursing at the moon with every breath stored up in your little lungs, you start to think you could never feel much worse but I'll tell you something: there is something small but great
inside your very core and just a little Faith, it doesn't have to be any bigger than a mustard seed,
well that can go a long way and if you look hard enough, if you really try,
Darling find that God Atom inside of you; I promise you'll get by.
This one is for every little broken heart smashed by someone they looked at like they were a whole world. This is for every boy and girl who feel like they’ll just get hurt if they ever speak an honest word. This is a poem for every loved one of mine who has had one too many hard times. This is for the girls who know what it’s like to be grabbed forcefully and shaken. Who’ve had electric fear forced into their frail little bones, and the flower of their soul taken. This is for the boys who had their hearts stolen in one faraway glance, never to be seen again. This is for the children who crave constantly for parental approval but can’t ever seem to win. And not most importantly, but importantly, this is for me; oh God, help me find my way home again.
Hannah Jo Jun 2015
His words said permanent, his words said stay.
His words described forever, lacing their way through my head and heart.
But in the end he was too free-spirited and transient--
he was just another vagabond seeking shelter in the crevice of my smile.
"Words are free. It's how we use them that may cost us."
Hannah Jo May 2015
If you fall for me; don’t fall for who I am on a good day first.
The first thing you should see is the sweet
melancholy hiding in the corners of my eyes.
The first thing you should melt over is the softness of my belly and how
I’ve grown accustomed to the idea that my hips may never correlate
with the rest of my body’s shape.
The first thing that should tempt you is the clean slate of my face and
absent-minded behavior, how I can never seem to notice when someone notices me.
Don’t fall in love with my sweet demeanor, because
I promise it won’t last.
Don’t fall in love with my laughter unless
you’re willing to earn it on an especially bad day.
And please, don’t fall in love with my voice unless you can
be patient enough on the days it refuses to come out of hiding.
If you fall in love with me, dive in and
search for the deepest parts of me.
If you want my love, accept the sharpest pieces that cannot be repaired
and please, please handle me with care.
Hannah Jo Apr 2018
When they say my name I hope you hear waterfalls; my face flooding your entire brain. When you hear my name I hope you think of glass breaking and you picture my hands, scratched and bleeding, putting it all back together again. When you say my name, I hope you hear laughter. I hope you see smiles. And despite all my countless flaws, I hope you think of me when you want someone to stay awhile. When they say my name I hope it reminds you of breaking and healing all in one breath. When you think of me I hope you feel warm. I hope I’m someone you never regret.
Hannah Jo Feb 2019
When they say my name I hope you hear waterfalls; my face flooding your entire brain. When you hear my name I hope you think of glass breaking and you picture my hands, scratched and bleeding, putting it all back together again. When you say my name, I hope you hear laughter. I hope you see smiles. And despite all my countless flaws, I hope you think of me when you want someone to stay awhile. When they say my name I hope it reminds you of breaking and healing all in one breath. When you think of me I hope you feel warm. I hope I’m someone you never regret.
For someone who will always have my heart even though I had to move on.
Hannah Jo Jun 2015
You think you know how to set my heart alight.
Darling I can't help that I'm made of paper.
Any little thing can make me tear or burn.
I feel it all. Nothing is small.
Hannah Jo Jun 2015
I live with a Ghost inside of me.
His cold fingers scratching at the back of my heart constantly.
I live with a Ghost haunting my side.
He is the reason for the subtle breaks in my stride.
And I keep telling myself if I can just leave it all behind,
If I can leave and give myself time...
But not even time can break
what will never completely leave my mind.
It's been three years.
Time does not heal all wounds.
Hannah Jo Jul 2015
I tried to stay gold, I tried.
Now I'm left with brass where the gold used to be.
I've stayed up drinking, and swallowing swarms of bees
to **** all of the butterflies he's still sending me.
Hannah Jo Jul 2015
Run, doe eyes, run.
Stay far away from his kind.
Run, fawn heart, run.
He's hunting for you with sharp and hungry eyes.
My mama warned against men much too older than you.
Oh baby bird, didn't your mama warn you too?
"Nothing gold can stay."
Hannah Jo Jul 2015
You are a whole ocean inside my mind.
Your name pulses through my bloodstream in waves.
I hope it’s the same for you.
And our heartbeats pump out of rhythm for now,
but if we ever meet again,
I hope our individual stories will finally fall on the same page.
It just wasn't the right timing for us. Maybe it never will be. And I'm okay with that. At least now you know. At least now I can move on.
Hannah Jo Jul 2015
Go to sleep, Love, dive deep down into your wildest dreams and
find that stardust you buried inside yourself so long ago...
Would you take me with you? Would you let me run alongside?
We could race with our loneliest memories up Mount Fuji;
I just know we'd leave them choking in the dust, left so far behind.
We could build ourselves a nest somewhere close to the stars,
we could take a nap with the birds and whisper to them stories about all of our different scars.
And I know not all of my dreams make sense, some are outlandish and impossible to do.
But what's the point in living Life if we never do as dreamers do?
When in Dreamland...

— The End —