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4.6k · Mar 2016
Phantom Poet Mar 2016
There are trees,
And buzzing  bees,
There are mountains,
Between them the sun rises,
Like a beautiful golden fountain,
The Cool wind blows,
And some prancing doe,
It exists amidst a forest,
There is a flowing brook,
Inside the Hut is a singing cook,
Cooking a tasty meal for the tribe,
There is no electricity,
No gas mobility,
No Internet,
People using fishing net,
To reel in their catch,
During the campfire,
They have a singing Match,
At night,
The mosquitoes bite,
But no one puts up a fight,
The wolves howl in the eerie night,
Howling at the moonlight,
This is what other tribes  pillage,
And this is an extract,
Of my hometown village
I liked it
4.5k · Oct 2017
Single child
Phantom Poet Oct 2017
Everyone I have met,
Have siblings,
And yet they don't find,
Their life set,
They complain out of their mind,
That wish their sibling they had never met,
That they do not belong,
But I tell them they are lucky,
And they think that's funny,
They ask why,
And I say,
You have a friend,
All the time twenty four seven,
U never feel alone,
Never truly feel loneliness,
There is someone,
You can talk to,
Open up to,
You won't tell your parents,
Deepest secrets,
But to a brother or sister,
Someone you can trust,
With someone a bond,
With someone memories so fond,
And you think being lucky,
Is funny and wild,
Clearly you have never been,
A single child.
I am a single child,and people complain to me about having brothers and how lucky I am,the grass always looks greener on the other side
4.3k · Nov 2016
Virtual reality
Phantom Poet Nov 2016
Modern generation,
Creation of virtual reality,
But to me it seems like a fatality,
To human,
Why do we need this virtual world,
To make fairy worlds look real,
To experience something,
That can never be real?,
When i was a child,
Even i saw a world,
That could never be mine,
Even i could see clouds swirl and curl,
But i never used virtual reality,
I used my imagination,
The key for creation,
Why do we need fake stimulated worlds,
When u can create one in your head,
And travel it,
Expand it,
U can do whatever you want,
They may turn into dreams,
In your mind,
Any image you can beam,
Human imagination,
Is stronger than any creation,
Then why do we succumb,
To virtual reality,
Or is it humans have lost their imagination ,
And is heading for fatality
I really think people are being prevented from imagining, or their minds have been weak to rely on these things, and i  love technology and gadgets but i was just wondering
3.8k · Feb 2016
Phantom Poet Feb 2016
When I enter a bakery,
I gaze at the variety ,
Of fresh baked cake,
And cookie dough ,
Ready to bake,
I smell the tempting flavors of donuts,
And the wide range of cookies with nut,
I glance at the crossiant,
Something I gravely want,
I order a coffee,
And a crossiant,
To satisfy me,
I taste the luscious buttery bread,
And relish the spread,
Enjoying without worry,
Well this is the,
Adventure of a bakery
3.0k · Jul 2016
Phantom Poet Jul 2016
I liked a girl,
She has cute curls,
I love her,
I wanted her,
To be with her,
She is,
The focus to my life that is blur,
But I cannot talk to her,
Frightened I might say something wrong,
I don't want her to hurt,
This is my curse,
I am an introvert!
2.5k · Oct 2017
Phantom Poet Oct 2017
Started out as a hobby,
Encouraged by family,
Write on topics variety,
Started with topics like,
Sleep,dream,summer,music,my bike,
I realised what gives my poems emotions,
I write about my life,
About love,
About death,
About happiness,
And sadnesses,
Later did I realise,
Went from a hobby,
To a therapy.
2.4k · Mar 2016
Phantom Poet Mar 2016
Everybody is studying,
Everyone is worrying,
All are learning,
Their minds are burning,
To the boards they are serving,
They are not slaves making a dam,
They r students,
Studying for exams
I'm  currently in that situation
2.3k · Mar 2022
Writings of a lone spaceman
Phantom Poet Mar 2022
Everything is moving fast,
At a single blink,
Gone is the days into the past,
All we have our choices to think,
In our decisions to trust,
Distracted by illusions we cast,
Illusions of purpose and freedom to last,
Every decision we make is another path,

Do you not see?

Everything hangs on the scale of choices,
It's just like zeroes and ones,
Like simple binary,
Our destinies coded into reality,
To be or no to be,
To exist or not,
To pursue answers beyond insanity,
A choice to accept or reject,
The very existence of choice,
Dictates free will,
Or so we would believe and feel,
And pretend to be free,
But always end up,
Exactly where we are meant,
to be.
1.8k · Jul 2017
Phantom Poet Jul 2017
I onnce saw a documentary,
a man with many voices in his head,
Everybody considers him scary,
And they tied him to a bed,
He was not evil,
Nor was his will,
He had this beautiful mind,
Craziest creativity he could find,
He was never alone,
Always someone talking,
With a different tone,
Everyone says that,
You get I be shot at life,
But this man has two,
Or maybe many,
Just because someone is different,
To an asylum they get sent,
And probably that's the end,
To their beautiful life
1.6k · Dec 2017
Phantom Poet Dec 2017
Behind every song is a story,
Some moody,
Even EDM has a story,
It is a powerful story,
With unknown sounds creates,
A musical mystery,
For People it's just "sounds",
Sounds mixed and thrown together,
But it may sound all messy,
Scattered and unorganized,
But to create that ball of excitement,
The music is carefully analysed,
Up untill the last note,
Everything is precisely predicted,
Sounds unorganized,
Creations is organised,
Making it is perfection,
An artist work,
I was trying to emphasize on how much effort music producers have to take to create an EDM track
1.5k · Jan 2017
Aphrodite of my dreams
Phantom Poet Jan 2017
A Bright day,
As some would say,
There she stood,
Waiting in the hallway,
Her hair flowing,
Red with a hint of grey,
The elegance with,
Which her body sways,
And the beauty,
Of her flawless face,
Time has stopped it seems,
For me to admire,
The Aphrodite of my dreams.
Got the title from an amazing book I'm reading
1.4k · Nov 2016
Why i write poems?
Phantom Poet Nov 2016
I write poems because,
Poets are the people,
Who understand how i feel,
How it is like to love,
To lose it,
I write my madness,
And like many artists,
My loneliness,
Poets don't criticize,
Like the rest of the world,
They may smile,
Or cry reading,
But never be leaving,
An insult,
Because they understand,
They know the pain,
They feel it,
When i have a problem,
I have no one to share with,
No friends,
Not siblings,
Definitely not my family,
I turn to poetry,
I can write what i want,
I write what i feel,
I write out my troubles,
Rhyming words,
In small thought bubbles,
And crying inside,
No one to sit beside,
No one to hold,
Everything is cold,
Poetry is the only thing,
Keeping me alive,
it helps me survive!
The truth has been spoken
1.3k · Jul 2018
Love is a POISON
Phantom Poet Jul 2018
love is a poison,
the most cliché line ever,
but it is as true as the sun,
love is a deadly poison,
so strong it has to be shared,
when two share it,
it becomes flared,
when two feel it,
they trust each other,
because both consumed the poison,
there is trust,
and together the pain,
becomes something beautiful and romantic,
and the pain becomes aesthetic,
it is like a drug then,
but love cannot be consumed by one,
one person cannot handle it alone,
the poison is too strong for one person,
it will destroy the person,
break him from inside,
eat up his feelings,
turn him into darkness,
make his life a mess,
increase anxiety and stress,
it is a slow effect but effective nonetheless,
and at one point the mind and heart,
cannot take it anymore,
they decide to break themselves apart,
and now from inside,
the poison has affected the outside,
scars on the hand,
cigarettes on the floor,
a one way ticket to death's door,
waiting for sweet release,
a bottle of cheap ***,
drink to forget,
to forget the pain of this poison,
fingers itching to hold the Glock,
to **** it,
all this is because,
one person had to deal with,
a tempting poison,
called love.
1.3k · Mar 2016
Phantom Poet Mar 2016
When people joke about me,
I join them and mock me,
But sometimes they can just be mean,
Very mean,
It is painful,
I try to not make my emotions  seen,
This puts a question in my mind,
R these people true friends,
Or are these people just lying,
R they the friends I'll miss when I leave?,
R they the going to miss me?,
R they the people I put on my trust,
Or being with them is a must?,
R they the people on whome I can lean?,
But they r so mean,
I'm angry and I sound mean too,
But how can I doubt those people who,
have been,
There for me when life was mean,
Not everyone are  friends,
But there is always someone,
With whome my adventure ends,
And that's my true friend!
I felt bad
Phantom Poet Mar 2017
Author a book,
Compose a music album,
Become a popular cook,
Hold an art exhibition,
Explore innovation,
Ground breaking invention,
Appear on television,
Meet Stan Lee,
Creator of comic action,
Live dangerously,
Learn magic,
Learn lock pick,
Want to build,
Back in time,
To the future,
Explore nature,
And shape the world,
From its failures.
There is nothing I can't do (except eating vegetables)
1.1k · Apr 2016
Poisonous dart
Phantom Poet Apr 2016
I thought,
I thought,
I was a special friend,
I thought,
I was the person to keep your secrets,
The rumours and the deepest,
I thought,
I was that one friend,
And be mates till the end,
What I did not think,
Was that one day I find the truth,
And I sink,
My life goes up in flames and soot,
I have been ripped out,
Of my roots,
Now I have changed,
My life has darkened,
I trust no one,
I care for no one,
And I certainly don't believe anyone,
And I follow the dark,
In my heart is a mark,
It came from your mouth,
Like a poisonous dart.
Something true (not related to me)
1.0k · Nov 2016
Losing a friend.
Phantom Poet Nov 2016
I have heard about losing lovers,
I know about it,
It's like a flower losing colour,
And It happens,
What I did not know,
Is losing a friend,
Chatting and calling them "bro",
But in the end,
They never needed me,
I was just a follow along nobody,
They were my best friends,
And now they don't care for me,
Even if the world ends,
Losing a lover,
Is like a flower with no colour,
Losing a friend,
Is like a dying flower,
Wilted and bent!
I could not think of anything else to add
980 · Apr 2017
Why I like poems
Phantom Poet Apr 2017
I never liked poems,
Boring things in English textbooks,
Boring to read,
Twisted verses,
Something I could not feed,
My brain,
But since I tried to write in vain,
Now to me a poem,
Crafted by me,
Is my totem,
It traps my insecurity,
A sacred gem,
It's written beauty,
Maybe I liked it,
Because it's something,
I could do from my heart,
Something I can turn to,
To build words,
Out of the blue.
946 · Apr 2016
My first crush
Phantom Poet Apr 2016
I was new to this place,
And the first thing I saw,
Was her beautiful face,
And I stood there with an open jaw,
My heart started to race,
And blood rushed to my face,
I was too shy,
And couldn't talk to her for days,
I was naturally shy,
That all I could do,
Is watch her pass by,
And I would be jealous,
When she talks to other guys,
And because of my shyness,
All I can do is,
Watch this princess.
Peice of my imagination
906 · Mar 2016
I give up
Phantom Poet Mar 2016
I tried for the first time,
I thought u could be mine,
But u said to wait,
And I waited with hope on my mind,
But it was too Late,
When I realized u had been lying,
After a year or two,
I thought of trying ,
Maybe i healed in time,
Maybe it can be fine,
Maybe u changed your mind,
But when I tried again,
Something u say is stuck on my mind,
Now there is no use of me crying,
I was a fool,
And wasted precious time,
Cause now  I give up,
My life has become blue,
To be with you.
Writers block
891 · Sep 2017
About me
Phantom Poet Sep 2017
Wear glasses,
Because weak are my eyes,
Am one of those backbenchers in classes,
Cracking jokes and breaking the ice,
Upon my lips always a,
I try to be the perfect friend,
Take the blame in the end,
Play lots of sports,
Mastered games of all sorts,
Teacher's pet,
Prefer when a plan is set,
But it's all the face of a card,
That's all a façade,
In reality I'm a mess,
Always high on stress,
An emotional wreck,
Overthink every little thing,
I'm the Joker in a deck,
Unwanted and ignored,
I find joy in being lonely,
For then nobody I can trust,
And words won't hurt me,
I may look strong to see,
But inside I'm very weak,
It makes me sick,
Sadness is a pain,
But in it I feel a dark pleasurable gain,
And it kills me from inside,
It is how I am as a person,
It is my style,
My life now,
For tomorrow is another day,
Before everyone I have to dawn a smile..
This is my 100th poem,and for me it's an achievement, and I would like to thank the readers for taking their time and reading and never criticizing, I appreciate it a lot, my little moment of joy it is
866 · Aug 2016
A chef's delight
Phantom Poet Aug 2016
Starters (salad/fruits)
Wash it,
Chop it,
Dice it,
Slice it,
Garnish it,
Toss it,
Greek it,
Decorate it,
Serve it,

Main course
Cut it,
Chop it,
Slice it,
Mix it,
Bread it,
Sauce it,
Roll it,
Garnish it,
Fry it,
Boil it,
Gravy it,
Season it,
A pinch of salt,
And one over the shoulder for good luck,
Paint it,
Taste it,
Judge it,
Perfect it,
Decorate it,
Serve it,

Cool it,
Ice it,
Slice it,
Decorate it,
And serve it!

A dinner by the candlelight,
And I give you a chef's delight
I watch too many cook shows
834 · Apr 2018
Living V Surviving
Phantom Poet Apr 2018
Surviving and living,
Both have the same meaning,
It is just the difference in feeling,
Let me begin explaining,
Surviving is staying alive,
Just for the sake of being alive,
Surviving is struggling,
It is a rough journey,
Full of hatred and being lonely,
Living is surviving,
But with happiness as feeling,
It is a rough journey,
But feeling happy,
In every little story,
Feeling happy with oneself,
Happy with whatever is happening,
Even if your world is crumbling,
Find joy within the disaster,
The aesthetic within the storm,
Don't waste time competing,
Struggling and fighting,
Live life don't fight it,
Once you can smile through a storm,
When happiness is the feeling,
That's when you know,
You are living,
And not surviving.
819 · Jul 2018
Phantom Poet Jul 2018
I have a list,
With points more than five,
A list,
Of why I have to stay alive,
In that I have various things,
To learn new things,
To talk to people,
To help people,
To confess my love,
And many more reasons,
To stay alive,
To wake up the next day,
My list is now less than five,
Everything I had have gone away,
Ruined or cannot be done,
It's not that I didn't do it,
I couldn't due to reasons more than one,
Now the list just has two or one,
Reasons to stay alive,
To open my eyes I strive,
In the last reasons,
Is poetry,
It is like a diary,
It's the only thing I can do,
I wonder what would happen to me,
If the list becomes,

803 · Feb 2016
Phantom Poet Feb 2016
It has the unique power,
To mend broke hearts,
Always being sold on carts,
They bring color to the world,
At night they are curled,
They lie on a dead man's grave,
Or inside a lonely cave,
They have incredible scent,
And along with the wind it went,
A flower is a sign,
That good things,
Will come in time.
I have no idea what it means,
747 · Jul 2022
Phantom Poet Jul 2022
I struck up a conversation in a park,
A stranger sharing the seat,
The sun is setting and just about to get dark,
They sounded timid and meek,
We spoke about dreams,
They said ' I find myself standing on a pier,
Looking out to the end and the ocean's gleam',

We met the next day on the same seat,
They said 'today I saw a boat at the end of the pier,
And I had been feeling a fear',
' There is a ferryman in it and calls me near ',
'He doesn't speak any words and just waits'

On the third day I saw them again sitting,
'I've been waking up late each morning',
'The sounds of the ocean keeps me longing',
'I can hear the sounds of the boat creaking',
'And the ferryman continues waiting',

On the fourth day,
'I spoke to the ferryman',
'He didn't speak but he listened away',
'His presence calmed my shaking hands',
'His eyes felt like he was showing the way',
'Under his boat shifted the sands of time',
'I awoke late crying'

On the fifth day,
I sat there and await,
I was curious to hear what they say,
Today they were late,
I looked around to search for them,
I sat there until the dusk at eight,
I wanted to hear about what they dreamed,
I thought to myself they were never late,
They finally got on the boat it seemed,

I stood up and left,
And never again we met.
732 · Apr 2017
The end
Phantom Poet Apr 2017
The door is partly open,
Smell of cigarette in the air,
Lying around crushed can,
Not a living soul present there,
The TV displays static,
The sound a blare,
It lights the room monochromatic,
Heavy pressure in the air,
A couch opposite the static,
In the seat a stain,
Next to it lying open,
A book by Mark Twain,
Lots of unopened letters by the door,
Old newspapers scattered on the floor,
The walls are cracked,
Water seepage,
The fan is creaking,
Swinging but not spinning,
Tied to the fan a rope,
At the noose a head,
Messy hair Stubby beard,
A soul who lost hope,
His feet off the ground,
And next to him,
On the floor,
A bent over,
Wooden chair,
No movement in the room,
To disturb the air,
And hangth there,
A man who tried to reach,
The toppled chair.
Wrote this in a messed up state of mind at 1:00am
691 · Feb 2016
A story in a game
Phantom Poet Feb 2016
Life is like a game of chess,
This is a story of one such mess,
The black army prepared for war,
Because the white army was not far,
The war started,
The black Knight crossed paths with the white queen,
His heart just parted,
Between the love for victory and for the queen,
Little did the Knight know,
Even the king of his army was keen,
On capturing the queen,
The foolish Knight advanced towards the maiden,
Forgetting the main rule,
Going into the enemy's kingdom alone is forbidden,
The Knight was killed,
Whereas the clever king waited for his wish to be fulfilled,
And patiently waited,
For the queen.
687 · Aug 2017
Phantom Poet Aug 2017
Walking in the rain,
Cool drops drip down my face,
The pleasant sound washes away the pain,
Dancing of water in many place,
The enchanting smell of rain,
Walking at a slow pace,
The cool wind against my face,
My soul it embrace,
And disappear without a trace.
685 · Jan 2017
Phantom Poet Jan 2017
I have travelled a lot,
Since I was a tiny tot,
And I love the airport,
The announcements,
The hustle bustle,
Suitcases being shuffled,
Some on business,
Some on adventure,
Some relaxing,
Everybody flying,
Some sad goodbyes,
And some joyous hi's,
A grand place of memories!
This is why I love ,
The airport
I'm waiting for my flight and thought of writing this
679 · Aug 2017
Phantom Poet Aug 2017
The brilliance of the mind,
To craft words,
Delve deeper into the heart to find,
Raw emotions,
While writing I am blind,
To every other motion,
It's just me,
And my heart,
In its own way an art,
There is no stop or start,
There is just sadness,
And another life altogether,
Hidden from the world's,
Critic and evil,
Hidden from reality,
A unique story,
A story everyone shares,
A story everyone bears,
For better or worse,
This is a poets gift,
Or curse.
671 · Feb 2016
Once in a blue moon
Phantom Poet Feb 2016
I seek for a sign,
An opportunity,
To sit with u and drink some wine,
And in the candlelight we dine,
I seek for the perfect time,
To take your hand in mine,
And embrace what once was mine,
Your love!,
I wake up,
And realize,
I missed the sign,
I missed the opportunity,
I missed the perfect time,
And now I'm n cryin,
I sit here at noon... ,  
Cause now I understand the phrase,
Once in a blue moon!
I make poems without thinking at all,   I just write what comes to my mind , so don't mind if u don't understand
645 · Mar 2018
Phantom Poet Mar 2018
I would never hurt anyone,
Or make them sad,
Even if it risks my reputation,
Or make me feel bad,
I would make you smile,
Even if what you say breaks my heart,
In your shoes I have walked more than a mile,
I know how it feels,
And I would risk everything,
Just so happiness a person could feel,
If I cannot have it,
Doesn't mean others cannot too,
I will sacrifice every bit,
Of my emotions just to make you smile,
I would lie,
I hate you for what you have done to me,
But I can't tell you that,
I can't tell you how I truly feel,
It will hurt you,
And I can't let that happen,
I guess I will give up myself,
To you,
Something like a clown,
Nobody sees the frown,
Behind the laughter and mask,
No one sees the heart,
Behind the entertaining art,
No one knows the truth,
This is the purpose of my creation,
To make you smile,
Even at the cost of my reputation.
636 · Apr 2016
Phantom Poet Apr 2016
U were like water,
U were majestic and beautiful,
Like water,
U were deep like an ocean,
And I wanted to fill It with a love potion,
Brewed inside my heart,
U were calm and tame,
For ur beauty,
Only God I could blame,
When you walk these days,
Ur hips would sway,
Just like waves,
Your laughter is a ripple,
On ur calm surface,
But when I tried to be with u,
When I tried to keep you,
U drowned me,
Like a tsunami,
I thought I caught her,
But I drowned,
After all she is water!
603 · Feb 2016
A story never told
Phantom Poet Feb 2016
Ocean ,
Always in motion,
Or sometimes calm,
Like a bird on ur palm,
I wish it no harm,
But to sit beneath it,
And admire it's charm,
The environment is silent ,
And the rays of light passing though ,
Like the melodious Cords of a violin,
The blue colour,
Turns a shade darker,
Going down farther,
U sink in its peace,
And everything above cease,
Above the waves fold,
This is a story never told.
This is based on how the reader imagines it
597 · Jan 2018
Continue the poem,
Phantom Poet Jan 2018
Everyone who reads this please write a line in the comments and continue the poem, it not necessarily needs to rhyme please!

I wander along the sea shore,.....
Please do continue the poem
576 · Jun 2017
Voices in my head
Phantom Poet Jun 2017
I have lost track of time,
Entered into the state of oblivian,
Trying to make words rhyme,
Repeating words that are written,
Same old drama in my mind,
My heart is love stricken...still,
Smd way I cannot find,
Throught darkness I trot,
The light at the end of the tunnel,
Is farther then I thought,
And it goes far and far away,
Taking my hope with it,
The only companian,
Is the darkness,
Something I'm afraid,
Words and a book and pen,
And the many voices in my head.
562 · Sep 2017
Shredded (haiku)
Phantom Poet Sep 2017
Always there when you needed,
But when I had Faded,
Last time my heart shredded
If I'm not wrong a haiku consists of 3 lines ,with 5 words 7 and 5
560 · Dec 2016
Best feeling in the world!!
Phantom Poet Dec 2016
I sit here at my favorite place,
On the light brown sand,
And into the vast sea I gaze,
The cool breeze,
Blow between the waves,
In front of me pass by a horse,
A white horse,
A magnificent beast,
As bright as day,
A beautiful sight,
I must say,
As per Greek mythology,
Horses were a gift to human,
From the God of the sea,
They emerged from the churning waves,
Mighty and brave,
Just like the waves,
I the sight before me,
And feeling inside me,
As the waves curled,
Was the best feeling,
The world!
550 · Mar 2016
Phantom Poet Mar 2016
My heart is broken,
My heart is frozen,
Now I cannot feel,
I don't feel like eating any meal,
My life spins on a movie reel,
This is a big deal,
In front of God I kneel,
Begging like a seal,
To again make me feel,
To thaw my frozen heart,
To again start,
I ask for a clean slate,
I don't want it to be too late,
My life so far is not great,  
Or is this my ruined fate? ,
I ask nothing more,
But a lifelong soulmate.
Well one thing I'm satisfied about
549 · Feb 2019
I don't know
Phantom Poet Feb 2019
I don't know what to do?,
I might have made a mistake,
Which I never realised or knew,
I thought things would be better,
But I feel under the weather,
I don't know what to do,
I made a mistake,
Which I never knew.
548 · Mar 2016
An unfinished piece
Phantom Poet Mar 2016
Someone cared for you,
Someone loved you,
Someone wanted you,
And you,
Didn't care,
Didn't love,
Didn't share,
Didn't want,
That someone was me,
541 · Jan 2018
Phantom Poet Jan 2018
everyone who reads this please write a line in the comments and continue the poem, it not necessarily needs to rhyme please!
it is a beach sea water themed

these r lines by other poets I have compiled and it's beautiful, submission r still open in the comments.... please do continue

I wander along the sea shore,.....
Unsure what it is I search for,
Walking wondering across the sand as I'm,
Does someone wait on another shore,
wind and water salty spray...
The roar of the ocean speaking in Nature’s tongue...
my feet sinking in sand marking my way,
With two feet beating the waves kiss the undertow,
I have taken lines from other poets from a  different site, and it's starting beautifully, please do continue it, the same poets may offer more lines to the poem..
502 · Oct 2017
Phantom Poet Oct 2017
It can enjoying,
Being in the company of someone,
It's like,
U like to be with them,
Makes you happy,
U consider them family,
A person to trust,
It's everything good thats there,
And yet we find it so bad,
It is something so simple,
It is an emotional twinkle,
The reason it's considered bad,
Evil, malicious,mad,
Is because from the start,
Millennials have considered,
More than a feeling or simple emotion,
A trademark
What I'm trying to explain is love nowadays its like a trademark, like it is thrown around  and just namesake, people have forgotten the true meaning, even you can love a  best friend,
502 · Mar 2016
Last love
Phantom Poet Mar 2016
Somebody is laughing,
I am crying,
Somebody is living,
I am dying,
Somebody is dancing,
I am lying,
Somebody is flying,
I'm sinking,
Somebody is cheering,
I'm cursing,
You are  is leaving,
And I'm weeping,
This is one of,
Loves meaning,
U have robbed me,
Off my feeling
496 · Jun 2017
Phantom Poet Jun 2017
Assam is a place full of trees,
Green as it can be,
A place with cool breeze,
A sanctuary with animals free,
Here ones soul is at ease,
A place of tranquility,
A place where rice and fish,
Is a delicacy,
Celebrating the harvest,
With bonfires and dance,
A place to celebrate nature,
Here live many a tribe,
They provide with a feast,
Assam... The pride of the east.
It's a state in India which is rarely recognized for its potential
495 · Nov 2016
Phantom Poet Nov 2016
I kneel by the sea,
And pray to Poseidon,
"Send me a girl" I say,
A girl bright as the sun,
A girl who has fun,
A girl who will forgive me,
For all I have done,
Soon as I speak these words,
From the water,
Flies the birds,
From the water,
A figure walks out,
She has crystal blue eyes,
Hair like waves,
A flowing dress,
She was a gods bless,
Her name was mercy,
Mercy is what I need,
In my life,
The girl who,
Rose out of the sea,
Mercy is what I need,
From life.
I made this too fast, lines are mixed up, some don't rhyme, and it has double meanings
482 · Feb 2016
A winter tale
Phantom Poet Feb 2016
A season when u sit beside,
Some burning timber,
To cold to go outside! ,
Well I prefer being cuddled in a blanket,
And sitting inside,
Best time for hot chocolate,
And Add some marshmallows,
After ye make it,
The lakes are frozen,
People are buying,
Hot cross buns by the dozen,
Dance on ice,
Which once was a lake,
But I find both nice,
Make some snowman,
Or throw some snowball,
Like a professional bowman,
Well I think,
Is best,
When u sit beside some burning timber
482 · Mar 2020
Dutch countryside
Phantom Poet Mar 2020
I am in Netherlands,
Through my university course,
Has allowed me to travel across the lands,
Of the beautiful Europe,
Me and a friend have come to lend a hand,
To farmers for voluntary work,
Which is also a school on the farmland,
For kids who can't achieve the mark,
Who can't study in the normal system,
I am in the pure countryside,
And it is beautiful and majestic,
There are fields wide,
Long clean canals blue,
It is a beautiful sight,
I cycle looking at this view,
The sun shining golden bright,
The wind blowing past you,
The dim villages at night,
It feels nice to be away,
Away from the fright,
This is what I like,
This is,
The Dutch countryside
Hello, it has been 2 years since I have been on here, and been on a terrible path, I am writing again, to become normal and get my life together
480 · Mar 2016
Phantom Poet Mar 2016
We were friends,
Since we were kids,
After playtime,
We would say a line,
She says,
"see u later alligator ",
And i would say,
" see u in a while crocodile ",
We grew up together,
Had memories,
That could last forever,
We finished each others sentance,
Our bond lengthend,
Our friendship was a powerful legend,
But one day,
We grew up,
And had to pursue our way,
We parted,
A friendship we started,
Just ended,
We parted in tears,
I was holding her close,
She didn't want to let go,
Finally for the last time we saw each others eyes,
And she said,
"see u later......... Alligator ",
And i said,
" see u in a while.......... Crocodile ",
This was our biggest fear,
To walk away,
With tears.
This is dedicated to my friends I have left,  not my friends,  my best friends,  my close friend!!  Also do comment,  I'm free for any remarks
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