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Christina Cox Dec 2015
I’ve drawn a heart upon my arm
to remind me of the love I owe
this body that I own.

I’ve drawn a heart upon my skin
to tell myself to love
this suit that I wear.

I’ve drawn a heart with silver blades
upon the skin I so detest.

I’ve drawn a heart with  ****** paint
to save the soul that lives within.
Christina Cox Jan 2016
Dear child with bright blonde hair,
and shining blue eyes,
you have tough times ahead.

You'll fall and cry and get back up
in a time when the worst thing in the world
is a scraped up knee.

You'll grow up loved
in a family that is strange
but you'll learn,
all families are.

You'll find your siblings
and hate the differences.
These little ones will make
you cry.

But love them anyway.

Even when she hates you.
Even when he hits you.

There are reasons.
You'll understand one day,
and it will make you cry.

But child, do not fret
for you have best friends
and passions.

You'll make your own adventures
climbing trees,
exploring bones of homes,
going by yourself.

You'll smile so much
your entire face will hurt.
The adults will look at you
and smile because this little girl
is just so happy.

Dear me,
Your childhood will be amazing,
full of wonder,
with some sprinkles of pain.

And you will look back
and smile.
Christina Cox Jan 2016
Dear Sir,

I think you are beautiful.

Because your eyes sparkle
Because your laugh smiles
Because your soul shines

Kind Sir I look at you
or I do not.

I see through these pages
Stories of pain and loss
Stories of joy and love

And through these pages I see you.

Kind Sir. Dear Sir. Just a Man.

Who is beautiful too.
Christina Cox Jan 2016
Lovely Woman,

You are beautiful even
when you think you are not.

You cannot see your smile
or the way your eyes sparkle
or hear the way your laugh sounds
to me.

Strong Woman,

You are not a ***** or a ****
for getting what you want.
Stand tall, head held high
even when there's a weight
holding you down.

I see your dreams and pain
through these pages.
These amazing words
show me your soul.

Lovely Woman, Strong Woman, Just a Woman.

Who is strong no matter where you go in life.
Christina Cox Dec 2015
I’ve asked it before,
“Is it my heart or my head
that wishes I was dead?”
My doctor would say it’s my head because
I have depression, a sickness of the mind.
My mother would say it’s my head
because the other answer would be too painful.
My friend would ask me what I think because
she understands I am logical more than emotional.
But what is my answer?
Is it the sickness that makes me want to die?
Or is it truly how I feel in my heart?
But is it possible that it’s a mixture and it’s actually
my soul within that makes me suicidal?
Christina Cox Dec 2015
One thousand pieces
for ages twelve and older
taking days to mend.
Christina Cox Dec 2015
I cry at night because of you.
I am your humble servant.
So please, My Lord just treat me well.
And **** me on the spot.

I’m sure you want to cause me pain
because that is who you are.
Instead, please cause even more
by taking me to the grave.

The pain in my soul will no longer be there.
It will have gone to the stars.
But the pain to others will be even greater
than what you could cause me.

So I pray, My Lord, Satan.
To take me away from here.
Bring pain to my family, whom I hold dear
which I’m sure will make you happy.
Christina Cox Feb 2016
I look at you and see the happiness I wish I had.
The love for everyone you see.
I start to cry for my hopeless wishing
to be happy once again.

I write on paper all the things
I wish I had again.


Now all I want
is to write a new letter
to you.

A letter saying,
"I'm sorry for all I've done"
"I'm sorry for what I'm about to do"
"I'm sorry I can't do it anymore"
"I'm sorry I've lost my fight"
Christina Cox Apr 2016
Once upon a time
She was a liar and a cheat

Lying at everyone she loved
Cheating off everyone she could meet

She didn't want to smile so much
Smiling tortured her withered soul

She couldn't even talk as much
Opening her mouth she lied to herself

Once upon a time
She was a happy girl

Then the war it started
Over her body and her soul
Christina Cox Jan 2016

I have new ones.

There are times
where in ten measly minutes
I write and write
creating one poem
per two minutes.

Five poems in
ten minutes.

I am Binge Writing.

Pouring out my soul
in the form of a
Christina Cox Dec 2015
There are people who call me brave.
For dressing different, being honest, and letting my hair talk.
Truth is loneliness, sadness, and terrifying thoughts.
I distract you with how I look, how I act
so you don’t ask questions.
My appearance really whispers, “stay away.”
And you do.
Christina Cox Dec 2015
I wish that I was dead.
It’s not really that I want to **** myself.
I just want everything to be over.

If I was brave enough
maybe I could do it myself.
But I’m not.

I wish that my life was over
so I wouldn’t have all of these feelings
that actually don’t exist.

I wish that I was gone,
away from my life and family
so I wouldn’t be hurting them anymore.

If only I could make it
so I’m the only one who hurts,
maybe I’d be brave enough.
Christina Cox Dec 2015
Bravery comes in many forms.
It changes forms depending on it’s friend.

We take the brave to conquer demons
in different, personal ways.

Being brave is different for everyone,
it has a different face.

With respect we watch people fight
with swords, or guns, or more.

We may have similar fighting styles
but truth says no-one is the same.

Being brave is a personal thing.
And I respect the way you fight.
Christina Cox Dec 2015
One bump, two bump.
A little bitty crash.
One bent bumper, one bumper scraped.
Two heads thrown too fast.
Two necks hurt just a little bit.
No need to send an officer.
Just fill out the online form.
When did an incident at a major intersection
turn into a trivial moment?
Christina Cox Jul 2016
I don't know where
it stops



starts. starts. starts.
And Again.

Writing TO DO list.
-**** Myself

And the pen


The hand hovers and the mind ___

-Kgul Mytyfw
Christina Cox Dec 2015
Christian family searching for the truth.
Happy family playing games at the kitchen table.
Righteous members going to the temple.
Inspired parents helping children.
Sinners still, but finding forgiveness.
Trying hard to be the best.
Instead their daughter goes the other way.
Not seeking truth and righteousness.
A**way from the church and the family values.
Christina Cox Aug 2016
There's a light at the end of the tunnel
for if there wasn't
it would be a cave
and you would be stuck.
Christina Cox Dec 2015
Hold me close
but do not touch me.
Treat me well
but do not take me for granted.
Never let me go
but let me leave.
Learn all of my faults
but let me be me.
Get to know me
but do not leave me.
Christina Cox Dec 2015
You tell me,
      -take off your bracelets
      -roll up your sleeves
      -don’t be afraid


I hear you say,
      -I want to see
      -I want to know
      -be brave with me


Then I think,
      ~if you saw
      ~you would stay
      ~until you couldn’t


No matter what you tell me,
and the trust I put in you,
when you see the true pain I’m in,

         ~ - ~ - ~

     you’ll be scared,
          *just like me.
Christina Cox Dec 2015
She took all the pain
and wrote it on her body
for everyone’s eyes.
Christina Cox Dec 2015
I close my eyes and hope for peace.
Day dreaming of fake angels to save me.
Ready the mind and body for the day,
give into the exhaustion of the soul and stop.
Multitudes of medications to fix the brain
that stays sick no matter the physical exercise.
Prepare the body and mind for the night,
slip into a restless sleep, waking every hour.
Psychological thrillers in my dreams
taking away the peacefulness of sleep.
Wake to alarms screaming through the room
move to coffee and begin again.
Christina Cox Dec 2015
You haunt my thoughts, turn my dreams into nightmares.
Your image shows me what I see in myself.
Someone frightening.
Your voice whispers to me what I hear my reflection say.
Something false.
The memory of your touch makes my body tremble.
With remembered violations.
The memory of your taste makes my tongue crave something else.
The taste of blood.
The memory of your smell reminds me of the warmth I felt.
When I was in love.
You’re the demon I encounter every single day.

Even when I don’t see you.
Even when I can’t see you.
Even when I won’t see you.
Even when I don’t want to see you.

You’re the demon of my memories.
The demon of my body.
The demon that takes over my emotions.

I blame you.
For feeling sad or numb. Never happy.
For crying or frowning. Never smiling.
I blame you.
For biting or cutting. For punching or scratching.
For all the pain I inflict on myself.
I blame you.
For drawing blood on the skin you once called perfect.
For carving lines into the body you once held in your arms.
I blame you.
For creating darkness in the eyes you once called beautiful.
For needing to watch a heart-wrenching movie just to cry.
I blame you.
For forcing my mouth into a shape you never knew.
For creating the fear of a simple kiss from someone else.
I blame you.
For the depression that has taken over my mind.
For the depression that has taken over my soul.
I. Blame. You.

There are so many reasons I blame you.
All of them valid.
All of them validated by others who know my story.
Except for you.
  Because you don’t remember it the way I do.
You don’t remember that I said, “No.”
You don’t remember that I asked you to stop.

So I know that it is not myself to blame.
But because you don’t know
what your violations did to me,
I blame myself.
I blame myself instead of you.
Christina Cox Dec 2015
The fake smile I keep on my face.
The emotions that keep me crying all day long.
The scars I’ve placed on my body.
The Stressor who caused the depression.

The tears that stream down my face.
The nightmares that keep me awake all night long.
The violations of my body.
The girl who can’t stop the depression.
Christina Cox Dec 2015
Dear Mom don’t you know?
That if I could tell you, I would?
If I believed that you could take this pain
and turn it into something else
then I would run to you. Only you.

Dear Mom don’t you know?
That if you asked the right question
I would answer in truth.
Only you would need the dictionary
to read my silent face.

Dear Mom don’t you know?
That I know your stories and how you feel
but if I compare to you, then I am a fool

Dear Mom please don’t talk
about your teenage exploits
and your adult feelings.
If you do, then I will know,
Mom is the most important.

Dear Mom please sit by
and wait
for me to accept your presence
for then I will talk.

Dear Mom please talk of love
for me and only me.
I lean on your love to stay alive.

Dear Mom don’t you know?
You can help me save myself.
As long as you are patient
with me.
Christina Cox Feb 2016
If I could write a letter to my mom and tell her the truth...
how liberating and sad it would be.

Dear mom if I take my own life,
don't be afraid of the word suicide.
There were inner demons I could never beat.
Who left their claw marks on my sleeve.

Dear mom if I die, I hope that you're not sad.
Because I'm finally done with the life that so brutally hurt me.

Dear mom I love you so.
And I wish that you knew that taking my life was never about you,
but the darkness in my soul.

Dear mom I know that you believe in a God who won't give you more than you can handle.
But if this is true then why
is it that I want to die?
Because I've had so much more than I can handle.
And I just can't fight anymore.

Dear mom I don't want to alarm you
to the truths lying in wait
in the caverns of my soul


Dear mom I'm dying inside
and I can't take it anymore.

Dear mom tonight I'll say goodnight
and whisper how I love you.
Then go and be alone
to try to stay alive
for just one more hellish night.
Christina Cox Jan 2016
I write to you,
my little friend,
to tell me what to do.

Asking questions
that go so deep
I cannot reach them without you.

Finding answers
in the cave
with darkness seeping through.

You smile as you answer
the payment
of my soul is due.

Demon friend in my soul
living off my fear,
molding me to statue.

For as I listen
you tell me lies
that come out of my view.

My little friend,
how do you dare
to tell the tried and true.

The pain of truth
and hidden lies
leave me a residue.
Christina Cox Dec 2015
Dying alone is the secret of life.
It’s what everyone does but no one realizes.
Gather together your thoughts and dreams one last time.
Nothing known and nothing unknown of death.
Infinite wishes of dreams not found.
Thankful for the dreams you were able to make true.
Y**ou die alone after a life of dreams created with lovers and friends.
Christina Cox Dec 2015
She speaks of parents and
them because of who she has become.

They say it's a good question but trust
the parents, they love you always.

But she never spoke of
in a negative way.

She never failed, she still lives.
And her parents know.

They think she speaks
of failure and hatred.

She speaks of bringing
to her parents loving hearts and minds.

She tells stories of
parents' hopes and dreams.

The parents wished for a healthy, happy, baby girl.
Who would one day grow into a healthy, happy, grown up girl.

She speaks of
of crushed parent's hearts.

She tells of her fears of
to those she loves the most.
From the feeling of sadness or displeasure caused by the nonfulfillment of one's hopes or expectations.
Christina Cox Dec 2015
You ask, “What’s depression like?”

He says, “It’s like drowning. Except you can see everyone around you breathing.”
She says, “It’s like you are screaming as loud as you can, and no one can hear.”
They say, “In your perception of the world around you, it’s always cloudy.”

And it is all true.
Except when it’s not.

Except when it’s living in a body that has been taken over by a black, sluggish monster.
Except when it’s seeing the colors of the world and not comprehending the color.
Except when it’s your favorite food and pushing the plate away because you don’t deserve it.
Except when it’s an hourly battle between yourself and yourself.
Except when it’s a daily war between yourself and your reflection.
Except when it’s always feeling sad and not being able to explain why.
Except when it’s feeling nothing and doing nothing and being expected to explain why.

It is all true.
Except when it’s not.

Because depression is something that cannot be explained.
Only felt.
It's not worth the jacket.
Christina Cox Feb 2016
I wish I could say
What it's really like in here
The dark of my mind.
Christina Cox Dec 2015
Decorated trees in living room windows,
Plastic Santa and Reindeers littering the yard,
Lights round the bushes outside.
Driving by all these houses turned homes,
I’m forced to see the joy of the holidays.
Christina Cox Dec 2015
During sunrise I see colors of the light moving through the clouds.
During sunrise I hear the clocks and alarms going off on my phone.
During sunrise I feel the blanket and the comfort heat of my bed.

During the day I see the sun and the earth we live on circles it.
During the day I hear the birds and the air we breathe keeps them up.
During the day I feel the grass and smell the flowers growing in it.

During sunset I see the colors in the west instead of the east.
During sunset I hear the words of couples falling in love.
During sunset I feel the dreams coming true throughout the world.

During the night I see the moon and stars and reach for them.
During the night I hear the wind moving through the leaves outside.
During the night I feel the cold of the air circling the stormy world.

Throughout the night I see the nightmares and wake with tears.
Throughout the night I hear music playing keeping my calm in the dark.
Throughout the night I feel the sheets tucked all around me as I sleep.
Christina Cox Dec 2015
I pierced my ear today.
        Emphasis on the I.
I bought supplies,
     took the needle,
     and pierced my skin.
Then cartilage and skin again.
Put the earring in and locked it up.
Cleaned up blood with watered down
I pierced my ear today
                         to get a safer rush of pain.
Christina Cox Dec 2015
It’s easier to die than to watch someone die.
This is why and why I try and try
to stay alive or take my life.
The decision is impossible to make myself
so I hope and pray for someone else
to do something bad, something bad,
bad enough to make the decision for me.
It’s easier to die, to take my life
than to watch my mother’s soul die.
Christina Cox Dec 2015
I’ve drawn a heart upon my arm.
I do not cause my body harm.
There’s laughter just lodged in my throat.
Which helps me sing a cheerful note.
I’d love a significant other.
So that I can become a mother.
I want some children, two or three.
Maybe a baby on top of a tree.
I can live in the country side.
With no need to travel worldwide.
Everyday there will be a blue sky.
Except for the fact that every word has been a lie.
Christina Cox Jan 2016
Fading scars are the scariest ones.
Meaning held in little lines.

I'm getting better
I don't even care
I'm proud of what I've been through
I'm letting depression take over
I want to show my past
I'm giving up
I'm getting stronger
People can think the worst of me

These thoughts come from the babies.
The white on tan skin.

Growing scars are the scariest ones.
Meaning held in scarred skin.

I've been through so much and won
No one can save me
I'm putting trust in you
Days can't protect me
I'm trusting myself
I hate myself

Grown up scars scream at me.
The puffing purple lines.

Every scar on my body tells stories.
Of the hatred I have felt.
Of the love I crave.

Healing scars telling me of the change.
But they do not tell how.
Christina Cox Dec 2015
Swords are forged of pills.
Castle of dark tapestries.
I am the princess.
Christina Cox Dec 2015
A scary movie
Screaming into the pillow
Curled into myself
Christina Cox Dec 2015
Romantic movie
Comedic love intertwined
Maybe I'll find some
Christina Cox Dec 2015
The scenes of lovers
Intertwined in arms and legs
With eyes full of trust
Christina Cox Jan 2016
I find the pit in my stomach
and the tears running down my face.
I feel the tearing of my heart
and the pressure on my soul.

If only I could find a way
to paint a happy girl.
Then I could paint that ******* me
and become the thing you desire.

Instead I find the darkest pit
and fall in to it's comforting blanket.
To show myself the darkest corners
and wish for just a match.

To fall is to be alone and jump
without you there to pull me back.
I can't show you my blackened soul
unless you understand the consequence.
Christina Cox Dec 2015
Ready the washcloth and the drying mats.
Turn the faucet on to hot and let the water flow.
Pour blue soap onto each glass and fork;
Onto every dish and bowl.
I’m searching for the courage to do the family dishes.
To roll up the sleeves of a long-sleeved shirt under a simple tee.
To show my scars to myself and maybe to the water.
Doing dishes home alone, finding courage to face myself.
Christina Cox Feb 2016
My tears are starting to burn
     a river of lava... flowing


          the once beautiful forest.


We all know
        that only fire
     can create a perfect environment
   for new trees
            to reach the sun.


It is the same for
Christina Cox Dec 2015
On my face a stream of tears,
working to release my biggest fears.

Walking through the pouring rain,
I then release all my pain.

Through all my dreams turned mares,
I work as my mind tries to make repairs.

All the pain brings in hate,
and the self harm starts to dominate.

In the end I am made of evil,
with my soul trying to make a good retrieval.
Christina Cox Dec 2015
I’m told that urges don’t last forever,
by therapists and doctors.
If only they knew that an urge doesn’t have to be present
to be thought of as
in this sick mind.
Christina Cox Dec 2015
When being/living with so much pain
Do anything to face away
Some point suicide the only option.
Pain/love one and the same
Confusion of the mind.
Get. Out.
Do not come back
No Solicitors
Do not bring Hell/Heaven here
Already living in that loft.
Try to sell
go to a motel
rent a car
get a flight
Join please ~~~ or don’t.
You’re choice - only yours.
Christina Cox Dec 2015
To be free of suicidal thoughts
To be free of self harm urges
To be free from the demon of myself

Can only be a wish.
Christina Cox Dec 2015
Nouns, verbs, even slang.
Many ways to say the word.
How do you use “****”?
Christina Cox Feb 2016
I've given up on my smile.
I've welcomed all my tears.
I sit and stare at the wall
with nothing in my soul.

I've given up on my happiness.
I've welcomed all my demons.
I lay in bed staring at the lights
with darkness in my heart.

I've given up on myself.
I've welcomed all the cuts.
I rock on the bathroom floor
with blood running down.
Christina Cox Dec 2015
I will look into the mirror and pull up my sleeves.
Just a little past the wrist.
I will see my scars and I will acknowledge their existence.
Even though it is painful.

This week,
I will look into the mirror and pull up my sleeves.
Almost to the elbow.
I will see my scars and I will acknowledge the pain.
Even though I hate them.

In a fortnight,
I will look into the mirror and pull up my shirt and shorts.
Body parts that are hidden, even to me.
I will see the ghastly scars and I will acknowledge them.
Even though I cannot accept myself.

This month,
I will look into the mirror and pull up my sleeves.
To the point of my shoulder.
I will see my scars and I will accept them.
Even though it’s triggering.

Next month,
I will look into the mirror and take off my clothes.
Standing naked with myself as a witness.
I will see all my scars and I will acknowledge them.
I will see all of my body and I will acknowledge it.
Even though it will make me relapse.

This year,
I will look into the mirror and unwrap a towel.
Dripping water from my hair.
I will see all the scars and I will accept them.
I will see all of my body and I will accept it.
Even though I would have started over.

This lifetime,
I will be with another person and be intimate.
They will see and witness the pain.
And they will accept me.
And they will love me.
*Even though I can’t see the future.
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